09sakthivelAMS65 68 2015 257 PDF
09sakthivelAMS65 68 2015 257 PDF
09sakthivelAMS65 68 2015 257 PDF
Regression Model
M. Sakthivel
S. Vijayakumar
N. Karuppanna Prasad
ANOVA, regression model and response diagram (RD) to evaluate the best
mathematical input models for making drilling in fabricated composite. The
analysis reveals the optimized parameter to control thrust force and delamination
factor in basalt/sisal fibre is Drill bit diameter at 3mm, speed at 300 rpm and feed
rate at 0.1mm/rev.
1. Introduction
The natural reinforcement of composites like primarily glass is scarcely
found in commercial products namely boats, skis, agricultural machinery and cars.
Imperative goal of natural fibre composites is to alleviate the need for use in
expensive glass fibre ($3.25/kg), which has relatively high density (2.5 g/cm³) and
is interdependent on non renewable sources. [1-2].Natural fibres are now
considered as a serious alternative over glass fibres, to act as reinforcing agents in
composite materials.[3].The composites are manufactured in near net shape
processes, but they do require secondary machining operations for assembling in
commercial applications. Thus leverages drilling, cutting and machining to be
performed in composites for nurturing to get a final shape. The drilling is a typical
operation (reaming is rarely employed for polymeric composites) that are prone
mainly due to delamination with rejection rate of approximately 60% of drilled
components produced in aircraft industry [4-5].Delaminating occurs due to
cracking of composites laminate with the contact of the drill bit, the induced
delamination occurs at both entrance and exit planes of work piece. Delamination
occurs mainly due to increase in feed rate at the end of drilling that will cause
cracking around the exit edge of the hole [6].Taguchi, elaborately bifurcates the
signal to noise variations into three various quality characteristics namely Higher-
the-better, Nominal-the-better and Lower-the-better [7]. The regression identifies
the outlier, which is the difference between actual and the target value. The
outliers in the experimental data are evaluated through standardized, R-student
test [8].
2. Experimental Method
2.1 Material and fabrication
The basalt and sisal fiber combination selected in this case was uncovered
since basalt is equivalent to glass fiber. The sisal was procured from local
resources and basalt from muktagiri agencies, Mumbai. Both fibers embedded in
epoxy resin. Epoxy resin obtained from local resources. Hybrid laminates
prepared by simple hand layup process in a mold at room temperature. The
combination was used for this study i.e. Basalt (20%) Sisal (20%) embedded in
epoxy resin.
Drilling analysis on basalt/sisal reinforced polymer composites 3287
S/N Ratio
Drill bit Feed Thrust Delamination
Trails diameter Speed rate force factor Thrust Delamination
In No mm rpm mm/rev N db db
1 3 300 0.1 2.9 1.14 -9.25 -1.14
2 3 600 0.2 8.08 1.21 -18.15 -1.66
3 3 900 0.3 13.16 1.38 -22.39 -2.80
4 4 300 0.2 9.81 1.19 -19.83 -1.51
5 4 600 0.3 14.27 1.32 -23.09 -2.41
6 4 900 0.1 9.51 1.16 -19.56 -1.29
7 5 300 0.3 15.2 1.29 -23.64 -2.21
8 5 600 0.1 11.17 1.15 -20.96 -1.21
9 5 900 0.2 15.7 1.2 -23.92 -1.58
The table 1 reveals the experimental results of multi responses namely thrust and
delamination factor with their signal to noise (S/N) ratio of Lower the better (LB)
quality characteristics. The results obtained are analyzed by generating the
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression equation for individual responses.
The below table illustrate ANOVA for thrust force as given.
The ANOVA for thrust force in table 2 reveals that feed rate highly influence the
thrust force at 45.77% followed by drill diameter at 40.38% and speed at
13.97%.The speed influentiality on the thrust force occurs due to size in hole
made and opposing force of fibres in composites. The linearity from the obtained
data is monitored through linear regression residual plot and Response Diagram
(RD) as given below.
The summary of the regression model reveals, that the outliers in the model for
thrust force response is within the acceptable range with the determination
coefficient (R2) stands at 99.80% for the input factors speed, drill bit diameter and
feed rate for drilling with BSRPC.The RD in figure-1 reveals the best levels to
control the thrust force from unnecessary variations are by selecting drill bit
diameter at 3mm, speed at 300rpm and feed rate at 0.1 mm/rev.
Similarly the ANOVA was made up for delamination in table 3 reveals, that feed
rate highly influence the delamination which stood at 91.84% followed by
influentiality of drill bit diameter at 2.4% and speed at 4.25% in drilling of
BSRPC material. The speed influentiality on delamination occurs due to feed
force increases which causes higher friction and produces more damage on the
surface. The residual plot, RD regression equation, as given below.
Drilling analysis on basalt/sisal reinforced polymer composites 3289
A summary of the regression model,RD reveals that outliers in the model for
delamination response is with determination coefficient (R2) stands at 98.6% with
best level of input factors at drill bit diameter of 5mm,speed at 300rpm and feed
rate with 0.1 mm/rev for drilling in BSRPC.
4. Conclusion
The conclusions drawn from this work are as follows:
The optimum process parameters are chosen for drilling in BSRPC with
Drill bit diameter at 3mm, speed at 300 rpm and feed rate at 0.1mm/rev for
monitoring thrust force and delamination whose results obtained provides impetus
[1] Mohantya, A. K., Misraa, M., Hinrichsen, G., Biofibres, Biodegradable
Polymers and Biocomposites: An Overview, Macromolecules and Material
Engineering, 2000, 276/277, 1-24.
[2] Wambua Paul, Ivens Jan, Vespoest Ignious, Natural Fibers-can they replace
glass in fiber reinforced plastics? Compos Sci. Technol., 2003: 63: 1259-64.
[9] Latha B, V.S Senthil Kumar, “fuzzy rule based modeling of drilling
parameters for delamination in drilling GRPF composites, journal of Reinforced
plastics and composite, 28 (2008), 951-964.