FM A330 R07feb19 PDF
FM A330 R07feb19 PDF
FM A330 R07feb19 PDF
This is the AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL at issue date 07 FEB 19 for the A330-223 and replacing
last issue dated 18 DEC 18
Localization Insert
Subsection Title Rev. Date
ALL 07 FEB 19
ALL 07 FEB 19
ALL 07 FEB 19
ALL 07 FEB 19
ALL 07 FEB 19
ALL 07 FEB 19
ALL 07 FEB 19
Ram Air Inlet Flap
ALL 07 FEB 19
Ram Air Outlet Flap
ALL 07 FEB 19
Static Discharger
ALL 07 FEB 19
Slat Track Closing Plate
ALL 07 FEB 19
Rubber Seal under Slats
ALL 07 FEB 19
Aileron Rubber Seal
ALL 07 FEB 19
Aileron Servo Actuator Fairing
ALL 07 FEB 19
Slat End Blade Seal
ALL 07 FEB 19
Flap Blade Seal and Triangular Cushion Seal
ALL 07 FEB 19
Slat End Filling
ALL 07 FEB 19
Inner Aileron Seal (Upper and Lower)
ALL 07 FEB 19
Inner Aileron Large Seal
ALL 07 FEB 19
Refuel/Defuel Coupling Cap
Continued on the following page
Intentionally left blank
M Localization Subsection Title Rev. Date
LIM-22-FMS Flight Management System 24 OCT 17
LIM-22-FGS Flight Guidance System 20 NOV 18
LIM-28 FUEL 27 JUN 13
EMER-28 FUEL 17 JUN 10
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
R PLP-LEDU List of Effective Documentary Units 07 FEB 19
Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
APPRO-HEAD Heading Approbation A330-223 00005052.0007001 13 JUL 98
Approval reference: . Approved by
Criteria: 330-223
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APPRO-TR x Autoland Databases with Honeywell 00014122.0003001 03 NOV 15
Approval reference: 10055269 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (200064 or 202164 or 202791 or 203869 or 203870 or 55346 or 56497 or 56609 or 56720 or
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Impacted DU: NONE
APPRO-TR x Abnormal V Alpha Prot 00015959.0001001 08 MAY 15
Approval reference: 10053264 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371
Impacted DU: NONE
GEN-INTR Introduction 00005876.0001001 11 OCT 16
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DESC Approved AFM Format 00014235.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DESC Customized AFM 00005878.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DESC Organization of the Manual 00005879.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DESC Documentary Unit (DU) 00005880.0001001 11 OCT 16
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DESC Identification Strip 00005881.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DESC Approval Information 00020276.0001001 11 OCT 16
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DESC AFM Revision 00008475.0001001 11 OCT 16
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DESC Temporary Revision (TR) 00005882.0001001 11 OCT 16
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DEF Warning Definition 00005883.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DEF Caution Definition 00005884.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DEF Note Definition 00005885.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-DEF LAND ASAP Definition 00005211.0001001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-ABB Abbreviations 00009715.0001001 28 FEB 17
Approval reference: LR03D17006026 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-UNIT Correspondence between Units 00005886.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
GEN-VIEW 3-View Drawing 00005209.0001001 28 NOV 16
Approval reference: LR00FM1606155 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: 330-200
Applicable to: VN-A371
GEN-VIEW 3-View Drawing 00005209.0003001 28 NOV 16
Approval reference: LR00FM1606155 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 and 48979)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-GEN Introduction 00005442.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-GEN Kind of Operations 00005446.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-GEN Minimum Flight Crew 00005447.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-GEN Maximum Operating Altitude 00005448.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-GEN Maximum Operating Altitude 00005448.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 52536)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-GEN Maneuver Limit Load Factors 00005449.0001001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-GEN Icing Conditions Definition 00005140.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-WGHT Weight Limitations 00005162.0002001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-202 or 330-223 or 330-243) and 46892)
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-WGHT Weight Limitations 00005162.0003001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: (((330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-243) and 47784) or (330-200 and 51804))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-WGHT Center of Gravity Envelope 00005141.0020001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 and (46892 or 54106))
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-WGHT Center of Gravity Envelope 00005141.0104001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 and (PW4170 and 51804))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-WGHT Performance Limitations 00005683.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-WGHT Loading 00005684.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-SPD VMO/MMO 00006064.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-SPD VA 00008345.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-SPD VFE 00005224.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-SPD VLO/MLO and VLE/MLE 00005241.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-OPS Environmental Envelope 00005456.0001001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-OPS Environmental Envelope 00005456.0003001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F)
and 52536)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-OPS Tailwind 00005458.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-OPS Runway Slope 00005460.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-09 Maneuvers on Ground 00005491.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and (43029 and 47701))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-09 Towbarless Operations 00005493.0001001 17 MAR 17
Approval reference: G01FM1701357 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-21 Cabin Pressurization 00005486.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-21 Cabin Pressurization 00005486.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and 48980)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-22-FMS General 00008415.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-22-FMS Airworthiness Standard Compliance 00008416.0006001 04 SEP 17
Approval reference: 10060923 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((A330 and ((55351 or 55352) and (44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893))) or (A330 and ((55613 or 55614)
and (44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893))))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-22-FMS Navigation Performance 00008417.0004001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and ((47457 or 47462 or 48765 or 48766 or 51138 or 51139) and (44308 or 44339 or 46572 or
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-22-FMS Use of NAV Mode 00008428.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-22-FMS Approaches 00008429.0006001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and ((44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893) and (47457 or 47462 or 48765 or 48766 or 54096)))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-22-FGS Airworthiness Standard Compliance 00008719.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-22-FGS x Autoland Databases with Honeywell 00009353.0007001 03 NOV 15
Approval reference: 10055269 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (200064 or 202164 or 202791 or 203869 or 203870 or 55346 or 56497 or 56609 or 56720 or
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Impacted DU: NONE
LIM-22-FGS Autoland 00008419.0001001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-22-FGS Autoland 00008419.0005001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-243) and (57545 or 57547))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-22-FGS Minimum Height for Use of the Autopilot 00008423.0001001 05 JUL 18
Approval reference: 00F101AC136/C01 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-22-FGS CAT II / CAT III Operations 00008425.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-25 In-Seat Power Supply System (ISPSS) 00005518.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-300) and (46772 or 46972 or 46975 or 46996 or 48106 or 49035 or 49638 or 49654))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
LIM-28 Fuel and Additive Specifications 00005472.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-28 Usable Fuel 00005474.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-28 Fuel Imbalance 00005478.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-28 Fuel Temperature Limits 00005480.0002001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-29 Hydraulic Fluid 00005489.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-32 Tire Speed 00010874.0001001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-34 Inertial Reference System (IRS) 00005500.0002001 17 MAR 17
Approval reference: G01FM1701357 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and (51096 or 51144 or 55346))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-34 Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum 00005496.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 43537)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-34 Mode S - EHS Enhanced Surveillance 00005504.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and ((54227 and 55661) or (202995 and 54227)))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-34 Mode S - ADS-B Out Enhanced 00005503.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: (A330 and 55661)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-44 Cabin Instructions and Limitations 00022570.0001001 08 OCT 18
Approval reference: 10067125 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-46 Airlines Operational Control 00005507.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 46742)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-46 FANS - ATC Datalink Application 00005509.0001001 05 OCT 17
Approval reference: LR46D17033223 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 48227)
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-46 FANS - ATC Datalink Application 00005509.0002001 25 AUG 17
Approval reference: 10062979 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 52426)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-46 Aircraft Information Network System 00005520.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-300) and (55206 or 56350))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-49 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) 00005485.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-70 Main Engines 00005464.0006001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-70 Main Engines 00005464.0011001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-70 Engine Parameters 00005465.0002001 16 MAR 18
Approval reference: 10065002 Approved by EASA
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-70 Engine Parameters 00005465.0004001 16 MAR 18
Approval reference: 10065002 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-70 Reverse Thrust 00005466.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-70 Oil 00005467.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-70 Reduced Thrust Takeoff 00005468.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
LIM-70 Reduced Thrust Takeoff 00005468.0008001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and (PW4170 and 55212))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
LIM-70 Operations in Icing Conditions 00005469.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-GEN Introduction 00005704.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-GEN Landing Distance Determination in case 00014576.0001001 14 MAY 18
of In-Flight Failure
Approval reference: 10065502 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-GEN FIRE/SMOKE 00005705.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-21 CAB PR - EXCESS CAB ALT 00005759.0005001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or ((330-200 or 330-300) and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-21 CAB PR - EXCESS RESIDUAL PR 00008430.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-300) and (51790 or 54786))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-24 ELEC - EMER CONFIG 00005218.0002001 20 DEC 16
Approval reference: G01M16014101 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 47930)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-26 ENG FIRE (In Flight) 00005711.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-26 ENG FIRE (On Ground) 00005712.0003001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200) and 56729)
Applicable to: VN-A371
EMER-26 ENG FIRE (On Ground) 00005712.0004001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200) and ((56551 or 56729) and (51802 or
51805 or 51806)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-26 APU FIRE 00005713.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-26 SMOKE - FWD, AFT or BULK CARGO 00005715.0004001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-300) and (56551 or 56729))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-26 SMOKE - AVNCS VENT SMOKE 00005716.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-26 SMOKE - LAVATORY SMOKE 00008422.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-300) and (55191 or 55982))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
EMER-26 SMOKE/FUMES/AVNCS SMOKE 00005216.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-300) and 56729)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-26 REMOVAL OF SMOKE/FUMES 00005219.0001001 28 FEB 17
Approval reference: LR03D17006026 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-27 F/CTL - FLAP LVR NOT ZERO 00005757.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-27 F/CTL - L+R ELEV FAULT 00005758.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-28 FUEL - EXCESS AFT CG 00005756.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-29 HYD - G+B SYS LO PR 00005726.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-29 HYD - B+Y SYS LO PR 00005727.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-29 HYD - G+Y SYS LO PR 00005728.0004001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-32 L/G - GEAR NOT DOWNLOCKED 00005725.0002001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-32 LOSS OF BRAKING 00009839.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-34 x Abnormal V Alpha Prot 00015960.0001001 08 MAY 15
Approval reference: 10053264 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371
Impacted DU: NONE
EMER-34 NAV - ADR 1+2+3 FAULT 00005163.0004001 07 FEB 17
Approval reference: 10060925 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and ((53368 and 56729)
and (51802 or 51805 or 51806)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-70 ENG - ALL ENGINES FAILURE 00020344.0003001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and ((51802 or 51805 or 51806) and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-70 ALL ENGINES FAILURE 00020344.0001001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371
EMER-70 ENG - N1 (N2) OVERLIMIT 00005707.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-70 ENG - OIL LO PR 00005710.0002001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (204817 or 58751))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-90 EMER DESCENT 00005222.0001001 20 DEC 16
Approval reference: G01M16014101 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-90 DITCHING 00005215.0006001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
EMER-90 DITCHING 00005215.0007001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 and ((204449 and 51802) or (204817 and 51802)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-90 FORCED LANDING 00005213.0006001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371
EMER-90 FORCED LANDING 00005213.0007001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 and ((204449 and 51802) or (204817 and 51802)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
Approval reference: G01D17028128 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-90 EMERGENCY EVACUATION 00005796.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
EMER-90 EMERGENCY EVACUATION 00005796.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343) and (51805 or 51806)) or (330-200 and 51802))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
EMER-90 STALL RECOVERY 00013149.0001001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-GEN Introduction 00008347.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-GEN Landing Distance Determination in case 00014577.0001001 14 MAY 18
of In-Flight Failure
Approval reference: 10065502 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-OEI-TO Engine Failure before V1 (Rejected 00005371.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-OEI-TO Engine Failure between V1 and V2 00005121.0002001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (43037 or 44629 or 45055))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-OEI-TO Engine Failure during Initial Climb Out 00005372.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-OEI-LDG Approach and Landing 00005374.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-OEI-LDG Missed Approach (from Intermediate 00005375.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approach Configuration)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-OEI-LDG Balked Landing 00005377.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-21 AIR - PACK 1 + 2 FAULT 00005691.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-21 VENT - OVBD VALVE FAULT 00005692.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-21 VENT - BLOWING FAULT 00005693.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 56729)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-21 CAB PR - SYS 1 + 2 FAULT 00005137.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-21 CAB PR - SAFETY VALVE OPEN 00005694.0003001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (56551 or 56729))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-AUTOFLT AUTO FLT - FM 1+2 FAULT 00005414.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Multiple Failures or Warnings (CATII) 00008350.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Altitude Loss with Autopilot Malfunction 00009853.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Failure Leading to Slats/Flaps less than 00008352.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Antiskid System and/or Nosewheel 00008353.0001001 26 NOV 09
Steering Failure (CAT II)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Alpha Floor Activation (CAT II) 00008354.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII One Engine Failure (CAT II) 00008355.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Red "RA" on two PFDs (CAT II) 00008356.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-22-CATII Amber "CHECK ATT" on two PFDs (CAT 00008357.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Red "ATT" on one PFD (CAT II) 00008358.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Diagonal Line or "INVALID DATA" on 00008359.0001001 26 NOV 09
one PFD and ND (CAT II)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Amber "CHECK HDG" on two NDs and 00008360.0001001 26 NOV 09
two PFDs (CAT II)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Red "HDG" on one ND and one PFD 00008361.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Red "SPD" on one PFD (CAT II) 00008362.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII "AP OFF" Warnings (CAT II) 00008363.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Loss of "CAT II" (CAT II) 00008351.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII LOC or G/S Excessive Deviation on PFD 00008364.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-22-CATII "AUTOLAND" Light (CAT II) 00008365.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII A/THR Fault (CAT II) 00008366.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII No "LAND" at 350 ft (CAT II) 00008367.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII Incorrect Selected Course at 350 ft > 5 00008368.0001001 26 NOV 09
deg (CAT II)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATII No "FLARE" at 30 ft (CAT II) 00008369.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Multiple Failures or Warnings (CAT III 00008370.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Failure Leading SLATS/FLAPS less than 00008371.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Nosewheel Steering Failure (CAT III DH) 00008373.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Antiskid Failure (CAT III DH) 00008372.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Alpha Floor Activation ( CAT III DH) 00008374.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH One Engine Failure (CAT III DH) 00008375.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Autocallout RA Failure (CAT III DH) 00008376.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Red "RA" Flag (Radio Altimeter) on two 00008377.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Amber "CHECK ATT" Flag on two PFDs 00008378.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Red "ATT" Flag on one PFD (CAT III DH) 00008379.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Amber "CHECK HDG" on two NDs and 00008380.0001001 26 NOV 09
on two PFDs (CAT III DH)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Red "HDG" Flag on one ND and one PFD 00008383.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Red "SPD" Flag on one PFD (CAT III DH) 00008384.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH "AP OFF" Warnings (CAT III DH) 00008385.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Capability Decrease (except if due to 00008386.0001001 26 NOV 09
A/THR loss) (CAT III DH).
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Total loss of A/THR ("CAT III" decreases 00008387.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH LOC or G/S Excessive Deviation on PFD 00008388.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH "AUTOLAND" Light (CAT III DH) 00008389.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH No "LAND" at 350 ft (CAT III DH) 00008390.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH Incorrect Selected Course at 350 ft > 5 00008391.0001001 26 NOV 09
deg (CAT III DH)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIIDH No "FLARE" at 30ft (CAT III DH) 00008392.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Multiple Failures or Warnings (CAT III no 00008395.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Failure Leading SLATS/FLAPS less than 00008393.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Nosewheel Steering Failure (CAT III no 00008396.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Antiskid Failure (CAT III no DH) 00008397.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Alpha Floor Activation (CAT III no DH) 00008398.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH One Engine Failure (CAT III no DH) 00008399.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Autocallout RA Failure (CAT III no DH) 00008400.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Red "RA" (Radio Altimeter) Flag on two 00008401.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Amber "CHECK ATT" on two PFDs (CAT 00008402.0001001 26 NOV 09
III no DH)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Red "ATT" on one PFD (CAT III no DH) 00008403.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Amber "CHECK HDG" on two NDs and 00008404.0001001 26 NOV 09
two PFDs (CAT III no DH)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Red "HDG" on one ND and one PFD 00008405.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Red "SPD" on one PFD (CAT III no DH) 00008406.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH "AP OFF" Warnings (CAT III no DH) 00008407.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Capability Decrease (except if due to 00008408.0001001 26 NOV 09
A/THR loss) (CAT III no DH)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Total Loss of A/THR ("CAT III" decrease 00008409.0001001 26 NOV 09
to "CAT II") (CAT III no DH)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH LOC or G/S Excessive Deviation on PFD 00008410.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH "AUTOLAND" Light (CAT III no DH) 00008411.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH NO "LAND" at 350 ft (CAT III no DH) 00008412.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH Incorrect Selected Course at 350 ft >5 00008413.0001001 26 NOV 09
deg (CAT III no DH)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-22-CATIIInoDH No "FLARE" at 30 ft(CAT III no DH) 00008414.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-24 ELEC - AC BUS 1 FAULT 00005681.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-24 ELEC - AC BUS 2 FAULT 00005682.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-24 ELEC - AC ESS BUS FAULT 00005685.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-24 ELEC - AC ESS BUS FAULT 00005685.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and ((47524 or 50616) and (51790 or 54786)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-24 ELEC - DC BUS 2 FAULT 00005686.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 49632)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-24 ELEC - DC BUS 1+2 FAULT 00005687.0007001 20 FEB 17
Approval reference: FM1700474 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-200F) and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-24 ELEC - DC ESS BUS FAULT 00005688.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 49632)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-24 ELEC - DC ESS BUS SHED 00005689.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: 330-200
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - FLAPS FAULT 00005412.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - FLAPS LOCKED 00005122.0002001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - SLATS FAULT 00005417.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - SLATS LOCKED 00005124.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 Approach Speed Increment and Landing 00005123.0001001 19 JUN 13
Distance Correction
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 Performance Limitation for Landing in 00005418.0004001 02 JUL 10
Clean Configuration
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - SPD BRK DISAGREE 00005421.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - RUD TRV LIM FAULT 00005128.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-27 F/CTL RUDDER TRIM RUNAWAY 00005422.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-27 F/CTL RUDDER TRIM RUNAWAY 00005422.0003001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and ((49193 or 54786)
and (51802 or 51805 or 51806)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-27 F/CTL RUDDER JAM 00005423.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-27 F/CTL RUDDER JAM 00005423.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and (51802 or 51805 or
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - RUD NORM CTL FAULT 00008583.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and ((51790 or 54786)
and (51802 or 51805 or 51806)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - RUDDER FAULT 00008594.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and ((56551 or 56729)
and (51802 or 51805 or 51806)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL RUD PEDAL FAULT 00008595.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and ((49193 or 51790 or
54786) and (51802 or 51805 or 51806)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - SPLR FAULT 00005127.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - GND SPLR FAULT 00005424.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - L(R) ELEV FAULT 00005425.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - ELEV REDUND LOST 00005426.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-27 F/CTL - SEC FAULT 00005427.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-27 F/CTL - FCDC 1+2 FAULT 00005428.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-27 F/CTL - FCDC 1+2 FAULT 00005428.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and ((49193 or 54786)
and (51802 or 51805 or 51806)))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - YAW DAMPER FAULT 00005429.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-27 F/CTL - PRIM FAULT 00005430.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - STAB CTL FAULT 00005221.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) 00005125.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-27 F/CTL - DIRECT LAW (PROT LOST) 00005126.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - CTR TK XFR FAULT 00020386.0001001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - CELL NOT FULL 00010060.0001001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (200004 and 58751))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-28 FUEL - FUEL LO TEMP 00005388.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (204817 or 55191 or 55982))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - APU AFT PUMP FAULT 00005390.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - ABNORM MAN FWD XFR 00005391.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - WING X FEED FAULT 00005392.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - L (R) WING PUMPS LO PR 00005393.0006001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL IMBALANCE 00005132.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL GRAVITY FEEDING 00005133.0001001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - ENG FEEDLINE BURST 00009200.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (56551 or 56729))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - L (R) WING TK LO LVL 00015261.0006001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-200F) and 200590)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - L+R WING TK LO LVL 00005395.0009001 20 FEB 17
Approval reference: FM1700474 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-200F) and 204449)
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Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - FCMC 1+2 FAULT 00005396.0002001 20 FEB 17
Approval reference: FM1700474 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - OUTR TO INR FAULT 00005397.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - T TANK XFR FAULT 00005398.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - CTR TO INNER FAULT 00008677.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL - L+R CTR PUMPS LO PR 00008682.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 TRIM TANK FUEL UNUSABLE 00005135.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-28 FUEL LEAK 00005134.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: 330-200
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-29 HYD - G SYS LEAK 00005690.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-29 HYD - RSVR LO AIR PR 00005729.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-29 HYD - RSVR OVHT 00005730.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-29 HYD - RSVR LO LVL 00005731.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-29 HYD - G SYS LO PR 00005130.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-29 HYD - B SYS LO PR 00005118.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-29 HYD - Y SYS LO PR 00005119.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-30 A.ICE - L INR (R INR) (L OUTR) (R OUTR) 00005406.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-30 A.ICE - WING VLVE NOT OPEN 00005407.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-30 A.ICE - ENG VALVE CLOSED 00005408.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-30 A.ICE - WAI SYS FAULT or OFF 00005120.0002001 20 DEC 16
Approval reference: G01M16014101 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 58751)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-30 A.ICE - L (R) (L INR) (R INR) (L OUTR) (R 00005409.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (200590 or 204817))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-30 A.ICE - CAPT (F/O) (STBY) PITOT (AOA) 00005410.0003001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (51790 or 54786))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-30 A.ICE - CAPT (F/O) (STBY) PROBES 00005411.0003001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (51790 or 54786))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-30 DOUBLE AOA (STAT) (PITOT) HEAT 00005413.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-30 A.ICE - CAPT + F/O (CAPT + STBY) (F/O 00008717.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (51790 or 54786))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-30 A.ICE - ALL PITOT HEAT FAULT 00008718.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (51790 or 54786))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-31 DISPLAY UNIT FAILURE 00005415.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-31 DISPLAY UNIT FAILURE 00005415.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (47524 or 50616))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-31 FWS - SDAC 1+2 FAULT 00005416.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-32 L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION 00005129.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 BRAKES - ANTI SKID FAULT or A/SKID 00005131.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 BRAKES - BRAKES HOT 00005376.0003001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 202363)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 AUTOBRAKE 00005378.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 BRAKES - RELEASED 00005379.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 L/G - LGCIU FAULT 00005380.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 L/G - LGCIU 1 + 2 FAULT 00005381.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 L/G - DOORS NOT CLOSED 00005382.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 BRAKES - RESIDUAL BRAKING 00008647.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (51790 or 54786))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 L/G - GEAR NOT UPLOCKED 00005384.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-32 L/G - RETRACTION FAULT 00005385.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 L/G - GEAR UPLOCK FAULT 00005386.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-32 L/G - L(R) LENGTHENING FAULT 00005387.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-34 NAV - RA 1+2 FAULT 00014755.0002001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 202363)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-34 NAV - IR 1 (2) (3) FAULT 00005400.0003001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-34 NAV - IR 1+2 (2+3) (1+3) FAULT 00005401.0003001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-34 NAV - IR DISAGREE 00008668.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (204817 or 49193 or 55982))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-34 NAV - ADR 1 (2) (3) FAULT 00005402.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (51790 or 54786))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-34 NAV - ADR 1+2 FAULT 00005403.0002001 20 FEB 17
Approval reference: FM1700474 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and (51790 or 54786))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-34 NAV - ADR 1+3 (2+3) FAULT 00005404.0003001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 204449)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-34 ADR 1+2+3 FAULT 00005405.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-34 NAV - ADR DISAGREE 00008712.0001001 20 FEB 17
Approval reference: FM1700474 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and (49193 or 54786))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Approval reference: G01FM1701357 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371
Approval reference: G01FM1701357 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 53368)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-36 AIR - ENG BLEED FAULT 00005117.0002001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and (204449 or 204817))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-36 AIR - ENG 1+2 BLEED FAULT 00015227.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-36 AIR - X BLEED FAULT 00005695.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-36 AIR - BLEED LO TEMP 00005696.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-36 AIR - L (R) WING LEAK 00005697.0002001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and (204449 or 204817))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-36 AIR - ENG BLEED LEAK 00005698.0002001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and (204449 or 204817))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-36 AIR - APU BLEED LEAK 00005699.0002001 05 JAN 17
Approval reference: G01M16014405 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and (204449 or 204817))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-52 DOOR - FWD CABIN 00010453.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-52 DOOR - AVIONIC or BULK CARGO 00010449.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-52 DOOR - CABIN (MID or AFT) 00010884.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or ((330-200 or 330-300) and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-52 DOOR - EMER EXIT 00013081.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or ((330-200 or 330-300) and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-52 DOOR - CARGO (AFT or FWD) 00013082.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or ((330-200 or 330-300) and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - FAIL 00005265.0005001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (((330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-321 or 330-322 or
330-323) and 49632) or ((330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-223F or 330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303
or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and (56551 or 56729)))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-70 ENG - FUEL LEAK 00015262.0001001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and (56729 and 58815))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - SHUTDOWN 00005267.0002001 20 FEB 17
Approval reference: FM1700474 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and (56551 or 56729))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - REV UNLOCKED 00005368.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 49632)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - REV PRESSURIZED 00005359.0001001 20 FEB 17
Approval reference: FM1700474 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - FADEC FAULT 00005360.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - FADEC OVHT 00005361.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - EPR MODE FAULT 00008553.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-243 or 330-243F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - OIL HI TEMP 00005362.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-223F or 330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-321 or
330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - EGT OVERLIMIT 00005363.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
ABN-70 ENG - THR LEVER FAULT 00005364.0001001 20 FEB 17
Approval reference: FM1700474 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - THR LEVER DISAGREE 00005365.0002001 20 FEB 17
Approval reference: FM1700474 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (A330 and 49632)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG RELIGHT IN FLIGHT 00005116.0003001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((A330 and PW) or (A330 and (PW and 201714)))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - START VALVE FAULT (NOT 00005369.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - START VALVE FAULT (NOT 00005370.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-70 ENG - EIVMU FAULT 00021450.0001001 08 NOV 18
Approval reference: 00G101AC075/C01 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-90 TAIL STRIKE 00009202.0002001 09 JAN 17
Approval reference: 10060569 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-90 OVERWEIGHT LANDING 00005383.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-90 REJECTED TAKEOFF WITH ALL 00005389.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
ABN-90 BOMB ON BOARD 00005596.0001001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
ABN-90 BOMB ON BOARD 00005596.0002001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200) and (51802 or 51805 or 51806))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-GEN Introduction 00005798.0001001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-PFLT Batteries 00005799.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-PFLT ECAM Alerts 00005800.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-PFLT Cockpit Door 00005801.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-TO Takeoff Procedure 00005804.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-FLT Buffet Onset 00005806.0001001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-FLT Severe Turbulence 00005809.0002001 16 NOV 16
Approval reference: G01FM1605798 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-LDG Normal Landing 00005810.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-LDG Balked Landing (All Engines Operating) 00005811.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-LDG Reverse Thrust 00005812.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-LDG Autobrake 00005813.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF AP/FD, Speed Modes, Autothrust 00008431.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF Takeoff 00008432.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF Climb, Cruise, Descent 00008433.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF Non Precision Approach 00008434.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF CAT I ILS Approach 00008435.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF CAT II ILS Approach 00008436.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF CAT II/III ILS Approach and Automatic 00008437.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF Go-Around 00008438.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF Altitude Loss After Automatic 00005821.0001001 26 NOV 09
Go-Around Initiation
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-CONF Maximum Encountered Wind During 00008272.0001001 26 NOV 09
Flight Tests (CAT II or Cat III)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-NPA General 00008439.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-NPA Instrument Approach Using NAV Mode 00008445.0010001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and ((44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893) and (47457 or 47462 or 48765 or 48766 or 54096)))
Applicable to: VN-A371
NORM-22-NPA Instrument Approach Using NAV Mode 00008445.0007001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and ((44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893) and 200309))
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-PA CAT II and CAT III Approach and/or 00008441.0001001 28 FEB 11
Automatic Landing
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-22-PA Required Equipment for CAT II and CAT 00008444.0001001 28 FEB 17
III Approach and Landing
Approval reference: LR03D17006026 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Applicable to: VN-A371
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
NORM-22-PA Required Equipment for CAT II and CAT 00008444.0002001 28 FEB 17
III Approach and Landing
Approval reference: LR03D17006026 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and (51802 or 51805 or
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-23 Communications 00005817.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-30 Operations in Icing Conditions 00005814.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-30 Rain Repellent (If Activated) 00005816.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-34 Ground Proximity Warning System 00005818.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-34 Inertial Reference System (IRS) 00005819.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-34 Integrated Standby Instrument System 00005820.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 47244)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-34 Windshear Warning and Guidance 00005824.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-34 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance 00008285.0004001 19 JUN 13
System (TCAS)
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: (A330 and (57609 or 58449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-34 Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum 00005825.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 43537)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
NORM-49 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) 00005815.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371
NORM-49 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) 00005815.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 52536)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-GEN Introduction 00005827.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-GEN Aircraft Configuration 00005829.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-GEN Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind at 00005830.0001001 02 JUL 10
Takeoff and Landing
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-321 or 330-322 or
Applicable to: VN-A371
PERF-GEN Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind at 00005830.0003001 16 APR 10
Takeoff and Landing
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-223F) and 51802)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-CAL-TO Speed Corrections in Ground Effect 00005832.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-CAL-TO Speed Corrections out of Ground Effect 00008442.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-CAL-TO Altitude Corrections 00008443.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-CAL-CRU Speed and Mach Corrections 00005836.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-CAL-CRU Altitude Corrections 00005837.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-CAL-LDG Speed Corrections 00005839.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-CAL-LDG Altitude Corrections 00005840.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-TO Speeds Definitions 00005845.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-TO Distances Definitions 00005846.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-TO Takeoff Performance 00005847.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-TO Takeoff Flight Path 00005848.0001001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-FLT In-Flight Performance 00008394.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
PERF-LDG Approach Climb and Landing Climb 00005164.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-LDG Approach and Landing Speeds 00005852.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-LDG Landing Distance Definitions 00005853.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-LDG Landing Performance 00005854.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-LDG Autoland Landing Distance Increment 00009381.0002001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-OCTO General 00021429.0001001 22 AUG 17
Approval reference: G01D17028128 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-OCTO Performance Database 00005244.0017001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: 330-223
Applicable to: VN-A371
PERF-OCTO Performance Database 00005244.0044001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-OCTO Complementary Performance Data File 00021430.0001001 18 JAN 19
Approval reference: 10068376 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-ENG Engine Management Takeoff Thrust 00005841.0004001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371
PERF-ENG Engine Management Takeoff Thrust 00005841.0016001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-ENG Engine Management Maximum 00005842.0004001 26 NOV 09
Continuous Thrust
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
PERF-ENG Engine Management Maximum 00005842.0011001 16 APR 10
Continuous Thrust
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
PERF-ENG Engine Management Go-Around Thrust 00005843.0004001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
PERF-ENG Engine Management Go-Around Thrust 00005843.0011001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-NOI General 00005206.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-243 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200F)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-NOI External Noise 00008555.0090001 22 AUG 17
Approval reference: G01D17028128 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (47218 and 47277))
Applicable to: VN-A371
APP-NOI External Noise 00008555.0089001 22 AUG 17
Approval reference: G01D17028128 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (57168 or 58327))
Applicable to: VN-A381
APP-NOI External Noise 00008555.0040001 22 AUG 17
Approval reference: G01D17028128 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (57227 or 58344 or 58956))
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A379
APP-INOP General 00005139.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-INOP Performance 00005537.0001001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-223F or 330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-321 or
330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-ETOPS General 00005538.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-ETOPS Limitations 00005539.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (40314 or 40487 or 45435))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-ETOPS Procedures 00005541.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-ETOPS Performance 00005542.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-ETOPS Appendices and Supplements 00005540.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-GEN General 00005543.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (43037 or 44629 or 45055))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-LIM Limitations 00005544.0002001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-243 or 330-243F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343)
and (43037 or 44629))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-NORM Normal Procedures 00005545.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: (A330 and (43037 or 44629 or 45055))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-PERF General 00005546.0001001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (43037 or 44629 or 45055))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-PERF Takeoff Performance 00005547.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (43037 or 44629 or 45055))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D04 00005550.0005001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D04 00005550.0013001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D08 00005551.0005001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D08 00005551.0013001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D12 00005552.0005001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D12 00005552.0013001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D16 00005553.0005001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D16 00005553.0013001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and PW4170)
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D20 00005554.0005001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D20 00005554.0013001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D24 00005555.0005001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
APP-DTO-PERF Engine Management D24 00005555.0013001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-DTO-APP Appendices and Supplements 00005548.0001001 02 JUL 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-243 or 330-243F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343)
and (43037 or 44629))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-LGDN General 00005556.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-LGDN Limitations 00005557.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-LGDN Normal Procedures 00005558.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-LGDN Performance 00005559.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-LGDN Appendices and Supplements 00005560.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
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Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-TLWD General 00005561.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (41757 or 44313 or 46281 or 46285 or 46468 or 47407 or 49794 or 52342 or 55240 or 55241 or
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-TLWD Limitations 00005562.0006001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and 55241)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-N1-GEN General 00005564.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-N1-LIM Limitations 00005565.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-N1-NORM Takeoff Procedure 00005566.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-N1-PERF Performance 00005567.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-N1-PERF Engine Management Takeoff Thrust 00005568.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
APP-N1-PERF Engine Management Takeoff Thrust 00005568.0008001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-N1-PERF Engine Management Maximum 00005569.0002001 26 NOV 09
Continuous Thrust
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
APP-N1-PERF Engine Management Maximum 00005569.0008001 16 APR 10
Continuous Thrust
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-N1-PERF Engine Management Go-Around Thrust 00005570.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371
APP-N1-PERF Engine Management Go-Around Thrust 00005570.0008001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-N1-APP Appendices and Supplements 00005571.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-INTX-GEN General 00005573.0008001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and 201487)
Applicable to: VN-A379
APP-INTX-LIM Limitations 00005574.0008001 29 NOV 18
Approval reference: 10067668 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (58914 and (201714 or 58815) and 55212))
Applicable to: VN-A379
APP-INTX-PERF General 00009717.0008001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 and 58914)
Applicable to: VN-A379
APP-INTX-PERF Engine Management Takeoff Thrust 00005577.0004001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and 58914)
Applicable to: VN-A379
APP-INTX-PERF Engine Management Maximum 00005578.0004001 26 NOV 09
Continuous Thrust
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and 58914)
Applicable to: VN-A379
APP-INTX-PERF Engine Management Go-Around Thrust 00005579.0004001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and 58914)
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A379
APP-INTX-APP External Noise 00009720.0022001 22 AUG 17
Approval reference: G01D17028128 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (58914 or (201487 and 58344) or (201487 and 58956) or (201487 and 57227)))
Applicable to: VN-A379
APP-TAWS General 00005590.0001001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (46324 or 52992 or 53919 or 58449))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-TAWS Limitations 00005591.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (46324 or 53919))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
APP-TAWS Normal Procedures 00005592.0002001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 53919)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-GEN-INTR Introduction 00008851.0001001 17 MAR 17
Approval reference: G01FM1701357 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-GEN-LIM Limitations 00008852.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-GEN-PERF Performance Determination Method 00008853.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-GEN-PERF Performance Penalties Published in the 00008854.0001001 26 NOV 09
Airplane Flight Manual MCDL Chapter
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-GEN-PERF Performance Penalties Calculated with 00008855.0001001 19 JUN 13
AFM_OCTO Software
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-21-01 Ram Air Inlet Flap 00009315.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-21-01 Illustration Ram Air Inlet Flap 00009316.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-21-02 Ram Air Outlet Flap 00009317.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-21-02 Illustration Ram Air Outlet Flap 00009318.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-23-01 Static Discharger 00008858.0001001 17 MAR 17
Approval reference: G01FM1701357 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-23-01 Illustration Static Discharger 00008859.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-02 Slat Track Closing Plate 00008862.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-02 Illustration Slat Track Closing Plate 00008863.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-03 Rubber Seal under Slats 00008864.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-03 Illustration Rubber Seal under Slats 00008865.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-04 Aileron Rubber Seal 00008866.0001001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-27-04 Illustration Aileron Rubber Seal 00008867.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-05 Aileron Servo Actuator Fairing 00008868.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-05 Illustration Aileron Servo Actuator 00008869.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-06 Slat End Blade Seal 00008870.0001001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-06 Illustration Slat End Blade Seal 00008871.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-07 Flap Blade Seal and Triangular Cushion 00008873.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-07 Illustration Flap Blade Seal and 00008875.0001001 30 NOV 09
Triangular Cushion Seal
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-08 Slat End Filling 00008877.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-08 Illustration Slat End Filling 00008878.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-10 Inner Aileron Seal (Upper and Lower) 00008880.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-10 Illustration Inner Aileron Seal (Upper 00008881.0001001 30 NOV 09
and Lower)
Criteria: A330
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(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-11 Inner Aileron Large Seal 00008882.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-11 Illustration Inner Aileron Large Seal 00008883.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-12 Slat 1 Side Seal 00021594.0001001 26 SEP 17
Approval reference: 10063254 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-27-12 Illustration Slat 1 Side Seal 00021595.0001001 19 OCT 17
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-28-01 Refuel/Defuel Coupling Cap 00009002.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and 40176)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-28-01 Illustration Refuel/Defuel Coupling Cap 00009003.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-28-02 Refuel/Defuel Control Panel Access 00009004.0001001 19 JUN 13
Door on Belly Fairing
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-28-02 Illustration Refuel/Defuel Control Panel 00009005.0001001 30 NOV 09
Access Door on Belly Fairing
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-28-04 Fuel Pump Fairing 00009011.0001001 17 MAR 17
Approval reference: G01FM1701357 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-28-04 Illustration Fuel Pump Fairing 00009012.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-29-01 Ground Green Hydraulic Connection 00009022.0001001 26 NOV 09
Access Door
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-29-01 Illustration Ground Green Hydraulic 00009023.0001001 30 NOV 09
Connection Access Door
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-29-02 Ground Blue Hydraulic Connection 00009024.0001001 26 NOV 09
Access Door
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-29-02 Illustration Ground Blue Hydraulic 00009025.0001001 30 NOV 09
Connection Access Door
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-29-03 Ground Yellow Hydraulic Connection 00009026.0001001 26 NOV 09
Access Door
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-29-03 Illustration Ground Yellow Hydraulic 00009027.0001001 30 NOV 09
Connection Access Door
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-30-01 Icing Indicator 00009028.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-30-01 Illustration Icing Indicator 00009029.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-01 Center Landing Gear Door Ground 00010871.0001001 02 JUL 10
Opening Access Door
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-32-01 Illustration Center Landing Gear Door 00010872.0001001 07 JUL 10
Ground Opening Access Door
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-02 Main Landing Gear Door Seal 00009441.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-02 Illustration Main Landing Gear Door Seal 00009442.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-03 Main Landing Gear Leg Door and 00009030.0001001 26 NOV 09
Hinged Door Rubber Seal
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-03 Illustration Main Landing Gear Leg Door 00009031.0001001 30 NOV 09
and Hinged Door Rubber Seal
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-04 Nose Fitting Towing 00009032.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-04 Illustration Nose Fitting Towing 00009033.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-05 Nose Landing Gear Wheel Hubcap 00010862.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-05 Illustration Nose Landing Gear Wheel 00010863.0001001 07 JUL 10
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-07 Main Landing Gear Debris Guard 00010882.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and ((40606 or 40978) or (47764 and 52463) or (47775 and 52463)))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-32-07 Illustration Main Landing Gear Debris 00010883.0001001 07 JUL 10
Criteria: (A330 and ((40606 or 40978) or (47764 and 52463) or (47775 and 52463)))
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-08 Nose Landing Gear Door Seal 00021806.0001001 03 JAN 18
Approval reference: LR01D17040664 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-32-08 Illustration Nose Landing Gear Door 00021807.0001001 03 JAN 18
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-01 Wing/Landing Light Glazing 00009035.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-01 Illustration Wing/Landing Light Glazing 00009036.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-02 Taxi/Takeoff Light 00009037.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-02 Illustration Taxi/Takeoff Light 00009038.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-03 Runway Turnoff Light 00009039.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-03 Illustration Runway Turnoff Light 00009040.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-04 Logo Light Lens 00009041.0001001 17 MAR 17
Approval reference: G01FM1701357 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-04 Illustration Logo Light Lens 00009042.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
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Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-05 Rear Navigation/Strobe Lights Glazing 00009043.0001001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-05 Illustration Rear Navigation/Strobe 00009044.0001001 30 NOV 09
Lights Glazing
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-06 Upper Anti-Collision (Beacon) Light 00009046.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-06 Illustration Upper Anti-Collision 00009047.0001001 30 NOV 09
(Beacon) Light Cover
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-07 Lower Anti-Collision (Beacon) Light 00009048.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-33-07 Illustration Lower Anti-Collision 00009049.0001001 30 NOV 09
(Beacon) Light Cover
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-51-02 Passenger Door Scuff Plate 00009052.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-51-02 Illustration Passenger Door Scuff Plate 00009053.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-51-03 Bulk Door Scuff Plate 00009054.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-51-03 Illustration Bulk Door Scuff Plate 00009055.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-51-04 Passenger Door Gutter 00009056.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-51-04 Illustration Passenger Door Gutter 00009057.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-02 Forward Cargo Loading Operation 00009059.0001001 26 NOV 09
Control Panel Door
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-02 Illustration Forward Cargo Loading 00009060.0001001 30 NOV 09
Operation Control Panel Door
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-03 Aft Cargo Door Control Panel Access 00009061.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-03 Illustration Aft Cargo Door Control Panel 00009062.0001001 30 NOV 09
Access Door
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-04 Aft Cargo Loading Operation Control 00009063.0001001 26 NOV 09
Panel Door
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-04 Illustration Aft Cargo Loading Operation 00009064.0001001 30 NOV 09
Control Panel Door
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-06 Potable Water Drain Connection Service 00009067.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-52-06 Illustration Potable Water Drain 00009068.0001001 30 NOV 09
Connection Service Door
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-07 Potable Water Service Door 00009069.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-07 Illustration Potable Water Service Door 00009070.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-08 Vacuum Toilet Service Door 00009071.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-08 Illustration Vacuum Toilet Service Door 00009072.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-09 Fuel Center Tank Water Drain Access 00009073.0001001 17 MAR 17
Approval reference: G01FM1701357 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-09 Illustration Fuel Center Tank Water 00009074.0001001 30 NOV 09
Drain Access Door
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-10 Cargo Door Indicator Flag 00009075.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-10 Illustration Cargo Door Indicator Flag 00009076.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-11 Potable Water Forward Drain Panel 00009077.0001001 26 NOV 09
Access Door
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-52-11 Illustration Potable Water Forward Drain 00009078.0001001 30 NOV 09
Panel Access Door
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-12 Forward Cargo Door Access Cover 00009079.0001001 22 AUG 17
Approval reference: G01D17028128 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-12 Illustration Forward Cargo Door Access 00009080.0001001 28 JUN 16
Cover Panel
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-13 Aft Cargo Door Access Cover Panel 00009081.0001001 22 AUG 17
Approval reference: G01D17028128 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-13 Illustration Aft Cargo Door Access 00009082.0001001 28 JUN 16
Cover Panel
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-14 Cabin Door Upper Cover Plate 00009083.0001001 22 AUG 18
Approval reference: 00G101AC155/C21 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-52-14 Illustration Cabin Door Upper Cover 00009084.0001001 03 JUL 18
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-53-01 "Dog House" Closing Panel 00009091.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-53-01 Illustration "Dog House" Closing Panel 00009092.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-53-02 Belly Fairing Sliding Panel 00009094.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-53-02 Illustration Belly Fairing Sliding Panel 00009095.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-53-03 Flap Valve Assy 00009097.0001001 28 FEB 11
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-53-03 Illustration Flap Valve Assy 00009098.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371
MCDL-53-03 Illustration Flap Valve Assy 00009098.0002001 07 JUL 10
Criteria: (A330 and 45969)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-53-04 Belly Fairing Seal 00009099.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-53-04 Illustration Belly Fairing Seal 00009100.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-54-01 Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Rubber Blade 00009103.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-54-01 Illustration Lower Aft Pylon Fairing 00009104.0001001 20 APR 10
Rubber Blade Seal
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-54-02 Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Nozzle Seal 00009106.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and 43942)
Applicable to: VN-A371
MCDL-54-02 Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Nozzle Seal 00009106.0002001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and 53623)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-54-02 Illustration Lower Aft Pylon Fairing 00009107.0001001 30 NOV 09
Nozzle Seal Finger
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and 43942)
Applicable to: VN-A371
MCDL-54-02 Illustration Lower Aft Pylon Fairing 00009107.0002001 20 APR 10
Nozzle Seal Finger
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and 53623)
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-54-04 Pylon Access Panel 00009113.0002001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-223F or 330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-321 or
330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-54-04 Illustration Pylon Access Panel 00009114.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-55-01 Slidelip of the Apron Fairing Parts 00021425.0001001 03 JAN 18
Approval reference: LR01D17040664 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-55-01 Illustration of Slidelip of the Apron 00021923.0001001 03 JAN 18
Fairing Parts
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-01 Underwing Plug for Jacking Point 00009115.0001001 25 JUL 18
Approval reference: 00G101AC128/C01 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-01 Illustration Underwing Plug for Jacking 00009116.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-02 Winglet 00009117.0002001 25 JUL 18
Approval reference: 00G101AC128/C01 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: (330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-243 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-57-02 Illustration Winglet 00009118.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-04 Flap Track Fairing 00009119.0001001 25 JUL 18
Approval reference: 00G101AC128/C01 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-04 Illustration Flap Track Fairing 00009120.0001001 30 NOV 09
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-05 Access Panel to Slat Actuator 00009121.0001001 25 JUL 18
Overtorque Indicator Flag
Approval reference: 00G101AC128/C01 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-05 Illustration Access Panel to Slat 00009122.0001001 07 JUL 10
Actuator Overtorque Indicator Flag
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-07 Cover on Flap Track Fairing 00009123.0001001 12 JUL 18
Approval reference: 10066165 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-07 Illustration Cover on Flap Track Fairing 00009124.0001001 24 JUL 18
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-08 Flap to Movable Flap Track Fairing Seal 00009125.0001001 25 JUL 18
Approval reference: 00G101AC128/C01 Approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA ref.
EASA. 21J.031
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-57-08 Illustration Flap to Movable Flap Track 00009126.0001001 30 NOV 09
Fairing Seal
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-71-01 Inlet Access and Pressure Relief Door 00009128.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-71-01 Illustration Inlet Access and Pressure 00009129.0001001 20 APR 10
Relief Door
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-71-02 P2/T2 Probe Access Door 00009130.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-71-02 Illustration P2/T2 Probe Access Door 00009131.0001001 20 APR 10
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-71-03 P2/T2 Interface Access Panel 00009135.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-71-03 Illustration P2/T2 Interface Access Panel 00009136.0001001 20 APR 10
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-71-04 Fan Cowl Pressure Relief Door 00009133.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-71-04 Illustration Fan Cowl Pressure Relief 00009134.0001001 08 MAR 11
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-01 Reverser Actuator Access Cover 00009137.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-01 Illustration Reverser Actuator Access 00009138.0001001 20 APR 10
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-02 Reverser Blocker Door/Hinge and 00009140.0001001 19 JUN 13
Blocker Door Link
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
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M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-78-02 Illustration Reverser Blocker Door/Hinge 00009141.0001001 20 APR 10
and Blocker Door Link
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-03 Reverser Cascade 00009144.0001001 19 JUN 13
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-03 Illustration Reverser Cascade 00009145.0001001 20 APR 10
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-04 Upper Reverser Track Fairing 00009146.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-04 Illustration Upper Pylon Access Cover 00009147.0001001 20 APR 10
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-05 Lower Reverser Track Fairing 00009150.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-05 Illustration Lower Reverser Track 00009151.0001001 24 MAY 16
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-06 Upper Pylon Hinge Access Cover 00009399.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-06 Illustration Upper Pylon Hinge Access 00009400.0001001 20 APR 10
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-07 Lower Latch Access Door 00009401.0001001 16 APR 10
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-07 Illustration Lower Latch Access Door 00009402.0001001 20 APR 10
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page
(1) (2)
M Localization T DU Title DU identification DU date
MCDL-78-22 Thrust reverser island fairing 00014761.0001001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-22 Illustration Thrust reverser island fairing 00014763.0001001 18 NOV 14
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-23 Thrust reverser blocker door closeout 00014762.0001001 25 JUL 14
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
MCDL-78-23 Illustration Thrust reverser blocker door 00014764.0001001 12 SEP 14
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
SPERF-CONT-GEN General 00005593.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
SPERF-CONT-GEN Description of Contaminated Runway 00023019.0001001 18 JAN 19
Approval reference: 10068376 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
SPERF-CONT-LIM Limitations 00005594.0001001 18 JAN 19
Approval reference: 10068376 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
SPERF-CONT-PERF Aircraft Configuration 00005850.0001001 18 JAN 19
Approval reference: 10068376 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F or 330-300)
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
SPERF-CONT-PERF Takeoff and Landing Performance 00005595.0001001 26 NOV 09
Approval reference: 10059726 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
(1) Evolution code : N=New, R=Revised, E=Effectivity
(2) Temporary information
(1) TR identification TR approval TR Title Deleted by
TR528 issue 2 08 MAY 15 Abnormal V Alpha Prot
Approval reference: 10053264 Approved by EASA
Criteria: A330
Applicable to: VN-A371
TR677 issue 1 03 NOV 15 Autoland Databases with Honeywell ADIRU
Approval reference: 10055269 Approved by EASA
Criteria: (A330 and (200064 or 202164 or 202791 or 203869 or 203870 or 55346 or 56497 or 56609 or 56720 or
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
(1) Evolution code : N=New, R=Revised, E=Effectivity
M CRITERION Linked SB Incorp. Date Title
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
Applicable to: VN-A371
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Applicable to: VN-A371
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Applicable to: VN-A371
Applicable to: VN-A379, VN-A381
Applicable to: VN-A371, VN-A379, VN-A381
Continued on the following page
Intentionally left blank
TR677 Issue 1
Ident.: TDU / APPRO-TR-00014122.0003001 / 03 NOV 15 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (200064 or 202164 or 202791 or 203869 or 203870 or 55346 or 56497 or 56609 or 56720 or 58415))
Impacted DU: NONE
Approval date: 03 NOV 15
Approval reference: 10055269
Reason for issue: This TR is issued because some Honeywell ADIRU magnetic variation
databases are obsolete since 2005. The guaranteed value for the magnetic
heading accuracy is no longer respected in some areas of the world. Some
operational limitations have been assessed when the error between the
magnetic heading and the QFU is greater than 3 °.
Applicable to: A330 aircraft with Honeywell ADIRUs.
TR528 Issue 2
Ident.: TDU / APPRO-TR-00015959.0001001 / 08 MAY 15 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Impacted DU: NONE
Approval date: 08 MAY 15
Approval reference: 10053264
Reason for issue: Issue 2: This Temporary Revision is revised in order to modify the condition
that is based on Alpha Prot strip display on the PFD.
Issue 1: This Temporary Revision is issued to provide the Abnormal V Alpha
Prot procedure.
Applicable to: All A330 aircraft.
Intentionally left blank
Correspondence between Units.............................................................................................................................. A
Ident.: GEN-INTR-00005876.0001001 / 11 OCT 16 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
This Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) is a reference document published in English. It is not established
as an operational document to be used directly by the crew in flight.
Flight crew documents available in flight must include an Operational Manual, with appropriate
contents and language as required by the National Regulations.
Note: Any Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) reference within the AFM must be considered
as advisory information, the FCOM being a not approved document.
This AFM is specific to a given certified aircraft model, which is specified in the Heading Approbation
Documentary Unit (Refer to APPRO-HEAD Heading Approbation).
It was approved by the Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC) prior to 28 September 2003
and is since approved by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), or by Airbus under Design
Organisation Approval (DOA) reference EASA.21J.031 for AFM minor changes. When applicable, it
is approved by the EASA on behalf and according to the requirements of the importing Authority, e.g.
the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for US registered aircraft.
The AFM is approved in both PDF and Ops Library Browser (OLB) formats.
Note: OLB version 5.1 or higher must be used to consult the AFM in OLB format.
Ident.: GEN-DESC-00005878.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The AFM is made of Documentary Units (DU). The DU is the smallest part of information with a
technical content.
The DUs are listed in the "List of Effective Documentary Unit" (LEDU).
The LEDU is produced and approved by Airbus under the authority of DOA reference EASA.21J.031.
Ident.: GEN-DESC-00005881.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Below the title of the DU, an identification strip is provided with each DU and consists of:
‐ Ident.: Each DU is identified by its own unique identification number
‐ The approval date of the DU
‐ The approval marking
Note: For non approved DU, this field is replaced by the label: FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
‐ Criteria: This field provides the type of aircraft and associated configuration for which the DU is
‐ Specific: When necessary, this field provides the code of the specific regulation applicable to the
‐ Impacted by TDU: When applicable, this field provides the identification number and the title of the
Temporary Documentary Unit (TDU) impacting the DU
‐ Belonging to: When applicable, this field provides the number of the TR to which the TDU belongs
‐ Impacted DU: When applicable, this field provides the identification number and the title of the DU
impacted by the TDU.
Ident.: GEN-DESC-00020276.0001001 / 11 OCT 16 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: GEN-DESC-00008475.0001001 / 11 OCT 16 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: GEN-DEF-00005883.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The following is the official definition of a WARNING, taken directly from the CS-25 (Chapter AMC
25.1581, paragraph 3-e) and applicable to Airbus flight operational documentation:
WARNING An operating procedure, technique, etc... which may result in personal injury or loss
of life if not carefully followed.
Ident.: GEN-DEF-00005884.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The following is the official definition of a CAUTION, taken directly from the CS-25 (Chapter AMC
25.1581, paragraph 3-e) and applicable to Airbus flight operational documentation:
CAUTION An operating procedure, technique, etc... which may result in damage to equipment
if not carefully followed.
Ident.: GEN-DEF-00005885.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The following is the official definition of a NOTE, taken directly from the CS-25 (Chapter AMC
25.1581, paragraph 3-e) and applicable to Airbus flight operational documentation:
Note: An operating procedure, technique, etc... considered essential to emphasize. Information
contained in notes may also be safety related.
Ident.: GEN-ABB-00009715.0001001 / 28 FEB 17 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Abbreviation Term
A/C Aircraft
A/THR Autothrust
Advisory Circular
Alternative Current
ACARS ARINC Communication Addressing and Reporting System
ACD Airworthiness Compliance Document
ACJ Advisory Circular-Joint
ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit
ADR Air Data Reference
ADS-B Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast
ADS-C Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Contract
AFM Airplane Flight Manual
AGL Above Ground Level
AIME Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Extrapolation
AINS Aircraft Information Network System
AIRB Airborne
ALT Altitude
AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance
AMJ Advisory Material-Joint
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
ANSU Aircraft Network Server Unit
AOA Angle of Attack
AOC Airlines Operational Control
AP Autopilot
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
AR Authorization Required
ARINC Aeronautical Radio INC
ASD Accelerate Stop Distance
ASDA Accelerate Stop Distance Available
ASI Airspeed Indicator
ATA Air Transport Association
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATSU Air Traffic Service Unit
ATSAW Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness
AWO All Weather Operations
Abbreviation Term
BC Back Course
BSCU Braking and Steering Control Unit
Abbreviation Term
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CCOM Cabin Crew Operating Manual
CDL Configuration Deviation List
CDLS Cockpit Door Locking System
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CG Center of Gravity
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CLB Climb
CML Consumable Material List
CMP Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures
CPDLC Controller Pilot Datalink Communication
CS Certification Specifications
CSM/G Constant Speed Motor Generator
CWY Clearway
Abbreviation Term
D-ATIS Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service
DA Decision Altitude
DC Direct Current
DCL Departure Clearance
DGAC Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile
DH Decision Height
DMC Display Management Computer
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DNA Dirección Nacional de Aeronavegabilidad
DNAR Dirección Nacional de Aeronavegabilidad Regulations
DO Document Order (RTCA)
Display Unit
Documentary Unit
Abbreviation Term
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring
EDTO Extended Diversion Time Operations
EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System
EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
EHS Enhanced Surveillance
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
ENG Engine
EPR Engine Pressure Ratio
Extended Range Operations for Two Engine Aeroplanes (EASA)
Extended Operations (FAA)
EWD Engine Warning Display
Abbreviation Term
F-PLN Flight Plan
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FAF Final Approach Fix
FANS Future Air Navigation System
FAP Final Approach Point
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations
FCMC Fuel Control and Monitoring Computer
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual
FCU Flight Control Unit
FD Flight Director
FLS FMS Landing System
FM Flight Management
FMA Flight Mode Annunciator
FMGEC Flight Management and Guidance Envelope Computer
FMGES Flight Management and Guidance Envelope System
FMS Flight Management System
FOB Fuel on Board
FPA Flight Path Angle
FQI Fuel Quantity Indication
FU Fuel Used
FWC Flight Warning Computer
Abbreviation Term
G/S Glide Slope
GEN Generator
GLS GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Landing System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
Abbreviation Term
HF High Frequency
HI High
HKCAD Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department
HUD Head Up Display
Abbreviation Term
IAS Indicated Airspeed
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IDG Integrated Drive Generator
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IGN Ignition
IL Information Leaflet
ILS Instrument Landing System
IR Inertial Reference
IRS Inertial Reference System
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISIS Integrated Standby Instrument System
ISPSS In-Seat Power Supply System
ITP In-Trail Procedure
Abbreviation Term
JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
JAR Joint Aviation Regulations
Abbreviation Term
LDA Localizer Directional Aid
LEDU List of Effective Documentary Units
Continued on the following page
Abbreviation Term
MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MAP Missed Approach Point
MAPSC Maximum Approved Passenger Seating Capacity
MASPS Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards
MAX Maximum
MCDL Master Configuration Deviation List
MCDU Multipurpose Control and Display Unit
MCPSC Maximum Certificated Passenger Seating Capacity
MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MDCC Main Deck Cargo Compartment
MDH Minimum Descent Height
MEA Minimum En route Altitude
MLE Maximum Landing Gear Extended Mach
MLO Maximum Landing Gear Operating Mach
MLS Microwave Landing System
MLW Maximum Landing Weight
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MMO Maximum Operating Mach
MOD Modification
MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards
MORA Minimum Off Route Altitude
MSA Minimum Safe Altitude
MSN Manufacturer Serial Number
MTOW Maximum Takeoff Weight
MZFW Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
Abbreviation Term
N1 Low Pressure Rotor Speed
Intermediate Pressure Rotor Speed (in %) for Rolls Royce engines/High Pressure Rotor
Speed (in %) for General Electric or Pratt and Whitney engines
N3 High Pressure Rotor Speed (Rolls Royce engines)
ND Navigation Display
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
NORM Normal
NSA Norme Sud Aviation
Abbreviation Term
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OCL Oceanic Clearance
OIT Onboard Information Terminal
OLB OPS Library Browser
OLD Operational Landing Distance
OMTS On-Board Mobile Telephony System
OVHT Overheat
OW Operational Weight
Abbreviation Term
PC Personal Computer
PED Portable Electronic Devices
PF Pilot Flying
PFD Primary Flight Display
PM Pilot Monitoring
POS Position
PRIM Flight Control Primary Computer
PVI Paravisual Indicator
Abbreviation Term
QFE Field Elevation Atmosphere Pressure
QFU Runway Heading
QNH Sea Level Atmosphere Pressure
Abbreviation Term
Radio Altitude
Resolution Advisory
RAAC Regulaciones Argentinas de Aviación Civil
RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RAT Ram Air Turbine
RBS Radio Beacon System
RF Radial to Fix
RLD Required Landing Distance
RMP Radio Management Panel
RNAV Area Navigation
RNP Required Navigation Performance
RPM Revolution Per Minute
RVR Runway Visual Range
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minima
Abbreviation Term
SAAAR Special Aircrew and Aircraft Authorization Required
SAT Static Air Temperature
SATCOM Satellite Communication
SB Service Bulletin
SD System Display
SDF Simplified Directional Facility
SEC Flight Control Secondary Computer
SIL Service Information Letter
SRS Speed Reference System
STBY Standby
SWY Stopway
Abbreviation Term
T.COR Temperature Corrected
TA Traffic Advisory
TAS True Airspeed
TAT Total Air Temperature
TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TDU Temporary Documentary Unit
TGL Temporary Guidance Leaflet
Continued on the following page
Abbreviation Term
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Abbreviation Term
V/DEV Vertical Deviation
V1 Takeoff Decision Speed
V2 Takeoff Safety Speed
VA Maximum Design Maneuvering Speed
VALPHAMAX Speed at Alpha-Max
VAPP Final Approach Speed
VC Design Cruise Speed
VFE Maximum Flaps Extended Speed
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
VLE Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed
VLO Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed
VLOF Liftoff Speed
VLS Lowest Selectable Speed
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VMCL Minimum Control Speed during Approach and Landing
VMIN 1G Minimum Operating Speed under 1g Load Factor
VMIN Minimum Operating Speed
VMO Maximum Operating Speed
VNAV Vertical Navigation
VOR VHF Omnidirectional Range
VR Rotation Speed
VREF Landing Reference Speed
VS1G Stall Speed under 1g Load Factor
VSA Visual Separation on Approach
VSW Stall Warning Speed
Abbreviation Term
WBM Weight and Balance Manual
WGS World Geodetic System
WV Weight Variant
Abbreviation Term
ZFCG Zero Fuel Center of Gravity
ZFW Zero Fuel Weight
1 mm 0.0394 in
1m 3.281 ft
1m 1.094 yd
1 km 0.540 NM
1 m/s 3.281 ft/s
1 km/h 0.540 kt
1g 0.0353 oz
WEIGHT 1 kg 2.204623 lb
1t 2 204.623 lb
1N 0.2248 lb
1 daN 2.248 lb
1 bar 14.505 PSI
1 mbar 0.0145 PSI
1l 0.2642 US Gal
1 m³ 264.2 US Gal
MOMENTUM 1 daN.m 88.50
1 in 25.4 mm
1 ft 0.3048 m
1 yd 0.914 m
1 NM 1.852 km
1 ft/s 0.3048 m/s
1 kt 1.852 km/h
1 oz 28.35 g
WEIGHT 1 lb 0.45359 kg
1 lb 0.0004536 t
1 lb 4.448 N
1 lb 0.4448 daN
1 PSI 0.0689 bar
1 PSI 68.947 mbar
1 US Gal 3.785 l
1 US Gal 0.003785 m³
Continued on the following page
Ident.: GEN-VIEW-00005209.0001001 / 28 NOV 16 APPROVED
Criteria: 330-200
Front View
Top View
Side View
Reference Area 363.1 m² 3 908 ft² 54 in²
Root Chord 10.553 m 34 ft 7 in
MAC (LA) 7.270 m 23 ft 10 in
Aspect Ratio 9.26
Reference Area 71.45 m² 769 ft² 12 in²
MAC (LH) 3.932 m 12 ft 11 in
Aspect Ratio 5.27
Distance from 25 % LA to 25 % LH 26.854 m 88 ft 1 in
Reference Area 52.9 m² 569 ft² 59 in²
MAC (LV) 6.176 m 20 ft 3 in
Aspect Ratio 1.636
Distance from 25 % LA to 25 % LV 25.638 m 84 ft 1 in
Ident.: GEN-VIEW-00005209.0003001 / 28 NOV 16 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 and 48979)
Front View
Top View
Side View
Reference Area 363.1 m² 3 908 ft² 54 in²
Root Chord 10.553 m 34 ft 7 in
MAC (LA) 7.270 m 23 ft 10 in
Aspect Ratio 9.26
Reference Area 71.45 m² 769 ft² 12 in²
MAC (LH) 3.932 m 12 ft 11 in
Aspect Ratio 5.27
Distance from 25 % LA to 25 % LH 26.854 m 88 ft 1 in
Reference Area 51.4 m² 553 ft² 38 in²
MAC (LV) 6.268 m 20 ft 7 in
Aspect Ratio 1.507
Distance from 25 % LA to 25 % LV 25.524 m 83 ft 9 in
Intentionally left blank
Kind of Operations...................................................................................................................................................B
Minimum Flight Crew...............................................................................................................................................C
Maximum Operating Altitude................................................................................................................................... D
Maneuver Limit Load Factors..................................................................................................................................E
Icing Conditions Definition....................................................................................................................................... F
VMO/MMO............................................................................................................................................................... A
VFE.......................................................................................................................................................................... C
VLO/MLO and VLE/MLE......................................................................................................................................... D
Fuel and Additive Specifications............................................................................................................................. A
Usable Fuel..............................................................................................................................................................B
Fuel Imbalance........................................................................................................................................................ C
Fuel Temperature Limits......................................................................................................................................... D
Hydraulic Fluid......................................................................................................................................................... A
Inertial Reference System (IRS)..............................................................................................................................A
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM)..................................................................................................... B
Mode S - EHS Enhanced Surveillance...................................................................................................................C
Mode S - ADS-B Out Enhanced Surveillance........................................................................................................ D
Ident.: LIM-GEN-00005442.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
This aircraft must be operated in compliance with the limitations given in this chapter. When
operating in accordance with an approved appendix or supplement to this AFM, these limitations
apply, unless amended by such appendix or supplement.
Ident.: LIM-GEN-00005446.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
The aircraft is certified in the public transport category (passengers and freight) for day and night
operations, in the following conditions, when the appropriate equipment and instruments required by
the airworthiness and operating regulations are approved, installed and in an operable condition:
‐ VFR and IFR
‐ Extended overwater flight
‐ Flight in icing conditions.
Icing conditions exist when OAT on the ground and for takeoff, or TAT in flight is 10 °C or below and
visible moisture in any form is present (such as clouds, fog with visibility of one mile or less, rain,
snow, sleet or ice crystals).
Icing conditions also exist when the OAT on the ground and for takeoff is 10 °C or below when
operating on ramps, taxiways, or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water or slush may be
ingested by the engines or freeze on engines, nacelles or engine sensor probes.
Ident.: LIM-WGHT-00005162.0002001 / 02 JUL 10 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-202 or 330-223 or 330-243) and 46892)
Weight Variant : WV 21 or WV 54
Maximum Taxi Weight 230 900 kg 509 047 lb
Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) 230 000 kg 507 063 lb
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) 182 000 kg 401 241 lb
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) 170 000 kg 374 785 lb
Minimum Weight 116 000 kg 255 737 lb
Ident.: LIM-WGHT-00005162.0003001 / 02 JUL 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (((330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-243) and 47784) or (330-200 and 51804))
Weight Variant : WV 22 or WV 52
Maximum Taxi Weight 233 900 kg 515 661 lb
Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) 233 000 kg 513 676 lb
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) 182 000 kg 401 241 lb
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) 170 000 kg 374 785 lb
Minimum Weight 116 000 kg 255 737 lb
For Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) and datum, see 3-View Drawing. Refer to GEN-VIEW 3-View
Takeoff and landing CG limits are given for landing gear down configuration.
Flight CG limits are given for landing gear up configuration.
CG Envelope WV 21 or WV 54
For Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) and datum, see 3-View Drawing. Refer to GEN-VIEW 3-View
Takeoff and landing CG limits are given for landing gear down configuration.
Flight CG limits are given for landing gear up configuration.
CG Envelope WV 52
Ident.: LIM-WGHT-00005683.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) and Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) may be reduced by
performance requirements of PERFORMANCE and/or SUPPLEMENTARY PERFORMANCE
chapters of this AFM related to:
‐ Climb performance (first and second segment, final takeoff, en route, approach and landing)
‐ Available runway length (takeoff and landing)
‐ Obstacle clearance (takeoff and en route)
‐ Brake energy limit (observe brake temperature warning (300 °C))
‐ Tire speed.
Ident.: LIM-WGHT-00005684.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The aircraft must be loaded in accordance with the loading instructions given in the Weight and
Balance Manual (WBM) chapter 1-10.
The maximum FCMC rearward CG target has been established assuming a possible margin for
loading operational procedure inaccuracies of 2 % MAC at Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) in the value of
Zero Fuel Center of Gravity (ZFCG) inserted in the MCDU before flight. This value is defined with
landing gear down.
Ident.: LIM-SPD-00006064.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: LIM-SPD-00008345.0001001 / 16 APR 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
CAUTION Rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large
changes in pitch, roll, or yaw (e.g. large sideslip angles) may result in structural
failures at any speed, even below VA.
Ident.: LIM-SPD-00005224.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: LIM-OPS-00005456.0001001 / 28 FEB 11 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Environmental Envelope
Ident.: LIM-OPS-00005456.0003001 / 28 FEB 11 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and 52536)
Environmental Envelope
Ident.: LIM-OPS-00005458.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F or 330-300)
Ident.: LIM-OPS-00005460.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: LIM-09-00005491.0002001 / 16 APR 10 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and (43029 and 47701))
Ident.: LIM-09-00005493.0001001 / 17 MAR 17 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Towbarless operations on nose landing gear (towing and pushback) are approved:
‐ For aircraft fitted with an active oversteer warning system or
‐ Provided the towbarless towing operations are performed in compliance with appropriate
operational requirements, using towbarless towing vehicles that are qualified and operated to
preclude damage to the aircraft nosewheel steering system, or which provide a reliable and
unmistakable warning when damage to the steering system may have occurred.
Towbarless towing vehicles that are specifically accepted for the Airbus A330 aircraft are listed in
Airbus WISE In-Service Information ISI 09.11.00001.
Ident.: LIM-21-00005486.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Ident.: LIM-21-00005486.0002001 / 16 APR 10 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and 48980)
Ident.: LIM-22-FMS-00008415.0002001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893))
The FMGES lateral and vertical navigation has been certified for after takeoff, en route and terminal
area operations and for instrument approach procedures (except ILS, LOC, LOC-BC, LDA, SDF and
GLS) and missed approach procedures.
Approval of the FMGES is based on the assumption that the navigation database has been
validated for intended use. The airworthiness approval does not account for database accuracy or
Obstacle clearance and adherence to airspace constraints remains a flight crew responsibility.
Fuel, time predictions/performance information is provided for advisory purpose only.
For instrument procedures not coded in the WGS-84 coordinate system, the GPS must be
deselected, unless the shift between the local coordinate system and the WGS-84 is found
acceptable for the intended operation.
Note: 1. The assessment of this shift can be done:
‐ In flight, monitoring the navaid raw data in non RNAV procedures
‐ On ground, performing a GPS survey of the procedure waypoints.
2. RNAV(GNSS) approach procedures require WGS-84 coordinates and GPS PRIMARY.
The FMGES has been demonstrated to comply with applicable airworthiness requirements, including
FAA AC 20-130A, for a navigation system integrating multiple navigation sensors, when operating
with aircraft position based on:
‐ IRS position and GPS update, or
‐ IRS position and radio navaid update, or
‐ IRS position only.
The FMGES also complies with the airworthiness part of:
‐ EASA AMC 20-4 (JAA TGL 2 REV 1) for Basic RNAV
‐ EASA AMC 20-27 for RNP APPROACH (RNP APCH) operations with or without APV
BARO-VNAV operations
‐ FAA Advisory Circular 90-105A for RNP2 operations in domestic, oceanic and remote continental
Note: Compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirements does not constitute an
operational approval.
Such authorization must be obtained by the operator from the appropriate authorities.
Ident.: LIM-22-FMS-00008417.0004001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and ((47457 or 47462 or 48765 or 48766 or 51138 or 51139) and (44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893)))
Ident.: LIM-22-FMS-00008429.0006001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and ((44308 or 44339 or 46572 or 46893) and (47457 or 47462 or 48765 or 48766 or 54096)))
VOR, VOR/DME, NDB or NDB/DME approach procedures may be performed, in NAV, or NAV and
APP NAV and FINAL APP mode, provided AP or FD is used and:
‐ GPS PRIMARY is available. In this case: the reference navaid may be unserviceable, or the
airborne radio equipment may be inoperative, or not installed, provided an operational approval is
‐ GPS PRIMARY is not available. In this case: the reference navaid and the corresponding airborne
equipment are serviceable, tuned and monitored during the approach.
RNAV(GNSS) approaches may be performed, in NAV, or NAV and APP NAV and FINAL APP mode,
provided GPS PRIMARY is available and with AP or FD engaged.
RNAV(GNSS) approaches with LNAV/VNAV Minimum must be performed in FINAL APP mode.
The FMGES with the associated equipment has been found to meet the airworthiness requirement
and performance criteria of:
‐ JAR 25
‐ ACJ 25.1329 for automatic flight system
‐ JAR AWO Subpart 1 - Automatic landing
‐ JAR AWO Subpart 2 - Category 2 Operations
‐ JAR AWO Subpart 3 - Category 3 Operations
Note: Compliance with the standards noted above does not constitute an approval to conduct
category II or III operations. Such authorization must be obtained by the operator from the
appropriate authorities.
The below table provides for each concerned airport, the dates when the following limitations begin:
‐ Autoland is not allowed
‐ Rollout is not allowed.
CAT II approaches without Autoland are still allowed.
Airport Code Airport Location Month/Year
Note: This TR is applicable until end of 2020. From 2021, without a revision of this TR, Autoland
and Rollout will not be allowed on any airport.
The above limitations do not apply if three new ADIRU with updated magnetic variation tables are
installed and Operators ensure previous standards are not installed.
The following Honeywell ADIRU standards will cancel the limitations of this Temporary Revision:
‐ ADIRU 4 MCU P/N HG2030AE24 installed by modification 203206
‐ ADIRU 4 MCU P/N HG2030AE44 installed by modification 203871
‐ ADIRU 4 MCU P/N HG2030B03 L.4.3 installed by modification 203712
‐ Or any later approved standard.
Ident.: LIM-22-FGS-00008419.0001001 / 28 FEB 11 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: LIM-22-FGS-00008419.0005001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-243) and (57545 or 57547))
The use of AP or FD in OPEN DES or DES mode is not permitted if FCU altitude is set below
MDA/MDH or 500 ft AGL, whichever is higher.
The In-Seat Power Supply System (ISPSS) for Portable Electronic Devices (PED carried by the
passengers) must be turned off during takeoff and landing. The airworthiness approval of the
ISPSS for PED does not constitute an operational approval to connect a PED to the system. Such
authorization must be obtained by the operator from the appropriate authorities.
The fuel system has been certified with: JET A, JET A1, JP5, JP8, N° 3 JET, RT and TS-1.
Note: 1. See engine model specification Pratt and Whitney PWA 522 latest issue (Pratt and
Whitney Service Bulletin N° 2016).
2. See Airbus Consumable Material List (CML) Part 1 / S01-Fuels at the latest issue for
approved fuel specifications.
Ident.: LIM-28-00005474.0001001 / 16 APR 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Fuel loading varies with specific fuel gravity without any fuel weight limitation.
Tanks Fuel Quantity
2 Inner Tanks 84 000 l 22 192 US Gal
2 Outer Tanks 7 300 l 1 928 US Gal
1 Center Tank 41 560 l 10 980 US Gal
1 Trim Tank 6 230 l 1 646 US Gal
TOTAL 139 090 l 36 746 US Gal
Note: When the quantity indications reach "zero" the remaining fuel cannot safely be used.
Ident.: LIM-28-00005478.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
The following tables give the maximum allowed wing fuel imbalance at takeoff, in flight and at
landing, in either inner or outer tanks.
With linear variation between these values (No limitation below 7 500 kg/16 530 lb)
Tank Fuel Quantity
Maximum Asymmetry
(Heavier Tank)
Full 1 480 kg (3 260 lb)
2 400 kg (5 290 lb) 1 580 kg (3 480 lb)
1 730 kg (3 810 lb) 1 730 kg (3 810 lb)
With linear variation between these values (No limitation below 1 730 kg/3 810 lb)
Fuel temperature must not be less than fuel freezing point.
JET A, JET A1, JP5, JP8, N° 3 JET, RT and TS-1: +55 °C.
Ident.: LIM-29-00005489.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Refer to NSA 307-110.
Ident.: LIM-32-00010874.0001001 / 02 JUL 10 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The IRS are compliant with the position accuracy criteria of AC 25-4 and FAR 121 Appendix G for a
flight time up to 24 h (i.e. in excess of the aircraft range).
The ground alignment of the IRS has been demonstrated to be acceptable between 82 ° North and
82 ° South.
If all ADIRUs have the same magnetic variation table:
In MAGNETIC reference, flights using the NAV mode are prohibited:
‐ North of 73 ° North, between 90 ° West and 120 ° West (magnetic polar region), and
‐ North of 82 ° North, and
‐ South of 60 ° South.
When flying at latitudes beyond these limits, TRUE reference must be selected.
If one ADIRU has a different magnetic variation table:
Flights using the NAV mode are prohibited:
‐ North of 60 ° North, between 30 ° West and 160 ° West, and
‐ North of 75 ° North, and
‐ South of 55 ° South.
Aircraft have been certified capable to participate in RVSM operations according to JAA TGL 6 and
FAA 91-RVSM requirements.
Note: Compliance with the standards noted above does not constitute an operational approval.
Such authorization must be obtained by the operator from the appropriate authorities.
The transponder mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) has been demonstrated to comply with
airworthiness requirements contained in ICAO Doc 7030/4 for enhanced surveillance in designated
European airspace.
The aircraft must be operated in accordance with the cabin instructions and limitations given in the
Cabin Crew Operating Manual (CCOM) chapter 00A Cabin Instructions and Limitations (Refer to
The Air Traffic Service Unit (ATSU) equipment has been approved for the provision of Airlines
Operational Control (AOC) applications.
The definition of the AOC application and obtaining its subsequent approval, is the responsibility of
the operator.
The ATC datalink communication system and its applications have been demonstrated to comply
with airworthiness requirements contained in:
‐ FAA AC 20-140
Each application has been demonstrated to comply with airworthiness requirements as follows:
Network of aircraft Applications Demonstrated compliance Limitations
AFN (2)
‐ According to FANS A Airworthiness Approval (3)
ACARS FANS 1/A(1) CPDLC Summary (AAS) document reference (2)
ADS-C (2)
(1) The FANS 1/A aircraft datalink system includes automation for:
‐ FMS Flight Plan modification, based on received route clearance message, and for
‐ route message generation from FMS Flight Plan.
(2) In environments where AFN, CPDLC, and ADS-C applications are operable with ACARS:
‐ Voice communication must be available as a backup to ATC datalink communication
‐ The ATC datalink applications are operable when flying in an airspace covered by
VHF/SATCOM and where ATC centers are capable of datalink. VHF or SATCOM datalink are
the primary means for ATC datalink.
(3) For surveillance where CPDLC is operable with ACARS, CPDLC Position Reporting can be used in
a non ADS-C environment.
Compliance with the above does not constitute an operational approval. Such authorization must be
obtained by the operator from the appropriate authorities.
The ATC datalink communication system and its applications have been demonstrated to comply
with airworthiness requirements contained in:
‐ FAA AC 20-140
Each application has been demonstrated to comply with airworthiness requirements as follows:
Network of aircraft Applications Demonstrated compliance with Limitations
AFN (2)
ACARS FANS 1/A +(1) CPDLC ‐ ED 100A/DO 258A (2)
ADS-C (2)
(1) The FANS 1/A+ aircraft datalink system includes automation for:
‐ FMS Flight Plan modification, based on received route clearance message, and for
‐ route message generation from FMS Flight Plan.
(2) In environments where AFN, CPDLC, and ADS-C applications are operable with ACARS:
‐ Voice communication must be available as a backup to ATC datalink communication
‐ The ATC datalink applications are operable when flying in an airspace covered by
VHF/HF/SATCOM and where ATC centers are capable of datalink. VHF or SATCOM datalink
are the primary means for ATC datalink. HF datalink through HF1 (if installed) can be used as a
supplementary means for ATC datalink communication if the aircraft is equipped with a SATCOM
system and two HF systems.
(3) For surveillance where CPDLC is operable with ACARS, CPDLC Position Reporting can be used in
a non ADS-C environment.
CPDLC and ADS-C applications have been demonstrated to comply with aircraft-allocated
performance requirements as follows:
ICAO designator
Network of aircraft Applications Subnetwork used ATC datalink performance
datalink system
‐ VDL Mode A
‐ If installed : VDL Mode 2(1)
If installed : HFDL No RCP demonstrated (2)
‐ VDL Mode A
‐ If installed : VDL Mode 2(1)
If installed : HFDL No RSP demonstrated (2)
(1) The VDL Mode 2 supports the single frequency capability.
(2) HFDL is used as a supplementary communication means in addition to VHF and SATCOM datalink
Aircraft systems involved in ATC datalink performance as mentioned in the above table, are
compliant with RCP 240 and RSP 180 requirements allocated to aircraft as specified in the
ED-122/DO-306 and as prescribed in the Performance-Based Communication and Surveillance
(PBCS) Manual (ICAO Doc 9869). Nevertheless, some ANSPs may decide to exclude subnetwork as
acceptable means for a given RCP/RSP specification.
Compliance with the above does not constitute an operational approval. Such authorization must be
obtained by the operator from the appropriate authorities.
This approval is based on assumptions and requirements contained in "FANS A+ Airworthiness
Approval Summary" document reference 00F460P0211/C02 at the latest issue for:
‐ The Air Traffic Control (ATC) environment and procedures
‐ The end-to-end system interoperability, safety and performance.
The Aircraft Information Network System (AINS) installation has been approved only as a host
platform (i.e. without any applications installed on ANSU).
Authorization to install applications into AINS must be obtained by the operator from the appropriate
local authorities.
Note: This airworthiness approval is based on the assumption that all applications will be
developed and justified in accordance with TGL 36/AC 120-76A (at the latest issue)
and the recommendations provided in the Airbus document "AINS Guidelines" Ref
00F460P5111/C01 at the latest issue.
Ident.: LIM-70-00005464.0006001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-323)
Ident.: LIM-70-00005464.0011001 / 16 APR 10 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
Ident.: LIM-70-00005465.0002001 / 16 MAR 18 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
(1) For ground starts, a 30 min cooling period is required, subsequent to one failed automatic start that
comes before a second automatic start, or to one failed automatic start plus one failed manual start,
or to three failed manual starts.
(2) For airstart only.
Note: Power management tables in EPR, given in PERFORMANCE chapter of the AFM, limit
RPM as a function of ambient conditions and air bleed.
Ident.: LIM-70-00005465.0004001 / 16 MAR 18 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-223F or 330-323) and PW4170)
(1) For ground starts, a 30 min cooling period is required, subsequent to one failed automatic start that
comes before a second automatic start, or to one failed automatic start plus one failed manual start,
or to three failed manual starts.
(2) For airstart only.
Note: Power management tables in EPR, given in PERFORMANCE chapter of the AFM, limit
RPM as a function of ambient conditions and air bleed.
Ident.: LIM-70-00005466.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: LIM-70-00005467.0002001 / 16 APR 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Pratt and Whitney specifications PWA 521 latest issue (Pratt and Whitney engine Service Bulletin
N° 238 latest revision).
70 PSI.
• 177 °C or
• greater than 163 °C for more than 20 min.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is allowed only if the aircraft meets all performance requirements at the
takeoff weight, with the operating engines at the thrust available for the flex temperature.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is allowed with any inoperative item affecting the performance only if the
associated performance shortfall has been applied to meet the above requirements.
Note: Allowed inoperative items may be identified through DISPATCH WITH INOPERATIVE
ITEMS chapter of the AFM (Refer to APP-INOP General) or through MMEL.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is not allowed on contaminated runways.
The flex temperature must not be:
‐ Higher than ISA + 40 (in order that the amount of thrust reduction does not exceed 25 % of the full
rated takeoff thrust)
‐ Lower than the flat rating temperature or actual OAT.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is not allowed unless the operator establishes a means to verify the
availability of takeoff thrust, to ensure that engine deterioration does not exceed authorized limits.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is allowed only if the aircraft meets all performance requirements at the
takeoff weight, with the operating engines at the thrust available for the flex temperature.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is allowed with any inoperative item affecting the performance only if the
associated performance shortfall has been applied to meet the above requirements.
Note: Allowed inoperative items may be identified through DISPATCH WITH INOPERATIVE
ITEMS chapter of the AFM (Refer to APP-INOP General) or through MMEL.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is not allowed on contaminated runways.
The flex temperature must not be:
‐ Higher than ISA + 58
‐ Lower than the flat rating temperature or actual OAT.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is not allowed unless the operator establishes a means to verify the
availability of takeoff thrust, to ensure that engine deterioration does not exceed authorized limits.
The engine anti-ice must be ON during all ground and flight operations when icing conditions exist or
are anticipated, except during climb and cruise when the temperature is below -40 °C SAT.
The engine anti-ice must be ON prior to and during descent in icing conditions, including
temperatures below -40 °C SAT.
Note: Do not rely on airframe visual icing cues to turn engine anti-ice on. Use the temperature
and visual moisture criteria specified in the icing conditions definition (Refer to LIM-GEN
Icing Conditions Definition).
Delaying the use of engine anti-ice until buildup is visible from the cockpit may result in
severe engine damage and/or flameout.
Intentionally left blank
Landing Distance Determination in case of In-Flight Failure.................................................................................. B
FIRE/SMOKE........................................................................................................................................................... C
FUEL - EXCESS AFT CG.......................................................................................................................................A
HYD - G+B SYS LO PR......................................................................................................................................... A
HYD - B+Y SYS LO PR..........................................................................................................................................B
HYD - G+Y SYS LO PR......................................................................................................................................... C
EMER DESCENT.................................................................................................................................................... A
DITCHING................................................................................................................................................................ B
FORCED LANDING.................................................................................................................................................C
EMERGENCY LANDING (ALL ENGINES FAILURE).............................................................................................D
EMERGENCY EVACUATION................................................................................................................................. E
STALL RECOVERY................................................................................................................................................. F
Ident.: EMER-GEN-00005704.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The procedures contained in this chapter have been established and are recommended by the
aircraft manufacturer for application in the event of a serious failure.
The following important remarks apply :
1. It is assumed that, in general, all failures are indicated by the operation of specific system warning
and/or by direct observation.
2. The actions recommended may result in the loss of certain systems not associated with the failure.
3. For a definition of LAND ASAP, Refer to GEN-DEF LAND ASAP Definition.
When actions depend on a condition, a black dot (•) or a black square (■) identifies this condition.
The black square is used when there is a choice between one or more conditions and only one is
These procedures are approved by the Airworthiness Authorities as acceptable procedures for
operation of the aircraft. This approval does not prevent the operator from developing equivalent
procedures, provided these procedures are approved by appropriate operational authorities.
In case of discrepancy between procedures displayed on the ECAM and procedures stated in this
AFM, the AFM procedures always have precedence.
Unless otherwise specified in the procedures, the minimum speed to be used for approach and
landing is the VLS corresponding to the configuration requested by the procedure.
Note: VLS, when mentioned in a procedure, is the one corresponding to the configuration
requested by the procedure (e.g. if the procedure requests to use FLAPS 2, take VLS of
CONF 2).
Ident.: EMER-GEN-00005705.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Whenever fire is encountered on the aircraft, landing at the nearest suitable airport is recommended.
After conducting any fire suppression/smoke evacuation procedure, even though smoke has
dissipated, if it has not or cannot be visibly verified that the fire has been put out, immediately land at
the nearest suitable airport.
The flight crew should always go to 100 % oxygen whenever a hand held fire extinguisher is to be
discharged in the cockpit or when required because of smoke accumulation.
If above FL 100:
Use crew oxygen masks.
Notify the cabin crew.
Initiate a descent.
Maximum flight level is the higher one of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
If above FL 160:
Apply emergency descent procedure.Refer to EMER-90 EMER DESCENT .
If cabin altitude above 14 000 ft:
Manually confirm passengers oxygen masks on.
Manually confirm emergency electrical power on if EMER GEN not automatically coupled.
Turn off then on all generators one after the other.
If no generator reset successful:
Attempt a further all generators reset (one after the other).
If still unsuccessful:
Note: 1. The cockpit door locking system (CDLS) is inoperative.
2. For communications, only VHF 1 and ATC 1 are available.
3. If EMER GEN is supplied by RAT, ATC 1 is not available.
4. Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT
Set ventilation extract to OVRD.
Do not use speed brakes.
Note: If fuel imbalance, turn off fuel L PUMP 2.
Just before slats extension:
Set manually RAT to ON.
Minimum RAT speed : 140 kt
Note: Engines are fed by gravity.
For approach and landing:
Extend landing gear by gravity. Refer to ABN-32 L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION.
Use FLAPS 3.
Note: Slats and flaps extend slowly.
Use manual pitch trim.
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Note: 1. Half spoilers are inoperative.
Continued on the following page
Shut down affected engine.
Push relevant FIRE pushbutton.
Turn off affected side engine bleed (if not automatically done).
Turn off APU bleed (if left side affected only).
Close crossbleed valve.
Discharge AGENT 1 after 10 s.
Notify ATC.
If fire not extinguished after 30 s :
Discharge AGENT 2.
Note: Wing anti-ice is inoperative. Refer to ABN-30 A.ICE - WAI SYS FAULT or OFF.
Ident.: EMER-26-00005713.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Press APU FlRE pushbutton.
Discharge agent after 10 s.
Shut down APU.
Turn off affected cargo compartment isolation valves (as installed).
If affected cargo door(s) closed:
Discharge affected cargo compartment agent.
Turn off cabin fans.
If aft or bulk cargo affected :
Evacuate crew rests and close crew rests doors (as installed).
On ground:
Disembark passengers before opening the cargo doors.
Ident.: EMER-26-00005216.0002001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-200 or 330-300) and 56729)
Use crew oxygen masks, if required.
Set ventilation extract to OVRD.
Turn off cabin fans and galleys.
Turn on cabin signs.
Establish communication between cockpit and cabin.
Try to identify and isolate faulty equipment.
If smoke source not immediately isolated:
Initiate a diversion.
Initiate a descent to the higher one of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
At any time of the procedure, if smoke/fumes becomes the greatest threat:
Consider applying the removal of smoke/fumes procedure and setting Electrical Emergency
Configuration. Refer to EMER-26 REMOVAL OF SMOKE/FUMES.
Note: To set Electrical Emergency Configuration, set EMER ELEC PWR to MAN ON then,
when EMER GEN is available, turn off GEN 1, GEN 2, and APU GEN.
Apply the Electrical Emergency Configuration procedure without performing generator
reset. Refer to EMER-24 ELEC - EMER CONFIG.
3 min or 2 000 ft before landing, set ATT HDG switching to F/O ON 3 and restore
normal electrical supply for landing: turn on all generators.
When aircraft is stopped, turn off all generators.
At any time of the procedure, if situation becomes unmanageable:
Consider landing immediately.
If air conditioning smoke suspected:
Turn off APU bleed.
Set ventilation extract to AUTO.
Turn off all cargo compartment isolation valves (as installed).
Turn off pack 1.
If smoke continues:
Turn on pack 1.
Turn off pack 2.
Continued on the following page
Ident.: EMER-26-00005219.0001001 / 28 FEB 17 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Consider manual RAT use.
Minimum RAT speed: 140 kt.
Turn off associated hydraulic pumps (electrical and engine).
Do not use speed brakes.
Maneuver with care.
For approach and landing:
Extend landing gear by gravity. Refer to ABN-32 L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION.
If hydraulic not recovered:
If slats position below 2:
Turn off GPWS flap mode.
Use FLAPS 2 for landing.
Note: Flaps extend slowly.
If slats position below 1:
Approach speed = VREF + 30 kt
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
If slats position at or above 1:
Approach speed = VREF + 25 kt
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
If slats position at or above 2:
Use FLAPS 3 for landing.
Note: Flaps extend slowly.
Approach speed = VREF + 15 kt
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Note: 1. Slats are inoperative.
2. Antiskid is inoperative. Refer to ABN-32 BRAKES - ANTI SKID FAULT or A/SKID N/WS
3. Brakes are on BLUE ACCU. Only 7 full brakes applications are available.
Continued on the following page
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Turn off associated hydraulic pumps (electrical and engine).
Maneuver with care.
If trim locked above 8 ° UP:
Maximum speed : 180 kt.
For approach and landing:
Turn off GPWS flap mode.
Extend landing gear by gravity. Refer to ABN-32 L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION.
Use FLAPS 2 for landing.
Note: Slats and flaps extend slowly.
Approach speed = VREF + 20 kt.
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Note: 1. Most spoilers are inoperative.
2. Stabilizer control is inoperative. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - STAB CTL FAULT.
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Consider manual RAT use.
Minimum RAT speed: 140 kt
Turn off associated hydraulic pumps (electrical and engine).
Use rudder for turn coordination.
Do not use speed brakes.
Maneuver with care.
For approach and landing:
Extend landing gear by gravity. Refer to ABN-32 L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION.
If hydraulic not recovered:
If flaps position below 3:
Turn off GPWS flap mode.
Use FLAPS 2 for landing.
Note: Slats extend slowly.
If flaps position below 1 + F:
Approach speed = VREF + 30 kt
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
If flaps position at or above 1 +F and below 2:
Approach speed = VREF + 20 kt
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
If flaps position at or above 2:
Approach speed = VREF + 20 kt
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
If flaps position at 3:
Use FLAPS 3 for landing.
Note: Slats extend slowly.
Approach speed = VREF + 15 kt
Continued on the following page
Ident.: EMER-32-00009839.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
If autobrake selected:
Take over brake control with brake pedals.
If no braking available:
Apply maximum reverse thrust.
Release brake pedals.
Turn off antiskid.
Press brake pedals.
Apply maximum brake pressure 1 000 PSI.
If still no braking:
Use short and successive applications of the parking brake.
When the Mach increases, if the Alpha Prot strip (black and amber) continuously
increases and exceeds Green Dot (GD) speed in a stabilized wings-level flight path
(without an increase in the load factor):
Keep on one ADR.
Turn off two ADRs.
In case of dispatch with one ADR inoperative, switch only one ADR to OFF.
Do not increase speed.
Consider using the Flight Path Vector (FPV).
Recover affected DU by using associated DMC switching.
When at or above safety altitude, level off.
At any time, with a speed above VLS, if the aircraft goes to a continuous nose down
pitch rate that cannot be stopped with backward sidestick inputs, immediately:
Keep on one ADR.
Turn off two ADRs.
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Disconnect autopilot.
Turn off flight directors.
Disconnect autothrust.
If two probe heating computers unavailable:
Turn on probe and window heat.
Turn off all ADRs.
Fly the green area of the speed scale.
Note: 1. Standby instruments may be unreliable.
2. The altitude displayed on the PFD is a GPS altitude.
3. Automatic cabin pressurization system is inoperative. Refer to ABN-21 CAB PR - SYS 1
+ 2 FAULT.
4. If the BUSS does not react to longitudinal stick input when flying the green area of the
speed scale, the flight crew must disregard the BUSS and adjust pitch attitude and
thrust regarding flight phase and aircraft configuration to obtain and maintain target.
If two probe heating computers unavailable or AOA probe heating inoperative:
Avoid icing conditions.
Note: Rudder travel limiter is inoperative.
Use rudder with care.
Do not use speedbrakes.
When FLAPS 2:
Extend landing gear by gravity. Refer to ABN-32 L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION.
Approach speed: fly the bug
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
For go-around, set thrust levers to TOGA.
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Manually confirm RAT on.
Manually confirm emergency electrical power on.
Optimum relight speed: 300 kt / M 0.82
Start APU when below FL 250.
Set all thrust levers to idle.
Gliding distance in no wind condition: 2 NM / 1 000 ft
Note: Gliding distance may be adjusted by use of speed brakes.
Initiate the diversion.
Note: For communication, only VHF 1 is available.
Notify ATC.
Notify cabin crew.
Turn on cabin signs.
Use crew oxygen masks above FL 100.
Check fuel quantity.
If engine relight can be attempted:
Set ENG START selector to IGN START.
At or below FL 300:
Set all engine master levers to OFF during 30 s then ON.
Try regularly engines relight.
If APU available and windmill not successful below FL 200:
Set all engine master levers to OFF.
Optimum speed: green dot.
Turn off wing anti-ice.
Turn on APU bleed.
Re-attempt engine relight (only 1 at a time).
Try regularly engines relight.
Continued on the following page
At 2 000 ft AGL:
Notify cabin crew for ditching.
Set DITCHING pushbutton to ON.
At 500 ft AGL:
Order brace for impact.
Continued on the following page
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Manually confirm RAT on.
Manually confirm emergency electrical power on.
Optimum relight speed: 300 kt / M 0.82.
Start APU when below FL 250.
Set all thrust levers to idle.
Gliding distance in no wind condition: 2 NM / 1 000 ft.
Note: Gliding distance may be adjusted by use of speed brakes.
Initiate the diversion.
Note: For communication, only VHF 1 is available.
Notify ATC.
Notify cabin crew.
Turn on cabin signs.
Use crew oxygen masks above FL 100.
Check fuel quantity.
If engine relight can be attempted:
Set ENG START selector to IGN START.
At or below FL 300:
Set all engine master levers to OFF during 30 s then ON.
Try regularly engines relight.
If APU available and windmill not successful below FL 200:
Set all engine master levers to OFF.
Optimum speed: green dot.
Turn off wing anti-ice.
Turn on APU bleed.
Re-attempt engine relight (only 1 at a time).
Try regularly engines relight.
Continued on the following page
At 2 000 ft AGL:
Notify cabin crew for ditching.
Set DITCHING pushbutton to ON.
At 500 ft AGL:
Order brace for impact.
Continued on the following page
Ident.: EMER-70-00005710.0002001 / 02 JUL 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (204817 or 58751))
Ident.: EMER-90-00005222.0001001 / 20 DEC 16 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Ident.: EMER-90-00005215.0006001 / 05 JAN 17 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 and 204449)
Notify ATC and cabin crew of the nature of emergency or use transponder (if available) as required.
Prepare cockpit and cabin.
Start fuel jettison (if installed).
Turn off TAWS-GPWS.
Turn on cabin signs.
Turn on emergency exit lights.
Set landing elevation to sea level.
Turn on Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) (if installed), when conditions permit.
For approach:
Keep landing gear up.
Use maximum available slats/flaps.
Stop fuel jettison (if installed).
At 2 000 ft AGL:
Check CAB PR MODE SEL is in AUTO position.
Turn off all bleeds (engines and APU).
Notify cabin crew for ditching.
Set DITCHING pushbutton to ON.
Note: Touchdown should be made at 11 ° pitch attitude with minimum aircraft vertical speed.
At 500 ft AGL:
Order brace for impact.
At touchdown:
Set both engine master levers to OFF.
Shut down the APU.
After ditching:
Notify ATC with VHF 1.
Push all FIRE pushbuttons (engines and APU).
Discharge all fire agents (engines and APU).
Initiate evacuation.
Ident.: EMER-90-00005215.0007001 / 05 JAN 17 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 and ((204449 and 51802) or (204817 and 51802)))
Notify ATC and cabin crew of the nature of emergency or use transponder (if available) as required.
Prepare cockpit and cabin.
Start fuel jettison (if installed).
Turn off TAWS-GPWS.
Turn on cabin signs.
Turn on emergency exit lights.
Set landing elevation to sea level.
Turn on Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) (if installed), when conditions permit.
For approach:
Keep landing gear up.
Use maximum available slats/flaps.
Stop fuel jettison (if installed).
At 2 000 ft AGL:
Check CAB PR MODE SEL is in AUTO position.
Turn off all bleeds (engines and APU).
Notify cabin crew for ditching.
Set DITCHING pushbutton to ON.
Note: Touchdown should be made at 11 ° pitch attitude with minimum aircraft vertical speed.
At 500 ft AGL:
Order brace for impact.
At touchdown:
Set both engine master levers to OFF.
Shut down the APU.
After ditching:
Notify ATC with VHF 1.
Push all FIRE pushbuttons (engines and APU).
Discharge all fire agents (engines and APU).
Initiate evacuation.
Continued on the following page
Ident.: EMER-90-00005213.0006001 / 05 JAN 17 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 and 204449)
Notify ATC and cabin crew of the nature of emergency or use transponder (if available) as required.
Prepare cockpit and cabin.
Start fuel jettison (if installed).
Turn off TAWS - GPWS.
Turn on cabin signs.
Turn on emergency exit lights.
Manually set the landing elevation.
Turn on Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) (if installed), when conditions permit.
For approach :
Turn on RAM AIR.
Extend landing gear.
Use maximum available slats/flaps.
Arm ground spoilers.
Stop fuel jettison (if installed).
Apply maximum brake pressure 1 000 PSI.
At 2 000 ft AGL :
Notify cabin crew for landing.
At 500 ft AGL :
Order brace for impact.
At touchdown :
Set both engine master levers to OFF.
Shut down the APU.
After landing :
When aircraft stopped :
Set parking brake to ON.
Notify ATC with VHF 1.
Push all FIRE pushbuttons (engines and APU).
Discharge all fire agents (engines and APU).
Continued on the following page
Ident.: EMER-90-00005213.0007001 / 05 JAN 17 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 and ((204449 and 51802) or (204817 and 51802)))
Notify ATC and cabin crew of the nature of emergency or use transponder (if available) as required.
Prepare cockpit and cabin.
Start fuel jettison (if installed).
Turn off TAWS - GPWS.
Turn on cabin signs.
Turn on emergency exit lights.
Manually set the landing elevation.
Turn on Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) (if installed), when conditions permit.
For approach :
Turn on RAM AIR.
Extend landing gear.
Use maximum available slats/flaps.
Arm ground spoilers.
Stop fuel jettison (if installed).
Apply maximum brake pressure 1 000 PSI.
At 2 000 ft AGL :
Notify cabin crew for landing.
At 500 ft AGL :
Order brace for impact.
At touchdown :
Set both engine master levers to OFF.
Shut down the APU.
After landing :
When aircraft stopped :
Set parking brake to ON.
Notify ATC with VHF 1.
Push all FIRE pushbuttons (engines and APU).
Discharge all fire agents (engines and APU).
Continued on the following page
For ditching:
Keep landing gear up.
For forced landing:
Arm ground spoilers.
Extend landing gear by gravity Refer to ABN-32 L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION.
At 500 ft AGL or below:
Order brace for impact.
For flare:
Touchdown should be made with minimum aircraft vertical speed, and for ditching target 11 °
pitch attitude.
At touchdown:
Set both engine master levers to OFF.
Shut down APU.
Apply Emergency Evacuation procedure: Refer to EMER-90 EMERGENCY EVACUATION.
Ident.: EMER-90-00005796.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Ident.: EMER-90-00005796.0002001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343) and (51805 or 51806)) or (330-200 and 51802))
Ident.: EMER-90-00013149.0001001 / 28 FEB 11 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Intentionally left blank
Landing Distance Determination in case of In-Flight Failure.................................................................................. B
FUEL - CTR TK XFR FAULT..................................................................................................................................A
FUEL - CELL NOT FULL........................................................................................................................................ B
FUEL - FUEL LO TEMP......................................................................................................................................... C
FUEL - APU AFT PUMP FAULT............................................................................................................................ D
FUEL - ABNORM MAN FWD XFR......................................................................................................................... E
FUEL - WING X FEED FAULT............................................................................................................................... F
FUEL - L (R) WING PUMPS LO PR...................................................................................................................... G
FUEL IMBALANCE..................................................................................................................................................H
FUEL GRAVITY FEEDING....................................................................................................................................... I
FUEL - ENG FEEDLINE BURST.............................................................................................................................J
FUEL - L (R) WING TK LO LVL............................................................................................................................. K
FUEL - L+R WING TK LO LVL............................................................................................................................... L
FUEL - FCMC 1+2 FAULT..................................................................................................................................... M
FUEL - OUTR TO INR FAULT............................................................................................................................... N
FUEL - T TANK XFR FAULT................................................................................................................................. O
FUEL - CTR TO INNER FAULT............................................................................................................................. P
FUEL - L+R CTR PUMPS LO PR..........................................................................................................................Q
TRIM TANK FUEL UNUSABLE.............................................................................................................................. R
FUEL LEAK..............................................................................................................................................................S
FUEL LOSS REDUCTION PROCEDURE...............................................................................................................T
HYD - G SYS LEAK................................................................................................................................................A
HYD - RSVR LO AIR PR........................................................................................................................................B
HYD - RSVR OVHT................................................................................................................................................ C
HYD - RSVR LO LVL..............................................................................................................................................D
HYD - G SYS LO PR..............................................................................................................................................E
HYD - B SYS LO PR.............................................................................................................................................. F
HYD - Y SYS LO PR..............................................................................................................................................G
Continued on the following page
AIR - ENG BLEED FAULT......................................................................................................................................A
AIR - ENG 1+2 BLEED FAULT.............................................................................................................................. B
AIR - X BLEED FAULT...........................................................................................................................................C
AIR - BLEED LO TEMP..........................................................................................................................................D
AIR - L (R) WING LEAK......................................................................................................................................... E
AIR - ENG BLEED LEAK........................................................................................................................................ F
AIR - APU BLEED LEAK........................................................................................................................................G
DOOR - FWD CABIN.............................................................................................................................................. A
DOOR - AVIONIC or BULK CARGO...................................................................................................................... B
DOOR - CABIN (MID or AFT)................................................................................................................................ C
DOOR - EMER EXIT...............................................................................................................................................D
DOOR - CARGO (AFT or FWD).............................................................................................................................E
TAIL STRIKE........................................................................................................................................................... A
OVERWEIGHT LANDING....................................................................................................................................... B
REJECTED TAKEOFF WITH ALL ENGINES OPERATIVE................................................................................... C
BOMB ON BOARD..................................................................................................................................................D
Ident.: ABN-GEN-00008347.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The procedures contained in this chapter have been established and are recommended by the
aircraft manufacturer.
The following important remarks apply:
1. These procedures give information related to system and operational requirements and cover the
actions to be followed in the case of failures that are not considered as emergency cases (these
cases are covered in EMERGENCY PROCEDURES chapter).
2. Only particular operations that are considered useful to highlight are presented. The procedures
that are considered to be “basic airmanship” are therefore not covered.
3. For a definition of LAND ASAP, Refer to GEN-DEF LAND ASAP Definition.
When actions depend on a condition, a black dot (•) or a black square (■) identifies this condition.
The black square is used when there is a choice between one or more conditions and only one is
These procedures are approved by the Airworthiness Authorities as acceptable procedures for
operation of the aircraft. This approval does not prevent the operator from developing equivalent
procedures provided these procedures are approved by appropriate operational authorities.
In case of discrepancy between procedures displayed on the ECAM and procedures stated in this
AFM, the AFM procedures always have precedence.
Unless otherwise specified in the procedures, the minimum speed to be used for approach and
landing is the VLS corresponding to the configuration requested by the procedure.
Note: VLS, when mentioned in a procedure, is the one corresponding to the configuration
requested by the procedure (e.g. if the procedure requests to use FLAPS 2, take VLS of
CONF 2).
Proceed as for takeoff with engine failure between V1 and V2 (Refer to ABN-OEI-TO Engine Failure
between V1 and V2). However, if the failure occurs above V2 it is recommended to maintain the
speed reached after recovery, or SRS commanded attitude. In any case, the speed must not be
below V2.
Ident.: ABN-OEI-LDG-00005377.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Disconnect the autopilot at touchdown or when the failure occurs during landing roll.
Note: Automatic approach, landing and rollout have been demonstrated in CONF 3 with one
engine inoperative before initiating the approach.
If failure occurs above 1 000 ft:
Select CONF 3.
If failure occurs between 1 000 ft and DH:
Go around if unsufficient visual references.
If failure occurs below DH:
Land if external visual references are sufficient.
Ident.: ABN-22-CATII-00008360.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Note: Automatic approach, landing and rollout have been demonstrated in CONF 3 with one
engine inoperative before initiating the approach.
If failure occurs above 1 000 ft:
Select CONF 3.
Revert to CAT III SINGLE minima.
If failure occurs between 1 000 ft and 200 ft:
Go around if visual references are not sufficient.
If failure occurs below 200 ft:
Continue the landing.
Note: A go-around must be performed if visual references are insufficient at 50 ft for CAT III
SINGLE or CAT III DH as appropriate.
Ident.: ABN-22-CATIIIDH-00008377.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: ABN-22-CATIIIDH-00008380.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: ABN-22-CATIIIDH-00008383.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: ABN-22-CATIIIDH-00008387.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: ABN-22-CATIIInoDH-00008401.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: ABN-22-CATIIInoDH-00008404.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: ABN-22-CATIIInoDH-00008409.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Note: 1. Wing anti-ice is inoperative. Refer to ABN-30 A.ICE - WAI SYS FAULT or OFF.
2. For communications, only VHF 2 or VHF 3, and ATC 2 are available.
Set ECAM DMC switching to 3.
Turn off GPWS.
Trim tank fuel is trapped, apply trim tank fuel unusable procedure.Refer to ABN-28 TRIM TANK
Note: Slats extend slowly.
Note: 1. Wing anti-ice is inoperative. Refer to ABN-30 A.ICE - WAI SYS FAULT or OFF.
2. Jettison is inoperative (if available).
Turn off GPWS flap mode.
Note: Flaps extend slowly.
Speed is limited to the VFE corresponding to the next more extended flaps configuration.
Refer to LIM-SPD VFE.
When speed below VFE:
Recycle flaps lever.
If unsuccessful:
Apply flaps locked procedure. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - FLAPS LOCKED.
Speed is limited to the VFE corresponding to the next more extended flaps configuration.
Refer to LIM-SPD VFE.
If flaps position below 3:
Use FLAPS 2 for landing.
Turn off GPWS flap mode.
If flaps position at 3:
Use FLAPS 3 for landing.
If flaps position above 3:
If flaps position below full:
Turn off GPWS flap mode.
Use FLAPS FULL for landing.
Apply necessary approach speed and landing performance corrections. Refer to ABN-27 Approach
Speed Increment and Landing Distance Correction.
Speed is limited to the VFE corresponding to the next more extended slats configuration.
Refer to LIM-SPD VFE.
When speed below VFE:
Recycle flaps lever.
If unsuccessful:
Apply slats locked procedure. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - SLATS LOCKED.
Speed is limited to the VFE corresponding to the next more extended slats configuration.
Refer to LIM-SPD VFE.
If slats position below 2:
Use FLAPS 2 for landing.
Turn off GPWS flap mode.
If slats position at or above 2:
Use FLAPS 3 for landing.
Apply necessary approach speed and landing performance corrections. Refer to ABN-27 Approach
Speed Increment and Landing Distance Correction.
The following graph gives information on compatibility between weight, maximum tire speed, and
maximum brake energy for landing in clean configuration.
Maximum tire speed: Refer to LIM-32 Tire Speed
Landing in Clean Configuration
Continued from the previous page Performance Limitation for Landing in Clean Configuration
‐ Tailwind: Substract 4 t (8 818 lb) per kt of tailwind
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Do not use speed brakes.
Use FLAPS 2 for landing.
Turn off GPWS flap mode.
Approach speed = VLS + 10 kt
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST)
If manual pitch trim available:
Use manual pitch trim to maintain elevator at zero position (indication on ECAM F/CTL page).
If manual pitch trim not available:
If stabilizer jammed at more than 8 ° UP:
Maximum speed: 180 kt.
Minimize speed variations.
Pitch authority is reduced. Start the flare slightly earlier. More stick deflection may be needed to
achieve the flare.
Use FLAPS 2 for landing.
Turn off GPWS flap mode.
Approach speed = VLS + 10 kt
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Ident.: ABN-28-00005132.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Do not open wing crossfeed valve.
Continue applying fuel gravity feeding procedure if not yet completed.
Confirm ENG START selector to IGN START.
Set affected thrust lever to idle.
Confirm affected pumps off.
If no engine relight after 30 s:
Set affected engine master lever to OFF.
At gravity feed ceiling:
Consider engine relight.
If engine relight unsuccessful:
Apply engine shutdown procedure. Refer to ABN-70 ENG - SHUTDOWN.
CAUTION Do not apply this procedure if a leak is suspected. Refer to ABN-28 FUEL LEAK.
Manually perform a fuel transfer from the center, outer and trim tanks.
If fuel imbalance:
If engine feedline not broken on both sides:
Open the wing crossfeed valve.
If engine feedline not broken on the opposite side and if both main fuel pumps are
operative in the opposite tank:
Turn off the fuel pumps of the affected side.
Manually perform a fuel transfer from the center, outer and trim tanks.
If engine feedline not broken:
Turn on all wing pumps.
If no fuel leak:
Open wing crossfeed valve.
If one engine feedline broken:
Turn on opposite side pumps.
Ident.: ABN-28-00005134.0002001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: 330-200
When required by the fuel leak procedure and if trim tank not empty:
Turn on center tank pumps.
Set center to inner tanks fuel transfer to MAN.
If trim tank not empty:
Set trim tank feed to AUTO.
Set trim tank mode to FWD.
When the trim tank is empty:
Set trim tank mode back to AUTO.
Set trim tank feed back to ISOL.
When the center tank is empty:
Set center to inner tanks fuel transfer back to AUTO.
If pressure fluctuates:
Turn off associated hydraulic and electric pumps.
If green hydraulic system affected:
Apply green hydraulic system low pressure procedure. Refer to ABN-29 HYD - G SYS LO
If blue hydraulic system affected:
Apply blue hydraulic system low pressure procedure. Refer to ABN-29 HYD - B SYS LO
If yellow hydraulic system affected:
Apply yellow hydraulic system low pressure procedure. Refer to ABN-29 HYD - Y SYS LO
Note: System may be recovered at low altitude.
Ident.: ABN-29-00005130.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: ABN-29-00005118.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: ABN-29-00005119.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Note: Wing anti-ice is inoperative. Refer to ABN-30 A.ICE - WAI SYS FAULT or OFF.
Ident.: ABN-30-00005410.0003001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (51790 or 54786))
Ident.: ABN-30-00008717.0002001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (51790 or 54786))
If all probes (STAT, AOA and PITOT) of one related channel affected:
Turn on probe and window heat.
If unsuccessful:
If non-related ADR on and operative:
Turn off one of affected ADRs.
If non-related ADR faulty or off:
If icing conditions expected:
Turn off one of affected ADRs.
Apply unreliable airspeed procedure. Refer to ABN-34 UNRELIABLE AIRSPEED
If all probes (STAT, AOA and PITOT) of one related channel affected:
Turn on probe and window heat.
If unsuccessful:
Turn off one of appropriate affected ADRs.
If icing conditions expected:
Turn off another one of appropriate affected ADRs.
Apply unreliable airspeed procedure. Refer to ABN-34 UNRELIABLE AIRSPEED
On ground:
Turn on brake fans (if installed).
Note: For parking, prefer chocks.
Delay takeoff for cooling.
In flight after takeoff:
Maximum speed: VLE/MLE.
If performance permits, keep landing gear down for cooling.
Ident.: ABN-32-00005378.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
In the case of malfunction, take over brake control with brake pedals. If green DECEL light
(corresponding to the selected mode) fails to illuminate, disarm autobraking and proceed as
circumstances dictate.
Ident.: ABN-32-00005379.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
If LGCIU 1 affected:
Turn off GPWS.
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Use ATT HDG switching as appropriate.
If an affected IR available in ATT mode:
Set affected IR mode to ATT.
If an affected IR not available in ATT mode:
Turn off affected IR.
If IR (1+3) inoperative:
Set ATC/XPDR to SYS 2.
If IR (2+3) inoperative:
Set ATC/XPDR to SYS 1.
Do not use speed brakes.
If CG above 32 %:
Manually perform a forward fuel transfer from the trim tank.
Note: If trim tank pump is not available, do not perform manual forward fuel transfer while
speed is at or below 270 kt or while in climb.
Ident.: ABN-34-00008668.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (204817 or 49193 or 55982))
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Set AIR DATA switching to CAPT ON 3.
Turn off ADR 1 and ADR 2.
For go-around, set thrust levers to TOGA.
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Set AIR DATA switching to NORM.
Turn off affected ADRs.
If ADR (1+3) inoperative:
If ADR (2+3) inoperative:
For go-around, set thrust levers to TOGA.
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Turn off all ADRs.
Use standby instruments.
Note: 1. Rudder travel limiter is inoperative. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - RUD TRV LIM FAULT.
2. Automatic cabin pressurization system is inoperative. Refer to ABN-21 CAB PR - SYS 1
+ 2 FAULT.
Extend landing gear by gravity. Refer to ABN-32 L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION.
Approach speed = VREF + 15 kt
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Note: Flight controls are in alternate law. Refer to ABN-27 F/CTL - ALTN LAW (PROT LOST) .
Use both PFDs and standby airspeed indicator to determine the faulty ADR.
Turn off faulty ADR.
For go-around, set thrust levers to TOGA.
Set crossbleed valve to auto.
Turn off then on both engine bleeds.
If no engine bleed reset successful:
Turn off both engine bleeds.
Turn off APU bleed.
Initiate a descent to the higher of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
Start APU.
Turn off PACK 2 if PACK 1 is operative.
Turn off wing anti-ice.
Avoid icing conditions.
When at or below FL 220 and APU available:
Turn on APU bleed.
If APU bleed available:
Turn on PACK 2.
Turn on both engine bleeds.
Turn off APU bleed.
If no engine bleed reset successful:
Turn on APU bleed.
Turn off PACK 2 if PACK 1 is operative.
Turn off both engine bleeds.
Maximum flight level: FL 220.
If APU bleed not available:
Continue descent to the higher of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
Turn off APU bleed.
When at or below FL 100 or MEA-MORA:
Turn on PACK 2.
Turn on both engine bleeds.
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page AIR - ENG 1+2 BLEED FAULT
If no engine bleed reset successful:
Turn off both engine bleeds.
Maximum flight level is the higher of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
When cabin differential pressure below 1 PSI:
Turn on RAM AIR.
If severe ice accretion:
Minimum speed: green dot.
If FLAPS above 0:
Minimum speed: VLS + 10 kt.
For landing:
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Close crossbleed valve.
Turn off engine 1 bleed.
Turn off then on engine 2 bleed.
If engine 2 bleed reset unsuccessful:
Turn off engine 2 bleed.
Turn off APU bleed.
Initiate a descent to the higher of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
Turn off wing anti-ice.
Avoid icing conditions.
When at or below FL 100 or MEA-MORA:
Turn on engine 2 bleed.
If engine 2 bleed reset unsuccessful:
Turn off engine 2 bleed.
Maximum flight level is the higher of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
When cabin differential pressure below 1 PSI:
Turn on RAM AIR.
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page AIR - ENG 1+2 BLEED FAULT
If severe ice accretion:
Minimum speed: green dot.
If FLAPS above 0:
Minimum speed: VLS + 10 kt.
For landing:
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Close crossbleed valve.
Turn off then on engine 1 bleed.
Turn off engine 2 bleed.
If engine 1 bleed reset unsuccessful:
Turn off engine 1 bleed.
Turn off APU bleed.
Initiate a descent to the higher of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
Start APU.
Turn off wing anti-ice.
Avoid icing conditions.
When at or below FL 220 and APU available:
Turn on APU bleed.
If APU bleed available:
Turn on engine 1 bleed.
Turn off APU bleed.
If engine 1 bleed reset unsuccessful:
Turn on APU bleed.
Turn off engine 1 bleed.
Maximum flight level: FL 220.
If APU bleed not available:
Continue descent to the higher of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
Turn off APU bleed.
Continued on the following page
Continued from the previous page AIR - ENG 1+2 BLEED FAULT
When at or below FL 100 or MEA-MORA:
Turn on engine 1 bleed.
If engine 1 bleed reset unsuccessful:
Turn off engine 1 bleed.
Maximum flight level is the higher of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
When cabin differential pressure below 1 PSI:
Turn on RAM AIR.
If severe ice accretion:
Minimum speed: green dot.
If FLAPS above 0:
Minimum speed: VLS + 10 kt.
For landing:
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Close crossbleed valve.
Turn off both engine bleeds.
Turn off APU bleed.
Initiate a descent to the higher of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
Turn off wing anti-ice.
Avoid icing conditions.
When at or below FL 100 or MEA-MORA and cabin differential pressure below 1 PSI:
Turn on RAM AIR.
If severe ice accretion:
Minimum speed: green dot.
If FLAPS above 0:
Minimum speed: VLS + 10 kt.
For landing:
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
Ident.: ABN-70-00005265.0005001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (((330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and 49632) or
((330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-223F or 330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and (56551 or
Attempt an immediate engine relight setting ENG START selector to IGN START and affected
engine thrust lever to idle.
If no engine relight after 30 s:
Shut down affected engine.
If engine damage:
Push relevant FlRE pushbutton and discharge AGENT 1 after 10 s.
Turn on both inner tank splits.
Check FQI to detect a possible leak.
If no evidence of a leak:
Turn off both inner tank splits.
If no engine damage:
Consider engine relight. Refer to ABN-70 ENG RELIGHT IN FLIGHT.
Ident.: ABN-70-00005267.0002001 / 20 FEB 17 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (56551 or 56729))
Set ENG START selector to IGN START.
If engine feedline not broken:
Monitor fuel imbalance.
If no fuel leak:
Turn off both inner tank splits.
Apply engine bleed fault procedure. Refer to ABN-36 AIR - ENG BLEED FAULT.
If engine 1 affected:
Apply blue hydraulic system low pressure procedure. Refer to ABN-29 HYD - B SYS LO PR.
If engine 2 affected:
Apply yellow hydraulic system low pressure procedure. Refer to ABN-29 HYD - Y SYS LO PR.
If engine 1(2) feedline broken and L(R) tank fuel required:
Manually perform a fuel transfer from the outer tanks.
During straight flight legs:
Fly with a bank angle of 3 ° wing down on the engine operative/lighter side.
Maintain heading by using the rudder.
Use rudder trim as necessary.
When fuel transferred:
Interrupt manual transfer.
Return to normal wing level attitude.
Use rudder trim normally.
Use FLAPS 3 for landing.
Apply necessary landing performance corrections.
For go-around, set thrust levers to TOGA.
Confirm engine status using other ECAM system pages (ELEC, HYD, BLEED).
If abnormal engine operation:
Shut down affected engine.
Confirm engine status using other ECAM system pages (ELEC, HYD, BLEED).
If abnormal engine operation:
Shut down affected engine.
Engage autothrust (if not already engaged).
At slats or landing gear extension, the engine is automatically set to idle.
Use FLAPS 3 for landing.
For go-around, set thrust levers to TOGA.
Engage autothrust (if not already engaged).
At landing gear extension, the engine is automatically set to idle.
Use FLAPS 3 for landing.
For go-around, set thrust levers to TOGA.
Ident.: ABN-90-00009202.0002001 / 09 JAN 17 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-200 and 204817) or (A330 and 204449))
Maximum flight level is the higher one of: FL 100 or MEA-MORA.
Ident.: ABN-90-00005383.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
If circumstances dictate, landing may be made at a weight corresponding to the maximum structural
takeoff weight.
If the overweight landing procedure follows a failure requesting to land in FLAPS 3 or
Use the requested FLAPS setting for landing.
For go-around:
Select FLAPS 1.
Otherwise :
If approach climb performance requirement is met in CONF 3:
Use FLAPS FULL for landing and select FLAPS 3 in case of go-around.
If approach climb performance requirement is not met in CONF 3:
Use FLAPS 3 for landing and select FLAPS 1 in case of go-around.
Note: 1. At this weight the maximum touchdown vertical speed should not exceed 360 ft/min.
2. Air conditioning should be turned off or supplied by APU.
3. Approach climb requirement must be checked.
Ident.: ABN-90-00005596.0001001 / 28 FEB 11 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Ident.: ABN-90-00005596.0002001 / 28 FEB 11 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200) and (51802 or 51805 or 51806))
Intentionally left blank
Takeoff Procedure................................................................................................................................................... A
Buffet Onset............................................................................................................................................................. A
Severe Turbulence...................................................................................................................................................B
Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)...........................................................................................................A
Inertial Reference System (IRS)..............................................................................................................................B
Integrated Standby Instrument System (ISIS)........................................................................................................ C
Windshear Warning and Guidance System............................................................................................................ D
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)............................................................................................ E
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM)..................................................................................................... F
Ident.: NORM-GEN-00005798.0001001 / 28 FEB 11 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The procedures contained in this chapter have been established and are recommended by the
aircraft manufacturer.
Only particular operations which are considered useful to highlight are presented. The procedures
which are considered to be “basic airmanship” are therefore not covered.
When actions depend on a condition, a black dot (•) or a black square (■) identifies this condition.
The black square is used when there is a choice between one or more conditions and only one is
These procedures are approved by the Airworthiness Authorities as acceptable procedures for
a convenient use of the aircraft. This approval does not prevent the operator from developing
equivalent procedures provided these procedures are approved by appropriate operational
Ident.: NORM-PFLT-00005799.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: NORM-PFLT-00005800.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Before each flight, recall all ECAM warnings by depressing RECALL pushbutton for at least 3 s and
check warnings are compatible with MMEL.
Ident.: NORM-PFLT-00005801.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
Ident.: NORM-TO-00005804.0002001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Ident.: NORM-FLT-00005806.0001001 / 02 JUL 10 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
At any flight conditions it is possible to determine maneuvering margins before buffet onset occurs,
by reference to the following graphs.
Example 1 (Weight in kg):
• Data:
‐ M = 0.82
‐ Flight Level = 350
‐ CG = 40 %
‐ Weight = 200 t
• Results: Buffet onset at
‐ M = 0.82 at 1.75 g
‐ Low Speed (1 g): M = 0.58
Example 2 (Weight in lb):
• Data:
‐ M = 0.82
‐ Flight Level = 350
‐ CG = 40 %
‐ Weight = 450 000 lb
• Results: Buffet onset at
‐ M = 0.82 at 1.70 g
‐ Low Speed (1 g): M = 0.58
Ident.: NORM-FLT-00005809.0002001 / 16 NOV 16 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F)
Ident.: NORM-LDG-00005810.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The minimum final approach speed is 1.23 VS1G of the landing configuration.
Set engine ignition as required.
Note: The flare height should be increased for landing at high altitude airports particularly with
high approach speeds or for approaches with increased glide slope or to uphill sloping
Ident.: NORM-LDG-00005812.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: NORM-LDG-00005813.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Autobrake may be used provided the available landing distance is compatible with the performance
of the associated selected automatic mode.
Its use does not relieve the pilot of the responsibility to achieve a safe stop within the available
runway length, if necessary by taking over brake control with brake pedals.
Disengagement of automatic braking system may be done either by firm action on the brake pedals
or by pressing the pushbutton of the armed mode.
All AP/FD modes may be used with or without autothrust, except if specified.
Autothrust may be used with or without AP/FD, in selected or managed speed/Mach.
Ident.: NORM-22-CONF-00008432.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Autopilot engagement is approved with use of SRS + (HDG, TRK, RWY, RWY TRK or NAV) modes
at or above 100 ft AGL and at least 5 s after liftoff.
Use of FD is approved in the same modes after the rotation.
The use of AP and/or FD with or without autothrust is approved in APPR modes (GS*, LOC*, GS,
Dual AP engagement is approved.
The use of AP with or without FD with or without A/THR is approved in APPR modes (GS*, LOC*,
Dual AP engagement is approved.
One engine may be inoperative.
Note: Compliance with CAT II approach criteria has been demonstrated with CAT II and CAT III
performance quality ILS beam only.
The use of AP with or without FD, with autothrust for CAT III and with or without autothrust for CAT II
is approved using APPR modes (GS*, LOC*, GS, LOC, LAND, FLARE, ROLL OUT) in CONF FULL
and CONF 3.
Dual AP engagement is approved.
Note: 1. CAT III DUAL approach is not available with one engine inoperative.
2. Compliance with CAT II and CAT III approach and landing criteria has been
demonstrated with CAT II and CAT III performance quality ILS beam only.
Ident.: NORM-22-CONF-00008438.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The use of AP and/or FD is approved with use of SRS + (GA TRK, HDG, TRK or NAV) modes.
Dual AP use is approved.
Maximum encountered wind during flight tests for CAT II or CAT III automatic approach or automatic
landing and rollout:
‐ Headwind: 37 kt
‐ Tailwind: 13 kt
‐ Crosswind: 23 kt
Ident.: NORM-22-NPA-00008439.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-300)
The final approach (FAF or FAP to runway or MAP), as extracted from the navigation database and
inserted in the primary F-PLN including altitude constraints, must not be modified by the crew.
Before starting the approach, the crew must check the lateral and vertical profile of the FMS
approach against the published approach chart.
Note: 1. For CAT II automatic approach, the autopilot should be disconnected at or before
80 ft if manual landing is intended.
2. For CAT III A automatic approach and landing, the autopilot may be disconnected at
touchdown if external visual references are sufficient.
3. A callout (indicating that a flight parameter is exceeded) must be made if:
‐ speed goes below VAPP –5 kt or above VAPP +10 kt
‐ pitch attitude goes below 0 ° or above +10 ° nose up
‐ bank angle goes above 7 °
‐ descent rate goes above 1 000 ft/min
‐ excessive LOC or GLIDE deviation occurs.
4. For CAT II approach climb performance, refer to FCOM Go Around Performance
chapter (Refer to FCOM/PER-GOA-GEN PROCEDURE).
5. Whenever the required landing distance for automatic landing is higher than
the required landing distance for manual landing, corrections to be added to
the required landing distance for manual landing (provided by the Performance
Engineer's Programs/AFM_OCTO at the latest approved revision reported in the
PERFORMANCE chapter of this AFM) are given in Automatic Landing Distance
Increment chapter (Refer to PERF-LDG Autoland Landing Distance Increment).
The required landing distance for automatic landing is calculated with the same
braking conditions as for manual landing (i.e. full pilot braking at main landing gear
touchdown) but with a lower multiplicative coefficient (1.15 instead of 1.66).
Ident.: NORM-22-PA-00008444.0001001 / 28 FEB 17 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-301 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200)
Ident.: NORM-22-PA-00008444.0002001 / 28 FEB 17 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200 or 330-200F) and (51802 or 51805 or 51806))
Ident.: NORM-23-00005817.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
For aircraft fitted with ACARS, use only VHF1 or VHF2 for communications with ATC.
Ensure IRS alignment is complete and all IR are in the NAV mode before the aircraft is moved.
When an IR is in the ATT mode:
Magnetic heading will drift after initialization in a manner similar to a directional gyro and requires
crew monitoring and periodic manual heading updates to ensure adequate accuracy.
Whenever the Integrated Standby Instrument System (ISIS) is used as the primary means for
indicating the basic parameters for aircraft piloting, do not use the Bugs pushbutton.
The aircraft configuration should not be changed before end of windshear conditions.
TCAS Traffic Advisory (TA) and Resolution Advisory (RA) modes can be used without any
restriction when operating within the certified limits of the aircraft flight envelope.
The TCAS complies with TCAS II change 7.1 Minimum Operational Performance Standards
(DO-185B MOPS).
For normal TCAS operation, select:
‐ Transponder: ON or Auto
‐ ALT report: ON
Select TA for:
‐ Dispatch with landing gear down
‐ Engine failure
‐ Operation near closely spaced parallel runway (less than 1 200 ft).
Maneuvers must not be based solely on information presented on the traffic display.
Compliance with a TCAS II RA is always required unless the pilot considers it unsafe to do so.
Compliance with a RA is required even if there is a conflict between the RA and an Air Traffic
Control (ATC) instruction to maneuver.
Go-around procedure must be performed when a RA "Climb" or "Increase Climb" is triggered on
final approach.
CAUTION Once an RA has been issued, safe separation could be compromised if current
vertical speed is changed, except as necessary to comply with the RA. This is
because TCAS II-to-TCAS II coordination may be in progress with the intruder
aircraft, and any change in vertical speed that does not comply with the RA may
negate the effectiveness of the other aircraft's compliance with the RA.
Note: Following a TCAS II "Clear of Conflict" advisory, the pilot should expeditiously return to
the applicable ATC clearance unless otherwise directed by ATC.
The following table gives the minimum equipment/functions required to begin RVSM operation.
Required Equipment/Functions Quantity
ATC Transponder 1
Flight Warning Computer (for ALTITUDE ALERT function) 1
Autopilot 1
PFD function (for altitude indication) 2
FCU (for altitude target selection and OP CLB/OP DES mode engagement) 1
Minimum Equipment/Functions Required to Begin RVSM Operation
Use main electrical power supply up to 41 100 ft.
In the case of APU TR not available use APU battery below 25 000 ft.
Air bleed extraction in flight: up to 22 500 ft.
Note: Air bleed extraction for wing anti-ice is not permitted.
Flight with APU removed is authorized in accordance with SIL 49-009 revision 7 (or higher).
Use main electrical power supply up to 41 450 ft.
In the case of APU TR not available use APU battery below 25 000 ft.
Air bleed extraction in flight: up to 22 500 ft.
Note: Air bleed extraction for wing anti-ice is not permitted.
Flight with APU removed is authorized in accordance with SIL 49-009 revision 7 (or higher).
Intentionally left blank
Aircraft Configuration............................................................................................................................................... B
Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind at Takeoff and Landing................................................................................. C
Speed Corrections................................................................................................................................................... A
Altitude Corrections..................................................................................................................................................B
Ident.: PERF-GEN-00005827.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
In compliance with airworthiness regulations, an aircraft is cleared to take off from any airport if the
weight allows it to achieve the takeoff, "en route", and landing performance included in this chapter.
Note: The performance and speeds of the lowest weight at which the Performance Engineer's
Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM module is able to give results can be considered as
valid from this weight down to the certified minimum weight.
The considered atmosphere is the international standard atmosphere.
Performance are related to VS1G.
Wind speed is measured at the height of 10 m (32.8 ft).
The results provided by the Performance Engineer's Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM module
must be used in conjunction with the gross weight, operational and environmental limitations given in
the LIMITATIONS chapter of this AFM.
Ident.: PERF-GEN-00005829.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: PERF-CAL-TO-00008443.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Lower than ± 20 ft
Ident.: PERF-CAL-CRU-00005837.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Lower than ± 20 ft
Ident.: PERF-CAL-LDG-00005839.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Lower than ± 2 kt
Ident.: PERF-CAL-LDG-00005840.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Lower than 10 ft
Ident.: PERF-TO-00005845.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
V1 is the highest speed at which the decision must be made:
‐ To continue the takeoff, or
‐ To stop the aircraft.
VR is the speed at which rotation is initiated to reach V2 before an altitude of 35 ft.
V2 is the takeoff safety speed reached before the altitude of 35 ft with one engine failed and
providing not less than the minimum second segment gradient (2.4 %).
Ident.: PERF-TO-00005846.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Extension to runway, adequate for deceleration of the aircraft in the case of aborted takeoff.
Area beyond the runway which can be taken into account for TOD calculation.
Sum of the TORA and the CWY available.
Length of runway available and suitable for the ground run of an aircraft taking off.
Sum of the TORA and the SWY available.
Distance covered from the brake release to a point at which the aircraft is at the 35 ft height (15 ft
height on wet runway). The TOD must not exceed the TODA.
Distance covered from the brake release to a point at which the aircraft is half of the segment
between the liftoff speed (VLOF) and 35 ft height (15 ft height on wet runway). The TOR must not
exceed the TORA.
Distance necessary to accelerate the aircraft to V1, reject the takeoff at V1 and come to a full stop.
The ASD must not exceed the ASDA.
Ident.: PERF-TO-00005847.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
For takeoff performance determination on dry and wet runways, the Performance Engineer's
Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM module at the latest approved revision must be used. Refer to
PERF-OCTO Performance Database.
CAUTION For takeoff performance on wet runways, the takeoff weight must be the lowest of
the computed one on dry runways and the computed one on wet runways.
Ident.: PERF-FLT-00008394.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
For en route net flight path (single engine cruise) performance determination, the Performance
Engineer's Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM module at the latest approved revision must be
used. Refer to PERF-OCTO Performance Database.
Note: If severe icing conditions are encountered, ice accretion may build up on non-heated
structure and therefore:
‐ The one engine inoperative net ceiling will be reduced by 2 500 ft.
The approach climb speed is at least 1.23 VS1G of the approach configuration, approach speed up
to 1.41 VS1G is permitted.
For approach and landing climb limiting weight determination, the Performance Engineer's
Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM module at the latest approved revision must be used. Refer to
PERF-OCTO Performance Database.
Note: When icing conditions are predicted during the flight and TAT is below 10 °C and there is
evidence of significant ice accretion, to take into account ice accretion on the non-heated
‐ Decrease the approach/landing climb limiting weight by 5 %
‐ The minimum approach speed is VLS + 5 kt
‐ For landing distance determination select ice accretion in the AFM_OCTO input data
The final approach speed (landing speed) is the minimum recommended speed at 50 ft height for
normal landing. It is equal to 1.23 VS1G of the landing configuration.
The landing distance represents the distance from the 50 ft height point to complete stop on a
smooth, dry, hard-surfaced runway. It is determined with brake pedals depressed at main landing
gear touchdown, and assumes the use of ground spoilers and antiskid. In normal operation, the
use of thrust reversers is recommended.
The Required Landing Distance (RLD) is the landing distance divided by 0.6 assuming the surface
is dry.
Under wet runway conditions, the Required Landing Distance (RLD) is increased by 15 %.
Ident.: PERF-LDG-00005854.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
When performing an automatic landing, the required landing distance on dry runways of this chapter
must be increased as follows:
Landing in CONF 3:
If glide slope between -2.85 ° and -2.5 °:
Landing distance increase: 85 m (280 ft).
Note: Increase by 15 % on foreseen wet runway.
Landing in CONF FULL:
If headwind above 25 kt:
For a weight at or below 165 t (363 763 lb):
Landing distance increase: 25 m (83 ft).
If glide slope between -2.85 ° and -2.5 °:
Landing distance increase: 100 m (329 ft).
Note: 1. Landing distance increase with headwind and landing distance increase with glide
slope are cumulative.
2. Increase by 15 % on foreseen wet runway.
Ident.: PERF-OCTO-00021429.0001001 / 22 AUG 17 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: PERF-OCTO-00005244.0017001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: 330-223
Takeoff, final takeoff, en route net flight path (single engine cruise), go-around and landing
performance are provided in the Performance Engineer's Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM
‐ At the revision 19.0 or higher using approved aircraft database reference AB223A03, or
‐ At the revision 22.0 or higher using approved aircraft database reference AB223C01, or
‐ At the revision 23.3 or higher using approved aircraft database reference AB223C02.
Note: 1. Only the PC version of this program is approved.
2. For extended flex temperature (optional: Mod 55212) performance computation, only the
approved database reference AB223C02 must be used.
3. Aircraft under Australian regulation must use approved database reference AB223C01 or
Launch PEP.
Ident.: PERF-OCTO-00005244.0044001 / 02 JUL 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 and PW4170)
Takeoff, final takeoff, en route net flight path (single engine cruise), go-around and landing
performance are provided in the Performance Engineer's Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM
‐ At the revision 27.0 or higher using approved aircraft database reference AB223E01.
Note: Only the PC version of this program is approved.
Launch PEP.
In addition to the aircraft performance database, the Complementary Performance Data File (CPDF)
provides complementary performance data. The CPDF is applicable to the A330 Family and
‐ Approved data and
‐ Not approved data.
Note: Only the approved version of the CPDF database is referenced in the AFM.
The performance data listed in the table below (i.e. Performance Data Column) requires the
approved Complementary Performance Data File (CPDF) to be used for aircraft operations.
Required version of PEP/AFM_OCTO
Approved CPDF Performance DataSee
FM module
CP330A01 V34 or higher
‐ Computerized performance
penalties in the case of ice accretion
CP330A02 V35 or higher
‐ Introduction of ice (cold and dry)
‐ Introduction of wet snow and dry
snow contaminants
(1) Only the performance data that is inserted between two successive CPDF files is listed. The most
recent version of the CPDF combines all the listed Performance Data.
Intentionally left blank
Limitations................................................................................................................................................................ A
Takeoff Performance............................................................................................................................................... B
Engine Management D04........................................................................................................................................C
Engine Management D08........................................................................................................................................D
Engine Management D12........................................................................................................................................E
Engine Management D16........................................................................................................................................ F
Engine Management D20....................................................................................................................................... G
Engine Management D24........................................................................................................................................H
Limitations................................................................................................................................................................ A
Engine Management Takeoff Thrust....................................................................................................................... B
Engine Management Maximum Continuous Thrust................................................................................................ C
Engine Management Go-Around Thrust................................................................................................................. D
Limitations................................................................................................................................................................ A
Engine Management Takeoff Thrust....................................................................................................................... B
Engine Management Maximum Continuous Thrust................................................................................................ C
Engine Management Go-Around Thrust................................................................................................................. D
Continued on the following page
Ident.: APP-NOI-00005206.0002001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-243 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343 or 330-200F)
No determination has been made by the EASA that the noise levels of this aircraft are or should be
acceptable or unacceptable for operation at, into, or out of any airport.
Noise levels shown in this supplement comply with EASA CS-36, JAR 36, 14 CFR (FAR) Part
36 Stage 4, and ICAO Annex 16 Chapter 4, noise requirements and were obtained by analysis
of approved data from approved noise tests. Identification of the maximum takeoff and landing
weights applicable to a particular aircraft is provided in the LIMITATIONS chapter of this AFM
(Refer to LIM-WGHT Weight Limitations).
Compliance with EASA CS-36, JAR 36, 14 CFR (FAR) Part 36, and ICAO Annex 16 included the
following procedures:
‐ An all-engine takeoff configuration 1 + F was used with a constant climb speed equal to the
all-engine operating speed at 35 ft, which is at least V2 + 10 kt and not greater than V2 + 20 kt,
with a thrust cutback procedure initiated prior to over-flight of the flyover noise control point, with
APU off, air conditioning system off, mid center of gravity and landing gear retracted
‐ Landing approach on a 3 ° glide slope, at a speed of VREF + 10 kt, was used with APU on,
air conditioning system on, forward center of gravity, landing gear extended and configuration
Ident.: APP-NOI-00008555.0090001 / 22 AUG 17 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (47218 and 47277))
Engines: Pratt and Whitney 4168A – 68 000 lb ideal sea level static thrust.
EASA CS-36, JAR 36, 14 CFR (FAR) Part 36 Stage 4, and ICAO Annex 16 Chapter 4 certificated
noise levels are determined by entering the following graphs at the maximum weights defined in
the LIMITATIONS chapter of this AFM (Refer to LIM-WGHT Weight Limitations).
Flyover Noise Levels
Ident.: APP-NOI-00008555.0089001 / 22 AUG 17 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (57168 or 58327))
Engines: Pratt and Whitney 4170 – 70 000 lb ideal sea level static thrust.
EASA CS-36, JAR 36, 14 CFR (FAR) Part 36 Stage 4, and ICAO Annex 16 Chapter 4 certificated
noise levels are determined by entering the following graphs at the maximum weights defined in
the LIMITATIONS chapter of this AFM (Refer to LIM-WGHT Weight Limitations).
Flyover Noise Levels
Ident.: APP-NOI-00008555.0040001 / 22 AUG 17 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (57227 or 58344 or 58956))
Engines: Pratt and Whitney 4168A or 4168A-1D – 68 000 lb ideal sea level static thrust.
EASA CS-36, JAR 36, 14 CFR (FAR) Part 36 Stage 4, and ICAO Annex 16 Chapter 4 certificated
noise levels are determined by entering the following graphs at the maximum weights defined in
the LIMITATIONS chapter of this AFM (Refer to LIM-WGHT Weight Limitations).
Flyover Noise Levels
Ident.: APP-INOP-00005139.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
This supplement is applicable to dispatch the aircraft with inoperative items affecting the certified
AFM performance.
The provision of performance data in this supplement does not constitute authorization to operate the
aircraft with the specified items inoperative.
Unless amended in this supplement, all the chapters of this AFM remain applicable.
Ident.: APP-INOP-00005537.0001001 / 02 JUL 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-223F or 330-301 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
For takeoff, en route net flight path and landing performance determination, the Performance
Engineer's Programs / AFM _OCTO approved FM module at the latest approved revision must be
used. Refer to PERF-OCTO Performance Database.
Select the relevant failure case in the SPECIAL CASES field of the input data for AFM performance
The following table summarizes all the permitted dispatch cases and gives the affected AFM
Dispatch Case Affected Performance
One or two pairs (surfaces 1 and 2) of spoilers
‐ Accelerate Stop Distance (ASD) and decision
inoperative in the retracted position
speed limited by max brakes energy
‐ Landing distance
ATA 27
Ground spoiler system inoperative
‐ Accelerate Stop Distance (ASD) and decision
speed limited by max brakes energy
‐ Landing distance
One or both engine de-icing valve in open position
‐ Takeoff Distance (TOD)
‐ Takeoff Run (TOR)
‐ Accelerate Stop Distance (ASD)
‐ First and second segments
ATA 30 ‐ Takeoff flight path
‐ Final takeoff
‐ En route net flight path
‐ Approach and landing climb
One brake inoperative on one or both main landing
‐ Accelerate Stop Distance (ASD) and decision
speed limited by max brakes energy
‐ Landing distance
ATA 32
One tachometer inoperative
‐ Accelerate Stop Distance (ASD) and decision
speed limited by max brakes energy
‐ Landing distance
Ground idle system inoperative
‐ Accelerate Stop Distance (ASD)
ATA 70 ‐ Landing distance
Ident.: APP-ETOPS-00005538.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: APP-ETOPS-00005539.0002001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (40314 or 40487 or 45435))
Maximum diversion time at planning may not exceed 180 min or 207 min on a case by case basis (as
per applicable regulations) at one engine cruising speed, under standard conditions and still air.
The time capability of the cargo fire suppression system is 260 min.
The time capability of all the other ETOPS significant systems exceeds 222 min.
Ident.: APP-ETOPS-00005541.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The procedures given in the EASA approved Airbus ETOPS CMP document are applicable.
In addition to diversion cases covered in EMERGENCY PROCEDURES and ABNORMAL
PROCEDURES chapters of this AFM (LAND ASAP, LAND ASAP and fire procedures),
diversion becomes mandatory during ETOPS in the case of:
‐ Only one generator (either one IDG, APU GEN or CSM/G) remaining available following
multiple failure, or
‐ Only one main generator (either one IDG or APU GEN) remaining available and low level or
low pressure or overheat on green hydraulic circuit.
Ident.: APP-ETOPS-00005542.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
For en route net flight path performance determination associated with the speed used for chosen
diversion procedure, the Performance Engineer's Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM module at the
latest approved revision must be used. Refer to PERF-OCTO Performance Database.
The following in-flight performance information are provided in the FCOM One engine inoperative
‐ Deterioration of performance due to ice accretion on non-heated structure
‐ Fuel flow.
Ident.: APP-DTO-GEN-00005543.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (43037 or 44629 or 45055))
Ident.: APP-DTO-LIM-00005544.0002001 / 02 JUL 10 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-243 or 330-243F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342 or 330-343) and (43037 or 44629))
Selection of full takeoff thrust by setting thrust levers at TOGA is not permitted when a derated
takeoff is performed.
The use of reduced thrust takeoff (flex takeoff) is not allowed in conjunction with derated takeoff.
The EPR control mode must be operative.
The use of derated takeoff is permitted whatever the runway condition (dry, wet or contaminated).
Ident.: APP-DTO-NORM-00005545.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (43037 or 44629 or 45055))
The applicable derate level (D04, D08, D12, D16, D20 or D24) must be entered in the MCDU prior to
Relevant derated takeoff thrust is obtained by setting throttle levers in the FLX/MCT detent.
Normal procedure for takeoff remains unchanged.
Ident.: APP-DTO-PERF-00005546.0001001 / 25 JUL 14 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (43037 or 44629 or 45055))
It is important that the flight crew considers all operational conditions before they make any decision
to perform either a derated takeoff or a reduced thrust takeoff (flexible takeoff). In most cases,
the flight crew should use reduced thrust takeoff because this type of takeoff ensures a higher
performance margin.
The use of derated takeoff thrust enables the flight crew to reduce the minimum control speeds,
and as a result may reduce the takeoff speeds on short and contaminated runways. Higher
performance-limited takeoff weights may therefore be achieved. However, during a derated takeoff,
the flight crew must not select TOGA thrust, except when requested in any abnormal or emergency
Ident.: APP-DTO-PERF-00005547.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (43037 or 44629 or 45055))
Ident.: APP-LGDN-00005556.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
This supplement is applicable to dispatch a revenue flight with the landing gear down and the landing
gear doors closed.
Unless amended in this supplement, all the chapters of this AFM remain applicable.
Ident.: APP-LGDN-00005557.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Ident.: APP-LGDN-00005558.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
The L/G DOWN VMO/MMO switch located in the avionic bay on 808VU must be set to L/G DOWN
Ident.: APP-LGDN-00005559.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
For takeoff, en route net flight path and go-around performance determination, the Performance
Engineer's Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM module at the latest approved revision must be
used. Refer to PERF-OCTO Performance Database.
Select the LANDING GEARS EXTENDED case in the SPECIAL CASES field of the input data for
AFM performance calculation.
Ident.: APP-TLWD-00005561.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (41757 or 44313 or 46281 or 46285 or 46468 or 47407 or 49794 or 52342 or 55240 or 55241 or 58852))
Ident.: APP-TLWD-00005562.0006001 / 25 JUL 14 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323) and 55241)
Ident.: APP-N1-GEN-00005564.0001001 / 16 APR 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342)
This supplement is applicable to dispatch the aircraft with both FADEC in rated N1 mode.
Unless amended in this supplement, all the chapters of this AFM remain applicable.
Ident.: APP-N1-LIM-00005565.0001001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342)
Ident.: APP-N1-NORM-00005566.0001001 / 16 APR 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323)
Ident.: APP-N1-PERF-00005567.0001001 / 16 APR 10 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 or 330-223F or 330-321 or 330-322 or 330-323 or 330-341 or 330-342)
For takeoff, en route net flight path and landing performance determination, the Performance
Engineer's Programs / AFM_OCTO approved FM module at the latest approved revision must be
used. Refer to PERF-OCTO Performance Database.
Select N1 mode in the SPECIAL CASES field of the input data for AFM performance calculation.
Ident.: APP-INTX-GEN-00005573.0008001 / 19 JUN 13 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and 201487)
This supplement is applicable to aircraft fitted with one Pratt and Whitney 4168A Titanium engine and
one Pratt and Whitney 4168A engine with Advantage 70 hardware or with performance kit (Kevlar
Unless amended in this supplement, all the chapters of this AFM remain applicable.
Ident.: APP-INTX-LIM-00005574.0008001 / 29 NOV 18 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (58914 and (201714 or 58815) and 55212))
Takeoff at reduced thrust is allowed only if the aircraft meets all performance requirements at the
takeoff weight, with the operating engines at the thrust available for the flex temperature.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is allowed with any inoperative item affecting the performance only if the
associated performance shortfall has been applied to meet the above requirements.
Note: Allowed inoperative items may be identified through DISPATCH WITH INOPERATIVE
ITEMS chapter of the AFM (Refer to APP-INOP General) or through MMEL.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is not allowed:
‐ On contaminated runways
‐ With FADEC intermixability between SCN11 and SCN10A.
The flex temperature must not be:
‐ Higher than ISA + 56
‐ Lower than the flat rating temperature or actual OAT.
Takeoff at reduced thrust is not allowed unless the operator establishes a means to verify the
availability of takeoff thrust, to ensure that engine deterioration does not exceed authorized limits.
Ident.: APP-INTX-PERF-00009717.0008001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-223 and 58914)
Ident.: APP-INTX-APP-00009720.0022001 / 22 AUG 17 APPROVED
Criteria: ((330-223 or 330-323) and (58914 or (201487 and 58344) or (201487 and 58956) or (201487 and 57227)))
Engines: Pratt and Whitney 4168A and/or 4168A-1D – 68 000 lb ideal sea level static thrust.
EASA CS-36, JAR 36, 14 CFR (FAR) Part 36 Stage 4, and ICAO Annex 16 Chapter 4 certificated
noise levels are determined by entering the following graphs at the maximum weights defined in
the LIMITATIONS chapter of this AFM (Refer to LIM-WGHT Weight Limitations).
Flyover Noise Levels
Ident.: APP-TAWS-00005590.0001001 / 25 JUL 14 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (46324 or 52992 or 53919 or 58449))
This supplement is applicable to aircraft fitted with the Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS)
T2CAS, or with TAWS T3CAS, or with Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS).
A list of areas where no terrain data are available along the scheduled route should be made
available to the flight crew.
Approval of TAWS predictive functions of T2CAS or T3CAS, or of EGPWS enhanced function is
based on the assumption that TAWS database (excluding Performance database) are compliant with
DO-200A DPAL2.
Unless amended in this supplement, all the chapters of this AFM remain applicable.
Ident.: APP-TAWS-00005591.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and (46324 or 53919))
Aircraft navigation is not to be predicated upon the use of the terrain display.
The terrain display is intended to serve as a situation awareness tool only, and may not provide the
accuracy on which to solely base terrain avoidance maneuvering.
The EGPWS database, display, and alerting algorithms currently do not account for man made
The EGPWS enhanced function should be inhibited (TERR pushbutton set to OFF on GPWS panel)
when the aircraft position is less than 15 NM from the airfield:
‐ For operations from/to runways not incorporated into the EGPWS database
‐ For specific approach procedures which have previously been identified as potentially producing
false terrain alerts.
Ident.: APP-TAWS-00005592.0002001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: (A330 and 53919)
The following procedures replace the GPWS procedures published in the NORMAL PROCEDURES
chapter of this AFM.
When a warning occurs:
Pull up using full back stick.
Apply takeoff thrust and climb until the warning ceases.
For enhanced function, in addition to climbing, a turning maneuver can be initiated after verifying
the aircraft position and if the crew concludes turning is the safest way of action.
Note: The EGPWS does not take account of specific aircraft configuration and climb
performance and a "pull up" maneuver on its own, for certain situations, may not ensure
terrain clearance.
Warnings may be considered cautionary during daylight VMC conditions provided the cause of
the warning can be identified immediately.
When a caution occurs:
Adjust the flight path/configuration so that the caution alert ceases.
Climb and/or turn as necessary based on analysis of all available instruments and information.
Intentionally left blank
Limitations................................................................................................................................................................ A
Performance Determination Method........................................................................................................................A
Performance Penalties Published in the Airplane Flight Manual MCDL Chapter................................................... B
Performance Penalties Calculated with AFM_OCTO Software.............................................................................. C
MCDL-23-01 Static Discharger
Static Discharger......................................................................................................................................................A
Illustration Static Discharger....................................................................................................................................B
MCDL-29-01 Ground Green Hydraulic Connection Access Door
Ground Green Hydraulic Connection Access Door.................................................................................................A
Illustration Ground Green Hydraulic Connection Access Door............................................................................... B
Continued on the following page
MCDL-32-03 Main Landing Gear Leg Door and Hinged Door Rubber Seal
Main Landing Gear Leg Door and Hinged Door Rubber Seal................................................................................A
Illustration Main Landing Gear Leg Door and Hinged Door Rubber Seal...............................................................B
MCDL-51-02 Passenger Door Scuff Plate
Passenger Door Scuff Plate....................................................................................................................................A
Illustration Passenger Door Scuff Plate.................................................................................................................. B
MCDL-53-01 "Dog House" Closing Panel
"Dog House" Closing Panel.....................................................................................................................................A
Illustration "Dog House" Closing Panel................................................................................................................... B
MCDL-54-01 Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Rubber Blade Seal
Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Rubber Blade Seal........................................................................................................... A
Illustration Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Rubber Blade Seal..........................................................................................B
MCDL-55-01 Slidelip of the Apron Fairing Parts
Slidelip of the Apron Fairing Parts.......................................................................................................................... A
Illustration of Slidelip of the Apron Fairing Parts.....................................................................................................B
Continued on the following page
MCDL-57-02 Winglet
Winglet..................................................................................................................................................................... A
Illustration Winglet....................................................................................................................................................B
Ident.: MCDL-GEN-INTR-00008851.0001001 / 17 MAR 17 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
Operation of the aircraft without certain secondary airframe and engine parts is possible as indicated
in this Master Configuration Deviation List (MCDL). Any part not included in this list must be
considered as necessary.
It is important to repair the aircraft at the first airport where repairs or replacements may reasonably
be made, since additional malfunctions may require the aircraft to be taken out of service.
Letter (m) associated to an item indicates that maintenance action is necessary to permit flight with
these parts missing. Refer to the related section of the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) for this
It is the Operator's responsibility to:
‐ Define the task sharing between the flight and maintenance crews
‐ Ensure that all maintenance procedures are performed.
When items require high-speed tape, the MCDL dispatch conditions are assessed considering that
the tape is in the correct position and in good condition. The Operator must use an appropriate
process to ensure that the dispatch conditions are satisfied. The Operator must define this process in
accordance with its specific operations.
Note: Unless otherwise specified in the MCDL item or in the relevant AMM task, a visual
inspection of the high-speed tape must be made at a regular interval that must not exceed 3
calendar days.
Note: 1. The sign “-” in “Quantity installed” column indicates that the quantity is variable.
2. The illustrations included in this MCDL are given only for information to facilitate location
of missing items and must not be considered as approved data.
3. Items numbering is used for item identification only. As a consequence it may appear
some gaps in the item numbering sequence of a given aircraft. In such a case,
completeness of the MCDL may be checked by referring to the LEDU.
Ident.: MCDL-GEN-LIM-00008852.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
No more than one part of one system may be missing except if otherwise specified. Parts of different
systems may be simultaneously missing, unless otherwise specified in this list.
When missing part introduces additional limitation(s), this limitation is indicated in the dispatch
condition of the item of this list. This limitation comes in addition to the ones of the LIMITATIONS
chapter of this AFM. This limitation must be clearly indicated by a placard on the pilot's instrument
When an MCDL dispatch condition refers to the MMEL, the minimum number of equipment required
for dispatch is the most limiting of the two documents.
There are two approved ways of determining the performance impact of CDL items missing:
‐ Using MCDL chapter of the AFM, or
‐ Using AFM_OCTO software.
The MCDL performance penalties associated to the missing items when published in this chapter
are envelope penalties. More accurate penalties can be determined by using AFM_OCTO software.
According to the operations, operators can select the most adequate method.
If no performance data are available in AFM_OCTO for a given item listed in this MCDL chapter, the
penalties published in this MCDL chapter must be used.
Performance penalties are cumulative unless specific penalties for particular combinations of missing
items are indicated.
These takeoff, en route and landing penalties apply to the most limiting corresponding weight.
If performance penalties are not indicated for removed items, no more than three of such items can
be missing without taking further penalty. If more than three of such items are missing together, the
following performance penalties are applicable per additional missing item:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 50 kg (111 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 120 kg (265 lb) (i.e. corresponding to a 60 ft
decrease of en route net ceiling).
The takeoff, approach climb and en route performance with MCDL items missing can be determined
by selecting the missing items in the “CDL item...” menu of the AFM_OCTO interface, using the
database given in PERFORMANCE chapter (Refer to PERF-OCTO Performance Database) of this
AFM associated to:
‐ the CDL DATA file at issue 6.0 or higher, using AFM_OCTO approved FM module at the revision
26 or higher, or
‐ the CDLA330.cdl file at issue 1 or higher using AFM_OCTO approved FM module at the revision
31 or higher.
Items for which no performance penalty is indicated in this MCDL chapter are referenced as
negligible items. Select the number of negligible items in the “CDL item...” menu to determine
performance impact when four or more of such items are missing.
CAUTION The most limiting performance between the one computed with items missing and
the one computed without item missing must be used.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable per missing inlet flap:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 343 kg
(757 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 680 kg (1 500 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 0.50 %.
When combined with MCDL item 21-02 (Refer to 21-02 Ram Air Outlet Flap) of the same
pack, the following performance penalties are applicable per affected pack:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 515 kg
(1 136 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 1 020 kg (2 249 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 0.72 %.
• Performance:
When combined with MCDL item 21-01 (Refer to 21-01 Ram Air Inlet Flap) of the same
pack, the following performance penalties are applicable per affected pack:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 515 kg
(1 136 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 1 020 kg (2 249 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 0.72 %.
• Performance:
The following performance penalty is applicable:
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 150 kg (331 lb).
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 170 kg (375 lb) per missing seal
‐ When two or more seals are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.13 % per
missing seal.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable per missing seal:
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 224 kg (494 lb)
‐ When two or more seals are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.17 %.
Refer to MCDL-27-07 Illustration Flap Blade Seal and Triangular Cushion Seal
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 27-07 Flap Blade Seal and Triangular Cushion Seal.
• Procedures:
Approach speed: VAPP + 5 kt
Landing distance: multiply by 1.08
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ When one filling is missing, takeoff performance limiting weight is reduced by 6 130 kg
(13 515 lb)
Note: This performance penalty is not applicable if the flight crew can check V2
greater than 1.15 VS1G.
‐ When both fillings are missing:
• Takeoff performance limiting weight is reduced by 10 540 kg (23 237 lb)
• V2 and VR are increased by 1 kt.
Note: These performance penalties are not applicable if the flight crew can check V2
greater than 1.16 VS1G.
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 170 kg (375 lb) per missing filling
‐ When both fillings are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.26 %
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ When two or more seals are missing, en route performance limiting weight is reduced
by 68 kg (150 lb) per missing seal
‐ When all seals are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.2 %.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 27-10 Inner Aileron Seal (Upper and Lower).
• Performance:
When both seals are missing, the following performance penalty is applicable:
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 136 kg (300 lb).
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 28-02 Refuel/Defuel Control Panel Access Door on Belly Fairing.
• Limitations:
Avoid forecasted thunderstorm condition.
Refer to MCDL-28-04 Illustration Fuel Pump Fairing
• Performance:
The following performance penalty is applicable:
‐ Takeoff performance limiting weight is reduced by 51 kg (113 lb).
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 29-01 Ground Green Hydraulic Connection Access Door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 29-02 Ground Blue Hydraulic Connection Access Door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 29-03 Ground Yellow Hydraulic Connection Access Door.
• Procedures:
If icing conditions expected:
Turn on engine and wing anti-ice (Refer to LIM-70 Operations in Icing Conditions)
Refer to MCDL-30-01 Illustration Icing Indicator
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 32-01 Center Landing Gear Door Ground Opening Access Door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 32-02 Main Landing Gear Door Seal.
32-03 Main Landing Gear Leg Door and Hinged Door Rubber Seal
Ident.: MCDL-32-03-00009030.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable per affected landing gear:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 62 kg (137 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 122 kg (269 lb).
Refer to MCDL-32-03 Illustration Main Landing Gear Leg Door and Hinged Door Rubber Seal
Ident.: MCDL-32-03-00009031.0001001 / 30 NOV 09 FOR INFORMATION ONLY
Criteria: A330
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 32-03 Main Landing Gear Leg Door and Hinged Door Rubber Seal.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 32-05 Nose Landing Gear Wheel Hubcap.
• Procedures:
Pull brake fan circuit breakers.
Monitor brake temperature and delay takeoff as appropriate.
• Performance:
Performance penalties for one tachometer inoperative are applicable (Refer to APP-INOP
Refer to MCDL-32-07 Illustration Main Landing Gear Debris Guard
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 32-07 Main Landing Gear Debris Guard.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 32-08 Nose Landing Gear Door Seal.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 33-06 Upper Anti-Collision (Beacon) Light Cover.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 33-07 Lower Anti-Collision (Beacon) Light Cover.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 52-02 Forward Cargo Loading Operation Control Panel Door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 52-03 Aft Cargo Door Control Panel Access Door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 52-04 Aft Cargo Loading Operation Control Panel Door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 52-06 Potable Water Drain Connection Service Door.
• Performance:
The following performance penalty is applicable:
‐ Takeoff performance limiting weight is reduced by 51 kg (113 lb).
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 52-09 Fuel Center Tank Water Drain Access Door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 52-11 Potable Water Forward Drain Panel Access Door.
• Performance:
When the aft panel is missing, the following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 120 kg
(265 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 238 kg (525 lb).
When the forward and aft panels are missing, the following performance penalties are
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 196 kg
(433 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 388 kg (856 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 0.29 %.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 52-12 Forward Cargo Door Access Cover Panel.
• Performance:
When the aft panel is missing, the following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 99 kg (219 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 198 kg (437 lb)
When the forward and aft panels are missing, the following performance penalties are
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 147 kg
(325 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 292 kg (644 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 0.22 %.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 52-13 Aft Cargo Door Access Cover Panel.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 86 kg (190 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 170 kg (375 lb).
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 52-14 Cabin Door Upper Cover Plate.
• Limitations:
VLO = 190 kt
VLE = 190 kt
Refer to MCDL-53-01 Illustration "Dog House" Closing Panel
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 170 kg (375 lb) per missing panel
‐ If both panels are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.26 %.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 69 kg (153 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 136 kg (300 lb).
• Performance:
The following performance penalty is applicable per affected seal:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 93 kg.
Refer to MCDL-54-01 Illustration Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Rubber Blade Seal
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 54-01 Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Rubber Blade Seal.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 54-02 Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Nozzle Seal Finger
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 54-02 Lower Aft Pylon Fairing Nozzle Seal Finger.
• Performance:
The following performance penalty is applicable per missing panel:
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 120 kg (265 lb).
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 55-01 Slidelip of the Apron Fairing Parts.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 51 kg (113 lb).
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 57-01 Underwing Plug for Jacking Point.
57-02 Winglet
Ident.: MCDL-57-02-00009117.0002001 / 25 JUL 18 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-201 or 330-202 or 330-203 or 330-223 or 330-243 or 330-302 or 330-303 or 330-323 or 330-343 or 330-200F)
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 17 150 kg
(37 810 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 1 768 kg (3 898 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 1.20 %.
Ident.: MCDL-57-02-00009118.0001001 / 30 NOV 09 FOR INFORMATION ONLY
Criteria: A330
57-04 Quantity installed
(m) Refer to AMM Task 57-56-00-040-801
One may be partially (aft fairing only) or completely (aft and forward fairing) missing.
Note: 1. When the forward part of the fairing is missing, the aft part must be removed.
2. When the aft part of the fairing is missing, the forward part may remain installed.
3. The forward part of fairing 4 on the right wing must remain in place (RAT location).
4. May be combined with the MCDL item 57-07 (Refer to 57-07 Cover on Flap Track
• Limitations:
Do not use jettison system (if installed) when fairing 4 is affected.
• Procedures:
Approach speed: VAPP + 5 kt
Landing distance: multiply by 1.08
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 5 240 kg (11 553 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 3.42 %.
– or –
57-04 Quantity installed
(m) Refer to AMM Task 57-56-00-040-802
One set of rear cover and tail cone may be missing on the same aft flap track fairing.
Note: 1. Rear cover and tail cone must not be missing separately.
2. May be combined with the MCDL item 57-07 (Refer to 57-07 Cover on Flap Track
Continued on the following page
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 2 450 kg (5 402 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 1.60 %.
57-05 Quantity installed
(m) Refer to AMM Task 57-41-00-040-801
If only inboard access panels are missing, all may be missing provided the hole is covered.
Note: May be combined with the MCDL item 57-07 (Refer to 57-07 Cover on Flap Track
– or –
57-05 Quantity installed
(m) Refer to AMM Task 57-42-00-040-801
If outboard access panels are missing, two may be missing per wing provided that the hole is
Note: 1. If inboard access panels are combined with outboard access panels, two may be
missing per wing and both maintenance tasks must be applied.
2. May be combined with the MCDL item 57-07 (Refer to 57-07 Cover on Flap Track
Refer to MCDL-57-05 Illustration Access Panel to Slat Actuator Overtorque Indicator Flag
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 57-05 Access Panel to Slat Actuator Overtorque Indicator Flag.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ When three or more seals are missing, en route performance limiting weight is reduced
by 40 kg (89 lb) per missing seal
‐ When 7 or more seals are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.03 % per
missing seal.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 57-08 Flap to Movable Flap Track Fairing Seal.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 88 kg (195 lb)
per missing door
‐ When both doors are missing, en route performance limiting weight is reduced by
122 kg (269 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 0.49 % per missing door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 71-01 Inlet Access and Pressure Relief Door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 71-04 Fan Cowl Pressure Relief Door.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ When 6 or more covers are missing, takeoff and approach climb performance limiting
weights are reduced by 9 kg (20 lb) per missing cover
‐ When 7 or more covers are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.03 % per
missing cover.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 441 kg
(973 lb) per missing item
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 308 kg (680 lb) per missing item
‐ When two or more items are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.13 % per
missing item.
Refer to MCDL-78-02 Illustration Reverser Blocker Door/Hinge and Blocker Door Link
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 78-02 Reverser Blocker Door/Hinge and Blocker Door Link.
Note: If only one nacelle is affected, the reverse thrust will be asymmetric.
78-03 Quantity installed
One cascade per engine (except number 2 and 5 on inboard side and number 5 on outboard
side) may be missing.
Note: The associated thrust reverser must be considered inoperative for performance
calculation (Refer to MMEL/MI-78-30 Thrust Reverser).
– or –
78-03 Quantity installed
(m) Refer to AMM Task 78-30-00-040-823
The following may be missing:
‐ Two cascades per engine (limited to one per thrust reverser half), or
‐ Only one cascade per engine if the affected one is number 2 or 5 on inboard side or number
5 on outboard side.
Note: The associated thrust reverser must be deactivated (Refer to MMEL/MI-78-30 Thrust
Refer to MCDL-78-03 Illustration Reverser Cascade
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable per missing fairing:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 221 kg
(488 lb)
‐ En route performance limiting weight is reduced by 154 kg (340 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 0.23 %.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ When two or more fairings are missing, takeoff and approach climb performance limiting
weights are reduced by 44 kg (98 lb) per missing fairing
‐ When all fairings are missing, en route performance limiting weight is reduced by
124 kg (274 lb)
‐ When all fairings are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.20 %.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ When two or more covers are missing, takeoff and approach climb performance limiting
weights are reduced by 44 kg (98 lb) per missing cover
‐ When all covers are missing, en route performance limiting weight is reduced by 124 kg
(274 lb)
‐ When three or more covers are missing, fuel consumption is increased by 0.09 % per
missing cover.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 78-06 Upper Pylon Hinge Access Cover.
• Performance:
The following performance penalties are applicable:
‐ Takeoff and approach climb performance limiting weights are reduced by 88 kg (195 lb)
per missing door
‐ When both doors are missing, en route performance limiting weight is reduced by
122 kg (269 lb)
‐ Fuel consumption is increased by 0.26 % per missing door.
For dispatch conditions: Refer to 78-23 Thrust reverser blocker door closeout
Intentionally left blank
Limitations................................................................................................................................................................ A
Aircraft Configuration............................................................................................................................................... A
Takeoff and Landing Performance.......................................................................................................................... B
Ident.: SPERF-CONT-GEN-00005593.0001001 / 26 NOV 09 APPROVED
Criteria: A330
This chapter of the AFM gives the performance information for operations on contaminated runways
and the conditions used for their establishment.
Any actual condition different from those listed in this chapter may lead to different performance.
Refer to SPERF-CONT-PERF Aircraft Configuration.
Ident.: SPERF-CONT-LIM-00005594.0001001 / 18 JAN 19 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F or 330-300)
Ident.: SPERF-CONT-PERF-00005850.0001001 / 18 JAN 19 APPROVED
Criteria: (330-200 or 330-200F or 330-300)
For takeoff and landing performance determination on contaminated runways, the Performance
Engineer's Programs/AFM_OCTO approved FM module at the latest approved revision must be
used. Refer to PERF-OCTO Performance Database.