Guidelines For The Import of Ornamental Fishes Into India: 1. Preamble
Guidelines For The Import of Ornamental Fishes Into India: 1. Preamble
Guidelines For The Import of Ornamental Fishes Into India: 1. Preamble
1. Preamble
The global trade of ornamental fishes including accessories and fish feed is estimated
to be worth more than USD 15 billion with an annual growth of 8%. Around 500
million fishes are traded annually by 145 countries, of which 80-85% are tropical
species. Domestic market for ornamental fish in India is much promising. At present,
the demand for quality tropical fish far exceeds the supply. The domestic market for
ornamental fishes in India is estimated at Rs 20 crores and the domestic trade is at
growing annual rate of 20%. Availability of considerable number of indigenous
ornamental fish of high value in the country has contributed greatly for the
development of ornamental fish industry in India. However there is a great demand
for exotic fishes due to its variety of color, shape, appearance, etc. It has been
estimated that more than 300 species of exotic variety are already present in the
ornamental fish trade in India and still there is great market demand for exotic fishes.
Introduction of exotic aquatic species will have some impacts like genetic
contamination, disease introduction and ecological interaction with possible threat to
native germ plasm. In the wake of trade liberalization under World Trade
Organization (WTO) Agreement, India is required to equip itself and to minimize the
ecological and disease risk associated with the likely increase in species introductions.
Out break of exotic disease in many cases can be traced to movement of exotic fish
into new areas: examples are Koi herpes virus disease and Epizootic ulcerative
syndrome. With expected increase in the international trade in ornamental fish and
other products in coming years there is likelihood of increased negative impact on
native fauna. In this contest it is absolutely necessary to make guidelines and
regulations for introduction of exotics aquatic ornamental animals for effective
control and management of species introduction.
4.3.In case male and female of the species have different phenotypic character,
photograph of both sexes should be included.
4.4.The import permit issued
• Shall be valid for six months from the date of issue.
• Shall not be transferable.
• No amendments to the permit shall be issued.
• The issuing authority might consider one revalidation not exceeding maximum
of three months provided such request for extension of validity is made to the
issuing authority before the expiry of the permit with adequate justification.
5. Import of fish shall be allowed only through designated seaports/airports. (Given in
Annexure III)
6. Packaging and Transport
6.1. The packaging shall facilitate easy inspection of the consignment by the
Quarantine Officer at the port of entry.
6.2. The ornamental fish to be imported must be packaged in leak-proof bags, each
bag containing only one species, must not be exceeded the standard stocking density.
The bag must be transparent to enable proper inspection and identification of the
aquatic animals and must not contain any extraneous matter, unapproved plant
material, pests or unauthorized species.
6.3. Each bag must be placed within polystyrene boxes or cartons fitted with a plastic
inner lining. Each box or carton must be clearly identified with label mentioning name
and number of fish species and identification number of each box/carton. In case, any
sedative/anesthetic has been used during transport, it should be clearly mentioned in
the packaging list.
6.4. Documents accompanied: The consignment must be accompanied by relevant
documents including case history paper and photograph of species, copy of import
permit, copy of quarantine certificate and other documents issued by the transport
authority of exporting country.
6.5. Importer must make all reasonable efforts to expedite the clearance of the
consignment and its transport to destination.
6.6. Trans-shipment: In case of trans-shipment the consignment should be held in a
sterile area of the trans-shipment point.
7. Quarantine
7.1. Every species of ornamental fish imported into the country shall have to be
subjected to the quarantine procedures in a quarantine facility accredited by the
Competent Authority.
7.2. The imported ornamental fish shall be accompanied by an import permit issued
by the Ministry of Agriculture along with pre-quarantine certificate issued by the
competent authority of exporting country stating that the farm (from where the
consignment is exported) is covered under their national aquatic animal health
surveillance or a pre-quarantine certificate showing status of OIE and NACA listed
diseases (Annexure IV) of the farms and exporting country.
7.3. On arrival of the consignment, accompanying pre-quarantine certificate should be
verified and imported species should be rechecked at the quarantine facility and
certificate of quarantine would be issued by designated authority.
7.4. Upon clearance from the port of entry, the consignment shall be transferred
immediately to the accredited quarantine facility as indicated in the letter of permit
(Format is given in Annexure V).
7.5. On receipt of consignment at quarantine facility, the species should be subjected
to quarantine protocol prescribed for particular species.
7.6. The imported fishes would undergo quarantine in approved quarantine premises
as follows.
a) Gold fish – 21 days.
b) Other ornamental fishes – 15 days
7.7. After satisfactory completion of quarantine, the consignment should be released
to the importer with quarantine certificate.
7.8. Direct sale of imported broodstocks in the domestic market shall not be allowed
and only F1 and F2 progeny shall be released for domestic or international market.
Indicative List of ornamental fishes to be considered for import
(At present only two ports designated for import and this may increase later
such as Kolkatta, Kochi and Delhi)
Annexure IV
OIE listed aquatic animal diseases (OIE, Code 2012)
Diseases of fish
Diseases of mollusks
Diseases of crustaceans
Name and address of the company
I am directed to refer to your proposal/application (Ref. No…&.date) regarding
permission for import of live ornamental fishes and to convey the approval of this
Ministry for import of the following ornamental fishes by you/ your company from
(Name of the exporting country) as per the description and quantity mentioned in the
table below subject to the conditions as contained in the enclosed Guidelines for
import of ornamental fishes.
The permission is granted for a period of one year from the date of issue of the
import license by the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). The approval is not
transferable and no amendments to the approval shall be issued.
This issues with the approval of the Chairman of the National Committee for
Introduction of Exotic Aquatic Species in Indian Waters.
Yours faithfully,