Effect of Communication On Nurse - Patient Relationship PDF
Effect of Communication On Nurse - Patient Relationship PDF
Effect of Communication On Nurse - Patient Relationship PDF
Findings: The study revealed that majority of the o f the psychosocial aspects o f p atie n t care are
nurses do not have detailed knowledge about nurse m ore effective in com m unicating w ith parents
- patient communication due to constraints/ barriers
and attending to th e ir psychosocial needs.2
(inadequate nursing staff, poor remuneration of
nurses, increased workload, poor infrastructure and Despite e ffo rts to im m ediately access
equipment) but nurses participate most in nursing inform ation, com m unicate instantaneously,
care at the planning and implementation phase. and strive fo r more efficiency throu g h
Implication for practice: The present practice of
fundam ental and technological advances,
nursing requires adequate continuous education on
current related nursing courses especially therapeutic there are grow ing concerns th a t inform ation is
nurse-patient communication, graduate, and post being shared b ut less is com m unicated.
graduate degrees. Government/ Agencies should
ensure adequate provision and remuneration of
S ta te m e n t o f Problem
nursing staffs, supply, and maintenance of standard
A good nurse - patient relationship requires
equipment and infrastructure and subsidizing medical
bill with prompt medical services. effective com m unication between the patient
and the nurse. Nurses exhibit lapses in the
KEYWORDS: Communication, Nurse, Patient, course o f com m unicating w ith th e ir patients,
Relationship, Effect
such as:
Thus, the need to find out the effect communication R E VIEW OF LITERATURE
has on nurse-patient relationship. According to Peplau3, Communication is an
interpersonal process involving the selection
Objectives of the Study of symbols or concepts that go someway
1) To evaluate the knowledge of nurses on towards developing a common understanding.
Significance of Study
Elem ent o f C om m unication
The practice of nursing is a critical factor influencing The S e n d e r/E n c o d e r/S p e a k e r is the
the quality of patients' care in health facilities and person who initiates the communication
communities. In nurse - patient relationship, process by clearly stating the message with a
communication involves more than transmission of certain intention in m ind.6, 7- 8' 9 The
the receiver gives feedback to the sender after the Interpersonal, intrapersonal or group), written (e.g.
message has been communicated. 6,8,and9 Letters, faxes, email, reports, memo etc) and non
verbal (e.g. smile, touch, wave, etc) with each
Medium of communication could be verbal, written, or following its set of rules and regulation . 6,8,9,10
n on-verbal. It could be ve rb a l/o ra l (e.g.
The C
v yom
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H i , 0 i PfiM
v v wt rr rf n
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S tag es o f Communication
These are: Sender, Message, Encoding, Channel, Receiver, Decoding, and Feedback9,11.
In nurse - patient relationship, communication level, use of health care jargons, distance,
simultaneously. The nurse-patient interaction suggest that nurses do not communicate well
requires all the nurse's senses, attention, interest, because of the organisational culture . 21
facilitating healthy nurse- patient relationship. 11,15 muddled message, wrong channel, faulty
Nurses do not communicate well with patient and transmission etc.22,23, and 24 Hence, criticism of
nurses' communication may be unrealistic as
approach patients only to deal with administrative
no benchmark for effective nurse - patient
or functional activities. 16,17
communication currently exists . 2 3 ,25
patient, develop cultural competency, provide National Orthopaedic Hospital Igbobi, Lagos.
motivational counselling, demonstrate Structured questions were adopted to collect
empathy and compassion and evaluate the information from respondents on the variables
effectiveness of personal interaction.7,8' 16,19, of interest. Data were collected from nurses
and in-patients using self administered
Communication, Critical Thinking, structured questionnaires which consist of two
Nursing Process, and Documentation sections: demographic data of the
Effective communication and critical thinking respondents and communication data of the
refers to the vigilance that nurses must use in respondents (in three subsections: data for
nurses only, data for patients only and data Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. It is
for both nurses and patients). a World Health Organization Collaboration
Ethical permission to undertake the study was Centre. It is a specialty training and research
obtained from the Nursing Department of centre. It serves all the inhabitants of the
NOHIL, and same granted. The subjects' twenty Local Governments and thirty-seven
consent was sought verbally, they were Local Council Development Areas of Lagos
treated with utmost confidentiality, and they State and other states of the country. It
cooperated with the researcher. consists of sixteen wards and 250 nurses'
staff strength. The care facility is a 450
A total of 160 questionnaires were bedded setting for the in-patient and out
administered (80 questionnaires for nurses patient department where discharged patients
and 80 questionnaires for in-patients). 160 and those in need of outpatient care are
Questionnaires were analysed using Statistical cared for.
Package for Social Science Software (SPSS) Sampling Technique: Stratified random
9th Edition. technique was used to select the respondents
with questionnaires distributed into most of
Study Setting: National Orthopaedic Hospital
Igbobi is located within Yaba Local the in-patient wards (excluded Intensive Care
and Burns Unit).
Lois Capps
characteristics of both nurses and patients. The medical bill and prompt medical services
enhance good nurse-patient relationship, 36
distribution of age showed that the respondents
(22.5%) believed provision of adequate
were aged between 15 and 75 years and only
nursing staff will while 33 (20.6%) believed
6.9% were 61 - 75 years. Seventy-three
supply and maintenance of standard
(45.6%) respondents were undergraduates and equipment and infrastructure will.
(33.1%) cultural barrier. This shows that environmental factor such as expensive and
delayed medical services, inadequate nursing
language and culture are barriers of nurse -
staff, inadequate equipment, etc.
patient relationship. 31.2% of the nurses
claimed time influences their interaction with Thirty-five percent of the nurses declared they
patients and 23.8% of the nurses indicted space participate most in the implementation phase
and distance while 36.2% of the patients claimed when nursing their patients and 20% of
nurses alluded to the planning phase. This
nurses' attitude influences their interaction with
shows that nurses participate most in the care
nurses and 28.8% of the patients claimed
of their patients during the planning and
environmental factor. implementation phases.
Table 2 shows the socio-demographic patients while 23.7% of the patients disagreed.
characteristics of the patients. Twenty-six of 28.7% of the patients agreed that nurses
the patients claimed the quality nurses exhibit always listen attentively to their patients while
most is non-challant attitude and 25% claimed 21.3% of the patients strongly disagreed.
empathy. Thirty-eight of the patients agreed Thirty-one of the patients strongly disagreed
that nurses always initiate conversation with that nurses see situation from patients' view
and 22.5% disagreed. Twenty-six of the The socio-demographic data show that time
patients strongly disagreed that nurses have and culture influence nurses' interaction with
good interpersonal relationship with patients patients, nurses' attitude and environmental
and 26.2% disagreed. Twenty-seven of the factors influence patients' interaction with
patients agreed that nurses' touch on the nurses and nurses participate most in nursing
patients promote healing and 37.5% strongly care at the planning and implementation
agreed. Thirty-five o f the patients disagreed phases. This is in line with Hodges e t.a l who
stated that nurses do not communicate well
that nurses give them feedback on
with patients and approach patients only to
conversation being made and 22.5% strongly
deal with administrative and functional
activities. The study revealed that factors that
can enhance good nurse-patient
This shows that nurses always initiate
communication are subsidizing medical bill with
conversation with their patients, listen
prompt medical services and provision of
attentively to their patients but do not see
adequate nursing staff. This finding concurs
situation from patient's view and do not give
with Chant ef.a/who stated that nurses do not
feedback to their patients. Hence, patients
communicate well with patients because of
believe that nurses' touch on them promotes
organizational cultures.
healing but nurses display non-challant attitude
and do not have good interpersonal On attitude of nurses towards patients, the
relationship with patients. study showed that nurses' exhibit non-challant
attitude resulting into no cordial interpersonal
relationship between nurses and their patients.
This finding concurs with Crotty who stated
The socio-demographic data showed that
that communication that is not patient-centred
majority o f the nurses are either diploma
can adversely affect the development of a
holders or undergraduates and most of their
positive nurse-patient relationship that is
patients are learned; this reveals that nurses
essential for the provision of quality care. The
must have been taught and trained on Peplau's
finding also shows that nurses initiate
theory. The outcome o f this study reveals that
conversation with patients, do not always listen
language and culture are barriers o f nurse-
attentively to their patients, and do not see
patient communication. This is in line with
situation from patients' view.
Kneisl who stated that use o f certain words and This is contrary but essential to what Baker S.K.
expression can render communication stated that nurses need to be aware of their
ineffective and Kaul, cultural differences in personal communication style in patient's
communication transcend spoken language. interaction and willingness to modify that style
profession, but the present practice of nursing registered nurses towards proficient
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elem ents o f style : A style o f g e nder care. The American Journal o f Maternal
21. Chant SBA, Jenkinson T, Randle Jet satisfaction with nursing care.
al. Communication skills: Some Nursing Standard. 1996;10:34-38.
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