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Global School

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Contact :

Email: isc.mobility@sjtu.edu.cn
Program Overview Eligibility

A. Students from overseas, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao must be enrolled as undergraduate or
graduate students prior to applying for this program.
B. Students from non-English speaking countries should provide an English language proficiency
SJTU welcomes undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world to certificate. Either an IELTS no less than 6.0, TOEFL no less than 79 points or TOEIC no less than 800
study in Shanghai, one of the most dynamic cities in China this summer. points. If you are studying a full English taught program, please provide the relevant certificates.
Enhance your academic credentials, advance your career, or explore an interest. C. Other prerequisites may be required by each course.

The 2018 Global Summer School provides excellent opportunities for students to learn about
China through academic and cultural immersion during the summer. A wide range of courses in
various disciplines are provided, including Public Policy and City Governance, Traditional Chinese
Application Process
Medicine and Culture, Future Green City, and Discovering Chinese Creativity, each of which will
be accompanied by Chinese language courses for both beginners and intermediate learners.
Create ID and Complete Online Receive the result payment
In addition to academic lectures, local excursions, cultural activities and field trips are also password Application within two weeks (By May 29)
available for International participants. From these extracurricular activities, students will learn (By April 30) after completing
more about Chinese culture, history, politics and the latest developments. Here is a chance to your applicaiton
experience Chinese culture firsthand and to make friends from China and all around the world.

Join us this summer and discover how SJTU can help you realize your potential! A. Please apply on the following website :
The following items must be uploaded to the online application:
• Scan of the identity page of the student’s passport. The passport must be valid for at
least 6 more months for the visa application.
• ID photo(Similar to a passport photo)
• Curriculum vitae (CV)
• Motivation letter
• Language proficiency certificate (If available)
B. Applicants can only attend one course across the program.
C. Regarding free placements for applicants from university-level exchange partners, please contact
the International Office of your home university for detailed information.

Course schedule

A. Lectures will be held in the morning and field trips or company visits will be arranged in the
afternoon from Monday to Thursday. The Chinese language and culture course will be conducted
every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. There are no classes on Friday.
B. If the number of participants is less than 20 students, the course will be canceled. If this is the case,
students will be notified on the website by the 1st of May, 2018. Students have two choices when
filing the online application, if the first is canceled , the applicant will be automatically reassigned
to the second course.
C. Please check our website for the updated version of the schedule of each course.

Global Summer School 01

In addition to the excellent lectures, you will also receive the following when joining
the program:

> Airport pickup service

> Welcome reception
Refund Policy
> Cultural show
**The application fee is non-refundable.
> Filed trip
> Cultural experiences
Withdrawal is defined as the dropping of an entire academic program. All students who drop
> Integration with local students
their academic program before May 29,2018 will not be charged. 1

Cancelation date Remarks

By May 29,2018 Full refund
By July 13,2018 50% refund
Session A: 2 Credits
After July 13,2018 No refunds
Session B: 3 Credits

You will be notified of the result through via our website and email within two weeks of
completing the application.
Important Dates

Session A Session B
Duration 2018.7.11-2018.7.26 2018.7.11-2018.8.3 Accommodation
Application period 2017.12.1-2018.4.30 2017.12.1-2018.4.30 The 2018 Global Summer School will be conducted at two campuses: Xuhui and Minhang.
Application deadline 2018.4.30 2018.4.30 Students are able to choose on-campus accommodation dependent on the location of the
Registration & 2018.7.11 2018.7.11 course.
Dormitory check-in 8:00am-4:00pm 8:00am-4:00pm
Welcome reception 2018.7.12 2018.7.12
Room reservations should be made online at dorm.sjtu.edu.cn and the accommodation fee
Courses begin 2018.7.13 2018.7.13
should be paid online.
Courses end 2018.7.26 2018.8.3
Dormitory check-out 2018.7.27 2018.8.4
8:00am-4:00pm 8:00am-4:00pm More detailed information regarding the accommodation reservation will be released once
you have been admitted to Global Summer School .

Fees For more information, please contact International Student Service Center
Minhang Campus: issc_minhang@sjtu.edu.cn +86-21-34203955
Session A Session B Xuhui Campus: issc_xuhui@sjtu.edu.cn +86-21-62933305
Application fee RMB 400(USD 60) RMB 400 (USD60)
Tuition fee RMB 5000(USD 760) RMB 7500 (USD 1130)
Total RMB 5400(USD 820) RMB 7900(USD1190)
Payment deadline 2018.5.29 2018.5.29

The culture trip fee is not included in the tuition fee.

1 All cancelation requests must be sent to isc.mobility@sjtu.edu.cn.

02 SJTU Global Summer School 03

SJTU will provide students with JW 202 and admission notice. Applicants should bring the visa paperwork,
admission notice, JW 202 form and a valid passport to the local Chinese embassy or consulate to apply for a
short term student visa (usually the visa type “X 2”). Those who are already in China need to submit a copy
of the visa page, residence registration notice and the above application documents to the PCB in Shanghai
after registering at SJTU.
The JW 202 form and the admission notice will be sent to the applicant via an international courier within
two weeks after April 30 , 2018.
* If you are a local student from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, you do not need the JW202 form.

Students who plan to attend this program should obtain insurance prior studying in China. Each student
needs to present the insurance certificate to the administrative staff on the registration day.

Transcript SESSION A
Official transcripts will be sent out in September to the mailing address you indicated in the application.

Students who wish to transfer credits need to obtain pre-approval from the relevant authorities at their
home universities. TOPIC 1: S021 Outlook of Future Techniques in Aerospace Engineering
TOPIC 2: S022 China’s Public Policy and City Governance
TOPIC 3: S023 China’s Policy on Climate Change, Energy and Environment
An official certificate will be issued to the student who completes the course by the University. TOPIC 4: S024 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Culture
TOPIC 5: S025 Strategic Design for the Enhancement of Architectural, Urban,
Environmental Resources
Email: isc.mobility@sjtu.edu.cn TOPIC 6:S026 Green City Green Future
Website:http://summerprogram.sjtu.edu.cn/ TOPIC 7:S027 Discovery China
TOPIC 8:S028 Learning Business and Culture in China


TOPIC 9: S031 Discover Chinese Culture Through Creative Drama

TOPIC 10: S032 Green Technology for Environmental Pollution Control

04 SJTU Global Summer School 05


University-enterprise cooperative curriculum- field trips to an aero-engine testing platform, engine assem-
bly laboratory, research center of civil aircraft flight Testing at COMAC and AECC;

The resources at a world-class University- the world’s top faculty; real-time remote teaching classroom and

remote laboratory; SJTU Qian Xuesen library & museum;

By the end of this 2-week study experience, students should have basic knowledge and understanding of

Outlook of
the rich history, flourishing present and bright future of aerospace science and technology development.

Future Techniques Instructors

in Aerospace Engineering Prof. Bei Lu

Email: beilu@sjtu.edu.cn

Bei Lu is a professor at the School of aeronautics parameter-varying control of n onlinear systems

Duration: Campus: and astronautics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and application of advanced control and optimiza-
2018.7.11-2018.7.26 Minhang (SJTU), China. Before joining SJTU in 2017, she was tion techniques to aerospace, mechanical and
(2 weeks) a professor in the department of mechanical and electromechanical engineering problems. She has
aerospace engineering at California State Universi- published 1 book, Modeling and Analysis of
ty Long Beach, where she has served as a faculty Dynamic Systems, 2nd edition (CRC Press, 2014)
member since 2005. She received her BS and MS and nearly 40 research papers in high-quality
degrees in power and mechanical engineering engineering and scientific journals such as the
from SJTU in 1996 and 1999, respectively, and a AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics,
Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,
Course Description North Carolina State University in 2004. Her main Automatica, Systems and Control Letters, etc. and
research interests include robust control, linear international conference proceedings.
This course aims to introduce aerospace engineering innovation in China to participants and further to the world,
including the history, development, current status and the future of Chinese and Shanghai, including the culture of
China and Shanghai. The goal is to establish an “international trends, global demand, Chinese strategy, Shanghai
strength, and SJTU brand”.

In particular, participants will learn the basics of aerospace engineering through lectures and aerodynamic demon-
strations and experiments in a lab setting. Students will explore the field of aerospace engineering, touring SJTU Assessment
research labs and learning how experimental data is collected in different research fields in aerospace engineering. Class test: 50%
Various experiments will be conducted on plane models. Students will also design, build, and test models utilizing Active class participation: 50%
their newly acquired aeronautical engineering knowledge. They will also interact with our brilliant faculty, graduate
researchers, and undergraduate students in the field. Contact
Program Director: Prof. Xingqun Zhan (xqzhan@sjtu.edu.cn)
Program Coordinator: Ting Dong (dongting2009@sjtu.edu.cn)

06 SJTU Global Summer School 07


China’s Public Policy Instructors
and City Governance Prof. Yang Zhong
Email: zhongyang@sjtu.edu.cn

Dean Professor Yang Zhong is a Changjiang Chair Professor rewarded by the Chinese Ministry of
Duration: Campus: Education, Zhiyuan Chair Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tenured professor of
2018.7.11-2018.7.26 Xuhui Political Science at the University of Tennessee. His main research interests include local gover-
(2 weeks) nance in China, political culture, and political participation. He is co- author of two scholarly books:
Local Government and Politics in China (M. E. Sharpe, 2003) and Political Culture and Participation
in Rural China (Routledge Press, 2012).

Prof. Bo Peng
Email: bpeng@sjtu.edu.cn
Vice Dean of the school of international and public affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His main
research fields include local politics, urban studies and public policy analysis. He is the co-author of
two scholarly books: Local Government and Politics in China(M.E.Sharpe.2003) and Political Culture
and Participation in Rural china(Routledge Press,2012). His articles have appeared in journals such
as Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Political Research Quarterly, Asian Survey,

Highlight Journal of Contemporary China, China: An International Journal, and PS: Political Science and
Course Description
8 lectures from distinguished Chinese experts to
Prof. Hua Zheng
share their latest research result on public policy
This course focuses on issues that are currently Email: zhenghua@sjtu.edu.cn
and city governance;
important in Chinese political development Prof. ZHENG’s research field is in the contemporary diplomacy of China, Sino-US relations and
and government reformation with an interdis- 2 field trips to the City Planning Exhibition Hall Political communication. She has written a book about China-US rapprochement named Summit
ciplinary approach to examining China. and urban communities; Diplomacy: Discourse Analysis on Sino-US Leaders’ Negotiation 1969-1972 (Shanghai People
Through seminars, field trips, and other Publishing House, 2008). She has been conducting research on discourse power in shaping public
activities, students have the opportunity to Group research experience with Chinese master
opinion and influence on foreign policies since 2010.
experience traditional Chinese culture and or Ph.D. candidates in two weeks;
conduct an in-depth analysis of public policy Cultural trips during weekend to experience the
with Chinese experts. It covers the following local culture;
areas: public policy analysis; Shanghai Assessment
governance case studies; a field trip to visit By the end of this 2-week study experience, Attendance: 30%
urban communities ; traditional cultural students should have basic knowledge and Participation in question discussion: 20%
understanding of public policies and city Group presentation: 40%
activities including a tea ceremony, calligraphy,
governance in Shanghai and in China. Final program summary: 10%
and or Chinese cooking.

Program Director : Prof. Bo Peng( bpeng@sjtu.edu.cn )
Program Coordinator: Ms. Jingjing Peng( jjpeng@sjtu.edu.cn )

08 SJTU Global Summer School 09



S023 Prof. Junhua Zhang

China’s Policy on
Email: junhuazhang@sjtu.edu.cn

Dr. Junhua Zhang is currently a Professor in political science at the school of international and public

Climate Change,
affairs of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). He is currently the director of the international master’s
degree program of the SJTU and executive director of the Centre for Contemporary Sino-Israel Studies
(CCSIS – in establishment). He was a senior visiting fellow at the University of Sussex in 2011 and

Energy and Environment

visiting professor at the Hebrew University 2012. In addition, he is a senior associate at the European
Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) based in Brussels.

Duration: Campus:
2018.7.11-2018.7.26 Xuhui
(2 weeks)

Course Description Highlight

This course explores the challenges associated Understand the interaction between politics and
with climate change, energy and environmental economics, especially in a Chinese context;
policies from multiple perspectives, disciplines Understand the economic dimension of foreign
and scales. Students will be trained to examine the policy and international politics regarding energy
evolving science and policy of climate change, and environmental issues;
discrepancies among big global emitters regard-
Understand the interaction between mitigation,
ing commitments and responsibility and the
energy efficiency and technology innovation;
conflicts between energy giants and interest
groups in China. Additionally, China’s energy and Integrate different stakeholder perspectives,
environmental policies will be scrutinized in the disciplines, scales and geographic contexts in Assessment
context of global and domestic politics. Through evaluating China’s mitigation efforts, energy and Attendance 30%
various case studies, students are encouraged to environmental policies; Participation in question discussion 20%
understand the nature of China’s national Understand China’s develomentalist approach and Group presentation 40%
development strategies and the risks and the shift from a GDP-orientation to a more balanced Final program summary 10%
challenges the country is facing in implementing development;
its “green policies”. At the same time, students will
Develop both oral and written communication skills Contact
be expected to apply theories of IPE and PE while
to facilitate systematic analysis and effective Program Director : Prof. Junhua Zhang (junhuazhang@sjtu.edu.cn)
conducting analysis.
consideration of these complex issues. Program Coordinator :Ms. Jingjing Peng (jjpeng@sjtu.edu.cn )

10 SJTU Global Summer School 11


Course Description Instructor

The course, traditional Chinese medicine and Dr. Chongsheng Peng
culture, aims to introduce the characteristic Email : cspeng@sjtu.edu.cn
theories and thoughts, therapies and
processing of traditional Chinese medicine Dr. Chongsheng Peng is the associate
and medical material (TCM). This includes the
professor of the School of Pharmacy at
history, social and cultural background of
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and
traditional Chinese medicine and spreading
is an expert of both SJTU General
the knowledge and culture of traditional
Chinese medicine. Education course and storehouse of
China Association of Pharmaceutical
Education (CAPE). He received his Ph.D. at
the West China University of Medical
Science and a bachelor’s degree from the
Highlight Anhui University of Chinese Medicine. He
was a visiting scholar (2005-2006) at the
Open CNMOOC for learner all over the word and Institute of Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
the offline part is divided into flipped classroom, and University of Queensland. In
practical teaching, academic seminar and addition, his course “Traditional Chinese
TaiJiQuan learning; Medicine & Chinese Culture” has been

S024 Understand the origin and development of

traditional Chinese medicine;
regarded as key course for general
education in Shanghai since April, 2015,
and key course at SJTU since 2012. The

Understand the Yin-Yang concept and Wu Xing
course is also available globally on the
theory of traditional Chinese medicine;
four MOOC platforms of Coursera, China
Experience acupuncture; MOOC (CNMOOC), Zhihuishu and Ewant.
The English version of this course was

Teach and Practice Taijiquan;
successfully developed to be the first
Introduce the methods for nourishing of life and international course with blended
improve physical and mental health. learning for universties at 21 summer
schools in 2016 and has attracted more

Medicine and
than 130 students online and 65 students
joining offline, hands-on practices from
18 universities in 11 countries.

Campus: Online (quiz) 50%
2018.7.11-2018.7.26 Xuhui Offline(classroom interaction, summary report and oral presentation) 50%
(2 weeks)
Program Director : Dr. Lei Fu (leifu@sjtu.edu.cn)
Program Coordinator : Dr. Haiying Sun (hysun@sjtu.edu.cn)

12 SJTU Global Summer School 13



Strategic Design for the

Course Description
Enhancement of This course provides lectures on Chinese culture

Architectural, Urban,
on space and building, the Chinese property
market and architecture regulation, to give Highlights
international students a general understanding

Environmental Resources
of Chinese architecture. Students will learn
more about the construction and protection of Study at SJTU to experience campus culture
Chinese traditional architecture by courses and learn Chinese culture;
provided and visiting some relics. In addition,
students from different countries can work Understand the historical development and
together with others and exchange their ideas. modern architecture of Shanghai by visiting
Professor Ilaria Valente will work together with the Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai Center
SJTU professors and other foreign professors and Shanghai Bund;
Duration: Campus: based on the joint research about Chinese
2018.7.11-2018.7.26 Xuhui architecture and cities. Furthermore, classes Exchange ideas by working with students
(2 weeks) about the operation of the Chinese design from different countries;
Market will be offered for those who are
interested in working in China in the future.

14 SJTU Global Summer School 15


Prof. Ilaria Valente Charlie Gullström

Email: ilaria.valente@polimi.it Email: charlie.gullstrom@arch.kth.se

Ilaria Valente (Milano, 1958) is a professor in architectural and urban design and the dean of the School of She is an architect in SAR/MSA at KTH, Sweden, where she combines teaching with research and leads the
Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Her research is devoted interdisciplinary research group KTH Smart Spaces: Architecture & Interactive Media (EU FP7 COMPEIT
to theory, tools, and design methods with particular attention to the architecture of open and public spaces, 2014-2016; EIT DIGITAL Lead, Mediating Presence 2011-2014). Being design-driven research having
urban morphology, architectural typology and the shape of infrastructures in contemporary territories. She was practiced for over twenty years, she addresses the fusion of architecture and media technology facilitated
the consultant of the municipality of Milan for research on the morphology of inner and peripheral urban fabrics, by new information and communication technology (digitalisation, interactive architecture, virtual public
which has become part of the new municipal urban plan of Milan (2005). Her educational program has involved space, presence research). Her particular interests concern the contribution of architects to a highly-medi-
numerous design studios exploring the possibility of recycling, with permanent or temporary uses, areas and ated society, given that new digital tools have thoroughly changed the way humans interact and commu-
buildings in a state of decay and neglect and was exhibited at several Triennale di Milano. “The quiet revolution" nicate. This has the potential for innovative architectural design to foster new sustainable behavior
(2000) was hosted in Vienna, Berlin, London, Seville, Japan, Mexico and Latin America. Ilaria Valente collaborated patterns. In 2017, Gullström will be involved in research initiatives relating to a new innovation
with prominent Italian architectural reviews such as "Domus", "Casabella"and "Urbanistica".She has participated programme for Smart Sustainable Cities. Gullström is a board member of the recently established Centre
as a lecturer in several seminars and symposiums and as a visiting critic in Italy and abroad. for the Future of Places (Dr Tigran Haas, KTH ABE). She has previously served as the centre director for the
VINNOVA centre of excellence for sustainable communications at KTH and was responsible for its forma-
tion and growth from 2005-2007.
Alessandra Oppio
Email: alessandra.oppio@polimi.it
Prof. Ma Wenjun
She is an associate professor of appraisal at the Politecnico of Milano in the department of architecture and Email: mwj@sjtu.edu.cn
urban studies. She has PhD in programming, maintenance and development of building and urban systems.
Oppio teaches at the school of architecture and society of Politecnico of Milano. Her research topics are: the With degrees in city planning and city management he has been engaged in urban climate maps, smart
economic evaluation of cultural heritage and environmental goods; decision science and multicriteria evaluation; city planning and directing research projects such as the next generation of infrastructure, smart city
evaluation of projects’ sustainability. Her research and teaching integrate real estate finance and development planning of Shanghai for 2040 together with the Shanghai Municipal Planning and Land Resource
with architectural and landscape heritage and preservation. She is a reviewer for several international journals Administration Bureau, Shanghai Municipal Meteorological Service Centre and other units. Combining
(Chemical Engineering Transaction, AIDIC; Territorio, FrancoAngeli; Smart and Sustainable Built Environment; economical, sociological and geographical methods in urban study, he has been qualified as a China
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy from 2013) and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Public registered city planner and China registered real estate appraiser. He has integrated practical works in
Finance and Economics (from 2015) and the journal of the Italian Society of Italian Real Estate Appraisal and planning and design with scientific research using quantitative studies.
Investment Decision Values and Evaluations (from 2012). Lastly she is the chief editor of the Green Energy and
Tehnology, SIEV series.

Attendance: 20%
Participation in question discussion: 30%
Final design report: 50%

Program Director : Prof. Ma Wenjun (mwj@sjtu.edu.cn)

16 SJTU Global Summer School 17



S026 Prof. Jian Yang Prof. Jamal Khatib

Green City
Email: j.yang.1@sjtu.edu.cn Email: jmkhatib@yahoo.com

Prof. Jian Yang, deputy head of the department of civil Prof. Khatib is currently a professor in civil engineering
engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, has over 15 (Sustainable Construction Materials) at faculty of science

Green Future
years of experience in teaching, research and consultancy and engineering at the University of Wolverhampton
at various universities/companies, most of which was in (UoW) - UK. He was named the ‘Shanghai Foreign Expert’ in
the UK. He is one of the youngest fellows at the Institute of 2015 and is now a visiting professor in SJTU. His research
Civil Engineers (ICE) and a chartered member of the areas mainly revolve around sustainable construction
Institute of Structural Engineers (MIStructE). He serves on materials. The products of his extensive research activities
several international and national professional committees, have been comprehensively disseminated in over 250
e.g. UK Concrete Society, IStructE, ICE and Chinese Ceramic refereed academic journals & conference papers; text
Society. He sits on the editorial board of the Magazine of books, research seminars and workshops and articles/fea-

Course Description Concrete Research, Glass Structures and Engineering and

the Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. In his
tures in the construction press. He sits on the technical
committees of many international research conferences.
Duration: Campus: present role, he leads a team mainly focusing on the He is an editorial board member of four academic journals
2018.7.11-2018.7.26 Xuhui This course aims to provide students with an under- research in the field of sustainable construction materials and an associate editor for the Journal of Emerging Trend
(2 weeks) standing of environmental and resource implications and advanced structural systems including recycled in Engineering & Applied Sciences.
of construction activity within the context of green concrete and other newly emerging construction materials
development. It considers the theoretical and such as integrated structural and functional glass. He also
methodological basis of approaches to evaluate and conducts research on modern construction methods Mr. Gonzalo Ortega Barnuevo
justify various design choices made at different stages including PC and 3D modular steel constructions. In 2016, Email: gobar@osaspain.com
he was named one of the ’10 Kaiyuan Lecturers’.
of the construction life cycle. It also introduces
Mr. Barnuevo is the Director of OSA Spain. He is a chartered
state-of-the-art green technologies and tools that may
architect with over 25 years’ architectural design experi-
contribute to the sustainable design via visits to
Prof. Charalampos Baniotopoulos ence, resulting into over 100 design projects. One of his
exemplar projects or the engagement of hand-on Email: C.Baniotopoulos@bham.ac.uk key design philosophies is to design buildings passively,
activities. where natural resources can be fully utilized. His work has
Prof. Baniotopoulos (LB) is the professor and chairman of won numerous awards both internationally and nationally.
the sustainable energy systems department at the school
of engineering in the University of Birmingham, UK. He is
also Visiting Professor at the Taylor’s University in Malaysia
Highlights and honorary professor at JUST, Jordan. He is the head of
the group of structural engineering, as a lecturer for
graduate and post-graduate civil engineering courses. In
First class delivery team comprising world class
academics and industrialists rich in global experience
Two site visits, i.e. an off-site construction project and the period between 1998-2014, LB was a professor and the Assessment
an award winning green building; director of the Institute of Metal Structures at the school of
Attendance and professionism: 10%
in the subject area; civil engineering in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Tours of Shanghai and its municipal construction Reports: 40%
He also acted as head of the school between 2006-08 and
Well-mixed delivery methods including class-teach- together with a visit to the Shanghai Construction Project presentation and Q&A: 40%
2008-10. He has been to Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) as
ing, virtual reality simulations, site/office visits, a Museum; Innovation/critical comments: 10%
a visiting professor at the Leibniz University Hannover,
group project and hand-on activities;
Germany (2011), HCM visiting fellow at the JRC-Ispra, Italy
Experience in working on a real life global project
A visit to the world’s second highest building, the (1993-94) and AvH Research Fellow at the TU Aachen,
mentored by practitioners of Arcadis Shanghai, one of
highest LEED platinum project and the Shanghai Germany (1987-88). He acted as member of management
the most renowned consultancy companies in the
Tower located in Shanghai; committees of several COST actions of urban development Program Director : Prof. Jian Yang (j.yang.1@sjtu.edu.cn)
(1996 to date) and chair of the COST Action TU1304 Program Coordinator:
A visit to the world’s first 3D printing building, Have social network activities with the students/grad- (2014-2018). As a project leader he coordinated more than
Dr. Qinfeng Liu (liuqf@sjtu.edu.cn)
Winsun, located in Suzhou; uates/chartered members of ICE (the largest the 50 research projects funded by national and international
Dr. Wanyang Gao (gaowanyang20022003@gmail.com)
learned society in Civil Engineering in the world) in a research organizations in the private sector (industry). He
To opportunity to interview the project management Dr. Bai Li (baili888@hotmail.com)
region near Shanghai. has authored and edited 18 engineering books and
team of the Shanghai Disney Project, one of the co-authored more than 300 scientific papers in internation-
world’s most complicated projects; al peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.

18 SJTU Global Summer School 19



Prof. Chih-yun Chang

Email: chihyun@sjtu.edu.cn
Professor Chang is a distinguished research fellow with a Ph.D in history from the University
of Bristol. His publications include Government Imperialism and Nationalism in China
(Routledge, 2012) and an Eyewitness Account of War and Revolution: The Chinese Journals
of L K Little, 1943-54 (Pickering & Chatto, 2015) Published five AHCI/SSCI articles.

S027 Dr. Chongsheng Peng

Email : cspeng@sjtu.edu.cn
Dr. Chongsheng Peng, associate professor at the school of pharmacy at the Shanghai Jiao
Tong University (SJTU), is an expert in both the SJTU general education courses and
storehouses of the China Association of Pharmaceutical Education (CAPE). He received his
Ph.D. at the West China University in medical science and a bachelor’s degree from the

Anhui University of Chinese Medicine. He was a visiting scholar (2005-2006) at the Institute
of Molecular Bioscience (IMB) in University of Queensland. Additionally, his course “Tradi-
tional Chinese Medicine & Chinese Culture” has been regarded as a key course for general
education in Shanghai since April 2015 and at SJTU since 2012. The course is also available
globally on four MOOC platforms including Coursera, China MOOC (CNMOOC), Zhihuishu
and Ewant. The English version of this course was successfully developed to be the first
international course with blended learning for the universties at 21 summer schools in 2016
and has attracted more than 130 students online and 65 students participating in offline
Duration: hands-on practices from 18 universities in 11 countries.
2018.7.11-2018.7.26 Xuhui
(2 weeks) Dr. Shan Yin
Email : yinshan@sjtu.edu.cn
Dr. Shan Yin is an assistant professor at the school of agriculture and biology at Shanghai
Jiao Tong University since 2012. He got his MD and PhD in environmental engineering at
Shanghai Jiao Tong University and used to work at the Institute of Urban and Regional

Course Description Highlights

Development, University of California Berkeley as a joint PhD researcher. He is the vice
director of Shanghai Urban Forest Research Station and the State Forestry Administration.
His work focuses on long-term monitoring of urban forests, air pollutants and climate
This course provides you with an overview of the key Understand China’s development process from
social, cultural, political, and economic areas for the perspective Shanghai’s globalisation;
understanding the changes and challenges of
contemporary China taught from multi-disciplinary Discover how business in China works ;
perspectives. We will arrange visits to the Shanghai
Urban Forest Research Station to demonstrate the Learn about traditional Chinese medicine and
metropolis' ecological balance strategy and SJTU’s culture and learn how to make sachets; Assessment
advanced laboratories to exchange opinions with Attendance: 20%
professors about the most promising technologies in Study at SJTU to experience campus and Participation : 30%
the future. This program provides students with the Chinese; Assignment: 30%
critical and essential tools to understand how to do Final presentation: 20%
business in China through a combination of Exchange ideas by communicating with
subject-specific modules, company visits and cultural students from different countries; Contact
activities. Students who attend this program not only Program Coordinator: Ziyi JIA (zyjia@sjtu.edu.cn)
take part in an unforgettable experience but also gain
skills that will equip them for global success.

20 SJTU Global Summer School 21


Instructors portfolio standards, corporate environmental

management, as well as sustainability strategy. His
papers have appeared in Production and Operations
Prof. WAN Guohua Management, Journal of Law and Economics,
Prof Wan Guohua is currently a Distinguished Management and Organization Review, Risk Analysis,
Professor of Management Science in Antai College of Journal of Business Ethics, Energy Journal, Business
Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong Strategy and the Environment, Energy Policy,
University. His research interests include production International Marketing Review, Journal of Cleaner

S028 planning and scheduling, supply chain management,

and management of information technology. He has
Production, Corporate Social Responsibility and
Environmental Management and others.
published one book (Science Press, Beijing) and

Learning Business
more than 40 papers on these topics, and is the PI of
about ten projects funded by public funding Prof. CHEN Baizhu
agencies. He regularly teaches “Operations Research” Professor Chen Baizhu is the Academic Director of

and Culture in China

and “Supply Chain Design and Management” to the Global EMBA (GEMBA) program of the Marshall
undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. students, and School of Business, University of Southern California.
received several teaching awards from his institu- He teaches in the Department of Finance, specializes
tions. He also provides consulting and management in International Economics, Macroeconomics and
training to various companies. He currently serves as Chinese Financial Markets. He is also a senior
a Senior Editor of “Production and Operations researcher in the Institute of Finance and Banking,
Management”(Production and Operations Manage- Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Dr. Chen is a
Duration: Campus: ment Society), and is an Associate Editor for “Journal visiting professor at Fudan University School of
2018.7.11-2018.7.26 Xuhui of Management Analytics” (Taylor and Francis) and Management as well as China University of Politics
(2 weeks) “Journal of the Operations Research Society of and Law. Professor Chen was a member of the
China”(Springer). Overseas Chinese Expert Advisors Committee to the
Minister of Sciences and Technologies (MOST) of P.R.
China. He has trained and consulted senior execu-
Prof. YIN Haitao tives of various companies including Aegon Life, GF

Course Description Highlight Prof. Yin Haitao is an associate professor at the Securities, Brilliance Group, Little Swan Appliances,
Xi’an Janssen Pharmaceutical, Eli Lilly, LuJiaZui
Department of Economics, Antai College of Econom-
ics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Pudong
This course is offered by Antai College of Econom- Intensive business education in Antai College of
He is currently chairing the Department of Econom- Government of Shanghai..
ics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong Economics and Management—the TOP 1
University. It is a series of intensive business business school in Asia-Pacific (Based on 2017 FT ics. Haitao Yin’s research has mainly focused on
Environmental Economics and Policy, and Energy *Note: The actual curriculum and faculty is subject to
sessions, which is designed for those who have rankings)
Economics and Policy. He has published on topics change at Antai’s discretion.
interests in doing business with Chinese or have
Conducted in the business center of China, including environmental insurance, renewable
the intention to start business in China. Partici-
pants will gain a deep understanding of Chinese
economy and culture with in-class coursework, A variety of curricular and extra-curricular
company visits, social events, and learn the ways activities –lectures, case study, corporate
of wielding principles based on practical psycholo- seminars, company visits.
gy and effective daily cross-cultural communica-
A certificate from Antai College of Economics and
Assessment Fees
tion skills. In addition to faculties who teach in top 1. Attendance and participation: 30% Application fee RMB400 (USD60)
business schools in the world, the course features Management and two SJTU academic credits
2. Final presentation: 70% Tuition fee RMB 12,000 (USD1,850)
guest speakers including senior knowledge upon successful completion of the course.
Total RMB12,400 (USD1,910)
experts of top-brand MNCs, founders of successful Contacts
Chinese enterprises, and entrepreneurs of start-up Program Coordinator: Emory Liang (iceo@sjtu.edu.cn)

22 SJTU Global Summer School 23

Instructors Prof. SU Jincheng
Dr. Su is a member of the China National Academy of
Prof. ZHOU Bin ( Academic Director ) Sculpture, China Literature and Art Critics Association
Dr. Zhou Bin, born in Shanghai in November 1964, and the Shanghai Artist Association. He is a master of
Ph.D, is currently a professor of Chinese calligraphy traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy, as well as
education at the USC-SJTU Institute of cultural and a postgraduate supervisor at the College of Fine Arts at
creative industry at Shanghai Jiaotong University. He is the Shanghai University. His artworks are exhibited and
a researcher at the research center of the Chinese collected by foreign dignitaries and institutions from
Academy of Fine Arts, a member of the Chinese China, Japan, Italy and so on. Dr. Su is the dean of

S031 Calligraphers Association, the Chinese Society of

Psychology, the Shanghai Calligraphers Association
Shanghai Huixin Mercy Painting and Calligraphy
College. For many years he engaged in public
welfareundertakings, and was awarded a placement

Discover Chinese
and deputy director of the Shanghai Institute of
Psychology and Shanghai and City Youth Calligraphers amongst the ‘Shanghai Top 10 volunteers’ and a
Association’s vice chairman in the Shanghai Youth nomination for ‘The 100 most beautiful volunteers of
Literature and Art Association. China’.

Culture Through Creative Drama

Ms. WAN Zi ( Drama Director) Associate Prof. LI Yan
The producer of the Chinese version of a very famous Prof. LI is a national second grade actor. She is also an
musical ‘Mamma Mia’. opera figure teacher (opera figure is a fundamental
course containing over 300 different types of tradition-
Prof. MU Yilin ( Art Director ) al Chinese opera. It optimizes an actor’s coordination
Prof. MU Yilin ( born 1944 in Shanghai ), a member of and beauty with the rhythm.) for the Shanghai Theater
Duration: Campus:
the Chinese Art Association, is the representative Academy’s Traditional (Chinese) Opera School. Ms. LI is
2018.7.11-2018.8.3 Xuhui
inheritor of intangible cultural heritage like traditional the leader of the opera figure subject, and she has won
(3 weeks)
Chinese painting ( Bo Painting ,) as well as the execu- the National Art Awards several times. She is also the
tive director of the Shanghai Intangible Cultural opera figure lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong
Heritage Protection Association. His inheritance and Kong and many European and American training
research, since 1983, into ancient Chinese Bo Painting programs.
created a unique modern Bo Painting art and has made
a significant contribution to the renaissance of Chinese Dr. AMARANTIDOU Dimitra
painting in the world. His artworks are collected by Dr. Amarantidou is a young Confucian scholar. She has

Highlight world-famous dignitaries. Professor Mu also won the a Ph.D in Chinese philosophy from the East China
Course Description first prize of the international Chinese Exhibition held Normal University. She was invited to attend the
by the Chinese Ministry of Culture, the first prize of the "Gasification • feel through time: Zhuangzi and
Use techniques from storytelling, music, dance and
Shanghai Art Exhibition and more. Confucianism - ancient and modern change forum
This course aims to cultivate participants’ theatre ass well as elements from classic Chinese
second workshop", the first International Youth
aesthetic taste and knowledge of classical culture to perform creative drama and get inspired;
Confucian Forum and other meetings. Her translation
Chinese art, develop their multi-cultural
work inculdes "Chinese philosophy twenty stresses",
perspective and inspire their creativity through Explore their creativity through progressive Chinese "contemporary Chinese philosophy research:
an innovative project. The project-oriented culture awareness by taking a diverse range of courses 1949-2009" etc.
courses consist of a mixture of theoretical and get a brand-new perspective of the world, life and
classes, hands-on workshops and on-site visits values;

which are run by professors and experts from
universities in the cultural and creative industry. Understand Chinese culture and drama via hands-on
Attendance: 20%
The program is designed to introduce partici- workshops and rich experimental activities rather than
Participation (Performance in class): 30%
pants to the best Chinese cultural practices by being taught pure theatrical knowledge.;
Assignment: 30% (Group or Individual Assignment depending on courses)
providing a unique opportunity for participants
Final program summary: 20%
to perform creative drama and to develop a Be assigned certain creative goals to complete a

network of cultural and creative industry creative drama performance altogether and be
contacts in China. reviewed by professors from universities, industry
Program Coordinator: Amber DONG (shi.dong@sjtu.edu.cn)
professionals and representatives as a reward.

24 SJTU Global Summer School 25


Course Description
Environmental pollution control using green
S032 technology is one of the sustainable methods that
not only can solve environmental pollution, but

Green Technology for

also save energy and resources. The course uses
multidisciplinary theories and methods to
expound the relationship, connotation and
principles between environment and sustainable

Environmental Pollution Control development. To interpret the relationship

between economic and social development with
environmental protection, energy conservation
and emissions reduction, China will be chosen as
the case study subject. Due to it being the country Highlight
with the most populous and rapid urbanization
process. The development process of water Half day tour of Laogang solid waste
resources, the waste sector, soil reclamation and treatment base;
Duration: Campus: air pollution control will be introduced in detail
2018.7.11-2018.8.3 Minhang Half day tour of Qingcaosha drinking water
and the students could understand the drivers
(3 weeks) reservoir;
and the development for the shift from the
industrial civilization development model to the
modern ecological civilization. One day tour of Chongming Iisland.

Prof. Xinde Cao
Email: xdcao@sjtu.edu
Prof. Xinde Cao is the vice dean of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China. His research interests include: (1) characterization and remediation of contaminated sites; (2)
biochar-based C sequestration and its eco-environmental effect; (3) development and application of solid
waste-derived functional materials for environmental remediation; and (4) metal speciation, bioavailability, and
human health.

Attendance: 15%
Participation in question discussion: 20%
Visit report: 30%
Final program summary: 35%

Program Director : Prof. Xinde Cao (xdcao@sjtu.edu.cn)


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