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Construction Surveying

and Layout

A Field Engineering Methods Manual

Third Edition


Creative Construction Publishing, Inc.
2720 South River Road
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906-4347

~ construction surveying and layout

Table of Contents
Construction Surveying
Getting Started and Organized 1-2
Field Engineering Responsibilities 1-7
Preparing Reports and Charts 1-14

Qualified Land Surveyor 1-18

Summary 1-20

The Basics 2-2
Communicating with Signals 2-11
Stakes and Laths 2-17
Marking Line and Grade 2-25

Abbreviations and Symbols 2-30

Summary 2-35

Fieldwork Practices
Safety 3-2
Measurement Principles 3-10
Tolerances for Construction Layout 3-14

Field Notekeeping Practices 3-17

General Instrument Care 3-25
Use and Care of Hand Tools 3-33
Leveling an Instrument 3-43
Instrument Setups 3-51
Summary 3-62

construction surveying and layout @

Distance Measurement - Chaining
Introduction 4-2
Chaining a Distance 4-7
Chaining a Traverse 4-15
Analysis of Chaining Errors 4-18

Summary 4-21

Angle Measurement
Introduction 5-2
Instruments 5-6
Horizontal Angle Measurement 5 -14
Horizontal Angle Layout 5-24
Vertical or Zenith Angles 5-28

Summary' 5-32

Total Station
Introduction 6-2
Measuring Basics 6 -11
Measuring Details 6-16

Layout of a Point 6-24

Horizontal Trigonometric Elevations 6-33

Electronic Data Collection 6-40

Summary 6-43

~ construction surveying and layout

Introduction 7-2

Standard Practices 7 -11

Field Notes for Leveling 7-17
Differential Leveling 7-22
Profile Leveling 7-28
Cross-Section Leveling 7-33
Grid Leveling 7-39
Transferring Elevations 7-43
Applied Leveling 7-47
Setting Grade 7-53
Summary 7-57

Introduction 8-2
Standard Practices 8-7
Applications 8-14
Summary 8-16

GPS Field Procedures
Introduction 9-2
I Standard Practices 9-7
Summary 9-16

construction surveying and layout @

Equipment Calibration
Introduction 10-2
I Testing of a Chain 10-6
Angle-Measuring Instruments 10-10
Total Station 10-19
Tribrach and Plummets 10-21
Levels 10-24
Laser 10-31
Prism Pole Bubble 10-34
Hand Level 10-40
Summary 10-43


Office Practices
Drafting 11 - 2
Construction Drawings 11-7
Site Plans 11 -11
Contours 11 -1 6
Lift Drawings 11-26
Summary 11-34

Math Essentials
Review and Formulas 12-2
Units and Conversions 12-11
Summary 12-17

~ construction surveying and layout

Chain Corrections
Introduction 13 -2
Length Correction 13-8
Slope Correction 13 -12
Temperature Correction 13 -17
Combined Corrections 13 - 21
Summary 13-27

Traverse Computations
Introduction 14-2
Angle Adjustment 14-9
Direction Calculations 14-13
Latitudes and Departures 14-19
Closure and Precision 14-22
Adjustments 14-26
Adjusted Distances and Directions 14-30
Coordinates 14-32

Examples 14-36
Summary 14-41

Coordinate Geometry
Introduction 15 -2
Inversing 15 -7
Intersections 15 -13
Re-Section 15-19
Layout Data 15-24
Areas 15-30
Summary 15-34

construction surveying and layout @

Horizontal Curves
Introduction 16- 2

Formulas 16-7
Deflections and Chords 16-14
Layout by Deflections 16-21
Layout by Coo r di n ate s 16-30
Moving Up 16-35
Offset Curves 16-43
Summary 16-49

Vertical Curves
Introduction 17-2
Gradient Elevations 17-4
Elements and Properties 17 -9
Cu rve Elevations 17-12
Unequal Length Curves 17 -16
High and Low Points 17- 20
Layout 17-23
Summary 17-26

Introduction. 18-2
Area 18-4
Average End-Area Method 18-8
G rids and Contours Method 18-11
Summary 18-15

~ construction surveying and layout


Layout Techniques
Introduction 19-2

Control 19-9

Methods 19-21

Li ne 19-36

Grade 19-46

- --~ Vertical Alignment 19-56
Sticks and Strings 19-61
Summary 19-69

Construction Control
Introduction 20-2
Sitework 20-4
Retaining Systems 20-8
Caissons 20-11

Footings and Foundation 20-14

Anchor Bolts 20-17
Structural Steel 20-20

Concrete and Metal Decks 20-23

Block-Outs and Embeds 20-26
Concrete Columns 20-29
Elevator and Stair Cores 20-33
Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters 20-38
Summary 20-41

construction surveying and layout @

One-Person Surveying
Introduction 21-2

Distances 21-6
Line 21-10
:: ". . - - - - - - - - - - =--
Elevations 21-16
-- --
Layout 21-18
Summary 21-23

Field Observations
Introduction 22-2
Tech Tips 22-7
Rules of Thumb 22-11
Common Mistakes 22-14

Appendix A - Glossary 1
Appendix B - Bibliography 7
Appendix C - Additional Problems 10

Index 15

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index @

3/4/5 Arm Signals
3/4/5 Requirements, 19-23 Marking
Common Uses of the 3/4/5, 19-23 Basic Principles of Chalking Lines, 2-27
Multiples of the 3/4/5, 19-22 Communicating the Meaning of Marks, 2-27
Using the 3/4/5, 19-22 Marking Line and Grade, 2-25
3/4/5 Layout Square, 19-63 Principles of Marking, 2-26
3/4/5, 21-21 As-BuiIts, 20-13
Average End-Area Method, 18-10, 18-8
Azimuths, 14-14
Abbreviations and Symbols, 2-35
Common Abbreviations, 2-31
Common Symbols, 2-34 Backsight (BS), 7-3
Accuracy Standards, 7-16 Backsights, 21-11
Adjusted Distances and Directions, 14-30 Baseline, 19-30
Anchor Bolts, 20-17 Procedure for Baseline Offset, 19-31
Angle Adjustment, 14-9 Batter Boards, 19-63
Angle Measurement Establishing Line on Batter Boards, 19-65
Horizontal Angle Layout, 5-24 Setting an Elevation on Batter Boards, 19-66
Horizontal Angle Measurement, 5-14 Types of Batter Boards, 19-64
Vertical or Zenith Angles, 5-28 Uses of Batter Boards, 19-64
With a Chain, 21-21 Bearings, 14-14
Angles Benchmark (BM), 7-3
Close the Horizon, 5-17 Benchmarks, 19-16
Determine the Average Angle, 5-22 Block-Outs and Embeds, 20-26
Direct and Reverse, 5-17 Borrow Pit, 18-12
Double-Center, 5-17, 5-26 Bucking In, 19-39
Measuring Traverse Angles, 5-21 Procedure for Bucking In On Line, 19-40
Procedure for Reading Angles, 5-17 Bucking In (Elevation), 7-51
Turning an Angle, 5-18 Building Benchmarks, 7-48
Types of Angles, 5-3
Field Angles Measured, 5-4 CAD,11-6
Horizontal, 5-3 Caissons, 20-11
Vertical, 5-3 Calculating Coordinates on a Traverse, 14-33
Angular Closure, 14-5 Calculating Directions, 14-16
Applied Leveling, 7-47 Calculating L.E.O.c., 14-24
Approximate Right Angle, 21-13 Calculating Latitudes and Departures, 14-20
Arc Length, 16-15 Care of Hand Tools, 3-33
Area by Coordinates, 15-33 Know Your Tools, 3-34
Area, 12-16, 18-4 The Importance of Maintenance, 3-34
Cross-Section Coordinates, 18-6 Care of Hand Tools, 3-33
Trapezoidal Rule, 18-7 General Rules of Use, 3-34
Areas, 15-30 Do Not Force Equipment
Procedure for area by coordinates, 15-33 Keep the Equipment Clean, 3-34
Procedure for area by geometry, 15-31 Know How to Operate the Equipment, 3-34
Arm Signals Parts, 3-34
Arm Signals for Numbers, 2-12 Use a Protective Case, 3-34
One-Hand Signals for Numbers, 2-13 General Surveying Equipment, 3-35
Field Operations Signals, 2-14 Brusl1 Clearing Equipment, 3-37
Signals to crane operators, 2-16 Chaining Pins, 3-36
Stakes and Laths, 2-17 <=:loth Tape, 3-39

INDEX - 15
~ construction surveying and layout

Gammon Reel, 3-36 Construction Drawings, 11-7

Hammers, 3-38 Drawing Types, 11-9
Level Rods, 3-40 Reading Drawings, 11-10
Plumb Bob, 3-35 Site Plans, 11-11
Prism Poles, 3-37 Standard Practices, 11-8
Range Poles, 3-36 Construction Staking, 2-18
Rock Chisel, 3-38 Cut or Fill Stakes, 2-21
Sight Level, 3-35 Principles of Communicating on Stakes, 2-20
Steel Chain, 3-38 Color Code the Flagging, 2-19
Care of Hand Tools, 3-33 Face Stakes in the Correct Direction, 2-18
Instrument Handling Guidelines, 3-42 Offset Stakes for Protection, 2-18
Carpenter's Level, 19-58 Use the Proper Size Stake, 2-18
Centerlines, 20-9 Setting Stakes on the Site, 2-21
Chain Corrections Types of Construction Stakes
Combined Corrections, 13-21 Control, 2-24
Length Correction, 13-8 Curb and Gutter, 2-23
Measuring Conditions, 13-3 Fine Grade, 2-22
Slope Correction, 13-12 Minor Structures, 2-24
Temperature Correction, 13-17 Pipe, 2-23
Chalk Lines and Plumb Lines, 19-68 Rough Grade, 2-22
Chalk Lines, 21-4 Site-Clearing Limits, 2-22
Change Technology, 19-7 Slope, 2-23
Check Equipment, 20-21 Consult with Subcontractors, 22-6
Checking Grade, 21-17 Contour Areas Method, 18-14
Checking Layout, 19-7 Contour Characteristics, 11-19
Checking Plumb, 21-15 Contour Intervals, 11-17
Chord, 16-16 Contours, 11-16
Chord Calculations, 16-15 Contouring Rules, 11-21
Long Chords, 16-19 Defined, 11-17
Short Chords, 16-19 Drawing Contours, 11-21
Climatize, 3-29, 8-10 Representations by Contours, 11-17
Closed Loop, 7-3 Depression, 11-18
Closed Traverse, 14-3 Highway Cut, 11-18
Closure and Precision, 14-22 Highway Fill, 11-18
Color Code, 20-5 Hill, 11-17
Color Coding, 22-8 Control, 19-9
Column Dowel Layout, 20-30 Coordinate Geometry, 15-1
Combined Corrections, 13-21 Coordinates, 14-32
Common Mistakes, 22-14 Coordinates in Construction, 15-5
Communicating with Signals, 2-11 Setup of a Coordinate System, 15-6
See Arm Signals Where to Use Coordinates, 15-4
Communication Correction Calculations, 13-4
Dealing with People, 2-8 Cross-Section Coordinates, 18-6
Giving and Receiving Criticism, 2-9 Cross-Section Leveling, 7-33
Meetings, 2-7 GPS Cross-Sectioning, 7-37
Radio Communication, 2-6 Cross-Section Interval, 7-34
Recognizing Communication Barriers, 2-10 Total Station Cross-Sectioning, 7-37
Structuring Written Documents, 2-7 Curb and Gutter Construction, 20-39
Telephone Communication, 2-5 Curve Layout Data, 16-20
Writing an Effective Letter, 2-6
Communicating on Stakes, 2-20 DD to DMS, 12-15
Compass rule, 14-27 Data Sheet, 15-26
Concrete and Metal Decks, 20-23 Deflection Angles, 14-5
Concrete Columns, 20-29 Deflection Increment, 16-15
, Construction Control, 20-1 Deflection per Foot of Arc, 16-15
Deflection, 16-16

16 - INDEX
index @

Deflections and Chords, 16-14 Development of a Test Area, 10-4

Degree of Curve, 16-6 Hand Level, 10-40
Degree of Curve, Da, 16-11 Procedure for Calibration of a Hand Level,
Departure, 14-20 10-41
Departure Correction, 14-29 Laser, 10-31
Differential Leveling, 7-22 Procedure for laser calibration, 10-32
Digitizer, 18-5 Laser Plummets, 10-23
Direct-Elevation Rod, 8-12 Levels, 10-24
Direction Calculations, 14-13 Levels, 10-24
Comparison Between Azimuths and Bearings, Quick-Peg by One Person, 10-29
14-14 Review of the Geometry of a Level, 10-25
Obtaining a Back Azimuth, 14-15 The Principal Lines on a Level, 10-25
Chaining Two-Peg or Quick-Peg Test, 10-26
Analysis of Chaining Errors, 4-18 Optical Plummet in a Tribrach, 10-22
Analysis of Common Chaining Errors, 4-20 Prism Pole Bubble, 10-34
Breaking Chain, 4-5 Using a Door Frame, 10-38
Chaining a Distance, 4-7 Using a Wall Bracket, 10-37
Chaining a Traverse, 4-15 Using Tables, 10-35
Chaining Basics, 4-3 Testing of a Chain, 10-6
Reading a Metric Chain, 4-4 Testing Requirements, 10-4
Reading an Engineering Chain, 4-4 The Circular Level, 10-22
Chaining Equipment, 4-3 Total Station, 10-19
Properly Care for Chains & Chaining Total Station, 10-19
Equipment, 4-6 Horizontal Collimation, 10-20
Sources of Error in Chaining, 4-19 Vertical Index Error, 10-20
Instrumental, 4-19 Tribrach and Plummets, 10-21
Natural, 4-19 Laser Plummets, 10-23
Personal, 4-19 Review of Instrument Geometry, 10-11
Traverse Chaining Field Notes, 4-17 The Circular Level, 10-22
Types of Errors, 4-19 . The Optical Plummet, 10-22
Random, 4-19 Principle Lines Angle-Measuring Instr., 10-11
Systematic, 4-19 Establishing a Line, 21-12
~MS to DD, 12-15 Establishing Line on Batter Boards, 19-65
Double-Centering, 19-43 Existing Objects as Benchmarks, 7-48
Double-Check Grade Sheets, 7-55 External E, 16-10
Drafting, 11-2
CAD, 11-6 Field Book, 1-15
Equipment, 11-3 Field Engineering
Graphical Scale, 11-13 Field Duties, 1-9
Legend of Symbols, 11-13 Getting Started and Organized, 1-2
Principles of Lettering, 11-5 Office Duties, 1-11
Techniques, 11-4 Responsibilities, 1-7
Success Characteristics, 1-8
Earthwork, 20-6 Field Notekeeping, 3-17
Electronic Data Collection, 6-40 Basic Practices, 3-18
Electronic Instruments, 3-29 Keep Field Book Safe, 3-18
Elevation, 7-3 Leave No Room for Interpretation, 3-18
Elevations, 8-15 Make References, 3-18
Elevator and Stair Cores, 20-33 Record Data Exactly, 3-18
Engineering Layout, 1-9 Use a Hard Pencil, 3-18
Equipment Do Not Erase, 3-21
Equipment Checklists, 1-4 Guidelines, 3-21
Personal Equipment, 1-3 Layout, 3-18
Equipment Calibration Methods of Notekeeping, 3-23
Angle-Measuring Instruments, 10-10 Sample Combination, 3-24
Basic Principles, 10-3 Sample Description, 3-24


~ construction surveying and layout

Sample Sketch, 3-23 Grading with a Laser, 20-25

Sample Tabulation, 3-23 Grid Leveling, 7-39
Record Everything, 3-21 Grids and Contours Method, 18-11
Use Standard Drafting Techniques, 3-22
Use Standard Lettering Techniques, 3-22 Height of Instrument (ID), 7-3
Field Notes ID From Two BM's, 7-54
Arithmetic Check, 7-20 High and Low Points of a Vertical Curve, 17-20
Field Note Samples Equation for the High or Low Point, 17-21
Field Notes for Profile Leveling, 7-31 Procedure for Calculating a Low Point, 17-21
Field Notes for Referencing, 19-20 Horizontal Control, 19-14,20-3
Field Notes for Bucking In, 19-42 Horizontal Control and Layout, 20-30
Field Notes for Chaining, 4-14 Horizontal Curves
Field :Notes for Cross-Sectioning, 7-38 Formulas, 16-7
Field Notes for Differential Leveling, 7-27 Layout by Coordinates, 16-30
Field Notes for Distances Between Control Procedure for Coordinate Calculations, 16-32
Points, 6-23 Procedure for Radial Lines, 16-28
Field Notes for Grid Leveling, 7-42 Layout by Deflections, 16-21
Field Notes for Horizontal Control Layout, Computing Deflections and Chords, 16-17
6-15 Curve Layout Data, 16-20
Field Notes for Level Loop, 7-19 Deflection Increment, 16-15
Field Notes for Leveling, 7-17 Procedure for Long Chord Layout, 16-26
Field Notes for Measuring Traverse Angles Procedure for Short Chord Layout, 16-22
with a Chain, 21-22 Parts of a Horizontal Curve, 16-4
Field Notes for Measuring Traverse Angles, Arc Length, 16-15
5-23 Deflections and Chords, 16-14
Field Notes for Radial Layout, 6-32 Degree of Curve, 16-6
Field Notes for Slope Stake, 19-55 External E, 16-10
Field Notes for Transferring an Elevation Up Length of Curve L, 16-9
a Structure, 7-46 Long chord LC, 16-8
Field Notes for Traverse Chaining, 4-17 Middle Ordinate MO, 16-10
Field Notes for Traverse Computation, 14-11 Station Interval, 16-15
Field Notes for Traverse Data, 14-6 Stationing, 16-12
Field Notes for Trigonometric Leveling, 6-39 Tangent T, 16-8
Rules Related to Field Book Use, 7-21 Types of Curves, 16-3
Field observations, 22-1 Broken-Back, 16-4
Field Work Tips, 22-8 Compound Curve, 16-3
Footings and Foundation, 20-14 Reverse Curve, 16-3
Foresight (FS), 7-3 Simple Curve, 16-3
Formulas, 12-2 Spiral Curves, 16-4
Foundations, 8-15
Index Contour, 11-19
GPS, 19-46, 21-5 Instrument Angle Error, 19-38
Calibrate, 9-12 Instrument Care, 3-25
GPS equipment care, 9-12 General Instrument Care and Use, 3-27
GPS Project Planning, 9-9 Attach Instrument Snugly to the Tripod, 3-27
Iobsite Applications, 9-5 Do Not Touch the Lenses, 3-27
Recording log sheets, 9-14 Establish a Wide Foundation, 3-28
Satellites, 9-11 Grasp the Instrument Firmly, 3-27
Standard Practices, 9-7 Keep Equipment Dry, 3-28
Advantages, 9-4 Keep it Clean, 3-28
Disadvantages, 9-4 Never Leave the Instrument Unattended, 3-28
Gradient or Grade, 17-5 Silicone Lubricant, 3-31
Calculating Elevations on the~ Gradient, 17-7 Transporting Surveying Instruments, 3-26
Gradient Elevations, 17-4 Carrying the Instrument, 3-27
Negative Gradient, 17-6 Keep an Empty Case Closed, 3-27
Positive Gradient, 17-5 Transport the Instrument in its Case, 3-27
Zero Gradient, 17-6

18 - INDEX
index @

Instrument Setups, 3-51 Layout Data, 15-24

Procedure for Setup with a Plumb Bob, 3-52 Procedure to Calculate Layout Data, 15-28
Procedure for Setup with an Optical Plummet, 3-54 Legend of Symbols, 11-13
Procedure for Setup with a Laser Plummet, 3-57 Length Correction, 13-8
Instruments Length of Curve L, 16-9
Digital Theodolite, 5-9 Level Rods, 7-8
For Working Alone, 21-5 Rod Levels, 7-10
Geometry of Angle-Measuring Instruments, 5-10 Rod Use, 7-14
Optical Theodolite, 5-8 Leveling
Components of Theodolites & Total Stations, Differential Leveling Basics, 7-3
5-12 Leveling an Instrument, 3-43
Total Stations, 5-10 Procedure for Electronic Leveling System,
Transit, 5-7 3-49
Angle-turning Clamping (Motion) Systems, Procedure for Four-Screw Leveling Head,
5-12 3-45
Components of a Transit, 5-11 Procedure for Three-Screw LeveJing Head,
Use of an Instrument, 20-36 3-47
Interior Angles, 14-4 Leveling Instruments, 7-6
Interpolation, 11-22 Automatic Levels, 7-7
Procedure for Interpolation, 11-22 Digital Levels, 7-8
Intersections, 15-13, 19-33 Dumpy Levels, 7-6
Direction / Direction Intersection, 15-17 Hand Levels, 7-7
Distance / Direction Intersection, 15-16 Leveling Process
Distance / Distance Intersection, 15-14 Bala.'1ce Backsights and Foresights, 7-16
Procedure for Using Intersecting Lines, 19-34 Carrying a Level, 7-13
Inversing, 15-7 Check the Compensator, 7-13
Inverse Direction, 15-8 Close the Loop, 7-16
Inverse Distance, 15-11 Focusing, 7-13
Setting up, 7-12
Land Surveyor Standard Practices, 7-11
Lasers, 21-5 Lift Drawings, 11-26
Applications, 8-14 Basics, 11-28
Benefits of using a Laser, 8-3 Example Lift Drawings, 11-31
Calibration, 8-13 Lift Drawing Checklist, 11-30
Classes of Lasers, 8-5 Lift-Drawing Preparation and Use, 20-27
Fixed,8-5 Line, 19-36
Rotating, 8-5 Linear Error of Closure, 14-23
Utility, 8-6 Location of Embeds, Block-Outs, etc., 20-37
Standard Practices, 8-7 Long BS and Short FS, 19-37
Types of Lasers, 8-4 Long chord, LC, 16-8
Electronic Level, 8-4 Long Chords, 16-19
Visible Light Laser, 8-4
Use of the, 20-35 Math Review
Latitude Correction, 14-28 Algebra, 12-3
Latitude, 14-20 Formulas, 12-2
Latitudes and Departures, 14-19 Plane Geometry, 12-4
Laying Out Distances, 21-9 Trigonometry, 12-5
Layout, 20-28 Measurement Principles, 3-10
Baseline, 19-30 Accuracy vs. Precision, 3-13
Change Technology, 19-7 Accuracy, 3-13
Checking Layout, 19-7 Errors, 3-11
Intersections, 19-33 Mistakes vs. Errors, 3-11
Methods, 19-21 Mistakes, 3-11
Radial Layout, 19-26 Precision, 3-13
Rules of Layout, 19-5 Measuring a Distance, 21-9
Select the Layout Method, 19-11 Middle Ordinate MO, 16-10
Schedule, 1-6

INDEX - 19
~ construction surveying and layout

Monumentation, 19-13 Bucking In On Line, 19-40

Moving Up on a Horizontal Curve, 16-35 Calculate Layout Data, 15-28
Procedure for Moving Up, 16-36 Calculating Directions, 14-16
Calculating L.E.O.C., 14-24
Natural Backsights, 19-38 Calculating Low Point, 17-21
Natural or Quick Foresights, 19-39 Calculating Unequal Length Curve, 17-17
Notekeeping for Three-Wire Leveling, 7-50 Calibration, 10-8
Computing Deflections and Chords, 16-17
Coordinate Calculations, 16-33
Obtaining a Back Azimuth, 14-15 Cross-Sectioning, 7-35
Office Work Tips, 22-10 Differential Leveling, 7-23
Offset Curves, 16-43 Direct and Reverse Angles, 5-18
Offset Chord Equations, 16-45 Direct-Elevation Rod, 8-12
Offset Curve Layout Data, 16-46 Double-Centering, 19-43
Procedure for Offset Chord Layout, 16-47 Electronic Leveling System
Offset, 20-9, 20-12 Establishing a Perpendicular Line, 21-14
One-Person Surveying, 21-1 Four-Screw Leveling Head, 3-45
3/4/5, 21-21 Grid Leveling, 7-40
Approximate Right Angle, 21-13 Intersecting Lines, 19-34
Distances, 21-6 Laying Out and Staking a Vertical Curve, 17-24
Chaining, 21-9 Laying-Out a Point with a Total Station, 6-25
Elevations, 21-16 Layout Data, 15-28
Layout, 21-18 Layout of an Angle, 5-26
Line, 21-10 Long Chord Layout, 16-26
Establishing a Line, 21-12 Measuring a Distance with a Chain, 4-8
Obtaining a Backsight, 21-11 Measuring Distance & Angle with Total Station,
One-Person 90's, 21-19 6-12
Procedure for One-Person Radial, 21-19 Measuring with a Total Station, 6-17
Open Traverse, 14-3 Moving Up On a Horizontal Curve, 16-36
Offset Curve Layout, 16-47
Pacing, 21-7 One-Person Radial, 21-19
Determine Pace Length, 21-8 Profile Leveling, 7-29
Pegging a Level, 21-17 Quick-Peg, 10-27
Permanent Backsight, 21-17 Radial Lines, 16-28
Pipelines, 19-48 Setting a Highway Slope Stake, 19-53
Planimeter, 18-5 Setting Grade, 7-55
Planning, 1-3 Setup with a Laser Plummet, 3-57
Plumb Bob Setup with a Plumb Bob, 3-52
Plumbing with, 20-31 Setup with an Optical Plummet, 3-54
Use of the, 20-35 Short Chord Layout, 16-22
Plumbing and Erection, 20-22 Three-Screw Leveling Head, 3-47
Plumbing the Column, 20-31 Transferring Elevations, 7-44
Plumbing with an Instrument, 20-32 Traverse Computations, 14-7
Pocket Laser, 19-58 Trigonometric Leveling, 6-36
Precision Calculation and Analysis, 14-24 Using a Door Frame, 10-38
Preserving Points, 19-17 Using a Wall Bracket, 10-37
Primary Control, 19-14 Using Intersecting Lines, 19-34
Primary, 19-14 Using Tables, 10-35
Secondary, 19-14 Wingding Right Angle, 21-13
Working, 19-15 Zenith Angle Measurement, 5-30
Prism Pole Bubble, 10-34 Professional Surveyor, 19-11
Procedures for Profile Leveling, 7-28
Adjusting Angles, 14-11 Project Documentation, 1-11
Area by Coordinates, 15-33 Pythagorean Theorem, 19-23
Area by Geometry, 15-31
Baseline Offset, 19-31

index @

Quality Control, 1-11 Slope Correction, 13-12

Quantities Slope Staking, 19-50
Determining Area, 18-5 Building Site, 19-52
Geometric Formula, 18-5 Highway Project, 19-52
Setting a Highway Slope Stake, 19-53
Terms and Definitions, 19-51
Radial Layout, 19-26 Software and Computers, 1-4
Rectangular Coordinate System, 15-3 Stakes, 22-8
Reference to Primary Control, 20-9 Staking, 20-7
Referencing, 19-18 Stationing, 16-12
Re-Section, 15-19 Station Interval, 16-15
Angle Re-Section, 15-21 Sticks and Strings, 19-61
Distance Re-Section, 15-20 Story Poles, 19-62
Retaining Systems, 20-8 String Lines, 19-66
Review Tolerances, 22-5 Characteristics, 19-67
Roadways, 19-47 Fastening Techniques, 19-67
Robotic Total Station, 21-5 Principles and Applications, 19-68
Rules of Layout, 19-5 Types of stringlines, 19-66
Rules of Thumb, 22-11 Structural Steel, 20-20
Structures, 8-15
Safety Symbols
Construction-Site Hazards, 3-8 See Abbreviations and Symbols
Crew Protective Equipment, 3-4
Hand Tool Hazards, 3-5 Tangent T, 16-8
Highway hazards, 3-7 Tape and Tie Wire, 21-5
Natural Hazards, 3-6 Targets, 21-12
Personal Protective Equipment, 3-3 Tech Tips, 22-7
Planning for Safety, 1-12 Temperature Correction, 13-17
Safety is for life!, 1-12 Templates, 21-13
Safety, 20-5 Tension and Sag, 13-6
Sample Site Plans, 11-15 The Theory of Differential Leveling, 7-4
Satellites, 9-11 Three-Wire Leveling, 7-49
Signal Reception, 9-12 Title Block, 11-13
Schedule, 22-6 Tolerances, 20-19, 20-22
Scheduling Common Tolerances for Construction Layout, 3-15
Daily Scheduling, 1-5 Total Station
Maintaining the Schedule, 1-13 Layout of a Point, 6-24
Sample Layout Schedule, 1-6 Measuring Basics, 6-11
Secondary Control, 19-14 Measuring Details, 6-16
Select the Layout Method, 19-11 Procedure for Measuring with a Total Station,
Setting a Backsight, 21-11 6-17
Setting a Slope Stake, 19-53 Standard Practices, 6-7
Setting an Elevation on Batter Boards, 19-66 Trigonometric Elevations, 6-33
Setting Benchmarks, 7-48 Types of Total Stations, 6-5
Setting Grade, 7-53 Basic Total Stations, 6-6
Setup of a Coordinate System, 15-6 Full-Featured Total Stations, 6-6
Short Chords, 16-19 Reflectorless Total Stations, 6-6
Sidewalk Construction, 20-40 Robotic or Automatic Tracking Total
Sidewalks, Curbs, and Gutters, 20-38 Stations, 6-6
Significant Figures, 12-3 Transferring Elevations, 7-43
Site Plans, 11-11 Trapezoidal Rule, 18-7
Information on Site Plans, 11-12 Traverse Accuracy Standards, 14-25
Description of Benchmarks, 11-15 Traverse Adjustments, 14-26
Description of Monuments, 11-14 Compass Rule, 14-27
Road Names, 11-15 Departure Correction, 14-29
Sitework, 8-15, 20-4 Latitude Correction, 14-28
Slope, 17-5 Traverse Accuracy Standards, 14-25

INDEX - 21
~ construction surveying and layout

Traverse Analysis, 14-24 Vertical Alignment, 20-35

Traverse Angles, 14-4 Vertical Control, 19-15,20-3
Adjustment Options, 14-10 Vertical Curves
Angle Adjustment, 14-9 Calculation of the Gradient from PVI to PVI, 17-6
Angular Closure, 14-5 Definitions, 17-5
Deflection Angles, 14-5 Equations of the Vertical Curve, 17-13
Interior Angles, 14-4 Gradient or Grade, 17-5
When to Adjust Angles, 14-10 Laying Out and Staking Vertical Curve, 17-24
Traverse Computation Sheet, 15-35 Parts of the Vertical Curve, 17-10
Traverse Computations Point of Vertical Intersection, 17-6
Closed Traverse, 14-3 Properties of the Vertical Curve, 17-11
Open Traverse, 14-3 Crest Curve, 17-11
Traverses, 14-3 Sag Curve, 17-11
Procedure for Traverse Computations, 14-7 Sy=etry, 17-11
Trigonometric Leveling, 6-36 Vertical Curve Layout, 17-23
Tripods and Bipods, 21-4 Vertical, 8-15
Tripods, 3-29 Vicinity Map, 11-13
Position Tripod Legs Properly, 3-30 Volume, 12-15
Keep it Horizontal, 3-30 Volumes
Keep it Tight, 3-30 Average End-Area Method, 18-8
Tripods, 3-29 Borrow Pit, 18-12
Ensure a Solid Setup, 3-30 Contour Areas Method, 18-14
Check all Screws and Bolts, 3-31 Grids and Contours Method, 18-11
Maintain Proper Tension, 3-31
Secure Adjustable Legs, 3-31 Working Control, 19-15
Tripods, 3-29 Working-Alone Tools, 21-3
Transport Carefully, 3-31 Carpenter's Tools, 21-3
Turnbuckles and Cables, 20-22 GPS,21-5
Tumbuckles, 21-3 Instruments for Working Alone, 21-5
Turning Point (TP), 7-3, 7-14 Lasers, 21-5
Turning Point Pin, 7-15 Robotic Total Station, 21-5
Sticks and Strings, 21-4
Unequal Length Vertical Curves, 17-16 Tape and Tie Wire, 21-5
Procedure for Calculating an Unequal Length Tripods and Bipods, 21-4
Curve, 17-17
Units and Conversions, 12-11 Zenith Plummet, 19-60
DD to DMS, 12-15
DMS to DD, 12-15
Feet and Inches to Feet, Tenths, and Hundredths,
Feet to Meters, 12-13
Feet, Tenths, and Hundredths to Feet and Inches,
Meters to Feet, 12-13
Units of Length, 12-12
Utilities, 20-5
Utility Laser, 19-58

Vertical Alignment, 19-56

Methods, 19-57
Carpenter's Level, 19.58
Plumb Bobs, 19-57
Pocket Laser, 19-58
TransitlTheodolitelTotal Station, 19-60
Utility Laser, 19-58
Zenith Plu=et,19-60


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