ISO 22000:2018 - A Guide To The New Requirements.: Client Information Note

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ISO 22000:2018 – A guide to the new


Overview Main changes

This guide will explain some of the most important The major changes to the standard include modifications
changes in the new ISO22000:2018 standard. While this to its structure as well as clarifying key concepts such as:
client information note only gives a brief overview of the
most significant requirements, it is highly recommended  The high-level structure: In order to make life easier
to review the requirements in detail in the official ISO for businesses using more than one management
22000 scheme document, which can be found at system standard, the new version of ISO 22000 will follow the same structure as all the other ISO
management system standards, the High Level
Transition Structure (HLS).
 The risk approach: the standard now includes a
ISO 22000:2018 was published on June 19, 2018. The different approach to understanding risk. Not only
revised version cancels and replaces ISO 22000:2005. addresses it risk-based thinking on an operational
Organisations have three years from the date of level, but also on an organisational level.
publication to transition to the new version. This means  The PDCA cycle: the standard clarifies the Plan-Do-
that you have until 18 June 2021 to transition and comply Check-Act cycle, by having two separate cycles in the
with ISO 22000:2018 to remain ISO 22000 certified. standard working together: one covering the
management system and the other covering the
As we are waiting for announcements from the principles of HACCP
International Accreditation Forum (IAF), the global  The operation process: a clear description is given of
association of accreditation bodies, we cannot yet provide the differences between key terms such as: Critical
further information on the exact details for the transition Control Points (CCPs), Operational Prerequisite
to the new version. Further information about timescales Programmes (OPRPs) and Prerequisite Programmes
for transition to the revised ISO 22000 standard will follow. (PRPs)
The ISO 22000 standard is a major part of the FSSC 22000 Implementation of the High Level Structure (HLS)
certification standard. The FSSC foundation has informed
us that they will announce a detailed plan on how to In 2012, ISO decided that all management systems
include the new ISO 22000 standard in its FSSC 22000 standards should be adjusted to the extent that they have
normative requirements in October 2018. as many identical clauses, titles, sequence of clauses,
definitions and identical text as possible. This new format
will help to standardize the used terms and management

Lloyd’s Register ISO 22000:2018 – A guide to the new requirements. | 01

The generic parts of the management system norm are Context of the organization (Clause 4)
what ISO calls the High Level Structure (HLS). This includes
the clauses with requirements that have been This is where the concept of organisational risk-based
standardized for all these types of standards. The thinking is first introduced. It requires you to determine
classification is also standardized according to the relevant issues (both external and internal) that can have
following chapters that come back in every ISO standard: negative or positive impact on your FSMS, such as culture,
changes in demographics and food fraud. Additionally,
1. Scope you are required to consider and understand the needs
2. Normative references and expectations of “interested parties” (i.e.
3. Terms and definitions stakeholders), such as customers, regulatory authorities
4. Context of the organization and competitors.
5. Leadership
6. Planning Leadership (Clause 5)
7. Support
8. Operation Most of the requirements in this clause were already
9. Performance evaluation available through section 5 Management Commitment in
10. Improvement ISO 22000:2005. However, the responsibilities of top
management have been extended – there are now more
In comparison with ISO 22000:2005 you now have to areas where top management needs to demonstrate their
consider seven (clause 4-10) main clauses, instead of five. involvement and engagement with the FSMS. A separate
section has been added for communicating the food safety
Risk-based thinking on two levels policy.

The incorporation of the HLS into ISO 22000:2018 drives a Planning (Clause 6)
risk-based approach to thinking and acting. The standard
distinguishes between risk at the operational level and the In this section ISO wants you to do some strategic
organisational level of the management system. planning. In terms of risk-based thinking you are required
to identify which issues (as determined in clause 4) have
Risk at the operational level refers to the HACCP the greatest risk for your organisation and which provide
principles. The subsequent steps in HACCP are the opportunities. Once you have done that, you have to plan
necessary measures to prevent, or reduce, hazards to actions on how you are going to address these risks and
acceptable levels to ensure food is safe at the time of opportunities. Strong focus is also placed on the
consumption. This risk approach in ISO 22000:2018 is still objectives of the FSMS. These should be measurable,
in full alignment with the HACCP principles from Codex monitored, communicated, in line with the policy of the
Alimentarius and is not new in comparison with ISO FSMS and updated when needed.
Support (Clause 7)
Risk at the organisational level, however, is a new
approach to risk in ISO 22000 and requires organisations There are no significant changes, but you need to consider
to consider risk from the beginning and throughout the new requirements related to communications which have
entire food safety management system (FSMS). This been added, including determination of what, when and
greater focus on risk throughout the business processes is how to communicate. There are also less strict
aimed at taking advantage of opportunities and requirements regarding document control. Furthermore,
preventing undesirable effects. suppliers and sub-contractors need to be evaluated,
selected, monitored and re-evaluated according to
How will this affect the FSMS at your company? defined criteria.

The adoption of risk-based thinking and the HLS has

resulted in some key changes to the standard. A brief
overview of the most significant changes is given below of
clauses 4-7 and 9-10. Clause 8 will be discussed separately
under “The operation process”.

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Performance evaluation (Clause 9) A major change in the standard is the introduction of
significant food safety hazards. These are the hazards,
There are extra topics to be discussed during management identified through hazard assessment (likelihood ×
review meetings, such as changes in the context, review of severity), which have been identified as being significant
risks and opportunities and the effectiveness of actions and which need to be controlled by control measures.
taken to address them, performance of suppliers, Control measures are now related only to significant
hazards and not managed at a PRP level. Control
complaints of interested parties and the adequacy of measures are now categorized to be managed as OPRPs or
resources. at CCPs. In other words: if you have a significant hazard
you have to have either an OPRP or a CCP in place as a
There is also a new clause that requires you to analyse and control measure.
evaluate data and information arising from monitoring
and measurement, including the results of verification Additionally, ISO has enhanced and clarified the
activities. The results shall be maintained as documented differences between a CCP and OPRP. The words
information. underlined emphasize the differences between the two:

Improvement (Clause 10) Critical control point – CCP:

No significant changes in comparison with ISO 22000:2005. Step in the process at which control measure(s) is (are)
There is however a new clause where you are required to applied to prevent or reduce a significant food safety
react whenever nonconformity occurs, by taking action to hazard to an acceptable level, and defined critical limit(s)
control and correct it, and deal with the consequences. and measurement enables the application of corrections.

The operation process (Clause 8) Operational prerequisite programme – OPRP:

The operation process (Clause 8) is dedicated to Control measure or combination of control measures
operational planning and control related to the HACCP applied to prevent or reduce a significant food safety
plan. The clause opens with the requirement to implement hazard to an acceptable level, and where action criterion
processes to address the risks and opportunities as and measurement or observation enable effective control
determined in Clause 6. of the process and/or product.

In Clause 8 you are further required to manage the It has been made very clear that a CCP is now explicitly
operational processes, such as PRPs, traceability, related to a ‘step in the process’, such as pasteurizing,
emergency preparedness and response, hazard control, sieving and metal detection. Whereas an OPRP relates to a
verification and control of product and process control measure or combination of control measures, such
nonconformities. The following major changes are as specific cleaning activities or specific glass breakage
introduced: procedures.
 When selecting and/or establishing PRPs, the
applicable technical specification in the ISO/TS 22002 In addition, a CCP has a critical limit and an OPRP an
series should be considered. action criterion, which is a measurable or observable
 Traceability requirements have been added and the specification for the monitoring of an OPRP.
system shall be tested and verified for its
effectiveness. PDCA approach on two levels
 Extra criteria for handling emergencies and incidents
The standard clarifies the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. The
have been added. You are now required to
illustration below shows that there are two separate cycles
periodically test procedures where practical.
in the standard working together: one covers the
 Now also to be added to the required documented
management system and the other, covers the principles
flow diagrams are: processing aids, packaging and
 Regarding the characteristics of raw materials,
The first covers the overall frame of the FSMS (Clause 4-7
ingredient and packaging, the source needs now also
and Clause 9-10). The other level (operational planning
to be defined and documented.
and control) covers the operational processes within the
food safety system as described in Clause 8.

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Communication between the two levels is therefore Where should you start?
Start with the published version of the revised standard
and focus on the areas that are completely new or have
been revised. Those are the areas that are likely to be
included in your transition plan. Also, make sure that food
safety managers and internal auditors understand the
differences that the HLS (common text and structure) will
bring to the design, operation and performance of your
FSMS and any other management system standards in
your organisation.

Begin formalising a transition plan and process and ensure

that top management is involved from the start.

Further information
Figure 1: Illustration of the PDCA cycle at two levels (ISO22000:2018)
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performance and reduce risk, please visit our website
Changes to terms and definitions From here you can also visit one of our
With regards to the terms and definitions section of the country specific websites to find out about Lloyd’s Register
new ISO 22000:2018, quite a few changes have been made. in your country.
In comparison to the previous version (17 definitions) 45
definitions are now in place.

Examples of added items cover: acceptable level,

contamination, interested parties, nonconformity and

Examples of changed items are: distinction between food,

feed and animal food, significant food safety hazard,
control measure (now linked to significant food safety
hazard only), validation (linked to significant food safety
hazard), action criterion for OPRP (this used to be limit),
and as discussed in this note, the difference between a

Additionally the term ‘HACCP plan’, which in ISO

22000:2005 refers only to CCPs, is no longer applicable. In
the new standard the term Hazard control plan has been
added and shall include information regarding each CCP
and/or OPRP, such as critical limit(s)/action criteria,
corrections to be made, records of monitoring and

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Revision 0, 06 August 2018
Lloyd’s Register ISO 22000:2018 – A guide to the new requirements. | 04

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