Technology STP
Technology STP
Technology STP
Different treatment technologies like ASP, UASB, ASP-BNR, MBR and WSP etc are
adopted for sewage treatment in India. Efficiency of pollutant removal based on different
technology and same is tabulated below
There is some pre-requisite for removal of Coliform before application of tertiary treatment.
High Dosage of U.V. and Chlorination shall be required in case of UASB, ASP and WSP
due to their limitation of removal efficiency of Coliform upto log unit of Upto2<3. High
chlorine demand may ultimately result in formation of Trihalomethanes (THMs)
compounds. THMs are generally stable and carcinogenic compounds. Similarly, high dose
of U.V. will increase the capital cost and decrease their efficiency.
Therefore, it is suggested that treatment plant shall be designed considering the Faecal
Coliform removal efficiency, Log unit Upto3<4 so that tertiary system can work efficiently.
Above table indicates that technologies like ASP-BNR, SBR, MBBR, MBR have capability
to achieve BOD <20, SS<20, Faecal coliofrm removal, Log unit upto 3<4 and T-N removal
efficiency upto 70-80%.
STPs receiving Effluent having Fecal Coliform with 4 log concentration work efficiently
with tertiary treatment with minimal dosage.