Morgan Adam PDF
Morgan Adam PDF
Morgan Adam PDF
Adam Morgan
A thesis
presented to the University of Waterloo
in fulfillment of the
thesis requirement for the degree of
Master of Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
c Adam Morgan 2018
I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true copy of the thesis, including any
required final revisions, as accepted by my examiners.
The study of finite element methods for the numerical solution of differential equations is one of the
gems of modern mathematics, boasting rigorous analytical foundations as well as unambiguously useful
scientific applications. Over the past twenty years, several researchers in scientific computing have realized
that concepts from homological algebra and differential topology play a vital role in the theory of finite
element methods. Finite element exterior calculus is a theoretical framework created to clarify some of the
relationships between finite elements, algebra, geometry, and topology. The goal of this thesis is to provide
an introduction to the theory of finite element exterior calculus, and to illustrate some applications of this
theory to the design of mixed finite element methods for problems in geophysical fluid dynamics.
The presentation is divided into two parts. Part 1 is intended to serve as a self–contained introduction
to finite element exterior calculus, with particular emphasis on its topological aspects. Starting from the
basics of calculus on manifolds, I go on to describe Sobolev spaces of differential forms and the general
theory of Hilbert complexes. Then, I explain how the notion of cohomology connects Hilbert complexes to
topology. From there, I discuss the construction of finite element spaces and the proof that special choices
of finite element spaces can be used to ensure that the cohomological properties of a particular problem are
preserved during discretization. In Part 2, finite element exterior calculus is applied to derive mixed finite
element methods for the Green–Naghdi equations (GN). The GN extend the more well–known shallow
water equations to the regime of non–infinitesimal aspect ratio, thus allowing for some non–hydrostatic
effects. I prove that, using the mixed formulation of the linearized GN, approximations of balanced flows
remain steady. Additionally, one of the finite element methods presented for the fully nonlinear GN
provably conserves mass, vorticity, and energy at the semi–discrete level. Several computational test cases
are presented to assess the practical performance of the numerical methods, including a collision between
solitary waves, the motion of solitary waves over variable bottom topography, and the breakdown of an
unstable balanced state.
First, I would like to thank my supervisors, Francis Poulin and Benoit Charbonneau. In my time working
with them, they have both displayed incredible patience, as evidenced by them actually reading this kaiju
of a thesis. My project involved dragging both of them outside of the domains of their usual research,
but they always showed enthusiasm and support. Francis’ advice on coding has been instrumental to the
success of my numerical routines, and I cannot adequately express how much I appreciate Benoit’s amazing
editorial skills. I would also like to thank the other members of my degree committee, Kevin Lamb and
Sander Rhebergen, for helpful comments and discussions.
The study of finite element methods has formed a substantial part of my intellectual life for the past
two years, and I would like to thank everyone who has helped shape my understanding of this discipline.
First, Colin Cotter and Jemma Shipton have been enormously helpful in my quest to learn Firedrake. On
the theoretical side of finite elements, I have learned a great deal during discussions with Keegan Kirk,
whose devotion to and passion for numerical analysis is very inspiring. Thanks are also due to Sander
Rhebergen (again) and Tamas Horvath, who were always happy to help me whenever I barged in on them.
I have had the privilege to work closely with many talented graduate students during my time at
Waterloo, including Leon Avery (who shared with me the pains of learning to work with finite element
software), Supranta Sarma Boruah (who shared with me the pains of learning canonical perturbation
theory), Fabian Germ (who directed me to Cauchy’s very interesting life story), Parham Hamidi (with
whom I had many fruitful discussions on algebraic geometry), Anthony McCormick (my spirit–brother,
the first person I met who cared about infinite–dimensional manifolds as much as I do), Jeff Samuelson
(“to thine own self be true”), and Ben Storer (the Python wizard). I also would like to thank all of my
friends back in Edmonton for moral support, especially Mitchell Taylor, who was always willing to listen
to my complaining.
I owe a great debt to many of the wonderful teachers I have had over the past six years. First, I
would like to thank Vincent Bouchard and Vakhtang Putkaradze for cultivating my initial interest in
geometry and physics. I am also grateful to Gordon Swaters, from whom I learned to properly think like a
theoretical physicist. I owe Manish Patnaik for sharpening my mathematical maturity and writing skills.
At Waterloo, I was very fortunate to learn from Spiro Karigiannis, who taught me to love all of the gritty
details of differential geometry, and Matt Satriano, who has the honour of being the person who got me to
care about ring theory. Lastly, I cannot thank Xinwei Yu enough for baptizing his Math 217/317 class by
fire; he is a continuing inspiration who taught me some of the most valuable lessons about mathematics
and life.
Finally, I must extend gratitude to my family for their encouragement and patience. Most importantly,
I would like to thank my partner Kristen Cote, without whom I would certainly be living in a dumpster
behind a 7−11. Her input on both the written and visual components of this thesis has been immeasurably
Table of Contents
Author’s Declaration ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements iv
List of Figures x
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Prelude: The Shape of Numerical PDE Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Goals of this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Outline of Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4 Hilbert Complexes 39
4.1 Some Facts from Functional Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.2 Hilbert Complexes: Basic Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3 Cohomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.4 Harmonic Forms and the Hodge–Helmholtz Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.5 The Compactness Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
II Applications to the Numerical Solution of the Green–Naghdi Equa-
tions 144
References 210
List of Figures
5.11 Visual representation of some low–dimensional simplices. Interior points are coloured orange,
and boundary points are coloured black. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.12 A 2–dimensional simplicial complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.13 A “tiling” that is not a simplicial complex. Connecting the two white vertices with an edge
would turn the figure into a simplicial complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.21 ∂Tref,2 with the induced right–hand orientation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.22 Coboundaries of the vertices of Tref,2 ; the captions follow the notation of Example 5.2.17. . . 70
6.21 DOFs for the Lagrange finite element in Example 6.2.3. Solid dots represent the points p
such that evalp is a DOF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.22 The Raviart–Thomas finite element RT(1) in Example 6.2.4. The arrows represent the DOFs
(evaluation of normal components at base point of the arrow). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.31 Pictorial representation
of global DOFs on the unit interval [0, 1] with respect to the trian-
gulation 0, 12 ∪ 21 , 1 . Solid dots mark the points associated to the global DOFs. . . . . . .
6.41 The normal–tangential coordinate system defined with respect to the facet F . . . . . . . . . 86
8.11 DOFs for some CG(r) finite elements on intervals, corresponding to Pr Λ0 ([0, 1]). . . . . . . 104
8.12 DOFs for some CG(r) finite elements on triangles, corresponding to Pr Λ0 (Tref,2 ). . . . . . 105
8.31 The degree 2 Raviart–Thomas finite element RT(2) over the reference triangle, corresponding
to ?P2− Λ1 (Tref,2 ). Arrows represent edge moments of normal components against degree 1
polynomial functions, and circles represent interior moments against 1–forms with constant
coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
8.32 The degree 1 Nédélec face element of the first kind on the reference tetrahedron, N1f (1),
corresponding to P1− Λ2 (Tref,3 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
8.33 The degree 1 Nédélec edge element of the first kind on the reference triangle, N1e (1), corre-
sponding to P1− Λ1 (Tref,2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
8.34 The degree 1 Nédélec edge element of the first kind on the reference tetrahedron, N1e (1),
corresponding to P1− Λ1 (Tref,3 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
8.35 DOFs for some DG(r − 1) finite elements, corresponding to Pr− Λ2 (Tref,2 ). . . . . . . . . . . 115
8.41 The degree 1 Brezzi–Douglas–Marini finite element BDM(1) over the reference triangle,
corresponding to ?P1 Λ1 (Tref,2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
8.42 The degree 1 Nédélec edge element of the second kind on the reference triangle, N2e (1),
corresponding to P1 Λ1 (Tref,2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
9.11 Figure 2.4 in [5], showing two numerical solutions to (9.1.2) obtained with different FEMs.
The solution u on the right is orthogonal to H1h , while the solution on the left is of the form
u + q for some q ∈ H1 with relatively large norm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
9.51 The simplest cohomology–preserving choice of finite element spaces built with the trimmed
family, corresponding to the Whitney complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
9.52 The simplest cohomology–preserving choice of finite element spaces built with the regular
family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
9.53 The first two columns of the Periodic Table of the Finite Elements. Cohomology–preserving
families of finite element spaces are arranged horizontally in the first column and diagonally
in the second column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
9.54 The third and fourth columns of the Periodic Table of the Finite Elements. . . . . . . . . . . 142
10.11 Definition of the depth h. The solid curve represents the free surface of the fluid, and the
dashed line illustrates the physical meaning of h as the distance between the flat bottom
(z = 0 here) and the free surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
10.21 Definition of h, H, and η. The green curve represents the seafloor and the blue curve repre-
sents the free surface of the fluid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
12.11 L2 error in approximation of the depth for the geostrophic balance test. The H(div)–flux
method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
12.12 Relative error in energy for the geostrophic balance test. The H(div)–flux method has been
used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
12.21 Hovmöller plot of the evolution of a solitary wave predicted by the H(div)–flux method,
with x in metres and t in seconds. The straight red lines, representing the trajectories of the
wave’s peak in the xt–plane, indicate that the wave seems to maintain constant speed. . . . 182
12.22 Comparison of the two approximate solutions for depth with the exact solution hwave at the
end of the simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
12.23 Plot of the relative error in energy for both FEMs when 5000 elements are used. Time is
measured in seconds. Note how each graph is scaled differently. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
12.24 Relative error in the energy for solitary wave propagation. To obtain this graph, the H(div)–
flux method with 500 elements was used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
12.31 Hovmöller plot of the solitary wave collision as simulated by the H(div)–flux method. . . . . 187
12.32 Relative error in the energy for the collision problem. The H(div)–flux method has been used.187
12.33 Overtaking collision of two solitary waves at eight different times, simulated by the H(div)–
flux method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
12.41 Initial conditions for the linear ramp test with s = − 4h
5L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
12.42 Hovmöller plot of a solitary wave traveling over a linearly increasing ramp. The H(div)–flux
method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
12.43 Relative error in energy for a solitary wave traveling over a linearly increasing ramp. The
H(div)–flux method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
12.44 Initial conditions for the linear ramp test with s = 5L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
12.45 Hovmöller plot of a solitary wave traveling over a linearly decreasing ramp. The H(div)–flux
method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
12.46 Relative error in energy for a solitary wave traveling over a linearly decreasing ramp. The
H(div)–flux method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
12.47 Initial conditions for the Gaussian hill test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
12.48 Hovmöller plot of a solitary wave traveling over a Gaussian hill. The H(div)–flux method
has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
12.49 Relative error in energy for a solitary wave traveling over a Gaussian hill. The H(div)–flux
method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
12.51 Plot of the initial (a) potential vorticity, (b) depth, and (c) y–component of velocity for the
wave–vortex interaction test when the parameter values are AV = 0.1, SV = 0.2, xV = 50,
and C = 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
12.52 Hovmöller plot of (a) ζ and (b) the divergence of velocity with γ = 0 when AV = 0.1 and
C = 1. The H(div)–flux method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
12.53 Hovmöller plot of the evolution of (a) ζ and (b) the divergence of velocity with γ = 1 when
AV = 0.1 and C = 1. The H(div)–flux method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
12.54 Evolution of the wave–vortex interaction parameter a(t) for (a) γ = 0 and (b) γ = 1 when
AV = 0.1. In both cases, the solid blue curve displays the evolution when C = −1, and the
dotted red curve represents C = 1. The H(div)–flux method has been used. . . . . . . . . . 200
12.55 Evolution of the wave–vortex interaction parameter a(t) for AV = 0.5 (a), AV = 1 (b), and
AV = 2 (c) when γ = 1. The solid blue curve represents the case C = −1, and the dotted
red curve represents C = 1. The H(div)–flux method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
12.56 The same quantities plotted in Figure 12.55, except with γ = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
12.61 Filled contour plots of the layer depth h for the instability test at eight different times. The
upwind method has been used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
12.62 Relative error in energy for the instability test. The upwind method has been used. . . . . . 205
12.71 Changes in δHGN = log10 max HGNH (t)−HGN (0)
GN (0) with respect to shape function degree r for
simulations of solitary wave propogation by the upwind method. A mesh with 510 elements
was used, and the Courant number was 0.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Chapter 1
1) Stability: the discrete formulation of the PDE is well–posed, and the approximate solution depends
continuously on the parameters of the exact problem (rather than the discretization parameters);
2) Convergence: the approximate solution tends to the exact solution as we make the approximation
infinitely precise;
3) Consistency: the approximation of the differential operator tends to the exact differential opera-
tor as we make the approximation infinitely precise.
There are more precise definitions of the above properties tailored for particular problems, but these
precise definitions are always similar in spirit to the above general outlines. Such definitions usually take
the form of a particular limit or inequality being satisfied. Properly defining and verifying the above
three characteristics is often considered a top priority when numerical analysts begin investigating a new
Remark 1.1.1. Our use of the term “stability” agrees with that most common in numerical PDE theory
(see for instance [10, §3.4]).
Now, as the name “numerical analysis” implies, most theoretical tools designed for checking stability,
convergence, and consistency are based on mathematical analysis. For example, von Neumann’s method
for assessing the stability of finite difference methods is based on the theory of Fourier series [47, §16.5], and
much of the study of finite element methods for linear elliptic PDEs revolves around the theory of bilinear
forms on Hilbert spaces [82]. Of course, since the study of PDEs is one of the jewels of analysis, we can only
expect that the study of discretizing PDEs depends critically on analysis as well. However, PDE theory
also has intimate connections to algebra and topology. For instance, Hodge theory [77] demonstrates that
the number of linearly independent solutions to the vector Laplace equation on a two–dimensional domain
Ω is equal to the number of holes in Ω.
Although some of the most important relations between PDEs and topology have been understood for
over 80 years, the significance of topological methods in numerical PDE theory has only become widely ap-
preciated since the late 1990s. One of the most important theoretical tools created to harmonize numerical
analysis with algebraic and topological techniques in PDE theory is known as finite element exterior
calculus (FEEC). FEEC is focused specifically on studying the mathematical structure of finite element
numerical methods. Such methods involve looking for an approximate solution to a given PDE in a finite–
dimensional finite element space, usually consisting of functions that are piecewise smooth with respect
to some prescribed triangulation of the spatial domain. Some of the highlights of FEEC include
1) unifying many well–known finite element spaces by demonstrating how they arise as special cases
of more general constructions based on differential forms;
2) clarifying how to choose finite element spaces in order to ensure that the algebraic and topological
properties of a particular PDE are preserved at the discrete level;
3) using the preservation of algebraic and topological structure to provide proofs of stability and con-
In a nutshell, then, FEEC is about crafting good finite element methods by paying attention to the
underlying algebraic and topological structures of the PDE we want to solve.
The history of FEEC up to 2010 is nicely summarized in [4, 5], and any attempt I make to present
my own version of the subject’s history would just involve regurgitating the discussion in these papers. I
mention, however, that the name “finite element exterior calculus” first appeared in 2006 in the work of
Arnold, Falk, and Winther [4], though the importance of mimicking algebraic and topological properties
of PDEs in finite element discretizations apparently originated in the early 1980s in Kotiuga’s PhD thesis.
Additionally, I remark that some of the most impressive results of FEEC depend on re–interpreting certain
ideas from mid–20th –century piecewise–linear topology through the lens of finite element analysis: as
Christiansen demonstrated in 2005 [18], Whitney’s 1957 book on integration theory [89] contains many of
the ingredients for understanding highlight 2 above.
consistency before one can understand FEEC–based proofs of stability and convergence. In terms of the
above “highlights” of FEEC, then, I focus on points 1 and 2 instead of point 3.
Many the central papers in FEEC [4, 5] assume that the reader a strong background in functional
analysis and its manifestations in PDE theory and finite element methods. Additionally, much of the
algebraic and topological motivation underlying the developments of these papers may seem foreign to
numerical analysts, many of whom have never heard of foundational topological ideas like cohomology
before. In order to make FEEC more inviting and transparent, I have tried to make Part 1 as self–contained
and pedagogical as possible. I assume that the reader knows only vector calculus, general topology, some
functional analysis, and a bit of numerical analysis (a basic acquaintance with finite difference methods
more than suffices). In place of describing all of the major successes of FEEC, I am more concerned with
providing the reader with sufficient background in algebra (in particular, the theory of chain and cochain
complexes) and topology in order for them to appreciate the motivation for introducing the ideas of FEEC.
I have also tried to include helpful recommendations for further reading throughout, as I feel that many
of the references on geometry, algebra, and topology given in some of the primary sources on FEEC may
not be particularly illuminating for the newcomer. Hopefully, the reader will, after working through Part
1, be able to at least understand the jargon of contemporary research papers in this thriving discipline.
Remark 1.2.1. An alternative, and very accessible, introductory resource on FEEC is Tiee’s splendid
PhD thesis [88]. In some ways, Part 1 is complementary to Tiee’s thesis: he concentrates more on how
FEEC provides information on convergence and stability estimates (highlight 3 above), while I emphasize
the topological flavour of FEEC more thoroughly. If the reader is setting out to properly master the
foundations of FEEC, I highly recommend they read Part 1 alongside Tiee’s thesis.
Once I have finished taking the reader through the theory of FEEC, I use Part 2 to describe one of its
concrete application in geophysical fluid dynamics. Specifically, Part 2 is devoted to developing FEEC–
based discretizations and numerical simulations of the Green–Naghdi equations (GN) describing the
vertically averaged motion of an ideal fluid. The GN are capable of describing small–scale phenomena such
as solitary wave propagation and, when the effects of planetary rotation are added, they can also describe
features of large–scale oceanic flows such as quasi–static vortices and jets. After introducing the GN and
some of their most important properties, I present two FEEC–inspired finite element methods for their
numerical solution. I exhibit numerical test cases for both of these methods to assess their performance,
paying particular attention to whether or not theoretical predictions about the methods are correct. By
the end of Part 2, the reader should understand why FEEC is particularly well–suited for describing large–
scale oceanographic phenomena and should be able to explain the positive and negative aspects of the two
finite element methods presented.
we see that de Rham’s Theorem connects Hilbert complex cohomology to important topological data. In
Chapter 6, I introduce finite element methods rigorously. In Chapter 7, I describe some simple algebraic
and combinatorial properties of two families of differential forms with polynomial coefficients, in order to
facilitate the construction of finite element spaces of differential forms later on. In Chapter 8, I take the
reader through the FEEC construction of many well–studied finite element spaces, based on the theoretical
groundwork laid in the previous chapter. In Chapter 9, I prove that certain choices of finite element spaces
“fit together” to give rise to numerical approximations preserving the algebraic and topological properties
of the exact problem.
In Chapter 10, I derive the GN (and their rotating analogue) using tools from Hamiltonian fluid dy-
namics. I also describe some physical properties of the GN that are particularly important for applications
to large–scale oceanographic problems. In Chapter 11, I motivate the use of FEEC in geophysical fluid
dynamics and present two finite element methods for GN built using the ideas of FEEC. I then prove that
one of these numerical methods maintains some of the conservation laws associated to the GN (specifically,
conservation of mass, vorticity, and energy), at least when only the spatial derivatives are discretized and
the temporal derivatives remain exact. In Chapter 12, I present several numerical test cases for both
methods described in Chapter 11, paying special attention to conservation of energy at the fully discrete
level. In Chapter 13, I conclude by summarizing the major findings of the numerical tests, outlining the
shortcomings of the two finite element methods, and suggesting specific avenues for future research.
1.4 Notation
Before beginning, I introduce some notation used throughout the thesis.
• Given a set X, its power set is denoted by 2X and its cardinality is denoted by |X|.
• Given a subset A of a topological space X, its closure in X is denoted by A and its interior is denoted
by A0 .
• R≥0 denotes the set of all real numbers greater than or equal to zero.
• If V is a real vector space (possibly with infinite dimension), V ∗ denotes its continuous dual space.
• If V and W are real vector spaces, I denote their direct sum by V W (for a reminder on the
definition of a direct sum, see [51, pp. 638–640]).
• Let V be a vector
P space, with {Vα }α∈I a family of subspaces of V indexed byPsome finiteL
set I. The
vector space α∈I Vα is defined to be the span of ∪α∈I Vα . I remark that α∈I Vα = α∈I Vα if
and only if the pairwise intersections of the Vα ’s are all equal to 0.
• Let F : U → V be a smooth map between open subsets of Euclidean spaces. I denote the Jacobian
of F by DF .
• If u1 ∈ R3 and u2 ∈ R2 , I use the notation “u1 × u2 ” as shorthand for “u1 × u2 + 0ẑ ”. A similar
convention will also be in place when u1 , u2 ∈ R2 . That is, I always implicitly use placeholders of 0
in the z–component when computing any cross products involving 2-vectors.
• Let f be a smooth scalar function on R2 . Then, I define ∇⊥ f = − ∂f ∂f
∂y x̂ + ∂x ŷ = ẑ × ∇f .
Part I
Chapter 2
As one might expect, understanding finite element exterior calculus depends largely on having at least a
working understanding of exterior calculus. To keep Part 1 as self–contained as possible, in this chapter
I provide a rapid–fire overview of what exterior calculus is and how to actually perform concrete compu-
tations with it. Our main goal is to provide a sketch of how exterior calculus summarizes and generalizes
vector calculus in Rn by making use of differential forms (roughly, generalized vector fields) on smooth
manifolds (generalized versions of smooth curves and surfaces). By no means is this chapter intended
to be a substitute for the reader working through a differential geometry book themselves: as the title
suggests, my focus is on providing just enough knowledge of how exterior calculus works in order to un-
derstand its relevance to numerical analysis. Anyone looking to learn the material properly should consult
the textbooks referenced throughout this chapter.
In Section 2.1, I introduce smooth manifolds before defining vector fields and tensor fields on man-
ifolds. In Section 2.2, I define differential forms and discuss some basic algebraic operations we can do
with then. In Section 2.3, I introduce an intrinsic notion of orientability for smooth manifolds, general-
izing the concept of outward unit normals encountered in vector calculus. I then state that orientability
may be used to define an operator called the Hodge star, allowing us to switch between different types
of differential forms. In Section 2.4, I describe how to differentiate differential forms in a way that neatly
summarizes and extends the main operations of vector calculus (specifically, the operators ∇, ∇×, and
∇·). In Section 2.5, I outline how to integrate differential forms and state the general Stokes’ Theorem,
another result generalizing familiar objects from vector calculus to the setting of smooth manifolds.
There are many superb textbooks on differential geometry and exterior calculus, and before beginning
I would like to note some of my personal favourites. Owing to the blitzkrieg presentation style of this
chapter, I often defer the reader to these books so that they may obtain a deeper understanding of the
material (sometimes, I also defer to them in order for the reader to obtain a shallow understanding).
Flanders’ little book [35] is a solid exterior calculus reference for the applied mathematician. Do Carmo’s
book on differential forms [28] also provides several instructive exercises and examples. I consider both
John Lee’s encyclopedic book on smooth manifolds [51] and Nakahara’s book on topological and geometric
methods in mathematical physics [62] to be references of paramount importance, though the sheer size of
both these volumes can make them seem a bit intimidating.
• for all p ∈ M , there exists α ∈ I such that p ∈ Uα (that is, the open sets Uα cover M );
ϕβ ◦ ϕ−1
α : ϕα (Uα ∩ Uβ ) → ϕβ (Uα ∩ Uβ )
is a diffeomorphism.
The pairs (Uα , ϕα ) are called (smooth) charts. We sometimes call the open sets Uα chart domains or
coordinate patches on M .
2) A smooth structure on M is a smooth atlas A that is not strictly contained inside any other smooth
3) Let A be a smooth structure on M . The pair (M, A) is called a smooth manifold, and the num-
ber n is called its dimension.
In practice, I almost always omit reference to the specified smooth structure when discussing a smooth
manifold. That is, when I say “M is a smooth manifold”, the reader should understand that I have tacitly
put a particular smooth structure on the space M . By applying the Rank–Nullity Theorem to the Jacobian
matrix of any transition map, it is easy to show that the dimension of a smooth manifold is well–defined on
each connected component of M . Finally, I remark that Hausdorffness and the countable basis condition
can often be taken for granted in applications, so I do not focus much on these aspects of manifolds here.
We now present some basic examples of smooth manifolds. Owing to the complicated nature of the
manifold definition, providing every detail is too time–consuming. For more interesting examples and more
explicit details, see [51, pp. 17–24].
Example 2.1.2. Clearly, Rn is a smooth n–dimensional manifold: the only chart we need is (Rn , x 7→ x).
Example 2.1.3. Any open subset U of a smooth manifold M can be given the structure of a smooth
manifold simply by taking the intersection of U with all of the chart domains. The dimension of U is the
same as the dimension of M .
Example 2.1.4. The n–sphere S n , defined by
S n = {x ∈ Rn+1 | kxk = 1},
is not a smooth (n + 1)–dimensional manifold. We may see this intuitively: inside a little neighbourhood
on the interior of the solid sphere, we have n + 1 possible directions we can move while staying in the
neighbourhood, while if our little neighbourhood is on the surface of the sphere, we can only move in
n possible directions. So, there is a “jump” in dimensionality that prevents Dn+1 from being a smooth
manifold by Definition 2.1.1.
The last example may have upset the reader. Since we want a manifold to be a generalization of
the vanishing set of some smooth constraints, we ought to have some way of talking about Dn+1 as a
manifold–like object. Such thinking motivates the definition of a manifold with boundary. A manifold
with boundary is a topological space satisfying all of the conditions outlined in Definition 2.1.1, except
that we allow some points on M to have open neighbourhoods that are homeomorphic to an open subset
of a half–space
Hn = {(x1 , ..., xn ) ∈ Rn | xn ≥ 0}.
To understand how we can put smooth structures on manifolds with boundary, recall the following defini-
tion from multivariable calculus:
Definition 2.1.6. Let S ⊆ Rn and suppose that F : S → Rm . We say that F is smooth if, for all p ∈ S,
there exists an open subset U of Rn containing p and a smooth function F̃ : U → Rm such that
F̃ |S∩U = F |S∩U .
So, saying that the transition functions on a manifold with boundary are smooth is perfectly fine, even
though such transition functions may be defined on non–open domains.
Let M be an n–dimensional manifold with boundary. If a point p ∈ M has a neighbourhood homeo-
morphic to an open subset of Rn , we say that p is an interior point, else p is called a boundary point.
Borrowing notation from multivariable calculus, we denote the set of all boundary points by ∂M . One
can show that ∂M has the structure of an (dim M − 1)–dimensional smooth manifold [51, Prop. 1.38].
With this new jargon in mind, we clearly see that the solid sphere is an (n + 1)–dimensional manifold with
boundary. Further, ∂Dn+1 = S n .
We can also go further and define manifolds with k–corners, spaces that are locally homeomorphic
to open subsets of
{(x1 , ..., xn ) ∈ Rn | xn−k , ..., xn ≥ 0}.
So, a manifold with 0–corners is just a manifold with boundary, and a manifold with 1–corners has
coordinate patches that look like the corner of a solid triangle. Naturally, triangles themselves are canonical
examples of manifolds with 1–corners. We usually just say “manifold with corners” when the number k is
not important. In the sequel, we often have to deal with calculus problems on triangles, tetrahedra, and
their higher–dimensional analogues, so our introduction of manifolds with corners is not just an exercise
in stretching out abstractions. For more on manifolds with corners, see [51, pp. 415–417].
Definition 2.1.7. Let M and N be smooth manifolds. A map F : M → N is said to be smooth if, for
all charts (U, ϕ) on M and (V, ψ) on N such that F (U ) ⊆ V , the map
F̂ = ψ ◦ F ◦ ϕ−1 : ϕ(U ) → ψ(F (U ))
The set of all smooth, real-valued functions on M is denoted by C ∞ Λ0 (M ). This collection is also
referred to as the set of scalar fields on M . Combining the definition of smooth maps above with
Definition 2.1.6, we know what it means for a map defined on a general S ⊆ M to be smooth.
Definition 2.1.8. A function f : M → R is said to be compactly supported if
supp f = {p ∈ M | f (p) 6= 0}
is a compact subset of M .
We use the symbol Cc∞ Λ0 (M ) to denote the set of all scalar fields on M that are compactly supported
in the interior of M .
Now that we have defined smooth manifolds and smooth maps, we can begin our goal of building
a generalized vector calculus in earnest. Of course, our first thought is immediately to find a suitable
generalization of a vector field on Rn to a smooth manifold. We usually picture vector fields in Rn as
smooth assignments of points p ∈ Rn to little arrows protruding from p. More formally, a smooth vector
field is a smooth map Rn → Rn , where we view the Rn in the target as being “translated” so that the
origin coincides with p. When working on an arbitrary smooth manifold M that is not contained in some
ambient Euclidean space, we can’t directly extend such a notion of vector field to M ; Definition 2.1.1
doesn’t explicitly tell us that M comes with a free copy of Rn attached to every point p ∈ M . So, we have
to try to figure out a canonical way to attach a vector space to every point of M .
Definition 2.1.9. Suppose that M is a smooth manifold of dimension n.
1) Let p ∈ M . The tangent space to M at p is the n–dimensional real vector space of all linear maps
up : C ∞ Λ0 (M ) → R satisfying
up (f g) = up (f ) g(p) + f (p) up (g). (2.1.1)
We denote the tangent space at p by Tp M . Elements of the tangent space are called tangent vectors to
M at p.
2) The tangent bundle of M is the 2n–dimensional smooth manifold TM given by
TM = {(p, up ) |p ∈ M, up ∈ Tp M } . (2.1.2)
Now, the reader should have noticed that I was a bit sloppy in the above definition, in that I called
TM a manifold without specifying a smooth structure. One can always build a smooth structure on TM
using M ’s smooth structure by “linearizing” the chart maps on M in an appropriate sense. The details of
the argument are simple [51, Prop. 3.18], but for the sake of time I omit them.
Although we describe the elements of TM with ordered pairs, I stress that the tangent bundle is not
the Cartesian product of M with a real vector space. In particular, if q 6= p, the pair (q, up ) does not
a priori make sense, hence TM is not guaranteed to be a Cartesian product. However, TM is locally a
Cartesian product, in the sense that every p ∈ M is contained in a chart domain U diffeomorphic to an
open set V ⊆ Rn such that U × π −1 (p) is diffeomorphic to V × Rn .
At this point, we have succeeded in attaching a copy of Rn to every point in M using the tangent space,
but the reader may be wondering where the motivation for this notion of tangency comes from. Essentially,
the definition of the tangent space is inspired by the one–to–one correspondence between vectors u ∈ Rn
and directional derivatives u · ∇ (this follows from Taylor’s Theorem [51, pp. 53–54]). In fact, we pretty
much copy over the notation for directional derivatives when working on manifolds. Studying tangency
using derivatives allows us to view Tp M as a linear approximation of M near p, in analogy to how the
derivative of a map is its best approximation by a linear transformation. Very loosely, then, we can think
of tangent vectors as “infinitesimal displacements” on M .
Suppose that (U, ϕ) is a coordinate chart around p ∈ M , and denote the local coordinates associated
to this chart by (x1 , ..., xn ). Define a set of tangent vectors at p by
∂ fˆ
: f 7→ (p), i = 1, ..., n.
∂x p ∂xi
is a basis for Tp M , called the coordinate basis. That is, for every tangent vector up ∈ Tp M , there exist
n real numbers ui such that
i ∂
up = u .
∂xi p
We sometimes require a way of associating tangent vectors on one manifold to tangent vectors on
another manifold.
Definition 2.1.10. Let M and N be smooth manifolds and let F : M → N be a smooth map. The
pushforward of F at p ∈ M is the linear map F∗,p : Tp M → TF (p) M given by
(F∗,p up ) f = up (F ◦ f ) ∀ f ∈ C ∞ Λ0 (M ), up ∈ Tp M. (2.1.3)
Finally, we come to defining vector fields. Since we now have a notion of “little arrows” lying tangent
to M (precisely, elements of Tp M ), figuring out what the generalized version of a vector field should look
like is obvious.
Definition 2.1.11. Let M be a smooth manifold and let π : TM → M be defined by π(p, up ) = p. Let
u : M → TM .
2) Let u be a vector field. For any chart domain U with associated local coordinates (x1 , ..., xn ), we
define n functions ui : U → R, called the components of u, by
i ∂
u(p) = u (p) i .
∂x p
We say that u is smooth if, in each chart domain, every component of u is smooth.
3) The real vector space of all smooth vector fields on M is denoted by X(M ).
Let U be any chart domain on M . The coordinate basis clearly defines a family of smooth vector fields
on U by way of
∂ ∂
: p 7→ .
∂xi ∂xi p
Suppose that u is a smooth vector field. When we change local coordinates (x1 , ..., xn ) → (y 1 , ..., y n ),
the Chain Rule tells us that the expression of u|U in the coordinate basis changes according to
∂ ∂y j ∂
ui i
= ui i j . (2.1.4)
∂x ∂x ∂y
We now turn to constructing objects on M that are “dual” to smooth vector fields.
Definition 2.1.12. The cotangent bundle of M is the smooth manifold T∗ M defined by
T∗ M = {(p, αp ) | αp ∈ T∗p M }.
I do not explicitly describe the smooth structure on T∗ M for the sake of time, but the construction of
this smooth structure is routine (following along the same lines as the construction of the tangent bundle).
Let dxi |p i=1 denote the basis of T∗p M dual to the coordinate basis of Tp M . That is, each dxi is
Using this easy basis for T∗p M , we define one of the main building blocks of exterior calculus.
Definition 2.1.13. Let M be a smooth manifold, let π : T∗ M → M be defined by π(p, αp ) = p, and let
α : M → T∗ M .
2) Suppose that α is a 1–form. For any chart domain U with associated local coordinates (x1 , ..., xn ),
we define n functions αi : U → R, called the components of α, by
We say that α is a smooth differential 1–form if, in every chart domain on M , all components of α
are smooth.
We often do not even bother saying “differential” when referring to differential 1–forms. Naturally, in
each coordinate patch the maps dxi : p 7→ dxi |p define a family of smooth 1–forms on U .
We may ask how the components of a 1–form are modified when we change local coordinates on U
from (x1 , ..., xn ) to (y 1 , ..., y n ). Consider the notational setup
α|U = αi dxi = α
ej dy j .
This similarity provides some belated motivation for the notation dxi .
Since a 1–form defines a linear functional on the tangent space at each p ∈ M , we can “feed” a 1–form
α a vector field u to produce a smooth function on M :
α(u) : p 7→ αp (up ) .
Using duality, we can equivalently view α(u) as “feeding” α to u. With this picture in mind, we have that
vector fields eat 1–forms to produce smooth scalars, and 1–forms eat vector fields to produce smooth scalars
(note that α(u) = u(α) for all vector fields u and 1–forms α). This way of thinking about vectors and
1–forms helps motivate the more general concept of a tensor field. Before introducing tensors formally,
however, we review an important definition from linear algebra.
Definition 2.1.14. Let E and F be finite–dimensional real vector spaces, with dual spaces denoted by
E ∗ and F ∗ respectively. The tensor product of E and F , denoted E ⊗ F , is the real vector space of all
bilinear maps E ∗ × F ∗ → R.
Since all finite–dimensional real vector spaces E satisfy E ∗∗ = E, it is not very difficult to show that,
given a basis {e1 , ..., en } of E and a basis {f1 , ..., fm } F , the set of all bilinear maps on E ∗ × F ∗ of the form
ei ⊗ fj : (α, β) 7→ ei (α)fj (β)
constitutes a basis of E ⊗ F .
Definition 2.1.15. Let p ∈ M .
1) Tk`,p = T∗p M ⊗ · · · ⊗ T∗p M ⊗ (Tp M ⊗ · · · ⊗ Tp M ) is called the space of (k, `)–tensors at p.
| {z } | {z }
k times ` times
I omit the precise definition of the smooth structure on Tk` , as I likewise ignored the construction of
the smooth structures on the tangent and cotangent bundles.
Given a local coordinate system (x1 , ..., xn ) for a chart domain U around p ∈ M , we can represent
τp ∈ Tk`,p in terms of the real numbers
j1 ...j` ∂ ∂ j1 j`
(τp )i1 ...ik = τp , ..., i , dx , ..., dx .
∂xi1 ∂x k
j ...j
The numbers (τp )i11...ik` are called the components of τp in the coordinate basis. Once we know all of the
components of τp , we may write
j ...j ∂ ∂
τp = (τp )i11...ik` dxi1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ dxik ⊗ j
⊗ ··· ⊗ j .
∂x 1 ∂x `
At this point, the definition of a smooth (k, `)–tensor field is obvious:
Definition 2.1.16. Let π : Tk` → M be defined by π(p, τp ) = p. Any map τ : M → Tk` such that π ◦ τ is
the identity on M is called a (k, `)–tensor field. If, for every chart domain U , we also have that each
real–valued component function
: U → Tk`
defined by
j ...j
: p 7→ (τp )i11...ik`
is smooth, then we say that τ is a smooth (k, `)–tensor field.
Unless otherwise stated, all tensors in this chapter are assumed to be smooth. By convention, a (0, 0)–
tensor is a smooth scalar field. A (1, 0)–tensor is a smooth vector field and a (0, 1)–tensor is a smooth
1–form. In general, a (k, `)–tensor field on M can be “fed” k vector fields and ` 1–forms to produce a
smooth scalar field. Additionally, by calculations similar to those seen earlier in this section, we can easily
write down a change of variables formula for the components of a general tensor.
As we defined compactly supported scalar fields, so can we define compactly supported tensors. Namely,
a tensor field is compactly supported if and only if the closure of the complement of its vanishing set is
compact. We also use the subscript c to indicate compact support in the tensorial case. For example,
Xc (M ) denotes the set of compactly supported smooth vector fields, and Cc∞ Λ1 (M ) denotes the set of
compactly supported smooth 1–forms.
Before concluding this section, we introduce some more jargon useful for handling tensors and describe
a useful breed of tensors encountered frequently in geometry and its applications. If the (k, `)–tensor τ
a ia0 ...ik
= τij11...i
a0 ia ...ik
a ia0 ...ik
= −τij11...i
a0 ia ...ik
then we say that τ is antisymmetric in the indices ia and ia0 . The same nomenclature applies to indices
upstairs and non–adjacent indices as well.
A Riemannian metric is a symmetric (0, 2)–tensor g such that, for all p ∈ M , the matrix of gp is
positive–definite. The easiest example of a Riemannian metric is the Euclidean metric on Rn , defined
. X i
g= dx ⊗ dxi .
gp (up , vp ) = up · vp .
So, the Euclidean metric is really just the usual dot product in disguise. With the example of the Euclidean
metric in mind, we see that Riemannian metrics provide us with a way of generalizing the notions of length
and angle to arbitrary smooth manifolds. A manifold M equipped with a Riemannian metric g is called
a Riemannian manifold. We denote a Riemannian manifold using the pair (M, g). On any (M, g) we
have an alternative notion of duality between vector fields and 1–forms as follows: given u ∈ X(M ) we
define its flat, denoted u[ ∈ C ∞ Λ1 (M ), by
up 7→ u[p
is an isomorphism. Therefore, the flat map is invertible. We call the inverse of the flat map the sharp
map and denotes its action on α ∈ C ∞ Λ1 (M ) by α] . Collectively, the flat map and sharp map make up
the musical isomorphism. In Rn with the Euclidean metric, the musical isomorphism on each tangent
space is effectively just the identity map: if up = ui ∂xi
then u[p = ui dxi |p .
3) A smooth tensor field ω : M → Altk (M ) is called a (smooth) differential k–form. The number
k is called the degree of the form. The real vector space of all differential k–forms on M is denoted by
C ∞ Λk (M ).
As the reader is no doubt unsurprised to hear, I do not intend to specify the smooth structure for
Altk (M ) in this thesis. Note that I denote the set of all compact supported smooth k–forms by Cc∞ Λk (M ).
Some remarks on the definition of differential forms are in order. First, we usually omit saying “smooth”
and “differential” in this chapter, preferring to just say k–form. Note that, since T10 = T∗ M , our use of
the term “1–form” is consistent. By convention, we interpret scalar fields as 0–forms. Many authors called
differential forms exterior differential forms, hence the name “exterior calculus”.
We now provide several examples of differential forms, most of which are important enough to warrant
their own definitions.
Notice how the pullback is defined in the only way that it can possibly make sense: ω must be fed k
vector fields on N , so any attempt to define a “version” of ω on M must include a way of taking vector
fields on M to vector fields on N , and this is precisely accomplished by the pushforward. In the case where
N is a sufficiently nice manifold (possibly with corners) contained in M with inclusion map denoted by
ι : N → M , we call the pullback by ι the trace onto N and use the notation trN = ι∗ .
Definition 2.2.3. If u ∈ X(M ) and ω ∈ C ∞ Λk (M ), then we define u ¬ ω ∈ C ∞ Λk−1 (M ) by
By construction, α∧β is bilinear and antisymmetric, so it is indeed a 2–form. Notice that β∧α = −α∧β,
and in particular α ∧ α = 0. Additionally, the wedge product has the distributive property:
α ∧ (β + γ) = α ∧ β + α ∧ γ.
Example 2.2.5. To give a more concrete example, consider the 1–forms on R3 defined by
α = y 2 dx + zy dz and β = x2 y 3 dy + dz.
α ∧ β = x2 y 5 dx ∧ dy + y 2 dx ∧ dz + x2 y 4 z dz ∧ dy + zy dz ∧ dz
= x2 y 5 dx ∧ dy + y 2 dx ∧ dz + x2 y 4 z dz ∧ dy.
The wedge product generalizes naturally to accommodate finitely many factors. Given k 1–forms
α1 , ..., αk , we define their wedge product to be the smooth k–form
α (u1 ) α1 (u2 ) · · · α1 (uk )
α2 (u1 ) α2 (u2 ) · · · α1 (uk )
1 k .
α ∧ · · · ∧ α (u1 , ..., uk ) = det . .. ∀ u1 , ..., uk ∈ X(M ). (2.2.3)
.. ..
.. . . .
αk (u1 ) αk (u2 ) · · · αk (uk )
We would now like to define the wedge product of a k–form with an `–form. In order to do this, we first
show that the wedge product gives us a convenient local coordinate expression for k–forms. We begin by
making a helpful definition that appears in different contexts throughout Part 1.
Definition 2.2.6. Σ(k, n) denotes the set of all strictly increasing maps σ : {1, ..., k} → {1, ..., n}
Lemma 2.2.7. |Σ(k, n)| = nk .
Of course, since {dxσ(1) |p ∧ · · · ∧ dxσ(k) |p }σ∈Σ(k,n) is a basis of Altk (Tp M ), we can define a family of
k–forms in a chart domain around p exactly as we saw for 1–forms:
dxσ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ dxσ(k) : p 7→ dxσ(1) |p ∧ · · · ∧ dxσ(k) |p .
Every k–form on M can thus locally be written as a linear combination of the dxσ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ dxσ(k) with
smooth functions as coefficients. At this point, defining the wedge product for differential forms of arbitrary
degree just amounts to extension by linearity.
Definition 2.2.10. Let ω ∈ C ∞ Λk and η ∈ C ∞ Λ` have the local coordinate expressions
X X 0 0
ω= ωσ dxσ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ dxσ(k) and η = ησ0 dxσ (1) ∧ · · · ∧ dxσ (`) .
σ∈Σ(k,n) σ 0 ∈Σ(`,n)
Then, the wedge product of ω and η is the (k + `)–form defined in local coordinates by
. X 0 0
ω∧η = ωσ ησ0 dxσ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ dxσ(k) ∧ dxσ (1) ∧ · · · ∧ dxσ (`) .
σ 0 ∈Σ(`,n)
Before moving on, we introduce some compressed notation. If σ ∈ Σ(k, n), then
dxσ = dxσ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ dxσ(k) .
The change of variables rule for a general k–form is, by direct calculation,
X X ∂xσ(1) ∂xσ(k)
ωσ dxσ = ωσ · · · dy j1 ∧ · · · ∧ dy jk . (2.2.4)
σ σ
∂y j1 ∂y jk
Using this change of variables rule, we see that our definition of the wedge product is clearly independent
of a particular choice of local coordinates.
In light of the above discussion, we see that n is the largest degree a form on M is allowed to have;
any higher–degree form would have a local coordinate expression involving wedge products with repeated
factors of some dxi . Accordingly, we also refer to n–forms as top forms. Using (2.2.4) and letting Sn
denote the group of permutations of (1, ..., n), the change of variables rule for a top form ω = ω̂ dx1 ∧ · · · ∧
dxn is
∂x1 ∂xn
ω̂ dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxn = ω̂ · · · dy j1 ∧ · · · ∧ dy jn
∂y j1 ∂y jn
X ∂x1 ∂xn
= ω̂ sgn(s) s(1) · · · s(n) dy 1 ∧ · · · ∧ dy n
∂y ∂y
= ω̂ det dy 1 ∧ · · · ∧ dy n ,
∂y j
where the Leibniz formula for determinants [51, p. 629] has been used to go from the second line to the
third line. If the determinant is positive, then the formula above resembles the multivariable calculus
change of variables rule for integrals,
Z Z i
1 n ∂x 1
dy · · · dy n .
f (x) dx · · · dx = f (x(y)) det
x(Ω) Ω ∂y j
The above correspondence provides motivation for using differential forms, rather than vector fields, as
the main objects of interest in calculus (Harley Flanders put it best: “[differential forms] are the things
which occur under integral signs” [35, p. 1]). We describe how to integrate differential forms in Section
We now discuss some finer properties of the wedge product. First, we go through an interesting example.
Example 2.2.11. Consider R4 with coordinates (t, x, y, z). Let
ω = dt ∧ dx + dy ∧ dz ∈ C ∞ Λ2 .
ω ∧ ω = dt ∧ dx ∧ dy ∧ dz + dy ∧ dz ∧ dt ∧ dx
= dt ∧ dx ∧ dy ∧ dz + dt ∧ dy ∧ dz ∧ dx
= 2 dt ∧ dx ∧ dy ∧ dz.
The above example illustrates an important difference between the wedge product of general forms
versus the wedge product of two 1–forms. This difference is encapsulated in the result below.
Lemma 2.2.12. Let ω ∈ C ∞ Λk and η ∈ C ∞ Λ` . Then,
ω ∧ η = (−1)k` η ∧ ω. (2.2.5)
Proof. Pick any σ ∈ Σ (k, n) and any τ ∈ Σ (`, n). We show that the claim holds for the special case
whence the full result follows through extension by linearity. Calculating the wedge product directly, we
Proof. The proof just involves unraveling definitions, see [28, pp. 6–8] for details.
2.3 Orientability and Hodge Duality
In this section, we introduce the notion of orientability on general smooth manifolds and use this notion
to define a canonical bijection between k–forms and (n − k)–forms, called Hodge duality. Our discussion
of Hodge duality is very “bare–bones”, and I recommend the reader consult [35, §2.5–2.7] for a complete
Intuitively, the concept of orientability of a manifold M should be related to defining a consistent
global notion of “up and down” on M . The reader is likely familiar with the normal vector field on a
surface M ⊆ R3 , namely a map M → R3 whose image is everywhere orthogonal to Tp M (with respect to
Euclidean metric in R3 ). In courses on vector calculus, the existence of such an outward normal is taken
as the definition of orientability. This definition has the disadvantage of depending on some particular
“immersion” of M into a bigger Euclidean space. Since I focus on intrinsic properties in this chapter, I
define orientability purely in terms of M ’s topology and smooth structure.
Definition 2.3.1. A smooth atlas {(Uα , ϕα )}α∈I for M is said to be oriented if, for all α, β with Uα ∩ Uβ
nonempty, we have h i
det D ϕα ◦ ϕ−1β > 0.
If M is a smooth surface in R3 , one can show that M is orientable in the sense of Definition 2.3.1 if
and only if a smoothly varying unit normal to the surface can be defined unambiguously on all overlapping
coordinate patches. Accordingly, our definition of orientability is motivated by the more familiar, intuitive
notion of orientability encountered in vector calculus (though admittedly this is not completely obvious).
Let us say that oriented atlases A and B are equivalent if A ∪ B is an oriented atlas. If M is connected
and dimM > 0 then there are, in fact, only two oriented atlases up to equivalence. We can use one class
to represent a notion of “up”, so the other class naturally represents a notion of “down”. Accordingly, we
say that an orientation on M is a choice of either equivalence class of oriented atlases. We say that an
orientable manifold M is oriented once we have specified an orientation.
Example 2.3.2. Let Id : Rn → Rn denote the identity map. Consider the atlas {(Rn , Id)} for Rn . Now,
D (Id) = Id so {(Rn , Id)} is clearly oriented. Its equivalence class corresponds to the usual right–hand
orientation on Rn .
Remark 2.3.3. As it turns out, one needs to demand that a manifold M is orientable in order to define
the integral of a differential form over M . This is because differential forms and the geometric notion of
volume measurement are intimately related; we do not have time to go through the details here, but see
[51, Chapter 15] for details.
Now, we use orientation to define a canonical correspondence between different spaces of differential
forms on M . This correspondence is called Hodge duality. To the beginner, Hodge duality may seem like
a useless coincidence of no practical utility. However, by the end of this chapter, we see that Hodge duality
provides a convenient way of generalizing familiar differential operators from vector calculus to the setting
of smooth manifolds. In later chapters, we also see that Hodge duality is instrumental in defining function
spaces useful in studying PDEs and their numerical solutions. For the sake of time, we cannot present a
complete discussion of the next result, but the reader is encouraged to see [35, §2.7] for an insightful and
complete presentation.
Theorem 2.3.4. (Hodge Duality Theorem) Suppose that (M, g) is oriented and Riemannian. For every
p ∈ M there exists a canonical isomorphism ? : Altk (Tp M ) → Altn−k (Tp M ), called the Hodge star
operator, uniquely defined by the metric and orientation. Further, the inverse of ? is given by
We let sgn(σ, σ ∗ ) denote the sign of the permutation of (1, ..., n) obtained by concatenating σ and σ ∗ .
In Example 2.3.6, for instance, we would have sgn(σ, σ ∗ ) = sgn (2, 4, 1, 3) = −1.
PropositionP2.3.7. If Rn is endowed with the Euclidean metric, then the action of the Hodge star on any
k–form ω = σ ωσ dxσ is given by
X ∗ ∗
?ω = (−1)sgn(σ,σ ) ωσ dxσ . (2.3.2)
Example 2.3.8. Equip R2 with the Euclidean metric and denote coordinates by (x, y). Then, using
(2.3.2), we know that
?dx = dy and ? dy = −dx.
Then, we can picture the Hodge star acting on 1–forms in R2 as a 90 counterclockwise rotation.
Example 2.3.9. Equip R3 with the Euclidean metric and denote coordinates by (x, y, z). Then, using
(2.3.2) and the antisymmetry of ∧, we have that
By (2.3.1), ? : C ∞ Λ1 R3 → C ∞ Λ2 R3 is its own inverse and we can easily compute the action of the
Hodge star on all 2–forms on R3 . An easy way to calculate the Hodge star for 1– and 2–forms on R3 is to
remember that, if (i, j, k) is a cyclic permutation of (1, 2, 3), then
2.4 The Exterior Derivative
Finally, we can finish studying algebra and move on to studying calculus. In this section, we explain a
canonical way of differentiating k–forms. By the end of this section, we see that this notion of differentiation
encapsulates the most fundamental differential operators in vector calculus.
Definition 2.4.1. Let ω ∈ C ∞ Λk (M ) be expressed in local coordinates by
ω= ωσ dxσ .
We have neglected the Einstein convention in the above definition just to prevent confusion as to where
each index lives. One can check that the definition of dω is independent of coordinates.
Example 2.4.2. Let f = sin(x) + xy 2 ∈ C ∞ Λ0 (R2 ). Then,
∂f ∂f
df = dx + dy = (− cos(x) + y 2 ) dx + (2xy) dy.
∂x ∂y
Observe that the components of df are the same as the components of the gradient of f . That is,
df = (∇f )[ here. We can also compute the second exterior derivative of f :
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
ddf = (− cos(x) + y 2 ) dx ∧ dx + (− cos(x) + y 2 ) dy ∧ dx + (2xy) dx ∧ dy + (2xy) dy ∧ dy.
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
Now, dx ∧ dx = 0 and dy ∧ dy = 0, so the above becomes
ddf = 2y dy ∧ dx + 2y dx ∧ dy.
Since the wedge product is antisymmetric on 1–forms, dy ∧ dx = −dx ∧ dy. Therefore, ddf = 0.
Example 2.4.3. Let ω = z dx + y dy + x dz ∈ C ∞ Λ1 (R3 ). Then,
dω = dz ∧ dx + 0 + dx ∧ dz = 0.
dω = y dx ∧ dy ∧ dz + 2z dz ∧ dx ∧ dy = (y + 2z) dx ∧ dy ∧ dz.
Since dω is a top form, its exterior derivative is trivially 0. Observe that the coefficient of dω is precisely
equal to the divergence of the vector field
∂ ∂ ∂
ω ] = xy + 32x32 + (z 2 + sech2 (y))
∂x ∂y ∂z
(we justify the use of the ] symbol in the next paragraph).
Since the gradient, curl, and divergence have shown up as special cases of the exterior derivative (up to
a shift in notation), we might guess that d condenses all of the main operations of vector calculus into one
easy symbol. This is indeed the case, but before we state this result formally we articulate the relationship
between vectors and forms in Euclidean spaces more clearly. Now, in every Rn , the musical isomorphism
gives us a correspondence C ∞ Λ1 (Rn ) ' X(Rn ) and, further, this isomorphism has the simple form
αi dxi 7→ αi .
So, for every n, we can canonically use 1–forms as “proxies” for vector fields and vice versa. Accordingly,
we may differentiate vector fields using the exterior derivative by passing to the corresponding proxy
form. In R3 , the situation
is a bit more interesting: Hodge duality gives another canonical correspondence
C ∞ Λ1 (R3 ) ' C ∞ Λ2 R3 , so we actually have two types of differential forms that can serve as vector proxies.
This means that, when we apply d to a 1–form in R3 , we are mapping a vector field to another vector field,
at least up to canonical isomorphism. In the remainder of this thesis, we use the aforementioned canonical
correspondences very frequently. The discussion above is summarized in the next two results, the proofs
of which are routine exercises following straight from the definitions.
Proposition 2.4.5. In R2 we have that, up to proxies,
d|C ∞ Λ0 = ∇,
d|C ∞ Λ1 = ∇×,
?d|C ∞ Λ0 = ∇⊥ , and
?d ? |C ∞ Λ1 = ∇ · .
Proposition 2.4.6. In R3 we have that, up to proxies,
d|C ∞ Λ0 = ∇,
d|C ∞ Λ1 = ∇×, and
?d|C ∞ Λ2 = ∇ · .
In light of the above proposition, we identify d?|C ∞ Λ1 (R2 ) and d|C ∞ Λ2 (R3 ) with the divergence operator in
the sequel, usually without comment. All in all, we have seen that the exterior derivative tidily summarizes
the main differential operators of vector calculus. Therefore, d is clearly instrumental in generalizing the
ideas of vector calculus to differential forms on arbitrary manifolds.
Having motivated why studying d is important, we state a result summarizing this operator’s most
useful properties.
Proposition 2.4.7. [35, §3.2, 3.3]
1) d ◦ d = 0,
d (ω ∧ η) = dω ∧ η + (−1)k ω ∧ dη.
F ∗ dω = dF ∗ ω.
Note that the property d ◦ d = 0 generalizes the familiar vector calculus identities
∇ × ∇ = 0 and
∇ · ∇× = 0
to arbitrary manifolds.
provided the integral on the right–hand side makes sense. That is, we just peel off the coefficient of ω and
evaluate its Riemann integral in the usual sense. With this new paradigm for integration in mind, we can
easily define integration of n–forms on chart domains. Let M be an oriented n–dimensional manifold. If
ω ∈ C ∞ Λn (M ) and (Uα , ϕα ) is an oriented chart on M , then
. ∗
ω= ϕ−1
α ω. (2.5.1)
Uα ϕα (Uα )
At this point, we have only to extend the above definition to the entirety of M . To accomplish this, we
need to somehow sew together the integrals from each coordinate patch. Fortunately, the following result
makes the transition from local to global integrals easy.
Theorem 2.5.1. [90, Thm. 2.13] Let M be a smooth manifold and let {Uα }α∈I be an open cover of Ω.
Then, there exists a family of compactly supported smooth functions ψα : M → R such that
1) 0 ≤ ψα ≤ 1 ∀ α,
3) each p ∈ M has a neighbourhood that intersects only finitely many of the supp ψα , and
4) α ψα = 1.
The collection {ψα }α∈I is called a partition of unity on M subordinate to the cover {Uα }α∈I .
We can picture each element of a partition of unity as a little bump function; as one bump falls, another
bump rises to make sure the sum of all the functions is still 1 everywhere.
Definition 2.5.2. Suppose that M is oriented and let ω ∈ C ∞ Λn (M ). Cover M with charts {(Uα , ϕα )}α∈I
and choose a partition of unity {ψα }α∈I subordinate to this cover. We define
. X
ω= ψα ω. (2.5.2)
M α∈I Uα
Proposition 2.5.3. [51, Prop. 16.5] The notion of integral defined above does not depend on the open
cover or partition of unity.
Note that, if M is a 0–dimensional manifold (a collection of isolated points), then we interpret the
integral of a scalar over M simply as a sum of point evaluations.
If N is a sufficiently nice k–dimensional manifold contained in M , then we can define the integral of
ω ∈ C ∞ Λk (M ) over N through pulling ω back by the inclusion ι : N → M . Using this construction we
can, for example, make sense of the integral of an element of C ∞ Λ1 (R3 ) over a smooth curve in R3 .
Perhaps the most important property of the integral defined above is its satisfaction of a change of
variables rule. After our discussion in Section 2.5, we ought to have that this is the case. One can
use the local coordinate expression for the pullback to show that the result below agrees with the usual
multivariable calculus change of variables rule when working on domains in Rn .
Proposition 2.5.4. (Change of Variables Rule [51, Prop. 16.6]) Let F : N → M be a diffeomorphism
whose local coordinate representation has positive Jacobian determinant everywhere. Then,
ω= F ∗ ω.
Now, we state the general Stokes’ Theorem, one of the most important results for our work in the
Theorem 2.5.5. (Stokes’ Theorem [51, Thm. 16.11, 16.25]) Let M be an oriented smooth manifold with
boundary (and possibly with corners) and let ω ∈ C ∞ Λn−1 (M ). Then,
dω = tr∂M ω. (2.5.3)
M ∂M
If M does not have boundary, the right–hand side of the Stokes’ Theorem expression is simply 0. Using
Propositions 2.4.5 and 2.4.6, we see that Stokes’ Theorem includes Green’s Theorem, the Divergence
Theorem, and the “usual” Stokes’ Theorem as special cases.
Combining Stokes’ Theorem with the product rule (Proposition 2.4.7), we obtain the exterior calculus
version of integration by parts:
Proposition 2.5.6. If ω ∈ C ∞ Λk (M ) and η ∈ C ∞ Λn−k−1 (M ), then
dω ∧ η = tr∂M (ω ∧ η) + (−1) ω ∧ dη. (2.5.4)
M ∂M M
Before finishing this section, we introduce some simple ideas that return when we study function spaces
on manifolds in Chapter 3.
Definition 2.5.7. If ω, η are k–forms, then we define their L2 inner product as
hω, ηiL2 Λk = ω ∧ ?η. (2.5.5)
In Chapter 3, we extend the L2 inner product to forms with non–smooth components. Having defined
inner products, we can talk now about adjoints in the setting of exterior calculus. The proof of the next
result essentially just boils down to juggling around symbols and re–phrasing integration by parts.
Definition 2.5.8. Let M be an oriented Riemannian n–manifold, possibly with boundary. The exterior
coderivative δ : C ∞ Λk (M ) → C ∞ Λk−1 (M ) is defined by
δ = (−1)nk+n+1 ? d ? . (2.5.6)
The above result tells us that, at least formally, δ is the adjoint of d (provided we work with forms that
are compactly supported inside M ). We return to this observation in much greater detail in Chapter 4.
Chapter 3
In this section, we introduce some important Hilbert spaces used in numerical PDE theory. Such spaces
consist of forms constrained to satisfy some integrability conditions and, occasionally, other calculus–related
regularity requirements. To build our function spaces, we need to extend the calculus of differential forms
described in Chapter 2 to non–differentiable forms on non–smooth spaces. Accordingly, we describe in this
chapter how to modify the notions of pullback, differentiation, and integration to work in more general
circumstances. Sometimes, especially when working on non–smooth spaces, we even need to tweak the
definition of a differential form itself.
The discussion in this chapter is intended to fill a gap that I feel is present in the literature; careful
proofs of many results in this section, or even satisfactory definitions, are difficult to come by in numerical
analysis papers. Owing to the nature of the material, the presentation style is necessarily a bit technical
and dry. Accordingly, I might advise the reader to just skim the main definitions and results, returning to
read the proofs and comments in this chapter as need be while they go through the rest of Part 1.
In Section 3.1, we review some basics on Lipschitz maps and define Lipschitz manifolds, a special
type of non–smooth topological space. In Section 3.2, we discuss non–smooth (or “rough”) differential
forms on open subsets of Rn , in turn allowing us to define L2 spaces of forms on both smooth and
Lipschitz manifolds. In Section 3.3, I introduce Sobolev spaces, the key objects of interest in finite
element analysis. These spaces consist of rough forms that are weakly differentiable, thus bringing
differential calculus into the world of function spaces. In Section 3.4, I introduce the trace operator, a
map allowing us to sensibly discuss boundary values for forms living in our Sobolev spaces.
We occasionally have to use some of the vernacular of measure theory in this chapter, so to make
the presentation as clear as possible we briefly review the relevant definitions before proceeding. Readers
looking for more details should consult [11, Chapter 4]. Recall that the Borel σ–algebra on a topological
space Ω, denoted βΩ ⊆ 2Ω , is the σ–algebra generated by the open subsets of Ω. If S ∈ βRn , we let
λ : βS → R∪{∞} denote the Lebesgue measure on S. We say that f : S → R is measurable if f −1 (A) ∈ βS
for all A ∈ βR . Measurable functions are also called measurable 0–forms. The real vector space of
measurable functions on S is denoted by Λ0 (S). When we say that a property holds almost everywhere
on S, we mean that the property holds on a set of the form S − A where A ∈ βS satisfies λ(A) = 0. We
abbreviate “almost everywhere” using the symbol λ–ae.
3.1 Lipschitz Manifolds
In this section, we describe how to extend some of the ideas from Chapter 2 into the realm of Lipschitz
manifolds, essentially the least smooth domains we encounter in the sequel. The reader looking for
more details on Lipschitz manifolds should consult [90, Chapter I], though be warned that, in this book,
Lipschitz manifolds are called C 0,1 –manifolds.
We begin by recalling the definition of Lipschitz maps on normed spaces.
Definition 3.1.1. Let X and Y be real normed vector spaces with norms denoted by k · kX and k · kY ,
respectively. A map F : X → Y is said to be Lipschitz if there exists C > 0 such that, for all x1 , x2 ∈ X,
we have
kF (x1 ) − F (x2 )kY ≤ C kx1 − x2 kX .
Lipschitz maps are somewhere between continuous and continuously differentiable, as the next result
Proposition 3.1.2.
F is continuously differentiable on {x < 0} and {x > 0}, but it is not continuously differentiable on any
neighbourhood of the origin. However, we may verify directly that F is Lipschitz on R with C = 2: clearly,
we only have to check that the Lipschitz property holds when x1 < 0 and x2 ≥ 0, and in this case we have
With the above two examples in mind, we clearly see that any continuous piecewise–linear map is
Lipschitz with C given by the maximum of the absolute values of the slopes on each piece.
The discussion above is (in a way) summarized by Rademacher’s Theorem, which we state presently.
We use the version of the theorem presented in [85, Thm. 1.1].
Theorem 3.1.5. (Rademacher) Let U ⊆ Rn be open, and denote Cartesian coordinates on U by x1 , ...., xn .
Let F : U → R be Lipschitz. Then, for almost every p ∈ U , the partial derivatives ∂xi (p) exist. Further,
the functions ∂xi are all measurable and bounded.
We use Rademacher’s Theorem frequently in this chapter to help transplant our developments from
Chapter 2 into a more general setting. I remark that, if F : U ∩ Hn → R is Lipschitz and U is open, then
Rademacher’s Theorem tells us that F is still differentiable almost everywhere: since {xn = 0} ∩ (U ∩ Hn )
has measure zero, the derivatives on the boundary points don’t have to be considered at all.
As we used smooth maps to define smooth manifolds, we can define “rough” manifolds using Lipschitz
Definition 3.1.6.
1) Let X and Y be normed real vector spaces and let F : X → Y be a Lipschitz map. We say that F
is a Lipschitz homeomorphism if F is invertible and its inverse is also a Lipschitz map.
2) A topological space is said to be a Lipschitz manifold if it satisfies Definition 2.1.1, except the
transition functions are Lipschitz homeomorphisms instead of diffeomorphisms.
Similarly, we can define Lipschitz manifolds with boundary (and even Lipschitz manifolds with corners)
precisely as we did in Chapter 2, just replacing the word “diffeomorphism” with “Lipschitz homeomor-
phism”. Of course, since plenty of corners can be modeled as graphs of Lipschitz maps, the study of
Lipschitz manifolds with corners is a little bit vestigial. Likewise, a function on a Lipschitz manifold Ω
is called Lipschitz if its coordinate expression in terms of a Lipschitz chart on Ω is a Lipschitz function;
this is just the analogue of a smooth function on a smooth manifold in the Lipschitz setting.
There is, however, an important distinction between analysis on smooth manifolds and analysis on
Lipschitz manifolds. Namely, we cannot canonically define the tangent bundle of a Lipschitz manifold, as
the charts are not smooth enough to push forward into bundle charts. Accordingly, the study of differential
forms on Lipschitz manifolds requires a bit of care, and we cannot always adapt tools from the smooth
setting to describe objects in the Lipschitz setting. We return to defining forms on Lipschitz manifolds
again in the next section.
The following theorem is just the “Lipschitz version” of the analogous result in the smooth case.
Theorem 3.1.7. [90, Thm. 2.13] Let Ω be a Lipschitz manifold and let {Uα }α∈I be an open cover of Ω.
Then, there exists a family of compactly supported Lipschitz functions ψα : Ω → R such that
1) 0 ≤ ψα ≤ 1 ∀ α,
3) each p ∈ Ω has a neighbourhood that intersects only finitely many of the supp ψα , and
4) α ψα = 1.
The collection {ψα }α∈I is called a partition of unity on Ω subordinate to the cover {Uα }α∈I .
Partitions of unity are critically important technical tools in differential geometry, used in practice to
take locally defined analytical data and “spread it out” over the entire manifold. In the next section, for
example, we use partitions of unity to help define function spaces on Lipschitz manifolds based on how
similar function spaces are defined in local coordinates.
We now define a particular object appearing frequently throughout Part 1.
Definition 3.1.8. Let Ω ⊆ Rn be open, bounded, and connected. We say that Ω is a Lipschitz domain
if ∂Ω is a Lipschitz manifold of dimension n − 1.
In other words, a Lipschitz domain is a bounded, open, connected subset of Rn such that every x ∈ ∂Ω
has an open neighbourhood U ⊆ Ω that is Lipschitz–homeomorphic to an open subset of the half–space Hn .
If Ω is a Lipschitz domain, then Ω is a compact Lipschitz manifold with boundary such that the manifold
boundary of Ω coincides with the boundary of Ω as a subset of Rn . The condition that the boundary be a
Lipschitz (n−1)–manifold is necessary to ensure that we do not admit sets like (0, 1)×(0, 1)−{(0, 0)} ⊆ R2
as Lipschitz domains.
Example 3.1.9. If ∂Ω is a piecewise–linear curve then Ω is a Lipschitz domain. For example, the unit
square (0, 1) × (0, 1) ⊆ R2 is a Lipschitz domain.
Of course, Lipschitz domains are themselves smooth manifolds, hence functions and forms of any order
of differentiability may be defined on them. We must be careful, however, when applying theorems from
PDE theory to forms defined on Lipschitz domains, as such theorems often assume a smooth boundary.
The quotient by “equivalence λ–ae” means that we consider functions that are identically equal λ–ae to
be part of the same equivalence class. Notice that L2 Λ0 (U ) is a real vector space with respect to pointwise
addition and scalar multiplication of equivalence classes. Sometimes, when the open set U is obvious, we
simply write L2 Λ0 or even L2 to mean L2 Λ0 (U ).
Proposition 3.2.2. k · kL2 : L2 Λ0 (U ) → R defines a norm. This norm arises from an inner product given
by Z
hf, giL =
2 f g dλ. (3.2.2)
We now want to define “L2 –spaces” of differential k–forms on U . This turns out to be quite painless if
we use some simple constructions inspired by the theory in Chapter 2. First, we make a measure–theoretic
Definition 3.2.3. Let π : Altk (U ) → U denote the bundle projection. A map ω : U → Altk (U ) is called
a measurable k–form if
Note that this definition agrees with the definition of a measurable function in the case k = 0. We
often say “rough k–forms” to mean “measurable k–forms”, in order to emphasize that these objects are
not necessarily smooth (though all smooth forms are, trivially, measurable). Recall that the set of smooth
k–forms on U is denoted by C ∞ Λk (U ).
Remark 3.2.4. Making the transition from smooth forms to rough forms is essential for giving us the
power to study PDEs on manifolds: without the freedom to work with spaces of differential forms admitting
discontinuous or otherwise ill–behaved elements, we are not able to use the full power of functional analysis
and modern PDE theory to help us solve problems.
Since the Hodge star makes sense on rough forms (locally, rough k–forms are linear combinations of
the forms dxi1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxik with coefficients in Λ0 (U )), defining the integral of ω ∈ Λn (U ) over U is
straightforward: Z Z
ω= ?ω dλ.
2 0
The definition of L Λ extends naturally to the setting of measurable k–forms using the “inner product”
hω, ηi = ω ∧ ?η.
Definition 3.2.5.
1) We say ω ∈ Λk (U ) is square–integrable if
Z 12
kωkL2 Λk = hω, ωi < ∞. (3.2.3)
Theorem 3.2.6. L2 Λk is a Hilbert space with respect to the inner product
hω, ηiL2 Λk = hω, ηi . (3.2.4)
Remark 3.2.7. The construction of L2 Λk extends to general smooth manifolds in a straightforward fash-
ion. We use smooth charts to pull back the Lebesgue measure in each coordinate patch (see [56] for precise
details), allowing us to define Lebesgue integrals on the manifold. We may then use h·, ·i to define the
required Hilbert space structure.
Proof. (Sketch) The proof for k = 0 is contained in [11, Corollary 4.23]. To obtain the result for general
k, we just work component–wise using the result of the scalar case.
In light of the above result, many authors define L2 Λk (U ) as the completion of Cc∞ Λk (U ) with respect
to the L2 –norm (see for example [3]). This approach is advantageous in that it allows us to get to
proving results about our function spaces a bit faster. However, since we deal with discontinuous functions
and forms very frequently in numerical analysis, I feel that using the completion approach to L2 spaces
is aesthetically unsatisfying, hence why we develop spaces of rough forms via measure–theoretic first
principles here.
For most applications, we are interested in studying L2 spaces of forms on a Lipschitz domain Ω. The
theory built so far in this section ensures that such spaces can be defined sensibly. In order to study the
“boundary values” of a rough form defined on Ω, however, we must make sense of k–forms on ∂Ω. Now,
in general ∂Ω is a Lipschitz manifold. Recalling that Lipschitz manifolds do not have a tangent bundle,
we see that the usual notion of a differential form on ∂Ω does not make sense. In order to coherently
talk about boundary values of forms on Lipschitz domains, we need to re–define differential forms from
the ground up. We therefore spend the rest of this section discussing how to build L2 –spaces on Lipschitz
manifolds, after the approach of [85]. Fortunately, this new definition of a differential form is very intuitive,
and most of the technical issues are easily taken rectified using basic ideas from geometry or appeals to
Rademacher’s Theorem.
Before defining any new objects, we need a helpful little lemma essentially telling us that the spaces
L2 Λk are not affected by Lipschitz coordinate changes.
Lemma 3.2.9. Let U, V be open subsets of Rn and let F : V → U be Lipschitz. Suppose that ω ∈ L2 Λk (U ).
Write X
ωi1 ···ik dxi1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxik
with each ωi1 ···ik ∈ L2 Λ0 (U ). Then, the k–form
∂F i1 j ∂F ik j
∗. X
F ω= (ωi1 ···ik ◦ F ) dy ∧ ··· ∧ dy (3.2.5)
∂y j ∂y j
Proof. By Rademacher’s Theorem, all of the partial derivatives of F are measurable and bounded almost
everywhere. Then, the proof is trivial.
Since Rademacher’s Theorem also holds for open subsets of Hn , we know that pullbacks by Lipschitz
maps F : V ∩ Hn → U ∩ Hn also make sense. With the above notion of Lipschitz pullbacks, defining L2
spaces on Lipschitz manifolds is not very difficult, as we see below.
Definition 3.2.10. Let Ω be a Lipschitz manifold (possibly with boundary) with Lipschitz atlas {(Uα , ϕα )}α∈I .
We define Vα = ϕα (Uα ). Choose a family of k–forms ωα ∈ L2 Λk (Vα ) indexed by α ∈ I such that, for all
β ∈ I with Uα ∩ Uβ nonempty,
ωα = ϕα ◦ ϕ−1 β ωβ .
Note that the pullback in the definition of each ωα makes sense in light of Lemma 3.2.9: by definition
of a Lipschitz manifold, the transition maps are all Lipschitz homeomorphisms.
Essentially, L2 k–forms on Ω may be thought of as compatible assignments of chart domains Uα to
sums of the form X
ωα,i1 ···ik dxi1 ∧ · · · ∧ dxik
where the xi are local coordinates in Uα and ωα,i1 ···ik ∈ L2 Λ0 (Vα ). Our use of the sum notation is
“formal” in the sense that we don’t have a natural notion of addition or scalar multiplication for the ωα ’s;
the notation is just there so that we can pretend we know how to perform these algebraic operations.
The formal sum of two ωα ’s doesn’t have to “equal” anything, like the sum of two real numbers, it’s just
an expression that uses the addition symbol. We have defined k–forms such that if Ω is smooth enough
then ω (thought of as an assignment of charts to formal sums) can be identified with the pullback of some
k–form by a smooth coordinate chart. The sum and wedge product of k–forms on a Lipschitz manifold
are defined in the obvious way.
The definition of orientability of smooth manifolds carries over directly to the Lipschitz case:
Definition 3.2.11. Let Ω be a Lipschitz manifold with Lipschitz atlas {(Uα , ϕα )}α∈I . We say that Ω is
orientable if, for all α, β and almost every p ∈ ϕα (Uα ∩ Uβ ), we have
h i
det D ϕα ◦ ϕ−1 β (p) > 0.
Of course, Rademacher’s Theorem is being used implicitly in the above definition to ensure that the
Jacobian makes sense.
Now that we have a notion of orientability, we can start talking about integration on Lipschitz manifolds.
If ω ∈ L2 Λn (Ω), then we define its integral over a chart domain Uα by
ω= ωα .
Uα Vα
We may then use a partition of unity {ψα }α∈I subordinate to the atlas {(Uα , ϕα )}α∈I to define integrals
over the whole of Ω: Z Z
. X
ψα ◦ ϕ−1
ω= α ωα .
Ω α Vα
By definition of ω, the integral defined above satisfies the change of variables formula.
We can define Riemannian metrics on Lipschitz manifolds through a similar construction: a Riemannian
metric g on Ω is an assignment of each chart domain Uα to a smooth Riemannian metric gα on Vα in a
fashion compatible with Lipschitz coordinate changes. We can then define the Hodge star of an L2 k–form
on Ω by working chart–wise. Accordingly, we can turn L2 Λk (Ω) into an inner product space by defining
hω, ηiL2 Λk = ω ∧ ?η. (3.2.6)
Theorem 3.2.12. If Ω can be covered by finitely many chart domains, then the inner product (3.2.6)
makes L2 Λk (Ω) into a Hilbert space.
Proof. Let the finite atlas on Ω be denoted by {(Ui , ϕi )}N i=1 , and let the partition of unity subordinate
to this cover be denoted by {ψi }N i=1 . Suppose without loss of generality that supp ψi ⊆ Ui . Next, let
{ωn }∞
n=1 be any sequence in L2 k
Λ (Ω) that is Cauchy with respect to the norm induced by (3.2.6). Denote
the value of ωn on Ui by ωn,i ∈ L2 Λk (Vi ). Then, {ωn,i }∞ n=1 is Cauchy in L2 Λk (Vi ). Since L2 Λk (Vi ) is
2 k
complete, there exists ωi ∈ L Λ (Vi ) such that ωn,i → ωi . Now, in the notation of Definition 5.2, we define
ω ∈ L2 Λk (Ω) by
ω = {ωi }N
i=1 .
Now, pick any > 0. We may choose n sufficiently large so that, for all i,
kωn,i − ωk2L2 Λk (Vi ) < .
Therefore, for n large enough,
kωn − ωkL2 Λk (Ω) < .
Since the Cauchy sequence {ωn }∞
n=1 was chosen arbitrarily, the proof is complete.
With the previous corollary, we have seen that L2 spaces of k–forms on the boundary of a Lipschitz
domain make sense. Further, we have seen that the “correct notion” of an L2 k–form on a Lipschitz
manifold is what we might intuitively expect it to be, namely just a coordinate–independent formal sum
of L2 k–forms defined on each coordinate patch.
3.3 Weak Derivatives and the Spaces HΛk
In this section the “weak” notion of exterior differentiation for rough k–forms is introduced. We in turn see
how the construction of Sobolev spaces of functions with domains in Rn may be extended to differential
forms on general manifolds. There are, of course, alternative approaches to such generalizations, but the
one presented here is the standard approach used in finite element analysis [4, 5]. Throughout this section
Ω ⊆ Rn denotes a Lipschitz domain and not a general Lipschitz manifold.
Definition 3.3.1. We say that ω ∈ Λk is weakly differentiable if there exists ξ ∈ Λk+1 such that for
all η ∈ Cc∞ Λk+1 we have
hω, δηiL2 Λk = hξ, ηiL2 Λk+1 . (3.3.1)
The rough (k + 1)–form ξ is called the weak exterior derivative of ω, denoted by dω = ξ.
An elementary argument shows that if a k–form is weakly differentiable, then its weak derivative
is unique almost everywhere. Further, all smooth k–forms are weakly differentiable with their weak
derivatives corresponding to their usual exterior derivatives.
We now go through two examples demonstrating how to compute weak derivatives (actually, it may be
more appropriate to say that the forthcoming examples show how to validate guesses of weak derivatives).
Example 3.3.2. Consider the function f (x) = e−|x| defined on the interval (−1, 1). This function has a
sharp “peak” at x = 0, so we know immediately that df does not exist in the usual sense. However, f
does have a weak derivative. Define sgn : (−1, 1) → {−1, 1} by
1 if x ≥ 0, and
sgn(x) =
−1 if x < 0.
We have used the coderivative formula (2.5.6) to obtain the last equality. We conclude that df (x) = ξ(x) dx
in the weak sense. Now, in one dimension, we may use the Hodge star to canonically identify smooth 0–
forms with smooth 1–forms, hence by the work above f is a weak solution to the ODE
|f (x)| = |f 0 (x)|. (3.3.2)
(3.3.2) describes traveling wave solutions to the Camassa–Holm equation [15], a nonlinear PDE arising as
an asymptotic limit of the Green–Naghdi model we study in Part 2.
Example 3.3.3. Let S = (−1, 1) × (−1, 1) ⊆ R2 . Consider the rough 1–form
y dx + (1 + x2 ) dy if x > 0;
(1 + x2 ) dy if x ≤ 0.
Notice that the x component of ω has a jump discontinuity along the y–axis. However, we show in this
example that ω is still weakly differentiable with weak derivative given by
(2x − 1) dx ∧ dy if x > 0;
(2x) dx ∧ dy if x ≤ 0.
Upon integrating by parts and using the boundary conditions on η as in the previous example, we have
Z 1 Z 0 Z 1 Z 1
hω, δηiL2 Λ1 = dy dx [2x η̂] + dy dx [(2x − 1) η̂]
Z−1 −1 −1 0
= η̂ ξ
= hξ, ηiL2 Λ2 .
Hence, ξ = dω in the weak sense. We conclude that weak differentiability does not imply global continuity.
Both of the above examples illustrate an important property of weak differentiation: if ω ∈ Λk (Ω) is
weakly differentiable and piecewise smooth with respect to a “nice” partition Ω = ∪i Ωi , then
(dω) |Ωi = d (ω|Ωi ) .
Now, we define the main family of Hilbert spaces used through this thesis. Such spaces allow us to
apply powerful methods from functional analysis to help solve problems in PDE theory.
Definition 3.3.4. HΛk = {ω ∈ L2 Λk | dω ∈ L2 Λk+1 } is called the Sobolev space of k–forms on Ω.
One could define different Sobolev spaces by switching out the “2” in L2 Λk for some p ≥ 1. We could
also use another notion of a derivative on Ω, say the covariant derivative induced by an affine connection,
to define Sobolev spaces (this choice is by far the more popular one in geometric analysis). However, such
constructions are not required for the present purposes, and so there is no harm in simply calling HΛk the
Sobolev space of k–forms on Ω.
Remark 3.3.5. Notice that HΛn = L2 Λn trivially. Then, the Sobolev space of top forms is full of “bad”
discontinuous elements. We eventually see how this seemingly burdensome fact actually helps us immensely
in numerical PDEs, in that it indicates how the geometric perspective naturally accommodates the famous
discontinuous Galerkin methods (defined later on in Part 1).
Theorem 3.3.6.
The norm associated to h·, ·iHΛk is called the Sobolev norm on k–forms.
2) With respect to the inner product defined above, HΛk is a Hilbert space.
Proof. The proof that h·, ·iHΛk is indeed an inner product is straightforward, and we do not go through
the details here. Showing that HΛk is Hilbert is not much more difficult, and we essentially copy the usual
proof for Sobolev spaces of scalar functions (see, for example, [11, Proposition 8.1]) over to the geometric
Since HΛk is an inner product space, the only thing remaining to show is that it is complete. Let
{ωn }∞ k ∞
n=1 be a Cauchy sequence in HΛ . Then, in particular, it must be true that {ωn }n=1 is Cauchy in
2 k ∞ 2 k+1 2 `
L Λ and {dωn }n=1 is Cauchy in L Λ . Since L Λ is complete for all ` = 0, ..., n we know that there
exist ω ∈ L2 Λk and ξ ∈ L2 Λk+1 such that ωn → ω and dωn → ξ.
We now show that ξ = dω. To do this, pick any η ∈ Cc∞ Λk+1 . Then,
hω, δηiL2 Λk = h lim ωn , δηi
Ω n→∞
= lim hωn , δηi
n→∞ Ω
= lim hdωn , ηi
n→∞ Ω
= hξ, ηi
= hξ, ηiL2 Λk+1 .
3.4 The Trace Theorem
Many physically and mathematically important problems in PDE theory involve solving a differential
equation for a continuously differentiable function u defined on a prescribed domain Ω subject to the
constraint u|∂Ω = ũ. Of course, since the solution u has enough regularity to be differentiated, it must be
continuous. Therefore, its restriction to a subset of the domain is unambiguously defined. However, when
studying PDEs with the machinery of weak solutions and Sobolev spaces, prescribing boundary values no
longer make sense: ∂Ω has Lebesgue measure zero, hence a weak solution (an equivalence class of functions)
can take arbitrary values on the boundary. This problem is rectified by proving Trace Theorems, as
they are called in the PDE theory literature. Our discussion of traces follows a small portion of the very
comprehensive presentation in Tiee’s PhD thesis [88, §1.7].
Loosely, Trace Theorems tell us that the restriction map taking continuous functions on Ω to continuous
functions on ∂Ω can be extended to a bounded linear map taking Sobolev forms on Ω to L2 forms on ∂Ω
(sometimes, the extended restriction map actually takes values in a space of “distributions” containing
the L2 forms). Of course, there are many different Trace Theorems suited for different Sobolev spaces
and domain regularity conditions. We only need one such theorem for our purposes, allowing us to define
boundary values for elements of HΛk . For the sake of time, we do not prove this result (or even state
it with absolute precision); a complete discussion would take us too far adrift into the ocean of Fourier
analysis and distribution theory, and would likely be just a rehash of Tiee’s excellent presentation anyway.
Theorem 3.4.1. (Trace Theorem) Let Ω ⊆ Rn be a Lipschitz domain and let ι : ∂Ω → Ω denote the
inclusion map. There exists a Banach space H − 2 Λk (∂Ω) ⊇ L2 Λk (∂Ω) and a bounded linear operator
tr∂Ω : HΛk (Ω) → H − 2 Λk (∂Ω)
tr∂Ω ω = ι∗ ω.
For our purposes, forming tr∂Ω ω amounts to prescribing the boundary values of ω ∈ HΛk (Ω). More
discussion on this theorem in the case of differential forms of arbitrary degree may be found in [4, pp.
We can use the trace operator to define subspaces of HΛk determined by boundary values.
Definition 3.4.2. H̊Λk (Ω) = {ω ∈ HΛk (Ω) | tr∂Ω ω = 0}.
The subspace defined above appears when we introduce how to weakly formulate PDEs in Section
6.1. For this application, we need a little lemma that we prove now.
Proof. This is essentially the “Sobolev version” of Theorem 3.2.8, and we likewise prove it using appeals
to the scalar case. By [11, Thm. 8.12] the claim holds for k = 0, and we obtain the general result by
working component–wise.
Chapter 4
Hilbert Complexes
In this chapter we introduce special sequences called Hilbert complexes. The study of Hilbert complexes
provides a convenient framework for proving various important results in PDE theory. Among these results
is the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition, which generalizes the Helmholtz decomposition from vector
calculus to the setting of the Sobolev spaces HΛk . Additionally, in Chapter 9 we see that Hilbert complexes
provide novel techniques for analyzing the quality of numerical methods. Indeed, we focus on studying
Hilbert complexes primarily because such complexes allow us to cleanly articulate some of the most vital
properties of a PDE that should be preserved during discretization.
The general theory of Hilbert complexes was introduced in 1992 by Brüning and Lesch [14], where
the authors’ intent was largely to abstract the theory of elliptic complexes on smooth manifolds. Hilbert
complexes first appeared explicitly as tools in numerical PDE theory in the 2010 work of Arnold, Falk and
Winther [5], though the importance of Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition in numerical analysis had been
investigated a few years earlier in, for example [4, 18]. The utility of Hodge–Helmholtz decompositions
in pure geometry has been understood for over eighty years; see Schwarz’ monograph [77] for a historical
discussion along this vein and a detailed account of the mathematical theory.
The name “Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition” is not standard; indeed, in both the finite element litera-
ture and the geometry literature it is simply called “Hodge decomposition”. I chose to add the attribution
to Helmholtz in this exposition because I anticipate that many readers are coming to this work from an
applied mathematics background. While applied mathematicians are certainly familiar with Helmholtz
decompositions in vector calculus, they may have never heard of the Hodge decomposition of differential
forms on manifolds. By adding “Helmholtz” to the name, I stress that this decomposition is a natural
generalization of a familiar technique. I suppose I also chose this naming convention because there’s a
bit of Vladimir Arnol’d in me, angry that Hodge often gets all the credit for something that Helmholtz
really discovered (albeit in the most trivial case). That little bit of Arnol’d also makes me want to call
the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition the “Hodge–Helmholtz–Morrey–Friedrichs–Kodaira–de Rham–Weyl
decomposition” at least once (inspired by the joke from [7, p. 192] and the historical discussion of decom-
position theorems in [77, pp. 3–4]), so now that I’ve gotten that out of the way we can get back to being
In Section 4.1, we review some facts from the theory of Hilbert spaces and linear operators. In Section
4.2, we actually define Hilbert complexes and discuss transformations between them. In Section 4.3, we
introduce an object called the cohomology of a Hilbert complex, which is related to an important problem
from vector calculus. In Section 4.4, we show how to apply the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition to a wide
class of Hilbert complexes. We also connect cohomology to a generalized version of Laplace’s equation.
In Section 4.5, we verify that the “best parts” of the abstract theory, including the Hodge–Helmholtz
decomposition, can be applied to a Hilbert complex derived from the spaces L2 Λk and HΛk . Such a
verification is accomplished by checking that the complex in question satisfies a special compactness
Since inner products are positive definite, S ∩ S ⊥ is either 0 or the empty set.
Proposition 4.1.2. For any S ⊆ W , S ⊥ is a closed subspace.
Proof. Showing that S ⊥ is a subspace is trivial, and S ⊥ is closed since the inner product is continuous in
each argument.
Proposition 4.1.2 provides a handy algebraic characterization of closedness for subspaces: if we can
show that some subspace of W arises as an orthogonal complement, then it is automatically closed.
The next theorem is probably the most frequently cited result in Hilbert complex theory, to say nothing
of its applications in other areas of analysis and differential equations.
Theorem 4.1.3. (Projection Theorem) Let W be a Hilbert space with V ⊆ W a closed subspace. Then,
W = V ⊕ V ⊥ . Further, if we write w ∈ W as w = v + v ⊥ with v ∈ V and v ⊥ ∈ V ⊥ , then v is the best
approximation to w in V and v ⊥ is the best approximation to w in V ⊥ :
kw − v ⊥ k = inf kw − ṽk.
ṽ∈V ⊥
Proof. Clearly, S ⊆ S ⊥⊥ . Taking the closure of both sides and using Proposition 4.1.2, we get S ⊆ S ⊥⊥ .
To show the other inclusion, pick any σ ∈ S ⊥⊥ . By continuity of the inner product, the orthogonal
complement of S is equal to the orthogonal complement of S. We use the Projection Theorem to find
s ∈ S and s⊥ ∈ S ⊥ such that
σ = s + s⊥ .
Taking the inner product of both sides with s⊥ , we see that hs⊥ , s⊥ i = 0 hence s⊥ = 0.
In the case where W is a space of functions, the Projection Theorem says that every function in W
can be interpolated in a given closed subspace V by a unique function that is guaranteed to minimize the
approximation error.
Now, we discuss linear operators.
Definition 4.1.5.
1) A linear operator T between Hilbert spaces W and V , denoted T : W → V , is a linear map from
a subspace dom T ⊆ W , called the domain of T , to V .
4) If dom T = W and there exists C > 0 such that kT wk ≤ C kwk, then we say that T is bounded.
Remark 4.1.6. The notation T : W → V is, unfortunately, a little confusing, as T isn’t really a map from
the set W to the set V . However, such notation is standard in analysis and PDE theory.
We use the notation range T (ker T ) to denote the range (kernel) of T as a linear map dom T → V .
Often, we say that a linear operator is unbounded if we want to emphasize that it is not bounded.
Showing that boundedness is equivalent to continuity is not difficult, even in much more abstract situations
[91, pp. 42–43]. Bounded operators also tend to be easier to impose nice structures on (we discuss this a
bit in subsequent paragraphs), but unfortunately many operators of interest in mathematical physics are
The next theorem shows how boundedness and closedness of an operator are related to one another.
Theorem 4.1.7. (Closed Graph Theorem) Let T : W → V be a linear operator between Hilbert spaces
such that dom T = W . Then, T is bounded if and only if it is closed.
The following result is similar the Closed Graph Theorem, but just distinct enough to avoid being a
Proposition 4.1.8. If a linear operator T : W → V is closed then dom T becomes a Hilbert space when
endowed with the graph inner product
hw1 , w2 idom T = hw1 , w2 iW + hT w1 , T w2 iV .
Proof. First, dom d|L2 Λk = HΛk ⊇ Cc∞ Λk . Combining this insight with Theorem 3.2.8, we know that d is
always densely–defined. To complete the proof, the reader can easily verify that d is closed directly from
the definitions [88, Example 1.11.2].
Naturally, we are often concerned with determining if an operator is invertible. Luckily, there is a
simple criterion that makes dealing with inverses of bounded operators easy.
Theorem 4.1.10. (Inverse Mapping Theorem) A bounded, bijective linear operator must necessarily have
a bounded inverse.
One of the most important constructions in operator theory is that of the adjoint. Loosely, if T : W →
V is a differential operator, then the adjoint of T is the differential operator T ∗ : V → W that we obtain
by “integrating T by parts”. Indeed, when we apply Hilbert complex machinery to study Sobolev spaces
of differential forms, we see how integration by parts formulas familiar from differential geometry appear
naturally when studying the adjoint of the exterior derivative. We now define the adjoint precisely.
Definition 4.1.11. Suppose that T : W → V is a densely–defined linear operator between Hilbert spaces.
Denote the inner product on W by h·, ·iW and the inner product on V by h·, ·iV . The adjoint of T , denoted
by T ∗ , is the unbounded linear operator T ∗ : V → W with
dom T ∗ = {v ∈ V | ∃ w ∈ W such that hw, w̃iW = hv, T w̃iV ∀ w̃ ∈ dom T }
and T ∗ v = w in the above notation.
Lemma 4.1.12. The adjoint is indeed a function, and it is unique.
The next example is important enough to merit its own proposition.
Proposition 4.1.13. Let Ω ⊆ Rn be a Lipschitz domain. The weak exterior derivative d : L2 Λk → L2 Λk+1
has as its adjoint the weak exterior coderivative given by
Proof. The proof of this result requires a little more distribution theory that I am prepared to present
here, so I must direct the reader to [5, Theorem 4.1] and [88, Theorem 1.7.5, pp. 69–70] for a complete
The following theorem, when combined with Proposition 4.1.9, implies that the adjoint of the exterior
derivative behaves nicely. So, the content of Proposition 4.1.13 is just that the adjoint is precisely what
we would naı̈vely guess it to be given some experience studying smooth differential forms.
Theorem 4.1.14. If T is a densely–defined closed linear operator between Hilbert spaces, then T ∗ is also
a densely–defined closed linear operator. Further, T ∗∗ = T .
Proof. The claim is proved in [74, pp. 252–253] for the special case W = V , and extending their arguments
to full generality is straightforward.
Studying adjoints allows us to say a great deal about subspaces associated to a given operator, as the
following results demonstrate.
Proposition 4.1.15. Let T be a densely–defined closed operator. Then, ker T ∗ = (range T ) .
Proof. The inclusion “⊆” follows from the definition of T ∗ . The other direction is similar, though we must
also use that T is densely–defined.
Corollary 4.1.16. Let T be a densely–defined closed operator. Then, ker T is closed.
Proof. Using Theorem 4.1.14 and Proposition 4.1.15, we have that ker T = (range T ∗ ) hence the kernel
of T is an orthogonal complement. Applying Proposition 4.1.2 completes the argument.
Theorem 4.1.17. (Closed Range Theorem) Let T : W → V be a closed, densely–defined operator. Then,
range T is closed in V if and only if range T ∗ is closed in W .
We conclude this review section by introducing some harmless abstraction that leads to high–quality
notation. Given densely–defined closed operators S : U → V and T : V → W there is no a priori way to
form the function composition S ◦ T , since we cannot guarantee that range T ⊆ dom S. However, if S and
T are bounded then their composition can indeed be defined. We therefore have a family of “objects”,
namely Hilbert spaces, and a family of composable “morphisms”, namely bounded linear operators. We
refer to the communal collection of objects and morphisms by the name Hilb. This notation allows us
to replace the sentence “W is a Hilbert space” with the symbols W ∈ Obj (Hilb) (meaning that W is an
object in Hilb). Similarly, instead of saying that “T is a bounded linear operator between Hilbert spaces”
we can say that T ∈ Mor (Hilb) (meaning that T is a morphism in Hilb). Alternatively, if we want to
emphasize the domain and range of T : W → W f , we can say that T ∈ Hom(W, W f ); Hom is short for
The previous paragraph implies that Hilb is a category, a collection of objects and morphisms together
with a rule for associatively composing morphisms with compatible domains and ranges. Often, the objects
in a category are sets with some algebraic or topological structure, the morphisms are maps “respecting”
the structure of the objects, and the composition rule is just regular composition of maps. Categories
following this general template include Hilb, Top (where the objects are topological spaces and the
morphisms are continuous maps), and Vect (where the objects are real vector spaces and the morphisms
are linear maps).
The general theory of categories provides mathematicians with a suitable language for articulating
fundamental relationships between mathematical and logical constructs, especially in algebraic topology.
For the purposes of our exposition, however, we only use category theory as a source of convenient jargon
and notation. Indeed, the new notation introduced in the previous paragraph (Obj, Mor, and Hom) comes
from category theory; the meaning of this notation in the general case should be clear. More profound
results and more sophisticated applications of categories can be found in [36, 61, 81].
Remark 4.1.18. Without too much trouble, we can form categories where the objects are sets and the
morphisms are so–called partial functions that are not defined everywhere [81, Example 1.2.3]. Es-
sentially, the composition of partial functions cannot be usual function composition, but something a little
more subtle. Accordingly, one could form a category where the objects are Hilbert spaces and the morphisms
are unbounded operators, provided that one is careful about defining the composition rule. We ignore such
constructions in the sequel, largely for the sake of saving time and avoiding distractions (we want the theory
to work for us, not the other way around).
2) dk+1 dk = 0
for all k. Then, we say that the data {(W k , dk )}k define a Hilbert complex. The operators dk are
called the differentials of the complex. If all the differentials are bounded, the Hilbert complex is said to
be bounded.
Of course, d ◦ d = 0. W is an example of a graded vector space. “Graded” just means that W
decomposes as a direct sum of vector spaces indexed by integers. Since W is graded and each term in the
direct sum is a Hilbert space, W is called a graded Hilbert space. Any graded Hilbert space W is itself
a Hilbert space with inner product given by the sum of the inner products on each W k .
Further, we know that d : W k → W k+1 . In the graded vector space jargon, this means that d is a
degree +1 linear operator: an operator on a graded Hilbert space W has degree ` if it maps W k to W k+` .
Heuristically, a graded vector space W can be thought of like a ladder where each rung represents one of
the W k . Applying a degree +1 operator moves us up one rung, applying a degree −32 operator moves us
down 32 rungs, and applying a degree 0 operator keeps us on the same rung we’re already on.
Definition 4.2.2. A subcomplex of a Hilbert complex (W, d) is a Hilbert complex (V, d) with
1) V k ⊆ W k and
2) dk V k ⊆ V k+1
for all k.
We note that the differentials of the subcomplex must necessarily be the differentials of the supercom-
plex. Given a Hilbert complex (W, d), we can always extract a subcomplex (V, d) by taking V k = dom dk
for all k. The Hilbert complex so obtained is called the domain complex of (W, d). By Proposition 4.1.8,
domain complexes are always bounded.
Example 4.2.3. Let Ω ⊆ Rn be a Lipschitz domain. The unbounded L2 de Rham complex,
d d d
− L2 Λ0 (Ω) −
0→ → L2 Λ1 (Ω) − → L2 Λn (Ω) →
→ ··· − − 0, (4.2.2)
is of great interest in PDE theory and geometry. Sometimes we do not bother writing down the L2 when
referring to this sequence. We remark that the map 0 → − L2 Λ0 (Ω) is simply the inclusion of the zero
vector (the only linear map with domain 0). In Proposition 4.1.9 we showed that d is densely–defined and
closed, hence the unbounded L2 de Rham complex indeed satisfies Definition 4.2.1.
The domain complex of (4.2.2) is called the L2 de Rham complex, represented by
d d d
− HΛ0 (Ω) −
0→ → HΛ1 (Ω) − → L2 Λn (Ω) →
→ ··· − − 0. (4.2.3)
Much of the analysis we undertake in the sequel concerns the L2 de Rham complex rather than its
unbounded counterpart. However, we still study the unbounded complex for the purpose of obtaining
good estimates: bounding the L2 norm of a function is often more useful then bounding its Sobolev norm.
Definition 4.2.4. A morphism of bounded Hilbert complexes Φ : (V, d) → (Ve , e d) is a set of bounded
linear maps Φk : V
→ e k such that d
ek Φk = Φk+1 dk for all k. We indicate that Φ is a morphism by
writing Φ ∈ Hom (V, d), (Ve , e
d) .
A set of bounded linear maps Φk : V k → Ve k defines a morphism of bounded Hilbert complexes if and
only if the diagram
Vk V k+1
Φk Φk+1 (4.2.4)
Ve k Ve k+1
commutes for all k. From the graded vector space point of view, Φ is a degree 0 bounded operator V → Ve
such that e
dΦ = Φd. We may define a category HilbC where the objects are bounded Hilbert complexes,
the morphisms are defined by way of Definition 4.2.4, and the composition of morphisms is usual function
Remark 4.2.5. In the previous section, we saw that there was no canonical way to define a category
where the objects are Hilbert spaces, the morphisms are densely–defined operators, and the composition is
usual function composition. Similarly, defining a category whose objects are arbitrary Hilbert complexes
and whose morphisms satisfy Definition 4.2.4 can only be accomplished by the sweat of our brows: if (W, d)
and (Wf, ed) are arbitrary Hilbert complexes and Φ : W → W
f is a degree 0 operator satisfying e
dΦ = Φd then
k k
range Φ ⊆ dom d . So, even before we worry about how to define composition, we have to restrict our
class of morphisms even beyond the specifications of Definition 4.2.4.
At the end of the avalanche of abstract definitions that was this section, the reader may be worried that
they have descended into the mire of what Arnol’d would call “unnecessary scholastic pseudoscience” [8, p.
VI]. The developments above, however, have very concrete and useful manifestations in numerical analysis.
Specifically, a differential equation can be interpreted as a relationship between elements of different rungs
of the de Rham complex. For instance, let the function f ∈ C 1 Λ0 (R) be defined by the simple ODE
?df = f.
This equation relates the 0–form f to its exterior derivative, a 1–form. From a Hilbert complex point of
view, therefore, a numerical approximation of a PDE can be phrased as a relationship between elements
of different rungs of a finite–dimensional subcomplex
d d d
− Λk−1
··· → h − → Λk+1
→ Λkh − h −
→ ···
of the de Rham complex. That is, we want to find an approximate solution to a PDE that lives inside an
appropriate Λkh . Heuristically, we can formalize the passage from a PDE to its discretization by building
a morphism πh projecting the de Rham complex down to the appropriate subcomplex (so that each map
πhk : HΛk → Λkh is a projection onto the subspace Λkh ). Such a morphism is illustrated in the commuting
HΛk HΛk+1
πh (4.2.5)
Λkh Λk+1
The advantage of discretizing a PDE using a morphism is that, since morphisms must commute with
differentials, it does not matter whether we differentiate first or discretize first. For example, if a 2–form
B ∈ HΛ2 R3 satisfies dB = 0 (using vector proxies, this means that ∇ · B = 0), then our approximation
πh B to B in Λ2h satisfies dπh B = 0 as well. Physically, such a B could represent a magnetic field, in turn
implying that an approximation of B built with the Hilbert complex structure in mind is guaranteed to
still satisfy Gauss’ Law. So, by paying attention to certain mathematical properties of a problem, we can
develop numerical methods that provably respect certain physical properties of that problem.
4.3 Cohomology
In this section we introduce an important graded vector space associated to a given Hilbert complex called
the cohomology. In applications to the L2 de Rham complex, studying cohomology tells us whether
the PDE dη = ω has a solution η ∈ HΛk−1 for any given ω ∈ ker d|HΛk . This PDE is of paramount
importance in vector calculus: once we switch to using vector proxies, being able to find a solution for
arbitrary ω amounts to proving that all curl–free vector fields are gradients of a scalar field. Of course, all
students of advanced calculus learn that every curl–free field on a simply connected domain in R3 must be
a gradient, though this is far from being universally true for vector fields on arbitrary manifolds. We return
to the relationship between the cohomology of Hilbert complexes and topology many times throughout
Part 1.
Definition 4.3.1. Consider a Hilbert complex
dk−2 dk−1 dk dk+1
· · · −−−→ W k−1 −−−→ W k −→ W k+1 −−−→ · · · . (4.3.1)
1) The k th cohomology space of the complex is
Hk = ker dk / range dk−1 . (4.3.2)
2) The complex is said to be exact if Hk = 0 for all k.
Returning to the question of solving dη = ω, we see that a solution η ∈ HΛk−1 exists (for all ω ∈
ker d|HΛk ) if and only if Hk = 0. As the dimension of Hk gets bigger, we can find more and more linearly
independent ω ∈ ker d ⊆ HΛk for which the PDE has no solutions. We study the relationship between
PDEs and cohomology more in the next section.
Example 4.3.2. Let Ω ⊆ R3 be a simply connected Lipschitz domain. The extended L2 de Rham
d d d
0 → R → HΛ0 (Ω) −
→ HΛ1 (Ω) −→ HΛ2 (Ω) − → HΛ3 (Ω) →
− 0
is exact (the proof of this fact is trivial using a bit of algebraic topology). Intuitively, we might expect
that at least the third and fourth cohomologies vanish because all curl–free smooth vector fields on Ω are
gradients (of course, the elements of the Hilbert spaces here are not necessarily smooth, so this intuitive
justification is by no means a rigorous proof).
Note that we must squeeze the R in between the first two terms of the usual L2 de Rham complex to
guarantee exactness. If we had not done this we would have H1 = R because the only scalar fields on a
simply connected domain with vanishing derivative are constants, and the image of 0 in HΛ0 is just 0. We
often abuse terminology and say that the L2 de Rham complex over a simply connected domain is exact,
but the reader should be aware we really mean that it is only exact once we pass to the extended complex.
We might naturally expect that Hilbert complexes related by a morphism have cohomologies that are
also, in some sense, related. Indeed, morphisms in HilbC always give rise to maps between cohomology
• e•
Definition 4.3.3. Suppose that (V, d), (V , d) ∈ Obj (HilbC) with cohomologies denoted by H and H ,
e e
d) . Then, define a map HΦ : H• → H
respectively. Let Φ ∈ Hom (V, d), (Ve , e e • by
(HΦ) ([v]) = [Φk (v)] ∀ v ∈ V k . (4.3.4)
Commutativity of the diagram in (4.2.4) ensures that the induced map on cohomology is well–defined.
Additionally, the map induced by the identity morphism on (V, d) is the identity map on H • . Eventually,
the construction above is applied to show that the discretized versions of the L2 de Rham complex discussed
in the previous section somehow “mimic” cohomology as long as some very modest estimates are satisfied.
Proposition 4.3.4. Let Φ, Ψ ∈ Mor (HilbC). If the composition ΨΦ is defined, then H (ΨΦ) = HΨHΦ.
Let VectZ denote the category where the objects are graded vector spaces, the morphisms are linear
maps, and the composition is usual function composition. We have seen that the basic objects of coho-
mology theory arise from a sort of “map of categories” H : HilbC → VectZ taking a complex (V, d) to
its cohomology H• and a morphism Φ to the induced map HΦ. Formally, H is called a functor. More
specifically, Proposition 4.3.4 tells us that H is a covariant functor, so called because it distributes through
composition of morphisms.
We can connect seemingly disjoint disciplines by building a functor between the main categories of
interest in each discipline. For example, the cohomology functor H : HilbC → VectZ allows us answer
the analytic question “does dη = ω have a solution η ∈ HΛk−1 for all ω ∈ ker d|HΛk ?” by answering
the algebraic question “is the vector space Hk trivial?” Provided that computing the dimension of Hk is
easy (in Chapter 5, we show that such calculations are indeed not difficult, at least for many physical
applications), we have therefore simplified the problem in our original category HilbC by moving over to
the category VectZ . This example illustrates how thinking in terms of categories and functors helps us
problem–solve: we take a hard problem in a category A and try to reduce it to a simple problem in another
category B by constructing a functor F : A → B. The systematic functorial simplification of problems in
the category Top is the main goal of algebraic topology, introduced in the next chapter.
Throughout this section we only study closed Hilbert complexes. The reason we prefer to deal with
closed complexes is twofold: it generally leads to tidier theorems, and it is also usually achievable in
practice. In the next section, we prove that the L2 de Rham complex is closed, though for the time being
we just assume this to be true.
We motivate the next few definitions by way of an interesting example. Consider the L2 de Rham
complex with functions defined over a Lipschitz domain in Rn . In the previous section, we saw how
cohomology tells us whether the PDE dη = ω can always be solved for η given ω ∈ ker d. There is, in fact,
another “PDE–centric” approach to investigating L2 de Rham cohomology. To see this, start by using the
Projection Theorem to write
M ⊥
ker d = range d ker d ∩ (range d) ⊆ HΛk .
In light of the above decomposition, if Hk 6= 0 then there is some ω ∈ ker d ∩ (range d) . Therefore, for
every ξ ∈ HΛk−1 we have
0 = hω, dξi = hδω, ξi
hence δω = 0. An appeal to Proposition 4.1.15 shows that δω = 0 implies ω ∈ (range d) . We therefore
see that finding if a complex has non–trivial cohomology is equivalent to finding non–trivial solutions to
the system
dω = 0, (4.4.1a)
δω = 0. (4.4.1b)
On passing to vector proxies, solving (4.4.1) amounts to finding a nonzero (and square–integrable) vector
field that is both curl–free and divergence–free. Recall from advanced calculus that no such smooth nonzero
vector fields exist on simply connected domains in R3 (provided we prescribe vanishing normal component
boundary conditions, as warranted by the restrictions on the domain of the coderivative).
We would now like to generalize the maxim “solve (4.4.1) to find out about cohomology” to arbitrary
(closed) Hilbert complexes. To this end, we make a useful definition.
Definition 4.4.2. The space of harmonic k–forms is
. ⊥
Hk = ker dk ∩ range dk−1 . (4.4.2)
Our use of the word “harmonic” is explained over the next few pages. Applying Proposition 4.1.15, we
⊥ ∗
see that range dk−1 = ker dk−1 . Therefore, elements of Hk are precisely the solutions of
dk w = 0, (4.4.3a)
dk−1 w = 0,
which is clearly the generalization of (4.4.1).
Interestingly, finding all harmonic forms tells us everything about cohomology.
Proposition 4.4.3. (Abstract Hodge Theorem) For closed Hilbert complexes, Hk ' Hk .
Now, the Second Isomorphism Theorem says that if A and B are vector spaces then (A ⊕ B) /A is isomor-
phic to B [31, p. 349]. Applying this isomorphism theorem to (4.4.4) completes the proof.
Example 4.4.4. By Example 4.3.2 and Proposition 4.4.3, Hk = 0 ∀ k for the (extended) L2 de Rham
complex on a simply connected domain in R3 .
Now, we switch gears and discuss the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition of Hilbert complexes. First,
recall the classical Helmholtz decomposition theorem: given any sufficiently regular square–integrable
vector field u on R3 , there exists a scalar field φ and a vector field A such that
u = ∇φ + ∇ × A.
While φ and A are certainly not unique, the vectors u1 = ∇φ and u2 = ∇ × A are. Recall that ∇ × u1 = 0
and ∇ · u2 = 0 so, qualitatively, Helmholtz decomposition implies that every nice vector field can be split
into a piece that does not locally “swirl around” and a piece that does not “spread out”. This insight
has applications in oceanography, for example: large–scale steady flows are characterized by having a
(vertically averaged) velocity field with zero divergence, so taking the divergence of whatever velocity field
we’re working with isolates perturbations to the steady solution. The Helmholtz decomposition is also of
paramount importance in electromagnetic theory.
The utility of Helmholtz decomposition in mathematical physics naturally leads to the question of
whether or not a similar result holds for vector fields, or more properly differential forms, defined on arbi-
trary domains. This question is more than a geometer’s whim, as non–trivial topologies appear frequently
in physical applications. For example, plasma physicists investigating tokamak fusion technology must
study magnetohydrodynamic flows within a torus. Additionally, an oceanographer interested in studying
flows around islands would be working with vector fields defined over a domain with “holes”. The question
of how to extend Helmholtz decomposition into the realm of arbitrary manifolds was an important problem
in geometric analysis, drawing the attention of de Rham, Hodge, Weyl, Kodaira, Friedrichs, and Morrey
(again, I refer the reader to the historical discussion in [77, pp. 4–5]). Their work indicates that we must
in general add a third term to the Helmholtz decomposition, representing the presence of “holes” in the
In the abstract Hilbert complex setting, the aforementioned third term in the Hodge–Helmholtz decom-
position instead represents the non–triviality of the cohomology spaces. However, in the next chapter we
discuss de Rham’s Theorem, which articulates how the cohomology of the L2 de Rham complex incorpo-
rates topological information about the domain. With de Rham’s Theorem in mind, there is no distinction
between considering the third term as a contribution from topological non–triviality or cohomological
Having motivated the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition physically and hinted at its attractive connec-
tion to topology, we finally come to stating and proving it.
Theorem 4.4.5. (Hodge–Helmholtz Decomposition) If (W, d) is a closed Hilbert complex then each W k
admits an orthogonal decomposition
W k = range dk−1 ⊕ Hk ⊕ range (dk )∗ . (4.4.5)
Combining Corollary 4.1.4, Theorem 4.1.14, and Proposition 4.1.15 (note that Corollary 4.1.4 is applicable
only because (W, d) is closed), we see
ker dk = range (dk )∗ .
A quick check with vector proxies shows that the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition indeed reduces to
the regular Helmholtz decomposition when the domain is R3 , since there are no nonzero harmonic forms
in this case.
Now, we explain our use of the name “harmonic” in referring to Hk . Our goal is to reduce the system
(4.4.3) to a single equation written in terms of the abstract Hodge Laplacian,
In the case of the L2 de Rham complex, we refer to ∆k as the Hodge Laplacian. For the L2 de Rham
complex on Rn , the Hodge Laplacian on scalar functions reduces to the familiar Laplacian operator up to
a factor of −1. We can easily verify this claim explicitly in the case n = 2 (the general case just requires
a little extra time). Letting (x, y) denote Cartesian coordinates on R2 , we have
∆0 f = δdf
= −(?d)2 f
= − ? d ? (∂x f dx + ∂y f dy)
= − ? d(−∂y f dx + ∂x f dy)
= −(∂x2 + ∂y2 )f.
So, in a natural special case, the abstract Hodge Laplacian reduces to minus one times the most famous
second–order differential operator in mathematics.
Remark 4.4.7. Since the domain of the coderivative δ only includes k–forms ω such that
finding the kernel of ∆k is a problem that includes boundary conditions. Therefore, determining ker∆0
reduces to solving the scalar Laplace equation with a homogeneous Neumann boundary condition (hence all
solutions are constant on each connected component of Ω). Similarly, finding ker∆n amounts to solving
the scalar Laplace equation with a homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition.
We now show that ker ∆k = Hk , using a trick from [60, Prop. 2.14, p. 120]. Considering the above
special case, such a result explains why we call elements of Hk “harmonic”. Clearly, any u ∈ W k satisfying
(4.4.3) belongs to ker ∆k . Now, suppose that ∆k u = 0. Then, because δ and d are adjoints of one another,
0 = h∆u, ui = hδu, δui + hdu, dui.
Since each term on the right–hand side is positive and the inner product is positive definite, we must have
that δu = 0 and du = 0. We summarize our work with a proposition:
Proposition 4.4.8. ker ∆k = Hk .
In review, we have explored two equivalent ways of understanding Hilbert complex cohomology: solving
the system (4.4.3) and finding all linearly independent solutions of ∆k u = 0. When working with scalar
functions on subsets of Rn , these approaches amount to solving Laplace’s equation. Additionally, we have
seen that all “rungs” of a closed Hilbert complex admit a Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition. Therefore, we
can apply techniques from vector calculus to study L2 and Sobolev spaces of differential forms. Later on,
we construct discretizations of the de Rham complex that “preserve” the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition,
allowing us to maintain the use of this powerful analytical tool when studying computer simulations.
Some authors refer to sets with compact closure as relatively compact or precompact.
Definition 4.5.2. Let (W, d) be a Hilbert complex and define a subspace A ⊆ W k by
. ∗
A = dom dk ∩ dom dk−1 .
Let h·, ·i denote the inner product on W k . We give A the structure of a Hilbert space by equipping it with
the inner product
hu, viA = 2hu, vi + hdk u, dk vi + h(dk−1 )∗ u, (dk−1 )∗ vi.
We say that (W, d) has the compactness property if, for all k, the inclusion ι : A ,→ W k is a compact
For future reference, we explicitly write out the norm on A induced by the inner product. If k · k is the
norm on W k , then
. ∗
kuk2A = 2kuk2 + kdk uk2 + k dk−1 uk2 .
Remark 4.5.3. In the above definition, we stated that A had the structure of a Hilbert space, but we
did not prove its completeness. The proof is not difficult, however. If a sequence (un )n in A is Cauchy
with respect to k · kA then it is also Cauchy with respect to k · kdom dk and k · kdom (dk−1 )∗ . Since dom dk
and dom dk−1 are complete, (un )n converges to a limit in each of these spaces. Further, both of these
limits must be equal (since the graph norms on the domains bound the W k norm). This proves that (un )n
achieves a limit in A, hence A with the inner product h·, ·iA is Hilbert.
Remark 4.5.4. In [5] the authors require the subspace A to be dense in order for the compactness property
to hold, but for our purposes density is a superfluous requirement.
The compactness property immediately implies that the spaces Hk are especially well–behaved.
Proposition 4.5.5. If a Hilbert complex has the compactness property, then dim Hk < ∞ for all k.
Proof. Clearly, Hk ⊆ A. Hence, we can view Hk as a normed space with two different norms, k · k and
k · kA . If q ∈ Hk then √
kqkA = 2 kqk. (4.5.1)
By (4.5.1) we know that
ι|Hk B0 2 = B0 (1) ⊆ Hk ,
where the balls are taken in the appropriate norms. Since (W, d) has the compactness property, B0 (1)
is compact in k · k. A corollary of the Riesz Lemma [91, §3.2, pp. 84–85] tells us that the unit ball in a
normed space is compact if and only if the space is finite–dimensional. Therefore, dim Hk < ∞.
Now, we switch out of the abstract Hilbert complex setting and focus on the L2 de Rham complex
for the remainder of this section. We begin by presenting a key result of R. Picard. For a theorem of
this difficulty, I would usually outsource the proof to the primary source, but the basic thrust of Picard’s
argument is so intuitive that I feel we must at least go over the big ideas.
Theorem 4.5.6. (R. Picard [68]) Let Ω ⊆ Rn be a Lipschitz domain. Then, the unbounded L2 de Rham
d d
− L2 Λ0 (Ω) −
0→ → L2 Λ1 (Ω) −→ ···
has the compactness property: for all k, HΛk (Ω)∩ H̊ ∗ Λk (Ω) is a compactly included subspace of L2 Λk (Ω).
Proof. (Sketch) Before we begin, notice that certain techniques from geometric analysis are not applicable
in this situation. In particular, the forms in HΛk are not smooth enough for Gaffney’s Inequality to hold
[77, §2.1, pp. 59–66], and the domain Ω is not smooth enough for the Kondrachov–Rellich Theorem to hold
[11, Thm. 9.16, p. 285]. In particular, even though Lipschitz domains are smooth manifolds (because they
are open subsets of Rn ), their boundaries lack the regularity required to apply the Kondrachov–Rellich
Theorem. There are extensions of the Kondrachov–Rellich Theorem to “rougher” domains [90, §I.7], but
unfortunately even such generalizations are not strong enough to prove the claim.
The main strategy of Picard’s proof is to regularize the domain so that the aforementioned classical
methods are usable. We start by reducing to the case where Ω is open, relatively compact, and Lipschitz–
homeomorphic to the unit ball B = B0 (1) ⊆ Rn . By a simple partition of unity argument, we can always
reduce to this simple case through shrinking the chart domains on Ω if need be. Denote the Lipschitz
homeomorphism mapping Ω to the open ball by ϕ : B → Ω . We want to show that the pullback
(interpreted in the sense of Lemma 3.2.9) is an isomorphism. Now, ϕ∗ is clearly a linear bijection, so by
the Inverse Mapping Theorem (Theorem 4.1.10) we need only show that ϕ∗ is bounded. Let x1 , ..., xn
denote restricted Cartesian coordinates on B. Then, using multi–index notation, we have
∂ϕI J
ϕ∗ ω = (ωI ◦ ϕ) dx . (4.5.3)
Since the partial derivatives are bounded by Rademacher’s Theorem (Theorem 3.1.5), we immediately
have that ϕ∗ is a bounded operator and therefore an isomorphism. Further, since pullbacks commute with
the exterior derivative we have that ϕ∗ restricts to an isomorphism
but it does get “close enough”. In particular, there exists a symmetric, bounded, positive–definite linear
operator : L2 Λk (B) → L2 Λk (B) such that
ϕ∗ : HΛk (Ω) ∩ H̊ ∗ Λk (Ω) → HΛk (B) ∩ −1 H̊ ∗ Λk (B) .
is a homeomorphism.
Now, we can use classical methods (Gaffney, Kondrachov–Rellich) to establish compactness of the
HΛk (B) ∩ H̊ ∗ Λk (B) ,→ L2 Λk (B) .
Using [68, Lemma 2], however, we know that
HΛk (B) ∩ −1 H̊ ∗ Λk (B) ,→ L2 Λk (B)
Proof. (Sketch) The proof presented in [4] is hard to improve on, and we only review the main steps of the
argument for the sake of completeness. If the estimate in the claim does not hold, we can find a sequence
(ωn )n in HΛk (Ω) ∩ H̊ ∗ Λk (Ω) ∩ (Hk )⊥ , normalized so that all ωn lie on the unit sphere, such that (dωn )n
and (δωn )n both tend to 0 as n → ∞. By compactness of the embedding in Theorem 4.5.6 we know (ωn )n
has a subsequence that converges to a (necessarily harmonic) limit ω in the L2 norm. However, (Hk )⊥ is
closed hence ω ∈ (Hk )⊥ as well. Therefore, ω = 0, contradicting the assumption that all ωn live on the
unit sphere.
Corollary 4.5.8. (Weak Poincaré Inequality) For all ω ∈ (ker d) ∩ HΛk (Ω),
kωk ≤ c kdωk.
Proof. Immediately, we know that ω ∈ (Hk )⊥ because Hk ⊆ ker d. Observe now that (ker d) = range δ
by Proposition 4.1.15 and Corollary 4.1.4. Since δ ◦ δ = 0 and ker δ is closed, range δ ⊆ ker δ. We have
shown that (ker d) ⊆ ker δ. Therefore, ω ∈ dom δ = H̊ ∗ Λk (Ω). All in all we know that
Proof. Choose any ξ ∈ L2 Λk such that there exists (ωn )n ∈ HΛk−1 with dωn → ξ in the L2 norm; that is,
ξ ∈ range d. Without loss of generality we may choose ωn ∈ (ker d) if ξ is nonzero. Applying the Weak
Poincaré Inequality, we see that for all n, m ∈ N
Since (dωn )n converges and L2 Λk−1 is complete, the above estimate tells us there exists ω ∈ L2 Λk−1 such
that ωn → ω in the L2 norm. Next, pick any η ∈ Cc∞ Λk . We have
So, all of the nice results from the previous section (Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition, Hodge Theorem)
apply to the unbounded L2 de Rham complex, and therefore to the L2 de Rham complex as well. Addi-
tionally, we know that the spaces of harmonic forms for the L2 de Rham complex are finite–dimensional,
through successive application of Theorem 4.5.6 and Proposition 4.5.5 . The latter result allows us to
prove some very interesting corollaries when we discuss the approximation of Hilbert complexes in later
chapters. Specifically, we prove in Chapter 9 that building a suitable discretizing projection morphism
(see the discussion at the end of Section 4.2) yields an isomorphism between the cohomology of the de
Rham complex and its finite–dimensional “approximation”. A crucial step in this proof involves using the
finite–dimensionality of the spaces Hk .
Remark 4.5.10. All results on the L2 de Rham complex presented in this section require the spatial
domain Ω to be bounded. While boundedness of the domain may be taken for granted in numerical analysis,
unbounded domains are a common sight in other applications (scattering theory, for instance).
Chapter 5
In this chapter, we study some basic aspects of algebraic topology, especially the relation between topology
and differential calculus. The purpose in spending a chapter on algebraic topology, when our ultimate goal
is understanding the numerical treatment of PDEs, is to provide motivation for why one would even think
of the ideas underlying FEEC in the first place. That is, algebraic topology is intimately related to PDEs by
way of de Rham’s Theorem (a result hinted at in Chapter 4). We may try, therefore, to obtain information
about certain PDEs, such as the Laplace equation on k–forms, by answering topological questions. Since
there are such deep connections between topology and PDEs, we expect that developing numerical methods
somehow reflecting those connections is well–advised.
Algebraic topology is about understanding a topological space X by associating to it some algebraic
data F (X). This data could be, for example, an object in Vect, the category of real vector spaces. The
algebraic data should be simpler to work with than the topological space itself so that, by proving some
simple result about F (X) (for example, that its dimension as a real vector space is nonzero), we can “pull
back” and prove a more difficult result about X (for example, that not every closed path in X can be
shrunk down to a point). We also try to make sure that F (X) is an invariant of X; specifically, if Y is
homeomorphic to X then F (X) should be “isomorphic” to F (Y ). If F (X) is a vector space, for example,
then in categorical language the above construction amounts to building a functor F : Top → Vect. So,
although algebraic topology is famous for its abstractness and technical difficulty, its central goal is very
easy to comprehend.
Including a proper discussion of the techniques of algebraic topology, even to the level required to just
barely prove the theorems required here, would double the length of Part 1. Accordingly, the purpose of this
chapter is to introduce the subject gently and, often, qualitatively. I focus on providing plenty of simple,
hands–on examples to illustrate the basic intuition underlying the abstract constructions that dominate
algebraic topology. Additionally, I emphasize certain aspects of the historical development of algebraic
topology, as I believe that seeing how mathematical concepts chronologically built off of one another helps
one understand why modern perspectives are the way they are. Another reason to periodically mention
the history of topology in our presentation is that the interaction between topology and numerical PDE
theory is very close in spirit to the way early topologists, including Poincaré and de Rham, thought about
their subject. Most of the historical citations presented here are taken from Dieudonné’s comprehensive
history [27]. I also frequently use material from Stillwell’s annotated translation of Poincaré’s topological
work [69].
To set the stage for our investigation, I would like to spend some time outlining the general history of
the algebraic topology we study in this chapter. Prior to the 1890s, algebraic topology consisted mostly of
a few apparently disparate methods for solving certain geometric problems in 2 or 3 dimensions [69, pp.
vii-viii]. Much attention was paid to numerical invariants of shapes (the number of holes in a surface, for
example), rather than algebraic invariants. Around 1892, Poincaré began a systematic general investigation
into the properties of higher–dimensional spaces without recourse to any sort of metric. In his 1895 paper
Analysis situs, Poincaré outlined how to associate algebraic objects, specifically groups and (implicitly)
free modules, to shapes of arbitrary dimension. Analysis situs introduced many of the major ideas of
modern topology, especially homotopy and homology, two different ways of talking about “holes” in
shapes; in this thesis, we concern ourselves exclusively with homology, defined precisely in Section 5.2.
However, Poincaré’s intuitionistic approach to topology lacked any rigor in the modern sense, and some of
his definitions were known to be inadequate even in his lifetime.
In the decades after Analysis situs, most research in algebraic topology was concentrated on putting
Poincaré’s ideas on a firmer logical footing. Homology theory, for example, was revolutionized in the
1920s by mathematicians like Brouwer and Vietoris [55]. Using Emmy Noether’s new abstract algebra,
topologists could formally present the significance of Poincaré’s implicit use of free modules in developing
homology. This new paradigm facilitated the development of more general homology theories, allowing
for algebraic techniques to be used in the study of a wider variety of spaces. In 1931, de Rham proved
the theorem bearing his name as part of his doctoral thesis [24], thus interweaving algebraic topology and
differential calculus. With this, we are essentially finished with our overview of relevant episodes in the
history of pure topology; the only topological ideas we use in the sequel that did not fall out of numerical
PDE theory are related to Whitney’s proof of de Rham’s Theorem [89], discussed in Section 9.3.
Any book covering rudimentary algebraic topology may be consulted for further details on the material
in this chapter. Readers completely unfamiliar with algebraic topology may benefit from consulting the
books of Ghrist [36] or Zomorodian [92] while studying the discussion here. Both of these little books
emphasize visual intuition and practical utility over generality and rigour, making them ideal entry points
into algebraic topology for those without a background in pure mathematics. [36] is written in a very casual,
conversational tone, though the breadth of material covered in this book may be a bit intimidating. [92] is
gentler, introducing most of the requisite abstract algebra as it is needed and focusing on less material than
Ghrist’s book. For sources more in line with traditional perspectives on algebraic topology, see Munkres’
textbook [61] or the relevant chapters of Nakahara’s tract on mathematical physics [62].
In Section 5.1, I introduce simplices and simplicial complexes, focusing on special simplicial complexes
that arise from triangulating domains in Euclidean spaces. In Section 5.2, I introduce the theory of
homology for simplicial complexes and discuss its intuitive interpretation in terms of characterizing the
number of “holes” in a complex. I also introduce abstract chain and cochain complexes before discussing
simplicial cohomology. In Section 5.3, we discuss de Rham’s Theorem on the duality between algebraic
topology and differential calculus.
imations” of general topological spaces by simplicial complexes, and this is essentially the perspective we
take throughout Part 1. We begin by introducing some basic facts about simplices, including barycentric
coordinates, before moving on to defining simplicial complexes and triangulations of domains in Rn . We
conclude by discussing a technical condition usually imposed on triangulations appearing in the numerical
analysis of PDEs.
Definition 5.1.1. Let {p0 , ..., pk } be a collection of k + 1 points in Rn such that the vectors {pj − p0 }kj=1
are linearly independent. The k–simplex with vertices p0 , ..., pk is the convex hull of {p0 , ..., pk }, denoted
by [p0 ]. That is,
X k
x ∈ [p0 ] ⇐⇒ ∃ λ0 , ..., λk ∈ R≥0 with λi = 1 such that x = λi pi . (5.1.1)
i=0 i=0
The nonnegative real numbers λi are called the barycentric coordinates of x. The number k is called
the dimension of the simplex.
Tref,n = [(0, 0, ...0) (1, 0, ..., 0) (0, 1, 0, ..., 0) · · · (0, 0, ..., 1)]. (5.1.2)
Then, Tref,1 = [(0) (1)] is the unit interval, Tref,2 = [(0, 0) (1, 0) (0, 1)] is a right isosceles triangle, and
Tref,3 = [(0, 0, 0) (1, 0, 0) (0, 1, 0) (0, 0, 1)] is a triangular pyramid. See Figure 5.11 for an illustration. In
numerical analysis, Tref,n is also called the reference element for reasons explained in Chapter 6.
The barycentric coordinates on an n–simplex in Rn give rise to maps λi : T → [0, 1] taking a point
x ∈ T to its ith barycentric coordinate. If we view the points of T as being represented by Cartesian
coordinates (x1 , ..., xn ), the maps λi collectively describe
Pn an affine change of coordinates xi 7→ λi for
i = 1, ..., n. Of course, the convexity constraint i=0 λ i = 1 means that once we find λ1 , ..., λn , we
automatically know λ0 . That is, the barycentric coordinate system really just depends on n numbers.
This becomes important when we start dealing with polynomials on simplices in the sequel: a polynomial
in the barycentric coordinates is a polynomial in n independent variables, not n + 1 independent variables.
Definition 5.1.3. Let T = [p0 ]. A subsimplex or face of T is any d–simplex [pi0 , ..., pid ] with
0 ≤ d ≤ k and {i0 , ..., id } ⊆ {1, ..., k}. The set of all subsimplices of T is denoted by ∆(T ). The set of all
d–subsimplices of T is denoted by ∆d (T ). A facet of a k–simplex T is an element of ∆k−1 (T ).
Lemma 5.1.4.
|∆d (T )| = .
Proposition 5.1.5. Let T be a k–simplex and let F be a facet of T . Then, there is some j ∈ {0, ..., d}
such that F = V (λj ) = {x ∈ T | λj (x) = 0}.
Proof. Since F is an (k − 1)–subsimplex of T , it is generated by d of T ’s vertices. Suppose the vertex we
do not use is pj for some j ∈ {0, ..., k}. Then, by definition, λj (x) = 0 for all x ∈ F .
(a) A 1–simplex.
(b) A 2–simplex.
(c) A 3–simplex.
Figure 5.11: Visual representation of some low–dimensional simplices. Interior points are coloured orange,
and boundary points are coloured black.
We remark that the boundary of a k–simplex T , denoted ∂T , satisfies
∂T = F.
F ∈∆k−1 (T )
Notice that the boundary of a simplex is not a simplex. For example, the boundary of the 1–simplex [0, 1]
is {0, 1}: this is a union of two simplices, but not a simplex itself.
We may construct more complicated shapes using simplices.
Definition 5.1.6. A simplicial complex T is a finite collection of simplices such that
The number
dimT = max dimT
T ∈T
For various reasons, we often have to deal with all of the simplices in T that are “close to” some fixed
T ∈ T . The following definition helps make this precise:
Definition 5.1.9. Let T be a simplicial complex and let T ∈ T . The star of T in T is defined by
Star(T ) = {f ∈ T | T ∈ ∆(f )} ⊆ T .
Notice that Star(T ) can also be interpreted as a point set, consisting of all those points for which there
exists T 0 ∈ T with p ∈ T 0 and T ∈ ∆(T 0 ). We use both interpretations of Star(T ) in the sequel; whether
we are referring to the star as a point set or not is almost always unambiguous from context.
The primarily simplicial complexes of interest in numerical analysis arise from partitioning domains
within Euclidean spaces.
Figure 5.12: A 2–dimensional simplicial complex.
Figure 5.13: A “tiling” that is not a simplicial complex. Connecting the two white vertices with an edge
would turn the figure into a simplicial complex.
Definition 5.1.10. A Lipschitz domain Ω ⊆ Rn is said to be polyhedral if there exist finitely many
n–simplices Ti such that
• Ω = ∪i Ti and
Sometimes, we also refer to a triangulation as a mesh. The use of a subscript h is a convention arising
from numerical analysis; more details are discussed in the next paragraph. However, usage of this subscript
extends beyond explicitly indicating the size of simplices: when the reader sees a subscript h appearing in
the sequel, they should infer that it indicates passage to the discretized setting.
Now, we discuss the interpretation of the subscript h in numerical analysis, and introduce a common
technical requirement imposed on meshes in practice. h is usually chosen to be the mesh size parameter,
defined by
h = max diam (T ) .
T ∈Th
So, the smaller h is, the smaller all of the simplices partitioning Ω must be. In applications, we are usually
using triangulations to approximate solutions to PDEs for functions or forms defined over the domain Ω,
with our approximate solution living in some space of forms with components that are piecewise smooth
with respect to the mesh. We intuitively expect that our approximation should resemble the exact solution
more closely as h → 0. In light of the above discussion, we usually define a family of meshes over Ω indexed
by the mesh size parameter h and then examine the quality of approximation as h → 0. However, we need
to impose an auxiliary requirement in order to guarantee that the triangulation stays well–behaved as we
make the simplices smaller and smaller. The following definition of such “good behaviour” is adapted from
[19, p. 5].
Definition 5.1.11. Let Ω ⊆ Rn be a polyhedral domain equipped with a family of triangulations {Th }h
indexed by the real number h. We say that {Th }h is shape–regular if there exists C > 0, independent of
h, such that
(diam (T )) ≤ C vol(T ) ∀ T ∈ ∆n (Th ) .
then conclude by explaining how homology can be “dualized” to establish a notion of cohomology for
simplicial complexes.
We note that, in this section, we develop homology theory “with real coefficients”. Such a choice
makes the connection between algebraic topology and Hilbert complexes very clear. In introductory texts,
however, homology is usually introduced “with integer coefficients” (see for example [92]). The reader
looking to compare the discussion here to that presented in the aforementioned references should not
become confused or worry much about this disparity: we can essentially switch out R for Z to transition
between the two homology theories without gaining or losing any substantial information (at least in the
context of applications to numerical analysis).
We begin by describing how to equip simplices with orientations. We remark that any ordering < of a
finite set {p0 , ..., pk } is associated to a permutation of {p0 , ..., pk } according to the rule
p0 · · · pk
pi0 < pi1 < · · · < pik ↔ .
pi0 · · · pik
Definition 5.2.1. Let T be a simplex. Two orderings of ∆0 with associated permutations s1 and s2 are
said to be equivalent if there exits an even permutation s such that s2 = s ◦ s1 . An orientation on T
is an equivalence class of orderings of ∆0 (T ).
If dimT > 0 there are precisely two orientations on T : one corresponding to even permutations of
the identity, and the other corresponding to odd permutations of the identity. To indicate that we are
switching to the opposite orientation on an oriented simplex T , we write −T .
Example 5.2.2. The orderings
(0, 0) < (1, 0) < (0, 1) and (1, 0) < (0, 1) < (0, 0)
represent the same orientation on Tref,2 . This orientation coincides with the right–handed orientation that
Tref,2 inherits from R2 : if you curl the fingers of your right hand in the “increasing” direction, your thumb
points upward in both cases. Conversely, the ordering (0, 0) < (0, 1) < (1, 0) coincides with the induced
left–hand orientation.
Now, we introduce the notion of chains in simplicial complexes. Given some real numbers ci and some
Ti ∈ ∆k (T ), we can define an expression c by
. X
c= ci Ti .
The set of all such expressions c is called the set of k–chains in T , denoted by Ck (T ). Of course, the
sum in the definition of a k–chain is purely formal (see the discussion below Definition for an outline of
what it means for a sum to be “formal”).
Defining addition and scalar multiplication simplex–wise, we endow Ck (T ) with the structure of a
vector space. Note how our notation for chains naturally includes the notation for reversing orientation
(multiplication of a simplex by −1). A chain of the form c = Ti is said to be elementary. Clearly, the
set of all elementary k–chains is a basis of Ck (T ). In the jargon of abstract algebra, we have that Ck (T )
is the free real vector space generated by ∆k (T ).
Figure 5.21: ∂Tref,2 with the induced right–hand orientation.
Remark 5.2.3. We can also define chains as real–valued functions c on the set oriented k–simplices of T
such that c(−T ) = −c(T ). This perspective is taken in [61]. However, we prefer to stress the formal sum
interpretation of chains, as it allows us to move a bit faster.
Now, we turn to the construction of a special type of chains carrying concrete geometric meaning.
First, we go through an easy example in order to motivate the general case.
Example 5.2.4. Let Tref,2 = [(0, 0) (1, 0) (0, 1)] be the standard triangle in R2 , equipped with the right–
handed orientation. We know that ∂Tref,2 (as a subset of R2 ) is the union of 1–subsimplices of T
∂Tref,2 = [(0, 0) (1, 0)] ∪ [(1, 0) (0, 1)] ∪ [(0, 1) (0, 0)].
∂Tref,2 = [(0, 0) (1, 0)] + [(1, 0) (0, 1)] + [(0, 1) (0, 0)] ∈ C1 (∆(T )).
This expression is clearly well–defined irrespective of the chosen representative of the right–handed orien-
Let p0 = (0, 0), p1 = (1, 0), and p2 = (0, 1). For i = 0, 1, 2, we let [p0 ...pbi ...p2 ] denote the facet of Tref,2
obtained by omitting the ith vertex; the hat means “take this vertex out”. For example,
[(0, 0) (1, 0)] = [p0 p1 pb2 ] and [(0, 1) (0, 0)] = −[p0 pb1 p2 ],
where we have picked up a negative sign in the second expression because of the orientation. With this
new notation in mind, we may write the 1–chain corresponding to the boundary as
∂Tref,2 = (−1)i [p0 ...pbi ...p2 ]. (5.2.1)
This is just a weighted sum over the facets of Tref,2 . See Figure 5.21 for an illustration of the 1–chain
∂Tref,2 (the arrows point in the direction of increase with respect to the equivalent orders associated to
the right–hand orientation).
More generally, given an oriented n–simplex T = [p0 ] we can define an (n−1)–chain ∂T by replacing
the union symbol in the expression for the boundary ∂T with an addition symbol. We must be careful to
ensure that the facets are ordered with respect to the induced orientation from T (an ordering on a set
induces an ordering on all subsets), as we have done in the specific case of the standard triangle. The hat
notation carries over nicely to this general situation and we have by direct comparison with (5.2.1) that
∂T = (−1)i [p0 ...pbi ]. (5.2.2)
Remark 5.2.5. We recall that each facet of T is identified with the vanishing set of one barycentric
coordinate function. The hat notation reflect this: [p0 ...pbi ] is the vanishing set of the barycentric
coordinate associated to the vertex pi . The operation of taking out a vertex of T amounts to setting the
barycentric coordinate corresponding to that vertex to zero.
Since Ck (T ) is a vector space, the above construction allows us to define a boundary operator
on arbitrary k–chains ∂ : Ck (T ) → Ck−1 (T ) through extension by linearity. The boundary of a general
k–chain X
c= ci Ti
is therefore given by X
∂c =
ci ∂Ti .
We sometimes use the notation ∂k = ∂|Ck (T ) to emphasize some special property of the boundaries of
k–chains. Taken together, the spaces of chains and the boundary operators give us a sequence
k ∂ ∂k+1
··· ←
− Ck−1 ←− Ck ←−−− Ck+1 ←
− ··· .
The resemblance between the diagram above and the diagrams we saw when studying Hilbert complexes
in Chapter 4 is noteworthy to say the least, but we postpone such discussions until the end of this section.
Example 5.2.6. The boundary of the standard triangle Tref,2 is not a simplex, but it is a 1–chain. The
developments of the preceding paragraph imply that we can define ∂∂Tref,2 ∈ C0 (Tref,2 ). Using (5.2.1) and
the definition of ∂, we have that
∂∂Tref,2 = ∂ [(0, 0) (1, 0)] + ∂ [(1, 0) (0, 1)] + ∂ [(0, 1) (0, 0)]
= [(0, 0)] − [(1, 0)] + [(1, 0)] − [(0, 1)] + [(0, 1)] − [(0, 0)]
= 0.
So, the boundary of the boundary is 0 ∈ C0 (Tref,2 ). This corresponds with a fact familiar from multivariable
calculus: the boundary of a boundary of a domain in Rn is empty.
Naturally, one can ask under what conditions all chains in the kernel of ∂ arise as boundaries of
higher–dimensional chains. Towards solving this problem, we make some helpful definitions.
Definition 5.2.8.
1) Zk = ker ∂k is called the set of k–cycles.
2) Bk = range ∂k+1 is called the set of k–boundaries.
Of course, the quotient in the definition of Hk makes sense because Bk ⊆ Zk by Proposition 5.2.7.
Notice that all the indices k in the above definition are downstairs.
Remark 5.2.9. The reason for the name k–boundaries is obvious, and the name k–cycles is chosen because
they correspond to cyclic paths (that is, complete circuits) when dealing with two–dimensional complexes
(see the examples below).
With these definitions in mind, we can re–phrase the question above Definition 5.2.8 as “under what
conditions is Zk = Bk ?” or equivalently “under what conditions is Hk = 0?”. Before we provide a precise
answer, we study some simple examples illustrating how the question is connected to topology. By the
same token, these examples tell us how topological information is encoded in the spaces Hk .
Example 5.2.10. Consider the same notational setup as Example 5.2.4. We compute the three potentially
nonzero homology spaces H2 , H1 , and H0 of Tref,2 . H2 is very easy to compute: ∂Tref,2 is nonzero, hence
the only way a 2–chain can be in Z2 is if that chain is just 0. Then, the top homology space is trivial.
Moreover, if we let fi denote the edge of Tref,2 opposite the vertex pi (i = 0, 1, 2), the aforementioned
example yields that B1 = span (f1 + f2 + f3 ).
Now, suppose that c ∈ Z1 . Write c in terms of the edges fi as
c= ci fi .
Then, since c is a 1–cycle, the computations of Examples 5.2.4 and 5.2.6 give us
This can only be true if c0 = c1 = c2 . Accordingly, Z1 = span (f1 + f2 + f3 ); that is, any 1–cycle must
be a multiple of f1 + f2 + f3 = ∂Tref,2 (this example helps substantiate use of the name “cycle”, after the
discussion in Remark 5.2.9). Therefore, H1 = 0.
Finally, we come to the zeroth homology space. Since ∂0 = 0 identically, Z0 = C0 . Then, Z0 has
a canonical basis consisting of all the vertices pi . We conclude that Z0 ' R3 . Now,
P direct calculation
(similar to Example 5.2.6) shows that any 0–boundary c must have the form c = ci pi with ci = 0.
Then, B0 ' R2 . Using the Second Isomorphism Theorem for vector spaces, we conclude that H0 ' R. In
summary, the only non–trivial homology space for the standard 2–simplex is H0 , which is just a copy of
Example 5.2.11. Now, let T = ∂Tref,2 . The same calculations we used in Example 5.2.10 tell us
The zeroth homology space is the same, but when we take out the interior of the simplex the first homology
space becomes non–trivial. This leads us to ask what differences between Tref,2 and ∂Tref,2 can lead to
this change in homology. Aside from the obvious (their dimensions are not the same), the two simplicial
complexes have different topological features. Namely, Tref,2 is contractible (the space can be “shrunk
down” to a point) while its boundary is not. Such topological disparity is indeed the cause of the difference
in homology spaces.
With these examples in mind, we are ready to discuss the general relationship between topology and
homology spaces, though we must outsource the proofs to the references. The next theorem gives an
immediate, albeit weak, connection between homology and topology.
Theorem 5.2.12. [61, Cor. 18.2] Homeomorphic simplicial complexes have isomorphic homologies.
So, if the homologies of two different complexes disagree, then the complexes cannot be homeomorphic.
That is, examining homology gives us a necessary condition for topological equivalence, and this condition
may be understood using purely algebraic objects. Homotopy theory shows that there is a much weaker
sufficient condition for two complexes to have isomorphic homologies [61, Chapter 2].
The next result shows that the zeroth homology is always very easy to compute.
Theorem 5.2.13. [61, Thm. 7.2] The dimension of H0 is equal to the number of connected components
of the simplicial complex T .
The other homology spaces may also be interpreted topologically (after the discussion in Example
5.2.11) in the vein of the following heuristic:
and so on for the higher homology spaces. In the above, we understand the “dimension” of a hole to
be the largest number n such that a homeomorphic copy of the n–sphere fits inside the hole. For example,
the boundary of a triangle has a 1–dimensional hole because we can squeeze a circle of sufficiently small
radius into the region where the interior of the triangle used to be. Even though we can fit a single point
(0–sphere) in the interior too, the circle is the sphere of largest dimension fitting inside the hole, hence the
hole is 1–dimensional. In particular, the homology spaces of a contractible complex must all be trivial,
except for the zeroth homology.
Notice how the dimensions of the homology spaces, rather than the particular presentation of the spaces
themselves, are the primary source of topological data arising from homology theory. Consequently, these
dimensions have their own special names: they are called the Betti numbers of T . Betti numbers
were among the first great discoveries in topology, pre–dating both Poincaré’s Analysis situs and Emmy
Noether’s formal introduction of homology spaces by several decades. To the reader who is wondering
why we bother studying homology if the Betti numbers contain all topological information, I recommend
a historical article written by Mac Lane [55]. Mac Lane’s essay provides an interesting perspective on the
utility and novelty of Noether’s abstract–algebraic viewpoint in topology and, indeed, in mathematics as
a whole.
Now, we discuss the similarities between the diagram
k ∂ ∂k+1
··· ←
− Ck−1 ←− Ck ←−−− Ck+1 ←
− ···
dk−1 dk
− W k−1 −−−→ W k −→ Wk+1 →
··· → − ··· .
If the Hilbert complex is bounded then, from a very abstract perspective, the two sequences above are
almost identical: each term in the sequence is an object in some category (Vect and Hilb, respectively),
and all of the maps taking one term to the other are morphisms in that category (linear maps, bounded
linear operators). Further, these morphisms reduce to 0 when applied one after the other, giving rise to
two similar objects: homology for chain complexes and cohomology for Hilbert complexes. Therefore, from
a sufficiently abstract viewpoint, the only substantial difference between the sequence of chain spaces and
a bounded Hilbert complex is the direction that the arrows point.
In the twentieth century, mathematicians noticed patterns like the one discussed above. Sequences that
had the same general properties as the sequence of chain spaces (every term in the sequence is an object
in some category, there are nilpotent morphisms between each term) were appearing in many different
problems, primarily in topology and geometry. Accordingly, such sequences earned a special name: if the
arrows point in the direction of decreasing k, we say that the sequence is a chain complex. Otherwise, we
say that the sequence is a cochain complex. The discipline of homological algebra (see for instance
[61]) was conceived to examine the properties of chain and cochain complexes in full generality.
Homological algebra grew up hand–in–hand with category theory, sharing with it the dream of under-
standing topological spaces by studying in isolation certain invariant algebraic objects associated to them.
So, even though these subjects are often perceived by outsiders as dungeons of self–indulgent abstract
fussiness, they maintain their roots in very natural topological ideas. We do not use too much homological
algebra or category theory in this thesis, beyond treating them as a convenient source of unifying jargon
and notation. Indeed, for applications in the numerical analysis of PDEs, it is often preferable to study
topology from the classical perspective of Poincaré, rather than from the perspective of Eilenberg, Mac
Lane, and their contemporaries. However, techniques from category theory, homological algebra, and other
famously abstract disciplines have recently shown themselves to be useful in solving real–world problems,
especially in data science and computing. For an enlightening discussion on the growing importance of
such techniques in applied mathematics, computer science, and statistics, I recommend Ghrist’s essay [37].
We conclude this section by discussing a theory “dual” to simplicial homology. Denote the dual space
to Ck (T ) by C k (T ). The functionals in C k (T ) are called k–cochains. Since elementary k–chains form a
basis of Ck (T ), we immediately have a dual basis of C k (T ). Elements of this basis are called elementary
k–cochains, and they are in one–to–one correspondence with elements of ∆k (T ). As with elementary
chains, we can identify elementary cochains with faces of T . For example, depending on context the symbol
[p0 ] can represent a k–simplex, or the same k–simplex viewed as a chain or cochain.
Denote the adjoint of the boundary operator ∂k+1 by
∂k∗ : C k (T ) → C k+1 (T ) .
We often call ∂k∗ the coboundary operator. Since we do not assume a particular inner product structure
on the chain spaces Ck (T ), the adjoint of ∂k+1 is defined by the following condition: for all α ∈ C k (T )
and c ∈ Ck (T ),
∂k∗ α(c) = α(∂k+1 c).
The cochain spaces and coboundary operators together form a cochain complex
∂k−1 ∂∗
− C k−1 −−−→ C k −→
··· → k
C k+1 →
− ··· ,
Lemma 5.2.15. H k ' (Hk ) .
Proof. One checks routinely that the map H k → (Hk ) defined by
[α] 7→ [c] 7→ α(c)
Recall that all of the topological information we need from a simplicial complex’s homology is encoded
in the dimensions of the spaces Hk . Since
dim Hk = dim Hk ,
we know that simplicial cohomology gives us the same topological information as homology.
In order to get anywhere with simplicial cohomology, we need a concrete formula for computing with
the coboundary operator. This formula uses stars, introduced in Definition 5.1.9.
Proposition 5.2.16. Denote the vertices of the simplicial complex T by pj . Let c = [p0 ] ∈ C k (T ).
Then, X
∂k∗ c = [pj p0 ]. (5.2.3)
pj ∈Star(c)
(a) ∂0∗ (p0 ) (b) ∂0∗ (p1 ) (c) ∂0∗ (p2 )
Figure 5.22: Coboundaries of the vertices of Tref,2 ; the captions follow the notation of Example 5.2.17.
Proof. This formula may be found in [61, p. 253] or [89, p. 362]. The proof amounts to a direct verification.
Explicitly saying that we sum over j 6= 0, ..., k is a bit redundant, but it helps us maintain cohesion
when computing coboundaries.
Example 5.2.17. In this example, we compute the action of the coboundary operator on the vertices
of Tref,2 (that is, the elementary 0–cochains on Tref,2 ). We use the same notation introduced in Example
5.2.4. By (5.2.3), we see that
All three of these coboundaries correspond to sharp corners, illustrated in Figure 5.22. This example
demonstrates that coboundaries and cocycles look like “picket fences” [61, p. 254] while boundaries and
cycles look like closed circuits.
In summary, we used this section to introduce an algebraic invariant of a simplicial complex, the ho-
mology H• . The k th homology space can be interpreted intuitively as measuring the extent to which
closed circuits in a simplicial complex fail to arise as boundaries of higher–dimensional subsimplices. We
then drew some comparisons between the homology of simplicial complexes and the cohomology of Hilbert
complexes, and discussed how the study of homology served as a springboard for the development of cate-
gory theory and homological algebra. Finally, we “dualized” homology to develop a notion of cohomology
for simplicial complexes. Trivially, simplicial cohomology contains the same topological data carried by
homology. In the next section, we see that simplicial cohomology and Hilbert complex cohomology are
essentially the same object up to isomorphism. Such connections between topology and analysis are very
useful in the theoretical and numerical treatment of PDEs, and provide a focal point for our examination
of the consistency of finite element methods in Chapter 9.
John Lee’s introduction to de Rham’s Theorem [51, Chapter 18], and readers wishing to fill in some of the
technical details missing here ought to consult Lee’s book.
First, we discuss cochain complexes appearing in calculus, rather than algebraic topology. Recall from
Chapter 4 that the L2 de Rham complex on a polyhedral domain Ω ⊆ Rn is defined by
d d d
− HΛ0 (Ω) −
0→ → HΛ1 (Ω) − → L2 Λn (Ω) →
→ ··· − − 0, (5.3.1)
where we remember that the exterior derivative d is understood in the weak sense. We can define a
“smooth” version of the above Hilbert complex, called the smooth de Rham complex, using smooth
k–forms and the exterior derivative (not just the weak exterior derivative). The smooth de Rham complex
is written as
d d d
0→− C ∞ Λ0 (Ω) − → C ∞ Λ1 (Ω) −
→ ··· −→ C ∞ Λn (Ω) →− 0. (5.3.2)
The smooth de Rham complex (5.3.2) is a cochain complex, but not a Hilbert complex. We denote the
cohomology of (5.3.1) by HkL2 dR and the cohomology of (5.3.2) by HkdR . Near the end of this section, we
cite results indicating that these two cohomologies are equivalent, but we have no a priori reason to expect
that this is the case.
As discussed in Sections 4.3 and 4.4, studying the cohomology of the L2 de Rham complex reveals
whether or not the PDE ω = dη has a weak solution for any given ω ∈ ker d|HΛk . Clearly, then, the
cohomology of the smooth de Rham complex tells us about whether the same PDE has smooth, strong
solutions for any given ω ∈ ker d|C ∞ Λk .
Now, since Ω is equal to the polyhedron of some triangulation Th , we can associate simplicial cohomology
spaces to Ω. Of course, this triangulation is not unique: in the 2D case, for instance, we can chop each
triangle in Th into four triangular pieces to obtain another triangulation whose polyhedron is Ω. As it
turns out, the cohomology spaces associated to Ω are independent of the particular triangulation we use.
To prove this rigorously, we would need to develop the theory of singular cohomology [51, Chapter 18],
but for our purposes such details are unimportant. The only things we need to know are that one can
canonically talk about the cohomology of Ω in a topologically invariant way, and that this cohomology can
be computed by picking any particular triangulation. Actually, we can also associate “singular cohomology”
spaces to Ω, and these spaces are isomorphic to the simplicial cohomology spaces of Ω defined above. All
in all, talking about the cohomology spaces Hk of Ω is absolutely no problem.
Using the notion of integration over manifolds with corners, we know the integral of a k–form over a
k–simplex makes sense. Extending by linearity, we can immediately develop a notion for the integral of a
k–form over a k–chain. The integral provides a natural pairing between k–forms and k–chains: if c ∈ Ck (Ω)
(this notation is sloppy, but remember that the actual triangulation doesn’t matter) and ω ∈ C ∞ Λk (Ω),
then Z
(c, ω) 7→ ω ∈ R.
By way of the natural pairing of chains and forms, we have a linear map from the k th cohomology space of
d ∞ 1 d d
− C ∞ Λ0 Ω − → C ∞ Λn Ω →
0→ →C Λ Ω −→ ··· − − 0 (5.3.3)
to (Hk ) , defined by Z
[ω] 7→ [c] 7→ ω . (5.3.4)
Combining the above with Lemma 5.2.15 yields a homomorphism from the k th cohomology of (5.3.3) to
Hk , referred to as the de Rham homomorphism. By Stokes’ Theorem, the de Rham homomorphism
is well–defined (see [51, p. 483] for the details). Using singular cohomology theory, we can play a similar
game to get another de Rham homomorphism mapping HkdR (the k th cohomology space of (5.3.2)) to Hk ;
explaining the details would require us to define integrals of k–forms on Ω over “singular” k–chains, which
would take us too far afield. The end product of this line of investigation is the following result:
Theorem 5.3.1. (de Rham’s Theorem [51, Thm. 18.14]) The de Rham homomorphism HkdR → Hk is an
We now know that the smooth de Rham complex and the simplicial cochain complex contain exactly the
same information. In PDE theory, however, we often prefer to work in the setting of weakly differentiable,
rather than smooth, functions and forms. Hence, most of our attention in the sequel is focused on the
L2 de Rham complex rather than the smooth one. We would like to see if the HkL2 dR encodes the same
topological data as HkdR . Since
C ∞ Λk (Ω) ⊆ HΛk (Ω),
we know that the inclusion map induces a canonical injection HkdR → HkL2 dR .
Proposition 5.3.2. The injection induced by inclusion is an isomorphism HkdR ' HkL2 dR .
The above proposition has been proven at least twice in the geometry literature (on more general
manifolds), first by Cheeger in 1980 [17, p. 94] and second by Brüning and Lesch in 1992 [14, pp. 109–
110]. Cheeger’s proof uses a smoothing argument, very much in the spirit of analytical PDE theory, while
the proof of Brüning and Lesch follows from a more general result in Hilbert complex theory.
Combining de Rham’s Theorem with Proposition 5.3.2, we have that
HkL2 dR ' Hk
for Lipschitz domains. Then, we have finally constructed the bridge between Hilbert complexes and
topology promised in Chapter 4. In light of Proposition 5.3.2, we often do not bother making the distinction
between L2 and smooth de Rham cohomologies, and just refer to both spaces as the de Rham cohomology.
In summary, we have seen that the L2 de Rham complex on a polyhedral domain Ω is intimately
related to the topology of Ω. By studying de Rham’s Theorem (and its extension to the L2 setting by
Cheeger and Brüning and Lesch), we have delivered on a promise made in Chapter 4. Namely, we now see
why understanding the “third term” in the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition as a cohomological object is
equivalent to understanding it as a topological object. Combining this insight with the Hodge Theorem,
we see that the Hodge Laplacian has a kernel whose dimension is entirely determined by the topology of
our spatial domain. All in all, we certainly believe by now that there are profound connections between
PDEs, Hilbert complexes, and topology. In Chapter 9, we illustrate how to solve PDEs numerically using
methods that properly reflect these connections. Before we can get to this, however, we must spend three
chapters developing some more basic theory for the particular family of numerical methods we intend to
Chapter 6
Now that we have learned about the algebra and topology underlying PDE theory, we are ready to start
studying the discretization and numerical solution of differential equations. In this section, we develop
some theory regarding finite element methods (FEMs) for numerically solving PDEs. FEMs are a
member of a general family of discretization schemes called Galerkin methods. Galerkin methods involve
re–formulating a given PDE “weakly” on some function space V , then looking for a solution within a finite–
dimensional space Vh , often a subspace of V . When using an FEM, the space Vh consists of functions
that are piecewise smooth with respect to a triangulation of the domain; the subscript “h” universally
indicates passage to the discrete setting. The remainder of Part 1 of this thesis is devoted to explicitly
constructing usable spaces Vh and proving that the resulting discretizations “preserve” the cohomology of
the non–discretized problem. FEMs have been around for over half a century, the first one appearing in
a primitive form in a 1943 paper of Courant [23], but only in the last two decades has their connection
to Hilbert complexes and topology become widely recognized. We discuss structure–preserving FEMs and
their history more in later sections; the present section is primarily concerned with the basic aspects of
the theory behind FEMs, without mention of their algebraic and topological properties.
FEMs are perhaps the most versatile of the many numerical methods crafted to study PDEs, largely due
to their strengths in handling complicated domains and different boundary conditions. Finite difference
numerical methods, however, may become a little unwieldy in non–trivial spatial geometries (see the
discussion at the end of [47, Ch. 8]). Even the powerful spectral methods lose some formal accuracy in
the absence of periodic boundary conditions [47, Ch. 10] (granted, there are ways of adapting spectral
methods to more general boundary conditions using Chebyshev polynomials). Another important group
of numerical PDE–solving techniques, the finite volume methods, have been adapted into the service of
special FEMs called discontinuous Galerkin methods (DGMs). The study of finite volume methods
without consideration of finite elements, however, remains an active research area. For a discussion on the
relationship between finite volume methods and DGMs, see [29, §1.1], though be cautioned that they view
FEMs as special DGMs, not the other way around as we do; our nomenclature here follows that typical
of finite element exterior calculus. Additionally, the practical implementation of FEMs has become much
easier in the past decade with the introduction of software packages like FEniCS [2] and Firedrake [72].
These packages are automate a great deal of the more tedious aspects of coding up FEMs. For example,
instead of having to manually input a basis for the space Vh , we can just select an appropriate Vh from a
catalogue of common choices; the spaces we construct in Chapter 8 are included in this catalogue.
The literature on FEMs is incredibly expansive, running the gamut from textbooks written for en-
gineering undergraduates to advanced monographs written for professional researchers in PDE theory.
There are, however, some reference texts that merit special mention. Of course, much of FEM theory
is unified by the finite element exterior calculus we develop in this thesis, but even with such modern
geometric formalism in hand one should still consult the standard texts to develop an appropriate view
of the “big picture”. Those looking to immediately start problem–solving with FEMs should consult the
(freely available) introductory FEniCS book [54]. This text includes enough theory to understand FEM
codes in the FEniCS environment, and more than enough computer examples to satisfy the curious reader.
On the more theoretical side of FEMs, one can hardly do better than the book of Ciarlet [20], a classic of
numerical analysis. The little text by Strang and Fix [82] is also excellent, though some sections are a bit
outdated. Another standard, albeit much younger, book on FEM theory is that of Boffi, Brezzi, and Fortin
[10]. For a modern textbook addressing FEM theory as well as common numerical linear algebra issues
encountered in implementing FEM codes, see the book of Elman, Silvester, and Wathen [33]. The reader
interested in seeing FEMs presented alongside other numerical methods should consult Iserles’ textbook
[47]. DGMs are a very important component of contemporary research in scientific computing, and the
text of Dolejšı́ and Feistauer [29] provides a modern survey of the subject. As previously mentioned, DGMs
are intimately connected with finite volume methods, so understanding finite volume methods is critical to
developing good DGMs. LeVeque’s book [52] provides a very accessible general reference on finite volume
In Section 6.1, I introduce Galerkin methods by way of a detailed example before briefly outlining
FEMs. In Section 6.2, we define abstract finite elements. In Section 6.3, we use finite elements to
construct special finite–dimensional subspaces Λkh ⊆ L2 Λk . In Section 6.4, we characterize those Λkh that
are contained inside HΛk .
∆u = f (6.1.1)
tr∂Ω u = 0. (6.1.2)
To construct a numerical solution to the problem above, we would like to approximate u in terms of some
family of simple functions. For instance, triangulating Ω and choosing our approximating functions to be
continuous and piecewise smooth with respect to this triangulation seems like a good idea (indeed, we
come back to this idea in a few pages). If we were to study such piecewise smooth functions, however, our
approximate solution would not be C 2 , or even C 1 , unless we do some extra work (specifically, matching
derivatives of our approximate solution at interfaces). We could also consider using approximating func-
tions that are linear combinations of eigenfunctions of ∆, but of course such an approach is not practical
if these eigenfunctions cannot be analytically computed. All in all, we see that we cannot necessarily
preserve differentiability by passing to simple approximating functions.
Accordingly, we switch to studying (6.1.1) through a weak form. This effectively amounts to using
integration by parts in order to lessen the regularity requirements on u. To begin deriving the weak form
of the Poisson equation, pick any test function v ∈ Cc∞ Λ0 (Ω) and take the L2 inner product of (6.1.1)
with v to obtain
h∆u, viL2 = hf, viL2 .
Next, use integration by parts on the left–hand side to obtain
To solve the problem above, all we need is u ∈ H̊Λ0 (if we are willing to understand the derivatives in the
weak sense). Accordingly, we can recast our boundary value problem thus: determine u ∈ H̊Λ0 (Ω) such
hdu, dviL2 Λ1 = hf, viL2 ∀ v ∈ Cc∞ Λ0 . (6.1.3)
As it turns out, we can go even further with “weakening” the problem. Since Cc∞ Λ` is dense in H̊Λ` by
Lemma 3.4.3, solving (6.1.3) is equivalent to solving
Note how the test functions v satisfy the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. If our solution u
was supposed to satisfy inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions, v would still have to vanish on the boundary.
However, if we instead had Neumann boundary conditions on u, we would not require any constraints on
the boundary values of v: if we did prescribe the boundary values of the test functions when dealing with
Neumann conditions, then the boundary term in the weak form would reduce to a constant.
In numerical PDE theory, any boundary condition that results in one having to find weak solutions
by restricting to a proper subset of HΛk is said to be essential. Since the Dirichlet boundary condition
for our formulation of the Poisson equation yield constraints on the space where we look for a solution
u (that is, we demand that u ∈ H̊Λ0 , not just HΛ0 ), this boundary condition is essential. If Neumann
boundary conditions were imposed instead, we would not have enough constraints to expect a solution
in any set smaller than HΛ0 . However, we would have boundary integrals appearing in the weak form
(6.1.4); in light of the discussion in the above paragraph, test functions do not vanish on the boundary
for Neumann conditions. Any boundary condition that leaves the solution space unconstrained but rather
manifests itself in the weak form is said to be natural. Figuring out which boundary conditions are natural
and which ones are essential is a critical step in deriving a correct Galerkin method. Note that Dirichlet
conditions are not always essential, and Neumann conditions are not always natural; see [54, §2.2] for a
canonical example.
Having completed our digression on boundary conditions, we return to studying the weak Poisson
equation (6.1.4). We begin by modifying the notation. Let A : H̊Λ0 × H̊Λ0 → R denote the bilinear form
(u, v) 7→ hdu, dviL2 Λ1 and F : H̊Λ0 → R denote the functional v 7→ hf, viL2 . Then, (6.1.4) becomes
Now, we get to the heart of the Galerkin method. We choose a finite–dimensional subspace Λ0h ⊆ H̊Λ0
consisting of some simple functions and restrict the problem (6.1.5) to this subspace. That is, we solve the
following problem for an approximate solution uh ∈ Λ0h :
This is now a problem in finite–dimensional linear algebra and, consequently, it can be phrased in terms
of vectors and matrices. Pick a basis {φj }j of Λ0h . Then, form the stiffness matrix A with entries
Aij = A(φi , φj )
Auh = F, (6.1.7)
since A is symmetric. From here, one can pick their favourite numerical method for solving linear systems
to get uh (the conjugate gradient method is a good tool for solving this particular problem [33, Ch. 2]).
This completes our description of the simplest Galerkin method for the scalar Poisson equation. We sum-
marize the crucial steps of deriving a Galerkin method for a generic boundary value problem:
1) recast the governing PDE in a weak form, using integration by parts to “peel off” derivatives onto
the test functions (thus weakening the regularity requirements on the approximate solution), and decide
which boundary conditions are essential and which ones are natural;
2) restate the weak form of the PDE as a relationship between bilinear and linear (or, more generally,
nonlinear) forms on an appropriate HΛk ;
3) choose a finite–dimensional space Λkh (often a subspace of HΛk ) and solve the weak form on Λkh using a
numerical method for systems of algebraic equations (in the nonlinear case, a Newton–type root–finding
method is often useful).
Remark 6.1.1. Dirichlet boundary conditions appear in a Galerkin discretization as prescribed entries in
the approximate solution vector uh .
Galerkin methods provide an intuitive strategy for discretization, provided that we have a good choice
of Λkh . We are then left with the task of constructing such spaces in practice. This is the domain of the
finite element method (FEM). In broad strokes, the FEM tells us how to construct Λkh using a triangulation
of the domain Ω and a set of rules for uniquely determining a form in L2 Λk that is piecewise smooth with
respect to this triangulation. These “rules” tell us how to reconstruct an element of Λkh bit–by–bit from
local data associated to each simplex in the triangulation.
However, we often want to make sure that the function space we obtain is actually contained in
HΛk . This property is called d–conformity, with the d reminding us of the importance of weak exterior
differentiability. In more customary numerical analysis jargon, d–conformity is sometimes called H(div)–
conformity or H(curl)–conformity depending on the form degree k; this nomenclature arises because
the exterior derivative reduces to the divergence or curl in familiar situations. As a serious health warning,
most finite element researchers use the term “conformity” in practice to mean that the subspace Λkh consists
of forms whose coefficients all have L2 weak derivatives. Such FEMs are widely regarded as “vanilla”: good
for basic problems, but not especially versatile. The reader should be aware that our development of d–
conforming FEMs using the spaces HΛk includes mixed methods and discontinuous Galerkin methods
(these terms are defined later, and the unfamiliar reader should not panic). These are d–conforming by
our definition, but not “conforming” by the more common definition.
We must also prove that the subspace Λkh has satisfactory approximation properties. For instance, the
error in approximation of ω ∈ HΛk by ωh ∈ Λkh should tend to zero as we make our triangulation of Ω more
and more refined. The satisfaction of such approximation conditions is briefly considered in the concrete
cases discussed in later chapters. There are also algebraic properties related to Hilbert complex structure
that Λkh ought to satisfy, and these are also discussed in later chapters.
Remark 6.1.2. If the approximate solution and test functions live in different spaces, some authors call
the scheme a Petrov–Galerkin method (see for example [88]). So, when reading numerical analysis
papers, one may come across FEMs that the authors explicitly say are not Galerkin methods. For the
purposes of this thesis, I call any method that includes solving a weak formulation on a finite–dimensional
space a Galerkin method, regardless of where the test functions live. The reader experienced in numerical
analysis may find this convention sloppy, but for the present purposes it doesn’t cause too much trouble.
To summarize, in this section I introduced the Galerkin method for the discretization and numerical
solution of PDEs. This involves reducing to a weak form and solving some algebraic equations on a finite–
dimensional space Λkh . Then, we qualitatively introduced the FEM, which helps us choose a Λkh using a
triangulation of the domain.
1) a simply connected, compact set T ⊆ Rn with Lipschitz boundary and nonempty interior;
3) a set of linear functionals `Ti : V (T ) → R, called the degrees of freedom (DOFs), forming a ba-
sis of the dual space V ∗ (T ).
We refer to a finite element by way of the triplet T, V (T ), {`Ti }i
In the numerical analysis literature, T is sometimes synecdochically called a “finite element”, or even
just an “element”. For the purposes of most applications, T is either a simplex or hypercube. From
here on, we only study the case of T as a simplex. For the purposes of this exposition, the shape spaces
always consist of differential forms with polynomial coefficients (we often refer to such forms succinctly as
“polynomial differential forms”).
We often refer to the requirement that {`Ti }i be a basis by saying that the DOFs must be unisolvent.
Unisolvence is equivalent to showing that, given arbitrary scalars v1 , ..., vdimV (T ) , there exists a unique
v ∈ V (T ) such that `Ti (v) = vi for all i. Hence, every v ∈ V (T ) can be uniquely reconstructed using just
the numbers `Ti (v). Often, we introduce DOFs by defining their span, rather than the basis vectors `Ti
themselves. Once we prove that the span is the whole of V ∗ (T ), we can select a basis useful for practical
The next result gives us a useful test for determining whether or not a set of functionals on V (T ) is
actually unisolvent.
Lemma 6.2.2. Let W be a finite–dimensional real vector space, and let A ⊆ W ∗ be a subspace. Define a
subspace U of W by
. \
U = {w ∈ W | α(w) = 0 ∀ α ∈ I} = ker α. (6.2.1)
The subspace U is equal to 0 if and only if A = W ∗ .
Proof. The implication “⇐” is obvious. To show the other direction, first let dimW = N and dimA = M .
Pick a basis {ej }N j N
j=1 of W and a corresponding dual basis {e }j=1 of W . That is,
ej (ek ) = δjk .
Finally, pick a basis {αi }M i i j i
i=1 of A. For all i, therefore, we may write α = αj e for some αj ∈ R. Now,
consider the linear operator L : W → RM whose M × N matrix has an i, j entry given by Lij = αji . We
show that kerL = U .
If w = wj ej ∈ U then for all i = 1, ..., M we have that the ith component of L(w) in the standard basis
on RM is given by
(L(w))i = αji wj = αi (w).
So, L(w) = 0 if and only if αi (w) = 0 for all i. Since {αi }M
i=1 is a basis for A, this tells us that kerL = U .
By the Rank–Nullity Theorem (see for example [10, Cor. 3.1.2]), N = dimU +rankL and by hypothesis
dimU = 0. We conclude that N = rankL. Since {αi }M i=1 is a basis, we know that rankL = M , thus
M = N.
We conclude this section by providing some examples of finite elements. Chapters 7 and 8 are devoted
to constructing more general finite elements.
Example 6.2.3. Let T = [0, 1], let V (T ) be the space of degree one polynomials on T , and let evalp
denote the map taking smooth functions on T to their value at p. Then, we define linear functionals on
V (T ) by
`T1 = eval0 and `T2 = eval1 .
Figure 6.21: DOFs for the Lagrange finite element in Example 6.2.3. Solid dots represent the points p
such that evalp is a DOF.
The `Ti are indeed unisolvent: they are clearly linearly independent, and Lemma 6.2.2 tells us that they
span V (T )∗ . Hence, the triplet T, V (T ), {`T1 , `T2 } defines a finite element, referred to as the degree
1 Lagrange element or, in compressed form, CG(1) (the CG stands for “continuous Galerkin”). See
Figure 6.21 for an illustration of the DOFs for CG(1). The generalization of the CG(1) element to triangles
(rather than just intervals) appeared in Courant’s 1943 paper [23], making it the first finite element ever
studied. In Courant’s work, however, the term “finite element” is not used.
Example 6.2.4. In this example, we define a finite element where the shape space consists of 1–forms
rather than scalars. Actually, we define the shape space as a set of vector fields and implicitly use the
canonical correspondence between vectors and 1–forms in R2 to maintain consistency with Definition 6.2.1.
Let T = Tref,2 = [(0, 0) (1, 0) (0, 1)] and let
V (T ) = {u ∈ X(T ) | u = (b1 + ax, b2 + ay) , a, b1 , b2 ∈ R}.
So, V (T ) is a 3–dimensional vector space. Denote the outward normal on the boundary of T by n, then
define linear functionals on V (T ) by
`T1 (u) = eval(0, 1 ) (u · n) , `T2 (u) = eval( 1 ,0) (u · n) , and `T3 (u) = eval( 1 , 1 ) (u · n) .
2 2 2 2
We claim that the `Ti are unisolvent. If the `Ti were not linearly independent then we could find constants
c1 , c2 , c3 ∈ R such that, for all a, b1 , b2 ∈ R,
(c1 , c2 , c3 ) · (b1 , b2 , b1 + b2 + a) = 0.
`T3 (u) = 0 ⇒ a = 0.
An application of Lemma 6.2.2 completes the argument. Then, we have indeed defined a finite element,
called the lowest Raviart–Thomas element and denoted by RT(1). In other work, the lowest Raviart–
Thomas element is denoted by RT(0). RT(1) was introduced by Raviart and Thomas in a 1975 conference
paper [73] (the proceedings of the conference became more widely available after being published as lecture
Figure 6.22: The Raviart–Thomas finite element RT(1) in Example 6.2.4. The arrows represent the DOFs
(evaluation of normal components at base point of the arrow).
notes in 1977). Raviart and Thomas were actually able to build a finite element like RT(1) for arbitrary
shape polynomial degree, and we provide a modern perspective on their construction in Chapter 8.
Figure 6.22 gives a visual representation of the DOFs for RT(1). We could also define DOFs by way
of taking point evaluations of tangential components, in which case we would be constructing the lowest
Nédélec edge element of the first kind, denoted N1e (1). We discuss the many different finite elements
bearing Nédélec’s name in the next chapter.
We introduce many more finite elements in later chapters and develop techniques for proving unisolvence
in an elegant, unified manner. We also extend the Lagrange and Raviart–Thomas elements studied above
to arbitrary polynomial degree. I would like to point out, however, that we cannot always choose DOFs
to be simple point evaluation functionals. In full generality the DOFs for most finite elements are defined
by taking a k–form to its weighted integral over some subsimplex f ∈ ∆(T ). In this case we say that the
DOF is associated to the face f .
Remark 6.2.5. The reader may have noticed that the finite elements studied above were defined with
respect to reference simplices. In practice, of course, we would like to consider simplices of varying sizes
and spatial positions. However, it is enough to only define a finite element on the reference n–simplex in
order to get finite elements for every n–simplex in a triangulation; as long as we’re dealing with polyhedral
domains, each n–simplex T in our triangulation may be mapped to Tref,n by way of an invertible affine
transformation, so all computations on T can be pulled back to Tref,n . For more information on the
relationship between affine transformation and finite elements (specifically, the finite elements we define in
Chapter 8), see [4, §3.4].
In studying the above examples the reader may have guessed that there are many finite elements,
and keeping track of them all may be a steep task. FEEC shows how plenty of the most common finite
elements are derived from two main families of differential forms with polynomial coefficients. Keeping
track of the different finite elements and their relationships with one another is therefore facilitated by
adopting a geometric perspective. Further, FEEC paved the way for the creation of the Periodic Table of
the Finite Elements [6], which concisely summarizes many common finite elements on a single convenient
chart. The Periodic Table also contains some subtly encoded algebraic information, discussed in further
detail in Chapter 9.
6.3 Local–to–Global Maps and Finite Element Spaces
Suppose that Ω is a polyhedral domain equipped with a triangulation Th . Further, suppose that for
all T ∈ ∆n (Th ) we have a finite element
(T, V (T ), {`Ti }). In this section, we turn to constructing finite–
k 2 k
dimensional subspaces Λh ⊆ L Λ Ω by sewing together the finite elements associated to each component
simplex T of the triangulation. Our strategy for building Λkh begins by selecting those ω ∈ L2 Λk Ω
satisfying ω|T ∈ V (T ) ∀ T ∈ ∆n (Th ). We call the subspace of all such forms V (Th ). From there, we
narrow ourselves down to dealing with ω ∈ V (Th ) satisfying a certain compatibility condition with respect
to “equivalent” DOFs. Most of our work in this section involves defining this compatibility condition
Remark 6.3.1. Our conventions for visually representing the DOFs are taken directly from [54, Ch.3];
the DOF diagrams presented here are essentially identical to those found in this book.
Remark 6.3.2. The forms in V (Th ) are, a priori, multiply–valued on inter–element boundaries. Re-
call, however, that strictly speaking these forms are actually equivalence classes, so this apparent multi–
valuedness is no cause for alarm. If we wanted to be more careful, we could say that V (Th ) consists of
those forms in L2 Λk Ω such that, for all T ∈ ∆n (Th ), there exists ξ ∈ V (T ) and a representative ω
e of ω
e |T .
such that ξ = ω
Recall that, by prescribing values for every DOF on the simplex T , we determine a unique v ∈ V (T ).
We would now like to introduce the notion of global DOFs from which we can analogously reconstruct
certain k–forms in V (Th ). To distinguish the DOFs of each finite element T from these global DOFs,
we call the `Ti local DOFs. Our approach to defining global DOFs mostly follows that of [54, Ch.2],
extending the special case discussed explicitly in [20, Ch.2].
Definition 6.3.3. Let NT = dim V (T ) and
N= NT .
T ∈∆n (Th )
2) Pick a local–to–global map ιT for T ∈ ∆n (Th ), and choose i ∈ {1, ..., NT }. We then have a multi–
valued linear functional `ιT (i) on V (Th ) defined by
That is, multi–valuedness only arises when local DOFs corresponding to the same global DOF disagree
at ω. Restricting ourselves only to dealing with ω ∈ V (Th ) on which the global DOFs are single–valued
seems like a good choice for specifying Λkh , but we make some more remarks on Definition 6.3.3 before
going further.
Figure 6.31:
Pictorial representation of global DOFs on the unit interval [0, 1] with respect to the trian-
gulation 0, 12 ∪ 21 , 1 . Solid dots mark the points associated to the global DOFs.
Example 6.3.4. Local–to–global maps are not a deep construction. Indeed, they amount to nothing more
than just re–labeling local DOFs to account for the finite elements over the whole of Th . For instance,
suppose that we partition [0, 1] into the two subintervals T = 0, 12 and T 0 = 12 , 1 , define shape spaces
to be degree one polynomials on T or T 0 , and choose local DOFs to be endpoint evaluation after Example
6.2.3. That is, we define a degree 1 Lagrange finite element on each subinterval. Using the notation
See Figure 6.31. This choice ensures that we do not count evaluation at 21 twice as a global DOF, which
is an intuitive requirement: we shouldn’t count evaluating at the same point, integrating over the same
edge, et cetera as different global DOFs. The restriction to those forms in V (Th ) on which local DOFs
corresponding to the same global DOF agree, therefore, is a very natural choice.
Now, the motivation for the precise definition of a finite element space should be clear.
Definition 6.3.5. Let Ω ⊆ Rn be a polyhedral domain with given triangulation Th . Suppose that for each
T ∈ ∆n (Th ) we have a finite element (T, V (T ), {`Ti }i ) and a local–to–global map ιT . We define
the finite
element space associated to this data to be the finite–dimensional subspace Λkh ⊆ L2 Λk Ω consisting of
those ω ∈ L2 Λk Ω satisfying
The finite element space, therefore, is simply the dual of the span of all global DOFs. Imposing the
constraint of single–valuedness means that number of total global DOFs, and therefore the dimension
of Λkh , should be less than N (in the notation of Definition 6.3.3). In Example 6.3.4, for instance, we
have that N = 4 but the total number of global DOFs is 3 (we remark that there does not need to be
a global DOF for every i ∈ {1, ..., N }). Further, this example illustrates how the specific DOFs and the
constraint of single–valuedness encode information about the regularity of forms inside Λkh : if a piecewise
linear scalar function has eval 12 as a single–valued global DOF, then that function must automatically
be continuous across the whole of [0, 1]. Though the functions in the finite element space corresponding
to this example are continuous, we have no guarantee that a general finite element space is contained in
CΛk (Ω) or HΛk (Ω).
Recall that we said a local DOF `Ti was associated to f ∈ ∆(T ) if `Ti could be represented as a weighted
integral over f . Similarly, we can say that a global DOF `i is associated to f ∈ Th if
1) there exists T ∈ ∆n (Th ) such that f ∈ ∆(T ), and
2) there exists a local DOF `Tj associated to f such that T ’s local–to–global map takes `Tj to `i .
One may worry that, if there are distinct T, T 0 ∈ Th such that f ∈ ∆(T ) ∩ ∆(T 0 ), then the above definition
is a little ambiguous. In particular, we may think that a DOF `i associated to f gives different values on
ω ∈ Λkh depending on whether we compute `i (ω) using ω|T or ω|T 0 (see Definition 6.3.3). However, since
global DOFS are single–valued on the finite element space, there is actually no ambiguity at all. Every
DOF we consider in this thesis is associated to a particular f ∈ Th .
By construction of the global DOFs {`j }j , Λkh admits a canonical nodal basis {φj }j , defined to be
the dual basis with respect to the DOFs. That is, the φj are all uniquely determined by
`i (φj ) = δij .
Accordingly, all ω ∈ Λkh can be written as
ω= `j (ω) φj .
The following property of nodal bases makes them especially desirable for computational purposes.
Proposition 6.3.6. Suppose that the global DOF `j is associated to f ∈ Th . Let φj denote the corre-
sponding nodal basis vector. For all T ∈ ∆n (Th ) such that f 6∈ ∆(T ), φj |T = 0.
Proof. Pick any admissible T and let its local–to–global map be denoted by ιT . Then, none of the local
DOFs `Ti are mapped to the global DOF `j . By definition of the dual basis and global DOFs,
0 = `ιT (i) (φj ) = `Ti (φj |T ).
Since the local DOFs are unisolvent, φj |T = 0.
In light of the above Proposition, we say that the nodal basis is local: each element is supported only
near the subsimplex associated to the corresponding DOF. Locality of the nodal basis is computationally
significant because it leads to sparse stiffness matrices (see Section 6.1). Many clever algorithms for solving
sparse linear systems exist (see [47, Ch. 11] for some elementary examples) and are readily available through
software packages such as PETSc [9] (which is directly accessible in FEniCS and Firedrake).
Before concluding, I would like to comment on how some of the constructions developed in this section
appear (or don’t appear) in practical computer implementations. When using FEniCS or Firedrake,
the user specifies the parameters of the triangulation and the finite elements to be used (chosen from a
catalogue using a simple keyword). The local–to–global maps are “under the hood”; they do not need
to be specified by the user. Further, these maps are always chosen so that local DOFs corresponding to
the same operation on the same subsimplex are mapped to the same global DOF, as we discussed in the
example above Definition 6.3.5.
In practice, trying to plot solutions to a PDE using just a list of global DOFs requires a measure
of tedious work, as there is no canonical labeling scheme for the local–to–global maps in either of the
software packages mentioned. Additionally, because DOFs are averages just as often as they are point
evaluations, merely assembling the DOFs doesn’t give us enough information for plotting. Accordingly,
to plot numerical solutions we often just create a Python array whose entries are approximations of the
solution’s value at each vertex of each simplex in the triangulation.
6.4 Characterization of d–Conforming Finite Element Spaces
As discussed in the previous section, we have absolutely no a priori guarantee that a finite element space
Λkh gives rise to a “good” (in a sense to be defined more precisely in Chapter 9) Galerkin scheme. In
full generality, we cannot even be sure of the d–conformity property Λkh ⊆ HΛk (Ω). Accordingly, we
would like to find some conditions to help us establish Λkh ⊆ HΛk (Ω). Towards this goal, we have a nice
characterization of piecewise smooth k–forms that are in HΛk (Ω).
Theorem 6.4.1. Let Th be a triangulation of Ω ⊆ Rn and denote the elements of ∆n (Th ) by Ti . Suppose
ω ∈ L Λ Ω restricts to a smooth k–form on each component n–simplex Ti . We have thatω ∈ HΛk (Ω)
2 k
if and only if for all i, j and all F ∈ ∆n−1 (Ti ) ∩ ∆n−1 (Tj ), we have trF (ω|Ti ) = trF ω|Tj (that is, the
facet traces of ω are single–valued).
Proof. Let us first restrict ourselves to the case of a triangulation T1 ∪ T2 , so that the Ti ’s share only a
single common face F . Choose an arbitrary smooth (k + 1)–form η that is compactly supported in Ω.
Then, integrating by parts (valid on each Ti because ω|Ti is smooth), we have that
d (ω|Ti ) ∧ ?η = ω|Ti ∧ ?δη + tr∂Ti (ω|Ti ∧ ?η)
Ti Ti ∂Ti
= ω|Ti ∧ ?δη + trF (ω|Ti ) ∧ trF (?η) .
Ti F
We have used that the support of η is contained inside Ω to go from the first line to the second one. Now,
without loss of generality we suppose that F is oriented according to the induced orientation on ∂T1 (and
therefore opposite to the induced orientation on ∂T2 ). Adding up the above expressions for i = 1 and
i = 2 gives us that
d (ω|T1 ) ∧ ?η + d (ω|T2 ) ∧ ?η = hω, δηiL2 Λk + trF (ω|T1 − ω|T2 ) ∧ trF ? η. (6.4.1)
T1 T2 F
is finite because it is the sum of finitely many finite numbers (each d (ω|Ti ) is a smooth form on the compact
set Ti ). So, dω ∈ L2 Λk (Ω) and therefore ω ∈ HΛk (Ω).
Conversely, if ω ∈ HΛk then in particular ω is weakly differentiable. Further, since ω is piecewise
smooth it must be true that (dω) |Ti = d (ω|Ti ). Therefore, we can combine the two integrals on the
left–hand side of (6.4.1). Accordingly, for all smooth (k + 1)–forms η compactly supported inside Ω, we
have that Z
hdω, ηiL2 Λk+1 = hω, δηiL2 Λk + trF (ω|T1 − ω|T2 ) ∧ trF ? η. (6.4.3)
However, ω is weakly differentiable, so we also have
Since the smooth form η is arbitrary, this tells us that trF (ω|T1 ) = trF (ω|T2 ). The proof of the special
case is now complete.
Now, we consider a general triangulation ∪i Ti . For any F ∈ ∆n−1 (∪i Ti ) we know by definition of a
triangulation that either F ⊆ ∂Ω or F ∩ ∂Ω has measure zero; that is, every facet is either a boundary or
interior facet. Additionally, we know that for every interior facet F there exists a unique pair of simplices,
T+ and T− , such that F ∈ ∆n−1 (T+ ) ∩ ∆n−1 (T− ). Without loss of generality we assume that F is oriented
compatibly with the orientation induced by T+ , similar to the simplifying assumption we made in the
special case.
Choose η ∈ Cc∞ Λk (Ω). Integrating by parts on each Ti and using the boundary conditions on η, we
have that
d (ω|Ti ) ∧ ?η = ω ∧ ?δη + trF ω|T+ − ω|T− ∧ trF ? η. (6.4.5)
i Ti i Ti Interior F
If the facet traces of ω are single–valued then we can just repeat the steps of the special case to see that
ω ∈ HΛk (Ω). On the other hand, if ω ∈ HΛk (Ω) we may pick η ∈ Cc∞ Λk (Ti ∪ Tj ) ⊆ Cc∞ Λk (Ω) so that
(6.4.5) reduces to (6.4.1) upon re–labeling. Then, using the arguments of the special case again, we know
the facet traces are single–valued. The general proof is now complete.
Corollary 6.4.2. All ω ∈ Λkh have single–valued traces on facets if and only if Λkh ⊆ HΛk (Ω).
A result of Crouzeix and Raviart, discussed in [20, Remark 2.3.7, pp. 91–92] and [54, Ch. 3], shows that
there exist finite element spaces of scalar functions where the facet traces are not single–valued.
At first glance, the condition for d–conformity established in Corollary 6.4.2 seems excessively restric-
tive. However, one must recognize that the condition of a k–form having single–valued traces on facets
becomes weaker and weaker as k increases. Certainly, any scalar function with single–valued facet traces
must be continuous across the whole domain. Conversely, if ω ∈ HΛn (Ω) = L2 Λn (Ω) then trF ω = 0
for all facets F , so all top forms trivially have single–valued facet traces. Accordingly, single–valued facet
traces on k–forms starts as a very rigid restriction when k = 0, and eventually becomes meaningless when
k = n.
For 0 < k < n, the situation is somewhere in between. For example, if ω is a piecewise smooth 1-form
on a triangulated polygonal domain in R2 , ω has single–valued traces on edges if and only if the tangential
component of ω across each element boundary is continuous. To see this we can use normal–tangential
Figure 6.41: The normal–tangential coordinate system defined with respect to the facet F .
coordinates (ν, τ ), defined with respect to an edge F . That is, ν is the displacement perpendicular to F
and τ is the displacement parallel to F (see Figure 6.41). In (ν, τ ) coordinates,
ω = ω⊥ dν + ωk dτ.
Chapter 7
In the last chapter, we introduced FEMs in a general setting. We only constructed a handful of real exam-
ples of low–order finite elements, and our proofs that these examples actually satisfy Definition 6.2.1 relied
on the DOFs being point evaluation functionals. In applications, we often need more complicated DOFs
and higher–order shape functions. Therefore, we should seek a more unified approach to constructing finite
elements; namely, an approach where unisolvence can be proven for arbitrary shape function polynomial
degree. The development of such a unified picture of FEM theory is undertaken in the next chapter. In the
present chapter, we focus on building a foundational knowledge of two families of polynomial differential
forms defined over simplices. Upon mastering the theory of such polynomial forms, we will be in a much
better position to confidently and succinctly define shape spaces and DOFs. The spaces we study in this
section are discussed extensively in [4], though the presentation style borrows more from the review paper
In Section 7.1, we prove some easy combinatorial identities that facilitate dimension–counting argu-
ments used throughout this chapter and the next one. In Section 7.2, we introduce the simplest family of
polynomial k–forms, denoted Pr Λk and referred to as the regular polynomial forms. In Section 7.3, we
introduce the Koszul operator and use it to define another family of polynomial k–forms, denoted by
Pr− Λk and referred to as the trimmed polynomial forms.
Lemma 7.1.2.
X a+1 b−1 a+b
= . (7.1.2)
j+1 j b
Proof. By the Binomial Theorem, we know that the coefficient of xa in (1 + x)a+b is a+b
a . But, consider
a+1 b−1
XX a + 1 b − 1 i+j
(1 + x)a+b = (1 + x)a+1 (1 + x)b−1 = x .
i=0 j=0
i j
The above expression indicates that the coefficient of xa in (1 + x)a+b is also given by
a X a
X a+1 b−1 a+1 b−1
= .
a−j j j=0
j+1 j
Lemma 7.1.3.
a b a a−c
= . (7.1.3)
b c c b−c
a b a!
b c (a − b)!c!(b − c)!
a!(a − c)!
(a − b)!c!(b − c)!(a − c)!
a a−c
= .
c b−c
Proof. We proceed as in Lemma 7.1.2. The coefficient of xa−b in the polynomial (1 + x)a+c is a−b , by
the Binomial Theorem. However,
a X c
a+c a c
X a c i+j
(1 + x) = (1 + x) (1 + x) = x ,
i=0 j=0
i j
7.2 Pr Λk
In this section we study the most basic family of polynomial differential forms used to develop FEMs. Let
Pr (x1 , ..., xn ) denote the vector space of polynomials in n variables with real coefficients and degree less
than or equal to r. Recall that a polynomial p ∈ Pr (x1 , ..., xn ) is said to be homogeneous (of degree
r) if, for all α ∈ R,
p(αx1 , ..., αxn ) = αr p(x1 , ..., xn ).
Let Hr (x1 , ..., xn ) denote the real vector space of homogeneous polynomials in n variables with real co-
efficients and degree precisely r (together with the zero function to maintain the vector space structure).
Given an n–simplex T , we use the notation Pr (T ) and Hr (T ) to denote the same sets of polynomials, now
viewed as vector spaces of real–valued functions on T . Then,
Pr Λ0 (T ) = Hs (T ) . (7.2.1)
More generally, let Pr Λk (T ) denote the subspace of Λk (T ) consisting of all k–forms with coefficients in
Pr (T ); the subspace Hr Λk (T ) is defined similarly.
Proposition 7.2.1.
dim Pr (T ) = . (7.2.2)
Proof. We start by finding dim Hs (T ) for any s, then use the decomposition (7.2.1) to complete the proof.
Observe that computing dim Hs (T ) is equivalent to finding the number of distinct ways to fill s + n − 1
slots with n − 1 bars and s dots: a bar means we switch to the next variable in our monomial, and a dot
means we multiply the expression by the variable we’re currently considering. For example, the dot–bar
diagrams corresponding to the monomials spanning H2 (x1 , x2 ) are as follows:
· · | ↔ x21 ,
· | · ↔ x1 x2 ,
| · · ↔ x22 .
Once we place the s dots in the s + n − 1 slots, the placement of the bars is completely determined.
Therefore, the number of ways we can distribute the dots and bars is just the number of ways we can
choose where to put the dots. This proves that dim Hs (T ) = s+n−1
s .
With (7.2.1) in mind, we have that
dim Pr Λ0 (T ) = dim Hs (T )
X s+n−1
n n+1 n+r−1
=1+ + + ··· + .
1 2 r
By iteratively applying Lemma 7.1.1, we see
n+r n+r−1 n+r−1
= +
r r r−1
n+r−1 n+r−2 n+r−2
= + +
r r−1 r−2
= ···
n+r−1 n+r−2 n+1 n
= + + ··· + + + 1.
r r−1 2 1
The exterior derivative d generalizes the differential operators of vector calculus in R3 (∇, ∇·, ∇×)
to forms on arbitrary manifolds. In a much looser sense, the Koszul operator is analogously related to
different notions of vector multiplication in R3 .
Proposition 7.3.2. Under the correspondences Altk (R3 ) ' R3 for k = 1, 2, we have
Proof. Using Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) on R3 , we know that dx(X) = x, dy(X) = y, and dz(X) = z.
Now, pick ω ∈ Λk (R3 ). For k=2, we have
κω = X ¬ (a dy ∧ dz + b dz ∧ dx + c dx ∧ dy)
= a(y dz − z dy) + b(z dx − x dz) + c(x dy − c dx)
= (bz − cy) dx + (cx − az) dy + (ay − bx) dz
= (x, y, z) × (a, b, c)
= X × ω.
To get a better “feel” for how differential forms change under the action of the Koszul operator, we go
through some concrete examples of how to calculate κω for a given ω.
Example 7.3.3. Let ω = xy dx + x2 dy ∈ Λ1 R2 . Then,
κω = X ¬ xy dx + x2 dy
= xy(x) + x2 (y)
= 2x2 y ∈ C ∞ R2 .
Example 7.3.4. Let ω = x2 + y 2 dx ∧ dy ∈ Λ2 R2 . Then,
κω = X ¬ x2 + y 2 dx ∧ dy
= x2 + y 2 (x) dy − x2 + y 2 (y) dx
= − x2 y + y 3 dx + x3 + xy 2 dy ∈ Λ1 R2 .
κ2 (ω) = κ (κω)
= X ¬ − x2 y + y 3 dx + x3 + xy 2 dy
= −x3 y − xy 3 + x3 y + xy 3
= 0.
Proposition 7.3.6. κ2 = 0.
Proof. The proof is trivial: for k = 0, 1 the claim holds because contracting a vector field with a scalar
gives the zero function, and for k ≥ 2 the claim holds because ω is antisymmetric.
The next theorem describes the most important property of the Koszul operator, aside from its nilpo-
Theorem 7.3.7. (The Magic Formula) For all ω ∈ Hr Λk , we have that
Proof. [4, Thm. 3.1] contains two different proofs: one by direct calculation, and the other by an elegant
geometric argument. We present the latter approach here, though it requires some acquaintance with Lie
derivatives (see [51, pp. 227–231 , pp. 372–373] for an introduction). First, recall Cartan’s Magic Formula
for computing Lie derivatives (see for example [51, Thm. 14.35]): if X ∈ X(Rn ) and ω ∈ C ∞ Λk (Rn ) then
the Lie derivative of ω along the flow of X, denoted LX ω, is given by
LX ω = X ¬ dω + d (X ¬ ω) . (7.3.5)
If we choose X = xi ∂x i then Cartan’s formula tells us that
is satisfied.
However, X ◦ Θt (p) = Θt (p) (viewed as an element of TΘt (p) Rn ). Then, (7.3.7) is trivially solved by
Θt (p) = et p. (7.3.9)
At this point, the proof proceeds by direct calculation. First, we compute the pullback of ω by Θt (p). For
v1 , ..., vk ∈ Tp Rn , we have
(Θ∗t ω)p (v1 , ..., vk ) = ωΘt (p) (Θt )∗,p v1 , ..., (Θt )∗,p vk
= ωet p et v1 , ..., et vk
Therefore, for all ω ∈ Hr Λk ,
Θ∗t ω = e(r+k)t ω. (7.3.10)
Using (7.3.10) together with (7.3.6) and the definition of the Lie derivative, we have that
d d
(κd + dκ) ω = LX ω = Θ∗t ω = e(r+k)t ω = (r + k) ω.
dt t=0 dt t=0
Now, we present some interesting corollaries of the Magic Formula. First, we see how this formula
facilitates computation of the (co)homology of some simple (co)chain complexes.
Corollary 7.3.9. Suppose that r ≥ 1, and consider the two complexes defined below (if s < 0, then
Ps Λk = 0):
We begin with (7.3.11a). We want to show that if dω = 0 for ω ∈ Hs Λk , then there exists η ∈ Hs+1 Λk−1
such that ω = dη. Using the Magic Formula,
(s + k)ω = dκω.
First, let k = 0. Then, if s > 0, the above expression implies that ω = 0. Accordingly, we have that
For k > 0, we certainly know that s + k > 0. Let η = s+k κω. By the above calculation we know that
ω = dη and, trivially, η ∈ Hs+1 Λ .Therefore, every closed element of Hs Λk is exact (for k > 0).
A perfectly symmetric argument shows the exactness of (7.3.11b) modulo the bottom homology: given
η ∈ Hs+1 Λk−1 such that κη = 0 we let ω = s+k dη ∈ Hs Λk so by the Magic Formula η = κω. The proof
is complete.
In light of the above corollary, we often simply say that the polynomial de Rham and Koszul complexes
are exact (the bottom (co)homology is usually not very interesting anyway, so ignoring it is often okay).
Proof. The Magic Formula tells us that every element of Hr Λk may be written as the sum of a k–form in
κHr−1 Λk+1 and another k–form in dHr+1 Λk−1 . Then, we have only to show that this decomposition is
unique. It suffices to prove
κHr−1 Λk+1 ∩ dHr+1 Λk−1 = 0.
Pick ω ∈ dHr+1 Λk−1 , then d2 = 0 implies that dω = 0. If ω ∈ κHr−1 Λk+1 as well, then κ2 = 0 implies
that κω = 0. Using the Magic Formula we know that
(nonzero constant) · ω = 0,
hence ω = 0.
Corollary 7.3.11. If r + k 6= 0 then κ|dPr Λk and d|κPr Λk are injective.
Proof. We only prove that κ|dPr Λk is injective, as the second statement can be established using similar
arguments. Consider ω ∈ Hr Λk . If κdω = 0 then by the Magic Formula (r + k)ω = dκω. Taking the
exterior derivative
Lr of both sides yields dω = 0 hence κ is injective on dPr Λk . The general result follows
k k
since Pr Λ = s=0 Hs Λ .
So, the kernel of κ : Pr−1 Λk+1 → Pr Λk only intersects dPr Λk trivially, and likewise for d|κPr Λk .
Now, we are ready to define the alternative to Pr Λk mentioned at the beginning of this section.
Definition 7.3.12.
. M
Pr− Λk = Pr−1 Λk κHr−1 Λk+1 . (7.3.13)
Clearly, Pr− Λk ⊆ Pr Λk . The trimmed space consists of elements of Pr Λk where the terms of highest
polynomial degree are constrained to have a very specific form. Indeed, this is why they are called trimmed
forms: the dimension of Pr Λk is “trimmed” down by imposing a special restriction. In the next chapter
we show how the spaces Pr− Λk appear naturally in many well–known aspects of FEM theory. For instance,
the Raviart–Thomas finite element studied in Example 6.2.4 has as its shape space ?P1 Λ1 (Tref,2 ) (here, ?
is the Hodge star). Before we can even get close to proving anything about finite elements, however, we
need to learn more about the trimmed spaces. In particular, we must carefully calculate the dimension of
the trimmed spaces in order to prove unisolvence later on.
Lemma 7.3.13.
Pr− Λ0 = Pr Λ0 .
So, there is no distinction between the “regular” and trimmed polynomial scalar functions.
Lemma 7.3.14. Let T be an n–simplex. Then, for r + k ≥ 1, we have
n+r r+k−1
dim κHr Λk (T ) =
. (7.3.14)
n−k k−1
Since the Koszul complex is exact, ker κ|Hr Λk = κHr−1 Λk+1 . Then, using the arguments of Proposition
k n+r−1 n
− dim κHr−1 Λk+1 .
dim κHr Λ = (7.3.15)
n−1 k
The above expression indicates that we can easily establish the claim using “backwards” induction after
[4, Thm. 3.3]. Let k = n. Since Hr−1 Λn+1 = 0, we have
dim (κHr Λn ) = − dim κHr−1 Λn+1
= .
Using (7.3.15), we see
` n+r−1 n
− dim κHr−1 Λ`+1
dim κHr Λ =
r `
n+r−1 n n+r−1 r+`−1
= −
n−1 ` n−`−1 `
(n + r − 1)! n! (r + ` − 1)!
= −
`! r! (n − `)! (n − 1)! (r − 1)!(n − ` − 1)!(r + `)!
(n + r − 1)! n 1
= −
`! r! (n − `)! (r + `)(r − 1)!(n − ` − 1)!
(n + r − 1)! (n − `)r
= n−
r!`!(n − `)! (r + `)
(n + r)! 1 `(n + r)
r!(` − 1)!(n − `)! `(n + r) r+`
(n + r)!
r!(` − 1)!(n − `)!(r + `)
n+r 1
= (r + ` − 1)!
n−` r!(` − 1)!
n+r r+`−1
= .
n−` `−1
I encourage the reader to take a little coffee break after working through all these messy calculations.
We conclude this section by examining the relationship between the trimmed spaces and the exterior
derivative. Some of the results discussed below may seem like recreational trivialities, but all of these little
lemmas and corollaries serve to eventually help us prove broad, elegant results in FEM theory.
Lemma 7.3.16. Let ω ∈ Pr− Λk satisfy dω = 0. Then, ω ∈ Pr−1 Λk .
Proof. Since ω ∈ Pr− Λk we may write ω = ω1 + κω2 with ω1 ∈ Pr−1 Λk and ω2 ∈ Hr−1 Λk+1 . Accordingly,
the coefficients of κω2 either all have degree precisely r, or they are all equal to 0. If κω2 6= 0 then Lemma
7.3.11 implies that all coefficients of dκω2 have degree precisely r − 1.
On the other hand, dω1 has coefficients with degree less than or equal to r − 2. Therefore, the only
way that 0 = dω1 + dκω2 can be true is if each of the two terms in the sum are identically zero. So,
κω2 = 0.
Corollary 7.3.17.
ker d|Pr− Λk = ker d|Pr−1 Λk .
The bottom cohomology space of the generalized Whitney complex is equal to R, and every other cohomology
space is trivial.
Proof. First, we verify that the complex actually makes sense; that is, we must show that dPr− Λk ⊆
Pr− Λk+1 . However, this follows from just unraveling the definitions:
Now, we can begin the proof in earnest. Note that the result on the bottom cohomology is obvious, so we
have only to prove that the remaining cohomology spaces are trivial. Since d2 = 0, we know that
dPr− Λk = d Pr− Λk dHr+1 Λk+1 .
dPr− Λk = dPr Λk .
Since the polynomial de Rham complex is exact, however, we also know that
We could also phrase the above claim as “the generalized Whitney complex is exact if we ignore the
first term”. As with the Koszul and polynomial de Rham complexes, we often abuse terminology and
simply say that the generalized Whitney complex is exact.
The Whitney complex is the generalized Whitney complex in the case r = 1. In his treatise on
integration theory [89], Whitney (building off earlier work of de Rham and Weil) used this complex to
provide a relatively simple proof of de Rham’s Theorem. In Chapter 9 we study Whitney’s perspective on
de Rham theory in much more detail. Upon doing so, we see that the Whitney complex actually encodes
the same information as the de Rham complex and, further, that a version of de Rham’s Theorem can be
proved using only tools from FEM theory.
We have covered a lot of ground in this section, so before finishing a brief review is in order. First, we
introduced the Koszul operator κ on differential forms. Subsequently, we developed some theory about
how κ acts on polynomial forms. By far the most important result regarding κ is the Magic Formula,
which we saw facilitated many proofs on the (co)homology of polynomial forms. After gaining a strong
understanding of the Koszul operator, we defined the trimmed polynomial spaces Pr− Λk , counted their
dimensions, and talked a little bit about their cohomological properties. Having become comfortable with
polynomial forms, both regular and trimmed, we are now ready to turn to a unified, elegant, and rigorous
construction of usable finite element spaces.
Chapter 8
In this chapter we show that the polynomial forms constructed in the previous chapter can be used to build
two families of finite element spaces. After introducing these two families, we demonstrate how they may
be understood as casting well–known aspects of FEM theory in a new light. Specifically, many commonly
used finite element spaces arise as members of one of the two main families, so FEEC nicely unifies many
of the useful tools of FEM theory. As in the previous chapter, we are essentially just re–packaging results
from [3] and [4]. In particular, our developments follow [3, §2.2, §3] and [4, §5] very closely.
The insight that so many common finite elements appear naturally when working with differential
forms was presented by Arnold, Falk, and Winther in 2006 [4, Tables 5.1 and 5.2]. Over the course of eight
years, Arnold and Logg refined this insight into a concise way of presenting the main ideas of FEEC, the
Periodic Table of the Finite Elements [6]. This table features all of the “commonly used” finite elements
referenced above and also visually encodes information on the homological properties of special FEMs.
Upon learning what the Periodic Table says and how to read it, one can quickly use the table to design
usable, structure–preserving FEMs. We discuss the Periodic Table more thoroughly in Chapter 9, paying
particular attention to its homological properties, but we introduce it here for the sake of stressing its
use as a novel tool in scientific computing. We also make reference to the Periodic Table throughout this
chapter, mostly using it as a source of good notation.
Normally, I would present a little historical review at this point, introducing the aforementioned “com-
monly used” finite elements and presenting a rough chronology of their discovery. However, I feel that
such discussion is best left to when we actually see how these elements arise from the two main families.
That is, I present relevant sources on each of the elements as the elements are introduced.
In Section 8.1, we define the general Lagrange finite element space (generalizing Example 6.2.3) and
prove unisolvence for the associated DOFs. In Section 8.2, we develop some technical lemmas that help
speed up proofs later on. In Section 8.3, we build a family of finite element spaces with shape functions
based on the spaces Pr− Λk (T ) and discuss this family’s relation to several famous finite element spaces
known before FEEC. In Section 8.4, we do the same as we did in Section 8.3 except with shape functions
based on the spaces Pr Λk (T ).
Throughout this chapter Ω ⊆ Rn denotes a polyhedral domain, Th denotes a triangulation of Ω, and
T ∈ ∆n (Th ). λi denotes the ith barycentric coordinate on the simplex T (see Section 5.1 for a reminder on
how such coordinates are defined). Whenever we refer to spaces of polynomial forms without specifying
their domain, the domain is implicitly considered to be the simplex T . For example, Pr Λk = Pr Λk (T ).
Define local–to–global maps by requiring that all local DOFs representing the same weighted integral over
the same face f are mapped to the same global DOF. The finite element space obtained using the above
data is called the Lagrange space, denoted by Pr Λ0 (Th ) .
Before going further, we make some remarks on the DOFs for the Lagrange finite element. We have
chosen to define the span of the DOFs, rather than specifically
∗ choosing the DOFs themselves. If we prove
that the span is equal to the entire dual space Pr Λ0 (T ) , then by choosing a basis for Pr−dimf −1 Λdim f (f )
for every f ∈ ∆(T ) we obtain a set of DOFs. Choosing to work with the span, rather than a particular
basis, is usually a convenient choice. We continue with this style of studying DOFs in the sequel, only
choosing to exhibit specific functionals in the examples.
The central goal of this section is to prove that Pr Λ0 (Th ) is, in fact, a finite element space according
to Definition
∗ 6.3.5. In light of the above paragraph, we need only show that the span of the DOFs is
Pr Λ0 (T ) . Our proof of unisolvence for the Lagrange elements lays the groundwork for our investigations
of more complicated finite element spaces, so we take great pains to go through every detail now in order
to make later work easier.
Proof. First, we use induction on dim T to show that
∗ X
Pr Λ0 (T ) = W (f ), (8.1.4)
f ∈∆(T )
The case dim T = 0 is trivial: the only functions on T are constants, so if u ∈ Pr Λ0 (T ) is killed by all
the functionals in W (f ) then u = 0, hence by Lemma 6.2.2 we are done.
Let n = dim T and suppose that the claim holds for simplices with dimension n − 1. Let u ∈ Pr Λ0 (T )
be such that \
u∈ kerα.
α∈ f ∈∆(T ) W (f )
Pick an arbitrary facet F ∈ ∆n−1 (T ). Recall that F can be written as the vanishing set of one of the
barycentric coordinates. In symbols,
Since (8.1.4) holds for n−1 simplices and F is an n−1 simplex, the above expression implies that trF u = 0.
Write u as a polynomial in the barycentric coordinates λi on T . Using trF u (λ0 , ..., λn ) = 0 and
F = V (λi ), we know that λi divides the polynomial u. The facet F was chosen arbitrarily, however, so for
all i = 0, ..., n we have that λi divides u. Therefore, there exists p ∈ Pr−n−1 (T ) such that
u (λ0 , ..., λn ) = p (λ0 , ..., λn ) λi .
lives in W (T ). But, because u vanishes under the action of all such functionals,
Z n
p2 λi dVol = 0.
T i=0
Since λi ≥ 0, the above implies that p = 0, hence u = 0 as well. Applying Lemma 6.2.2, we conclude that
(8.1.4) holds for all n.
Next, we show that the sum in (8.1.4) is direct. First, observe that for all f ∈ ∆(T
R ) we have a surjective
linear map Pr−dimf −1 (f ) → W (f ) taking a polynomial q to the functional u 7→ f u q. For all f , then,
dim W (f ) ≤ dim Pr−dimf −1 (f ).
Now, we do some dimension counting. First, observe that a sum over faces in ∆(T ) can be replaced by
summing over face dimension d, provided we keep track of how many d–dimensional faces are in T . With
this in mind,
X n
dim Pr−dimf −1 (f ) = |∆d (T ) | dim Pr−d−1 (λi1 , ..., λid ) .
f ∈∆(T ) d=0
Clearly, we have |∆d (T ) | = d+1 . Then, using Proposition 7.2.1, we see that
X X n+1 r−d−1+d
dim Pr−dimf −1 (f ) =
d+1 r−d−1
f ∈∆(T ) d=0
X n+1 r−1
= .
n−d d
If there exists f such that dim W (f ) < dim Pr−dimf −1 (f ) then by (8.1.4)
dim Pr (T ) = dim W (f )
f ∈∆(T )
≤ dim W (f )
f ∈∆(T )
< dim Pr−dimf −1 (f ).
f ∈∆(T )
which is a contradiction. Therefore, dim W (f ) = dim Pr−dimf −1 (f ) for all f . Hence, the surjection taking
polynomial weight functions to their corresponding functionals is actually a vector space isomorphism: no
two weight functions give rise to the same functional.
Now, we show that if fi 6= fj then W (fi ) ∩ W (fj ) = 0. Using (8.1.4), (8.1.5), and the isomorphism
W (f ) ' Pr−dimf −1 (f ), we have
n+r X
= dim W (f ) − dim [W (fi ) ∩ W (fj )]
f fi 6=fj
= dim Pr−dimf −1 (f ) − dim [W (fi ) ∩ W (fj )]
f fi 6=fj
n+r X
= − dim [W (fi ) ∩ W (fj )] .
fi 6=fj
Therefore, X
0= dim [W (fi ) ∩ W (fj )] .
fi 6=fj
However, each term in the sum is nonnegative. This implies that dim [W (fi ) ∩ W (fj )] = 0 for all fi 6= fj .
Therefore, W (fi ) ∩ W (fj ) = 0 for all fi 6= fj . The proof is now (finally) complete.
With Theorem 8.1.2, we have finished proving that the Lagrange elements are in fact finite elements,
and therefore the space Pr Λ0 (Th ) is in fact a finite element space. Following our discussion in Section
6.4, we know that the Lagrange space is a subspace of HΛ0 : by definition of the DOFs and Theorem
8.1.2, the facet traces of any element of Pr Λ0 (Th ) are unique, hence by Corollary 6.4.2 the Lagrange space
is contained in HΛ0 . Additionally, single–valuedness of the facet traces implies that all elements of the
Lagrange space are continuous across the entire domain.
Now, we go through two examples connecting the Lagrange elements we have just developed to the
Lagrange elements studied in Example 6.2.3. The purpose of these examples is largely to start getting
a feeling for how to switch between the FEEC and “pre–FEEC” ways of thinking about specific finite
elements, as a great level of comfort with such switching is necessary for understanding modern FEM
theory and implementation. In particular, we illustrate why we can choose the DOFs to be point evaluation
functionals so that our construction in Definition 8.1.1 agrees with Example 6.2.3.
Example 8.1.3. In this example we study the Lagrange finite element over the reference 1–simplex
T = [0, 1] and show that we can choose our DOFs to be point evaluation functionals, as in Example 6.2.3.
We make use of the more traditional notation CG(r) to denote the Lagrange element with shape space
Pr Λ0 (T ) (see Example 6.2.3 for a reminder on the notation). We also use CG(r) to denote the Lagrange
finite element space.
We consider two simple cases: CG(1) and CG(2). Examining Definition 8.1.1, we have that the only
nontrivial W (f )’s correspond to the vertices pi ∈ ∆0 (T ):
. 0
W (pi ) = u ∈ V (T ) 7→ trpi u q = u(pi ) q q ∈ P0 Λ (pi ) ' R .
Therefore, the only DOFs for CG(1) are moments against scalars over the vertices, meaning that we can
just choose DOFs to be point evaluation in this case. So, the general construction of Lagrange elements
reduces to the element from Example 6.2.3 with no trouble.
For CG(2), things get a little more interesting. If we wanted to naı̈vely generalize the Lagrange element
from Example 6.2.3 to degree 2 shape functions, we would just add a third point evaluation DOF, eval 21 .
(a) DOFs for CG(1). (b) DOFs for CG(2).
Figure 8.11: DOFs for some CG(r) finite elements on intervals, corresponding to Pr Λ0 ([0, 1]).
At first glance, however, it is not clear that this DOF is naturally accounted for in Definition 8.1.1. By this
definition, the third DOF for CG(2) “should” be taken to be a scalar multiple of the averaging functional
Z 1
u 7→ u dx.
However, by Theorem 8.1.2 we know that eval 21 must be in the span of the averaging functional and the
vertex DOFs eval0 and eval1 . A quick safety calculation verifies this explicitly: for all u ∈ P2 Λ0 ([0, 1]), we
3 1
1 1
eval 21 (u) = u dx − eval0 (u) − eval1 (u).
2 0 4 4
The above identity is simply the statement that Simpson’s Rule for numerical integration is exact for
degree 2 polynomials defined on [0, 1]. So, Definition 8.1.1 does still allow us to choose point evaluations
for our DOFs. See Figure 8.11 for an illustration of the DOFs for the first two Lagrange elements on [0, 1].
The reader may wonder why we have even bothered writing the DOFs as moments if we were just
going to go back to using point evaluations anyway. The reason is because considering the Lagrange DOFs
as linear combinations of moments allows us to generalize ideas from the proof of Theorem 8.1.2 to finite
element subspaces of HΛk for k ≥ 1; in the rest of this chapter we see that unisolvence can be proved
for all sorts of finite elements using essentially the same arguments we applied to prove Theorem 8.1.2.
Additionally, by proving Theorem 8.1.2 with moments instead of point evaluation functionals, we can
keep the notation clean: it is certainly easier to start with moments, prove everything we need, and then
switch to point evaluations than it is to pick what points we’ll evaluate at (these points change depending
on the dimension of our simplex and the shape function degree!) and then prove unisolvence. In brief,
working with moments allows us to prove Theorem 8.1.2 for all n and r at once, with no added notational
Example 8.1.4. In this example we briefly discuss CG elements on the reference triangle T = Tref,2 .
The DOF diagrams for some low–degree CG elements are shown in Figure 8.12, with black dots still
representing point evaluations as in the previous example. The argument for why all DOFs can be chosen
to be point evaluations is a carbon copy of what we saw in Example 8.1.3, since all functionals on Pr Λ0 (T )
can be written as moments against lower–degree polynomials by Theorem 8.1.2. Notice that there are no
interior DOFs for the CG(r) element on triangles for r < 3, so an element of the CG(1) or CG(2) finite
element space is completely determined by its values on edges. As previously mentioned, CG(1) was used
by Courant in 1943 [23], making it “the original” finite element.
Many authors in the numerical analysis community define Lagrange space much differently than we
have done here. In a more classical treatment of finite elements, one would likely use the umbrella
term “Lagrange finite element space” to mean any (not necessarily conforming) finite element space of
piecewise polynomial scalar functions with DOFs corresponding to point evaluations. Our Lagrange spaces
corresponds to the special case of “continuous Lagrange spaces” using this classical terminology. FEEC
accommodates discontinuous scalar functions, provided that such functions are viewed as the coefficient
of a top form; we discuss discontinuous finite element spaces in detail in Section 8.3.
(a) DOFs for CG(1). (b) DOFs for CG(2). (c) DOFs for CG(3).
Figure 8.12: DOFs for some CG(r) finite elements on triangles, corresponding to Pr Λ0 (Tref,2 ).
so we can leave out one of the λi without losing any information. In this chapter, we choose to consistently
leave out the coordinate λ0 . Therefore, we have a coordinate system in T defined by n independent variables
λ1 , ..., λn . This coordinate system is clearly related to the Cartesian coordinate system (x1 , ..., xn ) by way
of an affine transformation (that is, a composition of a translation and a linear map), so we immediately
obtain the following:
Lemma 8.2.1. If u ∈ C ∞ Λk (T ), then there exist scalars uσ ∈ C ∞ Λ0 (T ) such that u can be written as
u= uσ dλσ(1) ∧ dλσ(2) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) . (8.2.1)
then u = 0.
Proof. By Lemma 8.2.1, we may write u as
u= uσ dλσ(1) ∧ dλσ(2) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) , (8.2.2)
with uσ ∈ Pr . Pick any i = 1, ..., n and let Fi be the face of T defined by Fi = V (λi ). By hypothesis,
trFi u = 0. So, we know that λi divides uσ provided that i ∈ / range σ (if i ∈ range σ then trFi dλσ(1) ∧
· · · ∧ dλσ(k) = 0, hence we get no information about uσ ). Therefore, for all σ ∈ Σ(k, n) there exists some
pσ ∈ Pr−n−k such that
uσ = pσ λσ∗ (1) ...λσ∗ (n−k) . (8.2.3)
Now, we would like to pick a special weight function q that we can use to establish the vanishing of u
everywhere. Let
X ∗
q= (−1)sgn(σ,σ ) pσ dλσ∗ (1) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ∗ (n−k) ∈ Pr−n−k Λn−k .
Now, all of the terms with repeated factors of dλi vanish, so all of the cross terms in the above expression
disappear. Further, the powers of −1 appearing in q allow us to rearrange the n–form in the integrand to
obtain the volume form in barycentric coordinates. All in all, we get
0= p2σ λσ∗ (1) ...λσ∗ (n−k) dλ1 ∧ · · · ∧ dλn .
σ∈Σ(k,n) T
All λi are strictly positive in the interior of T , and the vertices of T may without loss of generality be
taken to be in the positive orientation. Therefore, the integrand is nonnegative. By elementary analysis,
pσ = 0 ∀ σ, and we conclude that u = 0.
The next result strengthens Lemma 8.2.2, since the space of trimmed polynomials on T is a subspace
of Pr Λk .
Lemma 8.2.3. If u ∈ Pr Λk satisfies tr∂T u = 0 and
u ∧ q = 0 ∀ q ∈ Pr−n+k Λn−k ,
then u = 0.
If we specialize to p ∈ Pr−n+k Λn−k−1 then in particular dp ∈ Pr−n+k Λn−k . With this in mind, we use
(8.2.4) and the hypothesis to obtain
du ∧ p = 0 ∀ p ∈ Pr−n+k Λn−k−1 . (8.2.5)
Since traces commute with d, tr∂T u = 0 implies that tr∂T du = 0. Using (8.2.5) and Lemma 8.2.2, we get
du = 0.
Going back to (8.2.4), we know that
u ∧ dp = 0 ∀ p ∈ C ∞ Λn−k−1 . (8.2.6)
Pick any q ∈ Pr−n+k Λn−k . By Corollary 7.3.10, there exists q − ∈ Pr−n+k Λn−k and p ∈ Hr−n+k+1 Λn−k−1
such that q = q + dp. Then, we have that
u∧q = u∧q + u ∧ dp = 0.
Finally, we give an analogue of Lemma 8.2.3 applicable to trimmed polynomial forms vanishing against
regular weights.
Lemma 8.2.4. If u ∈ Pr− Λk satisfies tr∂T u = 0 and
u ∧ q = 0 ∀ q ∈ Pr+k−n−1 Λn−k ,
then u = 0.
Proof. The proof is just a regurgitation of the arguments used to obtain Lemma 8.2.3. Using the integration
by parts formula we know that, for all p ∈ Pr−n+k Λn−k−1 ,
du ∧ p = 0.
Since differentiation commutes with pullback, tr∂T du = 0. Therefore, Lemma 8.2.2 indicates that du = 0.
Further, Lemma 7.3.16 tells us that u ∈ Pr−1 Λk . Paying close attention to the degree of the weight
functions in (8.3.1), we see that we are now allowed to apply Lemma 8.2.2 to u. Therefore, u = 0 and the
proof is complete.
Definition 8.3.1. Let Th be a triangulation of Ω. The trimmed finite element of polynomial degree r
and form degree k consists of the following data:
Local–to–global maps are defined taking any local DOFs associated to the same weighted integral over the
same face to the same global DOF. The finite element space associated to the above data is called the
trimmed finite element space of polynomial degree r and form degree k, denoted by Pr− Λk (Th ) .
Theorem 8.3.2. In the notation of Definition 8.3.1,
Pr− Λk (T )∗ = W (f ). (8.3.3)
f ∈∆(T )
If dim T = 0 then the proof is trivial. Suppose now that dim T = n and that (8.3.4) holds for (n − 1)–
simplices. If u ∈ Pr− Λk (T ) is killed by every functional in each W (f ) then, by the induction hypothesis,
tr∂T u = 0. Combining the definition of W (T ) with Lemma 8.2.4, we know that u = 0. Therefore, we have
proved (8.3.4).
Now, we have only to count dimensions, as we did for the Lagrange elements, to prove that the sum in
(8.3.4) is actually direct. First, observe that
dim f −k
X r+k−1 d
dim Pr+k−dim f −1 Λ (f ) = |∆d (T )|
r+k−d−1 d−k
f ∈∆(T ) d=0
X n+1 r+k−1 d
d+1 d k
X n + 1 r + k − 1j + k
= .
j+k+1 j+k k
If we now apply Lemma 7.1.4 with a = n + 1, b = k + 1, and c = r − 1, then we see that
n+1 r−1 n+r
= .
j+k+1 j n−k
From here, arguments analogous to those we applied to prove unisolvence for Lagrange elements allow us
to conclude that M
Pr− Λk (T )∗ = W (f ).
f ∈∆(T )
Upon finishing the above proof we know that the Pr− Λk (Th ) are truly finite element spaces. We can
actually obtain two distinct sets of finite element spaces from the trimmed family. In particular, we can
define a set of finite element spaces ?Pr− Λn−k (Th ) using shape spaces ?Pr− Λn−k (T ) and the same DOF
span that Definition 8.3.1 prescribes for Pr− Λk (Th ). As we see over the course of the next few pages, the
finite element spaces ?Pr− Λn−k (Th ) and Pr− Λk (Th ) are not the same, but we consistently refer to them
both under the banner of “trimmed finite element spaces” for the remainder of Part 1.
Before introducing specific examples of how the above finite elements are related to “pre–FEEC” FEM
theory, let’s investigate the general inter–element continuity requirements a form in Pr− Λk (Th ) must satisfy.
Now, we can uniquely reconstruct u ∈ Pr− Λk (Th ) if we know how each global DOF acts on u. As a trivial
corollary, facet traces of forms in Pr− Λk (Th ) are single–valued. Applying Corollary 6.4.2, we know that
Pr− Λk (Th ) ⊆ HΛk (Ω). As we discussed at the end of Section 6.4, the constraint on facet traces becomes
less and less restrictive as k increases: scalars are continuous, top forms are discontinuous, and all other
forms in between have some coefficients that are continuous and some that are not. So, a wide variety of
forms inhabit the spaces Pr− Λk (Th ), making this family well–suited for handling a wide variety of practical
We now go through several examples connecting the Pr− Λk (Th ) family to some renowned finite element
spaces. In studying these examples, we begin to see how FEEC provides a unified and simplified notation
for FEM theory. Of course, good notation is not the only reason that FEEC is worth studying (in Chapter 9,
we see that FEEC gives us better numerical approximations by paying attention to algebra and topology),
but nevertheless good notation makes our lives simpler and makes the subject a little more accessible.
Example 8.3.3. By comparing DOFs in the case k = 0, we see that the Lagrange space Pr Λ0 (Th ) is
precisely equal to Pr− Λ0 (Th ). So, the trimmed finite element spaces generalize the Lagrange elements.
Example 8.3.4. In this example we show how the finite element space associated to the lowest Raviart–
Thomas element RT(1) from Example 6.2.4 is related to the trimmed space P1− Λ1 (Th ) or, more accurately,
the modified trimmed space ?P1− Λ1 (Th ). Then, we show how to obtain generalized Raviart–Thomas
elements for arbitrary shape function polynomial degree, thus re–obtaining the results of [73] from a
different point of view. Throughout this example, let T = Tref,2 .
In two dimensions, we have that
When we take the Hodge star (which just amounts to 90◦ counterclockwise rotation of vectors in R2 ) and
absorb a negative sign into b1 , we see that
The right–hand side of the above expression is the shape space for RT(1). Of course, ?P1− Λ1 (T ) is the
same space as P1− Λ1 (T ), but working under the image of the Hodge star allows us to show that the DOFs
for RT(1) follow naturally from the DOFs for P1− Λ1 (T ).
We now prove that the Raviart–Thomas DOFs arise from the DOFs prescribed for the trimmed family
in the special case k = 1, r = 1. First, observe that the DOFs for P1− Λ1 (T ) associated to f ∈ ∆(T ) may
be written as moments over f weighed against elements of
P1−dim f Λdim f −1 (f ).
In the notation of Definition 8.3.1, we must therefore have that W (T ) = 0 and, for all pi ∈ ∆0 (T ),
W (pi ) = 0. Accordingly, the DOFs for P1− Λ1 (T ) can only be associated to edges. Further, the space
spanned by the weight functions is P0 Λ0 (T ) ' R, so the only candidates for DOFs associated to f are
nonzero multiples of the averaging functional
?u 7→ trf ? u.
length(f ) f
Let the unit outward normal on f be denoted by n. Then, for all smooth 1–forms u defined on T ,
trf ? u = u · n
once we switch to vector proxies. Using (8.3.5), however, we see immediately that all edge traces of
u ∈ ?P1− Λ1 (T ) are just constants. When restricted to ?P1− Λ1 (T ), therefore, the averaging functional on f
is the same as the point evaluation functional associated to any point in the interior of f . So, for the sake
of drawing a nice symmetric picture like Figure 6.22, we may as well pick our DOFs to be
These are the DOFs for the Raviart–Thomas element in Example 6.2.4. So, making use of the Hodge star,
we see that the trimmed finite element with k = 1, r = 1 coincides with RT(1).
Naturally, then, we may define a general Raviart–Thomas finite element RT(r) with shape spaces con-
sisting of Pr− Λ1 (T ) and DOFs prescribed by Definition 8.3.1. That is, the span of the DOFs consists of
Figure 8.31: The degree 2 Raviart–Thomas finite element RT(2) over the reference triangle, corresponding
to ?P2− Λ1 (Tref,2 ). Arrows represent edge moments of normal components against degree 1 polynomial
functions, and circles represent interior moments against 1–forms with constant coefficients.
So, RT(r) has r DOFs per edge and r(r − 1) interior DOFs, for a total of r(r + 2) DOFs (we may
check that this is equal to dim Pr− Λ1 (T )). We illustrate the DOFs for RT(2) in Figure 8.31: each circle
indicates a distinct interior moment, while the arrows are now used to denote edge moments, rather than
just point evaluations, of normal components.
Now, we discuss the finite element space ?Pr− Λ1 (Th ) obtained by sewing together the Raviart–Thomas
elements. We also call this space RT(r), since it is always clear from context whether we are referring
to the finite element or the finite element space. There are two important properties of RT(r) that bear
mentioning before we finish this example. First, the requirement that all global DOFs for RT(r) are
single–valued implies that normal components across inter–element boundaries are continuous. Second, if
we recall that d? acting on a 1–form u is the same as ∇· acting on the corresponding vector proxy u (upon
dropping the area element dx∧dy), then conformity implies that all vector fields living in RT(r) have a weak
divergence that lives in L2 (Ω). In pre–FEEC nomenclature, we would then say that the Raviart–Thomas
finite element spaces are H(div)–conforming, where the H indicates that the divergence is understood in
the weak sense. These two properties exemplify a general relationship in FEM theory: H(div)–conforming
finite element spaces over domains in R2 consist of vector fields whose normal components across inter–
element boundaries are all continuous (this is an almost trivial corollary of Theorem 6.4.1). So, when we
see a DOF diagram where the arrows are orthogonal to the facets, we should immediately realize that we
are dealing with an H(div)–conforming approximation.
Example 8.3.5. In this example we use trimmed elements to introduce a natural generalization of the
Raviart–Thomas elements to tetrahedra. Now, the most important property of the RT finite element
spaces is their H(div)–conformity. So, any extension of RT spaces to 3D should be built with the (weak)
divergence operator in mind. More precisely, the generalized RT space should consist of differential forms
on which the exterior derivative reduces to the divergence operator. In R3 , however, we know that the
exterior derivative on 2–forms is equal to ∇· if we harmlessly drop the volume element as we did in 2D
(notice how we do not have to use the Hodge star to obtain the divergence operator, as we did in 2D).
Therefore, the clear choice of shape space for a “3D RT element” is Pr− Λ2 (Tref,3 ). Using Definition 8.3.1,
we see that the correct DOFs are
Figure 8.32: The degree 1 Nédélec face element of the first kind on the reference tetrahedron, N1f (1),
corresponding to P1− Λ2 (Tref,3 ).
We see that the DOFs indeed resemble those for the RT elements: the degree of the weight functions
for facet and interior moments is the same for both triangles and tetrahedra.
The tetrahedral finite element constructed in the previous paragraph is often referred to as the Nédélec
face element of the first kind and denoted by N1f (r). This element was introduced by Nédélec in a
seminal 1980 paper [64]. As in the previous example, we use N1f (r) to refer to both the finite element
and the finite element space interchangeably. We continue to use this convention for finite element spaces
throughout the thesis without further comment. Of course, the finite element space N1f (r) is H(div)–
conforming. Figure 8.32 shows the DOF diagram for N1f (1), with the arrows aligned orthogonally to the
faces of the tetrahedron. Since the N1f element really is just the “tetrahedral version” of the RT element,
the DOF diagram is coloured the same way as the DOF diagrams for RT elements. Sometimes, the N1f (r)
element is actually called the Raviart–Thomas element too (see for instance [54]). In this thesis, however,
we try to keep our notation roughly in line with that of the Periodic Table [6].
Example 8.3.6. Let T = Tref,2 . Way back in Example 6.2.4, we briefly mentioned that changing the
DOFs for the lowest RT elements from normal component evaluation on edges to tangential component
evaluation on edges also yielded a finite element. This finite element is called the lowest Nédélec edge
element of the first kind on T and denoted by N1e (1) (by now, the reader has no doubt gathered that
Nédélec is a busy guy). Since the edge trace of a 1–form on T is just the tangential component (relative
to that edge) of the corresponding vector proxy, the DOFs for N1e (1) coincide perfectly with those of the
trimmed element with shape space P1− Λ1 (T ). That is, the finite element N1e (1) is just a special case of
the trimmed elements constructed in Definition 8.3.1; we don’t even have to rotate the shape spaces using
the Hodge star this time. The DOF diagram for N1e (1) is shown in Figure 8.33.
At this point, we can easily generalize the N1e (1) element to arbitrary shape function degree: N1e (r)
is just another notation for the trimmed finite element with shape space Pr− Λ1 (T ) (modulo switching to
vector proxies). The DOFs are
Figure 8.33: The degree 1 Nédélec edge element of the first kind on the reference triangle, N1e (1), corre-
sponding to P1− Λ1 (Tref,2 ).
Example 8.3.7. Let T = Tref,3 . This example is effectively a repetition of Example 8.3.5 with “H(div)”
replaced with “H(curl)”. Our goal is to generalize the Nédélec edge elements of the first kind to tetrahedra
(thus constructing the finite element spaces that Nédélec actually worked with and rectifying the issues
brought up at the end of Example 8.3.6). We also refer to the generalized tetrahedral Nédélec edge elements
as N1e ; since there ought not to be any confusion about whether a PDE involves 2 or 3 spatial dimensions,
this notation does not cause trouble.
Recalling that the exterior derivative becomes the curl when acting on 1–forms in R3 , we reason that
the finite element used to build the H(curl)–conforming generalization of N1e (r) is the trimmed element
with shape space Pr− Λ1 (T ). Hence, the DOFs are
Figure 8.34: The degree 1 Nédélec edge element of the first kind on the reference tetrahedron, N1e (1),
corresponding to P1− Λ1 (Tref,3 ).
We illustrate the DOFs for N1e (1) in Figure 8.34. Notice how our comments in Example 8.3.6 on normal
versus tangential arrows in DOF diagrams apply in the 3D case too: Figure 8.34 shows the DOFs for
an H(curl)–conforming element and involves arrows tangential to the facets while Figure 8.32 shows the
DOFs for an H(div)–conforming element and involves arrows normal to the facets. Nédélec introduced his
edge elements side–by–side with his face elements in [64].
Notice how the DOFs for the lowest H(div)–conforming elements we constructed are all associated to
facets, while the DOFs for the lowest H(curl)–conforming elements are all associated to edges. Intuitively,
we should expect this: in vector calculus, the divergence is related to integrals over 2D regions (by the
Divergence Theorem) while the curl is related to integrals over lines or curves (by the classical Stokes’ The-
orem). The mathematical justification for this intuitive comparison is, essentially, contained in Theorem
I would like to re–iterate that, in 3D, we did not have to use the Hodge star to obtain well–known
finite elements at all, while in 2D we had to use the Hodge star to switch between N1e and RT elements.
This is because, in 2D, we only have one type of differential forms (specifically, 1–forms) that can serve
as vector proxies. Accordingly, we have to choose between whether we want our trimmed finite element
space to be H(curl) or H(div)–conforming when we work in 2D. In 3D this choice is unnecessary because
we have both 1–forms (where d acts as the curl) and 2–forms (where d acts as the divergence) capable
of serving as vector proxies. Unfortunately, many authors ignore the importance of the Hodge star in
obtaining H(div)–conforming spaces in 2D, making the connection of such spaces to FEEC a bit confusing
for the beginner; even the elegant Periodic Table does not emphasize that we must take the Hodge star to
get H(div)–conformity.
Example 8.3.8. Let T = Tref,n . In this example, we study the trimmed finite elements with shape spaces
Pr− Λn (T ). Denote these finite elements by DG(r − 1) (the notation is explained over the course of the next
paragraph). We might initially think that such finite elements are precise copies of CG(r), as n–forms are
dual to scalars. However, notice that Pr− Λn (T ) = Pr−1 Λn (T ), so there is already one discrepancy between
Lagrange elements and elements made of trimmed top forms. This discrepancy explains why we denote
(a) DOFs for DG(0). (b) DOFs for DG(1).
Figure 8.35: DOFs for some DG(r − 1) finite elements, corresponding to Pr− Λ2 (Tref,2 ).
the degree in DG(r − 1) the way we do. Additionally, elements of the CG finite element spaces are globally
continuous. Conversely, the finite element space we would obtain by patching the DG elements together
has no inter–element continuity restrictions, since all top forms trivially have single–valued facet traces.
So, the DG(r −1) finite element space is full of discontinuous functions, and this is why we denote the space
the way we do: the “DG” stands for “discontinuous Galerkin”. DG spaces have been used explicitly since
the early 1970s, though some of the ideas underlying the use of discontinuous approximating functions
date back to Godunov’s 1959 work on finite volume methods [39]. For a comprehensive historical overview
of DG spaces, see [29, §1.2].
Examining Definition 8.3.1, we see that the only DOFs for DG(r − 1) are internal moments against
Pr−1 (T ). Intuitively, we might expect that this is the case: since any form in the DG(r − 1) space is
discontinuous, we are not allowed to take its traces on lower–dimensional subsimplices (or, at least, we
gain nothing from doing so since the trace vanishes) hence the only DOFs must be associated to element
interiors. Figure 8.35 shows the DOF diagrams for the first two DG spaces on triangles. As with the CG
diagrams, solid dots represent point evaluation.
To review, in this section we have defined the Pr− Λk (Th ) family of finite element spaces. Then, we
showed how plenty of famous finite elements (CG, RT, N1e , N1f , and DG) arise as special cases of our
general construction. We have seen that FEEC provides a clear and concise way of referring to many
important finite elements: while one may call the element in Example 8.3.5 the Nédélec face element of
the first kind or the Raviart–Thomas element, saying that the element is simply the trimmed element with
shape space Pr Λ2 (Tref,3 ) is unambiguous.
Definition 8.4.1. Let Th be a triangulation of Ω. The regular finite element consists of the following
Choose local–to–global maps as in Definition 8.3.1. The finite element space associated to this data is
called the regular finite element space, denoted by Pr Λk (Th ) .
Now, recall that the Lagrange finite element space is precisely the trimmed finite element space of
scalars. However, our notation for Lagrange elements agrees with the regular finite element space of
scalars. Before proving unisolvence for the regular family, we demonstrate that this apparently ambiguous
notation is actually not an issue: the space of scalars for both the trimmed and regular families is just the
Lagrange space.
Lemma 8.4.2. We have that
Pr− Λ0 (Th ) = Pr Λ0 (Th ) ,
where the space on the right–hand side is interpreted as Pr Λk (Th ) in the case k = 0.
Proof. By Lemma 7.3.13 all of the shape spaces are the same, so it remains to check that the functionals
in the span of the DOFs are also all the same. Observe that, if f ∈ ∆d (T ) for T ∈ ∆n (Th ), then
Pr−d Λd (f ) = Pr−d−1 Λd (f ) κHr−d+1 Λd+1 (f ) = Pr−d−1 Λd (f ) κ (0) = Pr−d−1 Λd (f ).
So, the spaces where the polynomial weight functions of the DOFs live are identical. The proof is complete.
Proof. Using Lemma 8.2.3 and induction on n, we know immediately that Pr Λk (T )∗ = f ∈∆(T ) W (f ).
All that remains is the dimension count. Using Proposition 7.3.15 and arguments we’ve already seen for
Lagrange spaces, we get
X n
− dimf −k −
dim Pr−dimf +k Λ = |∆d (T ) | dim Pr−d+k Λd−k
f ∈∆(T ) d=0
X n+1 r+k r−1
= .
d+1 k d−k
If we apply Lemma 7.1.4 with a = n + 1, b = k + 1, and c = r − 1 then
− dimf −k r+k n+r
dim Pr−dimf +k Λ =
k n−k
f ∈∆(T )
(n + r)!
r!k!(n − k)!
(n + r)!n!
n!r!k!(n − k)!
n+r n
r k
= dim Pr Λk (T ),
where we have applied Corollary 7.2.2 in obtaining the last equality. Earlier arguments can now be applied
to complete the proof.
The same argument used to establish d–conformity for the trimmed family (presented after the proof
of Theorem 8.3.2) yields that all of the regular finite element spaces are d–conforming:
So, again, the Pr Λk (Th ) spaces allow for many different inter–element continuity conditions. We can
also use the Hodge star to obtain a modified version of the regular family (useful for obtaining H(div)–
conforming spaces in 2D), as in the previous subsection.
Now, we go through a few examples that exhibit how members of the regular family showed up in
FEM theory long before FEEC was formally introduced. These examples are much shorter than those
presented at the end of Section 8.3 for the simple reason that the arguments used to establish the “FEEC–
classical” correspondence are essentially identical regardless or whether we deal with the trimmed or regular
family. We have already gone through such arguments in detail with the last bout of examples; everything
essentially just boils down to connecting simple properties of differential forms to their analogues in vector
calculus, and then checking that all the polynomial degrees work out.
Example 8.4.4. Clearly, the Lagrange spaces and discontinuous spaces are also in the regular family.
Note, however, that Pr− Λn (Th ) consists of piecewise polynomials of degree at most r − 1, while Pr− Λn (Th )
consists of piecewise polynomials of degree at most r. So, there are some subtle differences between the
way that the discontinuous spaces work in the different families.
Example 8.4.5. Let T = Tref,2 . In this example we construct the Brezzi–Douglas–Marini element on
T , denoted BDM(r), where r is the shape form degree. BDM(r) was originally introduced in a 1985 collab-
oration between Douglas and the husband–and–wife team of Brezzi and Marini [13]. The BDM elements
patch together to give an H(div)–conforming finite element space, essentially making BDM the regular ver-
sion of RT. BDM(r) is the “rotated” regular element, with shape space ?Pr Λ1 (T ) and DOFs consisting of
Figure 8.41: The degree 1 Brezzi–Douglas–Marini finite element BDM(1) over the reference triangle,
corresponding to ?P1 Λ1 (Tref,2 ).
Figure 8.42: The degree 1 Nédélec edge element of the second kind on the reference triangle, N2e (1),
corresponding to P1 Λ1 (Tref,2 ).
When contrasted with Figures 6.22 and 8.33, Figures 8.41 and 8.42 illustrate an important difference
between the trimmed and regular elements. Namely, the trimmed spaces have fewer degrees of freedom.
Accordingly, we expect that computing with finite elements arising from the trimmed family is faster than
working with the regular spaces.
In summary, we have developed a second family of finite element spaces that can be used in conjunction
with (or in place of) the trimmed spaces. We have also shown that the regular spaces, constructed in the
FEEC framework, are really just familiar finite element spaces cast in a new, unified notation, precisely as
we saw was the case for the trimmed spaces. Some of the well–studied finite elements that appear in the
regular family include CG, BDM, N2e , N2f , and DG. Now that we have a veritable arsenal of finite element
spaces, we can actually start analyzing whether or not they give rise to good numerical approximations.
Of course, “good” is a protean term in numerical analysis, but in the next chapter we see how developing
FEMs with FEEC in mind leads to simulations with desirable properties.
Chapter 9
In Chapter 8 we showed how to construct finite element spaces satisfying Definition 6.3.5. However, we did
not prove that they actually have good approximation properties. In the Introduction, we described three
properties that a procedure for numerically solving a PDE should have. Of course, the precise definitions
of these properties depend on the particular problem under consideration, but the definitions are always
along the following lines:
1) Stability: the discretized problem should be well–posed (in particular, the norm of the numerical
solution should be controlled by the parameters of the exact problem, irrespective of the discretization
2) Convergence: the approximate solution should tend to the exact solution in the limit of “infinite
precision” (for FEMs, this usually means the limit of mesh size tending to zero);
3) Consistency: our approximation of the differential operator appearing in the PDE should tend to
the exact differential operator in the limit of “infinite precision”.
FEEC provides a unified framework for discussing all three of the above properties, though as mentioned
earlier we only really focus on discussing consistency in this thesis. This focus is due to time constraints as
well as pedagogy; in order to understand the analytical formalism used to prove stability and convergence
in modern papers like [5], one must be comfortable with the algebraic formalism used to discuss consistency
When we start thinking about discretization as a morphism between Hilbert complexes (see the discus-
sion below Remark 4.2.5), we start to view consistency as a homological property. Rather than saying a
consistent method is one that just satisfies some particular error estimate (see, for instance, [20, p. 191]),
we might also say that a consistent method should “mimic” the Hilbert complex structure of the problem
we want to solve. This leads us to think about finding a natural diagnostic for determining whether or
not structure is being preserved during discretization. Since cohomology is such a vital object in Hilbert
complex theory (cohomology describes the kernel of the Hodge Laplacian by Theorem 4.4.3 and, therefore,
determines Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition), we might try to investigate whether or not our numerical
method “has cohomology” isomorphic to the de Rham cohomology. In order to follow this line of ques-
tioning, however, we need to define a notion of cohomology associated to an FEM. We therefore have a
little program for investigating the consistency of FEMs:
1) describe how some collections of finite element spaces can be viewed as subcomplexes of the de Rham
complex, called finite element de Rham complexes;
2) construct a “discretization morphism” mapping the de Rham complex to a finite element de Rham
complex, after the discussion below Remark 4.2.5;
3) assess conditions under which the cohomology of the finite element complex is the same as the co-
homology of the full de Rham complex (for ease of reference, we call the cohomology of the subcomplex
the discrete cohomology and the cohomology of the supercomplex the exact cohomology).
The present chapter is devoted to going through the above steps in detail. We eventually see that we
can guarantee the existence of an isomorphism between the exact and discrete cohomologies by choosing
finite element spaces carefully; that is, the consistency of an FEM is largely determined by the choice of
approximating spaces. We also see that studying the consistency of FEMs through the above program
reveals novel connections between the “classical” spaces studied in Chapter 8. Such connections are beau-
tifully and concisely represented in the Periodic Table of the Finite Elements [6] (see also Figures 9.53,
The origins of FEEC lie in many different papers and books spread over a wide variety of subjects
including numerical analysis, differential topology, geometric analysis, and electric engineering. The his-
torical development of the homological perspective on FEMs is summarized very thoroughly in [4, Intro-
duction] and [5, §1.3] and, as mentioned in the Introduction, I do not intend to repeat their comprehensive
discussion here.
In Section 9.1, we develop some abstract results on the approximation theory of Hilbert complexes. In
Section 9.2, we discuss the abstract results of the previous section in the specific context of FEMs, stating
the existence of a discretization operator and examining some of its properties. In Section 9.3, we study
the simplest finite element de Rham complex, called the Whitney complex, in order to build some strong
consistency results. In Section 9.4, we discuss two important theorems: first, we prove de Rham’s Theorem
using only tools from FEM theory, and then we prove one of the most important results in FEEC, the
Christiansen Triple–Decker Theorem [18]. The latter theorem provides useful conditions for establishing
an isomorphism between discrete and exact cohomologies. In Section 9.5, we discuss some simple examples
of cohomology–preserving choices of finite element spaces before describing how the Periodic Table can be
used to quickly make such choices in more generality.
Throughout this chapter, Ω denotes a polyhedral domain in Rn and {Th }h denotes a shape–regular
family of triangulations of Ω (see Definition 5.1.11).
appears in applications as the domain complex of a bigger, unbounded Hilbert complex (see the discussion
under Definition 4.2.2 for a reminder on the definition of a domain complex). Tacitly, we always think
of the spaces Vhk making up the complex Vh as finite–dimensional (since our ultimate goal is to have a
subcomplex usable for practical computations), but we often do not need to assume finite–dimensionality
to establish our theorems. We then show that, if the error in approximation of harmonic forms is less
than 100%, then the cohomology of (Vh , d) is isomorphic to the cohomology of (V, d). We are thus able to
characterize when the most important algebraic invariant of (V, d) is preserved upon passing to the discrete
setting. In the next section, we actually show that this abstract theory is applicable to approximations of
the L2 de Rham complex built from the finite element spaces presented in Chapter 8.
Before diving into general theory, we present an example motivating our focus on cohomology preserva-
tion a bit more specifically. Along the way, we discuss some of the subtleties associated with approximating
Hodge–Helmholtz decompositions. Let (V, d) be the domain complex of a closed Hilbert complex (W, d).
Using the constructions from Section 4.4, we can formulate an abstract version of the Poisson equation
thus: for a fixed nonzero f ∈ W k , find u ∈ V k ∩ dom dk−1 ∗ such that
dk dk−1 ∗ + dk−1 ∗ dk u = ∆k u = f.
If u satisfies (9.1.1) then, for every q ∈ Hk , u + q satisfies (9.1.1) too. An elementary argument shows that
if we also demand that u ∈ Hk then the solution to (9.1.1) is unique. If Hk is finite–dimensional, as it
often is in applications, we can guarantee uniqueness of a solution u by imposing dim Hk constraints on
u. Remembering that Hk is isomorphic to the k th cohomology of (V, d) by the Hodge Theorem (Theorem
4.4.3), we can equivalently say that cohomology helps us determine uniqueness of solutions to (9.1.1).
A specific example introduced in [5, Example 2.3.3, Figure 2.4] indicates that we cannot ignore the
above correspondence between well–posedness and cohomology when developing FEMs. This example
involves solving for a 1–form u on the annulus
Ω= ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ 1 ⊆ R 2
on the boundary; see Remark 4.4.7 for a reminder on why the above boundary conditions must be satisfied
by the harmonic 1–forms on Ω. Vector proxies of approximate solutions of (9.1.2) obtained using two
distinct FEMs are shown in Figure 9.11. [5] contains a few more specific details, but for our purposes all
we have to know is that the solution on the left is calculated assuming that both its components live in
CG(1), while the solution on the right is calculated using a mixed formulation; we discuss mixed finite
Figure 9.11: Figure 2.4 in [5], showing two numerical solutions to (9.1.2) obtained with different FEMs.
The solution u on the right is orthogonal to H1h , while the solution on the left is of the form u + q for some
q ∈ H1 with relatively large norm.
element methods more in Section 9.5 and Part 2. Both solutions display very different behaviour, leading
us to suspect that there are issues with at least one of the FEMs. As it turns out, the solution on the right
is correct and unique (this is proved in [5]), while the solution on the left has some issues that warrant
more thorough investigation.
We now briefly discuss why the approximate solution on the left side of Figure 9.11 is technically correct,
but not at all useful. Since Ω has a single 1–dimensional hole, we know that its first cohomology space is
1–dimensional, hence by the Hodge Theorem and the de Rham Theorem dim H1 = 1. Therefore, solutions
to (9.1.2) are not unique unless we add the constraint u ∈ H1 to our problem. Now, in the solution
shown on the right of Figure 9.11, the methods requires that the discrete solution must be orthogonal to
the space of (approximately) harmonic 1–forms H1h (this space is discussed in more detail in a few more
paragraphs). No such constraint appears in the fully continuous method shown on the left, and this is
the cause of the disparity between the two approximate solutions. According to the authors of [5], the
approximate solution on the left includes a contribution from H1 that completely obfuscates the solution
on the right: if the harmonic part of the approximation has a large enough norm, then the simulation
looks like it is outputting a solution of ∆1 u = 0, rather than a solution of (9.1.2). We have thus seen that
the unique solution to (9.1.2) cannot be obtained using any FEM; unless we explicitly demand discrete
orthogonality in the method, we cannot be sure that our simulation “sniffs out” the unique solution.
Remark 9.1.1. In practice, one must be able to compute all of the approximately harmonic forms in order
to impose orthogonality constraints on solutions to the Poisson equation. This reduces to finding a basis
for the kernel of a certain matrix, described in more detail in [5, p. 31].
version of the Hodge Laplacian on the subcomplex (Vh , d). Specifically, we would like to try obtaining
a unique approximate solution by demanding that uh is in the orthogonal complement of the space of
discrete harmonic forms,
. ⊥
Hkh = ker dk |Vhk ∩ dVhk−1 .
We do not know in general whether dim Hkh = dim Hk unless we have better information on how well ele-
ments of (Vh , d) approximate elements of (V, d). Of course, if we can prove that Hkh ' Hk (or, equivalently,
that the cohomology of the subcomplex is isomorphic to the cohomology of the supercomplex), then we
indeed have the right number of constraint equations.
Since (Vh , d) is a subcomplex, the image/kernel of dk |Vhk is contained in the image/kernel of dk . How-
ever, there are no such clean inclusions for the adjoint operators dk∗ because the adjoint for the subcomplex,
denoted dhk∗ , is a priori distinct from dk∗ . Why is this the case? We want the Hodge–Helmholtz decom-
position of Vhk to be orthogonal with respect to the inner product on W k , h·, ·i. Therefore, for u ∈ Vhk+1 ,
h u is computed by solving the system
hdk∗ k
h u, vi = hu, d vi ∀ v ∈ Vhk .
Since the Vhk ’s are finite–dimensional, this system trivially has a unique solution regardless of what u we
pick. In particular, we can define dk∗
h u even if u ∈/ dom dk∗ ∩ Vhk+1 . While the discrete adjoint dk∗h and
k∗ k∗ k+1
the exact adjoint dh must agree with one another on the set dom d ∩ Vh , the two operators are very
different beasts. In the same vein, we have that
⊥ ⊥
dVhk ⊇ dV k
(orthogonal complements are taken with respect to h·, ·i). Therefore, the space of discrete harmonic k–
forms Hkh is in general a superset of Hk ∩ Vhk . In particular, a discrete harmonic form is not necessarily
an exact harmonic form. We might then have that dim Hkh 6= dim Hk , thus the discrete Hodge–Helmholtz
Vhk = range dk ⊕ Hkh ⊕ range dk∗h
may not be very useful; in passing to the discrete setting, we could conceivably accrue falsely harmonic
forms, or even have exactly harmonic forms that are not discretely harmonic due to error associated with
the approximation of dk∗ . Therefore, we simply do not know if approximating a solution to the abstract
Poisson equation by studying (Vh , d) reproduces the correct amount of uniqueness constraints.
Therefore, we need to impose more specific restrictions on the approximating subcomplex (Vh , d) in
order to make sure that the spaces of exact and discrete harmonic forms are isomorphic. Fortunately, such
restrictions are nicely phrased in terms of the discretization operators referenced in the introduction to
this chapter and the paragraph below Remark 4.2.5.
Remark 9.1.2. Establishing an isomorphism Hkh ' Hk is important for problems other than the Poisson
equation. In the case of the L2 de Rham complex, establishing such an isomorphism is vital because
harmonic forms are, by the theorems of Hodge and de Rham, intimately connected to the topology of the
spatial domain. Therefore, if we are trying to use an FEM that does not accurately reproduce the space
Hk , we are ignoring important topological information.
Now, we turn to developing theory that allows us to get some rough conditions for establishing an
isomorphism Hkh ' Hk . As mentioned in the opening paragraph of this section, we only deal with bounded
Hilbert complexes in this section. Recall that HilbC denotes the category whose objects are bounded
Hilbert complexes and whose morphisms are described by Definition 4.2.4. We now define bounded cochain
projections formally.
Definition 9.1.3. Let (V, d) ∈ Obj (HilbC) with (Vh , d) a subcomplex. If πh ∈ Hom ((V, d), (Vh , d)) sat-
By definition of a morphism in HilbC, any bounded cochain projection πh must also satisfy the fol-
lowing two requirements for all k:
Vhk Vhk+1
In terms of scientific computing, we can think of the supercomplex (V, d) as the setting for the exact problem
(that is, the weak form of a given PDE posed over some suitable Sobolev space) and the subcomplex (Vh , d)
as the setting for the discrete problem. Bounded cochain projections can then be understood simply as
structure–preserving maps taking functions or forms considered in the exact problem to their discrete
analogues. That is, we deal with u ∈ V k when we are studying a PDE with pen and paper, but we deal
with πhk u ∈ Vhk when we are studying an approximate version of that PDE on a computer. From this
point of view, bounded cochain projections are literally operators formalizing the passage from the exact
problem to the discrete problem. In the parlance of traditional finite element theory, πhk might be called
an interpolation operator.
Remark 9.1.4. Since a bounded cochain projection πh must be surjective, the induced map on cohomology
Hπh must also be surjective. Using the Hodge Theorem (Theorem 4.4.3), we conclude that if Hk = 0, then
Hkh = 0 too.
Suppose that (V, d) arises as the domain complex of a Hilbert complex (W, d). One may initially think
that constructing bounded cochain projections is trivial when the spaces Vhk are all finite–dimensional:
since finite–dimensional subspaces are closed we may apply the Projection Theorem to obtain a family of
bounded projection operators Projk : W k → Vhk , defined by taking an element of W k to its best approxi-
mation in Vhk (since these operators are bounded on each W k , they are bounded on each V k ). However, the
operators Projk do not in general commute with the differentials dk . For example, let V k = HΛk (−1, 1)
for k = 0, 1 and let Vh0 = P1 Λ0 (−1, 1) and Vh1 = P0 Λ1 (−1, 1). The diagram
HΛ0 (−1, 1) HΛ1 (−1, 1)
Proj0 Proj1
P1 Λ0 (−1, 1) P0 Λ1 (−1, 1)
nq q o
1 3
does not commute; a straightforward computation with the orthonormal basis 2, 2x of P1 Λ0 (−1, 1)
shows that
d Proj0 sin x 6= Proj1 (d sin x) .
Therefore, the naı̈ve projections onto closed subspaces are not strong enough for our purposes. We are
left with an amusing paradox: we do not desire to approximate our exact solution in terms of its “best
The above discussion indicates that πhk does not provide the best approximation to u ∈ V k in Vhk .
However, the following result shows that the error in approximation by πhk decreases as the error in the
best approximation decreases. Some numerical analysts say that such an error estimate is quasioptimal
Proposition 9.1.5. If πh is a bounded cochain projection, then for all k there exists some constant C > 0
depending only on πhk such that for any u ∈ V k ,
Proof. Since πhk is equal to the identity map on the subspace Vhk , the result follows immediately from the
definition of a bounded operator.
Next, we prove a simple, elegant theorem establishing how bounded cochain projections help us to
discretely reproduce cohomology, provided a very modest estimate is satisfied.
Theorem 9.1.6. [5, Theorem 3.4] Let (V, d) ∈ Obj (HilbC) be closed with (Vh , d) a subcomplex, and let
πh ∈ Hom ((V, d), (Vh , d)) be a bounded cochain projection. Denote the cohomology of (V, d) by H• and the
cohomology of (Vh , d) by H•h . Suppose that, for every nonzero q ∈ Hk , we have
kq − πhk qk
< 1. (9.1.4)
Proof. Surjectivity of the induced map follows immediately from surjectivity of πhk . Now, we prove that
the induced map is injective. If u ∈ ker dk satisfies Hπhk (u) = 0, we want to show that u ∈ dk−1 V k−1
(so that u = 0). Since the complex is closed, we may use the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition to find
v ∈ V k−1 and q ∈ Hk such that
u = dk−1 v + q .
By definition of the induced map, Hπhk (u) = 0 means that πhk u ∈ dk−1 Vhk−1 . Since πhk commutes with the
differentials, we know that πhk dk−1 v ∈ dk−1 Vhk−1 as well, hence πhk q ∈ dk−1 Vhk−1 . However, dk−1 Vhk−1 ⊆
dk−1 V k−1 , and dk−1 V k−1 ⊆ Hk by orthogonality of the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition. Therefore,
hq, πhk qi = 0.
kq − πhk qk
≥ 1.
The above inequality contradicts the estimate (9.1.4), hence u = dk−1 v and the proof is complete.
In view of the Hodge Theorem (Theorem 4.4.3), we ought to expect that controlling the error in
approximation of harmonic forms is necessary to establish that an approximating subcomplex has the
same cohomology as its supercomplex. Therefore, the above result is a little more intuitive then it might
initially seem. However, the weakness of the error estimate (9.1.4) is still quite a pleasant surprise, leading
us to hope that we can actually develop cohomology–mimicking numerical schemes in practical applications.
We now turn to modifying Theorem 9.1.6 in order to make it more convenient for use in the next
section. When numerically solving a PDE, we often want to control the error in our approximation of
the exact solution by adjusting some parameter in the discretization scheme. When using an FEM, for
instance, taking the limit as the mesh size parameter goes to zero should generate a sequence of approximate
solutions that converges to the exact solution. Accordingly, for this last result we treat h as a real–valued
Corollary 9.1.7. Let (V, d) ∈ Obj (HilbC) be closed. Suppose that, for all k, dim Hk < ∞. Additionally,
suppose there exists a family of subcomplexes (Vh , d) and bounded cochain projections πh indexed by the
real number h > 0 such that, for every u ∈ V k , we have
Then, for h sufficiently small, the induced map on cohomology Hπh is an isomorphism.
q= q i ei ∈ H k
. X
kqk`1 = |qi |.
Since all norms on finite–dimensional spaces are equivalent there exists C > 0 such that, for all q ∈ Hk ,
kqk`1 ≤ C kqk.
Now, for each i = 1, ..., m let hi > 0 be small enough so that
kei − πhki ei k < kei k.
Such an hi can always be selected because (9.1.5) holds. Choose h < min hi .
Pick any q ∈ Hk . Since the ei form a basis, there exist q1 , .., qm ∈ R such that
q= qi ei .
Then, we have
m m m
X 1 X 1 X 1
kq − πhk qk ≤ |qi |kei − πhki ei k < |qi |kei k = |qi | = kqk`1 ≤ kqk.
C i=1 C i=1 C
The above corollary says that, provided the kernel of the Hodge Laplacian is finite–dimensional and our
approximation of (V, d) by (Vh , d) can be refined so that the error in approximation is arbitrarily small, the
cohomologies of the subcomplex and supercomplex coincide. Given Theorem 9.1.6, this result is intuitive:
if we can make the approximation error arbitrarily small by varying the parameter h, then obviously the
error in approximating harmonic forms can eventually be made less than 100%. Finite–dimensionality of
Hk is necessary to show that we can go from the pointwise statement (9.1.5) to the uniform bound (9.1.4).
In this section, we began by studying approximations of the Poisson equation in order to provide
some concrete motivation. We then introduced bounded cochain projections, morphisms representing the
passage from an exact problem to a discrete problem. Following this, we studied conditions under which
a bounded, closed Hilbert complex could be approximated in a cohomology–preserving way. In particular,
we saw a reasonably weak condition for establishing an isomorphism between the exact and discrete
cohomologies given a sufficiently fine mesh. Now, we are ready to begin studying the approximation
theory of Hilbert complexes in the context of finite elements.
results. After this loose discussion of projection operators, we apply results from the previous section to
understand the homological properties of finite element approximations of the L2 de Rham complex,
d d d
− HΛ0 (Ω) −
0→ → HΛ1 (Ω) − → L2 Λn (Ω) →
→ ··· − − 0,
2) assemble the values of the global DOFs acting on u, denoted by `i (u), and
3) reconstruct the unique element of Λkh determined by the numbers `i (u).
The above procedure defines a projection Ihk : CΛk (Ω) → Λkh commuting with the exterior derivative
[4, §4.9]. Unfortunately, since the DOFs for all of our finite element spaces from Chapter 8 depend on
traces onto faces, Ihk does not canonically extend to the entirety of HΛk : elements of HΛk are not neces-
sarily piecewise smooth, so taking traces on faces is not necessarily well–defined. Therefore, if we want to
somehow modify Ihk to transform it into a bounded cochain projection, we might anticipate having a great
deal of work ahead of us. The details of such a modification are quite technical, so we simply state the
end result without proof and defer precise discussions to the references mentioned in the next paragraph.
A rigorous construction of bounded cochain projections for finite element de Rham complexes was
presented in 2006 by Arnold, Falk, and Winther [4]. Their results relied on certain additional assumptions
about the triangulation Th beyond shape–regularity, but in 2008 Christiansen and Winther [19] showed
that these assumptions could be somewhat relaxed. The 2010 paper of Arnold, Falk, and Winther [5, §5.4,
§5.5] contains a concise summary of the modified construction.
Theorem 9.2.1. [5, Theorem 5.9] Let Λkh denote either of the finite element spaces Pr Λk (Th ) or Pr− Λk (Th ),
with (Λ•h , d) denoting the corresponding finite element de Rham complex. There exists a bounded projection
πhk : L2 Λk (Ω) → Λkh such that, for all u ∈ L2 Λk (Ω),
Further, when restricted to HΛk (Ω), the projections πhk collectively define a morphism of bounded Hilbert
complexes πh : (HΛ• , d) → (Λ•h , d).
The above theorem tells us that we have bounded cochain projections from the de Rham complex to
both finite element complexes in (9.2.1) and, additionally, these projections provide good approximations
to L2 forms (due to (9.2.2)). Actually, the theorem we stated here is slightly incomplete: more precise
results in the aforementioned references tell us that the smoother u is, the faster the interpolation error
ku − πhk ukL2 Λk tends to 0.
We now present a simple corollary indicating how well our finite element complexes are able to replicate
de Rham cohomology.
Corollary 9.2.2. Consider the same notational setup as Theorem 9.2.1. For h sufficiently small, the
cohomology of (Λ•h , d) is isomorphic to the cohomology of (HΛ• , d) via the induced map Hπh .
Proof. By Theorem 9.2.1 we have the existence of a bounded cochain projection, hence the results of
Section 9.1 apply. Since (HΛ• , d) has the compactness property (Theorem 4.5.6), its associated space
of harmonic k–forms is finite–dimensional by Proposition 4.5.5. By Corollary 4.5.9 (HΛ• , d) is closed.
Combining both of these facts with (9.2.2), we apply Corollary 9.1.7 to finish the proof.
Remark 9.2.3. Though the proof of the above corollary was mostly just straightforward application of
earlier results, there is one subtlety worth remarking on. The identity (9.2.2) is written in terms of the
L2 Λk norm, while the similar statement in Corollary 9.1.7 is written in terms of the HΛk norm. However,
if we pick any u ∈ HΛk , we know that (9.2.2) holds for both u and du. Then, since πh is a morphism, we
immediately have that
lim ku − πhk uk2HΛk = 0 ∀ u ∈ HΛk . (9.2.3)
So, Corollary 9.1.7 is indeed applicable.
In later sections, we strengthen the above result profoundly, ultimately showing that the induced map
on cohomology is an isomorphism regardless of the mesh size parameter h.
In summary, we have indicated that some of the finite element spaces constructed in Chapter 8 fit
together to form subcomplexes of the L2 de Rham complex. We then stated the existence of bounded
cochain projections πh : (HΛ• , d) → (Λ•h , d). Finally, we used the abstract tools from Section 9.1 to show
that certain finite element approximations reproduce exact cohomology.
but we do not have enough time to learn the details. Whitney’s approach is similar in spirit to de
Rham’s original 1931 proof of the theorem bearing his name [24]. Specifically, de Rham built a family
of “easy” differential forms canonically corresponding with simplices in the triangulation, in turn making
the required inverse of the de Rham homomorphism trivial to define. However, unlike Whitney, de Rham
did not explicitly use the jargon of homological algebra, nor did he work with piecewise–linear forms. For
a more comprehensive sketch of de Rham’s proof, see [27, pp. 63–64]. Now, since at least the 1980s,
many textbooks and lecture courses have proven de Rham’s Theorem using either sheaf theory or abstract
methods from homological algebra. Accordingly, Whitney’s almost combinatorial perspective on de Rham
cohomology may come across as novel to the modern reader; one could argue that Whitney’s work (and
its modern interpretation in the context of FEM theory) is an interesting demonstration of the continuing
applicability of Poincaré’s intuitionistic, partition–focused perspective on topology.
We begin by defining a sort of (slightly degenerate) coordinate system on a triangulation Th . Through-
out the remainder of this section, we use the notation
∆0 (Th ) = {p0 , ..., pN }.
That is, vertices of Th are referred to as pj . We also let σ denote an element of Σ0 (k, N ), the set of
increasing maps {0, ...., k} → {0, ..., N }.
Definition 9.3.1. The global barycentric coordinate functions λi ∈ P1 Λ0 (Th ) are defined uniquely
by the conditions
Additionally, using the properties of local barycentric coordinates, we see immediately that the global
barycentric coordinates yield a sort of “partition of unity” on |Th |:
1= λj . (9.3.2)
Before going any further, we go through a simple example to make some of the above discussion a little
more concrete.
Example 9.3.2. Consider the triangulation of [0, 2] given by
[0, 2] = [0, 1] ∪ [1, 2].
We label the three vertices as 0 = p0 , 1 = p1 , and 2 = p2 . The global barycentric coordinate functions
with respect to this triangulation are written in terms of the Cartesian coordinate x as
1 − x if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and
λ0 =
0 if 1 ≤ x ≤ 2;
x if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and
λ1 =
2−x if 1 ≤ x ≤ 2;
0 if 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and
λ2 =
x−1 if 1 ≤ x ≤ 2.
The graph of λ1 is tent–shaped: λ1 starts from zero at eachPboundary point, rising up to equal one at the
interior vertex x = 1. Further, we directly verify that 1 = j λj .
Now, we are comfortable enough with the barycentric coordinates to begin presenting some interesting
results. First, we define a linear map taking k–cochains to piecewise polynomial k–forms. We soon see that
this map essentially allows us to identify the cohomology of (P1− Λ• (Th ) , d) with the simplicial cohomology
of Th . In the remainder of this section, we let T ∈ ∆n (Th ) and c = [pσ(0) ...pσ(k) ] ∈ C k (Th ).
Definition 9.3.3. Define a linear map ϕ : C k (Th ) → P1 Λk (Th ) by the following action on elementary
k–cochains c = [pσ(0) ...pσ(k) ]:
ϕ(c) = k! (−1)i λσ(i) dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλ
\ σ(i) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) . (9.3.3)
Proof. (Sketch, compare with [4, §4.3]) By linearity it suffices to prove that the elementary k–forms live
in P1− Λk (Th ). Pick any elementary k–cochain c = [pσ(0) ...pσ(k) ]. Let T ∈ ∆n (Th ). Clearly, the switch
from Cartesian to barycentric coordinates on T is accomplished via an affine transformation, so the radial
vector field on T may be expressed as
n n
X ∂ X ∂
xi i
= λj .
∂x j=1
∂λ j
Note that we use the convention that the 0th barycentric coordinate is the “dependent one”, as we have
done previously. Suppose that 0 ∈
/ range σ. Then, we have that the action of the Koszul operator on
trT dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) is given by
X ∂ ¬ tr dλ
κ trT dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) = λj T σ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k)
(−1)i trT λσ(i)
= trT dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλ
\ σ(i) ∧ · · · ∧ dλ σ(k)
= trT ϕ [pσ(0) ...pσ(k) ] .
Now, κ trT dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) ∈ κH0 Λk+1 (T ) ⊆ P1− Λk (T ).
If 0 ∈ range σ, conversely, then we must have 0 = σ(0), since σ is increasing. Using the Leibniz rule
for contractions [51, Lemma 14.13], we find that
κ trT dλ0 ∧ dλσ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) trT ϕ [p0 pσ(1) ...pσ(k) ] − trT dλσ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) .
Since trT dλσ(1) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) ∈ P0 Λk (T ), we know that trT ϕ [p0 pσ(1) ...pσ(k) ] ∈ P1− Λk (T ). So, in
either case, the elementary k–forms belong to the trimmed spaces piecewise.
To complete the proof, we have to show that the DOFs for P1− Λk (Th ) are single–valued on each
elementary form ϕ(c). If each ϕ(c) is weakly differentiable then by Theorem 6.4.1 the facet traces of ϕ(c)
are single–valued and so all DOFs are single–valued on ϕ(c). Now, showing that ϕ(c) has a weak derivative
is very simple if we know that d obeys the product rule. However, proving the product rule rigorously
requires a good deal of time to fine–tune certain density arguments, so we just take it for granted here;
essentially, all of the ingredients necessary to complete the proof are contained in [11, pp. 265–270].
Example 9.3.5. The elementary 0–form corresponding to the vertex pj is equal to λj .
Example 9.3.6. Let T = [p0 p1 p2 ]. We compute the elementary 1–forms on T . Any elementary 1–cochain
in T may be represented as c = [pi pj ] with i, j ranging from 0 to 2. Using (9.3.3), we have
Then, we simply plug in all the admissible values of i and j and use the condition λ0 = 1 − λ1 − λ2 :
In the notation of Example 6.2.4, we see that ϕ([p1 p2 ]) corresponds (upon switching from Cartesian to
barycentric coordinates) to the vector field defined by ai = 0 (i = 1, 2) and b = 1. Similarly, ϕ([p0 p2 ])
corresponds to a1 = 0, a2 = 1, and b = −1, and ϕ([p0 p1 ]) corresponds to a1 = 1, a2 = 0, and b = 1. Then,
the elementary 1–forms are clearly a basis for P1− Λ1 (T ), which corresponds (upon applying the Hodge
star) to the shape space for the lowest Raviart–Thomas element.
Proposition 9.3.7. Elementary forms constitute a basis of P1− Λk (Th ).
Proof. We essentially show that the elementary forms are the basis of P1− Λk (Th ) dual to the DOFs from
Definition 8.3.1, up to a scalar multiple. The proof is trivial if k = n, so we take k ≤ n − 1. First, we
show that there are dim P1− Λk (T ) distinct elementary k–forms associated to each T ∈ ∆n (Th ) (since
the DOFs are single–valued on elementary forms, showing this establishes that there are dim P1− Λk (Th )
− k n+1
distinct elementary k–forms). By Proposition 7.3.15, dim P1 Λ (T ) = k+1 . We also know that
dim C k (T ) = |∆k (T )| = .
Clearly, dim C k (T ) is precisely the number of elementary k–forms associated to T (if two elementary
forms are equal then they must be associated to the same elementary cochain). Hence, we at least have
that there are enough elementary forms to span P1− Λk (T ).
Next, observe that the only DOF for P1− Λk (Th ) associated to f ∈ ∆k (Th ) is
u 7→ trf u.
for all elementary k–cochains c. Write f = [pσ(0) ...pσ(k) ] with pi ∈ ∆0 (Th ). Now, the restrictions of
λσ(0) , ..., λσ(k) to f are simply the local barycentric coordinates on f . Accordingly, we have that
trf (λσ(j) ) = 1
and so
trf (dλσ(0) ) = − trf (dλσ(j) ).
If c = [pσ0 (0) ...pσ0 (k) ]R6= f then at least one of the λσ0 (i) satisfies trf λσ0 (i) = 0. Accordingly, trf dλσ0 (i) = 0
too. Trivially, then, f trf (ϕ(c)) = 0 and the proof is complete.
Before we get to the main theorem of this section, we need a helpful lemma.
Lemma 9.3.9. Let c = [pσ(0) ...pσ(k) ]. Then,
dλj ∧ dλσ(0) · · · ∧ dλ
\ σ(i) · · · ∧ dλσ(k) = (−1) dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) . (9.3.4)
j ∈range
/ σ
pj ∈Star(c)
Expanding out the sum more explicitly, we have
0= dλj + dλj + dλj . (9.3.6)
j∈range σ j ∈range
/ σ j ∈range
/ σ
pj ∈Star(c) pj ∈Star(c)
The subscript on the third sum is a bit redundant, but it makes the ideas perfectly clear. Now, we take
the wedge product of both sides with dλσ(0) · · · ∧ dλ \ σ(i) · · · ∧ dλσ(k) to obtain
0= dλj ∧ dλσ(0) · · · ∧ dλ
\ σ(i) · · · ∧ dλσ(k) + dλj ∧ dλσ(0) · · · ∧ dλ
\ σ(i) · · · ∧ dλσ(k)
j∈range σ j ∈range
/ σ
pj ∈Star(c)
+ dλj ∧ dλσ(0) · · · ∧ dλ
\ σ(i) · · · ∧ dλσ(k) .
j ∈range
/ σ
pj ∈Star(c)
For all j such that pj ∈/ Star(c), dλj ∧ dλσ(0) · · · ∧ dλ \ σ(i) · · · ∧ dλσ(k) is identically zero because dλj is
supported outside Star(c) while dλσ(0) · · · ∧ dλ
\ σ(i) · · · ∧ dλσ(k) is supported inside Star(c). Using this fact
together with the antisymmetry of the wedge product, we see that
0 = (−1)i dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) + dλj ∧ dλσ(0) · · · ∧ dλ\ σ(i) · · · ∧ dλσ(k) ,
j ∈range
/ σ
pj ∈Star(c)
The next result is all but stated explicitly in Whitney’s treatise [89]. This theorem says that we can
completely understand simplicial cohomology using differential forms, even if the forms we deal with are
piecewise linear. That is, all topological
information contained in the de Rham complex is also contained
in the simpler subcomplex P1− Λ• , d .
Theorem 9.3.10. The Whitney complex is isomorphic (in the category of cochain complexes) to the
simplicial cochain complex by way of the map ϕ taking elementary k–cochains to elementary k–forms.
Proof. By Corollary 9.3.8 each ϕ is an isomorphism. Accordingly, we need only show that ϕ is a morphism
of cochain complexes; that is, the diagram below commutes:
Ck C k+1
ϕ ϕ (9.3.7)
P1− Λk P1− Λk+1
dϕ(c) = (k + 1)! dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) . (9.3.8)
Next, we compute ϕ (∂ ∗ c). Using the explicit formula for the coboundary operator (5.2.3), we have that
ϕ (∂ ∗ c) = (k + 1)! ϕ([pj pσ(0) ...pσ(k) ])
j ∈range
/ σ
pj ∈Star(c)
" k
= (k + 1)! λj dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) − (−1) λσ(i) dλj ∧ dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(i) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) .
j ∈range
/ σ i=0
pj ∈Star(c)
Now, λσ(0) , ..., λσ(k) vanish outside of Star(c). Accordingly, the derivatives of these functions vanish outside
Star(c) as well and we obtain
λj dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) = λj dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) .
j ∈range
/ σ j ∈range
/ σ
pj ∈Star(c)
ϕ (∂ ∗ c) = (k + 1)! λj dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k)
j ∈range
/ σ
− (k + 1)! (−1)i λσ(i) dλj ∧ dλσ(0) ∧ · · · ∧ dλ
\ σ(i) ∧ · · · ∧ dλσ(k) .
i=0 j ∈range
/ σ
pj ∈Star(c)
9.4 Two Big Theorems
In this section, we apply our new knowledge of the Whitney complex to obtain more information about
the cohomology–mimicking properties of FEMs. We prove a deep result that we call the Christiansen
Triple–Decker Theorem [18], telling us that our finite element de Rham complexes have cohomology that
is isomorphic to the L2 de Rham cohomology. Such isomorphisms are independent of the mesh size,
drastically improving Corollary 9.2.2.
Christiansen’s theorem is one of the the great pillars of FEEC, and it certainly represents the culmi-
nation of all the theory we have developed so far. Before proving this theorem, however, we show that
the Whitney complex allows us to re–prove de Rham’s Theorem for polyhedral domains. Thanks to the
Whitney complex, both proofs are almost trivial, amounting to little more than drawing simple diagrams
and applying some basic facts from algebraic topology and linear algebra.
Theorem 9.4.1. (de Rham’s Theorem, Finite Element Version) [5, §5.6, p. 61] The simplicial cohomology
of a polyhedral domain is isomorphic to the L2 de Rham cohomology.
Proof. Let ϕ be the isomorphism taking elementary cochains to elementary forms. We have the following
commuting diagram:
d d d d
··· HΛk−1 HΛk HΛk+1 ···
k−1 k k+1
πh πh πh
d d d d
··· P1− Λk−1 (Th ) P1− Λk (Th ) P1− Λk+1 (Th ) ··· (9.4.1)
ϕ−1 ϕ−1 ϕ−1
∗ ∗ ∗
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂∗
··· C k−1 (Th ) C k (Th ) C k+1 (Th ) ···
Since cohomology is a functor (see Proposition 4.3.4), we may combine Corollary 9.2.2 with Theorem 9.3.10
to see that for sufficiently small h the cohomology of the top row (the de Rham cohomology) is isomorphic
to the cohomology of the bottom row (the simplicial cohomology of Th ). However, after our discussions
in Chapter 5, we know that the simplicial cohomology of Th is the same regardless of how small h is. The
proof is now complete.
Now, we discuss the Christiansen Triple–Decker Theorem, originally proved by Christiansen in 2005
[18]. Even though this theorem is one of the most profound results in all of FEEC, the proof is startlingly
Theorem 9.4.2. (Christiansen Triple–Decker Theorem [18] ) The finite element de Rham complexes
(Λ•h , d) have cohomologies that are isomorphic to the L2 cohomology.
Proof. We begin by building a 3–level commuting diagram (whence the theorem’s colourful name is derived)
using the bounded cochain projections πh from Theorem 9.2.1 and the projections Ihk discussed in the
paragraphs directly above Theorem 9.2.1:
d d d d
··· HΛk−1 HΛk HΛk+1 ···
k−1 k k+1
πh πh πh
d d d d
··· Λk−1
h Λkh Λk+1
h ··· (9.4.2)
k−1 k k+1
Ih Ih Ih
d d d d
··· P1− Λk−1 (Th ) P1− Λk (Th ) P1− Λk+1 (Th ) ···
Since the forms in each Λkh are piecewise smooth with respect to Th , applying the projection operators Ihk
to elements of Λkh indeed makes sense. Now, all of the πhk and Ihk are surjective, hence both of the maps on
cohomology induced by these projections are also surjective. By de Rham’s Theorem, the cohomology of
the lowest level of the diagram is isomorphic to the cohomology of the highest level. Finishing the proof
then amounts to using some basic linear algebra: we cannot have a surjective linear map from a space of
dimension n to a space of dimension strictly greater than n.
With Christiansen’s theorem, we can confidently say that some (not all) finite element methods preserve
de Rham cohomology. Accordingly, we can guarantee that the Hodge–Helmholtz decomposition is roughly
preserved in the discrete setting (at least up to the quality of the approximation of the coderivative δ),
provided we are careful about what finite element spaces we choose.
d d
Figure 9.51: The simplest cohomology–preserving choice of finite element spaces built with the trimmed
family, corresponding to the Whitney complex.
d d
Figure 9.52: The simplest cohomology–preserving choice of finite element spaces built with the regular
Example 9.5.2. We can also repeat the construction of the previous example using the regular family,
obtaining a finite element de Rham complex like so:
d d
− P2 Λ0 (Th ) −
0→ → ?P1 Λ1 (Th ) −
→ P0 Λ2 (Th ) →
− 0.
Again, notice how in the trimmed case the polynomial degrees stay the same, while in the regular case
each rung is one degree lower than the rung to its left. In more customary notation, the above sequence
is written
∇⊥ ∇·
0→− CG(2) −−→ BDM(1) −→ DG(0) → − 0. (9.5.2)
See Figure 9.52 for an illustration. We re–iterate that the cohomology of (9.5.2) is isomorphic to the de
Rham cohomology.
With these two concrete examples in mind, we are in a better position to discuss the Periodic Table
of the Finite Elements and how it helps us develop consistent FEMs. I have included a version of the
Periodic Table here (split between Figures 9.53 and Figures 9.54), though I encourage the reader to visit to look at the interactive web version of the table too (I recommend opening this particular
link in Firefox). The table presented here lists most of the finite element spaces compatible with finite
Figure 9.53: The first two columns of the Periodic Table of the Finite Elements. Cohomology–preserving
families of finite element spaces are arranged horizontally in the first column and diagonally in the second
Figure 9.54: The third and fourth columns of the Periodic Table of the Finite Elements.
element exterior calculus: recent work of Gillette and Kloefkorn [38] indicates that at least one more
column can be added to the table.
Two important remarks on the Periodic Table are in order. First, notice that we only introduced the first
two columns (Figure 9.53) of the table in this thesis, namely those corresponding to finite elements defined
over simplices. The last two columns (Figure 9.54) describe finite elements defined over quadrilaterals.
Readers looking for a brief introduction to the FEEC perspective on quadrilateral finite elements may
consult [3] or [38]. Second, we must describe how the table encodes information on cohomology. Looking
at the fourth row of the first column, we see that it lists precisely the finite element spaces discussed in
Example 9.5.1 (notice, however, that the table ignores the necessity of taking the Hodge star in obtain the
RT space from the trimmed space of 1–forms). So, we can obtain a cohomology–preserving trimmed finite
element de Rham complex just by reading off the spaces in this row from left to right. Checking the other
rows in the first column and using the dictionary between FEEC and classical FEM jargon established in
Chapter 8, we see that this pattern of choosing “good” spaces extends to all polynomial degrees and all
spatial dimensions. However, if we use the same reasoning in the fourth row of the second column, we
do not reproduce Example 9.5.2. So, the strategy for the first column is not universally applicable. If we
are dealing with the second column, we actually have to choose families of spaces lying on diagonal lines
rather than horizontal ones. Indeed, if we start on the k = 0 block of the fifth row of the second column
and work our way up diagonally, we recover the spaces described in Example 9.5.2 (granted, the DG(0)
space isn’t reflected in the second column even though it “should” be there, so there are quite a few things
that the table doesn’t remember for us).
So far in this chapter, we have seen some of the big “punchlines” of FEEC, so before going further a
thorough review is in order. First, we defined bounded cochain projections in an abstract Hilbert complex
setting, using them to make statements about how well we could approximate cohomology when passing
to a subcomplex. Then, we introduced finite element de Rham complexes using the two main families of
finite element spaces from Chapter 8 and proved a weak result on their capacity to mimic exact de Rham
cohomology. From there, we studied the Whitney complex (P1− Λ• (Th ) , d) in great detail, proving that its
cohomology is isomorphic to the simplicial cohomology of Th . Our examination of the Whitney complex
led us to a finite element–theoretic proof of de Rham’s Theorem and then into Christiansen’s Triple
Decker Theorem, which says we are guaranteed to reproduce de Rham cohomology on the discrete level,
irrespective of a particular triangulation, provided we choose finite element spaces fitting together to give
a subcomplex of the de Rham complex. After all of this heavy–lifting with general theory, we concluded by
presenting some nice visual ways of thinking about the cohomology of FEMs. This endeavour culminated
with a discussion of the Periodic Table of the Finite Elements. We saw that we could use the Periodic
Table to find cohomology–preserving choices of finite element spaces by going horizontally in the first
column (trimmed family) and diagonally in the second column (regular family).
Remark 9.5.3. I have developed a computer demo that the reader may consult to see how the choices
of finite element spaces advocated in this section can be applied to numerically solve a family of elliptic
PDEs. Additionally, the demo includes the option to use finite element spaces not recommended by FEEC.
Choosing these “bad” spaces can result in the numerical routine performing quite poorly, especially when
compared to the “good” choices informed by FEEC. See Appendix A to learn how to download the demo,
and to see a list of the software requirements you’ll need to actually use it.
Part II
Chapter 10
In this Chapter we derive and investigate some basic properties of the Green–Naghdi equations (GN),
a system of PDEs arising in ideal hydrodynamics. The GN generalize the more well–known shallow water
equations (SW) that describe the vertically averaged motion of a thin layer of ideal fluid by adding some
dispersive terms to the evolution equation for fluid velocity. These extra terms scale with the square of
the relative thickness of the fluid layer and represent the influence of deviations from hydrostatic balance.
Like the SW, the GN can easily be extended to include the effects of a rotating spatial domain, and so
can potentially serve as a useful model in geophysical fluid dynamics. When we consider the GN or SW
in a rotating reference frame I add an “R” (for “rotating”) to the acronym, so for example “RGN” stands
for “rotating Green–Naghdi equations”.
Owing to the fact that the GN allow for non–hydrostatic effects, they should describe a wider range of
physical phenomena than the SW and therefore be more realistic. This is indeed the case, but there is a
more specific reason why the GN are preferable to the SW from a computational physicist’s perspective.
Namely, the tendency for numerical simulations of the SW to develop shocks can be curbed by working
with the GN instead: the additional dispersive terms present in GN tend to make solutions “spread out”
in space, counteracting nonlinear steepening. The shock smoothing properties are the primary reason why
we focus on the GN, rather than the SW, in the numerical simulations described in Chapter 12 .
Remark 10.0.1. The reader who is skeptical about my claim that the GN are less susceptible to shock
formation than the SW is encouraged to wait patiently until Section 12.4 and Appendix A, where we discuss
a Firedrake demo allowing the user to easily switch between solving the GN or the SW. Using this demo
to simulate the propagation of a single wave over a sudden “jump” in the seafloor, you can very quickly
convince yourself that the GN are less likely to develop shocks than the SW.
The RSW (and, by proxy, the SW) have been used to describe oceanic flows for over a century, ap-
pearing in their linearized form at least as early as 1880 in an article by Lord Kelvin [86]. As Kelvin
himself indicates, many of the simplifying physical assumptions used to obtain the RSW were used in the
eighteenth century by Laplace to derive equations governing the tides. So, in a loose sense, some of the
ideas associated to the RSW have been around almost as long as mathematical fluid dynamics itself. Ad-
ditionally, mid–twentieth–century investigations of the RSW revealed that they provide a relatively simple
mathematical description of various physical phenomena investigated by oceanographers in the 1930s and
1940s; by studying the RSW, scientists could better quantify the “profound intuitive insights” [67, p. 58] of
oceanographers like Rossby and Stommel. Hence, the RSW became a ubiquitous mathematical modeling
tool in geophysical fluid dynamics.
Conversely, the GN are much younger and much less famous than the SW. The 1D version of the GN
first appeared in a 1953 paper of François Serre [78, Equation 22], and was independently rediscovered
by Su and Gardner in 1969. The full GN, valid in both one and two space dimensions, were obtained
in 1976 by Green and Naghdi [40], who derived the model by imposing certain invariance requirements
on the Euler equations of ideal fluid motion. Later, different authors began to investigate the GN from
the perspective of Lagrangian (that is, variational) and Hamiltonian classical field theory. Miles and
Salmon [58] showed how the RGN could be derived using variational principles, and Camassa et al. [16]
subsequently demonstrated that the RGN can be written as a non–canonical Lie–Poisson Hamiltonian
system. Both of these publications were largely focused on applications of the RGN to oceanography,
though the uses of this model are (potentially) not limited to the terrestrial: Dellar [26] applied the
Hamiltonian description of the RGN to derive a model for the dynamics of the solar tachocline, a thin,
rotating plasma layer within the Sun. The derivation of the GN and RGN presented in this chapter follows
Dellar’s approach, though we do not discuss any of the electromagnetic effects required for applications to
In Section 10.1, we derive the GN using techniques from Hamiltonian fluid dynamics. In Section
10.2, we explain how the Hamiltonian description of the GN can be doctored to accommodate a rotating
reference frame. In Section 10.3, we study some geophysically significant solutions to the linearized RGN.
In this chapter, the Einstein summation convention is always in effect, all functionals have unique
variational derivatives (we say that such functionals are smooth), and unless otherwise stated all smooth
vector fields are compactly supported.
Then, h represents the depth of the fluid (see Figure 10.11). We denote the fluid’s velocity by u =
(u, v, w) ∈ X (Ω). The simplifying physical constraints imposed on the GN are as follows:
Assumption 1 immediately implies the no–normal flow boundary condition w|z=0 = 0 and the divergence–
free condition ∂x u+∂y v+∂z w = 0. The same assumptions are used to derive the shallow water equations
(SW) in the Hamiltonian setting. However, when deriving the SW we demand that if h0 is a typical scale
h(x, y, t)
Figure 10.11: Definition of the depth h. The solid curve represents the free surface of the fluid, and the
dashed line illustrates the physical meaning of h as the distance between the flat bottom (z = 0 here) and
the free surface.
for depth and ` is a typical scale for horizontal length then the aspect ratio h0 /` is small and only terms
up to but not including O(h20 /`2 ) are kept. Accordingly, the GN and SW differ only by a scale assumption.
Remark 10.1.1. Some of the assumptions stated above can be neglected to derive more general versions
of the GN. For instance, the assumption of constant unit density can easily be relaxed to investigate more
diverse physical phenomena such as stratification. Additionally, some authors study the GN on a domain
with nontrivial bottom topography [16]; we postpone the discussion of topography to Section 10.2 and defer
most of the details to [16].
To obtain the GN via Hamiltonian formalism, we must write down an expression for the energy density
HGN (x, y, z) of the fluid occupying Ω. Naturally, the energy density is given by
1 2
HGN (x, y, z) = |u| + gz, (10.1.1)
the sum of kinetic energy density and gravitational potential energy density. Integrating HGN over Ω, we
obtain the total energy, or Hamiltonian, as
Z ∞ Z ∞ Z h(x,y,t)
HGN = dx dy dz |u|2 + 2gz. (10.1.2)
2 −∞ −∞ 0
To simplify HGN , we explicitly evaluate the integral with respect to z. Let ∇H = ∂x x̂ + ∂y ŷ denote
the horizontal gradient operator and uH = (u, v) denote the horizontal part of the velocity vector. Then,
integrating the incompressibility constraint and using assumptions 2 and 3,
w = −z ∇H · uH . (10.1.3)
Plugging (10.1.3) into (10.1.2) yields
1 ∞
Z Z ∞ Z h(x,y,t)
HGN = dx dy dz u2 + v 2 + z 2 [∇H · uH ] + 2gz
2 −∞ −∞ 0
1 ∞
Z Z ∞
1 2
= dx dy gh2 + h|uH |2 + h3 [∇H · uH ] .
2 −∞ −∞ 3
We would therefore throw away the term with the 1/3 in front if we wanted to derive the SW. However,
we do not assume a small aspect ratio, meaning that these terms must now be retained. Dropping the
subscripts “H” yields the final expression for the Green–Naghdi Hamiltonian:
1 1
HGN = dx dy gh2 + h|u|2 + h3 |∇ · u|2 . (10.1.5)
2 3
We have suppressed the limits of integration for notational ease.
Recall that the Lagrangian of a mechanical system is equal to
Solutions (u, h) of the GN correspond to stationary points of the Lagrangian functional [58], but we do
not make use of this variational paradigm in the sequel.
Remark 10.1.2. We could have also assumed that our domain was given by
and obtained the same Hamiltonian (up to changing the domain of integration), provided we demand that
the normal component of the horizontal velocity vanishes on ∂Ω0 . All of the derivations performed in
this chapter can be repeated for bounded domains as long as this boundary condition is satisfied (periodic
boundary conditions also work, too).
Having found a convenient expression for the governing Hamiltonian HGN , we may turn to writing down
the non–canonical momentum m = δ`δu GN
and the Poisson bracket {·, ·} governing the equations of
motion. We calculate the momentum m explicitly first, and then turn to [26] to obtain an appropriate
form of the Poisson bracket. The reader requiring a primer on variational calculus might want to skim
[41, Chapter 2] or [84, pp. 52–55] before proceeding.
Remark 10.1.3. {·, ·} can be derived from scratch using the theory of Hamiltonian flows on semidirect
products, but such a derivation is beyond the scope of this thesis. Interested readers are encouraged to see
[44]. The semidirect product approach demonstrates that {·, ·} is actually a Lie–Poisson bracket arising
from a “reduction” of the Lagrangian description of the flow (that is, studying the flow by analyzing the
evolution of each little fluid parcel). Accordingly, we get that {·, ·} actually satisfies the definition of a
Poisson bracket immediately, thus avoiding a long, tedious verification of the Jacobi identity [26, §IV].
Before finding the equations of motion (that is, expressions for ∂t m and ∂t h), HGN must be written
in terms of m and h; u is now considered to be a function of m and h, not an independent field variable.
Appyling the Divergence Theorem and recalling that u vanishes at infinity, we have
HGN = dx dy gh2 + m · u. (10.1.8)
Proposition 10.1.5.
= u and (10.1.9a)
δHGN 1 1
= gh − |u|2 − h2 |∇ · u|2 . (10.1.9b)
δh 2 2
Proof. Observe that
HGN (m, h) = hm, ui − `GN (h, u). (10.1.10)
With (10.1.10) in mind, we proceed via prodigious application of the variational chain rule and the fact
that δm = 0 (because m and h are independent). The derivative with respect to momentum is given by
= u,
hence (10.1.9a) holds.
Remembering that u depends on h according to (10.1.7), we have
δHGN δ hm, ui δ`GN δ`GN δu
= − − ,
δh δh δh δu δh
δm δu δ`GN δ`GN δu
= , u + m, − − ,
δh δh δh δu δh
δ`GN δu δ`GN
= h0, ui + m − , −
δu δh δh
=− . (10.1.11)
Using (10.1.6), δh is trivially given by
δ`GN 1 1
= −gh + |u|2 + h2 |∇ · u|2 . (10.1.12)
δh 2 2
Combining and (10.1.11) and (10.1.12), we obtain (10.1.9b).
Remark 10.1.6. In the jargon of geometric mechanics, (10.1.10) tells us that HGN is the partial Leg-
endre transform of `GN [44, p. 27].
Remark 10.1.7. A shorter alternative proof involves just computing δHGN and comparing the terms
involving δm and δh, analogous to the usual derivation of Hamilton’s canonical equations seen in an
intermediate mechanics course. The interested reader may consult [43, p. 24] for further details.
Now, we are ready to write down an expression for the Poisson bracket which generates the GN. Let
F and G be functionals of m and h. Their Poisson bracket is defined by [26]
Z −(mj ∂i + ∂j mi ) −h∂i δmj
δF δF
{F, G} = dx dy δmi δh
. (10.1.13)
−∂j h 0 δG
This is the same Poisson bracket used to derive the usual SW using Hamiltonian formalism (see for example
[25]). Let’s therefore refer to {·, ·} as the shallow water bracket.
Recall that the time rate of change of a functional F as it moves with the Hamiltonian flow generated
by HGN is
∂t F = {F, HGN } .
Recall also that, if δ((x, y) − (x0 , y0 )) denotes the Dirac function on R2 × R2 , we have that
Then, combining the above expressions with (10.1.13),(10.1.9a), and (10.1.9b) we obtain the equations of
motion as
∂t h = −∇ · h = −∇ · (hu) and (10.1.14a)
∂t m = −mj ∇ − ∂j m − h∇
δmj δm j δh
1 2 1 2 2
= −mj ∇uj − ∂j (m uj ) − h∇ gh − |u| − h |∇ · u| . (10.1.14b)
2 2
(10.1.14a) is the continuity equation familiar from the theory of the SW (that is, only the evolution
equation for momentum changes when we go from SW to GN). If we integrate both sides of (10.1.14a)
over a domain Σ ⊆ R2 with unit outward normal n and then apply the Divergence Theorem, we see that
h dx dy = − hu · n ds. (10.1.15)
dt Σ ∂Σ
Physically, (10.1.15) says that the only changes to the total fluid mass in a given area Σ are due to the
transport of fluid in and out of Σ by the velocity field. So, the continuity equation is nothing more than
the infinitesimal expression of mass conservation. In Chapter 11, we discuss methods to ensure that the
law of mass conservation remains satisfied in numerical simulations of the GN.
10.2 Adding the Effects of Rotation
We now modify the GN to describe a fluid moving through a spatial domain rotating about the z–axis
with constant angular velocity. The resulting system of PDEs is referred to as the rotating Green–
Naghdi equations (RGN), generalizing the rotating shallow water equations (RSW) to (vertically
averaged) flows with an arbitrary aspect ratio. To derive the RGN, we utilize methods previously applied
in [26, §IV] and [79, §4.4]. First we make a change of field variables, then we appeal to physical intuition
in order to derive an alternative Poisson bracket accommodating information about rotation. We call this
modified bracket the rotating shallow water bracket {·, ·}rot .
As a “rabbit out of a hat,” we implement the change of variables m 7→ v = (1/h) m, allowing us to
rewrite HGN as Z
HGN = h v · u + gh2 dx dy. (10.2.1)
The variable v does not have a standard name in the fluid dynamics literature. We refer to it as the
pseudovelocity because, in the small aspect ratio regime, v = u.
Proposition 10.2.1.
= hu and (10.2.2a)
δHGN 1 1 2
= gh − |u|2 − h2 (∇ · u) + v · u. (10.2.2b)
δh 2 2
Proof. Combine the variational chain rule with Proposition 10.1.5.
The next proposition provides motivation for the form of the rotating shallow water bracket.
Proposition 10.2.2. Let F, G be functionals of v = (v1 , v2 ) and h. Using the variables (v, h), the shallow
water bracket {·, ·} is given by
− ẑ·(∇×v)
0 h ∂x δv1
δF δF δF ẑ·(∇×v)
{F, G} = − δv1 δv2 δh 0 δv2 dx dy.
∂y (10.2.3)
∂x ∂y 0 δh
Proof. First, we re–write the shallow water bracket with a 3 × 3 operator matrix. Explicitly writing out
the sums in (10.1.13) and letting the superscript T denote matrix transposition, we have
δF T δG
δm1 m1 ∂x + ∂x m1 m2 ∂x + ∂y m1 h∂x δm1
δF δG
− {F, G} = dx dy δm2
m1 ∂y + ∂x m2
m2 ∂y + ∂y m2 h∂y δm2
. (10.2.4)
δF ∂x h ∂y h 0 δG
δh δh
The above form of the shallow water bracket is much more convenient for changing to the variables (v, h).
For the rest of this proof, we use the convention that a subscript following a derivative in parentheses
indicates that the derivative is taken while holding constant the variable in the subscript (such a convention
is common in classical thermodynamics). Using the variational chain rule [41, p. 37],
δF δF δF δF δF
= +v· and =h . (10.2.5)
δh v δh m δm δv δm
Therefore, δF δF
δm1 1 0 0 δv1
= h−1 0
δm2 1 0
δF −v1 −v2 δF
h δh v
Plugging (10.2.6) into (10.2.4) (while harmlessly neglecting the dx dy in the integral), we get
δF T −1 δG
−h−1 v1 (m1 ∂x + ∂x m1 ) h−1
δv1 h 0 (m2 ∂x + ∂y m1 ) h∂x 0 0 δv1
h−1 −h−1 v2 h−1
− {F, G} =
δv2 0 (m1 ∂y + ∂x m2 )
(m2 ∂y + ∂y m2 ) 0
h∂y 0
δF 0 −h−1 v1 −h−1 v2 δG
0 0 1 ∂x h ∂y h 1 δh v
Simplifying the entries in the upper 2 × 2 block of the operator matrix completes the proof.
The quantity ẑ · (∇ × v), related to the vertical component of the fluid’s vorticity (when the aspect
ratio is small, this is precisely the vertical component of vorticity), appears very clearly in the shallow
water bracket after changing variables. Reasonably, we should be able go from {·, ·} to {·, ·}rot by simply
including the rotating frame’s contribution to “vorticity” in that part of {·, ·} depending on “vorticity”,
namely the upper 2 × 2 block of the operator matrix in (10.2.3). To this end, we introduce the potential
vorticity, q: if f denotes the Coriolis parameter (a constant equal to twice the angular frequency of
the domain’s rotation), then
. f + ẑ · (∇ × v)
q(x, y, t) = . (10.2.7)
In keeping with the loose discussion above we see that q takes into account both the effects of rotation
and the curl of the velocity field, hence it contains information on the mean total vorticity of the fluid.
So, intuitively, we see that {·, ·}rot can be obtained by just replacing the quantity ẑ·(∇×v)
h appearing in
(10.2.3) with q. Thus, we have argued that
0 −q ∂x δv1
δF δF δF
{F, G}rot = − δv1 δv2 δh q 0 ∂y
δv2 dx dy.
∂x ∂y 0 δG
In the case of a non-rotating frame f = 0 and so {·, ·}rot reduces to {·, ·}, helping to cement the validity
of our intuitive argument.
Using the definition of the Hamiltonian flow generated by HGN (v, h) and {·, ·}rot , the RGN are found
to be [26]
ζ = ẑ · (∇ × v) , (10.2.9a)
∇ h3 ∇ · u ,
v =u− (10.2.9b)
1 1 2
∂t v + (f + ζ) ẑ × u + ∇ gh − |u|2 + v · u − h2 (∇ · u) = 0, and (10.2.9c)
2 2
∂t h + ∇ · (hu) = 0. (10.2.9d)
Observe how we have defined the pseudovorticity ζ as an auxiliary variable in an extended system
of governing equations. This choice of notation serves to help simplify the finite element discretization of
(10.2.9) in Chapter 3.
Remark 10.2.3. The identity
∂t q + u · ∇q = 0 (10.2.10)
holds (this is justified by symmetry principles in [58]); physically, this equation tells us that we see no
change in potential vorticity while moving with a fluid that evolves according to (10.2.9). See [76, pp.
61–63] for a discussion of the physical importance of q in the RSW case.
Note the similarities between (10.2.9c) and the vector–invariant form of the RSW, which is precisely
the Hamiltonian form of the RSW in (v, h) variables (recall that in the SW regime v = u). For future
reference, we write down this form of the RSW below:
ζ = ẑ · (∇ × u) , (10.2.11a)
∂t u + (f + ζ) (ẑ × u) + ∇ gh + |u|2 = 0, and (10.2.11b)
∂t h + ∇ · (hu) = 0. (10.2.11c)
So, there are two main differences between the RGN and the RSW: the presence of the pseudovelocity
variable v, and the specific form of the Bernoulli function (the scalar function inside the gradient in
(10.2.9c) and (10.2.11b)).
z =0
H h=η+H
Figure 10.21: Definition of h, H, and η. The green curve represents the seafloor and the blue curve
represents the free surface of the fluid.
Then, we defer to [16, Equations 3.12, 4.16, 4.18] to see that the RGN with topography may be written
ζ = ẑ · (∇ × v) , (10.2.13a)
1 1 1
∇ h3 ∇ · u − ∇ h2 u · ∇H + (h∇ · u) ∇H + (u · ∇H) ∇H,
v =u− (10.2.13b)
3h 2h 2
1 2 1 2
∂t v + (f + ζ) ẑ × u + ∇ g(h − H) − |u| + v · u − (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) = 0, and (10.2.13c)
2 2
∂t h + ∇ · (hu) = 0. (10.2.13d)
So, adding bottom topography makes the pseudovelocity much more complicated, while the other
equations are mostly unchanged. Sometimes (for instance, in Section 12.4), we use the letter η to denote
the difference between depth h and seafloor height H (see Figure 10.21). η is called the free surface
10.2.2 Non–dimensionalization
Before going any further, we take a moment to non–dimensionalize the RGN (including topographic
terms) and examine what dimensionless quantities are most important in determining the behaviour of
these equations; understanding these dimensionless quantities is important for appreciating some of the
numerical tests featured in future chapters. Let’s scale our variables as
h∗ = h0 h,
t∗ = T t,
u∗ = U u,
v∗ = U v, and
(x , y ∗ ) = L(x, y).
Ro = U/f L,
Fr = U/ gh0 , and
γ = (h0 /L) ,
Additionally, if we add viscosity to the RGN then the dynamics is also influenced by yet another dimen-
sionless parameter, the famous Reynolds number. Recall that, if ν denotes the kinematic viscosity of
our fluid, then the Reynolds number is defined by
Re = U L/ν.
We see that the larger the Reynolds number is, the less important viscosity becomes, so the limit Re → ∞
corresponds to an ideal fluid. The non–dimensionalized momentum equation with f = 0, modified to
include viscous dissipation, reads
1 1 2 γ 2 1
∂t v + ζ ẑ × u + ∇ 2 (h − H) + v · u − 2 |u| − 2 (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) + ∆v = 0.
Fr Re
For any smooth depth field h(x, y), then, we may use (10.3.3) to obtain a valid steady solution to the
RGN. Such solutions are said to be in geostrophic balance, representing states where gravity and the
Coriolis effect tend to cancel each other out. Geostrophically balanced solutions are familiar from regular
RSW theory [76, Chapter 2].
Remark 10.3.1. The geostrophic balance condition (10.3.3) just says that u has a streamfunction, and
that this streamfunction is proportional to the depth h.
Many large–scale oceanic processes can be understood by separating the flow into two parts:
1) a geostrophic component, corresponding to prominent quasi–static features such as large vortices, and
2) a “fast” component, corresponding to (usually small) rapidly propagating waves perturbing the balance.
Geostrophically balanced velocity fields are divergence–free and, as we shall see in the next subsection,
most fast waves have nonzero divergence. Accordingly, the two components of a large-scale oceanic flow
can mathematically be distinguished by way of a Helmholtz decomposition of the velocity field u. In light
of Part 1, the importance of Helmholtz decompositions in the theory of large–scale flows immediately
suggests that FEEC provides a useful setting for the discretization of the RGN.
By plugging (10.3.4) into (10.3.2) we can find the dispersion relation, an implicit expression for ω as
a function of k and `. In order to obtain the dispersion relation, however, we must first “compress” the
system (10.3.2) to get a single PDE involving only h. First, differentiate both sides of (10.3.2b) with
respect to x and both sides of (10.3.2c) with respect to y. Then, adding the resulting equations and letting
∆ = −∂x2 − ∂y2 denote the Laplacian operator, we have
∂t (∂x u + ∂y v) − g∆h + f (∂y u − ∂x v) = − ∂tt ∆h. (10.3.5)
We can simplify (10.3.5) using the linearized continuity equation (10.3.2a) and doing a bit of re–arranging,
yielding 2
− gh0 ∆h − ∂tt ∆h + h = f h0 (∂x v − ∂y u) . (10.3.6)
To completely isolate h in (10.3.6) we take the curl of the momentum equations (10.3.2b) and (10.3.2c),
as is customary in geophysics. That is, we compute ∂x (10.3.2c)−∂y (10.3.2b) to obtain an expression for
∂x v − ∂y u. Doing so, we have
∂t (∂x v − ∂y u) = ∂t h . (10.3.7)
∂x v − ∂y u = h. (10.3.8)
Combining (10.3.6) with (10.3.8), we obtain the desired decoupled wave equation summarizing (10.3.2):
f 2 h + gh0 ∆h = −∂tt h + 0 ∆h . (10.3.9)
(10.3.9) is, as readers who have studied the RSW might expect, the Klein–Gordon equation modulo some
extra dispersive terms on the order of aspect ratio squared.
Plugging the wave ansatz (10.3.4) into (10.3.9), we obtain the dispersion relation
2 f 2 + gh0 k 2 + `2
ω = h2
. (10.3.10)
1 + 30 (k 2 + `2 )
where ω, k, and ` denote the dimensionless versions of the corresponding variables. When γ → 0, we
recover the dispersion relation of the usual RSW [76, p. 70]. Hence, the linearized RGN can be viewed as
a slight tweak of the linear RSW by a modification of the dispersion relation, though this is not a great
surprise. Also, as γ becomes larger (that is, as we leave the regime of validity for the shallow-water model),
the dispersion relation indicates that gravity waves have a smaller phase velocity
. ω
c= √ (k, `).
k + `2
To completely solve for the linear gravity wave solutions, we must find polarization relations connecting
the amplitude parameters U, V, H which appear in (10.3.4). To begin, assume that
U = H Ũ and V = H Ṽ .
Let us also take H ∈ R for simplicity. Then, with the above assumptions in mind, we plug (10.3.4) into
the momentum equations (10.3.2b), (10.3.2c) to obtain a system of linear algebraic equations for the two
unknowns Ũ , Ṽ , given by
− ω Ũ + if Ṽ = −gk + kω 2 , (10.3.12a)
− ω Ṽ − if Ũ = −g` + `ω 2 . (10.3.12b)
Solving (10.3.12), we have
g − h0 ω 2
Ũ = 2 3 2 (ωk + if `) , and (10.3.13a)
ω −f
g − h30 ω 2
Ṽ = (ω` − if k) . (10.3.13b)
ω2 − f 2
Using the above expressions and taking the real parts of (10.3.4), we may finally write down the linear
gravity wave solutions to (10.3.2) in terms of a single small amplitude parameter H and the phase θ =
kx + `y − ωt as follows:
h(x, y, t) = h0 + H cos θ, (10.3.14a)
H g − h30 ω 2
u(x, y, t) = (ω` cos θ + f k sin θ) , (10.3.14b)
ω2 − f 2
H g − h30 ω 2
v(x, y, t) = (ωk cos θ − f ` sin θ) . (10.3.14c)
ω2 − f 2
We may easily verify that the divergence of these linear gravity waves is nonzero in general, as promised
in the previous subsection (recall that small disturbances to balanced states physically correspond to the
fast component of a geophysical flow).
To review, we have used this section to study elementary solutions to the linearized RGN. Specifically,
we introduced geostrophically balanced states and linear gravity waves. When investigating numerical
models of oceanic flows in future chapters, we sometimes separate the flow into two parts: one component
corresponding to the “balanced part” of the flow, and the other component corresponding to the “wave–
like part” of the flow. Because balanced states have zero divergence, such separation is nothing more
than a Helmholtz decomposition. Since we developed extensive theory on discrete Hodge–Helmholtz
decompositions in Part 1, we can be confident that our simulations of the RGN will mostly preserve the
separation of a flow into fast and slow parts (that is, a numerical approximation of a balanced state still
satisfies a necessary condition for balance), provided that our numerical method is developed with FEEC
in mind.
Chapter 11
The main goal of this chapter is to describe two mixed finite element methods for the (R)GN, both
of which involve a choice of finite element spaces informed by FEEC. We first formulate the (R)GN
semi–discretely, leaving time as a continuous variable and discretizing the spatial derivatives using the
Galerkin approach described in Chapter 6. In the semi–discrete setting, we suppose that all variables
are continuously differentiable with respect to time, even though the spatial derivatives may only exist
in the weak sense (sometimes, the spatial derivatives may not even exist at all). Time discretization,
accomplished via finite differences, is not mentioned until the penultimate section of this chapter. Also,
for the sake of generality, we almost always write down discretizations of the full RGN with topography
(10.2.13), even though we do not include rotation and topography in every simulation. Note that we only
consider either periodic boundary conditions or no–normal flow conditions (the normal components of u
and v vanish on the boundary of the domain).
The first FEM I introduce, referred to as the upwind method, employs a well–known strategy from
numerical PDE theory to handle difficulties with defining the mass flux hu on interelement boundaries.
These difficulties are a consequence of placing the approximate depth h in a finite element space of dis-
continuous functions. The second method, which we call the H(div)–flux method, completely bypasses
the aforementioned issues by projecting hu onto a div–conforming finite element space. The H(div)–flux
method also conserves vorticity and energy at the semi–discrete level.
In Section 11.1, I briefly outline why FEEC provides an especially useful context for designing FEMs
in geophysical fluid dynamics. In Section 11.2, I introduce FEEC–inspired choices of finite element spaces
suitable for use in mixed methods for the (R)GN. We then use these spaces to design an FEM for the
linear RGN that ensures balanced states remain steady. In Section 11.3 we derive the upwind method
for the (R)GN. In Section 11.4, I introduce the H(div)–flux method and prove that it conserves mass,
vorticity, and energy. In Section 11.5, I state the finite difference method used for time discretization. In
Section 11.6, I give a brief review of some recent papers on numerical methods for the (R)GN to better
contextualize our work and to direct curious readers to alternative approaches.
11.1 Why is FEEC Good for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics?
After reading over 140 pages of theory on FEEC, the reader is certainly justified in asking for an answer
to the above question. In this section, we build on our discussion of GN in Chapter 10 to demonstrate
that FEEC provides a good framework for discretizing models in geophysical fluid dynamics. For more
thorough discussions in this vein, I recommend [21, 22].
First, we briefly review some results from Part 1. We have seen that one of the main “punchlines” of
FEEC is the construction of commuting diagrams like the one below:
d d d d
··· HΛk−1 HΛk HΛk+1 ···
πh k
πh (11.1.1)
d d d d
··· Λk−1
h Λkh Λk+1
h ···
Recall that the upper level of the diagram represents the function spaces where the PDE of interest is
(weakly) posed and the lower level represents the finite element spaces in which we look for approximate
solutions to the PDE. Using the Triple–Decker Theorem, we know that the cohomology of the upper
complex is isomorphic to the cohomology of the lower complex provided we choose finite element spaces
carefully. After the discussion at the end of Chapter 9, finding good choices of finite element spaces is easy
if we use the Periodic Table (choose spaces on horizontal lines in the first column, and on diagonal lines in
the second column). So, one of the most important algebraic properties of a PDE can be easily preserved
in a finite element discretization.
Now, what is the significance of diagrams like (11.1.1) in the context of geophysical fluid dynamics?
The answer becomes more transparent if we write down a special case of the commuting diagram and
use different notation. Suppose Ω ⊆ R2 is a polyhedral domain. In this case, ?HΛ1 (Ω) can be identified
with H(div; Ω), the space of all square–integrable rough vector fields on Ω with weak divergence in L2 (Ω).
Similarly, Hodge duality allows us to identify L2 (Ω) ' L2 Λ2 (Ω). Then, the de Rham complex of Ω can be
written as
∇⊥ ∇·
HΛ0 (Ω) −−→ H(div; Ω) −→ L2 (Ω). (11.1.2)
So, if we switch to denoting finite element spaces by V k , we may write (11.1.1) in this simple case as
∇⊥ ∇·
HΛ0 (Ω) H(div; Ω) L2 (Ω)
πh 1
πh 2
πh (11.1.3)
∇ ∇·
V0 V1 V2
So, if all of the requirements outlined in Chapter 9 are satisfied, then any vector field u ∈ H(div; Ω) with
zero divergence is interpolated onto a vector field πh1 u ∈ V 1 with zero divergence. Now, I stated in Chapter
10 that many large–scale, quasi–static features in geophysical flows can be described as geostrophically
balanced solutions to the linearized RGN (or RSW). The velocity field of a balanced state is characterized
by being in the range of ∇⊥ . With the commuting diagram (11.1.3) in mind, then, FEEC tells us that
the interpolation of a balanced state onto V 1 is in the range of ∇⊥ |V 0 . So, just using the commutativity
of (11.1.3), we know that an approximation of a balanced state itself satisfies a necessary condition for
balance. Actually, in the next section we prove (following [21]) that numerical approximations of balanced
states are exactly steady in the linear limit. Therefore, the commuting diagram property of (11.1.3)
guarantees that one of the most important components of a geophysical flow is preserved in special finite
element discretizations.
The utility of FEEC in fluid dynamics is not limited to preserving balanced states. Other models in fluid
mechanics have important connections to cohomology, usually by way of an elliptic equation appearing in
the system of governing PDEs. For example, the Stokes equations (governing the equilibrium behaviour
of fluids at low Reynolds numbers) include a vector Poisson equation. In Chapter 9, we discussed at
length how important discrete cohomology preservation is when dealing with finite element solutions to
vector Poisson equations: if we choose finite element spaces poorly, we can end up with a simulation that
appears to be solving the vector Laplace equation instead. So, FEEC may be very helpful in designing
and analyzing computational models of fluid flow in many different applications.
V 0 = CG(r + 1), V 1 = BDM(r), and V 2 = DG(r − 1).
The above choices correspond to the trimmed and regular finite element de Rham complexes on Ω, respec-
tively. That is,
∇⊥ ∇·
V 0 −−→ V 1 −→ V 2 .
is true for either choice of spaces. We demand that ζ ∈ V 0 , u, v ∈ V 1 , and h ∈ V 2 . In light of the
fact that simulations should preserve the balanced components of a flow, the demand that u live in a
div–conforming space is obvious; if we can’t take the divergence of our velocity, we can’t test the easiest
necessary condition for balance. However, the reader may be wondering why we want to choose h to be
discontinuous. I intend to make the reasoning behind this choice clear in the next subsection. Anyone who
has studied finite volume methods, however, should need no convincing that h ought to live in a space of
discontinuous functions. The choice ζ ∈ V 0 allows us to prove that the PV equation (10.2.10) is weakly
satisfied when the H(div)–flux method is used.
Recall that the spaces V k contain information about boundary conditions. For example, if periodic
boundary conditions are applied to the system, then every function in each V k must satisfy periodic bound-
ary conditions. Similarly, if no–normal flow boundary conditions are used, then the normal components of
every vector field in V 1 must vanish on the boundary. I often do not emphasize the particular boundary
conditions encoded in the V k , largely for the sake of convenience; since I want to undertake all of the
analysis in this chapter for both periodic and no–normal flow conditions simultaneously, I do not wish to
constantly switch between different notation for different boundary conditions.
Remark 11.2.1. There are other assignments of variables to finite element spaces that still respect FEEC.
For example, in [22] the authors “dualize” the above choices so that both the curl and the divergence of
the velocity field can be computed, but we won’t worry about such constructions here. Additionally, one
can sometimes get away with using choices of finite element spaces not included in the periodic table [21],
provided the V k still form a subcomplex of the de Rham complex with an associated bounded projection.
Now, to describe an FEM, we need to specify the spaces where each variable lives and the weak form of
the governing equations. We have already taken care of the first task, so most of our effort in the remainder
of this chapter is focused on obtaining usable semi-discrete weak forms of the RGN. Before moving on to
the fully nonlinear equations, however, I illustrate how to use the choices of finite element spaces outlined
above to put the linear RGN in a useful semi–discrete weak form. Following this, we see that the mixed
framework keeps balanced states exactly steady. I then explain why choosing h to be discontinuous is
helpful. In the linear case, we actually prefer to work with the free surface deformation η rather than the
layer depth h (see Figure 10.21), but the idea is exactly the same: we pick η ∈ V 2 .
Now, the linear RGN with constant ambient depth H may be written as
v =u− ∇ (∇ · u) , (11.2.1a)
0 = ∂t v + f ẑ × u + g∇η, and (11.2.1b)
0 = ∂t η + H∇ · u. (11.2.1c)
Note that, in the linear case, we don’t bother dealing with the vorticity at all. Recall also that balanced
states are defined by
u = ∇⊥ η .
We first derive the appropriate weak form of (11.2.1) given the choices of finite element spaces V k
outlined above. Using integration by parts, we can quickly check that the semi–discrete weak form of
(11.2.1) on V 1 × V 1 × V 2 is
λ · v dx dy = λ·u+ (∇ · u) (∇ · λ) dx dy, (11.2.2a)
Ω Ω 3
0= µ · v dx dy + f µ · (ẑ × u) − g (∇ · µ) η dx dy, and (11.2.2b)
dt Ω Ω
0= αη dx dy + Hα∇ · u dx dy. (11.2.2c)
dt Ω Ω
for all test functions λ, µ ∈ V 1 , α ∈ V 2 . In the fully nonlinear case, there is no “preferred” weak form,
and some choices have to be made to effectively handle the mass equation.
Now, in the previous section we saw how working in the FEEC mindset allows us to build discretization
schemes that automatically satisfy a necessary condition for a balanced velocity field having a balanced
approximation. While encouraging, this observation does not guarantee that balanced states remain time–
independent at the semi–discrete level. Accordingly, we would like to prove that the weak linear RGN
(11.2.2) keep balanced flows exactly steady, thus mimicking a crucial property of the system 10.3.2. To do
this, we adapt methods applied in [21, §2.7] to solve the same problem for the linear RSW. Recall that we
always assume either periodic or no–normal flow boundary conditions.
Theorem 11.2.2. Suppose that (u, v, η) ∈ V 1 × V 1 × V 2 satisfies (11.2.2). Further, assume that there
exists ψ ∈ V 0 such that u = ∇⊥ ψ, and that η satisfies the weak form of the geostrophic balance condition,
αη dx dy = αψ dx dy ∀ α ∈ V 2 . (11.2.3)
f Ω Ω
Then, ∂t (u, v, η) = 0.
Therefore, the orthogonal projection of ∂t η onto each basis vector of V 2 is precisely zero. We then have
that ∂t η = 0.
To show that ∂t v = 0, we insert u = ∇⊥ ψ in (11.2.2b), getting
µ · v dx dy = −f µ · (ẑ × (ẑ × ∇ψ)) + g (∇ · µ) η dx dy
dt Ω Ω
= f µ · ∇ψ + g (∇ · µ) η dx dy
= −f (∇ · µ) ψ + g (∇ · µ) η dx dy. (11.2.4)
Our choices of finite element spaces guarantee that ∇ · µ ∈ V 2 for all µ ∈ V 1 . So, we can choose α = ∇ · µ
in (11.2.3) and plug into (11.2.4) to obtain
µ · v dx dy = −g∇ · µ η + g (∇ · µ) η dx dy = 0.
dt Ω Ω
Differentiating this expression with respect to t gives
λ · (∂t v − ∂t u) dx dy = 0.
Since ∂t v = 0, picking λ = ∂t u in the above expression immediately gives us that ∂t u = 0.
So, the mixed formulation of the linear RGN keeps balanced states steady, at least when topography is
constant. This makes us confident that the mixed framework for the fully nonlinear RGN is an appropriate
Remark 11.2.3. Note how the above proof relied on us being able to choose a streamfunction ψ ∈ V 0 .
So, even though the weak form of the governing PDEs does not include any variables living in V 0 , we
still have to define this space (and make sure it obeys the rules of FEEC) to prove statements about the
Before concluding this section, we prove that the weak form (11.2.2) discretely conserves mass. In
doing so, we see that choosing h (or η) to live in a DG space is a critically important step in making sure
that the FEM replicates a vital physical principle underlying the RGN.
Proposition 11.2.4. Suppose that (11.2.2c) is satisfied. Then, for all elements e,
η dx dy = − H u · n ds. (11.2.5)
dt e ∂e
In particular, mass is globally conserved.
Proof. The result follows immediately upon choosing α to be the indicator function of e in (11.2.2c) and
applying the Divergence Theorem.
Then, choosing a discontinuous approximation to the depth makes semi–discrete mass conservation
trivial. The proofs of mass conservation in the nonlinear case are identical, relying on us being able to
choose indicator functions as test functions.
11.3.1 Weak Form of Momentum, Pseudovelocity, and Vorticity Equations
We start by deriving the weak form of the definition of v. We choose a smooth test vector field λ (satisfying
the same Dirichlet boundary conditions as u) and take the dot product of both sides of (10.2.13b) with
hλ. Then, integrating by parts, we have
1 1
λ · hv dx dy = λ · hu + h3 (∇ · u) (∇ · λ) + h2 (u · ∇H) (∇ · λ)
Ω Ω 3 2
1 2
+ h (λ · ∇H) (∇ · u) + h (λ · ∇H) (u · ∇H) dx dy. (11.3.2)
Now, we do the same for the definition of pseudovorticity. Choose an arbitrary smooth test function ξ.
Multiplying both sides of (10.2.13a) by ξ and integrating by parts, we have that
ξ ζ − ∇ξ · (ẑ × v) dx dy = 0. (11.3.3)
Finally, we derive the weak form of the momentum equation. Choose a test function µ, take the dot
product of both sides of (10.2.13c) with µ, and integrate over Ω to obtain
µ · v dx dy + (f + ζ) µ · (ẑ × u)
dt Ω Ω
1 2 1 2
+ µ · ∇ g(h − H) − |u| + v · u − (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) dx dy = 0.
2 2
To obtain the discrete weak forms suitable for input into the computer, we follow the Galerkin approach
from Chapter 6 and restrict the weak forms (11.3.2), (11.3.3), and (11.3.4) to the finite element spaces V 0
and V 1 . That is, we look for ζ ∈ V 0 and u, v ∈ V 1 such that (11.3.2), (11.3.3), and (11.3.4) are satisfied
for all ξ ∈ V 0 , all λ ∈ V 1 , and all µ ∈ V 1 , respectively.
∂t h + c ∂x h = 0 (11.3.5)
subject to an initial condition and either periodic or homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. As we’ll
see, the simplicity of the physical ideas underlying upwinding makes the technique very easy to extend to
more complicated problems.
Let {x0 , ..., xJ } be a partition of [0, 1], and denote each individual element by Ij = [xj , xj+1 ]. We
demand that, at every time t, the approximate solution h of (11.3.5) lives in the finite element space
DG(0). That is, h should restrict to a constant on every Ij , where each constant “piece” varies smoothly
in time. To be able to solve for such an approximate h, we need to re–cast the spatial derivatives in
(11.3.5) weakly. However, since our approximate h does not necessarily have a weak derivative, we have
to derive the appropriate weak form working entirely in DG(0); there is no way to obtain a usable weak
form of (11.3.5) by “restricting” a weak form on some bigger function space to DG(0). Thus, we begin by
choosing an arbitrary test function α ∈ DG(0), multiplying both sides of (11.3.5) by α, and integrating
over a single element Ij . This yields
0= α(x) ∂t h(x, t) − c ∂x α(x) h(x, t) dx + [c α(x) h(x)]∂Ij .
Technically, ∂x α(x) = 0 on each piece since α is piecewise constant, but I retain this term for pedagogical
reasons. Since q and h are not required to be continuous across inter–element boundaries, the boundary
term in the above expression has no canonical value, and we must choose the value it takes. This value is
known as a numerical flux.
If c > 0, the solution of (11.3.5) at xj must depend on the “upstream” points x ≤ xj because solutions
of the advection equation take the form of initial data carried uniformly along the x–axis with velocity
c; the signal ought to be influenced only by regions in space that it has already visited. This reasoning
motivates us to define a numerical flux by
. h|Ij−1 , c > 0;
h(xj ) = (11.3.6)
h|Ij , c < 0.
The above choice constitutes the upwind flux, where the nomenclature is inspired by the discussion
above. The practice of using the upwind flux to discretize PDEs is called upwinding. Other fluxes,
some very complicated, are discussed in [52]. Strictly speaking, we would have to make exceptions to
the upwinding rule when computing the fluxes at the domain boundaries, but for homogeneous Dirichlet
boundary conditions we can ignore these terms entirely. Of course, when dealing with periodic boundary
conditions there is no boundary to worry about.
Before writing down the complete weak form of (11.3.5) with upwinding, I introduce some helpful
notation. When working on unstructured meshes, we try to avoid thinking in terms of indexed quantities
like xj ; the new notation is more amenable to such an unstructured paradigm. In this new notation,
“e” stands for “element”. The superscript “+” is used to indicate that the quantity is evaluated over
a particular element, and the superscript “−” is used to indicate that the quantity is evaluated over an
element adjacent to the aforementioned particular element; the − element can be on the left or the right
of the + element. n is the unit outward normal to an element at some facet (of course, n = ±1 in one
dimension), and h̃ is the upwind value of h, in the sense of (11.3.6). We call the quantity α+ − α− the
jump in α over the chosen facet. In the new notation, the weak form over a single facet e is
0 = α ∂t h − c ∂x α h dx + α+ h̃c · n+ . (11.3.7)
e endpoints
Now, we sum up over each element to obtain the complete weak form. For the purposes of computational
efficiency, it is useful to consider the fluxes associated to each interior facet f separately, rather than
calculating boundary terms elementwise. Accordingly, the final weak form is best written as
0= α ∂t h − c ∂x α h dx + α+ − α− h̃c · n+ . (11.3.8)
e e f
The generalization to the case h, α ∈ DG(r) for arbitrary r should be reasonably clear.
To obtain a more suitable weak form, we integrate the above equation by parts and prescribe the element
boundary value of h with upwinding. Since u represents the fluid’s velocity, we should switch c out for u
in (11.3.7). Doing all of this, we have
α ∂t h − ∇α · hu dx dy + h̃ α|e u · n ds = 0.
e ∂e
Summing up over each element and using f to denote the interior facets of our triangulation of Ω, we have
X d Z Z XZ
h̃ α+ − α− u · n+ ds = 0.
α h dx dy − ∇α · hu dx dy + (11.3.9)
dt e e ff
Note that, since we use either periodic or no–normal flow boundary conditions, there are no contributions
from the mesh facets lying on ∂Ω.
If we follow the approach of Proposition 11.2.4, the proof of the next result is trivial:
Proposition 11.3.1. Suppose that the weak mass conservation equation (11.3.9) is satisfied. Then, for
all elements e, Z Z
h dx dy = − h̃ u · n ds. (11.3.10)
dt e ∂e
In particular, mass is globally conserved.
Before concluding this section, we write out the semi–discrete upwind formulation of the RGN all at
once, for ease of reference later on. The weak form is
ξ ζ dx dy = ∇ξ · (ẑ × v) dx dy, (11.3.11a)
1 1
λ · hv dx dy = λ · hu + h3 (∇ · u) (∇ · λ) + h2 (u · ∇H) (∇ · λ)
Ω Ω 3 2
1 2
+ h (λ · ∇H) (∇ · u) + h (λ · ∇H) (u · ∇H) dx dy, (11.3.11b)
Z Z2
µ · v dx dy = − (f + ζ) µ · (ẑ × u)
dt Ω Ω
1 2 1 2
+ (∇ · µ) g(h − H) − |u| + v · u − (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) dx dy, and
2 2
h̃ α+ − α− u · n+ ds
α h dx dy = ∇α · hu dx dy − (11.3.11d)
dt e e e f
• layer depth h in V 2 .
Since the depth h is chosen to be discontinuous, discrete mass conservation is almost obvious. Accordingly,
energy conservation and PV advection are the more novel mimetic properties of the H(div)–flux method.
To begin our derivation of the weak form, we follow [22] and first re–write the RGN in terms of the
mass flux F = hu and vorticity flux Q = (f + ζ)u:
ζ = ẑ · (∇ × v) . (11.4.1a)
1 1 1 2
hv = F − ∇ h3 ∇ · u − ∇ h2 u · ∇H +
h ∇ · u ∇H + h (u · ∇H) ∇H, (11.4.1b)
3 2 2
1 2 1 2
∂t v + ẑ × Q + ∇ g(h − H) − |u| + v · u − (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) = 0, and (11.4.1c)
2 2
∂t h + ∇ · F = 0, (11.4.1d)
The idea is to assume we can define discrete versions of Q and F; we demand that the discrete version
of F has a weak divergence. Then, we obtain the weak form of the (R)GN as they are written above by
working directly on the finite element spaces. Finally, I explain how Q and F are actually computed in
terms of q, h, and u to close the system.
We now turn to expressing potential vorticity q, pesudovorticity ζ, and pseudovelocity v weakly. Since
the definition of q involves no derivatives, this variable admits the easiest weak formulation. Pick an
arbitrary test function β ∈ V 0 , multiply both sides of (10.2.7) by β, and integrate over Ω to obtain
β (qh − f − ζ) dx dy = 0 ∀ β ∈ V 0 . (11.4.2)
The weak definition of ζ is exactly the same as it is in the upwind method. The derivation of the weak
form of (11.4.1b) is nearly identical to that for the upwind method as well, except for the presence of F.
1 1
λ · hv dx dy = λ · F + h3 (∇ · u) (∇ · λ) + h2 (u · ∇H) (∇ · λ) (11.4.3)
Ω Ω 3 2
+ h2 (λ · ∇H) (∇ · u) + h (λ · ∇H) (u · ∇H) dx dy ∀ λ ∈ V 1 .
Next, we write the weak versions of the mass and momentum equations. We begin with the mass conser-
vation equation (11.4.1d). Multiply both sides of this equation by a test function α ∈ V 2 vanishing on ∂Ω
and integrate over Ω to obtain
α h dx dy + α∇ · F dx dy = 0 ∀ α ∈ V 2 .
dt Ω Ω
Finally, we derive the weak evolution equation for v. Choose a test vector field µ ∈ V 1 , take the dot
product of both sides of (11.4.1c) with µ, and integrate over Ω to obtain
d 1 2 1 2
µ · v dx dy + µ · (ẑ × Q) + µ · ∇ g(h − H) − |u| + v · u − (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) dx dy = 0.
dt Ω Ω 2 2
Using integration by parts, we have that the weak form is
µ · v dx dy
dt Ω
1 1 2
+ µ · (ẑ × Q) − (∇ · µ) g(h − H) − |u|2 + v · u − (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) dx dy = 0 ∀ µ ∈ V 1 .
Ω 2 2
Now, I explain how to actually compute the discrete mass and vorticity fluxes. The auxiliary flux F is
an approximation to hu defined by the condition
σ · F dx dy = σ · hu dx dy ∀ σ ∈ V 1 . (11.4.4)
The purpose of introducing such an auxiliary flux is to “regularize” the discontinuous terms arising from
factors of h, meaning that we do not have to worry about choosing numerical fluxes. The discrete vorticity
flux is given by Q = qF ; the above logic does not require us to store Q in V 1 .
In summary, the semi–discrete H(div)–flux formulation is defined by
ξ ζ dx dy = ∇ξ · (ẑ × v) dx dy, (11.4.5a)
β q h dx dy = β (f + ζ) dx dy, (11.4.5b)
1 1
λ · hv = λ · F + h3 (∇ · u) (∇ · λ) + h2 (u · ∇H) (∇ · λ)
Ω 3 2
1 2
+ h (λ · ∇H) (∇ · u) + h (λ · ∇H) (u · ∇H) dx dy, (11.4.5c)
Z Z2
µ · v dx dy = −µ · (ẑ × qF)
dt Ω Ω
1 2 1 2
+ (∇ · µ) g(h − H) − |u| + v · u − (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) dx dy, (11.4.5d)
2 2
σ · F dx dy = σ · hu dx dy, and (11.4.5e)
α h dx dy = − α∇ · F dx dy (11.4.5f)
dt Ω Ω
More interestingly, we have that the equation of potential vorticity advection (10.2.10) is satisfied
Proposition 11.4.2. If (11.4.5d) and (11.4.5a) are satisfied, then
β qh dx dy − ∇β · qF dx dy = 0 ∀ β ∈ V 0. (11.4.7)
dt Ω Ω
Proof. We begin by picking an arbitrary test function ξ ∈ V 0 and differentiating both sides of (11.4.5a)
with respect to time. This gives
d d
ξ ζ dx dy = ∇ξ · (ẑ × v) dx dy = − ∇⊥ ξ · ∂t v dx dy.
dt Ω dt Ω Ω
To establish the validity of (11.4.7), pick a test function β ∈ V 0 . Differentiating (11.4.5b) with respect to
time and applying (11.4.8) with ξ = β, we get
d d d
β qh dx dy = β (f + ζ) dx dy = β ζ dx dy = ∇β · qF dx dy.
dt Ω dt Ω dt Ω Ω
Corollary 11.4.3. Z
ζ dx dy = 0.
dt Ω
With [79, Equation 4.55] and Corollary 11.4.3 in mind, we see that the H(div)–flux method preserves
the simplest Casimir of the shallow water bracket.
I remark that the proofs presented so far have actually been independent of the choice of flux vector F, as
observed in [22]. The next two results, however, crucially depend on (11.4.4). Let’s define ProjV 2 : L2 (Ω) →
V 2 by the condition Z Z
f α dx dy = ProjV 2 (f ) α dx dy ∀ α ∈ V 2 .
Lemma 11.4.4.
1 ∂
∂t u · hv dx dy = (hu · v) − ∂t h ProjV 2 |u|2 + (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) dx dy. (11.4.9)
Ω 2 Ω ∂t
Proof. Letting λ = ∂t u in (11.4.5c) and using (11.4.5e), we have
1 1
∂t u · hv dx dy = ∂t u · hu + h3 (∇ · u)(∇ · ∂t u) + h2 (u · ∇H) (∇ · ∂t u)
Ω Ω 3 2
1 2
+ h (∂t u · ∇H) (∇ · u) + h (∂t u · ∇H) (u · ∇H) dx dy
1 ∂ 2 1 3 2 2 2
= h|u| + h (∇ · u) + h (∇ · u) (u · ∇H) + h (u · ∇H)
2 Ω ∂t 3
2 2 2 2
− ∂t h |u| + h (∇ · u) + 2h (∇ · u) (u · ∇H) + (u · ∇H) dx dy.
Using (11.4.5f), we get
dHGN 1 1
= g ∂t h (h − H) + ∂t u · hv − (∇ · F) ProjV 2 |u|2 + (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) dx dy
dt 2 Ω 2
1 1
= g ∂t h (h − H) + ∂t u · hv + ∂t h ProjV 2 |u|2 + (h∇ · u + u · ∇H) dx dy.
2 Ω 2
Now, we apply Lemma 11.4.4 to see that
dHGN 1 1 ∂ 1 dHGN
= g ∂t h (h − H) + (hu · v) dx dy = .
dt 2 Ω 2 ∂t 2 dt
and the proof is complete.
Accordingly, any discrepancy in energy associated with the H(div)–flux method arises due to either
roundoff error or the temporal discretization scheme.
the kinetic energy term in the Green–Naghdi Hamiltonian (given by 12 hu · v) is actually cubic, so the
discrete energy conservation property of this time–stepper does not readily adapt to our situation. So, we
cannot a priori expect that energy is conserved at the fully discrete level.
Before finishing this chapter, we recall an important concept from numerical PDE theory appearing
throughout the remainder of Part 2. When solving hyperbolic PDEs on the computer, the time step ∆t
must be chosen so that, if c is the signal speed and h is the mesh size parameter,
≤ 1. (11.5.3)
This ensures that information propagates on the grid no faster than it propagates in space. The dimen-
sionless parameter on the left–hand side of (11.5.3) is called the Courant number.
Remark 11.5.1. For the numerical tests in Chapter 12, we prescribe our time step by fixing the Courant
number (often at 0.8), specifying h, and roughly estimating the maximum signal speed on the grid. We make
no attempt to determine an “optimal” time step or Courant number through numerical experimentation;
for our purposes, satisfying the inequality (11.5.3) is a guiding constraint principle, rather than the main
focus of the investigations.
The primary purpose of many of the above papers is the study of wave propagation, and every one of
the publications referenced above presents numerical schemes adept at replicating various solitary wave
solutions to the GN. Additionally, the evolution of shock waves in dam–break problems is discussed in
[50] and [59], and [53] includes the effects of topography on wave propagation. The only paper featuring
a numerical test involving a flow with a prominent balanced component is [66]. So, there does not appear
to be a great deal of modern work on numerical simulations of RGN with both wave–like and balanced
components. Using the mixed FEEC approach to the (R)GN, therefore, one may be able to make a novel
contribution to the literature.
With regards to auxiliary conservation principles, both [30, 53] provide mass and energy conservation
results for some of their test cases, and the results are rather good. The capacity of the Godunov-type
method described in [50] to reproduce energy and vorticity conservation is not mentioned by the authors,
though the use of such a method does guarantee mass conservation. Additionally, the finite element
procedure implemented in [59] conserves energy exceptionally well, and the pseudospectral routine of
[66] respects PV advection spectacularly. However, both of these schemes also have limitations: the
pseudospectral routine includes local energy dissipation, and mass conservation is not discussed in [59]
(their use of continuous finite element spaces indicates that mass conservation cannot be taken for granted).
Other researchers have written on the numerical solutions of modified Green–Naghdi models. For ex-
ample, in [32], “local” discontinuous Galerkin methods are used in conjunction with a modified formulation
of GN to study wave propagation over topography in the fully 2D regime. The modified version of GN
used in this paper involves parameterizing non–hydrostatic corrections to SW as source terms, building off
earlier work of the same authors. Similarly to [32], [65] describes a local DG method for another modified
version of GN with topography, though the latter paper only describes 1D test cases. The physicist looking
for models of non–hydrostatic effects in wave propagation, therefore, might also do well to consult these
sources, rather than just focusing on the GN “as they are”.
Chapter 12
Numerical Results
In this chapter, I present several tests of the FEMs introduced in Chapter 11. The focus is largely on
the H(div)–flux method, since its energy and vorticity conservation properties make it vastly preferable
to upwinding. As discussed in Section 11.6, most of the literature on FEMs for the GN is concentrated on
applications to nonlinear and dispersive wave dynamics, with particular attention paid to the simulation of
solitary waves. Accordingly, to facilitate comparison between the H(div)–flux method and other FEMs for
GN, I present many numerical test cases illustrating how well the method approximates the propagation
of solitary waves, both over flat seafloors and variable topography. However, since one of the main reasons
for using FEEC for RGN is to preserve important properties of large–scale oceanic flows, I also go through
some test cases demonstrating how both the H(div)–flux method and the upwind method fare when
describing large–scale dynamics.
Note that, though upwinding is very simple and intuitive, it usually leads to energy dissipation [52, §8.6].
However, numerical experiments I have conducted show that the H(div)–flux method is susceptible to
convergence failures in 2D simulations, especially when complicated small–scale behaviour is present.
While upwinding lacks many of the nice features of the H(div)–flux method, it seems to be a little more
versatile. Accordingly, I do not claim the H(div)–flux method is the ultimate FEM for the (R)GN. Rather,
I hope to convince the reader that it provides at least a good starting point for developing conservative
numerical simulations of the (R)GN; in future studies, perhaps the H(div)–flux method can be modified
(for instance, by sacrificing energy conservation but retaining potential vorticity advection) to develop a
more robust routine.
In Section 12.1, we investigate whether or not the H(div)–flux method is able to reliably preserve a
geostrophic balance solution to the RGN. In Section 12.2, we use the H(div)–flux method and the upwind
method to simulate the propagation of certain solitary wave solutions to the GN by reproducing a test
from [50, §6.1.2]. We also compare our results to a solitary wave propagation test from [30]. In Section
12.3, we use the H(div)–flux method to simulate an overtaking collision between two solitary waves, after
a similar problem in [30, §5.5]. In Section 12.4, we study solitary waves moving over variable topography in
a few simple test cases. In Section 12.5, we test the H(div)–flux method’s ability to handle flows with both
balanced and divergent components by simulating a wave–vortex interaction in the vein of [49], restricted
to the regime of weak nonlinearity in order to prevent shock formation. In Section 12.6, we study the
breakdown of an unstable balanced state in 2D using the upwind method. In Section 12.7 I present some
preliminary results from test cases involving higher–degree shape functions.
All finite element codes used to implement the test cases were written in Firedrake [72]. The figures
were made using Matplotlib [45] and the cmocean colormap library [87].
and the relative error in the Hamiltonian HGN for both γ–values. The L2 errors are shown in Figure
12.11, and the energy errors are shown in Figure 12.12. The error in depth is on the order of 10−6 , so
the routine preserves the steady solution well. Additionally, the maximum relative error in energy is on
(a) γ = 0 (b) γ = 1
Figure 12.11: L2 error in approximation of the depth for the geostrophic balance test. The H(div)–flux
method has been used.
the order of 10−14 . This tells us that, at least in this very simple case, the H(div)–flux method indeed
conserves energy, as predicted by Theorem 11.4.5. Note, however, that Theorem 11.4.5 only guarantees
energy conservation at the semi–discrete (continuous time) level, so our numerical experiments indicate
that our time–stepper does not seem to affect energy conservation.
We also remark that the divergence of the velocity field is precisely 0 for the duration of the simulation.
So, our routine preserves the divergence–free condition of the balanced state perfectly. This in turn tells
us that we can confidently isolate the unbalanced component of a flow by taking the divergence of the
velocity field in more complicated situations.
In summary, the H(div)–flux method simulates the balanced state (12.1.1) rather well, with the L2
error in the depth field on the order of 10−6 . Again, we expect such an exceptionally good approximation
both because the numerical method is designed with FEEC in mind (divergence–free vector fields stay
divergence–free) and because the numerical method conserves energy semi–discretely.
Remark 12.1.1. To be thorough, I also performed the tests presented in this section using the upwind
method. The L2 errors in h are effectively the same for both methods, though the energy conservation is
on the order of 10−11 when upwinding is used. So, energy conservation is clearly worse in this case, but
it is certainly not terrible. Indeed, since the number of elements used for the tests is very large, we might
expect that the dissipation characteristic of upwinding may not be very severe in this case.
(a) γ = 0 (b) γ = 1
Figure 12.12: Relative error in energy for the geostrophic balance test. The H(div)–flux method has been
mixed methods like those presented in Chapter 11. We show that the H(div)–flux method conserves energy
quite well and also maintains the shape and speed of the solitary wave. The upwind method, conversely,
leads to energy dissipation and poor preservation of the solitary wave’s shape over long times.
After [50, 83], we may write down an exact traveling–wave solution to the one–dimensional GN in terms
of the parameters below:
In the simulations, we take h∞ = 10m, hmax = 22.5m , and g = 10ms−2 , so c = 15ms−1 . Our domain for
this problem is the interval [0, 300m]. We use a periodic spatial grid with 5000 elements and a Courant
number of 0.8. These parameters are chosen in order to precisely replicate the conditions of the solitary
wave test in [50].
The purpose of the numerical experiments in this section is to examine how well both FEMs from
Chapter 11 preserve the above traveling wave solution over a very long period of time. More specifically,
we pick
h(x, 0) = hwave (x − 150) and u(x, 0) = uwave (x − 150)
Figure 12.21: Hovmöller plot of the evolution of a solitary wave predicted by the H(div)–flux method,
with x in metres and t in seconds. The straight red lines, representing the trajectories of the wave’s peak
in the xt–plane, indicate that the wave seems to maintain constant speed.
as our initial conditions and allow the simulations to run for 25000 time steps (80s), comparing the
numerical approximation of depth to the exact solution hwave . In order to determine whether or not our
FEMs preserve the shape and speed of the solitary wave, we make filled contour plots of the approximate
solutions for depth in the xt–plane. Such pictures are called Hovmöller plots. Naturally, since the
H(div)–flux method conserves energy while upwinding usually leads to numerical dissipation, we expect
that it is more capable to accurate reproducing the solitary wave’s behaviour. To test this hypothesis,
we produce a plot comparing the exact solution at the final time to the approximations produced by
both FEMs at the final time. We also plot the relative error in energy for each method, whence we can
unambiguously determine which method more accurately simulates the solitary wave.
In this simple test case, only four of our seven variables (namely, u, v, F , and h) are nonzero. The de
Rham diagram of our method is
CG(r) −→ DG(r − 1),
and as in the previous section we take r = 1. As a reminder, we choose u, v ∈ CG(1) and h ∈ DG(0) for
both methods, and we choose F ∈ CG(1) for the H(div)–flux method (of course, F does not appear in the
upwind method).
We begin by providing a Hovmöller plot of the depth obtained with the H(div)–flux method (Figure
Figure 12.22: Comparison of the two approximate solutions for depth with the exact solution hwave at the
end of the simulation.
Figure 12.23: Plot of the relative error in energy for both FEMs when 5000 elements are used. Time is
measured in seconds. Note how each graph is scaled differently.
12.21) in order to quickly assess whether or not the method is preserving the shape and speed of the exact
solution. The straight lines in the plot confirm that the speed of the solitary waves (namely, 15m/s) is
replicated rather well. Further, we see that the profile of the wave does not seem to change appreciably
in time. That is, there is no visible dispersion error at this level of resolution. As it turns out, the same
Hovmöller plot obtained with the upwind method is almost indistinguishable from Figure 12.21, so a more
thorough analysis is needed in order to determine whether or not one FEM is better than the other.
Figure 12.22 shows how both approximations to depth at time 80s compare to the exact solution at
time 80s. We see that the approximation obtained with the H(div)–flux method fits the exact solution
excellently, meaning that this method is at least as capable of accurately reproducing solitary waves as the
schemes from [30] and [50]. The upwind approximation, however, is markedly different. Specifically, the
amplitude of the solution for the upwind method has visibly decreased from its initial value. Additionally,
the approximate solution is displaced to the left of the exact solution, indicating that the speed of the
wave has decreased. Figure 12.22 therefore suggests that the H(div)–flux method provides a more accurate
approximation of hwave . Recall that we hypothesized that this is true because the H(div)–flux method
conserves energy semi–discretely. So, by plotting the relative error in energy for both methods (see Figure
12.23), we may also examine whether the reasoning underlying our hypothesis is correct. According to
Figure 12.23, this is indeed the case: the relative error in energy for the upwind method is about 1010
times higher than the error for the H(div)–flux method.
We remark that the H(div)–flux method conserves energy much better than either of the FEMs dis-
cussed in [30, Fig 2.], though the parameters of their test were different than the ones used here. Specifically,
they used only 500 elements on a mesh of length 90, picked different values for h∞ , hmax , and g, and ran
the simulation until the wave had travelled over the whole domain 15 times over. To examine if the supe-
rior energy conservation of the H(div)–flux method persists for longer times and rougher meshes, we also
tested the H(div)–flux method on a mesh with 500 elements up to time 300s, keeping the other parameters
at the same values we’ve been using thus far; since these parameters only affect the size and speed of the
wave, changing them should have no bearing on the quality of the numerical solution. The relative error
in energy for this new test is shown in Figure 12.24. The maximum of the error is on the order of 10−8 ,
so the H(div)–flux method achieves energy conservation four orders of magnitude higher than that of the
schemes in [30] on a mesh that is over three times coarser.
We conclude that the H(div)–flux method is an excellent routine for simulating the behaviour of solitary
wave solutions to the GN, preserving the shape, speed, and energy of a single wave very well. Conversely,
the upwind method is dissipative, even for a very fine mesh, and fails to preserve the exact solution over
long times. We have seen, as in Section 12.1, that the semi–discrete energy preservation of the H(div)–flux
method seems to extend to the fully discrete setting, implying that this FEM is preferable to upwinding
for long–time simulations. Given its accuracy and excellent energy conservation, we see that the H(div)–
flux method is capable of competing with both the DG methods from [30] and the Godunov–type scheme
presented in [50], at least when it comes to simulating solitary waves.
Figure 12.24: Relative error in the energy for solitary wave propagation. To obtain this graph, the H(div)–
flux method with 500 elements was used.
slightly overlapping with it initially. As time evolves, the large wave eventually overtakes the small wave
completely and ends up on its right side. A similar problem is considered in [30, §5.4], and I have tried
to emulate their tests reasonably closely to facilitate comparisons. Since the authors of this paper do
not provide precise parameter values, however, I do not endeavour to provide exact comparisons to their
Before describing our results, we introduce the precise form of the initial conditions. We need to define
some parameters to specify the two solitary waves:
We scale our variables so that h∞ = 1, h1 = 1.44, h2 = 1.15, and g = 1. Mimicking [30], we use a periodic
mesh of [0, 72] with 1000 elements. The time step is ∆t = 0.048, so the Courant number is 0.8 as in our
tests for a single solitary wave. Our choices of finite element spaces are identical to those used for the test
of the H(div)–flux method in the previous section.
Figure 12.31 shows a Hovmöller plot of the two–wave interaction, and Figure 12.33 plots the depth h
at eight different time steps. Examining the Hovmöller plot, we indeed see the big wave collides with the
small wave (the collision becomes quite noticeable around time t = 20) before eventually passing through
it (the waves begin to separate again just after t = 60), as outlined in the beginning of this section. After
the collision, the size and shape of both waves do not appear to have changed markedly, but the reader
should not take this as evidence that the solitary waves are in fact solitons; we have assumed a basic
superposition in the initial conditions, so some nonlinear effects in the collision may be missing. Further,
numerical simulations in [30] show that interactions between solitary wave solutions to GN may generate
dispersive “tails”, so in general wave shape is not preserved during collisions. Figure 12.33 is similar to
[30, Figure 6] but, since we do not use exactly the same parameters, the two figures are slightly different.
In particular, our waves seem to be a bit slower than theirs. The qualitative agreement of our results with
[30, §5.4] indicates that our simulation is reliably describing the dynamics of the two–wave collision, but a
Figure 12.31: Hovmöller plot of the solitary wave collision as simulated by the H(div)–flux method.
Figure 12.32: Relative error in the energy for the collision problem. The H(div)–flux method has been
Figure 12.33: Overtaking collision of two solitary waves at eight different times, simulated by the H(div)–
flux method.
more concrete measure of physical accuracy is required to cement our confidence. To this end, we discuss
discrete energy conservation.
Figure 12.32 plots the relative error in energy for the simulation of the collision. We see that the relative
error in energy is on the order of 10−7 ; energy conservation for the overtaking collision is not discussed at
all in [30]. So, even for this nontrivial collision problem, we can rely on our method discretely conserving
energy within an excellent margin of error. Further, the fastest computational runtime for the overtaking
collision test in [30] is over thirty minutes, while my Firedrake implementation of the H(div)–flux method
can complete the simulation in less than five minutes on a Mac mini. Taking the plots of h, discrete energy
conservation, and computational speed all together, we see that the H(div)–flux method is an attractive
candidate for simulating collisions between GN solitary waves.
If H(x) = h0 identically, the initial conditions above should result in the simulation outputting a well–
preserved solitary wave propagating at constant speed, at least until the wave collides with the solid
We consider two main types of topography, specified by the following choices of the undisturbed depth
Case 1 : H(x) = h0 + sx, (12.4.2)
2 !!
Case 2 : H(x) = h0 1 − Abump exp −σ x − . (12.4.3)
Case 1 corresponds to a linear ramp with slope s and Case 2 corresponds to a Gaussian hill centred at
L/2 with amplitude Abump (the parameter σ controls the width of the hill: as σ gets bigger, the hill gets
I have developed a user–friendly Firedrake demo to illustrate how the H(div)–flux method is imple-
mented in practice and to allow the reader to further explore flow over topography for themselves. All
of the results presented in this section are obtained using the demo. Additionally, the demo allows the
user to choose undisturbed depth profiles H(x) different from those presented here. These alternative
depth profiles are a hyperbolic tangent and a sine function with a variable number of periods in [0, L].
Information on how to obtain the demo is discussed in Appendix A. For clarity, the parameter names in
the demo are a little different and more explicit than they are here, but since the topography profiles are
so simple this should not cause confusion.
Remark 12.4.2. At the beginning of Chapter 10, I mentioned that the reader could use the aforementioned
demo to see for themselves that solutions to GN are less susceptible to shock formation than solutions of
SW. The best way to do this is to pick the demo’s parameter TopType to be equal to 3, corresponding
to a seafloor given by a hyperbolic tangent. Then, run the demo once with γ = 0 and once with γ = 1,
making sure to save the outputted movies each time (you will need to change the file names to make sure
one doesn’t get overwritten). The movie for the γ = 0 flow shows the solitary wave breaking once it passes
over the jump in topography, while the movie for γ = 1 shows the wave getting taller and narrower, but
not steepening, after it passes over the jump. You may have to use a finite Reynolds number in order to
keep the noise in the SW routine at a manageable level.
Figure 12.41: Initial conditions for the linear ramp test with s = − 4h
5L .
relative error in energy and the L2 error in depth are zero, so the H(div)–flux method preserves still–water
solutions within machine precision.
s=± .
We choose L = 100, N = 500, γ = 1, h0 = 1, and hcrest = 1.2. Consequently, Fr = 1.22. We run the
simulation up to time T = 80 for the negative slope and T = 60 for the positive slope. Again, the Courant
number is 0.8.
Figure 12.41 plots the initial state of the system with s = − 4h
5L , and Figure 12.42 shows a Hovmöller
plot of the solitary wave’s propagation for this value of the slope. As the wave moves towards the right,
it radiates waves of smaller amplitude, eventually developing a wide tail. The radiated waves all lie above
the undisturbed free surface, so η is nonnegative over the course of the entire simulation. Additionally, the
wave becomes taller, narrower, and slower as it moves into shallower water. The decrease of wave speed
in shallow water is obvious, since the speed of a solitary wave varies proportionally with the square root
of the undisturbed depth. On the other hand, the vertical stretching of the wave is an interesting feature.
Such wave heightening is observed in nature when tsunamis approach shorelines, suggesting that GN may
be a workable model for tsunami propagation (in fact, the non–hydrostatic effects present in GN may
Figure 12.42: Hovmöller plot of a solitary wave traveling over a linearly increasing ramp. The H(div)–flux
method has been used.
be valuable to tsunami modelling, after the remarks of [1]). In order to test if the H(div)–flux method
provides physically accurate predictions of tsunami behaviour, however, simulations of waves running up
onto beaches must be developed and analyzed.
The relative error in energy for this simulation is displayed in Figure 12.43. The maximum in relative
error is on the order of 10−3 , so the quality of energy conservation has dramatically diminished in passing
from H = 0 to variable H. This large gain in error indicates that our naı̈ve time–stepping routine does
not always maintain discrete energy conservation at a satisfactory level. In Section 13 we briefly discuss
possible avenues for developing a method with better energy conservation properties.
Figure 12.44 displays the initial conditions for the system when the slope is given by s = 4h 5L and
Figure 12.45 summarizes the propogation of the wave. The qualitative behaviour of the wave in this case
is, as we might expect, exactly the opposite of what we saw in Figure 12.42: as time progresses, the wave
widens, becomes shorter, and moves faster. Relative error in energy for this case is shown in Figure 12.46.
Interestingly, this energy error curve is markedly different from the error for the uphill ramp (shown in
Figure 12.43). First, its maximum is on the order of 10−4 , improving on the uphill case by an order of
magnitude. Also, the two error curves indicate that energy decreases when the wave moves into shallower
water and increases when the wave moves into deeper water. This suggests that the particular topography
H(x) strongly affects the quality of energy conservation, as well as the specific behaviour of the energy
error curve. In the next section, we investigate a wave moving over non–monotone topography in order to
Figure 12.43: Relative error in energy for a solitary wave traveling over a linearly increasing ramp. The
H(div)–flux method has been used.
Figure 12.44: Initial conditions for the linear ramp test with s = 5L .
Figure 12.45: Hovmöller plot of a solitary wave traveling over a linearly decreasing ramp. The H(div)–flux
method has been used.
Figure 12.46: Relative error in energy for a solitary wave traveling over a linearly decreasing ramp. The
H(div)–flux method has been used.
negative as the wave moves into a shallower region and more positive as the wave moves into deeper water.
Indeed, the shape of the energy error curve almost mirrors the shape of the graph of H. We conclude that
the error in energy for the H(div)–flux routine depends very strongly on topography.
Figure 12.47: Initial conditions for the Gaussian hill test.
x − xV + 21 −x + xV + 21
q(x, 0) = 1 + tanh + tanh , (12.5.1a)
Figure 12.51 shows the initial potential vorticity, depth, and y–component of velocity for a special set of
parameters. If the initial conditions h0 (x), u0 (x) on h(x, t), u(x, t) satisfy (12.5.1) then the depth and y–
component of velocity initially obey the conditions of geostrophic balance. However, the system is unsteady
because of the disturbance to geostrophy present in the x–component of u0 . Consequently, starting at time
0, gravity waves are radiated from xW and, after traveling sufficiently far, these waves begin to interact
with the vortex centered about xV .
Figure 12.48: Hovmöller plot of a solitary wave traveling over a Gaussian hill. The H(div)–flux method
has been used.
Figure 12.49: Relative error in energy for a solitary wave traveling over a Gaussian hill. The H(div)–flux
method has been used.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 12.51: Plot of the initial (a) potential vorticity, (b) depth, and (c) y–component of velocity for the
wave–vortex interaction test when the parameter values are AV = 0.1, SV = 0.2, xV = 50, and C = 1.
In [49], the authors found that the “strength” a(t) of the wave–vortex interaction, defined by
Z xV +3
|q(x, t) − 1| dx
a(t) = Z xxVV−3
+3 , (12.5.2)
|q(x, 0) − 1| dx
xV −3
exhibits weak dependence on the vortex amplitude AV and the cyclone parity C. More specifically, they
concluded that changing either of these parameters does not affect the shape of the curve a(t) much (see
Figure 10 of [49]), but the amplitude of a(t) is larger for C = 1 and larger AV . By extending the tests from
[49] to the regime of arbitrary aspect ratio, we would like to understand how a(t) changes as a function of
γ as well. Additionally, we can verify whether or not the aforementioned weak dependence on AV and C
holds for nonzero γ. However, we have to make a certain compromise that was unnecessary in [49]; we must
restrict ourselves to AW = O(10−1 ) in order to prevent shock formation, which remains an impedance
to numerical solutions even for nonzero γ. Of course, adding a viscous diffusive term to the momentum
equation provides a simple remedy for this problem at the cost of energy conservation, though one must
be careful to discern the changes in the central vortex due to wave interaction from the changes due to
viscosity–driven diffusion. A more complicated but perhaps more satisfying avenue for finding solutions in
the highly nonlinear case is to try a hybrid of the H(div)–flux and upwind FEMs, perhaps in conjunction
with a slope limiter, in order to retain PV advection at the discrete level. The development of such an
amalgam FEM is outlined in [22], though I do not know if a working implementation of this method for
the RGN exists at the time of writing.
To investigate the wave–vortex interaction described above, we run the 1.5D RGN model on a mesh of
the interval [0, 100] with periodic boundary conditions and 2000 elements. The Courant number was held
at 0.8 for all tests. The assignments of variables to finite elements spaces is identical to that from Section
12.1. Recall that our goal is to study how the wave–vortex interaction strength a(t) varies with AV , C,
(a) ζ (b) ∇ · u
Figure 12.52: Hovmöller plot of (a) ζ and (b) the divergence of velocity with γ = 0 when AV = 0.1 and
C = 1. The H(div)–flux method has been used.
and γ. All other parameters are kept constant at the following values for the remainder of this section:
SV = 0.2,
xV = 50,
AW = 0.1, and
xW = xV − 14.
We provide Hovmöller plots of the vorticity and divergence for two different γ–values to illustrate the
qualitative changes to the wave–vortex interaction resulting from a change in aspect ratio. From there, we
show various interaction strength curves a(t) to investigate whether or not the results of [49] continue to
hold in the regime of arbitrary aspect ratio.
Figure 12.52 shows two Hovmöller plots summarizing the evolution of the system when γ = 0, AV = 0.1,
and C = 1. Figure 12.53 does the same, except γ = 1 and the system has been allowed to evolve for a
longer time. The plots shown in 12.52a and 12.53a allow us to specifically see how the vortex is affected
by the incident gravity waves as the system evolves. In particular, we see that the qualitative evolution
of the pseudovorticity ζ near the centre of the domain differs only slightly as we increase the aspect ratio,
though the two different graphs are still clearly distinguishable. Further, by plotting the divergence alone,
we isolate the propagation of gravity waves generated by the initial perturbation; since our finite element
spaces are chosen within a FEEC framework, we can rely on the numerical divergence of the balanced
component being zero. These plots indicate a qualitative correspondence with the dispersion relation
(10.3.10), which predicts that gravity waves travel more slowly as γ increases. The relative error in energy
is on the order of 10−9 for γ = 0 and 10−10 for γ = 1.
Now that we have a visual representation of the broad features of the dynamics, we describe the wave–
vortex interaction as measured by the number a(t). Note that the potential vorticity stayed localized
around xV in our simulations, so we could actually compute the integrals in (12.5.2) over the whole
(a) ζ (b) ∇ · u
Figure 12.53: Hovmöller plot of the evolution of (a) ζ and (b) the divergence of velocity with γ = 1 when
AV = 0.1 and C = 1. The H(div)–flux method has been used.
(a) γ = 0 (b) γ = 1
Figure 12.54: Evolution of the wave–vortex interaction parameter a(t) for (a) γ = 0 and (b) γ = 1 when
AV = 0.1. In both cases, the solid blue curve displays the evolution when C = −1, and the dotted red
curve represents C = 1. The H(div)–flux method has been used.
(a) AV = 0.5 (b) AV = 1 (c) AV = 2
Figure 12.55: Evolution of the wave–vortex interaction parameter a(t) for AV = 0.5 (a), AV = 1 (b), and
AV = 2 (c) when γ = 1. The solid blue curve represents the case C = −1, and the dotted red curve
represents C = 1. The H(div)–flux method has been used.
Figure 12.56: The same quantities plotted in Figure 12.55, except with γ = 0.
domain without changing a(t); in Firedrake, computing such a global integral is easier than computing a
local integral. Figure 12.54 plots the evolution of a(t) for AV = 0.1 with two curves representing C = 1
and C = −1. Comparing these curves to the Hovmöller plots (Figures 12.52a and 12.53a), we see that
a(t) begins to change only when the gravity waves from xW approach the region close to xV , cementing
the reliability of a(t) as a useful measure of the magnitude of the wave–vortex interaction.
Figure 12.55 plots a(t) for γ = 1 and AV = 0.5, 1, and 2. Each plot contains two curves: a solid
blue one for C = −1, and a dotted red one for C = 1. As AV increases, the interaction becomes slightly
stronger if C = 1, and slightly weaker if C = −1. So, an anticyclone with a large amplitude is not affected
much by the fast perturbation. This shows that the weak dependence of a(t) on AV and C presented in
[49] persists for nonzero γ.
Figure 12.55 demonstrates that, for γ = 1, a(t) only increases by about 0.8% when AV is increased
from 0.5 to 2 . In order to get a better idea of how γ affects the amplitude of a(t), we reproduced Figure
12.55 for γ = 0 (Figure 12.56). Note that we cannot reliably compare Figure 12.55 quantitatively with
the results of [49], since we must use a much smaller perturbation amplitude AW than the one used in
this paper. Figure 12.56 shows that, at γ = 0, the change in amplitude of a(t) when AV goes from 0.5 to
2 is about 0.4%. So, it appears that the wave–vortex interaction becomes slightly more pronounced as γ
To summarize, we see that the amplitude of a(t) increases with γ. In agreement with [49], we also have
that cyclonic vortices (corresponding to C = 1) interact more strongly with the incident gravity waves
than do the anticyclonic (C = −1) vortices. Further, the interaction becomes stronger with AV as long as
C = 1, while for C = −1 the opposite is true. These insights into the asymmetry between cyclones and
anticyclones may have applications in studying the stability of balanced states; a balanced cyclone “feels”
fast perturbations more than a balanced anticyclone and so, at least naı̈vely, it seems that a cyclone is
more susceptible to instability than an anticyclone. However, the numerical results of [49] seem to suggest
that (at least in the realm of the 1.5D RSW) balanced vortices like those studied in this section are, over
long times, essentially unaffected by incident gravity waves. Since the dependence of a(t) on aspect ratio
is somewhat weak, I expect that a similar asymptotic stability result holds for the 1.5D RGN too, though
developing a numerical routine that remains accurate in the strongly nonlinear regime (AW = O(1) or
greater) is required before this conjecture can be conclusively addressed. All in all, in order to conclusively
probe the relationship between vortex stability and cyclone parity more thoroughly, one may likely have
to study a 2D wave–vortex interaction, if only because in 1.5D the system is “too stable”.
Remark 12.5.1. The general problem of cyclone–anticyclone asymmetry in geophysical flows has attracted
some attention in the computational physics community (see for example [70, 71]). I have avoided an ex-
tended discussion of this subject because any proper treatment of the antisymmetry problem must necessarily
involve some heavy machinery from turbulence theory. However, I remark that “preferences” for cyclones
or anticyclones do exist in nature. For example, the direction of a hurricane’s rotation depends on the
hemisphere where the hurricane originates.
discrete level. Our goal here is simply to demonstrate that the mixed framework outlined in the previous
chapter can at least yield methods capable of resolving complicated 2D dynamics. As we show, however,
there is still some work to be done before the mixed framework can be considered competitive in 2D.
Remark 12.6.1. The H(div)–flux method suffered from convergence failures when I attempted to perform
this test, so I was forced to switch to upwinding in order to get any results. This convergence failure is
another prominent strike against the H(div)–flux method, alongside the energy conservation issues brought
up in Section 12.4 and the inability to effectively deal with high–amplitude gravity waves in Section 12.5. I
have referenced the idea of fusing the upwind and H(div)–flux methods while maintaining PV advection to
solve some of these issues in Section 12.5, but I re–iterate that a working implementation of this combined
method is unavailable at the time of writing.
Remark 12.6.2. In [66], fourth–order dissipative terms are added to the governing PDEs in order to quell
small–scale noise in the simulation. Accordingly, we expect that grid–scale numerical dissipation might be
necessary in order to resolve the complicated motion present in this instability test. While I do not intend
to present a complete proof of the conjecture that our upwind method dissipates energy on small scales
(such a proof would likely involve much fussing with spectral decompositions), we can naı̈vely expect that
this is true: in the simplest upwind finite–difference scheme for the linear advection equation
∂t u + c ∂x u = 0,
the leading–order error term depends on ∂x2 u, hence numerical dissipation is more important on smaller
length scales.
For this instability test, we assume the seafloor is flat. The initial conditions are
25(x − π)2 25(y − π)2
h(x, y, 0) = (y − π) − tanh(y − π) + 1 + 0.01 exp − − , (12.6.1)
π π2 π2
u(x, y, 0) = sech2 (y − π) − x̂. (12.6.2)
If the term in the square brackets is ignored, then the system is in geostrophic balance. The bracketed term,
however, spoils the balance slightly and, as we soon see, actually causes the balanced state to completely
break down. We set Fr, Ro, and γ = 1, following [66]. We use a 60 × 60 periodic mesh of the square with
side length 2π, and the time step is
∆t = ≈ 0.063.
75 1.01 + π
This time step is chosen because, very roughly, we can estimate the typical gravity wave speed in the fluid
as 1.01 + tanh(π)
π , and we wish to keep the Courant number at about 0.8. For the particular results shown,
the de Rham diagram of the method is
∇⊥ ∇·
CG(2) −−→ BDM(1) −→ DG(0).
Figure 12.61: Filled contour plots of the layer depth h for the instability test at eight different times. The
upwind method has been used.
Figure 12.62: Relative error in energy for the instability test. The upwind method has been used.
2 ≤ y ≤ 4 starts to influence the system more strongly, creating more pronounced differences. The
structure of the initial depth field has completely broken down by t = 82.06s. So, the upwind method
seems to be capable of resolving the complicated breakdown of the balanced state to at least a modest
To assess the quality of the simulation more quantitatively, we investigate how well the simulation
conserves energy. The relative error in energy is shown in Figure 12.62. The conservation quality here is
the poorest seen so far in this chapter, with the maximum error on the order of 10−1 . We conclude that,
even though the complicated small–scale motions do not wreak havoc on the solver, there is more work to
be done before the method can be earnestly relied upon.
Figure 12.71: Changes in δHGN = log10 max HGNH (t)−HGN (0)
GN (0)
with respect to shape function degree r for
simulations of solitary wave propogation by the upwind method. A mesh with 510 elements was used, and
the Courant number was 0.8.
Chapter 13
such complex motion is present, the upwind method can be used to resolve the dynamics, though further
work is needed before this routine can be considered competitive in 2D.
are physical. This leads us to conclude that an analysis of the dispersion error in the scheme is necessary
before more complicated simulations of flow over topography are undertaken, let alone relied upon. I
recommend that such an error analysis should follow the approach of Cotter and Shipton [21], which is
focused on understanding how specific choices of finite element spaces may lead to spurious oscillations in
the depth field. These spurious modes may even occur when finite element spaces are chosen according
to the rules of FEEC, so unfortunately the theory from Part 1 does not solve every problem for us. Once
the dispersion error in the numerical scheme is better understood, steps may be taken to optimize the
method’s performance, perhaps by changing the choices of finite element spaces as in [21]. At this point,
more complicated numerical tests, such as the flow over a non–smooth shoal discussed in [53, 65], can be
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Appendix A
In the body of the thesis, I make reference to two computer demos that the reader can use to supplement
their understanding of the content. In this appendix, I briefly summarize what the demos are, where they
are mentioned in the thesis, how they may be downloaded, and what software is needed to run them. The
two demos are
1) MixedSL.ipynb: a routine showing how different choices of finite element spaces spaces strongly af-
fect the quality of numerical solutions to a Sturm–Liouville PDE, mentioned briefly in Section 9.5;
2) GN Topography.ipynb: a routine showing how the GN describe the influence of bottom topography on
solitary waves, discussed in Section 12.4 (all of the numerical results in this section were obtained using
this demo, though the demo also includes the option to use topography profiles not discussed in the thesis).
Both of these demos are Jupyter notebooks [48] written in Firedrake [72]. They are mostly self–explanatory,
so I do not provide a detailed description of how to use them here. To obtain the demos, simply visit Demos and download the required files.
If you have University of Waterloo online access credentials, you can run both demos simply by using
the University’s online Jupyter server at If you are not affiliated with the Uni-
versity of Waterloo, you must download and install some software before you can access the demos. Note
that Firedrake is not tested on Windows, so if you are using Windows your best option is probably to
install Ubuntu before starting. Additionally, if you are using a Mac, I recommend that you make sure
Homebrew is up–to–date, and that you have also installed both Xcode and Command Line Developer Tools
(otherwise, you may have to stop the Firedrake installation and obtain these packages before re–starting).
Here are the steps you need to take to download the required software:
2) activate the Firedrake virtual environment in the terminal, then install Jupyter from;
3) if you want to use the topography demo, you also need to install both the cmocean colormaps (you can do
this by typing pip install cmocean into the terminal) and FFmpeg [34] (see
for download instructions);