Group 3 (SIP)

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San Mateo, Isabela

PAASCU Accredited Level II
School Year 2016 – 2017


An investigative project presented to the members of the

faculty of La Salette of San Mateo, Inc. in partial

fulfilment of the requirement in Science 10.


Barboza, Roxinne Suzette E.

Lagamon, Hans Gabriel L.

Cabalse, Thomas Jericho T.

Sipe, Darwin Dale B.

Fernandez, Byrel Amor C.

Manan, Paul Greg C.

Ferrer, Elin Meae

Realin, Kimsun P.

Nakabayashi, Christina

Fernando, Zar-lix G.

Ballesteros, Kyra Isabel D.

October 2017

The members of Group 3 science students of Grade 9 St. Matthew

submits this Investigative Project for approval entitled “THE


accepted and approved by the Committee.


Critic Adviser Science I.P. Adviser



Barboza, Roxinne Suzette E.

Ballesteros, Kyra Isabel D.
Fernandez, Byrel Amor C.
Cabalse, Thomas Jericho T.
Nakabayashi, Christina
Lagamon, Hans Gabriel L.
Fernandez, Byrel Amor C.
Sipe, Darwin Dale B.
Fernando, Zar-lix G.
Manan, Paul Greg C.
Ferrer, Elin Mae
Realin,Kimsun P.

The researchers would like to give their heartfelt

gratitude to the people who helped in making and considering

this study and for the success of the researchers.

To their beloved Research Adviser, Ms. Dianne D. Lampa who

guides them and thought them on how to work on their in

investigatory research, for encouraging us and helping us to

solve every problem the researchers may encounter, her

unconditional support to this investigative research.

To their English teacher, Ms. Ragen R. Baquil, who helped

and guided the students for the betterment of this project

To their principal, Mrs. Lolita R. Gamboa who thought them

good values and making this research possible.

To the School Director, Fr. Manuel R. Medina, M.S., for

his prayer and spiritual guidance, for his open hearted

guidance extended to the student, especially to the authors and

whose approval was most appreciated.

Above all, to our almighty God who guided the researchers

in the right path and for all the blessings that the

researchers have received.


The researchers would like to dedicate this investigatory

project to all the people who made this possible to their ever

loving parents who gave them strength to accomplished this

research, to their kind teachers who help and guide them, to

their ever supportive science teacher Ms. Dianne D. Lampa who

guides and motivates them to do this project, to their

principal Mrs. Lolita R. Gamboa and their school director

Fr.Manuel R. Medina M.S. who thought them good discipline and

good behavior and who cherish their knowledge, and last but not

the least the almighty God the giver of wisdom and knowledge.
Chapter 1


Earlier, whenever the people finished their meals one of

the habits that they used to do is to find something that can

counter the taste of their main dish. Until today we still

performed these historical practices and as time go passed away

we improve on how we look at it, hence such an improvement will

affect the number of capable buyers, the price, the

availability and taste all of these factor may affect

contributes to the discovery of fruits as a main ingredients to

a cold yogurt.

As a result the researchers take this opportunity provide

dessert, like which is more nutritious and less expensive to

eat thought it sounds liked.

Background of the Study

The researchers chose the carrots to make it into an ice

cream, because carrots are present all year round. Another

factor why the researchers emphasis this study because of the

Vit C, most vegetable like Papaya are good for blood sugar

regulation due to the presence of carotenoids. Third, Papaya

are easy to find and cheap. Fourth, you can easily find them

from local grocery stores and/or markets per kilo, sliced,

mixed with other fruits, canned, and/or juiced. papaya is one

of the most popular tropical fruits of the world and it is also

considered as one of the most important fruit crops in the

Philippines because of its economic potential . just as the

fruits unique, it also has a distinct taste that makes it a

favourite recipe for Filipinos family such as atsarang or

atcharang papaya, ginisang papaya, ginataang papaya,and chicken

tinola with papaya. In this research, the researcher with

create a new recipe which is the papaya yogurt. Yogurt can

satisfies your sweet tooth. Thus, the researchers want to know

whether the candy with the unique flavor will be loved be

Statement of the problem.

Above from what is stated, “The Feasibility of Carica

Papaya as a Yogurt ” the researchers aims to examine and

investigate regarding in a salient manner.

The researchers need to solve the following problems:

1.Can we use Papaya as yogurt ?

2.What are the accurate Procedure to be done to have an

Papaya flavoured yogurt

3.Can this soap be appropriate for any age and gender?

4.How nutritious is the Papaya flavoured compared to

commercial one?

5.What makes the researchers chose the papaya as a yogurt.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims:

1.To come up with product that is more nutritious dessert.

2. To determine whether Papaya is suitable as a yogurt.

3. To provide a product that is available in the

environment yet easily found in stalls and in the market.

4. To introduce another option in consuming carrots other

than the natural way of assimilating it which is more

enjoyed and more recreated to eat.

Significant and Scope of the Study

The said research is essential for following reasons

.Papaya is prevalent in the environment ,it is one of the

most common plant in the municipality. The people who will

be benefit from eating the papaya flavoured are people who

mostly can’t afford of buying a commercial one and those

people who have Vitamin C deficiency .Perhaps all of us

have the capability of doing these papaya flavoured.

Scope and Limitations of the study

The researcher’s study covers how Papaya can be used as a

delicious . Determining the benefits arise when eating the

Papaya flavoured . Other than that, the study will not

cover topics beyond the scope of the research.

Definition of terms

Vitamin A. Promotes good eyesight and normal functioning of

the immune system.

Foliate (Folic Acid). Promotes cell development,

prevents birth defects, promotes heart health, and helps red

blood cells form.

Vitamin B₁₂, also called cobalamin, is a water-soluble

vitamin that has a key role in the normal functioning of the

brain and nervous system via the synthesis of myelin, and

the formation of red blood cells. It is one of eight B


Potassium. Helps the nervous system and muscles; helps

maintain a healthy balance of water. a chemical element with symbol Cu and atomic

number 29. It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with

very high thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly

exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-orange color.

Antioxidant. is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of

other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can

produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may

damage cells.

LDL (bad) cholesterol. The main source of cholesterol build up and

blockage in the arteries

HDL (good) cholesterol .HDL helps remove cholesterol from your


Heart Attack. A sudden and sometimes fatal occurrence of

coronary thrombosis, typically resulting in the death of

part of a heart muscle.

Chapter II

Review and Related Studies And Literatures

This Chapter includes the review of related literature and

studies which the researchers have the perused the shed light

topic under study.

Foreign Literature

(*1a)According to Jian L, Lee AH, Binns CW. Papayas, native

to Central America, have been long revered by the Latin

American Indians. Spanish and Portuguese explorers brought

papayas to many other subtropical lands to which they journeyed

including India, the Philippines, and parts of Africa.

(*1a)This revered tropical fruit was reputably called "the

fruit of the angels" by Christopher Columbus. In the 20th

century, papayas were brought to the United States and have

been cultivated in Hawaii, the major U.S. producer since the

1920s. Today, the largest commercial producers of papayas

include the United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

(*1a)According to Cho E, Seddon JM, Rosner B, Willett WC,

Hankinson SE. Papayas offer not only the luscious taste and
sunlit color of the tropics, but are rich sources of

antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and

avonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the

minerals, potassium, copper, and magnesium; and fiber.

Together, these nutrients promote the health of the

cardiovascular system and also provide protection against colon

cancer. In addition, papaya contains the digestive enzyme,

papain, which is used like bromelain, a similar enzyme found in

pineapple, to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma,

and allergies.

(*1b)According to Ensminger AH, Esminger M. K. J. e. al.

Vitamin C and vitamin A, which is made in the body from the

beta-carotene in papaya, are both needed for the proper

function of a healthy immune system. Papaya may therefore be a

healthy fruit choice for preventing such illnesses as recurrent

ear infections, colds and flu.

(*1b)According to Jarvik GP, Tsai, NT, McKinstry LA et al.

Papaya contains several unique protein-digesting enzymes

including papain and chymopapain. These enzymes have been shown

to help lower inflammation and to improve healing from burns.

In addition, the antioxidant nutrients found in papaya,

including vitamin C and beta-carotene, are also very good at

reducing inflammation. This may explain why people with

diseases that are worsened by inflammation, such as asthma,

osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, find that the

severity of their condition is reduced when they get more of

these nutrients.

(*1c)According to Li T, Molteni A, Latkovich P ,

Castellani W, Baybutt RC. Papayas are fruits that remind us of

the tropics, the regions of the world in which they are grown.

Once considered an exotic fruit, papayas' rise in popularity

has made them much more available. Papayas are spherical or

pear-shaped fruits that can be as long as 20 inches. The ones

commonly found in the market usually average about 7 inches and

weigh about one pound. Their flesh is a rich orange color with

either yellow or pink hues. Papaya has a wonderfully soft,

butter-like consistency and a deliciously sweet, musky taste.

Inside the inner cavity of the fruit are black, round seeds

encased in a gelatinous-like substance. Papaya's seeds are

edible, although their peppery flavor is somewhat bitter. The

fruit, as well as the other parts of the papaya tree, contain

papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. This enzyme is

especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe. Papain

is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements and

is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums.

(*1c)According to Pattison DJ, Silman AJ, Goodson NJ, Lunt

M, Bunn D, Luben R, Welch A, Bingham S, Khaw KT, Day N, Symmons

D. The nutrients in papaya have also been shown to be helpful

in the prevention of colon cancer. Papaya's fiber is able to

bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keep them away

from the healthy colon cells. In addition, papaya's folate,

vitamin C, betacarotene, and vitamin E have each been

associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. These nutrients

provide synergistic protection for colon cells from free

radical damage to their DNA. Increasing your intake of these

nutrients by enjoying papaya is an especially good idea for

individuals at risk of colon cancer.

Foreign Studies

(*2a)Papaya plants are usually planted by direct seedling

in the field. Place 5 or more seeds in each hole; then cover

with ¼ inch of soil. When fresh seeds are used, seeds will

germinate in 10 to 14 days after planting. Seed germination is

better and faster if the gelatinous envelope (sarcotestae)

surrounding the seed is removed by means of the fingers. In

some cases, seedlings are started in the nursery by sowing

seeds in seed plots or individual containers such as in cans or

plastic bags. Sow 3 to 4 seeds per container. Use sterilized

soil to avoid nematode infestation and damping-off. Seedlings

in the nursery should be grown under full sunlight to produce

vigorous and hardy seedlings. Care should be taken not to

disturb the root system. Constant watering is essential until

plants are well-established. Seedlings are transplanted when

there are 3 to 4 leaves.

(*2a)Thin papaya seedlings in the field 4 to 6 weeks after

emergence. Leave only 3 of the strongest seedlings in each

hole. Save plants that are spaced far enough from one another

to allow minimum competition for sunlight and nutrients.

(*2a)The second and final thinning in the field should be

done as soon as flowers appear. This is usually 4 to 6 months

after seed germination. At this stage, leave one tree seedling

per planting hole. In plantation where female trees are grown,

some pollinating trees of either male or hermaphrodite forms

should be preserved during the thinning process. Allow one male

plant to grow for every 15 to 20 female trees for pollination


Local Literature

(*3a)Papaya is a small, erect,, usually unbranched, fast-

growing tree growing 3 to 6 meters high. Trunk is soft and

grayish, marked with large petiole-scars. Leaves are somewhat

rounded in outline, 1 meter broad or less, palmately 7- or 9-

lobed, each lobe pinnately incised or lobed. Petioles are

stout, hollow, and about 1 meter long. Staminate inflorescence

is axillary, pendulous, paniculate, and 1 to 1.5 meters long.

Male flowers are in crowded clusters, straw-colored, and

fragrant. Corolla tube is slender, about 2 centimeters long.

Female flowers are in short, axillary spikes or racemes, the

petals 7 centimeters long or less. Fruit is indehiscent,

subglobose, obovoid or oblong-cylindric, 5 to 30 centimeters

long, fleshy and yellowish or yellow-orange when ripe,

containing numerous black seeds which are embedded in the sweet


(*3a)Papaya is a luscious fruit that has been taken for

granted. The total crop area in the Philippines planted to

papaya amounts to only 8,720 hectares or 0.1 percent of our

agricultural land. Yet no one can deny its tastiness as a

dessert or as an indispensable vegetables dish of various

recipes. Papaya fruits are good sources of Vitamin A, B and C.

It is a familiar meat tenderizer because for clearing fruit

juices, on fermenting liquors, pre-shrinking the quality of

wool and as soap for washing clothes. Papaya possesses

medicinal values.

(*3b)Papaya can be easily grown in home yard gardens. It

can also be a profitable enterprise. Under ordinary farm

condition, production cost amounts to only P2,700 per hectare

on the first year and P1,500 per hectare on the second year.

The net profit on the first year may be less than P400 per

hectare; but in the second year the returns can reach as high

as P4,000 per hectare. The productive life of a papaya plant is

about 3-1/2 years. This means that after establishing the

plantation, income will flow with little effort provided you

have a ready market.

(*3b)Bruised papaya leaves are used as poultice in

treating rheumatism. In nervous pains, leaves can be dipped in

hot water or warmed over a re and applied. As purgative, one

tablespoon of the fresh fruit juice mixed with honey and 3 to 4

tbsp. of boiling water is taken one draught by an adult; two

hours later, it is followed by a dose of castor oil. This

treatment is repeated for 2 days, if necessary, for children

aged 7 to 10 years old. The children under 3 years, half the

dose is given.

Local Studies

(*3c)According to studies it has a factor in sharpening

vision Papaya is one of the fruits with the highest Vitamin A

content. Vitamin A is an important vitamin for the eyes,

especially for those who are already aging and suffering from

macular degeneration. Vitamin A is important in manufacturing

the pigments of the retina. This very essential layer of the

eyes maintains the functions of photoreceptors which are

enables you to see colors in both the light and dark.

(*3c)Seeds from papaya fruits showing typical ring spot

symptoms on its peel were evaluated for the presence of papaya

ring spot virus (PRSV), a very important virus disease that has

threatened papaya production for the last 10 years. In all

tests, a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was

used. Results from several ELISA tests using intact seeds from

infected papaya fruits show that only 11-14 percent reacted

positively against the specific PRSV antiserum (As). To further

verify the seed-transmissibility of the virus in question,

seeds were dissected into various parts: sarcotesta, liquid,

seed coat endosperm and embryo. All the seed parts except the

embryo showed the presence of PRSV, however, percent infection

varied from each sample. This indicates that the PRSV found in

the Philippines might be seed-borne. To determine if the virus

is definitely non-existent in the embryo, a growing-on-test was

done. The coleoptiles were harvested from the seeds germinated

seven days after sowing and subsequently tested in ELISA. Data

disclosed that none of the coleoptiles tested positive to the

specific PRSV-As. Results suggests that all seed samples shown

for coleoptile generation did not harbor any virus particle

which is indicative of the seed borne but not seed-transmitted

nature of PRSV. More tests are deemed necessary for further


(*3c)Study showed fresh Carica papaya leaf extract

significantly increased the platelet and RBC counts in test

groups compared to control. Identification of active

constituents is paramount for its potential as medication to

boost thrombopoiesis and erythropoiesis in humans and animals

where those cell lineages have been compromised. Open-labeled,

randomized controlled trial investigated the platelet

increasing property of C. papaya leaf extract in patients with

thrombocytopenia associated with dengue. Results showed the

leaf extract significantly increased the platelet count

(p<0.003) over the therapy duration. An observational,

prospective, uncontrolled, open label, single center study

investigated the effect of papaya leaves extract capsules in

acute febrile illness with thrombocytopenia in 80 patients.

Results showed significant increase in platelet count (p<0.05)

and maintained stability of hematocrit level. Findings suggest

acceleration of platelet count increase and shortening of

hospitalization time.

(*3c)Papaya is not a direct-seeded crop. Nursery-grown

seedlings are transplanted in the field to have a uniform

stand; and usually, germination of papaya seeds takes two (2)

weeks. Papaya cannot stand strong winds; moderate wind speed is

ideal to keep the plants dry and prevent fungal infection. In

case of strong wind, windbreaks or props are necessary. In

cases where the farmers opt to plant windbreaks, rows may be

planted at an interval distance, which is 20 times the height

of the tree. It is preferable that windbreaks are planted prior

to planting papayas. If this is not feasible, it is

recommended to plant papaya in areas where there are

established windbreaks. Papaya plants are sensitive to water

logging. To prevent water logging, hilling up should be

practiced or drainage between rows should be provided.


HA: There is a significant difference between the Papaya

flavoured yogurt and the commercial one in terms of nutrient


HO: There is no significant difference between the experimental

yogurt and the commercial one in terms of price.

HA: There is a significant difference between the Papaya

flavoured yogurt and the commercial one in terms of price.

HO: There is no significant difference between the Papaya

flavoured yogurt and the commercial one in terms of how much it

Conceptual Framework


 Pureed 1. Heat the milk.
2. Cool the milk
 Whole Milk
 Vanilla 3. Thin the yogurt with
 A Bowl milk.
 A Spatula
4. Whisk the thinned yogurt
 A knife
 Blender into the milk.

 A Mixer 5. Wait for the yogurt to

set. yougurt
6. Transfer the pot to the made up
(turned-off) oven papaya.
7. Slice and chop off the


8. Mix the two ingridients

9. Put it on the Blender

10. Cool the yogurt.

Your next batch of

homemade yogurt.

Figure 1.1

Paradigm of the Study


Research Methodology and Procedures

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive type survey method to


YOGURT”. This method sees to describe and understand the nature

of each respondent opinion about the effectiveness of the


Respondents and Sampling

The population of the researcher’s study consist of the

people in their Barangay. The researchers will survey

respondents, who are willing to taste the product. From this

number population the researchers will distribute their 30 –

50. The responders are classified according to age, sex, and

health conditions. In the researcher’s study, they identify the

respondents as 5 and above, female or male doesn’t have

contagious illnesses.
Data gathering Instrument

The materials and instruments in gathering the data are the


 Papaya  Mixing bowl

 Fresh milk  A Spatula

 A knife
 Primary yogurt
 Blender
 Sugar  Thermometer

 Vanilla  Measuring cups

 Honey

In the conducted survey the materials we used are the


 Questionnaires

 Camera

 Ball pens

 Paper

 Sample products
Data Gathering Procedure

1. Heat the milk until it boils.

2. Cool the milk

3. Thin the yogurt with milk.

4. Whisk the thinned yogurt into the milk.


For the researcher’s to be able to gather data, a

formal request/permission was forwarded to the Science teacher.

When the request was approved, the researchers gathered the

respondents, made them try the yogurt, and asked for their

cooperation to answer the questionnaire with regards to its

benefits and responses from the product.

Furthermore, questionnaire contains the following


1. Is Papaya effective as a yogurt?

2. Can it be used by everyone?

3. Is it a better alternative than the commercialized one?

4. Do you think it is more nutritious than the commercialized


5. Will it be beneficial to the people in the community?

6. Does it taste good?

The researchers used random sampling to select their respo

ndents. The respondents' ages are 12 and above. The respondents

are grown up that have sufficient knowledge about the study and

respondents are from San Mateo, Isabela.

There were fifty (50) respondents that taste the yogurt. From

that (50) the group was divided into ten (10), where there five

(5) from each group: the first group were composed of Public

teachers ,the second group were composed Private Students, the

third group were composed of Public Students, the fourth group

were composed of convenience store workers ,the fifth group

were composed of Restaurant workers ,the sixth group were

composed Private hospital nurses, the seventh group were

composed of Private Hospital nurses, the eighth group were

composed of Burger vendors, the ninth group were composed of

donut vendors and the last groups were composed of Parish


Distribution of Respondents
Analysis of Data

The result of the survey has shown the papaya yogurt’s

feasibility anad acceptability among the respondents who t

Letter to the Respondents

To the Respondents:

This study is designed to determine “THE FEASIBILITY OF

PAPAYA (CARICA PAPAYA) AS A YOGURT”. It is in this context that

you earnestly requested to answer the questionnaire sincerely

and honestly. Please don’t leave any statement unanswered.

Rest Assured that all data will provide shall be treated

with the strict confidentiality.

Thank you very much for your valued assistance and


Respectfully yours,

The Researchers.


Name: _________________________ Age: ____ Gender: _____

( ) Elementary Pupil ( ) High School Student

( ) College Student ( ) Working Professional

Others Please specify: ____________________

Dear Respondents,
The researchers, students of LSM are conducting a study about
“The effectivity of Papaya as Yogurt”.
In line with this study, we would like to request past and
parcel your time to contribute to our research by answering the
questionnaire that follows. Your contribution and cooperation
regarding this matter is highly appreciated and recognized.
Thank you very much and may your day be holy.

Very truly yours, the researchers

DIRECTION: Check the column which corresponds to your answer.

Indicators Yes No

1. Is Papaya effective as a yogurt?

2. Can it be used by everyone?

3. Is it a better alternative than the

commercialized one?

4. Do you think it is more nutritious than the

commercialized ketchup?
5. Will it be beneficial to the people in the
6. Does it taste good?





(*1a) Jian ,L., Lee AH,Binns C.W., Cho ,E., Seddon J.M., Rosner
,B., Willett,W.C., Hankinson, S.E.(2004,June) Prospective study
of intake of fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and carotenoids and
risk of age-related maculopathy.Retrieved December 08,2017,

(*1b) Ensminger ,A.H., Esminger ,M. K. J. e., Jarvik ,G.P.,

Tsai, N.T., McKinstry ,L.A.( 1983).Papaya, Foods & Nutriton
Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 08,2017,

(*1c) Li T, Molteni ,A., Latkovich ,P. , Castellani ,W.,

Baybutt ,R.C. ,Pattison ,D.J., Silman ,A.J., Goodson ,N.J.,
Lunt ,M., Bunn ,D., Luben ,R., Welch ,A., Bingham ,S., Khaw
,K.T., Day ,N., Symmons,D.(

(*2a) Jarvik, G.P., Tsai, N.T.,( 2002, Aug 1). Vitamin C and E
intake is associated with increased paraoxonase activity.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol . . Retrieved December 08,2017,

(*3a) Business Diary Ph Group.(2017,November 3).Papaya

Production Guide.Retrieved December 08,2017, from

(*3b) Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards.(2015).

Good Agricultural Practices for Papaya. Retrieved December
08,2017, from

(*3c) Talens, A.D., Alcantara, B.S. (1995) Studies of papaya

viruses in the Philippines: seed transmission of papaya
ringspot virus in the Philippines .,from Philippines Univ. Los
Banos, College, Laguna.Retrieved December 08,2017,from (

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