Research Methodology and Review of Literature.: Chapter No. 02
Research Methodology and Review of Literature.: Chapter No. 02
Research Methodology and Review of Literature.: Chapter No. 02
Stress Management.
Causes of Stress of employees in Banking Sector.
Impact of Work Stress.
An overview of State Bank of India.
Review of Literature.
Importance of Study.
Objectives of the Study.
Research Methodology.
Data Sources.
Statement of Hypotheses.
Scope of the Study.
Research limitations.
Chapter scheme.
‘Work is Worship’ seems to be gone now a day because of the
reason of stress.1 Stress is a crucial word in organizations in the
present scenario. Without knowing the mental status and physical
capacity and caliber, organizations are just assigning work to the
employees. This is causing stress. Stress at times can be taken as a
positive word also but maximum times it is taken in a negative
sense. The workplace of the 21st century is a fast-paced, dynamic,
highly stimulating environment which brings a large number of
benefits and opportunities to those who work within it. The ever-
changing demands of the working world can increase levels of
stress, especially for those who are consistently working under
pressure such as bank workers. Whilst pressure has its positive
side in raising performance, if such pressure becomes excessive it
can lead to stress which has negative consequences.
Stress Management:
Stress management can be defined as interventions designed
to reduce the impact of stressors in the workplace. These can have
an individual focus, aimed at increasing an individual’s ability to
cope with stressors. The goal of Stress Management is to manage
the stress of everyday life among employees. Many different
methods may be employed, such as bio-feedback, meditation and
massage. Counselors work with individuals in order to determine
what stress management program will work best for that person.
25 Beed 2
26 Bhandara 2
27 Gondiya 2
28 Nandurbar 2
29 Parbhani 2
30 Gadchiroli 1
31 Hingoli 1
32 Jalna 1
33 Washim 1
Total: 375
Review of Literature:
A review on the previous studies on stress among the
employees is necessary to know the areas already covered. This will
help to find our new areas uncovered and to study them in depth.
After understanding the concept of stress, we need to study the
previous studies in order to have a larger view of various effects of
stress on employees. This will surely lay down the scope of the
topic for further research. The earlier studies made on stress
among the employees are briefly reviewed here.
18. Vijay Joshi & K.A. Goyal (2013)21 - In this study the
authors found that cultural fit and HR policy framework are
two prominent factors for high level of stress and
dissatisfaction among bank employees. This study is a small
contribution for the betterment of the bank employees and
provides guidelines for bank policy makers, strategists,
scholars and researchers.
41. G. Radha (2015)44 -Banks are among the top ten high
stress workplaces in India. Elucidating the causes of
occupational stress is important not only for its potential
implications for stress management at banks but also for
enhancing an understanding of strategic human resource
management. The study is addresses the specific problems of
bank employees related to occupational stress. The study
throws light into the pathogenesis of various problems
related to occupational stress among public sector bank
employees in Tiruvarur. The result of the study reveals that
the officers and clerical staff experience high level of
occupational stress and sub staff experience moderate
occupational stress.
with these changes. This attempt has been made to study the
causes and effects of stress amongst bank employees. The
ways to manage stress has also been suggested. Measures to
overcome stress that affects the physical and mental
wellbeing of employees are also suggested.
to fill up this vital gap in the existing field and make a modest
contribution in this field, the present study is undertaken in the
commercial banking sector in Maharashtra with special reference
to employees of State Bank of India, with the specific objectives.
Importance of Study:
Research in the area of stress is important for two reasons.
First, stress is an independent variable influencing employee
satisfaction and performance. Second, it is incumbent on
management to improve quality of life of organizational members.
The desire of every employer is optimum productivity. This can
only be achieved when the employees work at their best. But one
major factor that has been identified in the literature to affect the
performance of employees is job stress. Therefore, the employers
cannot ignore the influence of job stress in attaining the
organizational set goals. The focus of this study is to understand
how work stress affects employees’ productivity and also to identify
the factors that are responsible for work stress. The present study
is an attempt to focus on the stress level and how to reduce that
stress from the employees of SBI.
Research Methodology:
Commercial Banks in India have been classified into Public
Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks and Co-operative Sector Banks.
Public sector banks are further subdivided into State Banks of
India and its Associates and other Nationalized Banks. Private
sector banks have been classified into private sector banks and
foreign banks, in addition to this co-operative sector do operate
banks under the classification Co-operative Banks. Further for this
study the researcher has taken the State Banks of India. Data were
collected from the sample bank groups adopting convenience
sampling method. It is also identified that the number of
employees in each branch are also handful. Based on the total
number of banks situated in Maharashtra state, the total sample
size of 160 respondents comprising of 80 branches of SBI were
taken for the study.
Data Sources:
Both primary and secondary data is used.
Primary Data: The primary data is collected from the
respondents by administering a structured, open and closed
ended questionnaire and also through observations,
interviews and discussion with management teams.
Sample Size: There were 375 SBI branches in 33 districts of
Maharashtra state. Out of them 15 districts is selected for the
Statement of Hypotheses:
The following hypothesis also formulated for the study:
1. Managerial level employees are more stressful with compare
to clerical level employees.
2. The Bank Management of SBI effectively handling the
stressful situation of employees.
3. The Stress Management Programmes organized by SBI is
effective for employees.
Research limitations:
The main limitations of the study have been related to time,
sampling, hesitation and biasness among the employees in their
views. Moreover, other banks operating have not been taken in this
study due to time and cost constraints. The other limitations of the
study are-
1. The data is based on individual opinion which may bring in
some bias.
Chapter scheme:
1. Introduction to Study.
2. Research Methodology and Review of Literature.
3. An Overview of the Commercial Banking industry and the
mission and their strategy.
4. Nature and Types of work stress in Commercial Banks.
5. Impact of stress on SBI employees.
6. Primary data analysis.
7. Conclusions and Suggestions.
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