Research Methodology and Review of Literature.: Chapter No. 02

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016

Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

Chapter No. 02:

Research Methodology and Review of


 Introduction.
 Stress Management.
 Causes of Stress of employees in Banking Sector.
 Impact of Work Stress.
 An overview of State Bank of India.
 Review of Literature.
 Importance of Study.
 Objectives of the Study.
 Research Methodology.
 Data Sources.
 Sampling.
 Statement of Hypotheses.
 Scope of the Study.
 Research limitations.
 Chapter scheme.
 References.

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

‘Work is Worship’ seems to be gone now a day because of the
reason of stress.1 Stress is a crucial word in organizations in the
present scenario. Without knowing the mental status and physical
capacity and caliber, organizations are just assigning work to the
employees. This is causing stress. Stress at times can be taken as a
positive word also but maximum times it is taken in a negative
sense. The workplace of the 21st century is a fast-paced, dynamic,
highly stimulating environment which brings a large number of
benefits and opportunities to those who work within it. The ever-
changing demands of the working world can increase levels of
stress, especially for those who are consistently working under
pressure such as bank workers. Whilst pressure has its positive
side in raising performance, if such pressure becomes excessive it
can lead to stress which has negative consequences.

The job stress is an increasing problem in present day

organizations; it does not affect the employees work life only, but
has far reaching impact on employees’ family life as well. Stress
refers to the pressure or tension people feel in life. Schular R. S.
(1980) defines ‘Stress as a dynamic condition in which an
individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or
demand related to what he or she desires and for which the
outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important’.2 The
Modern world, which is said to be a world of achievements, is also
a world of stress. We find stress everywhere, whether it be within
the family, business organization or any other social or economic
activity. Right from the time of birth till the last breath draws, an

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Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

individual is invariably exposed to various stressful situations.

Stress is experienced by every person of any age and gender.

The interest in the issue has been rising especially in the

present century which is been called as the ‘Age of Anxiety and
Stress’. High Levels of stress experienced by individuals could
result in high blood pressure, accident proneness, irritability and
difficulty in making decisions. The differences among the various
employees based on different demography’s including sector,
gender, qualification, industry and experience has been analyzed.
The correlations among various factors causing stress including
demand, control, management support, peer support, relation, role
and change factors are explored.

Stress Management:
Stress management can be defined as interventions designed
to reduce the impact of stressors in the workplace. These can have
an individual focus, aimed at increasing an individual’s ability to
cope with stressors. The goal of Stress Management is to manage
the stress of everyday life among employees. Many different
methods may be employed, such as bio-feedback, meditation and
massage. Counselors work with individuals in order to determine
what stress management program will work best for that person.

Work plays a critical role in the lives of individuals which has

contributed to the phenomenon of stress for both individual
employees and the organizations. Stress, at work, is one of the
threats in providing a healthy platform of work to employees. The

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Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

stress induced due to roles performed by individuals as employees

at workplace, has been one of the most persuasive organizational
stressors, the outcomes of which have been found to be costly to
the organization. The previous studies in this area of research
indicate that the role stress as a phenomenon has hardly been
understood in its entirety and comprehensively in case of
commercial banks particularly in the Indian context. The highly
competitive banking industry has levied varied role requirements
on employees resulting into stress.

Stress is something that happens in our daily lives and is

usually associated with a particular event such as work, family or
other responsibilities. There are many situations that we cannot
control, but there are ways to control how we deal with certain
situations. Effective stress management is something that our lives
can go a little more smoothly. Stress management is as simple as
taking a walk. It was been proven that physical activities would
improve a person’s mental health, help with depression, and
relieve the side effects of stress. This makes a person’s heart rate
increase and will be more likely to be affected by stress. It is vital
that stress management techniques are implemented into our daily
lives. Coping with stress is an individualized task and one method
over another may not be superior. A person that is stressed takes
so much away from his or her health and performance levels.

Employers should provide a stress-free work environment,

recognize where stress is becoming a problem for staff and take
action to reduce stress. Stress in the workplace reduces

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productivity, increase management pressures, and makes people ill

in many ways, evidence of which is still increasing. Workplace
stress affects the performance of the brain, including functions of
work performance; memory, concentration, and learning. Stress at
work also provides a serious risk of litigation for all employers and
organizations, carrying significant liabilities for damages, bad
publicity and loss of reputation. Dealing with stress related claims
also consumes vast amounts of management time. So, there are
clearly strong economic and financial reasons for organizations to
manage and reduce stress at work, aside from obvious
humanitarian and ethical considerations.

Causes of Stress of employees in Banking Sector:

During the past decades the banking sector had gone under
swift and striking amendments like policy changes due to
globalization and liberalization, growing competition due to the
entrance of more private banks, downsizing, introduction of new
and innovative technologies, etc. Owing to these changes, the
banking sector employees are experiencing a high level of pressure
and stress. The advent of new technological revolution spread
through all walks of life coupled with globalization, privatization
policies has drastically changed the conventional patterns in all
fields. The banking sector is of no exemption. Occupational stress
is becoming progressively more globalized and affects all countries,
all professions and all categories of employees, as well as families
and society in general.

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Globalization and privatization led policies compelled the

banking sector to reform and adjust to develop a competitive edge
and cope with multinationals led environment. The advent of new
technological changes, especially the extensive use of computers in
banking sector has changed the work patterns of the bank
employees and it has made it inevitable to downsize the work force
in the concerned sector. The implications and transformations of
the above said changes have affected the social, economical and
psychological domains of the banking sector employees and their
relations. All the above factors as discussed are potential attributes
to source occupational stress and its related disorders among the
bank employees.

Impact of Work Stress:

Work stress has emerged as one of the important and focal
areas for research in present day organizations. It is considered as
an important phenomenon affecting the organizational health and
health of its employees. It affects the behaivour of employees in the
organizations. It has far reaching impact on motivation and
satisfaction of employees. The productivity of employees and
overall productivity of organization is affected by levels of stress
and motivation. Stress causes various psychological problems like
anger, depression, anxiety, irritability and tension and this
influences the motivation of employees to a considerable extent.

An overview of State Bank of India:

State Bank of India (SBI) is the India’s largest commercial
bank. The Government controlled bank; the Indian Government

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maintains a stake of nearly 60 percent in SBI through the Central

Reserve Bank of India also operates the world's largest branch
network, with more than 13,500 branch offices throughout India,
staffed by nearly 2.20 lakh employees. SBI is also present
worldwide, with seven international subsidiaries in the United
States, Canada, Nepal, Bhutan, Nigeria, Mauritius, and the United
Kingdom, and more than 50 branch offices in 30 countries. Long
an arm of the Indian Government's infrastructure, agricultural,
and industrial development policies, SBI has been forced to
revamp its operations since competition was introduced into the
country's commercial banking system. As part of that effort, SBI
has been rolling out its own network of automated teller machines
(ATMs), as well as developing anytime-anywhere banking services
through Internet and other technologies.3

The State Bank of India, the country’s oldest Bank and a

premier in terms of balance sheet size, number of branches,
market capitalization and profits is today going through a
momentous phase of Change and Transformation – the two
hundred year old Public sector behemoth is today stirring out of its
Public Sector legacy and moving with an ability to give the Private
and Foreign Banks a run for their money. The bank is entering into
many new businesses with strategic tie-ups, Pension Funds,
General Insurance, Custodian Services, Private Equity, Mobile
Banking, Point of Sale Merchant Acquisition, Advisory Services,
structured products etc., each one of these initiatives having a
huge potential for growth. The following table shows the branch
network of SBI in Maharashtra.

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Table No. 2.01:

Branch Network of SBI in Maharashtra.
Sr. No. District No. of Branches
1 Mumbai 121
2 Pune 39
3 Nagpur 32
4 Thane 28
5 Nashik 13
6 Raigad 12
7 Chandrapur 10
8 Aurangabad 9
9 Ahemadnagar 8
10 Akola 8
11 Kolhapur 8
12 Amravati 8
13 Ratnagiri 8
14 Sangli 7
15 Jalgaon 7
16 Solapur 6
17 Buldhana 6
18 Sindhudurg 6
19 Satara 6
20 Yeotmal 5
21 Dhule 5
22 Wardha 4
23 Nanded 3
24 Latur 2

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25 Beed 2
26 Bhandara 2
27 Gondiya 2
28 Nandurbar 2
29 Parbhani 2
30 Gadchiroli 1
31 Hingoli 1
32 Jalna 1
33 Washim 1
Total: 375

Review of Literature:
A review on the previous studies on stress among the
employees is necessary to know the areas already covered. This will
help to find our new areas uncovered and to study them in depth.
After understanding the concept of stress, we need to study the
previous studies in order to have a larger view of various effects of
stress on employees. This will surely lay down the scope of the
topic for further research. The earlier studies made on stress
among the employees are briefly reviewed here.

1. Dileep Kumar M. (2008)4 - The productivity of the work

force is the most decisive factor as far as the success of an
organization is concerned. The productivity in turn is
dependent on the psychosocial wellbeing of the employees.
In an age of highly dynamic and competitive world, man is
exposed to all kinds of stressors that can affect him on all

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realms of life. The growing importance of interventional

strategies is felt more at organizational level. This research
was study the impact of occupational stress on Nationalized
and Non–Nationalized Bank employees. The author draws
the attention from policy makers and men of eminence in the
related fields to resume further research.

2. Shruti M. (2009)5 concludes that employees at bank are

too much stressed with their job with heavy workload, so the
employees expert some refreshing events to add up in their
work place like entertainment, trips, tea breaks, intervals
once in a while during lumps of work. Accordingly the
employees expect hike in their salary from their worth
performance. But even then the employees are very
cooperative and have a very good high regard and respect
towards the bank’s image and its future.

3. Rajendran Jayashree (2010)6 - This research was to

study the impact of occupational stress on Nationalized Bank
employees. The problem of stress is inevitable and
unavoidable in the banking sector. A majority of the
employees face severe stress related ailments and a lot of
psychological problems. Hence, the management must take
several initiatives in helping their employees to overcome its
disastrous effect. Since stress in banking sector is mostly due
to excess of work pressure and work life imbalance the
organization should support and encourage taking up roles
that help them to balance work and family. The productivity

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of the work force is the most decisive factor as far as the

success of an organization is concerned. The productivity in
turn is dependent on the psychosocial well-being of the
employees. In an age of highly dynamic and competitive
world, man is exposed to all kinds of stressors that can affect
him on all realms of life. The growing importance of
interventional strategies is felt more at organizational level.

4. Aliah Binti Roslan (2011)7 -The purpose of this study is to

determine factors of work stress among the Bank Rakyat’s
employees. The survey was carried out at 12 branches of
Bank Rakyat at Northern Zone. A total of 154 bank
employees participated in this study. Data was collected
through 40 items questionnaires on a five-point Likert Scale.
Correlation analyses were conducted to test the relationship
between levels of work stress with personal factors,
organizational factors and environmental factors; whereas
descriptive analysis was conducted to analyze demographic
characteristics of respondents. Besides that, T-test, ANOVA
and regression were also used in this study. The findings of
this study showed that there was no statistically significant
difference in the level of work stress by demographic factors.
However, the findings showed that only organizational
factors have significant relationship with work stress level.
Findings of this study also resulted in the overall level of
work stress among respondent is moderate.

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5. Sharmila A. and Poornima J. (2011)8 - The banking

sector is becoming increasingly competitive around the
country and the level of product and service quality being
offered to customer is almost same. Hence, the bank
management adds more responsibilities on the shoulders of
employees, resulting into a pressure on them, with increasing
psychological problems i.e. stress, strain, anxiety, depression,
sleep disorders, etc. This situation, in which the employees
have little or no sense of identification with their job, can
cause an individual looking for another job or don't perform
efficiently their own. Therefore, it is very difficult for
management that how to maintains bank employees’ ability
to develop successful performance with their organization
under present conditions. The study is addresses the specific
problems of private bank employees related to occupational
stress. This throw light in to the pathogenesis of various
problems related to occupational stress among bank

6. Nadeem Malik (2011)9 -Stress is a universal element and

persons from nearly every walk of life have to face stress.
Stress can have negative impacts on both the employee and
the organization. This research checked that what the impact
occupational stress produced upon employees. The study
describes the occupational stress in public and private banks.
A randomly selected sample of 200 employees from private
and public banks shows that occupational stress is found
higher among private bank employees compared to public

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bank employees. Among different occupational stress

variables role over load, role authority, role conflict and lack
of senior level support contribute more to the occupational
stress. Bank employees cannot afford the time to relax and
wind down when they are faced with work variety,
discrimination, favoritism, delegation and conflicting tasks.

7. Renu V. V. (2012)10 - The study is confined to the male

population of 200 bank employees of the Nationalized and
Non-Nationalized Banks of Chandigarh City. Hence; stress
management approaches might be beneficial to the
organizations to change the attitude of Nationalized and
Non-Nationalized Bank employees. The researchers study
the stress level while considering few stress variables of bank
employees of the Nationalized Banks and Non-Nationalized
Banks in Chandigarh, Union Territory.

8. Mohd. Mohsin, Md. Aktar Kamal (2012)11 - Stress

testing is one of the effective and popular ways to alert bank
management with regard to adverse unexpected outcomes
related to variety of risks and provides an indication how
much capital might be needed to absorb losses should large
shocks occur. The authors have studied stress test first from
theoretical standpoint and then conducted stress testing of
credit, equity and liquidity shocks of ten commercial banks of
Bangladesh. The study finds that the large numbers of banks
are capable of withstanding liquidity shocks while a half of
the banks under study are resilient to defend the equity

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shocks. The credit shocks were varied under different

categories. The study has also pointed out some additional
CAR that the banks to collect to absorb the shocks.

9. Yasir Arafat Elahi and Mishra Apoorva (2012)12 - The

study is disclosed the significant differences in stress
experience among short, medium and long tenure groups. so
it has been observed that the total and for six types of role
stress, experienced the minimum stress, medium tenure
group experienced a medium level stress and the short
tenure group experienced the maximum stress, pointing out
the significant existence of a negative relationship between
length of service and role stress.

10. Showkat Hussain Gani (2012)13 - This study looks into

the new century stress prevalent in the banking
organizations. It brings out the factors causing stress at the
place of work, what individuals do to reduce it and
suggestions that may improve the levels of performance at
the same time. It is imperative that the issue of stress in the
workplace is addressed. The paper includes sample survey
outcome done on people from Banking sector and their views
on the concerned topic.

11. K. Sundar & P. Ashok Kumar (2012)14 assessed that

women employees working in banking industry in
Pondicherry find it very difficult to balance home life and
work life. This is one of the major factors hindering women

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executives from climbing the organizational ladder despite

having the requisite qualification, good communication skill
and competency to handle responsibilities associated with
higher jobs. The another grouse of women employees is that
they lament their inability to take care of educational needs
of children thanks to their work pressure and the consequent
loss of energy at home to attend to other familial
responsibilities. In the same vein familial responsibilities do
not permit the women employees to work to the full potential
on work front. The impact of demographic variables on the
performance of women executives varies with the category of
banks. In other words women employees of public sector
banks are performing well on job knowledge, interpersonal
relationship and loyalty and commitment while women
employees of private sector banks are having an edge over
their public sector counter parts in parameters like attitude
towards work and ambition for career growth.

12. Rajesh Jampala, P. Adi Lakshmi and O.A.R. Kishore

(2012)15 - The study measures occupational stress with HSE
indicator tool. The differences among the various employees
based on different demography’s including sector, gender,
qualification, industry and experience has been analyzed.
The correlations among various factors causing stress
including demand, control, manager support, peer support,
relation, role and change factors are explored.

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13. Suchitra M. G. (2012)16 concludes that the stress in the

work place has become the black plague of the present
century. Much of the stress at work is caused not only by
work overload and time pressure but also by lack of rewards
and praise, and more importantly, by not providing
individuals with the autonomy to do their work as they would
like. Most of the employees were not satisfied with the
grievance handling procedure of the organization which was
found by the unstructured interview. Organization must
begin to manage people at work differently, treating them
with respect and valuing their contribution. If we enhance
the psychological well-being and health of the employees.

14. Vijay Joshi and K.A. Goyal (2012)17 -Employees of

banks are supposed to be proactive, proficient enough to bear
responsibility and to perform under very stiff competitive
environment. The existing banking industry is going through
very critical situations, for example, global market is facing
recession, the growth rate of emerging economies are going
down; the pressure of competition is very high and apart
from this dynamic environment of banking industry; various
banks are restructuring their path of growth. At this juncture,
banks are adopting and spreading their wings of mergers and
acquisition to fly high and augment their strength and
market size by approaching global as well as the rural
market. The impact of mergers and acquisitions on
employees is a major concern because this may create stress
among employees. Employees and their families have to go

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through with a certain paradigm during the course of a

merger. The study is to identify the various stressors which
contribute in increasing the level of stress among employees.
Further, it discusses the employee attitude and works related

15. Ajay Singh and Nidhi Dhawan (2012)18 - Stress is a

universal element and persons from nearly every walk of life
have to face stress. Climate refers to perceptions of
organizational practices reported by people who work there.
Stressful organizational climates are characterized by limited
participation in decisions, use of punishment and negative
feedback, conflict avoidance or confrontation (rather than
problem solving), and non-supportive group and leader
relations. Stress can have a negative impact on both
employee and organization. The research paper examines the
different organizational climate stressors encountered by
public and private sector bank employees and the coping
styles being used by them to cope with it.

16. R. Gomathi and R. Deepika (2013)19 -Stress has become

a major concern of the modern times as it can cause harm to
employee’s health and performance. Work related stress
costs organization billions of dollars each year through
sickness, turnover and absenteeism. So it becomes necessary
for every organization to know the factor causing stress
among the employees as well as how they cope up with stress
to make the employee more participative and productive.

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This research study was conducted to find out the factor

causing stress among employees and to know how they cope
up with stress.

17. Arti Devi (2013)20 - This study aims at an exploration of

the sources of role stress at commercial banks, identifying
the coping strategies used by the employees, assessing
whether the employees can be segmented on the basis of
their role stress experiences, examining the determinants of
role stress based employee segments, proposing a
comprehensive model for role stress phenomenon at
commercial banks.

18. Vijay Joshi & K.A. Goyal (2013)21 - In this study the
authors found that cultural fit and HR policy framework are
two prominent factors for high level of stress and
dissatisfaction among bank employees. This study is a small
contribution for the betterment of the bank employees and
provides guidelines for bank policy makers, strategists,
scholars and researchers.

19. Kamalakumati Karunanithy & Ambika

Ponnampalam (2013)22 -Many executives feel they could
make better decisions and perform more effectively if they
worked under less stress. Stress has also been linked to
absenteeism, turnover, and industrial accidents. This study
tried to identify the impact of Job related stress,
Organizational related stress, and Individual related stress

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on performance. Descriptive analysis is applied to find out

the level of stress and correlation coefficient is useful for
finding out the relationship between variables. Regression
analysis is applied to test the impact of stress on
performance. The results revealed when mean value is
compared; mean value of the organizational related stress is
higher than the other two. It is also found that there is a
negative relationship between stress and performance. It is
concluded that stress is having an impact on commercial
bank employees performance, at the same time the influence
of organizational related stress is higher than job related and
individual related stress.

20. Roli Pradhan and Praveen Tomar (2013)23 -This study

follows a line of investigation about the existing knowledge of
stress management strategies among the employees in
Indian commercial banks. The study reviewed number of
different issues related to occupational stress and explored
the factors causing stress. To understand the factors leading
to stress, the study was conducted from the employees of
three different banks. The study argues that stress can be
managed effectively and inexpensively, if the employees learn
what stress is, what are the consequences of stressors and
how to control it effectively. Recognizing the implications of
stress in an organization will increase employee satisfaction
and performance.

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21. Showkat Khalil Wani (2013)24 - The study revealed that

clerical grade employees experience more stress than officers
and there is strong relationship between job stress and
employee motivation. On the basis of findings of the study
the current payer puts forth some relevant suggestions and
recommendations to improve overall job scenario in banking

22. Md. Hasebur Rahman and Md. Kamruzzaman

(2013)25 - This study is an initiative to explore how does
stress stressors influences on work life of employees in
contemporary commercial banks in Bangladesh. The study
reveals that employees perceived that long working hour and
workload have perceived as top most stressors of both public
and private commercial banks in Bangladesh. It is
statistically significant that there is no perceived difference in
stress stressors of public and private commercial bank in

23. Harish Shukla and Rachita Garg (2013)26 -Banking,

like other services, has become one of the highly competitive
sectors in India. The banking organizations, since the
beginning of this decade, have been facing greater challenges
in terms of technological revolution, service diversification
and global banking. Stress is unavoidable on the part of the
employees as the systems, procedures; techniques are getting
complicated with the use of advance technology. Every
employee cannot cope with such rapid changes taking place

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in the jobs. This will lead to arising of stress among

employees. It is found that maximum number of employees
in banks remains in stress. Majority of the employees try to
find solution to relieve them from stress. Also the measures
are also suggested in the paper to overcome stress that affects
their physical and mental health.

24. Showkat Hussain Gani (2013)27 - The study used

standardized scales for measuring Job stress and Emotional
Intelligence among bank employees. The outcome of the
research shows the prevalence of EI and Job Stress among
bank employees. It also revealed that EI can be used as a
potential moderating variable in the stress process and
improving the level of job satisfaction thereby reducing the
job dissatisfaction. Measures were suggested for coping the
job stress and introducing the EI training programmes.
However, most of the Indian banking and corporate sectors
offer training programs which are directed or amid towards
developing the business acumen skills or abilities of their
employees. In other words, these training programs are
focused on those components or factors which can raise the
productivity of employees in monetary terms, neglecting the
human element. Therefore, importance and developing EI
still remains a forsaken component of training modules of
Indian banking sector.

25. Essien, Blessing Stephen (2014)28 -This study examines

different form of coping strategies adopted by female

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employees of commercial banks in Akwa Ibom State, South-

South, Nigeria. The results of the analysis showed annual
leave and getting assistance from colleagues as the most
widely used organizational and personal coping strategies
respectively. Result of multiple logistic regression analysis
revealed that physical activity and getting assistance from
colleagues as well as annual leave and job rotation
significantly reduced occupational stress while lunch breaks
and listening to music while on duty were insignificant.
There is need for management in commercial banks to
increase the level of social support among female employees.
Also, sporting/ games facilities such as gym, chess, scrabble,
Crèche, Restaurant, Staff bus and Staff quarters should be
provided for use by employees so as to assist them cope with
occupational stress.

26. Rajesh K. Yadav and Shriti Singh Yadav (2014)29 -In

today’s competitive environment, work life balance and
stress management for women employees is highly desirable
and if there is no job satisfaction and regularity in life, it can
create a problem for working women. Stress of work life
balance is seen in every corner of the world which occurs to
everyone. It becomes critical when there is no job
satisfaction. Work life balance requires, getting stability
between professional work and personal work, so that it
reduces friction between official and domestic life. The
performance of any organization depends on the
performance of its employees, which in turn depends on

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several factors. These factors can be related to job

satisfaction. This study is conducted among the working
women of public sector banks with the purpose of assessing
impact of work life balance and stress management on job
satisfaction. Observation of the study suggests that WLB and
Stress management can be achieved by the factors
responsible for job satisfaction such as: encouraging social
groups, accommodating working conditions, mentally
challenging work, impartial rewards and employee oriented
policies etc. The study suggested that work-life balance and
stress management is not a problem to be solved; it is a
constant issue to be managed.

27. Tilottama Azad (2014)30 - This research shows that a

large number of bankers are facing high stress because of
their job and the reasons behind this stress include long
working hours, improper reward system, lack of job
autonomy, organizational culture, role conflict etc. and the
main reason is lack of management support to employees.
The employees can notice a number of symptoms indicating
high level stress among them. However if these symptoms
are not noticed in early stage, they can cause serious health
problems among employees such as depression, heart
problems, diabetes etc. Not only health but personal life of
bankers are also being affected because of high job stress,
most employees are unable to spend time at home or with
family. However, with the help of proper management

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

techniques by management, the bankers stress level can be

reduced to great extent.

28. Enekwe Chinedu Innocent and Agu Charles

Ikechukwu (2014)31 - Stress has become a part of day-to-
day living of every individual. On the one side, stress
provides the means to express talents and energies, and
pursue happiness; while on the other it can also cause
exhaustion and illness, either physical or psychological. The
researcher makes use of gender and sections in determining
his decisions. The result shows that male and female bank
employees will not significantly cope with stress
management techniques in banking industry. It also shows
that male and female bankers were found not to differ
significantly on their stress management technique and that
stress management is not gender sensitive or gender- centric.
The researcher recommends that training, total
computerization and others to enable bank employees’ cope-
up with the stress in the work places. Also the stress
management techniques work best when they are used
regularly, not just when the pressure is on knowing how to
de-stress and doing it when things are relatively calm can
help one get through challenging circumstance that may rise.

29. Gopika G. (2014)32 - Nowadays the corporate sector is

thriving at a high speed that the working class has to work for
lingering hours to maintain the standard of living and
achieve their basic needs. So is the condition in the hospitals,

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Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

colleges, BPO’s and lots of other places. Despite having the

modern technological innovations, people have a feeling of
over loaded with work and stressed out. The banking sector
is of no exemption. An attempt has been made through this
research paper to know the experience level of employees
and the relative effect of experience on stress level changes. It
is found that maximum number of employees in banks is
under stress. Majority of the employees try to find solution to
relieve them from stress. Also the measures are also
suggested in the paper to overcome stress that affects their
physical and mental health.

30. S. Ganesh Kumar and N. Deivanai Sundaram

(2014)33 -A cross-sectional study was conducted among 192
bank employees in urban Puducherry. Stress level was
assessed by Cohen's Perceived Stress scale and classified into
low (0-11), average (12-15), high (16-20), and very high (21
and above) based on the stress scores. Majority of them had
high and very high level of stress. The variables that include
age group, sex, category of work, smoking and alcohol use
were not found to be significantly associated with the stress
level (P > 0.05). With respect to question items, handling
personal problems and things were going their way were
answered as fairly often and very often by the majority of the
subjects. Stress level among bank employees is high, which
necessitates intervention measures for this vulnerable group.

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Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

31. Niharika Student U. V. Kiran (2014)34 -Occupational

stress is stress involving work. Occupational related stress is
the response people may have when presented with work
demands and pressures that are not matched to their
knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to
cope. Occupational stress results from the complex
interactions between large systems of interrelated variables.
This study examined occupational stress among private and
nationalized bank employees from Lucknow city. Hypothesis
was tested for occupational stress among private and
nationalized bank employees. The result shows that private
bank employees had high occupational stress rather than
nationalized bank employees. The correlation between
independent variables and occupational stress is positive and
negatively correlated with various components of
occupational stress.

32. N.R.V. Prabhu (2014)35 - Banks and bank employees are

playing a very important role for developing the Indian
Economy. It is generally believed by the common man that
employees of banks may not experience stressors in their
jobs when compared to other occupations. To test the validity
of this belief the researcher had undertaken a study of bank
employees in Chennai. It is the comparative study with
reference to the employees of Nationalized Banks, State Bank
of India, Private sector Banks and the Co-operative sector
Banks in Chennai.

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

33. Moon-dol Kim and Sung-Je Cho (2014)36 -The study is

identify the effects on stress by general characteristics of
bank employees. The study covered employees of banks
located in the central part of the Republic of Korea who were
invited to a questionnaire survey. Based on the results, stress
by general characteristics differed significantly by duty and
responsibility assigned. The implications of this study will be
a basic data for making policies to improve job satisfaction
among bank employees.

34. Bindurani R. S. Shambushankar and A. P. Hosmani

(2014)37 - The study is highlighting the causes of stress and
the effect of stress on employee job performance. The most
important aspect for employees in the work place to have a
sound mental health in order for them to actualize their full
potential and to add value to the organization. Too much
work, time boundary, poorly defined responsibilities, an
unsupportive boss, a lack of control and many other factors
can constitute stressors which make an employee physically
or mentally ill.

35. Sunita Rao, Sandhya Mohan and Bhawana Pandey

(2014)38 - In the modern world of 21st century stress is
termed as disease of century as it is believed to cause more
ailments than anything known to modern medicine. Stress in
occupation is a condition or a feeling experienced when an
employee perceives that demands placed on him exceed the
personal and social resources he is able to mobilize. He has a

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

feeling of losing control over events, which is stressful. In the

study analysis of the level of occupational stress and
performance level among Public and Private sector bank
employees. Conclusion of the research was that, while Private
sector bank employees expressed inter-role distance, role
expectation conflict and role overload as factors causing
stress, Public sector bank employees showed disagreement
towards almost all the factors causing stress.

36. A. Xavior Selvakumar & S. Lawrence Immanuel

(2015)39 -Stress refers to the strain from the conflict
between our external environment and us, leading to
emotional and physical pressure. In our fast paced world, it is
impossible to live without stress, whether you are a student
or a working adult. Job stress level of permanent employees
in private and public sector banks, results founded the public
sector banks’ employees significantly affected more by stress
due to no control on their jobs, social unsupported by the
mangers, and mechanistic and strict organizational structure
than the private sector bank’s employees. This article
highlights employees stress management in public and
private sector banks in Nagapattinam district.

37. A. Mahalakshmi and P. Jeyasri (2015)40 -Stress will be

in every aspect either personal or official. The stress can be
avoided only by handling the situation in the right direction.
The management should take initiative to engage the
employees with the training on motivational factors.

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

Identification and controlling of negative feelings with a

realistic approach of perceiving life and replacing of negative
and rigid thoughts with positive, flexible and realistic
thoughts for behaving rationally and productively. The
behavioral approaches to stress management include
exercise, and eating a balanced and healthy diet as well as
scheduling time for leisure and pleasure.

38. P. Kannan and Suma U. (2015)41 - This research shows

that a large number of bankers are facing high stress because
of their job and the reasons behind this stress include long
working hours, improper reward system, lack of job
autonomy, organizational culture, role conflict etc. and the
main reason is lack of management support to employees.
The employees can notice a number of symptoms indicating
high level stress among them. However, with the help of
proper management techniques by management, the bankers
stress level can be reduced to great extent. The type of
research conducted is causal as this research explores the
effect of one variable over other. It aims to determine the
cause-effect relationship between factors causing stress and
their impact on banker’s personal life and health.

39. D. Chitra and V. Mahalakshmi (2015)42 - The banking

organizations, since the beginning of this decade, have been
facing greater challenges in terms of technological
revolution, service diversification and global banking. Stress
is unavoidable on the part of the employees as the systems,

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

procedures; techniques are getting complicated with the use

of advance technology. Every employee cannot cope with
such rapid changes taking place in the jobs. This will lead to
arising of stress among employees. This research has
conducted to know the reasons of stress among the bank
employees and the ways used by employees to cope with the
stress generated at workplace. It is found that maximum
number of employees in bank’s remains in stress. Majority of
employees try to find solution to relieve them from stress.

40. Sunil Gupta (2015)43 -Stress is body's reaction to any

demand whether the cause of stress is a physical danger, a
family crisis, emotional stress such as a fight with a beloved
one or the boss, preparation for examination or interview or
a new and demanding assignment at the office. Self-control
system is the backbone of stress physiology. Stress affects the
mind, body and behavior in many ways and every one
experiences stress differently, there sign and symptoms that
you may notice when you are experiencing stress. There sign
and symptoms fall into four categories: Feelings, thoughts,
Behavior and Physiology: The stress relating to job have
become predominate feature of modern life, exerting for
reading effects as off the job. Occupational stress is an
increasingly important in health problem and a significant
cause of economic cuss. Occupational stress may produce
both overt psychological and physiologic disabilities. Stress
has harmful physiological and physiological effects on
employees. Stress in a major cause of employee turnover and

Chapter No. 02: Research Methodology and Review of Literature. Page 61

A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

absenteeism. Stress experienced by one employee can affect

the safety of other employee. By controlling stress, individual
and organization can be managed more effectively. Increased
competition due to the entrance of more private corporate
sector bank, introductions of new technologies etc. there
changes. The employee in the banking sector is experiencing
a high level of stress.

41. G. Radha (2015)44 -Banks are among the top ten high
stress workplaces in India. Elucidating the causes of
occupational stress is important not only for its potential
implications for stress management at banks but also for
enhancing an understanding of strategic human resource
management. The study is addresses the specific problems of
bank employees related to occupational stress. The study
throws light into the pathogenesis of various problems
related to occupational stress among public sector bank
employees in Tiruvarur. The result of the study reveals that
the officers and clerical staff experience high level of
occupational stress and sub staff experience moderate
occupational stress.

42. Risham Preet Kaur & Poonam Gautam Sharma

(2016)45 - Despite of feeling relaxed with the advent of
modern technology and innovations in the banking sector,
employees are feeling overloaded with work and stressed out.
With the advancement in technology, banks have to make
rapid changes. It has become hard for employees to cope

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

with these changes. This attempt has been made to study the
causes and effects of stress amongst bank employees. The
ways to manage stress has also been suggested. Measures to
overcome stress that affects the physical and mental
wellbeing of employees are also suggested.

43. Pooja Chatterjee (2016)46 -Employees are increasingly

recognizing that work is infringing on their personal lives
and they are not happy about it. Evidence indicates that
balancing work and life demands now surpasses job security
as an employee priority. They want a life as well as a job. The
study assess the occupational stress, job satisfaction and
mental health of employees belonging to two professions
namely bank and IT firms comprising of both private as well
as private sector. The need was felt so as to aid the personnel
to combat with various dimensions of occupation stress and
job dissatisfaction and to inculcate feelings of organizational
citizenship behaviour and commitment and reduce employee
turnover costs and attrition which is on the rise these days.

The various aspects of the employees have been studied in

order to know the problem job stress its causes and consequences.
These studies have focused on different aspects of the job stress
like sources of stress, stress symptoms, stress management, etc.
Despite the fact that the field is quite fertile for the researchers, not
many comprehensive studies have been conducted to explore the
job stress among employees of commercial banks. No study has so
far, been attempted on the subject in Maharashtra state. In order

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

to fill up this vital gap in the existing field and make a modest
contribution in this field, the present study is undertaken in the
commercial banking sector in Maharashtra with special reference
to employees of State Bank of India, with the specific objectives.

Importance of Study:
Research in the area of stress is important for two reasons.
First, stress is an independent variable influencing employee
satisfaction and performance. Second, it is incumbent on
management to improve quality of life of organizational members.
The desire of every employer is optimum productivity. This can
only be achieved when the employees work at their best. But one
major factor that has been identified in the literature to affect the
performance of employees is job stress. Therefore, the employers
cannot ignore the influence of job stress in attaining the
organizational set goals. The focus of this study is to understand
how work stress affects employees’ productivity and also to identify
the factors that are responsible for work stress. The present study
is an attempt to focus on the stress level and how to reduce that
stress from the employees of SBI.

Enough research has not been done in the context of banking

industry, because of certain peculiar features, like tight work-ship
schedule, work load etc. the changing working scenario of banking
industry, due to the sizeable increase in volume of banking
business, competitive environment created due entry of new
private sectored and foreign banks, has increased the risk of stress
among the employees work-ship this industry. It has also affected

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

the motivation level of employees to a large extent. Therefore, in

order to assess the work stress and its impact on motivation of
employees in banking industry, the present study has been taken
up. This study highlights the reasons behind the stress and also
gives suggestions to overcome from those stressful environments.
Certainly this research is helpful for the State Bank of India as well
as for the employees working in the commercial banks. The
application of the findings of this study is mainly for the design and
implementation of the most effective strategies for dealing with job
stress in SBI. However, it is hoped that the key ideas can be
transported to any workplace wishing to increase or enhance
employees’ productivity.

Objectives of the Study:

The specific objectives of the study can be stated as follows:
1. To study the existing HRM policies and practices of SBI.
2. To examine the nature and causes of job stress in commercial
banking Sector.
3. To study the stressful environment factors of the commercial
4. To investigate the effect of job stress on employees’
performance in State Bank of India.
5. To study the recent practices adopted by SBI to reduce the
6. To study the stress levels among the different employee
groups such as Managerial level, Probationary officer level
and Clerical level of employees of SBI.
7. To analyze the effect of stress on employees at SBI.

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

8. To identify the different methods and techniques to reduce

work stress and suggest various stress reduction techniques
to alleviate stress.

Research Methodology:
Commercial Banks in India have been classified into Public
Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks and Co-operative Sector Banks.
Public sector banks are further subdivided into State Banks of
India and its Associates and other Nationalized Banks. Private
sector banks have been classified into private sector banks and
foreign banks, in addition to this co-operative sector do operate
banks under the classification Co-operative Banks. Further for this
study the researcher has taken the State Banks of India. Data were
collected from the sample bank groups adopting convenience
sampling method. It is also identified that the number of
employees in each branch are also handful. Based on the total
number of banks situated in Maharashtra state, the total sample
size of 160 respondents comprising of 80 branches of SBI were
taken for the study.

Both descriptive and explanatory research methodologies are

adopted in this study. This is because job stress, which is the main
concept in the research, cannot be quantified nor captured by a
single research method. A study of this nature requires a wide
collection of opinions on the subject matter and one of the ways of
achieving this is through administration of questionnaires. As
such, self-administered standardized questionnaire is used to
gather all relevant information on the subject matter. The study is

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

descriptive in nature and Normative Survey method is chosen by

the researcher. The researcher had chosen the stratified random
sampling method for the present study. Under stratified sampling
the population is divided into three sub-populations that are
individually more homogeneous than the total population which
are called stratums and then to select items from each stratum to
constitute a sample. The respondents were drawn from State Bank
of India employees from working in the selected districts of
Maharashtra State of India. The size of the sample is 160
respondents. The main objective of the study is to assess the stress
levels of Managerial level employees, Probationary level employees
and Clerical level employees. The open and closed ended
questionnaire is used for the study.

Data Sources:
Both primary and secondary data is used.
 Primary Data: The primary data is collected from the
respondents by administering a structured, open and closed
ended questionnaire and also through observations,
interviews and discussion with management teams.

 Secondary Data: Apart from primary data the secondary

data is collected through Research books, Journals, Records
of SBI, websites, etc.

 Sample Size: There were 375 SBI branches in 33 districts of
Maharashtra state. Out of them 15 districts is selected for the

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

study in which districts highest branch banking networks are

existed. The population samplings of this study are 160
employees of Managerial Level, Probationary officer level
and Clerical level bank employees. The details of samples
selection is showing below.

Table No. 2.02:

List of Sample selections.
Selected No. No. of
Sr. No. of of Branches Employees
No. District Branches (25%) selected
1 Mumbai 121 30 60
2 Pune 39 10 20
3 Nagpur 32 8 16
4 Thane 28 7 14
5 Nashik 13 3 6
6 Raigad 12 3 6
7 Chandrapur 10 3 6
8 Aurangabad 9 2 4
9 Ahemadnagar 8 2 4
10 Akola 8 2 4
11 Kolhapur 8 2 4
12 Amravati 8 2 4
13 Ratnagiri 8 2 4
14 Sangli 7 2 4
15 Jalgaon 7 2 4
Total: 318 80 160

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A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

 Sampling Area: The researcher selected district places

branches of SBI in Maharashtra State.

 Sample method: The research is made by the survey in

accordance to the convenience of the employees. So the
sample type is convenience sampling.

 Tools of Data Collection: A Questionnaire was

administered to assess the job stress levels among the
employees operating in the sample study banking
organizations. A structured questionnaire and personal
interviews techniques is used for primary data collection.
Four or Five point Likert scale is used for measuring attitude
and level of stress of employees.

Statement of Hypotheses:
The following hypothesis also formulated for the study:
1. Managerial level employees are more stressful with compare
to clerical level employees.
2. The Bank Management of SBI effectively handling the
stressful situation of employees.
3. The Stress Management Programmes organized by SBI is
effective for employees.

The method of summary statistics for testing the hypotheses,

such as mean score and standard deviations, percentage
comparisons were arrived at through the application of simple
formulas. Chi-square values were applied in order to ascertain the

Chapter No. 02: Research Methodology and Review of Literature. Page 69

A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

level of significance. The perceptional data thus generated was

statistically processed, tabulated and analyzed manually as well as
with the help of computer software packages.

Scope of the Study:

To fulfull the objectives of this research, the study is
undertaken to anlalyze the stress management at State Bank of
India. The study is conducted on one of the important banking
organization, namely State Bank of India operating in selected
districts of Maharashtra State only. The scope of the study is
extended only to the employees working in State Bank of India in
Maharahstra State. It does not cover employees in the other banks.
The study is limited to the three levels of employees designated as
Manager level, Probationary officers level and Clerical level
employees. The survey method attempts to analyze the current
phenomenon and have short term validity. The validity of the study
will be depends on the quality of response given by the

Research limitations:
The main limitations of the study have been related to time,
sampling, hesitation and biasness among the employees in their
views. Moreover, other banks operating have not been taken in this
study due to time and cost constraints. The other limitations of the
study are-
1. The data is based on individual opinion which may bring in
some bias.

Chapter No. 02: Research Methodology and Review of Literature. Page 70

A Study on Stress Management of Employees at Commercial 2016
Banks with Special Reference to State Bank of India.

2. The survey has been conducted among 160 employees of only

SBI and therefore the findings of the study are not applicable
to other banks.
3. The sample consisted of managerial, probationary officers
and clerical level employees personnel of SBI branches.
4. To establish the generalization of the results, within the
context of Indian banking Industry, it needs to be surveyed
among other employees and other organizations of both
public and private sector of banking industry.

Chapter scheme:
1. Introduction to Study.
2. Research Methodology and Review of Literature.
3. An Overview of the Commercial Banking industry and the
mission and their strategy.
4. Nature and Types of work stress in Commercial Banks.
5. Impact of stress on SBI employees.
6. Primary data analysis.
7. Conclusions and Suggestions.

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