Plate Bending Analysis Using The Classical or The Reissner - Mindlin Models
Plate Bending Analysis Using The Classical or The Reissner - Mindlin Models
Plate Bending Analysis Using The Classical or The Reissner - Mindlin Models
Plate bending analysis using the classical or the Reissner –Mindlin models
L. Palermo Jr.
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Campinas, C.P.6021, Campinas 13084-970, Brazil
Received 12 December 2001; revised 8 September 2002; accepted 12 November 2002
Plates can be solved with the classical or the Reissner – Mindlin plate model using the same computer code with an appropriate treatment of
the direct boundary element formulation. A field decomposition is employed to establish a connection between these plate models and to
obtain a boundary element formulation for the classical model from that used for the Reissner – Mindlin one. The classical model is related to
the irrotational component of the field related to the rotations of the plate. The use of this field component in both the fundamental solution
and the direct boundary integral equation of the Reissner – Mindlin model carries the classical model approach. Furthermore, the well-known
fundamental solution derived from the classical model can be employed as the irrotational field of the fundamental solution of the Reissner –
Mindlin model. In this way, the fundamental solution used by Danson to perform classical analysis was used as the irrotational component
and the obtained results were compared with those obtained with the well-known Weeën’s formulation.
q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Reissner–Mindlin model; Plate bending; Classical model; Fundamental solution
2. Plate equations related to effect of the assumed s33 distribution along the
thickness and not with the shear deformation. Mindlin [3]
The expressions will be presented with the Latin indices has justified the absence of this term because the linearly
in the range {1 – 3} and Greek indices in the range {1, 2}. A weighted average effect of s33 was neglected rather than s33
plate of uniform thickness is referred to midline coordinates itself with reference to Reissner’s model. It must be
xa and thickness coordinate x3. The transverse shears Qa ; remembered that the average expressions for the displace-
the bending and twisting moments Mab ; all per unit length, ments have been introduced in the second version of the
have similar definitions in both theories with reference to Reissner model [16] and the constitutive relations were not
stresses. In the classical theory, the constitutive relations changed (Eqs. (4) and (5)). It has carried to effective values
written in terms of deflections are of s33 equal to ^ 0.5q at x3 ¼ ^h=2; respectively, or the
same values assumed at the surfaces in the classical or the
Mab ¼ 2D½ð1 2 nÞw;ab þ ndab w;gg ; ð1Þ
Mindlin’s model. However, the values of s33 should be q at
Qa ¼ 2Dw;gga ð2Þ x3 ¼ h=2 and zero at x3 ¼ 2h=2 according to the real
loading condition of the plate, which the distributed load q is
D ¼ Eh3 ½12ð1 2 n2 Þ21 ; ð3Þ a traction on the upper surface in the x3 direction and all
others tractions on both surfaces are null. Further, Lévy,
D is the flexural rigidity, E is the elasticity modulus and n is
Boussinesq and Timoshenko [17] made interesting com-
Poisson’s ratio.
ments on the stress distribution and the constitutive
Reissner conceived his theory from an assumed stress
equations assumed by Reissner, including the s33 distri-
distribution. He introduced generalized displacement
bution along the thickness.
expressions with a weighted average across the thickness
[16] to get the deflection w of the plate in the middle surface
and quantities ba representing components equivalent but
3. Integral equations
not identical to the components of changes of slope. The
constitutive equations written in terms of displacements
The well known Weeën’s formulation [10] for Reissner’s
ðba ; wÞ and the distributed load q on the plate surface are
theory is given by
12n 2n
Mab ¼D ba ; b þ bb ; a þ b d þ þ
2 1 2 n g;g ab 1
Cij uj þ Tijp uj dG ¼ Uijp tj dG
n 2
þq 2 d ; ð4Þ
l ð1 2 nÞ ab G G
12n 2 þ Ui3p 2 Uipa;a q dV;
Qa ¼ D l ðba þ w;a Þ; ð5Þ V l2 ð1 2 nÞ
2 ð8Þ
l is a constant related to the shear effect and is equal to
10=h: Cij is the Kronecker delta for a smooth boundary, ua is ba ;
Mindlin’s model [3] was conceived from an assumed u3 is w, ta is the product Mab nb ; t3 is the product Qa na ; dG
strain distribution. The ‘equivalent changes of slope’ ba of and dV denote boundary and domain differentials, respect-
Reissner’s model were replaced by ca which were obtained ively. Uij represents the rotation ðj ¼ 1;2Þ or the deflection
without average expressions due to the assumed strain ðj ¼ 3Þ due to a unit couple ði ¼ 1; 2Þ or a unit point load
hypothesis. The integrations that determined shears, bend- ði ¼ 3Þ:
ing and twisting moments were performed but the
p 1 2 1 1
coefficients of the integrals containing ga3 were replaced Uab ¼ ½AðzÞ 2 BðzÞra rb 2 dab lnðzÞ 2
by constants whose magnitude were obtained from wave 2pD 1 2 n 2 2
propagation analyses. The constitutive relations for Mind- 1
2 ra rb ;
lin’s model are: 2
12n 2n
Mab ¼ D ca;b þ cb;a þ cg;g dab ; ð6Þ 1 1
2 12n Uap 3 ¼ lnðzÞ 2 rra ¼ 2U3pa ;
4pD 2
12n 2
Qa ¼ D l ðca þ w;a Þ: ð7Þ
p 1 2 1 2
Mindlin showed that l is related to the Poisson ratio and the U33 ¼2 lnðzÞ 2 z ½lnðzÞ 2 1 :
2pDl2 1 2 n 4
vibration mode including the transverse shear deformation
and the rotatory inertia effects. In the present study, l will be With z equal to lr and
assumed as p=h independently of the Poisson ratio.
It should be noted in Eq. (6), in comparison with Eq. (4), 1 1
AðzÞ ¼ K0 ðzÞ þ K1 ðzÞ 2 ;
that the distributed load effect is not included. This term is z z
L. Palermo Jr. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (2003) 603–609 605
Further, the fundamental solutions used to perform analyses the Reissner –Mindlin’s theory. When expression (20) is
with the classical model could be employed as functions for introduced in the relations for the transverse shear (7), they
the irrotational field of the fundamental solution of the can be written as
Reissner –Mindlin model [1]. The fundamental solution will
1 2 n 2 ›H ›H
be written next with reference to normal-tangential (ns) ðQ1 ; Q2 Þ ¼ D l ;2 ;
2 ›x 2 ›x1
directions to be used in Eq. (10). It should be noted on the
complete expressions written with reference to normal- and
tangential (ns) directions that they are the same presented in
›H ›H ›H ›H ›H ›H
the literature but the corrections introduced by the shear ;2 ¼ n þ s ;2 n þ s :
›x 2 ›x 1 ›n 2 ›s 2 ›n 1 ›s 1
deformation effect are clearly identified when the field
decomposition is used. The transverse shears Qa can be written with reference to ns
3.1. Solution for a unit point load
1 2 n 2 ›H ›H
ðQn ; Qs Þ ¼ D l ;2 : ð21Þ
The bending and twisting moments have similar 2 ›s ›n
expressions to those used for the classical model because The relation obtained in Eq. (21) can be used in Eq. (20), or:
the solenoidal field is null ðH ¼ 0Þ and their expressions
›w ›w 2
written with reference to ns directions are given by: ð cn ; c s Þ ¼ 2 ; 2 þ ðQn ; Qs Þ: ð22Þ
" 2 #
›n ›s Dð1 2 nÞl2
p 1 ð1 2 nÞ ›r
Mn ¼ 2 ð1 þ nÞlnðlrÞ 2 þ ð1 2 nÞ ; Expression (22) gives a physical meaning for the correction
4p 2 ›n introduced by the Reissner –Mindlin’s model. The final
p ð1 2 nÞ ›r ›r expression for the transverse shear Qn due to a unit couple in
Mns ¼2 : the a direction is given by:
4p ›n ›s
The transverse shear defined in Eq. (7) can be written with 1 1 ›r 2 K1
Qn ¼ 2 r 2 na þ l K0 þ na
reference to the normal direction (n) and the following 2p r 2 ›n a z
expression is obtained ðQn ¼ Qa na Þ : K ›r
2 K0 þ 2 1 r : ð23Þ
1 ›r z ›n a
Qpn ¼ 2 :
2pr ›n The first term in expression (23) is equal to the transverse
The rotations cn and cs (or un and us, respectively) are given shear due to a couple obtained from the classical model. The
by: second term or the term in square brackets is the correction
due to Reissner – Mindlin’s hypotheses.
1 1 ›r The bending and twisting moments are given by
cpn ¼ 2 r lnðlrÞ 2 ;
4pD 2 ›n " #
›2 w 2 ›Qn
1 1 ›r Mn ¼ D ð1 2 nÞ 2 2 7 w þ 2 2
; ð24Þ
cps ¼ 2 r lnðlrÞ 2 : ›s l ›n
4pD 2 ›s
The main difference when comparing with the classical ›2 w 1 ›Q n ›Qs
Mns ¼ 2Dð1 2 nÞ þ 2 þ ; ð25Þ
model appeared only in Eq. (18) for the deflection using ›n›s l ›s ›n
Reissner –Mindlin’s hypotheses in which the first term Eqs. (24) and (25) contain the classical relation (Eq. (1))
corresponds to the deflection obtained from the classical plus a correction introduced by the shear deformation effect
model and the second term is the shear deformation to remind an expression presented by Reissner [2].
effect. The deflection, rotations and efforts were written with
reference to boundary directions ns at field points and for a
3.2. Solution for a unit couple unit couple in the a direction at the source point. They can
be written with reference to a couple in the n direction using
Eq. (16) gives the deflection due to a unit couple in a a similar procedure as it is shown in the following example:
similar form to that obtained under the classical hypotheses.
The rotations are related to the deflection derivatives using wn ¼ wa na ; ð26Þ
Eq. (15) because the deflection w is 2 f in this solution. Eq. n
Mn ¼ Mna na : ð27Þ
(15) written in terms of ns and w is given by:
Boundary directions at the source point are represented by n
›w ›w ›H ›H n
ð cn ; cs Þ ¼ 2 ;2 þ ;2 : ð20Þ and s in Eqs. (26) and (27). Mn and wn are the deflection and
›n ›s ›s ›n
the bending moment due to a couple in the direction n;
The notation presented in expression (20) shows respectively. Mna and wa are the deflection and the bending
the explicit connection between the classical and moment due to a couple in the direction a, respectively.
L. Palermo Jr. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (2003) 603–609 607
The use of the field decomposition has shown that responses with the classical model would be obtained
Reissner –Mindlin’s model contains the classical model as with an irrotational approach of the plate behavior and
the irrotational field component. The boundary element the terms related to the shear correction would be
formulation allows the classical model to be checked with disregarded.
reference to Reissner – Mindlin model in the same computer
code if the present expressions are considered. Unless
mostly studies with the classical model employ the 4. Numerical example
boundary element formulation with two unknown boundary
parameters, the formulation for the classical model with an A square plate was analyzed with the classical and
additional boundary parameter could be more advantageous Reissner – Mindlin models. Linear shape functions were
to allow the switching between the plate models. The next used for the approximation of the displacements and the
equation is similar to that used by Mukherjee [8] and Paiva efforts on the elements in the numerical implementation. All
[9] to perform classical analyses with an additional nodal parameters were positioned at the ends of the
boundary parameter: elements and the collocation points were placed on the
þ boundary to perform analyses using the classical model or
1 the Reissner – Mindlin models. When discontinuous bound-
Cij uj þ ðQin w 2 Mni w;n 2 Mns
w;s ÞdG
2 ary elements were used, the collocation points were shifted
þ ðð to inside the element at a distance equal to a quarter of the
¼ ðQn wi 2 Mn wi;n ÞdG þ w i q dV : ð28Þ element length. Analytical expressions were employed
G when the integration was performed on the boundary
element containing the source point and Gauss –Legendre
The following features can be noted on the relations scheme with 10 points when the integration was performed
between Eqs. (10) and (28): on the boundary elements not containing the source point.
The results were not significantly affected if continuous or
† The integral Eq. (28) can be obtained from integral Eq. discontinuous elements were used or if the location of the
(10) whether cn and cs are set equal to 2w;n and 2w;s collocation points in discontinuous elements was changed.
and a soft restraint condition is used (Mns is released on Two meshes with double nodes placed at the corners were
the boundary); used: 32 elements (36 nodes) and 128 elements (132 nodes).
† The fundamental solutions for the classical analysis can The refined mesh (128 elements) was used in order to
be obtained from those used for Reissner –Mindlin’s compare results with those obtained with 64 quadratic
model if the shear deformation effect in expressions for elements in Ref. [18]. Eqs. (11) and (28) were used to
the displacements and efforts are disregarded; perform the classical model with the parameter used by
† Eq. (28) can be understood as a weak formulation of plate Danson. The responses from Mindlin’s model were labeled
models with shear deformation effect. Thus, the by Weeën and Danson when the value of l in the irrotational
Table 1
Values at the center of a simply supported square plate
Thickness w M11
0.08 0.8 0.08 0.8
( £ 1022 m) ( £ 1025 m) (N m/m) (N m/m)
Table 2
Values at the center of a clamped square plate
Thickness w M11
0.04 0.4 0.04 0.4
( £ 1021 m) ( £ 1023 m) (N m/m) (N m/m)
part was equal to p=h and e 0.5, respectively. A uniform load could be represented in the Reissner –Mindlin theory by
equal to 0.64 N m22 was applied on the plate surface, the a restraint on the twisting moment Mns at the boundary.
Young modulus was 2 MPa, the Poisson ration was 0.3 and On the other hand, the efforts distribution on the
the side of the plate had a length equal to 4 m. Table 1 boundary using the soft condition was closer to the
presents the results for a square plate simply supported in all classical approach than those obtained with the hard
sides with two thickness, h ¼ 0.08 and 0.8 m. The results condition. It is not an inconsistency but a consequence of
shown in Table 2 were obtained for a clamped square plate the classical hypothesis on twisting moments, which
with two thickness, h ¼ 0.04 and 0.4 m. The responses were enables the sum of the effect of variation of twisting
obtained at the center of the plate and two kinds of boundary moments with the vertical shear forces applied at
conditions related to the twisting moments were used for the same edge and introduces corner reactions for the
Reissner – Mindlin models: ‘soft’ when the twisting equilibrium.
moments were released on the boundary and ‘hard’ when
they were restrained. The results with the soft restraint
condition were presented with 32 elements because the Acknowledgements
differences on the response obtained with 128 elements
were similar to those shown for the hard restraint condition. The author is grateful to FAPESP for financial support of
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