Air To Surface

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The document discusses different types of precision guided munitions and targets for missile defense system testing including the Spice guidance kits and Sparrow targets.

The different types of targets discussed include the Black Sparrow, Blue Sparrow, and Silver Sparrow targets which simulate different ballistic missile threats. The document also discusses the Spice-1000 and Spice-2000 guidance kits.

The Spice guidance kits can convert 1000lb and 2000lb warheads into precision stand-off weapons with capabilities like autonomous operation, pinpoint accuracy, ability to overcome GPS jamming, and the ability to conduct multiple missions per sortie.


Spice 1000/2000….…………….……………………….………….2
Spice 250………….…………………………………………………….4
Sparrow Family

Smart, Precise-Impact and Cost-Effective Guidance Kits



Achieve absolute precision

Benefits Spice guidance kits convert memory and adjusts the flight path
1000 lb and 2000 lb general- accordingly. In the homing phase,
Autonomous stand-off capability
purpose and penetration warheads after successful completion of the
Pinpoint accuracy and effective into precision stand-off strike scene-matching process, Spice
target destruction weapons (Spice-1000 and Spice- acquires the target automatically.
Insensitive to communication 2000). The weapon homes in accurately
jamming and autonomously to the exact
Never-Miss Operational Scenario
target location in the pre-defined
Overcomes GPS jamming and Mission planning (in the air
impact angle and azimuth.
Target Location Error or on the ground) uses target
data (target coordinates, impact Operational Use - Weapon of
Range of targets including angle and azimuth, imagery and Choice
land, maritime and targets of topographical data) in order to Spice is combat-proven in the
opportunity create a mission for each target. Israeli Air Force and is in service
Multiple missions per sortie The pilot allocates a mission to with leading air forces throughout
each weapon before release. the world. The system is also being
The weapon is released outside considered by other international
the threatened area and heads customers.
autonomously towards the target Spice is easily carried and operated
zone. As the weapon approaches from single and dual-seater fighter
the target, Spice's unique scene- aircraft such as the F-15, F-16, F-18,
matching algorithm compares the Tornado, Mirage, Rafale Gripen
electro-optical image received in and Eurofighter. Use of a common
real-time via the weapon seeker aircraft interface and sophisticated
with mission reference data weapon software simplify the effort
stored in the weapon computer needed for aircraft integration.
Typical Stand-off Scenario Kit Concept
Spice-2000 consists of an add-on
kit for warheads such as the
MK-84, BLU-109, APW and
Spice-1000 consists of an
add-on kit for warheads such
as the MK-83, BLU-110, I-1000
and RAP-1000. The weapon has
unique deployable wings that
substantially increase its range
and facilitate the integration to
light fighter aircraft.
Spice-2000 Spice-2000


Spice-1000 Spice-1000
Deployable wings


Mission reference image stored in weapon Seeker real-time image

Guidance and Target Acquisition countermeasures, navigation errors Features

Spice has day, night and adverse and Target Location Errors. Spice
Autonomous operation
weather capabilities, based on its navigates autonomously by means
Advanced Electro-Optic seeker. of INS/GPS and its seeker provides Tactical flexibility in trajectory
The Automatic Target Acquisition positive target identification. Low collateral damage
capability is implemented by a
unique scene-matching technology Simple mission planning
that is robust to scenery changes, Low life cycle cost
Growth potential
Spice Specifications
Stand-off range Over 60 km
Warhead 1000 or 2000 lb
CEP Less than 3 meters
Operation Day/night and adverse weather

Target acquisition probability 95%

Number of selectable missions 100
per weapon

Air and C4ISR Systems Division

Tel: (972)73-336-8503 Fax: (972)73-336-6257
HQ Tel: (972)73-335-4174 Fax: (972)73-335-4657
UNC.40643-071232/037 Graphic Design Dep/042 E-mail:

The weapon of choice for high volume precise standoff strike

Force multiplier for fighters and light attack aircraft

Benefits Spice 250 is a new generation Spice 250 homes in accurately and
standoff Precision Guided autonomously to the exact target
Increased loadout - multiple
Munition (PGM). location in the predefined impact
targets per sortie
angle and azimuth.
Never-Miss Operational Scenario
Target versatility, including
Mission plan, in the air or on SPICE 250 Heritage
land, maritime, and targets of
the ground, uses target data Spice 250 is the latest addition to
(target coordinates, impact the SPICE family.
Autonomous standoff capability angle and azimuth, imagery SPICE is a combat-proven weapon
Versatile platform compatibility and topographical data) to system and in service with leading
create a mission for each target. air forces throughout the world.
High lethality - pinpoint The pilot allocates a mission to
accuracy, effective warehead each weapon before release.
Day, night and all weather Spice 250 is released outside
operation the threatened area, and
Insensitive to GPS jamming and performs midcourse navigation
Target Location Error (TLE) autonomously using its INS/GPS.
Low aircrew workload While approaching the target,
Spice 250 unique scene
Battle Damage Indication (BDI) matching algorithm compares the
Target position update electro - optical image received in
real - time via the weapon seeker
with mission reference data stored
in the weapon computer memory.
Spice 250 Typical Standoff Attack Scenario

Smart Quad Rack carrying 4 Spice 250

Aircraft Compatibility Features

Mission reference Seeker real-time
image stored in weapon image
Spice 250 is carried by and Autonomous operation
operated from single and Tactical flexibility in trajectory Guidance and Target Acquisition
dual- seater fighter aircraft.
Low collateral damage Spice 250 has day, night and all
Use of a common aircraft interface
weather capabilities, based on its
and sophisticated Smart Quad Rack Simple mission planning advanced electro - optic seeker.
(SQR) simplifies the effort needed
Low life cycle cost The Automatic Target Acquisition
for aircraft integration. Spice 250
algorithm with its unique scene
can be directly mounted on light
matching technology overcomes
attack aircraft store stations.
GPS jamming, navigation and
Target Location Errors.

Spice 250 Specifications

Standoff range 100 km
CEP Less than 3 meters
Warhead Blast fragmentation or penetration
Fuse Preset or cockpit selectable
Operation Day/night and all weather

EO Target acquisition probability 95%

Aircraft loadout F-15 - up to 28 weapons
F-16 - up to 16 weapons
Air and C4ISR Systems Division
Tel: (972)73-336-8503 Fax: (972)73-336-6257
HQ Tel: (972)73-335-4174 Fax: (972)73-335-4657
UNC.42123-05/13/32/27 Graphic Design Dep/041 E-mail:
Sparrow Targets TM

Air-Launched Ballistic Targets

Silver Sparrow

Blue Sparrow

Black Sparrow

Step forward to test readiness

Benefits Sparrow Targets Quick Test Readiness

Sparrow targets simulate trajectories, Target mission preparation and
Salvo/Raid capability using re-entry maneuvers and signatures verification are quick and simple.
target adapter on the launch of various Ballistic Missiles. Targets Target operational software is
aircraft include the short-range Black easily loaded during pre-flight
Sparrow and the medium-range procedures. This enables a dramatic
Air-launched, providing test Blue Sparrow and Silver Sparrow. time reduction in achieving test
scenario flexibility They were selected by the Israeli readiness.
Ministry of Defense for testing the
Affordable target & presentation Target Descriptions
US/Israeli Arrow Missile Defense
Multiple threat representation Systems. The Black Sparrow was Black Sparrow simulates unitary
also selected by a foreign country. short-range theater Ballistic Missiles
Test ready in less than 3 months The Sparrow targets can be supplied such as the SCUD-B.
as a “target in the air” according to It has performed very successfully
customer requirements. in a series of fly-out and inter-
ception test missions where various
Flexible Test Capabilities trajectories and re-entry maneuvers,
Sparrow targets offer medium to were carried out.
high fidelity threat representation
and a comprehensive response to Blue and Silver Sparrow simulates
BMD sensor and interceptor test unitary and separable medium
and training requirements. They to long-range theaters such as
can be launched above land and SCUD-C/D, Shihab and others.
over sea, providing test scenario Both targets use the same RV,
flexibility. The target systems are incorporating a redundant
easily adaptable to test range Autonomous Flight Termination
requirements due to adjustable System and a 3-axis Attitude
trajectories, telemetry, radar Control System. Blue Sparrow
transponders and Flight Termination performed flawlessly in all its
System. missions so far.
Selectable Threat Representation
Suitable targets for all BMD systems

Target Types & Separation Requirement Trajectory types Re-entry types

Silver Sparrow
Blue Sparrow Ballistic
Black Sparrow Black Sparrow

Barrel Roll
Blue Sparrow Common, Separable
Re-entry Vehicle

Silver Sparrow

Technical Specifications Modular Target Components

Black Sparrow Blue Sparrow Silver Sparrow Modular warhead types,

selectable according to test mission:
representation Shihab
Target Length 4.85 m  6.51 m 8.39 m

Propulsion Single Stage Solid Rocket Propellant Water High Explosive Inert

Pre-launch weight 1,275 kg 1,900 kg 3,130 kg

Navigation system INS / GPS GPS and Dual INS

Attitude Control N/A 3-axis, cold-gas,

System mounted on RV
Telemetry system 2-channels, omni-coverage

Flight Termination Dual Dual Redundant with

System Redundant Autonomous System

Avionics & Nose- Common to all targets

Cone Payload

Re-entry Vehicle Not Separable  Common Configuration

(nose-cone, electronics and
ACS Section) Air and C4ISR Systems Division
Tel: (972)73-336-8503 Fax: (972)73-336-6257
HQ Tel: (972)73-335-4174 Fax: (972)73-335-4657
SPARROW/UNC/49803 - 0511/32/17 Graphic Design Dep/081 E-mail:

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