Chapter 337C Consumer Protection
Chapter 337C Consumer Protection
Chapter 337C Consumer Protection
337C – 1
1 - 31 LRO 1/2008
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation and application of Act.
3. Establishment of Consumer Commission.
4. Functions and powers of the Consumer Commission.
5. Directions.
6. Funds and resources of the Consumer Commission.
7. Complaints.
8. Discretion not to conduct investigation.
9. Power to investigate not precluded.
10. Summoning persons to give evidence.
11. Obligations of persons summoned.
12. Paper, book, record or document as evidence.
13. Accounts.
14. Annual reports and estimates.
15. Minister to restrict imports, etc.
16. Compulsory recall of goods.
17. Compliance with goods recall notice.
18. Loss or damage caused by contravention of goods recall notice.
19. Consultation to be held in certain cases.
20. Exception in case of danger to public.
21. Information to consumer.
22. Measurement of goods.
23. Receipt to be given to consumer.
24. Warranties.
25. Damage resulting from use service or goods.
26. Damaged goods sold to consumer.
27. Return of defective goods.
28. Return of electrical goods.
29. Approved and non-approved services.
30. Businesses offering repair services.
Paper, book, 12. In all legal proceedings, any paper, book, record
record or or document produced to the Consumer Commission
document as
evidence. pursuant to section 10 shall be received as prima facie
evidence of the truth of the statements contained therein.
Accounts. 13. (1) The Consumer Commission shall keep proper
accounts and shall prepare an annual statement of accounts
in a form satisfactory to the Minister, being a form which
shall conform with established accounting principles.
(2) The accounts of the Consumer Commission shall
be audited annually by auditors appointed by the Consumer
Commission with the approval of the Minister from among
members of The Bahamas Institute of Chartered
Annual reports 14. (1) The Consumer Commission shall, in each
and estimates. year —
(a) on or before the 31st day of May, submit to the
Minister a report of its activities during the
twelve months ending on the 31st day of March
in that year, including a statement of its accounts
audited in accordance with section 13;
(b) on or before the 30th day of April, submit to the
Minister for his approval its estimates of revenue
and expenditure for the financial year next
(2) The Minister shall cause copies of reports
submitted pursuant to subsection (1)(a) together with the
annual statement of accounts and auditor’s report thereon
to be laid on the Table of the House of Assembly.
Minister to 15. (1) Subject to subsection (3), the Minister may,
restrict imports,
by Order —
(a) prohibit the importation or exportation of goods
of any class or description of goods from or to
any country;
(b) prohibit the importation or exportation of goods
or any class or description of goods from or to
any country except under the authority of a
licence granted by the Minister;
(c) regulate the distribution, purchase or sale of
goods or any class or description of goods;
(d) subject to section 16 provide for the recall of
certain goods which are dangerous or hazardous
Exception in case 20. (1) Where it appears to the Minister that goods of
of danger to a particular kind create an imminent risk of death, serious
illness or serious injury, the Minister may, immediately, by
notice published in the Gazette, publish a notice in relation
to the goods under section 16(1).
(2) Where the Minister publishes a notice in the
Gazette under subsection (1) —
(a) in a case where the notice is published before the
Minister takes any action under section 16(1) in
relation to goods of a particular kind, section 18
does not apply in relation to the action that the
Minister may take under section 16(1) in relation
to goods of that kind; or
(b) in any other case, any action taken by the
Minister under section 16(1) in relation to goods
of a particular kind ceases to have effect and, if a
consultation had, under section 18, been arranged
or had commenced, the Minister may publish the
notice under section 16(1) without regard to the
action taken under section 18.
Information to 21. (1) At any time before payment is made for any
consumer. item of goods of, or above a prescribed value (whether sold
as used or unused), a provider shall provide, both orally
and in writing, all information in the English Language to
the consumer concerning the goods being sold including,
where applicable, the origin, price in the currency of The
Bahamas, care terms, components, hazards, proper use,
assembling, installation, weight and size of the goods and
where chargeable, the professional fees of the provider
being charged in respect of the goods.
(2) Where a provider fails to comply with subsection
(1) he shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the
warranty document, be responsible for any damage done to
the goods by the consumer that can be directly attributed to
the consumer’s lack of information.
Measurement of 22. (1) A consumer shall at all times be entitled to
goods. check the weight, volume or other measurement of the
goods sought to be purchased where the weight, volume or
other measurement of the goods materially affects or
determines the price thereof.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), any provider
of any good that is sold by reference to its weight, volume
or other measurement shall provide appropriate
(b) sections 9 and 11 of the Hire Purchase Act, shall Ch. 342.
not be excluded or restricted by reference to any
contract term.
45. (1) Where, for the purpose of reliance upon it, a Satisfying
contract term has to satisfy the requirement of reasonableness
where contract
reasonableness, it may be found to do so and be given terminated.
effect accordingly notwithstanding that the contract has
been terminated either by breach or by a party electing to
treat it as repudiated.
(2) Where on a breach the contract is nevertheless
affirmed by a party entitled to treat it as repudiated, such
affirmation does not of itself exclude the requirement of
reasonableness in relation to any term of a contract.
46. (1) The requirement for reasonableness in relation Reasonableness.
to a contract term, is that the term is a fair and reasonable
one to be included having regard to the circumstances
which were, or ought reasonably to have been, known to or
in the contemplation of the parties when the contract was
To : .......................................................(name of
person summoned and his or her address, if known)
You are hereby summoned to appear before the
Consumer Commission, established under the Consumer
Protection Act, at ................................................... (place)
on the ........... day of …............. at .........o'clock and to give
evidence respecting ....................... (state the matter).
(If the person summoned is to produce any documents,
add) And you are required to bring with you (specify the
papers, books, records and documents required).