Answer All The Following Short Essay Questions: (5 Questions)
Answer All The Following Short Essay Questions: (5 Questions)
Answer All The Following Short Essay Questions: (5 Questions)
( 6 marks )
( 6 marks )
1- When does the umbilical cord typically fall off in a normal term infant?
A- 5 hours
B- Two days
C- One to two weeks
D- One month
E- Two months
4- A 13 month old infant presents to clinic because of chest infection & delayed walking,
history revealed exclusive breast feeding with little baby food. On examination, he has
large head, distended abdomen & palpable swellings at costochondral junctions .what is
the most likely laboratory findings:
A- Hypercalcemia & hypophosphatemia
B- Hypocalcemia & hypophosphatasia
C- Normocalcemia & hypophosphatemia and high alkaline phosphatase
D- Normocalcemia & normophosphatemia
E- None of the above
5- A 6-week-old male infant is admitted to hospital with 10-15% dehydration. The serum
sodium is 160mEq/L and the serum potassium is 3.3mEq/L:
A- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a likely diagnosis.
B- Loss of skin turgor is likely to be present.
C- The dehydration should be corrected over the next 2-4 hours.
D- Bloody diarrhoea suggests a viral cause.
E- Initial fluid replacement for this patient should be with dextrose 5%.
7- Folate deficiency is a recognized complication of the followings EXCEPT:
A- Prematurity.
B- Goat’s milk dependent children.
C- Coeliac disease.
D- Methotrexate therapy.
E-Siderolastic anemia.
8- The following erythema are correctly linked with their recognized causative factor:
A-Staphylococcus aureus and erythema toxicum neonatorum..
B-Parvovirus B19 and erythema infectiosum.
C-Herpes simplex virus and erythema marginatum.
D-Tuberculosis and erythema multiforms.
E-Viral infections and erythema chronicum migrans.
9- A 12 months old boy presents to the emergency department with a 6 hour history of
vomiting, colicky abdominal pain, and irritability. On physical examination a sausage
like mass is palpable in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen
A- This condition is not common in the first two years of age.
B- Black tarry stool is a characteristic feature.
C- Abdominal X-ray shows pneumatosis intestinalis
D- Ileocolic type is the most common location.
E- Mineral oil laxative may be helpful in treatment.
Model answer MCQ
• Hepatitis A: Recommended for all non-immune people living in Egypt where exposure can
occur through food or water. Appropriate for those over 1 year of age. •
• Typhoid: Recommended for all unvaccinated people living in Egypt where exposure can
occur through food or water. Injection appropriate for those over 2 years of age.
• Rabies: Recommended for people living in Egypt where there is a significant risk of exposure
from domestic and stray dogs and cats. Children are considered at higher risk because they tend
to play with animals. Rabies is a fatal illness that cannot be treated once contracted. The vaccine
is available at a reasonable price locally in Cairo.
varicella (chickenpox),
influenza (for asthmatics and diabetics