Research Rbs 2
Research Rbs 2
Research Rbs 2
1Harshit Sharma,2Durgesh Mishra, 3Raju Chaudhary
4Aman Kumar, 5Akash Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering,Buddha Institute of Technology Gida, Gorakhpur,Uattar Pradesh
AKTU University, Lucknow
In today’s world, where we are heading towards the energy crisis as depletion of fossil fuels is at very high rate,
there is need of specific technology which maybe in some way or other help conserve and utilize as much of energy
as possible.
Such a usual and mostly looked away from technology is "Regenerative Braking System". Mostly in any automobile
a lot of energy is wasted while braking in the form of heat due to the friction occurring between the brake pad and
the disk, so in order to resolve problem of energy loss Regenerative Braking System can be used.
Generally, in automobile whenever the brakes are applied on the moving vehicle, the brakes produce a lot of friction
due to rubbing of brake pads or shoes against the disc or drum causing the change of kinetic energy of the vehicle
into heat and noise. The total amount of energy lost in this way depends on how often, how hard and for how long
the brakes are applied.
So in the Regenerative Braking system (RBS) this lost energy is being harnessed in order to utilize it for propulsion
or for other auxiliary function of vehicle such as lighting, A.C., etc. RBS basically uses the mechanical energy of the
brake and converts it either into mechanical or into electrical energy. In this system kinetic energy is converted into
the electrical energy with the help of A.C motor. And this energy is stored in the battery and then this energy is
supplied to the vehicle whenever it is needed.
After this process, when the required energy is transmitted by the inverter the energy to the wheel. The
energy is work the wheel as a external force, which is accelerated to vehicle and save the some losses
such as fuel losses is termed as economical loss, and reduces time which is taken during the acceleration
of vehicle. In the regenerative Braking system improving the efficiency of engine by improving the
braking system. Engine efficiency depends upon the output power of the engine and consumption of the
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[3] Chibulka.J, “Kinetic Energy Recovery System by means of Flywheel Energy Storage”, Advanced
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[4] R.M. van Druten, “Transmission design of the zero inertia powertrain,” Ph.D. Thesis, Technische
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[5] N.D. Vaugham, R.E. Dorey, Proc. Of the Institution of Mech. Engineers, Integrated Engine
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