SJVN Limited: (A Joint Venture of Govt. of India & Govt. of Himachal Pradesh)

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(A Joint Venture of Govt. of India & Govt. of Himachal Pradesh)

BD&MS-Contracts & Procurement Department
6th Floor, Tower 1, Office Block, NBCC Complex,
East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023
Website:, Email Id: [email protected]
CIN No. L40101HP1988GOI008409

NIT No. SJVN/CC-Delhi/BDMS/C&P/4167 Dated: 09.04.2019


1.1. On behalf of SJVN Limited, Online Open e-Tender Enquiry under two Bids System
(Techno-Commercial Bid & Price Bid) are hereby invited from the firms/establishments, who
are meeting the Minimum Qualifying Requirement mentioned in clause 1.2, for
“Housekeeping and Pest Control Services along with Manpower, cleaning Materials,
equipment etc. for SJVN Limited office located at East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi” for
a period of 12 months.

1.2. Minimum Qualifying Requirements (MQR)

1.2.1. The Bidder shall be either a Limited Company or a Private Limited Company or One Person
Company (OPC) or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) registered under the Companies Act
1956/2013 or a registered partnership firm or a proprietorship.
1.2.2. Joint Venture/Consortium bidders are not eligible for bids.
1.2.3. The bidder shall be registered with Employees Provident Fund Organization and Employees
State Insurance Corporation.
1.2.4. Bidder should have average Annual Turnover of minimum Rs 10 Lakh in the last 3 (three)
Financial Years ending on 31.03.2018.
1.2.5. Bidder should have successfully executed the ‘Similar Work’ during the last 7 (seven) years,
ending on 28.02.2019, the executed value of such work should not be less than either of the
(i) single work of value not less than Rs. 26.50 Lakh, or
(ii) two works of value not less than Rs. 16.56 Lakh each, or
(iii) three works of value not less than Rs. 13.25 Lakh each
“Similar Work” shall mean providing either Housekeeping & Pest control or providing
labour on contract basis for Housekeeping & Pest control for a minimum period of one year.
Sweeping/Cleaning services shall also be considered under Housekeeping.
In case of contract(s) under execution as on 31.03.2019, the value of the work(s) executed till
such date will be considered provided the same is certified by the employer. The bidder shall
provide the supporting documentary evidence in respect of successful execution of similar

Housekeeping and Pest Control Services along with Manpower, cleaning

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1.3. Brief Detail & Time Schedule:
Sl. Description
1. NIT No. SJVN/CC-Delhi/BDMS/C&P/4167
2. NIT Date 09.04.2019
3. Mode of Tender Online Open Tender
4. Cost of Tender Document Nil

5. Earnest Money Deposited ₹66,000/-(Rupees Sixty Six Thousand Only)

6. Document available for From 09.04.2019 to 30.04.2019 upto 14:00 hrs (IST)
7. Last Date and Time for 30.04.2019 by 14:00 hrs (IST)
receipt/submission of Bids
8. Date & Time of Opening 30.04.2019 at 15:00 hrs (IST)
of Techno-Commercial
9. Venue for Opening of Bids Conference Room, SJVN Ltd., 6th Floor, Tower No.
1, Office Block, NBCC Complex, East Kidwai
Nagar, New Delhi-110023
10. Date and Time for Intimation will be made to techno-commercially
Opening of Price Bid responsive bidders through e-tendering portal
11. Period of Bid Validity 08.07.2019
12. Currency of Bids Indian Rupees (INR)

1.4. Area and Locations where the Services are to be provided :

1.4.1. The Bidder shall be required to provide Housekeeping and Pest Control Services along with
manpower, cleaning Materials, equipment etc. for SJVN Limited (hereinafter called
‘Housekeeping and Pest Control Services’ or ‘services’ ) at the below mentioned office
premises of SJVN Limited:

Location of the Office Premises Carpet Minimum Number of

Area Manpower to be deployed

SJVN Limited offices located at 6th Floor, Eight Semi-skilled

Tower No. 1, Office Block, NBCC Complex, 39,317 sq ft workmen and one
East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023 supervisor (skilled-

1.5. Tender Document Availability

1.5.1. The detailed Tender (Bid) Document shall be available on SJVN e-tendering portal i.e.
1.5.2. The Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) shall also be available on and CPP portal
Housekeeping and Pest Control Services along with Manpower, cleaning
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1.5.3. In case of any amendment/addendum/corrigendum (s) to this Tender, the same shall be
issued on, and
No notice shall be issued in any other form.

1.6. Pre-Bid Visit

1.6.1. The Bidders are advised, in their own interest, to visit the office premises mentioned at Clause
1.4.1 above to have a clear picture of the work involved and cost to be borne by Bidders to
carry out House-keeping and Pest Control services for the office premises as per scope,
standards norms, terms and conditions stipulated in the Tender Document. The total cost to
carry out the services may be included like consumables to maintain the House-keeping of the
offices and Pest Control, Supervision Charges, Requirement of mechanized equipment for
cleaning/sweeping like vacuum cleaners etc., before quoting rates in their Price Bids.

1.7. Pre-Bid Clarifications

Bidders may submit their clarifications regarding the tender document, if any, in writing either
by email or post and it must be received to Tender Inviting Authority at least seven (07) days
prior to last date of submission of bids.

1.8. Bid Submission:

The bids are to be submitted electronically through e-tendering portal i.e. Any other mode of submission of bids shall not be accepted.
The procedure for online tendering (e-tendering) is given in Clause 1.9.

1.9. Procedure/Requirements for e-Tendering

1.9.1. Pre Requisite of e-tendering:
(i) Bidder shall be a registered user of SJVN’s e-tendering portal (i.e.
(ii) System Requirements:
(a) An Internet connection with minimum 1 Mbps speed.
(b) Operating System should be Windows XP Service Pack -3 / Vista / Windows 7 /
Windows 8
(c) Supported Browsers : Internet explorer – 6.0 or Higher/ Mozilla Firefox 13.0 or
Higher / Google Chrome
(d) System Access with Administrator Rights
(e) Digital Certificate: To participate in an e-Tender/NIT, you need to have a valid
Digital Certificate (Signing + Encryption) from certifying authority of India as per
the IT Act, 2000
Detailed information for System Requirements along with screen-shots for procedure of
system settings is also available at the portal. Bidder may download a document
pertaining to “Minimum System Requirements” from the link given below:
1.9.2. Digital Signature/Certificate
For participating in e-tendering (i.e. for login, uploading & downloading the NIT document &
submission of e-Bids), the bidder has to procure a Digital Signature/Digital Security
Certificate in the name of Authorised Representative of the Bidder. Digital signature can be
obtained from any of the authorized agencies of CCA (Controller of Certifying authorities).
For this, a separate processing fee would be payable to the authorized agency of CCA and
would be borne by bidder itself.

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1.9.3. Registration on SJVN’s e-Tendering Portal
(i) The Bidder intending to participate in the e-tendering have to register themselves in the
portal as mentioned above in clause
(ii) If a Bidder is already registered and going to participate in the tender, the Bidder shall
ensure that his registration in the system is valid till the completion of the entire
tendering process.
(iii) Relevant information to be required during the registration process are also
available on the portal. Bidder may download the bidder manual from the link
given below:
(iv) All the Bidders are requested to get themselves registered well in advance and no extra
time will be considered for the delay in on-line Vendor/Bidder Registration, if any. In
case Bidders wait till the last moment for registration/uploading of Bids, and if any
technical problem is encountered at that time and the closing time lapses, SJVN shall not
be responsible in any manner for such delay/ or any other reason thereof.
1.9.4. Registration Fee
The fees for Vendor Registration in the portal is INR 2600.00 + GST, per year (Non-
refundable) payable in favour of M/s e Procurement Technologies Ltd., Ahmedabad.
1.9.5. Procedure for payment of registration fee:
Bidder shall make offline payment of non-refundable vendor registration fee in the following
Beneficiary Name: e-Procurement Technologies Ltd., Ahmedabad.
Account No. : 002405012757
Bank Detail: ICICI Bank; IFSC - ICIC0000024
Detailed procedure and instructions for online payment, along with screen-shots, is also
available at the e-tendering portal. Bidder may download a document pertaining for
“Instructions for Online Payment” from the link given below:
1.9.6. Downloading NIT Document
Prospective Bidder can access e-Tender portal of SJVN (, for
detailed Tender Document, after completing registration formality and successful login. Bidder
needs to process for Tender Fee/Document Fee, if applicable, to download complete Tender
Download Document link is available at the end of every Tender/NIT notice along with access
to Corrigendum.
1.9.7. Online Submission of Bids
The prospective Bidder shall submit its Bid online in Process/Display Bid Screen at SJVN e-
tendering portal in the following manner after carefully examining the document/conditions
(i) Step-I
Bidder shall login first on the e-tendering portal of SJVN, (i.e. Search tender by filling necessary searching criteria after

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(ii) Step II
After finding the tender on the screen with tender detail like Tender No., Department
Name, Tender NIT, Due Date and opening Date etc. The Bidder has to click on the
“Dashboard” to participate in the Tender in the tender.

(iii) Step III –Document Read Confirmation

To confirm that Bidder has read, examine and understood the documents pertaining to
this NIT and its subsequent Amendment(s)/ Clarification(s)/ Addenda/Errata/
corrigendum(s), if any to this NIT issued by SJVN prior and have no reservations to this,
the bidder have to Click on “Declaration” & then Click on “I Agree” on the display of
main screen.

(iv) Step IV – EMD

Click on “EMD” tab displayed on main screen, the “EMD Payment Detail” screen will
be displayed and bidder should select online Mode of payment towards EMD the select
any one type of payment from followings:
 Payment gateway
 Exemption Certificate
(v) Step V – Online Bid Preparation
To prepare the online Bid the Bidder have to Click on “Prepare Bid” tab displayed on
the main screen after clicking the “Dashboard” link, where the bidder find the online
bidding forms like “Technical forms and schedules”, the bidder needs to click on the
“Add” link to fill up the forms. The Bidder has to fill up the details as required after that
needs to click in “Sign” to digitally sign the form.
To upload any reference document(s), the Bidder needs to click on “Map” link, then
brows the file and fill the ‘Description’ and ‘select the Title name from Document list
Drop Down’ and click on “Upload”.

(vi) Step VI – Final Submission

After filling all forms & final Encryption of Bid/bid, the bidder needs to click on “Final
Submission” tab and then again click on “Final Submission” to the final submission.

(vii) Step VII – Receipt

The Bidder has to click on “Receipt” to get the acknowledgement of the final

1.10. The prospective Bidders shall be required to arrange all resources, including Digital Signature and
Internet Connections at their own cost, for participating in online tenders/bids.

1.11. Assistance/clarification regarding e-Tendering Process

For any assistance/clarification for registration, downloading of document, submission of Bids
and any other information regarding e-Tendering, Bidders may contact to M/s e-Procurement
Technologies Ltd. (Service Provider) having the following contact details:
E-Procurement Technologies Ltd
A-201-208, Wall Street – II / Opp. Orient Club, Nr. Gujarat College / Ellisbridge,
Ahmedabad-380015, Gujarat, India
Tel: +91-79-40016802, +91-909929655, +91-9099090830, +91-8091381583.

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Bidders may also contact following officials of M/s e-Procurement Technologies Ltd
for assistance in respect of e-Tendering process:
Mr. Rakesh Panwar –
Mob. No. +91 80913-81583; e-Mail : [email protected]
Mr. Raman Kumar
Mob No. +91 8449744125; e-Mail : [email protected]

1.12. Details of persons to be contacted in case of any assistance required;

1. Sh. Mahendra Kumar, Assistant Manager (C&P), Contact No. +919599229764

2. Sh. Manish Kanth, Dy. General Manager (C&P), Contact No-+919418084303.
1.13. SJVN reserves the right to reject any or all bids or cancel/withdraw the NIT without assigning
any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/indenting bidder shall have any claim arising
out of such action.

1.14. Tender Inviting Authority:

Deputy General Manager,

Contracts & Procurement Section, BD&MS Department
SJVN Ltd., 6th Floor, Tower No. 1, Office Block,
NBCC Complex, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023
Ph. No.: +919418084303;
E-mail: [email protected]
Visit us at: &

Registered Office: SJVN Office Complex, Shanan, Shimla -171006 (H.P.)

Corporate Identification Number: L40101HP1988GOI008409.


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