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1 author:
Quoc Doan
Macquarie University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Quoc Doan on 04 January 2018.
As the activity progresses, the difficulty of questions will be increased based on players’ level
and skills. When the difficulty increases, the rewards increase as well. At the final session,
time is required to answer a question.
Different players may have different goals when they play. The list below is the possible
goals from this activity:
Buy items for decorating player’s farm
Collect badges/titles
Buy action cards to interact with other players
Maintain high rank in leader board (based on XP)
Save coins as much as possible
Each card has a certain point M which represents for difficulty. Each card is a math question.
When player gives a correct answer for that question, player will earn M coins and XP, then
the enemy loses M HP. The card is taken from enemy’s board. Player’s rewards are recorded.
Total points from cards must be equal or greater than enemy’s HP. A player can pick any
cards to cause damage to the enemy. An enemy dies when it runs out of HP. The player can
maximise their rewards by picking a correct sequence.
2. Theory
2.1. Gamification
The term gamification is used to describe an innovative approach using game mechanics in a
non-gaming environment in order to give it a game-like feel (Deterding et al., 2011). Then
Zichermann (2011a), a leading gamification proponent, enhances the definition by describing
gamification as “a process of using game thinking and game mechanics to solve problems
and engage users”. Zichermann (2011b) also states that the main purpose of gamification is to
help people achieve their personal mastery by engaging with a complex, learnable game
system. By using Zichermann’s suggestion, this design document relies heavily on the
presence of key game mechanics such as point systems, levels, badges, leaderboards, and
instant feedback, to build an activity to help players develop an active attitude towards study
in general, and math in particular, and to achieve a particular learning goal designed by
gamification designer while playing the activity.
Tulloch argues that as a pedagogic heritage, gamification is not only a simple set of
techniques and mechanics, but also “an alternative framework for training and shaping
participant behaviour that has at its core the concepts of entertainment and engagement”
(2014, p. 13). “Gamification has the power to transform the way we teach and the way we
learn” (Matera, 2015). The reason gamification can match with pedagogy is that there are
some similarities between games and study. The structure of similarities is inherited from
Herger (2014). By using gamification’s techniques, this design document aims to design a
study as an activity that provides gameful experience.
Study Game
Tasks Repetitive, and boring Repetitive, but fun
Feedback Depend on teacher’s availability Constantly and (mostly) instantly
Path to Unclear Clear
Rules Unclear and nontransparent Clear, transparent
Information Too much and not enough, not Right amount at the right time.
easy to understand Clear and portable instructions.
Failure Forbidden, punished, better to Expected, encouraged,
prevent it at all time spectacular, brag about it
Status of Mostly appear at the end of a Transparent, timely
users semester or a year
Promotion Meritocracy but less insight how Meritocracy
and when a promotion happens
Collaboration Yes Yes
Narrative If we agree that syllabus is a kind Yes
of narrative then it is a boring
Obstacles Accidental On purpose
Table 4: Comparing Game and Study
Variable, The activity has variable, quantifiable outcomes such as players’ level,
quantifiable coins, items and rank in a leaderboard.
Valorization of The activity generates different potential outcomes with different values,
outcome some positive and some negative. Some players may be interested in
earning as much coins/XP as they can, but other players may participate
the activity to learn and practice their learning goal. Some learning goals
may or may not be achieved.
Player effort Player must exert effort in order to accomplish their goal.
Player attached Players may attach their emotion to the outcome. A player may feel
to outcome “happy” when they earn the highest coins in the activity, but another
player may feel “unhappy” if he/she places low rank in the Leaderboards.
Negotiable This activity is played without real-life consequences. All coins, items,
consequences action cards and titles are only available within the activity.
3. Conclusion
Math Farm is designed to be a fun and active activity to help students develop motivation in
study. By using gamification, Math Farm offers a new approach to teaching and learning.
4. Reference List
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Herger, M. (2014). Enterprise gamification (1st ed.). CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Juul, J. (2005). Half-real: Video games between real rules and fictional worlds. MIT Press
Matera, M. (2015). Explore like a pirate: Gamification and Game-Inspired Course Design to
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Nicholson, S. (2012). A user-centered theoretical framework for meaningful gamification. In
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