Factors Influencing Choice of Service Providers by Users
Factors Influencing Choice of Service Providers by Users
Factors Influencing Choice of Service Providers by Users
ISSN 2320-9127 1
Abstract :
Mobile telecommunication is not luxury commodity but necessity for life even in developing nation like Rwanda. Whiles
some users have stayed with a particular service provider for years others have many SIM cards where they switch among
service providers. What influences a consumer stay with or not stay with a service provider? To answer this question data
has been collected from120 respondents using questionnaires. Random sampling technique was used to collect data and
data analysis was performed by using descriptive statistics. The results show that ‘good network’ in terms of call quality
and wider coverage was the paramount factor users considers in choice a service provider. Free call and free SMS’ good
and available ‘customer services’ as well as ‘quite cheaper local & international calling were the other factors that impact
the choice of customers of service providers. Based on the recommendations of the respondents, the study also suggest
that in order to retain their customers, the companies should invest more in improving network quality and
customers services.
IJOAR© 2015
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
ISSN 2320-9127 2
1. Introduction
It is a business cliché that, customer is the king; “king” because he is the person on whose
decision demand of any product or service is dependent. Since the attitude of buyer decide how
demand will emerge for a new product and service and how existing goods and services will be
sold (Jain, 2010). A buyer or customer is a person or group of persons who decide what to buy
and what not to buy with a purchasing power. In order to make their buying decisions consumers
considers so many factors including price and quality. It is in this context that the marketing
personnel study customer behavior to find out what can be sold and what goods or services are
likely to be rejected. Customers are looking for companies which can satisfy their needs and
therefore, all the companies must provide the solution to customers‟ needs. Although it looks
difficult for a mobile network users to switch overnight because he or she may lose contacts,
once a service provider loses a customer is also difficult to get him/her back. This phenomenon
makes it imperative for service providers to understand the users very well not just to attract but
retain and maintain them. Retaining customer base in the mobile telecommunication business has
become more keen than ever with the advent of mobile number portability. Mobile number
portability is a technology that enables users to switch among service providers without changing
their original numbers. This has eliminated the high user switching cost of losing contacts.
Christian (2010) remarked that there should be direct or indirect contact between the customers
and service providers. This contact can be like, when the company agent is talking to the
customers on telephone. This cooperation between customers and services providers will build a
strong relationship which will generate the double profit for customer as well as the company.
But when this relationship is not satisfactory for the customer, the exchange of value for money
stops and the customers turn to other service providers (Christian, 2010).
2. Literature review
The famous economies law of demand set out by Adam Smith, price is the major determine
factor of a consumer purchase tricked the further studies into consumer behavior in terms of
buying. Solomon (1995) defines consumer behavior as process involved when individuals or
groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy
needs and desires. Therefore, there are internal and external factors which can influence
customers to buy a product. (Wiedermann et al. (2007). In a study carried out by Odhiambo
(2003), to determine mobile phone subscriber satisfaction in Nairobi found out that, customer
service, assurances, service responsiveness, service access, reliability, service security,
product/service features, pricing, service credibility and service equity/ fairness were found to be
major determinants of customer satisfaction. According to Castells et al., (2007) obtaining a
mobile phone is a milestone that indicates success, not only financially but also culturally in
terms of the integration within the society.
According to. Birke and Swann (2007) observed that choice of mobile phone operators is
strongly coordinated within households and that this effect is far stronger than the effect of
overall network size. Eshghi et al. (2007) found that satisfaction of customers can help the
brands to build long and profitable relationships with their customers. Stafford (1994) found that
customers want courtesy, friendliness and convenience but those consumers also view “fair
IJOAR© 2015
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
ISSN 2320-9127 3
prices, concerned management and institutional stability as integral components of the service
process”. Khazeh and Decker (1992) indicated that the most important selection criteria were
service-charge policy (price), reputation (positioning) and competitiveness of loan rates (price).
4. Research methodology
The study has used both primary and second data. The data was collected from the telecom
sector of Rwanda and analyzed with the help of SPSS (16.0 Version) and the tables were
prepared to simplify the data. Sample selected through random sampling technique consists of
one hundred and twenty (120) respondents selected equally from the three telecommunication
companies of Rwanda (MTN, TIGO and AIRTEL). A researcher visited the companies selected
and met the branch managers to explain the purpose of the study. With their permission, the
objectives of the study were briefed to the customers from present at the same time before giving
them the questionnaires. The respondents were asked to indicate one or more factors that have
motivated them to join their respective companies. The data has been analyzed and the
suggestions are made on the basis of the results.
5. Companies’ profile
The telecommunications sector was liberalized in 2001, and the number of companies providing
telephone and Internet services increased from one, the state-run Rwandatel, to 10 in 2012.
Rwanda‟s mobile subscriber numbers now stand at 6.8 million – up on the 6.59 million at the
end of last year out of 12,012,589 population.MTN Rwanda cell has been serving since 1998
and had the biggest share of the market by end February, with over 3.547 million (52%),
followed by Tigo Rwanda , with over 2.248 million (33%) and Airtel Rwanda, with 1.004
million (15%). According to the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA), the number of
active mobile subscribers in Rwanda is 6,800,506 – a penetration of 64.5%.
IJOAR© 2015
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
ISSN 2320-9127 4
Cameroon, Cote d‟Ivoire, Cyprus, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Republic, Iran, Liberia,
Nigeria, Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville), Rwanda, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland,
Syria, Uganda, Yemen and Zambiawww.mtn.com andwww.mtnfootball.com
About Tigo
Airtel provides mobile communications services across 16 markets in Africa: Burkina Faso,
Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya,
Malawi, Madagascar, Niger, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda , Zambia and
now in Rwanda. Airtel‟s African operations are owned by Bharti airtel Limited, a leading global
telecommunications company with operations in 20 countries across Asia and Africa. The
company offers mobile voice and data services, fixed line, high speed broadband, IPTV, DTH,
turnkey telecom solutions for enterprises and national and international long distance services to
carriers. Bharti airtel has over 200 million customers (November 2010) across its operations,
including 50 million in Africa. Airtel is driven by the vision of making mobile communications
affordable for all to give people the freedom to meet their daily challenges and to drive economic
and social development
IJOAR© 2015
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
ISSN 2320-9127 5
In order to study the objectives of the present research, the questions (Appendix) related to
factors influencing customers in choosing telecommunication companies in Rwanda were
analyzed. The results of the analysis are presented in Table 2 below:
IJOAR© 2015
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
ISSN 2320-9127 6
The fourth factor is „Quiet cheaper local & international calling‟ (62.5%), the fifth is „Network
innovativeness‟ (57%), followed by „Advertisement‟ (56%), „Family and Friendships‟ (53.33%),
„Availability in most nearer recharge shop‟ (52.5%). All these results are related to the study of
Kollmann (2000) who opines that the choice of telecommunication service provider is often
connected with purchasing a new end-user set, for example, the consumers consider the fixed
connection costs and variable call charges. Another research conducted by Rahman et al. (2010)
for exploring factors influencing selection of mobile phone service providers by using Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) approach on Malaysian consumers, showed that service availability
has a significant impact on consumer perception/choice in selecting mobile
telecommunication service provider. „Service packages‟ with 49.16% achieved ninth position,
followed by „Overall Services‟ at 47.5%.
Table 2 further demonstrates that the eleventh factor influencing choice of service providers by
users in Telecommunication companies of Rwanda was „Free services‟ with 43.33%, followed
by „Mobile money (transferring, save, credit)‟. In addition, „Brand image‟ with 41%, „Quality of
Internet‟ with 39.16%, „Promotion‟ with 37.5% were the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth
factors. These findings matched with the results of Rowley (1998) who stated that promotion
is one of the medium which is used by organizations to communicate with the consumers with
respect to their product offering. According to Kotler et al. (1999), promotion is an important
part for all companies, especially when penetrating new markets and making more or new
customers. „Pricing information and access to balance easily‟ with 37% on sixteenth place,
followed by „Help line‟ (34.16%), „Buy and pay bills by using internet‟ (33.33%), „Conference
IJOAR© 2015
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
ISSN 2320-9127 7
calling‟ (32.5%), „Cash back‟ (31%), „News and sport services‟ (30%), „Nearer call centers‟
(27%) and lastly „Durability of the company‟ with 23.33 %. Based on the literature review and
the results, both the objectives of the study are achieved as the factors influencing choice of
service providers by users in telecommunication companies of Rwanda are identified in the order
of their prominence.
The primary objective of this paper was to examine the different factors affecting choice of
service providers by users in Telecommunication companies of Rwanda. We hope that the study
will help the companies to know what kind of product or services customers are looking for and
also help the telecommunication companies of Rwanda in formulating the right market
strategies, segmentation of market, sales promotion, development of new product and services,
products orientation and so on. The study shows that, „Good Network‟, „Free calls‟, „SMS and
Registration of SIM cards‟, „Customer service works 24/7‟, „Quite cheaper local & international
calling‟, „Network innovativeness‟, „Advertisement‟, „Family and Friendships‟, „Availability in
most nearer recharge shop‟, „Service packages‟, „Overall services‟ are likely to influence the
customers more while selecting the telecommunication companies in Rwanda. It is a fact that
mobile network usage is increasing at an increasing rate globally and for that matter in Rwanda
but such an increase does not in any way commensurate the quality of service by the providers
especially in developing countries.Customers feel cheated by service providers and wants to
switch. No soon than later companies will lose customers to competitors because the game of the
telecommunication business is all about user base. This study therefore, recommends that the
companies should invest more in improving network quality and customer services in order to
retain their customers in different areas of the country (villages and cities). Also, the companies
should be focused on innovativeness and technology for providing the new products and services
to their clients
IJOAR© 2015
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
ISSN 2320-9127 8
8. References
15. Wiedmann, K., Hennigs, N. and Siebels, A. (2007). Measuring Luxury consumer perception:
A cross-culture framework, Academy of Marketing Science review.
IJOAR© 2015
International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org
ISSN 2320-9127 9
The question for respondents: “According to you, what factors do you consider as important
which has influenced you to choose your Telecommunication companies of Rwanda (MTN,
TIGO, AIRTEL), tick only one”.
1. Good Network
2. Free Calls, SMS and Registration of SIM
3. Customer services works 24/7
4. Quite Cheaper Local & international
5. Network innovativeness
6. Advertisement
7. Family and Friendships
9. Service Packages
10.Overall Services
11. Free Services
12. Mobile Money (transferring, save, credit)
13. Brand Image
14. Quality of Internet
15. Promotion
16. Pricing information
17. Access to balance easily
18. Help line
19. Buy and pay bills
IJOAR© 2015