The Borne Shell
The Borne Shell
The Borne Shell
The next few sections are all based on the syntax rules for the Bourne shell as listed in the man pages
for sh from my system. Compare these rules with those of your system. There may be slight
defferences where the specification of the sh is loosely defined. Where there are these minor
differences, experiment for yourself to validate that what is written agrees with what happens. Trust no-
one and test everything until you are happy you fully understand each point. Only then can you begin
to use the sh to your advantage. Make the syntax rules second nature. Lets read what it says.
The Borne Shell is available in three forms on most systems. These are:
Lets look at the standard man page information and interpret what this represents in some real world
examples. First is the SYNOPSIS section which gives very brief syntax information regarding all
versions of the shell. On my system, the list of three lines shows sh and jsh then /usr/lib/rsh indicating
that the path for the restricted shell is not normally included in the users path. This is because of an
unfortunate conflict between the spelling of rsh and rsh (!) One being the restricted shell, the other
being the remote shell command which allows a shell process to be started on a remote system. For
instance you might want to list your home directory on a remote machine but not want to login and do
any work on the system. To do this the command rsh remote_system ls -l where remote_system is the
alias of the remote machine, would be useful.
Invocation Flags:
In square brackets following the command name is a list of flag parameters which modify the way the
command behaves. You do not need to use any of these, indeed the square brackets indicate that they
are optional, but quite a few are useful on occasion. In common with most man pages my system lists
the flag characters then forgets to say anything else about them until pages 13 (under SET) and 15
(under INVOCATION) by which time the reader has completely forgotten where they came from. It is
never clarified on my system that the SET flags are the same as the ones listed under the SYNOPSIS
section. However there is an inference at the end of SET which indicates “$1, $2 etc., following the
flags, will be treated as input parameters for the shell” - that’s your only clue. The flags will be covered
as appropriate within the text where relevant. I won’t bother elucidating the DESCRIPTION section as
this has been covered in some detail above.
The next bit on my systems man pages is DEFINITIONS where it tries to explain some very basic facts
about key words used in the rest of the document. Some of these definitions are not always very clear
and a misinterpretation here can lead to later confusion. Lets try and take these one step at a time.
A blank is a tab or space. What this actually means is - a blank is any chunk of white space between
anything that is printable (a character or word). So blank can be several spaces or tabs or a combination
of multiples of the two.
A name is a sequence of ASCII letters, digits, or underscores, beginning with a letter or an
underscore. Well, almost. What they are really saying here is - these are the rules for a variable name
or function name within a shell script program. What has been omitted here is that the names are case
sensitive, you can mix case within a name (LikeThisOne), and they don’t always have to start with a
letter or an underscore (See - 0 ). It is never stated what the length limit is for a name. The limit on my
system is 31 characters. Names longer than 31 characters do not give rise to any error messages, but if
you have several names which only differ after character 32, then the shell will treat them all as the
same variable. This can lead to unexpected results. You have been warned.
A parameter is a name, a digit, or any of the characters *, @, #, ?, -, $, and !\^. So, what’s the
difference between a name and a parameter exactly? Not much actually, it’s all in the usage. If a word
follows a command, as in: ls -l word , then word is one of the parameters (or arguments) passed to the
ls command. But if the ls command was inside a sh script, then in all likelihood the word would also be
a variable name. So a parameter can be a name when passing information into some other command or
script. Viewed from inside a script however, the command line arguments appear as a line of positional
parameters named by digits in the ordered sequence of arrival (See - 0 ). So a parameter can also be a
digit. The other characters listed are special characters which are assigned values at script start up and
may be used if required from within a script.
Well after reading through the above, I am still not sure if this is any clearer. Lets see if an example can
help to clarify things a little.
#!/bin/sh -vx
# example_1.1 (c) R.H.Reepe 1996 March 28 Version 1.0 #
echo "Script name is [$0]"
echo "First Parameter is [$1]"
echo "Second Parameter is [$2]"
echo "This Process ID is [$$]"
echo "This Parameter Count is [$#]"
echo "All Parameters [$@]"
echo "The FLAGS are [$-]"
If you execute the script listed in 0 with some arguments as shown below, you will get the output on
your screen that appears in 0.
Looking back at the example script, in the first line of the file there is a special sequence of characters
(#!) which the shell will only interpret on the first line. Normally the hash character indicates to the
shell that this is the start of a comment and the shell must ignore everything up to the next newline
character. However, when on the first line, the shell will go on to read the path to the shell executable
program and optionally some shell flags (See - Error! Reference source not found.). I have added the
flags -xv here because they are very useful when debugging. The -v flag is the verbose setting (also
available part way through a script by using set -v if required) which forces the shell to output or echo
each command it finds in the script as it encounters it. This will allow you to find which particular line
in your code has the syntax error, output will stop at this point and the script exits. The -x flag is similar
except that it puts a plus sign (+) in front of any command that gets processed. This is not quite the
same is -v which will show you the command whether it is processed or not (See - 0 which shows
output from both -v and -x together). If you process a loop structure for instance, the -v will output the
whole construct once as it is seen, but the -x will show each pass through the loop too. The path shown
on the first line is for the Bourne shell. For C shell use /usr/bin/csh and for Korne shell use
The next three lines are my default header. See Section Error! Reference source not found. for
information on script style, layout and symbol format.
Next is the body of the script which displays to the terminal or echoes some text strings and some
values. You will note I have put each variable/parameter/name(!) inside some square brackets. This is
a good way of checking for included blank space within a variables value. I would not expect to see
any blanks in any of these variables but when debugging, it’s a good idea to check. The first three are
positional parameters which will display the parameters following the command name (or script)
when executing. The first of these is $0 which is the command (or script) name itself. This is a useful
thing to have as you can use this when outputting errors or building logfiles or audit trails. The real
input parameters are available from $1 to $9 inclusive. What if you have more than 9 parameters? Well
there is a shift feature, which we will cover later (See - Error! Reference source not found. ), which
gives access to parameters above 9. Incidentally, the dollar symbol ($) at the front of all these variables
is a request to the shell to substitute the value of the variable at that point. All variable names used in
all the shell types need to be prefixed with the dollar if you want the value substituted (See - Error!
Reference source not found. ).
Next is an odd looking one called $$ which returns the process id of this script. When UNIX executes a
script it will create a process to handle the work and this is its number. It is an integer between 1
(unlikely!) and 32767 on most systems. Every task that is run on a UNIX system has its own process id
which is why the number 1 is unlikely1. There will be tens (maybe hundreds) of processes already
running when you login and you just get the next available. When UNIX runs out of process id
numbers, it wraps around and re-uses defunct process id’s by starting again at the lowest available
number. The $$ parameter is not just a pointless random number generator. It is very useful when
it is usually used by one of the bootstrap programs during system start up.
creating temporary files for instance, where each instance of the script2 can create a unique temporary
filename based on the process id (or PID).
Then we have $# or the parameter count. This returns an integer number representing the number of
positional parameters (the $digits) following the script name. In our example in Error! Reference
source not found. that would be 3 but I have not found a real limit, except when exceeding the UNIX
line length. When dealing with counts larger than 1 this is a useful loop control parameter for use with
the shift feature (See - Error! Reference source not found.).
Next we have the $@ parameter which lists out the complete set of positional parameter values found
on the command line (excluding $0), a handy way to pass them all on to a sub-script or function.
Lastly I have included the $- parameter which will list out the current flags in use. This parameter is
volatile and will be updated to reflect the status of any set commands processed during script execution
(See - Error! Reference source not found. for a complete listing of invocation flags).
several users may all be using it at the same time.