Competency Mapping Syllabus
Competency Mapping Syllabus
Competency Mapping Syllabus
Course Objectives: 2 0 0 2 3
This course will enable students to:
Utilize the basic knowledge of performance management system.
Use competency mapping strategies to achieve organizational goals.
Analyze the role of feedback in enhancing employee performance.
Prerequisites: Nil
Module I: Competency Mapping in Human Resource Management
Definitions and Features of Competency Mapping Methods 10%
Historical Development of Competency Mapping
Approaches to Mapping and Case Studies in Competency Mapping.
Relevance of Competency Mapping
Module II: Competency Mapping Models
McClleland’s (1976) model of Competency Mapping 20%
Lancester model of Managerial Competency
Single Incumbent Job Model
Validating the Competency Models- Short Cut Method, Mapping Future Jobs
Module III: Performance Appraisal System
Performance Appraisal System–Meaning, Features and Objectives of Performance Appraisal,
Factors affecting Performance Appraisal 30%
Benefits of Performance Appraisal
Essentials of a Good Appraisal System
Concept of Potential Appraisal– Requirements for an Effective Potential Appraisal system
Performance Appraisal and Potential Appraisal.
Module IV: Theories of Performance Appraisal
Learning Theories, Principles of Learning: Reinforcement and Punishment 20%
Management by Objective (MBO) by Peter Ducker
Role of Organizational Reward Systems
Module V: Methods of Performance Appraisal
Forced Distribution 20%
Paired Comparison
Check List
Critical Incident–Graphic Rating Scale
360 degree Feedback– Definition & Uses of 360 degree feedback– Rationale for 360 degree feedback—Scope of
application in various industries – Advantage and disadvantage of 360 degree feedback
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
Student Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the course the student will be able to –
The class will be taught using theory and case based method. In addition to assigning the case studies, the course instructor will spend considerable time in
understanding the concept of employee coaching and counseling at workplace. The instructor will cover the ways to think innovatively liberally using thinking
Assessment/ Examination Scheme:
30% NA 70%
Components (Drop down) Project Home Presentation Attendance End Term Examination
Armstrong, M. (2006). Performance Management: Key Strategies and Practical Guide, Kogan Page
Luthans, F. (1998). Organizational Behaviour, McGraw – Hill International
Murphy, K. & Cleaveland, J. N. (1995). Understanding Performance Appraisal: Social, Organizational and Goal Based Perspectives. Sage Publication
Aguinis, H. (2007). Performance Management. Pearson Education
Kohli, A. S. & Tapomoy, D. Performance Management. OXFORD University Press.
Singh, B. D. (2007). Compensation and Reward Management, Excel Books, New Delhi