CV 4-2019 Schoeb Veronika
CV 4-2019 Schoeb Veronika
CV 4-2019 Schoeb Veronika
Veronika Schoeb
Veronika Schoeb, PhD, MHA, PT
Professor HES
Director of Research and International Relations
Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud – HESAV
[email protected]
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-8032-0896
2018 Jolanda Stöckli - MSc Physiotherapy BFH Bern (Graduation in July 2018)
“Patient-physiothearpist interaction - A neglected aspect for exercise adherence
in musculoskeletal setting: A mixed-method approach”
Association Suisse des Sciences Médicales (ASSM): Prix “Interprofessionnalité”
Staffoni, L., Schoeb, V., Pichonnaz, D. Bécherraz, C., Knutti, I. & Bianchi, M. (2017).
“Learning from each other”. The transmission of knowledge as a form of high-level
EIPEN (European Interprofessional Practice & Education Network) Best Poster Award
Staffoni, L., Schoeb, V., Pichonnaz, D. Bécherraz, C., Knutti, I. & Bianchi, M. (2017). The
interactional structure of interprofessional meetings: Processes of information exchange,
knowledge sharing and decision-making. Lausanne, 6 - 8 September 2017.
Association Suisse des Sciences Médicales (ASSM): Prix “Interprofessionnalité”
Staffoni, L., Schoeb, V., Pichonnaz, D. Bécherraz, C., Knutti, I. & Bianchi, M. (2016).
Collaboration interprofessionnelle : comment les professionnels de santé interagissent-ils en
situation de pratique collaborative ?
Association Suisse des Sciences Médicales (ASSM): Runner-up for article to call “Medical
Humanities: Transfer of research findings into clinical practice” (January 2015)
Veronika Schoeb
Since 2018 SVOMP Educational Board (Swiss Orthopedic Manual Therapy Association)
Chairwoman, Switzerland
2017 - 2018 International Research Center for the Advancement of Health Communication
Member of Advisory Board
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Schoeb, V. & Chong, D. (2019). Students' learning preferences and experience in a globalised world: Opportunity to
optimise internationalisation in physiotherapy education. OpenPhysio. Access:
Wong, A. Y., Forss, K. S., Jakobsson, J., Schoeb, V., Kumlien, C., & Borglin, G. (2018). Older
adult’s experience of chronic low back pain and its implications on their daily life: Study protocol
of a systematic review of qualitative research. Systematic reviews, 7(1), 81.
Schoeb, V., Staffoni, L., & Keel, S. (2018). Influence of interactional structure on patient’s
participation during interprofessional discharge planning meetings in rehabilitation
centers. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-10.
Staffoni, L., Knutti-Menia, I., Bécherraz, C., Pichonnaz, D., Bianchi, M., & Schoeb, V. (2018).
Définir la collaboration interprofessionnelle: étude qualitative des représentations pratiques des
formateurs/trices en santé. Kinésithérapie, la Revue (early view online).
Yip, A., & Schoeb, V. (2018). Facilitating patient participation in physiotherapy: Symptom-talk
during exercise therapy from an Asian context. Physiotherapy theory and practice, 1-16.
Schoeb, V. & Hiller, A. (2018). The impact of documentation on communication during patient-
physiotherapist interactions: a qualitative observational study. Physiotherapy Theory and practice
(early view online).
Veronika Schoeb
Pichonnaz, D., Bécherraz, C., Knutti, I., Staffoni, L. &. Schoeb, V. (2017). Filmer les soins : La
vidéo comme outil de récolte de données. Recherches Qualitatives, 36(2), 63-84
Keel, S. & Schoeb, V. (2017). Patient participation in action: patients’ interactional initiatives
during interdisciplinary goal-setting meetings in a rehabilitation clinic. Text & Talk; 37(2), 213-
Keel, S. & Schoeb, V. (2016) What about patient participation within multiparty health care
encounters? Professionals’ orientation toward patients and their articulation with the activity
structure of interdisciplinary entry meetings in a rehabilitation clinic. Communication & Medicine,
13 (1), 115-135.
Schoeb, V. (2016). Healthcare services in Hong Kong and its challenges: The roles of health
professionals within a social model of health, China Perspectives, 4, 51-58.
Schoeb, V. (2016). Non-communicable diseases are the biggest challenges of the 21st century: What
is the physiotherapist’s role in global health? Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal, 35, A1-A2
Nast, I., Tal, A., Schmid, S., Schoeb, V., Rau, B., Barbero, M. & Kool, J. (2016). Physiotherapy
Research Priorities in Switzerland: Views of the Various Stakeholders. Physiotherapy Research
International, 21(3), 137-46.
Keel, S. & Schoeb, V. (2015). “When do we want the final discharge?” How the potential tensions
between medical expertise and institutional requirements are dealt with in discharge planning,
Cahiers de l’Institut de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage - CILSL, 44, 57-79.
Schoeb, V., Hartmeier, A. & Keel S. (2015) Transfer von Forschungsresultaten zur Austrittsplanung
in drei Schweizer Rehabilitationskliniken: Reflektion als Sprungbrett für Veränderungen im
Praxisalltag, Swiss Medical Journal - Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 96 (5):132-135
Riva, S., Staffoni, L., Schulz, P. & Schoeb, V. (2014). Patient participation in discharge planning
decisions in the frame of Primary Nursing approach: A conversation analytic study. Studies in
Communication Sciences, 14(1): 61-67.
Schoeb, V., Rau, B., Nast, I., Schmid, S., Barbero, M., Tal, A. & Kool, J. (2014). How do patients,
politicians, physiotherapists and other health professionals view physiotherapy research? A
qualitative study. Physiotherapy Research International, 19(2), 79-92.
Opsommer, E., & Schoeb, V. (2014). ‘Tell Me About Your Troubles’: Description of Patient–
Physiotherapist Interaction During Initial Encounters. Physiotherapy Research
International, 19(4), 205-221.
Schoeb, V., Staffoni, L., Parry, R. & Pilnick, A. (2014). "What do you expect from
physiotherapy?”: A detailed analysis of goal setting in physiotherapy". Disability and
Rehabilitation, 36(20):1679-86.
Schoeb, V. & Zosso, A. (2012). “You cannot perform music without taking care of your body”: A
qualitative study on musicians’ representation of body and health”, Journal of Medical Problems
of Performing Artists, 27(3): 129-136.
Zosso, A. & Schoeb, V. (2012). Musicians’ social representations of health and illness: A
qualitative case study about focal dystonia, WORK, 41(1):53-59.
Veronika Schoeb
Schoeb, V., Staffoni, L. & Pichonnaz, C. (2010). La négociation des objectifs en physiothérapie:
Analyse détaillée de l’interaction. Kinésithérapie La Revue, 97 :55-59.
Schoeb, V. (2009). „The goal is to be more flexible“ – Detailed analysis of goal setting in
physiotherapy using a conversation analytical approach. Manual Therapy, 14(6):665-670.
Moroz, A., Schoeb, V., Fan, G. & Lee, M. (2004). Convalescence Care for Seniors in Lower
Manhattan: An interdisciplinary geriatric outreach program presents its outcome. International
Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 27(1):75-78.
Moroz, A., Schoeb, V., Fan, G. & Lee, M. (2003) Convalescence Care for Seniors in Lower
Manhattan: An interdisciplinary approach to community rehabilitation. Topics of Geriatric
Rehabilitation 19 (4): 291-297.
Perlman, D.C., Friedmann, P., Horn, L., Nugent, A., Schoeb, V., Carey, J., Salomon, N. & Des
Jarlais, D.C. (2003). Impact of monetary incentives on adherence to referral for screening chest x-
rays after syringe exchange based tuberculin skin testing. Journal of Urban Health, 80(3):428-43.
Schoeb, V. (2002). Entspricht das neue problemorientierte Curriculum den Erwartungen? (Does the
problem-based learning curriculum live up to its expectations?) FisioAktiv, 7:15-24.
Veronika Schoeb
“Qualitative research for physiotherapy practice: Past, present, future “
Clinical Research Forum, 3 November 2018, Sierre, Switzerland
Veronika Schoeb, Liliane Staffoni, David Pichonnaz, Isabelle Knutti, Camille Bécherraz, Monica
“Interprofessional education: Healthcare educators’ opinions and perceived challenges of
integrating IPE into a professional curriculum”
WCPT-AWP Conference, 28 - 30 June 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
Veronika Schoeb, Lei Mangubat, Roy Cheung, Raymond Lo, Ray Cheung, David Watson
“Acquisition of basic physiotherapy skills: Innovative approaches for student engagement”,
WCPT-AWP Conference, 28 - 30 June 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
Veronika Schoeb, Petrea Cornwall, Adrian Yip Wing Hei, Cassandra Ranatunga, Tracy Comans
“Processes of discharge planning in Hong Kong and Australia”
WCPT-AWP Conference, 28 - 30 June 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
Veronika Schoeb
“Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit aus Sicht der Forschung – viel Lärm um nichts oder doch
der Mühe wert?“ (invited keynote speaker)
Conference for Health Professions, Inselspital Bern, 4 - 5 March, 2016, Bern, Switzerland
Veronika Schoeb
“Paradigm shift in communication skills training? Insights from workshops on interdisciplinary
communication in rehabilitation”
Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference, 2 - 4 December 2015, Brisbane, Australia
Veronika Schoeb
“I feel it pulling in my calf muscle” – Collaboration in exercise instruction and feedback within
patient-physiotherapist encounters in a Swiss outpatient setting
COMET - Communication, Medicine and Ethics, 25 - 27 June 2015, Hong Kong, China
Veronika Schoeb
“To be able to recover my mobility” – Goal setting, follow-up responses and transformations of
goals in physiotherapy
WCPT - World Conference of Physiotherapy, 1 - 4 May 2015, Singapore
Veronika Schoeb
“Wh-questions and responses in therapeutic goal setting: How patients’ responses are elicited and
International Conference of Conversation Analysis ICCA, 25 – 29 June 2014, Los Angeles, USA
Veronika Schoeb
“So to do your housework faster”: Physiotherapists’ follow up to patients’ responses
4th Conference on Conversation Analysis & Clinical Encounters. CACE, 5 – 7 July 2013,
University of York, UK
Veronika Schoeb
„Do patients know what their goals are? Insights into the goal-setting process in physiotherapy”
Communicating Health Symposium 2012, 4 December 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Veronika Schoeb
„Epistemics in physiotherapy interactions: Patients’ responses to therapists’ enquiry about goals”
Australian Institute of Ethnomethodology and CA, 29 – 30 November 2012, Brisbane, Australia
Veronika Schoeb
Veronika Schoeb
„Goal setting in musculoskeletal physiotherapy: How do patients and physiotherapists interact in
this process?”
World Conference of Physiotherapy WCPT, 21 - 24 June 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Veronika Schoeb
„Goal setting in musculoskeletal physiotherapy: A conversation analytic approach“
Medical Sociology Conference, 4 – 6 September 2010, Durham, UK
Veronika Schoeb
“The goal would be to decrease those tensions” Conversation analysis of goal setting in
Medical Sociology Conference, 4 – 6 September 2008, Brighton, UK
Veronika Schoeb
“Goal-setting in physiotherapy: Randomized controlled trial with focus on education – a research
project in progress”
International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, 9 – 12 October 2007, Charleston, USA