Slug and Pulsating Flow in High Gradient Channel
Slug and Pulsating Flow in High Gradient Channel
Slug and Pulsating Flow in High Gradient Channel
March 1999
Supercritical flow occurs in steep channels. A small perturbation in a supercritical flow may be dampened out
or amplified to roll waves, depending on the stability of the flow. When the channel is shallow and steep, the
surface velocity of the flow may become less than its wave speed. Consequently, the uniform flow as
predicted by Manning’s equation breaks into a train of traveling waves or pulses as a response to the
temporary force balance among gravitational force, skin friction, and internal turbulent stress. Roll waves in a
pulsating flow exhibit similar characteristics to moving oblique jumps. They are the result of transition from a
wall boundary layer flow to a turbulent state of flow [1]. After a pulsating flow is developed in a steep channel,
roll waves progress downstream and eventually break and form hydraulic bores or shock waves with rough
tumbling heads and smooth tails.
Design of high gradient channel is challenging because the interchange between flow depth and
velocity head is sensitive to channel shape, curvature, and slope. Often the design velocity in a concrete flood
control channel can be as high as 20 to 30 feet/second which is equivalent to velocity head of 6 to 14 ft. One
of major concerns in the design of high gradient channel is to make sure that the selected channel cross
section can sufficiently accommodate the increase of flow depth due to roll waves. Escoffier and Boyd [2]
demonstrated that the ratio of the velocity of the flow to its wave celerity, i.e. Froude number, divides the open
channel flow regime into subcritical and supercritical flows. And, the ratio of incremental flow velocity to
incremental wave celerity divides the supercritical open channel flow regime into uniform and pulsating flows.
Vedernikov’s number [3][4] was also developed to identify the existence of pulsating flow in high gradient
channels [5].
Roll waves in a pulsating flow are formed through a continuous growth of disturbances. The complex
structure of roll waves consists of a series of bores separated by smooth variable water depth [6]. The heights
of roll waves are random and temporal. Several studies [7][8] applied normal probability distribution to
describe laboratory and field data of roll waves. However, they are not adequately to relate roll waves to
channel shape and slope. Thorsky and Haggman [9] indicated that the channel cross section can have a
decisive influence on the generation of roll waves, and channel shapes with no roll waves can be achieved.
However such an important design guideline has not been adequately addressed. In 1995, the Corps of
Engineers [10] summarized their flood control channel experience in the Los Angeles area and published
design curves using Vedernikov’s number developed for rectangular channels as a criterion to identify the
pulsating flows in trapezoidal channels. Although these design criteria and curves are useful in alerting the
existence of roll waves, none of them provides the needy information of roll wave height for channel designs.
Secondly, further derivations of Vedernikov’s number for trapezoidal channels are necessary.
This paper presents revised Vedernikov’s number for trapezoidal channels. A new design chart is
presented as an improvement to the current practice. Further, roll waves in this paper are modeled as a
moving hydraulic jump. As a result, the height of roll waves can be estimated by design flow, channel shape,
slope, and roughness. Design examples demonstrate that the height of roll waves predicted by the moving
hydraulic jump is similar to that by the wave frequency distributions. The ratio of flow depth to channel width is
identified as an important factor to reduce or eliminate roll waves on a steep slope. Although roll waves can be
accommodated by additional freeboard, the optimal channel shapes in terms of the least flow area are often to
be those that sustain a supercritical uniform flow, not a pulsating flow.
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Studies of roll waves were performed primarily in connection with the mechanism of instability of uniform flow
on a steep slope. Vedernikov number is often used as a criterion to identify if the uniform flow is stable.
Vedernikov number is defined as:
Nv = m(1 − R )F (1)
in which m = 2/3 when Manning’s equation is used or ½ when Chezy’s equation is used, R = hydraulic radius,
P = wetted perimeter, F = Froude number, and A = flow area. To be a stable uniform flow, Nv shall be less than
or equal to 1. To apply Eq 1 to a trapezoidal channel, the parameters can be derived as:
A y (b + zy )
R= = (2)
P b + 2 ky
k = 1 + z2 (3)
dP 2k
= (4)
dA b + 2 zy
in which y = flow depth, b= channel bottom width, and z = channel side slope. Normalizing Eq’s 2 through 4 by
the channel bottom width and then substituting Eq’s 2,3 and 4 into Eq 1 yields:
3 ⎡ (1 + 2 kY * )(1 + 2 zY * ) ⎤
2 ⎢⎣ 1 + 2 zY * + 2 kzY *2 ⎥⎦
Y* = (6)
Eq 5 is the limiting Froude number for having stable uniform flows in high gradient trapezoidal channels. When
z =0, it reduces to
F≤ (2Y * + 1) (7)
Eq 7 agrees with the straight line on Plate B-7 of Corpse of Engineers’ Hydraulic Design of Flood Control
Channels [10] when the channel side slope is zero. But it was also found that Eq 7 was misused to produce
similar design curves for trapezoidal channels. Figure 1 presents the revised limiting Froude numbers for
channels with z = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. These curves separate the supercritical flow regime into stable
uniform flows with Froude numbers equal to or less than the limiting Froude number and pulsating flows with
Froude numbers greater than the limiting Froude number. In general, deep and narrow channels tend to carry
stable uniform flow and shallow and wide channels tend to carry pulsating flows. When the flow Froude
number <1.5, a supercritical uniform flow can be sustained in trapezoidal channels, and when the flow Froude
number >3.0, roll waves in pulsating flows are expected.
Care has to be taken when designing a steep channel. Selections of y/b ratio, channel slope, and
roughness shall follow the above criteria to avoid roll waves. Otherwise mitigation has to be provided, including
additional freeboard or rougher linings.
Development of roll waves is a continuous amplification of a small perturbation [6]. Block [7] recommended
the required distances for the growth of roll waves to various stages. For the purpose of design, this
complicated process can be approximated by the model of positive surges which have an advancing front with
the profile similar to a moving hydraulic jump. When the height of the surge is small, the surge appears
undular like an undular jump. When the height is increasing, the undulation will eventually disappear and the
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surge will have a sharp and steep front. The moving hydraulic jump was investigated by Liggett [5] to solve the
gradually varied flow equation, and achieved the same criteria of instability as Vedernikov’s number. This
conclusion further confirms the dynamic similarity between moving hydraulic jumps and roll waves.
Subcritical Supercrtical Supercritical
Stable Stable Stable
Flow Flow Flow
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
Froude Number
Z=0.0 Z=1 Z=2 Z=3
In this study, the roll wave front is considered as a positive surge. The unsteady flow pattern can be converted
to its steady pattern by a coordinate system moving with the bore velocity. As illustrated in Figure 2, the
continuity principle is:
(V 2 − Vw) A2 = (V 1 − V w) A1 (8)
Re-arranging Eq 8 yields:
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(V1 − Vw ) A1 + Vw A2
V2 = (9)
(Vw − V2 )(V2 − V1 ) = ( y 2 − y )g (10)
A2 1
in which Vw = wave velocity, V = flow velocity, A = flow area, g = gravitational acceleration, and y = distance to
the centroid of the flow area, approximated by 0.5y.
The subscript 2 denotes the design condition including roll waves, and the subscript 1 represents the limiting
condition defined by Vedernikov number. Solving Eq’s 8, 9, and 10 simultaneously yields
( A2 y 2 − A1 y1 ) g
Vw = V1 + (11)
A1 (1 − A1 / A2 )
Let the height of roll waves be the difference between flow depths as
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h = y 2 − y1 (12)
C=Vw - V2 (13)
in which h = roll wave height, and C = wave celerity. In a high gradient channel, the water surface in a cross
section is fluctuating due to cross waves [8]. Considering that the roll waves near the center of the channel
section is similar to that in a rectangular channel, the representative height of roll waves can be derived by
simplifying Eq’s 8 and 9 for rectangular channel. Details can be found elsewhere [1]. Canceling the wave
velocity in Eq’s 8 and 9, the height of roll waves is derived as:
C2 2 y1 V2 V1 C2 2 y1
h= ( )( − ) = ( )( F2 − F1 ) (14)
g y1 + y 2 C C g y1 + y 2
F1 = (15)
F2 = (16)
In practice, F2 is the Froude number for the design discharge and F1 is the limiting Froude number determined
by Vedernikov’s number. When the height of roll waves is small compared with the depth of flow, i.e. y1 ≈ y 2 ,
Eq 14 is reduced to
C 2 V1 V2 (V − V2 ) 2
h= ( − )= w ( F1 − F2 ) (17)
g C C g
Eq 17 agrees with Chow’s two-dimensional surge model [1] and can provide an estimated wave height of the
spectrum of roll waves. To apply the above procedure to the design of a high gradient channel, the design
condition, at first, shall be evaluated by Eq 5 or Figure 1. If the design condition exceeds the limiting condition,
a pulsating flow is expected. The height of roll waves can be estimated by Eq 17 for the freeboard design.
Like oblique jumps, roll waves are formed through a successive amplification. Methods derived to quantify
heights of roll waves, while recognizing the uncertainty and scarcity of data, are to provide estimates from a
statistical point of view [7]. For instance, the example of a 9.8-ft wide rectangular concrete channel was used
by French [11] to illustrate how to use the wave frequency distributions to estimate the height of roll waves.
The maximum height of roll waves in this channel is estimated to be 1.8 ft when the discharge is 320 cfs on a
10% slope. The same example is employed to test the moving hydraulic jump model by the following
This procedure leads to a prediction of roll waves of 1.73 feet for the aforementioned case, which is
comparable to the method of wave frequency distributions.
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Further, a sensitivity investigation on roll waves was also tested for a discharge of 5000 cfs on a 3.0%
concrete slope. Channel shapes considered are the combinations among bottom widths of 10-, 15-, and 20-ft,
and side slopes of 0, 1, 2, and 3 ft/ft. As shown in Table 1, the wider the channel is, the lower the roll waves are.
The steeper the side slope is, the higher the roll waves are. And, the shallower the channel is, the higher the
roll waves are. Therefore, there exists a tradeoff between channel width and depth when roll waves are taken
into account. Under the consideration of roll waves, the minimal flow area is achieved by a 15-ft rectangular
channel for this case. In fact, a 15-ft rectangular channel is the one that sustains a supercritical uniform flow
without roll waves. Similar conclusions were also observed for many other cases.
Table 1 Case Study for Channel Geometries for Stable Supercritical Flow
To design a high gradient channel, the design condition must be evaluated by Vedermikov’s number as a
stability criterion. In this study, Vedernikov’s number was expanded from rectangular channels to trapezoidal
channels. The widely used design curves recommended by the Corps of Engineers for flood channel designs
was revised to identify the existence of pulsating flow in high gradient channels. When Froude number is less
than 1.5, flows in trapezoidal channels are stable, and when Froude number is greater than 3.0, roll waves are
expected in high gradient trapezoidal channels. Figure 1 is produced to determine the stability of flow when
Froude number is between 1.5 and 3.0. When a design condition exceeds the limiting condition, the increased
flow depth due to roll waves shall be accommodated by the additional freeboard.
Roll waves in pulsating flows are further modeled by a moving hydraulic jump. Design procedures
developed in this paper provide estimations of wave height in the same magnitude as solutions obtained from
the wave frequency distributions. However, the frequency distributions were only developed for three ranges
of Froude number between 3.45 to 5.60. The moving hydraulic jump model developed in this study provides
estimations of roll wave heights as Froude number is greater than 1.50.
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1. Chow.V. T., “Open Channel Hydraulics”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1959
2. Escoffier, F. F., and Boyd, M. B., “Stability Aspects of Flow in Open Channels”, J. of the Hydraulics Division,
ASCE, Vol 88, No HY 6, November, 1962
3. Vedernikov, V. V., “Conditions at the Front of a Translatory Wave Distributing a Steady Motion of a Real
Fluid”, C.R. USSR Acad. Sci., Vol 48, No 4, 1945.
4. Vedernikov, V.V., “Characteristic Features of a Liquid Flow in an Open Channel”, C. R. USSR Acad. Sci.,
Vol 52, 1946.
5. Liggett, James A. “Stability”, Chapter 6, Unsteady Flow in Open Channels, Edited by Mahmood, K., and
Yevjevich, V., Vol 1, Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado, 1975.
6. Mayer, P.G.W. “ A study of Roll Waves and Slug Flows in Inclined Open Channels”, PhD Dissertation,
Cornell University, 1957
7. Brock, R.R., “Development of Roll Wave Trains in Open Channels,” Proceedings of the ASCE J of the
Hydraulics Division, Vol 95, No HY 4, July, 1969.
8. Stonstreet, Scott E., “Stochsatic Determination of Wave Heights for Flood Control Channels”, ASCE
Conference Proceedings of North American Water and Environment Congress, 1996.
9. Thorsky, G. N., and Haggman, D.C., Discussion of “Development of Roll Wave Trains in Open Channels,”
ASCE J of Hydraulic Division, Vol 96, No HY 4, April, 1970.
10. US Army Corps of Engineers, “Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels,” Engineer Manual No.
1110-2-1601, Department of the Army, Washington D.C., 20314-1000, 1991.
11. French, Richard H. “Open Channel Hydraulics”, McGraw Hill Company, New York, New York, 1985
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