Resume Gong e

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Eileen Gong

727 Formwalt St SW, Atlanta, GA 30315

[email protected] ⬨ (713)972-4608


Georgia Educator Certificate, Middle Grades (4-8) Science: July 2018

Texas Educator Certificate, Grades 4-8 Science: May 2018


Bachelor of Science, Teaching and Learning, Middle Grades Science: May 2018
University of Houston (UH), Houston, TX


Teacher, Grade 8, Campbell Middle School, Smyrna, GA, July 2018 - Present
➢ Monitored student progress in order to assist in upda ng Individualized Educa on Programs
according to changes in student needs
➢ Collaborated with team of teachers to plan and differen ate exploratory lessons to fit a wide
range of student achievement levels
➢ Established clear expecta ons and implemented a variety of behavior management
strategies in order to maintain an effec ve and posi ve learning environment
➢ A ended professional development conferences

Student Teacher, Grade 7, Tanglewood Middle School, Houston, TX, August 2017 - May 2018
➢ Developed and executed engaging lessons aligned to state standards and Interna onal
Baccalaureate curriculum
➢ Supported students at lower achievement levels through small group discussions and a er
school tutorials in order to fully meet student needs
➢ Provided quality feedback to students on formal and informal assessments to foster
a tudes toward self-monitoring and improvement

Summer Teacher, Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy, Missouri City, TX, June - August 2014
➢ Organized large-group ac vi es for students grades K-6
➢ Engaged students in provided curriculum, incorpora ng modifica ons to differen ate for
wide variety of grade levels
➢ Exercised effec ve behavior management strategies when supervising students on weekly
field trips


National Science Teachers Association, Member, 2017-Present

Science Teachers Association of Texas, Member, 2017-Present

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