Evaluation of Noise Level in Dinoyo Roads, Malang East Java

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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 259–264, Article ID: IJCIET_10_03_025
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=10&IType=3
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Sajiyo, Muslimin Abdulrahim
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of 17 Agustus
1945, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

M Adhi Prasnowo
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maarif Hasyim
Latif, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia

Qomariyatus Sholihah
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya,
Malang, East Java, Indonesia

The Dinoyo road is a connecting road and the entrance of Malang city from the
north side starts from Soekarno-Hatta roads, then becomes the entry point to the
tourist area of Batu City and several campuses. The volume of vehicles on the Dinoyo
road often experiences a significant increase. The types of activities in the Dinoyo
road area are very diverse, making the intensity of traffic movements on this road to
be high and potentially lead to traffic congestion. Increasing the number of
movements using motorized vehicles can cause congestion and can reduce
environmental quality and cause impacts, one of which is noise. Measurements are
made to determine Ls, that is, certain values of noise change. (fluctuations during a
certain time, which is equivalent to the noise level of steady noise at the same time
interval) in units of dB. The measurement procedure is carried out by taking two times
(morning and evening time). Each measurement time is carried out at 3 points with 5
times replication of data every 15 minutes. The results of the measurement value at the
highest morning time division are 95.5 dB (triple road section on the fourth
measurement) and the lowest is 82.2 dB (one road on the first measurement).
Furthermore, the classification of the measurement value at the highest afternoon time
division is 100 dB (road two on the third measurement) and the lowest is 81.7 dB
(road three on the first measurement). Efforts that can be made by the community to
reduce noise include the use of earplugs or sound absorbers installed in stores or
homes, as well as controlling at the source, and receiving the sound so that unwanted
things do not occur.
Key words: Noise, Noise Control, Road Noise, Noise Impact.

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Sajiyo, Muslimin Abdulrahim, M Adhi Prasnowo, Qomariyatus Sholihah

Cite this Article: Sajiyo, Muslimin Abdulrahim, M Adhi Prasnowo, Qomariyatus

Sholihah, Evaluation of Noise Level in Dinoyo Roads, Malang East Java,
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 259–264.

Increased per capita income makes people able to buy private vehicles. The number of
traffic flows and types of vehicles using road segments is increasing1. Traffic Research 2017
in Beritagar.id published in March 2018, Malang City is included in the three largest cities in
Indonesia, where Malang City is the third largest city in Indonesia with a traffic jam rate of
11.3 minutes / day2. This time is calculated from the average duration of traffic jams at rush
hour every day.
Malang is one of the big cities in Indonesia and is experiencing rapid population growth
supported by many tourist destinations in the area of Malang City and its surroundings.
Growth in vehicle ownership and growth in transportation activity has increased. The addition
of the number of motorized vehicles in the city of Malang continues to increase every year
and is not comparable with the growth of roads. Based on data from the Malang City Central
Statistics Agency as of July 2017, the number of motorbikes was 441,123 units in 2015 and
rose to 456,693 units in 2016. While the total number of four-wheeled vehicles and other
large vehicles was 106,432 units in 2015. Up to 111,026 units. vehicles in 2016. The
population of Malang City alone was 895,387 in early 2017. The high number of vehicles has
become one of the factors causing congestion in this city. Moreover, the city road section has
barely increased. Because the road capacity is not able to keep up with the number of
vehicles, it is one of the factors causing congestion. The city government has difficulty adding
roads because of some limited budgets until it is difficult to free land owned by residents for
road construction3.
The Dinoyo road in Malang City is a connecting road and the entrance of Malang city
from the north side starts from Soekarno-Hatta roads, then becomes the entrance to the tourist
area of Batu City and several campus areas. The volume of vehicles on the Dinoyo road often
experiences a significant increase. The types of activities in the Dinoyo road area are very
diverse, making the intensity of traffic movements on this road to be high and potentially lead
to traffic congestion. Increasing the number of movements using motorized vehicles can cause
congestion and can reduce environmental quality and cause impacts, one of which is noise4,5.
Noise according to Minister of Environment Decree No. 48 1996 is an unwanted sound
from a business or activity at a certain level and time that can cause human health problems
and environmental comfort. The acceptable noise level depends on how long the noise is
received 6–8. Sound pollution has an adverse effect on human health exposed to noise such as
hearing loss 9–11. Any sound that is too loud to filter out human hearing will cause problems
and disorders of the ear. Noise from motorized vehicles for a long time will cause discomfort
and make the surrounding environment disturbed 12.
The research that underlies the background of this research is the increase in the number
of motorized vehicles causing an increase in noise levels on the highway. The impact of this
noise caused inconvenience to both road users and the surrounding community. Road with a
volume of heavy vehicles and light vehicles that are quite a lot more at risk of producing
noise. This study took place on Jalan Ahmad Yani Pabelan Surakarta. The variables sought
were: traffic volume, vehicle travel time and noise intensity. This data is then used to find the
noise level empirically and non-empirically which is then compared to the standard level
permitted according to the environment minister's decree in 1996. The results of this study

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Evaluation of Noise Level in Dinoyo Roads, Malang East Java

indicate that the noise level on the road has exceeded the allowable level. One of the handling
efforts is to transfer heavy vehicle routes 13.
The highest exterior noise level at the time of L1 at the UPI Campus Gate point (1A) was
73.72 dB (A). Noise level (LS) between 69.63-61.60 dB (A), night noise level (LM) between
48.10-38.72 dB (A) and day-night noise level (NGO) between 67, 91-59.93 dB (A). The
highest interior noise level at activity in Building D (2B) is 69.96 dB (A) while the highest
interior noise level when empty occurs at Building G (7B) at 69.37 dB (A). The exterior noise
value at the time L1-L4 exceeds the Noise Level Standard while the interior noise value when
the activity conditions partially exceeds the Noise Level Standard except Building G (7B) and
noise values when empty conditions exceeds the noise level standard except UPI Sport &
Exhibition Hall (1B ), Building B (3B) and Building A (4B). Exterior control
recommendations in the form of vegetation planting while interior controls are in the form of
improvements to building construction 14.
With the potential for noisy sources in the Dinoyo roads area, the Noise Level Evaluation
study was carried out on the road section of the Dinoyo road in Malang, East Java. The goal is
to measure and compare the noise level in the Dinoyo road area; evaluating noise data
obtained by comparing the noise level standard values for the connecting area that has been
established by Minister of Environment Decree No. 48 1996; and provide noise control
recommendations on the Dinoyo roads area for high noise sources.

The implementation of the research begins by determining the noise level / area of
measurement. The measurement area is determined in the intersection area of the three streets
of the Malang road. The intersection of the three Dinoyo roads is the basis of the selection
because the 3-way junction Dinoyo Malang City, East Java is a congested road because the
road is the main road leading to the city of Batu. In addition there are UNISMA Hospital,
Dinoyo mall, Dinoyo Market, as well as main roads for Brawijaya University students,
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Islamic State University, and Muhammadiyah Malang
University which make the road very crowded. The measurement method used is to use the
direct measurement method 7,15,16.
Data collection in this study includes secondary data and primary data. Secondary data in
the form of a map of the Dinoyo three-way intersection, noise level measurement data at 3
points on the Dinoyo road section. Use equipment in the form of a sound level meter as a
noise data recorder. Measurements are made to determine Ls, that is, certain values of noise
change. (fluctuations during a certain time, which is equivalent to the noise level of steady
noise at the same time interval) in units of dB 7,17. The measurement procedure is carried out
by taking two times (morning and evening time). Each measurement time is carried out at 3
points with 5 times replication of data every 15 minutes.

Figure 1. Sound Level Meter and Dinoyo three-way Intersection

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Sajiyo, Muslimin Abdulrahim, M Adhi Prasnowo, Qomariyatus Sholihah


Observations and video recordings are performed for all selected tasks. The general results of
the study indicate the posture of evaluating with different methods on the tasks evaluated
resulting in the same results. However, some differences occur for the position of the neck
and wrist. Furthermore, the method directly provides a variety of information revealed clearly
in different aspects of the workstation for ergonomics and decision makers. The main
advantage of the direct method is to observe whether body movements when performing tasks
are symmetrical.
The intersection of the three sections of Dinoyo road, East Java is a congested road
because the road becomes a connecting road to the tourist area of Batu City which at certain
times becomes very high volume due to the number of domestic tourists who come, also
becomes the area of community meeting points in education and market areas. With the
implementation procedures that have been made, the measurements are carried out at 3 points
in the intersection of the three Dinoyo road sections with 5 replications in every 15 minutes.
The following is an illustration of the 4 points at the intersection of the three sections of
Dinoyo road, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Measurement Point for the intersection of the three sections of Dinoyo road
In accordance with the data collection method described earlier, the following is the result
of noise data collection at the intersection of the three sections of Jalan Dinoyo during the
morning as shown in table 1.

Table 1 The measurement results in the morning

Position Noise Level (dB) Average
1 2 3 4 5
Roads 1 88.2 93.2 89 89.3 90.6 90.06
Roads 2 89.8 88.2 92.3 91.5 90.4 90.44
Roads 3 94.2 93.6 92.2 95.5 92.4 93.58
According to the results of the noise level classification based on intensity, the noise at the
3 intersection points of the three Dinoyo roads sections is above 85 dB so that it is included
on a very hard intensity scale. This intensity is far higher than the maximum level permitted
by the Ministry of Health in zone D which is equal to 70 dB.
Referring to the results of the study, there is an influence of noise on humans depending
on the level of sound produced. At the level of 85-95 dB, if in a long period of time it will
cause mental / physical fatigue, damage to the hearing instrument and decreased hearing
power. The following is the result of noise data retrieval at the intersection of three sections of
Dinoyo road during the afternoon, as shown in table 2.

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Evaluation of Noise Level in Dinoyo Roads, Malang East Java

Table 2 The measurement results in the afternoon

Position Noise Level (dB) Average
1 2 3 4 5
Roads 1 97.6 90.9 87.9 90 91.1 91.5
Roads 2 90.9 93.3 100 90.5 89.4 92.82
Roads 3 81.7 92 93.1 89.8 94.3 90.18
As in the morning, the noise at the 3 intersection points of the three Dinoyo roads
segments in Malang City is above 85 dB so that it is included on a very hard intensity scale.
This intensity is far higher than the maximum level permitted by the Ministry of Health in
zone D which is equal to 70 dB so it can affect mental / physical fatigue, damage to hearing
instruments and decreased hearing power.

Based on the results of noise level measurements at the three intersection points of the three
Dinoyo roads sections with different conditions, the noise level at the intersection of the three
Dinoyo roads segments in Malang City is at a disturbing level and exceeds the noise level
standards set by the Ministry of Health, with value classification the highest measurement of
the morning time division is 95.5 dB (triple road section on the fourth measurement) and the
lowest is 82.2 dB (one road section on the first measurement). Furthermore, the classification
of the measurement value at the highest afternoon time division is 100 dB (road two on the
third measurement) and the lowest is 81.7 dB (road section three on the first measurement).
Efforts that can be made by the community to reduce noise include the use of earplugs or
sound absorbers installed in stores or homes, as well as controlling at the source, and
receiving the sound so that unwanted things do not occur.

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