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MS-9600UDLS Datasheet PDF

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df-60334:A4 • A1-100

Intelligent Addressable FACP
with Optional 2nd Loop

Fire•Lite’s MS-9600LS(E) and MS-9600UDLS(E) are compact,
cost effective, intelligent addressable FACPs (Fire Alarm Con-
trol Panels) with an extensive list of powerful features. The
combination of Fire•Lite’s newer series devices and legacy
300 Series devices, along with the MS-9600LS(E) or
MS-9600UDLSE FACP, offer the latest in fire protection tech-
nology. LiteSpeed™ is a patented technology that polls 10
devices at a time looking for new or different information.
When new information is found at a specific address, the sys-
tem polls that device several times for any new data. This
improvement allows a fully loaded panel with up to 636
devices to report an incident and activate the notification cir-
cuits in under 10 seconds. With this new polling scheme,
devices can be wired on standard twisted, unshielded wire up
to a distance of 10,000 feet per loop. Each Signaling Line Cir-
cuit (SLC) loop supports up to 159 addressable detectors
including photoelectric, photoelectric with heat, beam, ioniza-

tion, photoelectric duct, fixed heat, fixed heat with rate-of-rise,
and fixed high-heat detectors. It also supports up to 159
addressable modules including monitor (two-wire detector,
normally open devices), dual-monitor functions (two monitor
circuits from one module, two addresses used), multimonitor
(multiple monitor circuits from one module, multiple addresses
used), control (for Notification Appliance Circuits), and relay MEMBRANE SWITCH CONTROLS
(two Form-C) modules. • ACKNOWLEDGE/STEP
The FLPS-7 power supply is a separate board while all other • ALARM SILENCE
electronics are contained on a single main circuit board. Both • DRILL
boards are mounted to a quick-removable chassis and housed
in a metal cabinet. The backbox can be installed allowing field • SYSTEM RESET (lamp test)
wiring to be pulled. When construction is completed, the chas- • 12-key pad with full alphabet
sis with the electronics can be quickly installed with two bolts. • 4 cursor keys
The MS-9600UDLS(E) includes a factory-installed DACT-UD2 • ENTER
Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter. The DACT transmits
system status (alarm, troubles, AC loss, etc.) to a Central Sta- Special Features
tion via internet (optional IPDACT installed) or the public
• Easy mount chassis.
switched telephone network.
• 7 amp switching power supply.
Optional modules, which plug into the main circuit board, are
available for special functions. Available accessories include • Large enclosure allows 18 amp-hour batteries
LED, graphic and LCD annunciators, reverse polarity/city box • DACT-UD2 plug-in communicator standard with
transmitter, digital alarm communicator/transmitter, SLC MS-9600UDLS/E.
expansion module, local and remote upload/download soft- • Optional IPDACT Internet Protocol Digital Alarm
ware and remote power expansion. Communicator/Transmitter
FM APPROVED to UL ANSI 864. • Four Style Y (Class B) or two Style Z (Class A)
NAC circuits.
Controls And Indicators • Selectable strobe synchronization per NAC for
System Sensor, Wheelock, and Gentex devices.
LED INDICATORS • Automated control of ACC-25/50(ZS/T) audio speaker cir-
• AC POWER (green) cuits
• FIRE ALARM (red) • ANN-BUS for connection to following optional modules
• SUPERVISORY (yellow) Note: cannot be used if ACS annunciators are used.
• ALARM SILENCED (yellow) • ANN-80(-W) Remote LCD Annunciator
• SYSTEM TROUBLE (yellow) • ANN-I/O LED Driver Module
• MAINTENANCE/PRESIGNAL (yellow) • ANN-S/PG Serial/Parallel Printer Module
• DISABLED (yellow) • ANN-RLY Relay Module
• BATTERY FAULT (yellow) • ANN-LED Annunciator Module
• GROUND FAULT (yellow) • ANN-RLED Annunciator Module (alarms only)

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Standard Features • Optional 4XTMF module (conventional reverse polarity/city
box transmitter).
• SLC can be configured for NFPA Style 4, 6, or 7 operation. Field-programming Features
• SLC supports up to 318 addressable devices per loop (159 Off-line Programming: Create the entire program in your
detectors and 159 monitor, control, or relay modules). office using a Windows®-based software package (order pro-
• SLC loop maximum length 10,000 ft. (3,048 m) @ 12 AWG gramming kit PK-CD, containing PS-TOOLS, separately).
(3.1 mm²) using twisted, unshielded wire (see Wire Table on Upload/download system programming locally to the
page 5). MS-9600LS/E in less than one minute.
NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS (NACS): Autoprogramming: Command the MS-9600LS(E) to program
itself (takes less than 30 seconds). In the Auto-Program mode,
• Four onboard NACs with additional NAC capability using the MS-9600LS(E) scans for all possible devices at all
output control modules (CMF-300 or CMF-300-6). The four addresses, stores the device types, and addresses found, and
Class B NACs can be converted to two Class A NACs with then loads default values for all options (General Alarm). It
the NACKEY (included). also checks for two or more devices set to the same address.
• Silence Inhibit and Auto Silence timer options.
Online Editing: While still providing fire protection, the
• Continuous, March Time, Temporal or California code for MS-9600LS/E may be programmed from the front panel. Sim-
main circuit board NACs with two-stage capability. ple menu trees displayed on the LCD allow the trained user to
• Selectable strobe synchronization per NAC. perform all functions without referring back to the programming
• 3.0 amps maximum per each NAC circuit manual.
Note: Maximum 24 VDC system power output is shared English Label Library: Quickly select labels from a standard
among all NAC circuits and 24 VDC special application aux- library of more than 50 adjectives/nouns, such as “FLR 3
iliary power outputs. Total available output is 7.0 amps. HALLWAY,” or enter custom labels letter-by-letter. Use recall
function to repeat previously used label.
Program Check: Automatically catch common errors, such as
• Sensitivity testing with printable results, onsite or offsite.
control modules not linked to any zone or input point.
• Automatic drift compensation.
• Autoprogram (learn mode) reduces installation time. The MS-9600LS(E) continuously monitors each smoke detec-
• Fully programmable from local keypad, local PS/2 keyboard tor and is capable of reporting maintenance conditions. This
or PC (using the standard PS-TOOLS Windows® utility). reduces the risk of false alarms due to dust accumulation.
Refer to the control panel installation manual for more informa-
• Two-level user-programmable passwords.
• Custom English labels (per point) may be manually entered
or selected from an internal library file.
Automatic Test Operation
• Three Form-C relay outputs (two programmable).
The MS-9600LS(E) performs an automatic test of each detec-
• 99 software zones.
tor every two hours. Failure to meet the test limits causes an
USER INTERFACE: AUTO TEST FAIL trouble type. System Reset clears this trou-
• Optional plug-in DACT-UD2 communicator (standard with
MS-9600UDLS(E) with USB port for local upload/download.
• Remote Acknowledge, Silence, Reset and Drill via address-
Terminal Blocks
able monitor modules, ACS Series annunciators, LCD-80F AC Power – TB1: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.0 amps or 240 VAC, 50
remote annunciator, or ANN-80 Series Annunciators. Hz, 1.5 amps. Wire size: minimum 14 AWG (2.00 mm²) with
• EIA-232 printer/PC interface (variable baud rate) on main 600 V insulation.
circuit board. Battery (lead acid only) – TB2: Maximum charging circuit:
• Integral 80-character LCD display with backlighting. Normal flat charge 27.6 VDC @ 1.0 amp. Maximum battery
• Real-time clock/calendar with automatic daylight savings charger capacity: 26 AH. Minimum battery 12 AH. MS-
adjustments. 9600LS(E) cabinet holds maximum of two 18 AH batteries. For
26 – 120 AH batteries, use the CHG-120F or CHG-75 Battery
• History file with 1,000-event capacity. Charger and BB-55F Battery Box.
• EIA-485/ANN-BUS supporting up to 8 ANN Series Annunci-
NOTE: Jumper JP3, on the FACP main circuit board, must be cut
ators or 32 ACS Series annunciators.
to disable the FACP battery charger when using the CHG-120F or
• EIA-485 supporting up to 32 ACS annunciators. CHG-75.
• Maintenance alert warns when smoke detector dust accu- Communication Loop – (standard) TB8: 24 VDC nominal,
mulation is excessive. 27.6 VDC maximum. Maximum length: 10,000 ft. (3048 m)
• Automatic device type-code verification. total twisted, unshielded pair length. Maximum loop current:
• One person audible or silent walk test with walk-test log and 400 mA (short circuit) or 100 mA (normal). Maximum loop
printout. resistance: 40 ohms. Supervised and power-limited.
• Point trouble identification. Notification Appliance Circuits – TB4: Power-limited cir-
• Local piezo sounder. cuitry. Nominal operating voltage: 24 VDC. Current limit: fuse-
less, electronic, power-limited circuitry. Maximum signaling
• Waterflow (nonsilenceable) selection per monitor point. current per circuit: 3.0 amps. End-of-Line Resistor: 4.7K ohm,
• System alarm verification selection per detector point. 1/2 watt (P/N 71252 UL listed) for NACs. Refer to Fire•Lite
• PAS (Positive Alarm Sequence) and presignal delay per Device Compatibility Document for listed compatible devices.
point (NFPA 72 compliant).

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Programmable and Trouble Output Relays – TB5: Contact BB-26: Battery backbox, holds up to two 25 AH batteries.
rating: 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 amps @ 30 VAC CHG-120F: Remote battery charging system for lead-acid bat-
(resistive). Form-C relays. teries with a rating of 25 to 120 AH. CHG-120F or CHG-75
Four-Wire Resettable Smoke Detector Power required for charging greater than 25 AH batteries.
(24 VDC nominal) – TB3, Terminals 1(+) & 2(–): CHG-75: Battery charger for lead-acid batteries with a rating
Maximum ripple voltage: 10 mVRMS. Up to 1.5 amps for pow- of 25 to 75 AH. CHG-120F or CHG-75 required for charging
ering four-wire smoke detectors. Power-limited circuit. Refer to greater than 25 AH batteries.
Fire•Lite Device Compatibility Document for listed compatible
devices. BAT Series: Batteries, see data sheet DF-52397.
Nonresettable Power #1 (24 VDC Nominal) –TB3, Termi- PRT/PK-CABLE: Cable printer/personal computer interface
nals 3 (+) & 4 (–): Maximum ripple voltage: 10 mVRMS. Up to cable.
1.5 amps total DC current available from each output. Power- PRN-6F: UL listed compatible event printer which uses tractor-
limited circuit. TB3, Terminals 5 (+) & 6 (–): non-resettable fed paper.
power #2.
Nonresettable Special Application Power #2 (24 VDC Nom- Compatible Addressable Devices
inal) - TB3, Terminals 5 (+) & 6 (-): Maximum ripple voltage:
10mVRMS. Total DC current available from each output is up All feature a polling LED and rotary switches for addressing.
to 1.5 amps. Power-limited circuit, nonsupervised. CP355: Addressable low-profile ionization smoke detector.
EIA-485 (ACS/ANN) – TB6: Annunciator connector, program- SD355: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector.
mable for type ANN or ACS. Terminal 1 (+) and Terminal 2 (–). SD355T: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector
EIA-485 (TERM) – TB7: Terminal mode annunciator connec- with thermal sensor.
tor, Terminal 1 (Out +), 2 (In +), 3 (Out –), 4 (In –). H355: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector.
EIA-232 – TB8: PC/printer connector, Terminal 1 (Transmit), 2 H355R: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector with rate-of-
(Receive), 3 (DTR), 4 (Ground). rise option.
H355HT: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector that acti-
Ordering Options vates at190° F (88°C).
MS-9600LS(E): 318-point addressable Fire Alarm Control
AD355: Low-profile, intelligent, “Adapt” multi-sensor detector;
Panel, one SLC loop. Includes 80-character LCD display, sin-
B350LP base included.
gle printed circuit board, and cabinet.
BEAM355: Intelligent beam smoke detector.
MS-9600UDLS(E): 318-point addressable Fire Alarm Control
Panel, one SLC loop. Includes DACT-UD2, 80-character LCD BEAM355S: Intelligent beam smoke detector with integral
display, single printed circuit board, and cabinet. sensitivity test.
DACT-UD2: Optional communicator for remote monitoring D350PL: Photoelectric low-flow duct smoke detector.
(standard with MS-9600UDLS). D350RPL: Photoelectric low-flow duct smoke detector with
4XTMF: Optional Transmitter Module provides a supervised relay option.
output for local energy municipal box transmitter, alarm and MMF-300: Addressable Monitor Module for one zone of nor-
trouble reverse polarity. It includes a disable switch and dis- mally-open dry-contact initiating devices. Mounts in standard
able trouble. 4.0" (10.16 cm.) box. Includes plastic cover plate and end-of-
IPDACT-2/2UD, IPDACT Internet Monitoring Module: line resistor. Module may be configured for either a Style B
Mounts in bottom of enclosure with optional mounting kit (P/N: (Class B) or Style D (Class A) IDC.
IPBRKT). Connects to primary and secondary DACT tele- MDF-300: Dual Monitor Module. Same as MMF-300 except it
phone output ports for internet communications over customer provides two Style B (Class B) only IDCs.
provided ethernet internet connection. Requires compatible
Teldat VisorALARM Central Station Receiver. Can use DHCP MMF-301: Miniature version of MMF-300. Excludes LED and
or static IP. (See data sheet DF-60407 or DF-52424 for addi- Style D option. Connects with wire pigtails. May mount in
tional information. device backbox.
IPBRKT: Optional mounting bracket kit consisting of screws MMF-302: Similar to MMF-300, but may monitor up to 20 con-
and battery shield with standoffs required when mounting the ventional two-wire detectors. Requires resettable 24 VDC
IPDACT in lower enclosure section of FACP. power. Consult factory for compatible smoke detectors.
IPSPLT: Optional Y-Adaptor which allows connection of both CMF-300: Addressable Control Module for one Style Y/Z
panel dialer outputs to one cable input to IPDACT (sold sepa- (Class B/A) zone of supervised polarized Notification Appli-
rately). ances. Mounts directly to a 4.0" (10.16 cm.) electrical box.
Notification Appliance Circuit option requires external 24 VDC
ACM-8RF: Optional plug-in relay module provides 8 Form-C to power notification appliances.
5.0 amp relays.
CRF-300: Addressable relay module containing two isolated
PK-CD: Contains PS-TOOLS programming software for Win- sets of Form-C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch.
dows®-based PC computer (cable not included). Mounts directly to a 4.0" (10.16 cm.) box, surface mount using
SLC-2LS: Optional expander module, enables second SLC the SMB500.
loop. BG-12LX: Addressable manual pull station with interface mod-
DP-9692: Optional dress panel for MS-9600LS(E). ule mounted inside.
TR-CE: Optional Trim Ring for semi-flush mounting. I300: This module isolates the SLC loop from short circuit con-
ditions (required for Style 6 or 7 operation).
BB-55F: Battery box, required to house two 25 AH batteries
and one CHG-120F battery charger. For batteries greater than SMB500: Used to mount all modules except the MMF-301 and
25 AH, consult factory for housing/mounting arrangements. M301.

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MMF-300-10: Ten-input monitor module. Mount one or two
modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six mod-
ules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F.
MMF-302-6: Six-zone interface module. Mount one or two
modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six mod-
ules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F.
CMF-300-6: Six-circuit supervised control module. Mount one
or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six
modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F.
CRF-300-6: Six Form-C relay control module. Mount one or
two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six
modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F.

Compatible Annunciators
ANN-80(-W): Remote LCD annunciator that mimics the infor-
mation displayed on the FACP’s LCD display. Recommended
wire type is unshielded. (Basic model is red; order -W version
for white; see DF-52417).
ANN-LED: Annunciator Module provides three LEDs for each
zone: Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory. Ships with red enclo-
sure (see DF-60241).
ANN-RLED: Provides alarm (red) indicators for up to 30 input
zones or addressable points (see DF-60241).
ANN-RLY: Relay Module, which can be mounted inside the
cabinet, provides 10 programmable Form-C relays (see DF-
ANN-S/PG: Serial/Parallel Printer Gateway module provides a
connection for a Serial or Parallel printer (see DF-52429).
ANN-I/O: I/O Driver Module provides connections to a user
supplied graphic annunciator (see DF-52430).
ACS-LED Zone Series: LED-type fire annunciators capable of
providing up to 99 software zones of annunciation. Available in
increments of 16 or 32 points to meet a variety of applications.
ACS-LDM Graphic Series: Lamp Driver Module series for
use with custom graphic annunciators.
TERM MODE LCD-80F (Liquid Crystal Display) point
annunciator: 80-character, backlit LCD-type fire annunciators
capable of displaying English-language text. Up to 32 LCD-
80F annunciators may be connected to the EIA-485 terminal
mode serial interface on the MS-9600LS(E) motherboard.
NOTE: For more information on Compatible Annunciators for
use with the MS-9600LS(E), see the following data sheets (docu-
ment numbers) ACM-8RF (DF-51555), ACS/ACM Series (DF-
52378), LDM Series (DF-51384), LCD-80F (DF-52185).

Wiring Requirements
While shielded wire is not required, it is recommended that all
SLC wiring be twisted-pair to minimize the effects of electrical
interference. Refer to the panel manual for wiring details.

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System Capacity Cabinet Specifications

• Intelligent Signalling Line Circuits.............1 expandable to 2 Door: 19.26" (48.92 cm.) high x 16.82" (42.73 cm.) wide x
• Intelligent detectors .......................................... 159 per loop 0.67" (1.70 cm.) deep. Backbox: 19.00" (48.26 cm.) high x
16.65" (42.29 cm.) wide x 5.21" (13.23 cm.) deep. Trim Ring
• Addressable monitor/control modules .............. 159 per loop
(TR-CE): 22.00" (55.88 cm.) high x 19.65" (49.91 cm.) wide.
• Programmable software zones ......................................... 99
• ANN-BUS devices .............................................................. 8 Shipping Specifications
• ACS Annunciators ............................................................ 32
Dimensions: 20.00” (50.80 cm) high, 22.5” (57.15 cm) wide,
• LCD Annunciators ............................................................ 32 8.5” (21.59 cm) deep. Weight: 27.3 lbs (12.38 kg).

Electrical Specifications Temperature and Humidity Ranges

• Primary input power: This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0 –
120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.0 A. 49°C/32 – 120°F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH
240 VAC, 50 Hz, 1.5 A. (noncondensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the
• Battery: 27.6 VDC @ 1.0 A (max). useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic
Maximum battery charger capacity: 26 AH. components may be adversely affected by extreme tempera-
Minimum battery: 12 AH. ture ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that
MS-9600LS cabinet holds maximum of two 18 AH batteries. this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment
• Communication Loop: 24 VDC nominal, supervised and with a normal room temperature of 15 – 27°C/60 – 80°F.
• Notification Appliance Circuits: terminal block provides con- Agency Listings and Approvals
nections for four Style Y (Class B) or two Style Z (Class A) The listings and approvals below apply to the MS-9600LS(E)
NACs. and MS-9600UDLS(E) control panels. In some cases, certain
Maximum signaling current per circuit: 3.0 A. modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or list-
End-of-Line Resistor: 4.7 K ohms, ½ watt (P/N 71252 UL ing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status.
listed) for Style Y (Class B) NAC.
Supervised and power-limited. • ULC: S624 (MS-9600LSC only; see DF-60438)
Refer to panel documentation and Fire-Lite Device Compat- • FM APPROVED: to UL ANSI 864
ibility Document for listed compatible devices. • CSFM: 7170-0075:217
• Two Programmable Form-C Relays and One Fixed Trouble • MEA: 87-08-E
Form-C Relay: Contact rating: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC (resistive)
0.5 A @ 30 VAC (resistive).
NFPA Standards
• Four-wire Resettable Special Application Power (24 VDC
nominal): Up to 1.5 A for powering four-wire smoke detec- The MS-9600LS(E) and MS-9600UDLS(E) control panels
tors. Power-Limited, nonsupervised. comply with the following NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Systems
Refer to Fire-Lite Device Compatibility Document for listed requirements:
compatible devices. – LOCAL (Automatic, Manual, Waterflow and Sprinkler
• Nonresettable Special Application Power #1 (24VDC nomi- Supervisory).
nal) TB3, Terminals 3 (+) & 4 (-): – AUXILIARY (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow) (requires
Maximum ripple voltage: 10 mVRMS 4XTMF).
Total DC current available from each output is up to 1.5 A. – REMOTE STATION (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow)
Power-limited, nonsupervised. (Requires 4XTMF where DACT-UD2 is not accepted.)
• Nonresettable Special Application Power #2 (24VDC nomi- – PROPRIETARY (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow).
nal) TB3, Terminals 5 (+) & 6 (-):
Maximum ripple voltage: 10 mVRMS – CENTRAL STATION (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow,
Total DC current available from each output is up to 1.5 A. and Sprinkler Supervised).
Power-limited, nonsupervised. – OT (Other Technologies-PSDN) For use with IPDACT.
NOTE: Although each Special Application power output can
deliver 1.5 A individually, the total power output from these circuits
cannot exceed 1.5 A in standby. The total Alarm output for all Spe-
cial Application power and NAC circuits cannot exceed 7 A.
LiteSpeed™ is a trademark; and FireLite® Alarms is a registered trademark
of Honeywell International Inc.
©2009 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use
of this document is strictly prohibited.

This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.

We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.
We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.
Made in the U.S. A.
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
For more information, contact Fire•Lite Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105.
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