Franek 2011
Franek 2011
Franek 2011
7, JULY 2011
Abstract—A spherical array of horn antennas designed to Horn antennas are well known for being used as primary re-
obtain directional channel information and characteristics is flector feeds, in electromagnetic compatibility measurements
introduced. A dual-polarized quad-ridged horn antenna with and for standard gain calibration purposes [4]. Their main ad-
open flared boundaries and coaxial feeding for the frequency band
600 MHz–6 GHz is used as the element of the array. Matching vantages are relatively wide bandwidth, high gain, and the pos-
properties and coupling between the elements are investigated sibility to accommodate both polarizations within one antenna.
via measurements and numerical simulations. Radiation patterns The bandwidth can be further enlarged by introducing ridges,
and sum beams of the array on selected frequencies throughout which, together with symmetrical feeding, substantially extend
the band are also presented. Based on the obtained results it is the waveguide single-mode operation [5]. As our measurement
concluded that the array is a good candidate for a wideband
multipath propagation studies. campaigns were expected to require wideband measurements
from 600 MHz to 6 GHz (i.e., LTE interfaces span from 700
Index Terms—Antenna arrays, antenna array mutual coupling, MHz up to 2.7 GHz) as well as both polarizations, we decided
horn antennas.
to use the ridged design with dual polarization, i.e., quadruple-
ridged horn antenna.
I. INTRODUCTION Double ridged horn antennas have been studied widely in
the literature, for examples we refer to [6]–[9]. Publications on
quad-ridged horns, on the other hand, are few. An early presen-
N order to measure the propagation channel characteristics
I without antenna influence and extensive postprocessing, a
spherical array of antennas is needed. The elements of the array
tation of quad-ridged design, although very brief, can be found
in [10]. A dual-polarized ridged horn with coaxial feeding and
bandwidth from 2 to 26.5 GHz was introduced in [11]. An-
should theoretically have medium gain, both polarizations, and other original design was presented in [12], where the quad-
cover wide frequency range. Also, in order to directly retrieve ridged horn intended for anechoic chamber operation in 2–18
the directional channel information and to obtain sufficiently GHz band was stripped off the flare boundaries while main-
isotropic coverage, we need moderately narrow radiation beam taining very good radiation and matching parameters. Recently,
covering the whole sphere. One possibility is to use a directional two novel designs of quad-ridged horn antennas, with full flare
antenna with the desired characteristics on a pedestal, scanning boundaries though, were presented in [13] and [14], with respec-
the space to obtain directional information [1], but this solu- tive bandwidths 8–18 GHz and 2–18 GHz and coaxial feeding.
tion cannot accommodate the velocities typically involved in However, none of the papers addressed the possibility of using
mobile experiments. Fast and simultaneous measurements are, such antenna as an array element.
however, feasible with spherical arrays. A spherical array com- In this paper, we introduce a spherical array of quad-ridged
posed of microstrip patch antennas was introduced in [2], but the dual-polarized horn antennas with frequency range 600 MHz-6
bandwidth offered by this type of antennas is generally poor. GHz. Focus is given on aspects relevant to using this array for
In our previous measurement campaign, we used a spherical obtaining channel characteristics and directional information. In
array of monopoles [3] with the view of increasing the band- particular, we present reflection coefficient , coupling
width. Although successful in some aspects, it did not allow and radiation patterns. The data were obtained from anechoic
a simple estimation of directional information because the chamber measurements and from simulation by the finite-dif-
elements of the array, monopoles, were not directional, instead ference time-domain (FDTD) method [15].
having maximum radiation around the circumference. This
made the determination of signal direction particularly difficult
in terms of postprocessing. For the next measurement campaign II. DESCRIPTION
we therefore decided to use horn antennas to compose the array.
A. The Antenna
Manuscript received August 18, 2010; revised November 08, 2010; accepted The element of the proposed array is a diagonal horn antenna
November 25, 2010. Date of publication May 10, 2011; date of current version with four ridges added for simultaneous use of both vertical
July 07, 2011. This work was supported by the Danish Center for Scientific
and horizontal polarizations (see Figs. 1 and 2). The initial de-
The authors are with the Antennas, Propagation and Radio Networking Sec- sign of the horn antenna has been prepared using simulations
tion, Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, DK-9220 Aalborg in our in-house FDTD code. Optimization has been performed
øst, Denmark (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). by sweeping through many values for the feed position, the gap
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at between the ridges, the thickness of the ridges, the chamfering
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2011.2152349 angle near the feed, and the position of the shorting strip. The
0018-926X/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE
Fig. 3. Detail of the feed with two ridges present: (a) side-view, (b) cross-sec-
tion. Arrangement of the perpendicular ridges is similar, only the feed is shifted
2 mm forward.
Fig. 6. Distribution and numbering of the horn antennas on the spherical array;
(a) top view, (b) bottom view, (c) theta angles of the element rows.
B. The Array
The antenna array presented in this paper has 16 previously this approach. All the mounting pods for the antennas were
described horn antennas arranged in a quasi-spherical pattern arranged in such a way that the antennas are positioned on
(Fig. 5), with emphasis on the coverage of the upper hemisphere. a sphere, i.e., with approximately equal distance from the
The elements in the array (schematic in Fig. 6) are arranged geometrical center of the array. The homogeneity of the final
into 4 groups (rows) with antennas sharing the same theta angle array turned out to be satisfactory, as shown below in results.
from the vertical axis in each group. The first group contains
one element pointing directly upwards, the second group has 4
elements with , the third group has 7 elements with
, pointing slightly above the horizon, and the fourth Fig. 7 shows the parameter of the horn antenna across the
group has 4 elements with , pointing slightly below intended operation frequency range, obtained by measurement
the horizon. and FDTD simulations. This plot is a result of extensive opti-
The described constellation has been chosen seeking the mization on the shape of the antenna, as we tried to find dimen-
highest possible homogeneity in obtaining the directional sions giving maximum possible bandwidth, favorable matching
channel information, but also with respect to practical matters and well-defined radiation beam, all at the same time. The re-
like mounting and mobility. In particular, the lower hemisphere sult is lower than dB in most of the frequency range of
is not covered entirely due to the presence of the mounting interest and lower than dB in few segments. However, there
rod and also because of generally lower probability of signal are notable differences between the measurement and the sim-
incoming from the downward direction. Generally, we were ulation which are caused by subtle mechanical changes on the
searching for the highest possible distance between any two final prototype (ridge gap, waveguide walls perforation) which
antenna elements in order to minimize the coupling. The pattern could not be reflected in the simulation. Differences appeared
homogeneity was, however, also expected to be improved by also when comparing radiation patterns, therefore we decided
Fig. 8. Measured mutual coupling (s parameter) between the two nearest Fig. 11. Measured radiation pattern for the antenna cluster in H- (solid line)
neighboring antennas (11–15) with both polarizations (solid: horizontal, dashed: and E-plane (dashed line), and for single antenna in H- (dash-dotted line) and
vertical). E-plane (dotted line), at 2.3 GHz.
Fig. 12. Measured radiation pattern for the antenna cluster in H- (solid line)
Fig. 9. Measured mutual coupling (s parameter) between the two ports of and E-plane (dashed line), and for single antenna in H- (dash-dotted line) and
the same antenna. E-plane (dotted line), at 4.5 GHz.
Fig. 13. Measured radiation pattern for the antenna cluster in H- (solid line)
and E-plane (dashed line), and for single antenna in H- (dash-dotted line) and
E-plane (dotted line), at 6 GHz. Fig. 15. Measured beamwidth (full-width half-maximum) in H- (solid line) and
E-plane (dashed line) versus frequency.
Fig. 16. Sum beam of array (relative power to maximum), -polarization, 776
Fig. 14. Measured directivity versus frequency. MHz.
Fig. 18. Sum beam of array (relative power to maximum), -polarization, 2.3 Fig. 21. Sum beam of array (relative power to maximum), -polarization, 6.0
GHz. GHz.
In this paper, a spherical array with dual-polarized
quad-ridged horn antenna as an element has been introduced.
The 16-element array has an isotropy of max. 6 dB over the
sum radiation pattern in the upper hemisphere within frequency
range from 600 MHz to 6 GHz. The reflection coefficient of
Fig. 19. Sum beam of array (relative power to maximum), -polarization, 2.3
GHz. the horn antenna is below dB across the frequency range
and the coupling between the elements is typically better than
dB. The radiation pattern of a single antenna in the array
shows a single well-defined beam with small sidelobes and
good front-to-back ratio. The directivity reaches 12 dB for the
most part of the band. Although there was a quite significant
proximity effect of the neighboring antennas on the radiation
pattern, this did not manifest in the coupling. We therefore
conclude that the presented array is suitable for wireless prop-
agation studies with potential for accurate estimation of signal
The authors would like to thank the TAP reviewers and Dr.
E. de Carvalho for their useful comments on the manuscript.
Fig. 20. Sum beam of array (relative power to maximum), -polarization, 6.0 [1] M. Knudsen and G. Pedersen, “Spherical outdoor to indoor power spec-
GHz. trum model at the mobile terminal,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol.
20, no. 6, pp. 1156–1169, Aug. 2002.
[2] K. Kalliola, H. Laitinen, L. Vaskelainen, and P. Vainikainen, “Real-
the antenna beam is wider, as at the lower frequency (776 MHz, time 3-D spatial-temporal dual-polarized measurement of wideband
radio channel at mobile station,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 49,
Figs. 16, 17), or when it has many secondary sidelobes, which no. 2, pp. 439–448, Apr. 2000.
can be observed at the upper end of the band (6 GHz, Figs. 20, [3] O. Franek, G. Pedersen, and J. Andersen, “Numerical modeling of a
21). However, at higher frequencies there is also a higher prob- spherical array of monopoles using FDTD method,” IEEE Trans. An-
tennas Propag., vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 1952–1963, July 2006.
ability of sharp dips in the sum radiation pattern. In particular, [4] C. Balanis, Modern Antenna Handbook. New York: Wiley-Inter-
the homogeneity of the sum beam at 776 MHz is within 3 dB for science, 2008.
[5] W. Sun and C. Balanis, “Analysis and design of quadruple-ridged Ondřej Franek (S’02–M’05) was born in 1977. He
waveguides,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 42, no. 12, pp. received the M.Sc. (Ing., with honors) and Ph.D. de-
2201–2207, Dec. 1994. grees in electronics and communication from Brno
[6] J. Kerr, “Short axial length broad-band horns,” IEEE Trans. Antennas University of Technology, Czech Republic, in 2001
Propag., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 710–714, Sep. 1973. and 2006, respectively.
[7] C. Bruns, P. Leuchtmann, and R. Vahldieck, “Analysis and simulation Currently, he is working in the Department of
of a 1–18 GHz broadband double-ridged horn antenna,” IEEE Trans. Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark,
Electromagn. Compat., vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 55–60, Feb. 2003. as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. His research
[8] V. Rodriguez, “New broadband EMC double-ridge guide horn an- interests include computational electromagnetics
tenna,” RF Design, vol. 27, no. 5, 2004. with focus on fast and efficient numerical methods,
[9] M. Botello-Perez, H. Jardon-Aguilar, and I. Ruiz, “Design and simula- especially the finite-difference time-domain method.
tion of a 1 to 14 GHz broadband electromagnetic compatibility DRGH He is also involved in research on biological effects of non-ionizing elec-
antenna,” in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Electrical and Electronics Engi- tromagnetic radiation, indoor radiowave propagation, and electromagnetic
neering, Sep. 2005, pp. 118–121. compatibility.
[10] S. Soroka, “A physically compact quad ridge horn design,” in Proc. Dr. Franek was the recipient of the Seventh Annual SIEMENS Award for
Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp., Jun. 1986, vol. 24, pp. outstanding scientific publication.
[11] Z. Shen and C. Feng, “A new dual-polarized broadband horn antenna,”
IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 4, pp. 270–273, 2005.
[12] V. Rodriguez, “An open-boundary quad-ridged guide horn antenna for Gert Frølund Pedersen was born in 1965. He
use as a source in antenna pattern measurement anechoic chambers,” received the B.Sc. E.E. degree (with honour) in
IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 157–160, Apr. 2006. electrical engineering from College of Technology
[13] R. Dehdasht-Heydari, H. Hassani, and A. Mallahzadeh, “Quad ridged in Dublin, Ireland, and the M.Sc. E.E. and Ph.D.
horn antenna for UWB applications,” Progr. Electromagn. Res., vol. degrees from Aalborg University, Denmark, in 1993
79, pp. 23–38, 2008. and 2003, respectively.
[14] R. Dehdasht-Heydari, H. Hassani, and A. Mallahzadeh, “A new 2–18 He has been employed by Aalborg University
GHz quad-ridged horn antenna,” Progr. Electromagn. Res., vol. 81, pp. since 1993 where he is now Full Professor heading
183–195, 2008. the Antennas, Propagation and Radio Networking
[15] A. Taflove, Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Group and is also the Head of the Doctoral School
Time-Domain Method, 3rd ed. Boston: Artech House, 2005. on Wireless which has close to 100 Ph.D. students
[16] M. Abbas-Azimi, F. Arazm, and J. Rashed-Mohassel, “Sensitivity enrolled. His research has focused on radio communication for mobile ter-
analysis of a 1 to 18 GHz broadband DRGH antenna,” in Proc. minals, and especially on small antennas, diversity systems, propagation and
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp., Jul. 2006, pp. biological effects, and he has published more than 75 peer reviewed papers
3129–3132. and holds 20 patents. He has also worked as consultant for developments
[17] M. Kujalowicz, W. Zieniutycz, and M. Mazur, “Double-ridged of more than 100 antennas for mobile terminals including the first internal
horn antenna with sinusoidal ridge profile,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on antenna for mobile phones in 1994 with lowest SAR, first internal triple-band
Microwaves, Radar & Wireless Communications, May 2006, pp. antenna in 1998 with low SAR and high TRP and TIS, and lately various
759–762. multi antenna systems rated as the most efficient on the market. He has been
one of the pioneers in establishing the over-the-air measurement systems. The
measurement technique is now well established for mobile terminals with
single antennas and he is now chairing the COST2100 SWG2.2 group with
liaison to 3 GPP for over-the-air tests of MIMO terminals.