Nursery Manual
Nursery Manual
Nursery Manual
Published by:
Forestry Department
Ministry of Agriculture
173 Constant Spring Road
Kingston 8
Jamaica (West Indies)
Tel: (876) 924-2267
Fax: (876) 924-2626
Email: [email protected]
June 2003
The illustrations in the manual have been adapted and redrawn from the following sources:
Department of Forestry. Forestry Extension Kit for Field Workers in Malawi. Volume 2. UNDP 5th
Country Programme. Community Forestry Subcomponent. Lilongwe, Malawi. October 1996.
Jaenicke, H. Practical Guidelines for Research Nurseries. International Centre for Research in
Agroforestry. Nairobi, Kenya. 1999.
Liegel, L.H., C.R. Venator. A Technical Guide for Forest Management in the Caribbean and Latin
America. Institute of Tropical Forestry in cooperation with the University of Puerto Rico. 1987.
University of British Columbia. UBC Guide to Gardenin g in British Columbia. The Botanical Gardens.
The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. The University of British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C. 1990.
Wightman, Kevyn Elizabeth. Practical Guidelines for Community Nurseries. International Centre for
Research in Agroforestry. Nairobi, Kenya. 1999.
The Forestry Department encourages the dissemination of the material contained in this
document provided that reference is made to the source.
Table of Contents
FOREWARD .......................................................................................................................... 1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... 2
Cuttings ...................................................................................................................................................... 39
Mist Propagation ...................................................................................................................................... 39
Air Layering ............................................................................................................................................... 40
Grafting and Budding .............................................................................................................................. 41
Veneer Grafting ................................................................................................................................. 42
Cleft or V Grafting ........................................................................................................................... 43
Shield or Inverted T-budding .......................................................................................................... 44
Hints in collecting Budwood........................................................................................................... 45
Micropropagation ..................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 1: Windbreak using a row of trees with one or two rows of a low growing species .... 10
Figure 2: Example of a layout for a permanent nursery ................................................................ 14
Figure 3: Bare root cultivation ............................................................................................................ 18
Figure 4: Sequence of operations for container growing ............................................................... 18
Figure 5: Pre-mixed sterile sowing medium in concrete block frame for broadcast sowing.... 23
Figure 6: Examples of bent and looped seedling root systems due to bad potting/
transplanting practices .......................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 7: Pruning container grown plants......................................................................................... 32
Figure 8: Root pruning bare root seedlings in a transplant bed .................................................... 32
Figure 9: Pruning bare root seedlings after lifting ........................................................................... 34
Figure 10: Air layering .......................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 11: Cambial regions of scion and stock ................................................................................ 42
Figure 12: Completed side veneer graft ............................................................................................. 43
Figure 13: Cleft or V Graft .................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 14: Inverted T- or shield budding .......................................................................................... 45
Figure 15: Two simple methods of screening soil ........................................................................... 49
Figure A2: The ‘three bed system’ to make compost ..................................................................... 65
Table 1: Example of a Nursery Calendar .......................................................................................... 56
Table 2: Example of a Calendar of Nursery Activities on a monthly basis ............................... 57
Table 3: Example of a Seed and Plant Identification Record ........................................................ 58
Table 4: Example of a Fortnightly Nursery Production Record .................................................. 59
For the general public, tree planting is the most visible activity undertaken by
the Forestry Department. A growing awareness of the environmental benefits
of maintaining forest cover in the island’s watersheds has created widespread
support for reforestation and afforestation projects. The provision of tree
seedlings for community development projects and for the Private Planting
Programme is at the centre of the Department’s forestry extension activities.
Meeting the increasing demand for high quality tree seedlings is a challenge the
Forestry Department must meet to ensure that tree planting remains a high
priority on the national environmental agenda.
Numerous publications are available about tree seedling nurseries, but this
Manual on Nursery Practices incorporates ideas and experiences based on local
conditions. The manual was prepared for the use of supervisors of the Forestry
Department’s nurseries but we hope that others who are engaged in establishing
and operating tree nurseries will also find it a useful guide for good tree nursery
practices. The focus is on quality therefore the manual includes not only what
to do, but also details about physical characteristics of healthy seedlings, proper
growing media, and regulation of water, light and nutrients that result in high
quality tree seedlings.
The cost of tree seedlings is a major component of any tree planting project
and this manual aims to promote the production of quality tree seedlings that
have a high survival rate after planting out.
Marilyn Headley
Conservator of Forests
June 2003
This manual was made possible through the financial support of the Canadian
International Development Agency under its Trees for Tomorrow Project
(TFT). I want to thank my colleagues at the Forestry Department and the
technical experts in the TFT Project who answered questions and provided
suggestions for inclusion in the text. Special mention and thanks should go to
Mrs Susie Latham for her thorough reading and comments on the manual, for
its design and layout and for producing a digital copy ready for printing.
Keats C. Hall
Trees are essential to our lives and are an integral part of our landscape. They
play many roles and confer a multitude of benefits to society such as food,
shelter, shade, timber, natural beauty to the countryside, conservation of our
soil and water resources and improved air quality. With the recent approval and
launch of a National Forest Management and Conservation Plan, and the greater
awareness of forest and tree values, indications are that there will be an increased
demand for tree seedlings to ensure that these benefits continue to contribute
to the nation’s well-being.
The aim of this manual is to provide information and guidance on how to start
a nursery and the steps involved in growing quality tree seedlings for survival
under the often dry, nutrient deficient conditions in which the seedlings are
sometimes planted. The manual is therefore of special interest not only to
nursery workers and nursery supervisors but also to foresters, horticulturists
and those involved in planning and managing the production and use of tree
seedlings for any of the above mentioned roles and benefits.
Factors related to the selection of the nursery site are discussed in Chapter 2.
The topics of site preparation and nursery design and layout are treated in
Chapters 3 and 4 respectively.
During the last three decades, vegetative reproduction using parts of growing
plants such as branch and tip cuttings, roots and leaf portions has become
increasingly popular because of the difficulty of some plants to produce viable
seed. This popularity has been enhanced by the development and perfection
of mass production techniques involving plant cells (tissue culture) resulting in
the world-wide availability of improved varieties of ornamental and horticultural
seedlings. Because of its importance in producing seedlings for agroforestry
and horticulture, vegetative reproduction is covered in Chapter 6 of the manual.
One of the most important factors that influence the production of high quality
seedlings is the growing medium and this topic is covered in Chapter 7. Nursery
records contains valuable information and Chapter 8 reviews the basic types of
records which should be kept by all nurseries.
The four appendices provide a quick reference for frequently used information.
Appendix 1 lists some of the common errors found in tree nurseries. The use
of compost to compensate for low quality soil media is emphasised throughout
this manual and Appendix 2 gives hints on how best to produce it. A check list
of useful nursery tools and equipment makes up Appendix 3 while local sources
of commonly used nursery supplies are provided in Appendix 4.
The criteria for choosing the nursery site will be affected by the type of nursery
to be established. For the purpose of this manual, two broad types of nurseries
are recognised, namely:
• Small-scale nurseries
• Permanent nurseries
Now that the scope of community forestry has widened and local groups and
NGOs are being encouraged to be self reliant under the Forestry Department’s
revised Forest Policy (2001), a resurgence of small-scale nurseries is anticipated
that will also be growing agroforestry and orchard crops as well as ornamental
• High production levels and high seedling survival rates resulting in a more
efficient, reliable operation and consequently lower unit cost per plant
• The availability of permanent installations, propagation techniques and
suitable modern equipment favouring higher quality seedlings and the
production of a wide range of difficult species
• Risk of damage and theft minimised due to better on-site supervision
Although the contents of this manual deal mainly with permanent nurseries,
much of what is written applies equally to small-scale nurseries.
of the A reliable and continuous supply of water should be available throughout the
source, year. Since the need for water is greatest during the dry season, it is necessary to
nurseries check the source during the most critical period to see if the flow of water at
should have that time is adequate for the quantity of plants being produced. Regardless of
at least 3 the source, it is advisable to have adequate facilities for storage of at least 3 days
days supply supply.
of water
stored in
The quantity of water required depends on the size of the nursery, the kind of
soil, the species, the number of seedlings and the irrigation method employed.
More water, for example, is needed for sandy soils which have a low water
holding capacity. In the case of a nursery of one hectare in full production
using overhead irrigation, it is estimated that 60,000 litres of water per day will
be required on average during the dry season. This is equivalent to approximately
2.4 litres per second during a seven hour period.
greater than 7 favours attacks of ‘damping off ’ fungi in the seed beds and tends
to raise the pH of the soil which in turn can reduce the growth of seedlings.
Sites with
The nursery should have a central location as near to the planting site or demand exposure to
centre as possible to avoid the transportation of seedlings over long distances. excessive
In order to reduce the problems of transport, food and accommodation, and wind should
to encourage better supervision, most forest nurseries are located close to or be avoided
within population centres. This avoids the need to construct dwellings and as well as
living facilities for nursery workers thus reducing costs. valleys and
old water
courses that
Sites with exposure to excessive wind should be avoided as well as valleys and may be
old water courses that may be liable to flooding. liable to
Ideally, the nursery should be on a gentle slope sufficient to allow excess water
to run off without causing soil erosion. Where necessary, a proper drainage
system must be built to avoid water logging and damage during periods of
heavy rainfall. The exact design of the drainage system will depend on the
requirements of the site. The general principle is to direct excess water to the
sides and keep the main pathways dry. At Mt. Airy Forest Nursery, in the hills
above Golden Spring in St. Andrew, the permanent nursery is constructed on
sloping ground and the terraces are efficient and could serve as a model for
similar sites on gentle slopes.
Adequate sources of good quality soil are required in the preparation of the
potting mixture and to a lesser extent for seed beds. One of the major
components of the recurrent cost in a nursery with container grown plants is
the provision of suitable soil. Obviously, the nearer the nursery is to the source
of this material, the less will be the cost. A high demand for sand in soil mixtures
has developed due to the availability and use of heavy soils. Sand particles
however, do not hold moisture and they tend to be inert, conferring few, if any,
benefits to the plant.This over-reliance on sand could be avoided with adequate
supplies of top soil and a ready supply of compost.
Five of the more important soil properties that affect plant production are:
• Particle size
• Organic matter content
• Soil porosity
• Moisture content
• pH
Although each can be evaluated separately, they are all interrelated. The presence
of organic matter is perhaps the most obvious indication of a healthy soil and
is an essential ingredient in maintaining satisfactory moisture relationships
necessary for plant growth. Soil that is not porous encourages water-logging,
hence oxygen, which is essential for root development and respiration, becomes
unavailable to the plant. The role of pH is discussed in Chapter 7 under ‘Growing
As soon as the site has been selected, work can start to convert it into a more or
less level area if the topography permits.
Following site clearing operations, all the top soil should be removed from the
site before levelling to avoid muddy conditions during wet weather and after
prolonged watering. It is always useful to save the top soil for later use in the
potting soil mixture or for the production of compost. Avoid creating erosion
problems, pollution of nearby streams and water logging conditions. Many
sites either have shallow top soil or very little, if any, so it may not be necessary
to remove any soil before levelling. Terraces should be constructed on slopes The species
of more than 4 to 5 percent. used as a
and in the
should be
Exposed slopes and the ridges of terraces should be grassed as soon as possible relatively
and during the dry season if necessary since irrigation water should be available. free of
If there is a threat of wind damage, a wind-break should be planted around the disease and
perimeter of the nursery. A low hedge could also be considered around key insect
sections to further reduce wind, control or prevent wind borne weed seeds and
damage from dust. The species used as a wind-break and in the hedge should
be relatively free of disease and insect attacks. The species to be grown in the
nursery should not be used as a wind-break since they could harbour injurious
Chapter 3
pests to which the young seedlings may be succeptible. Two coniferous species,
Cupressus lusitanica and Arbor vitae, have been used successfully and flowering
hibiscus was for many years used at the Williamsfield Nursery.
Slower growing hedge plants are preferred, particularly those that withstand
heavy pruning and maintain a tidy appearance. For this reason, flowering hibiscus
shrubs used to be popular until the threat of the ‘pink mealy bug’ and cotton
cushiony scale insect, which thrives on this plant, discouraged its use. Any disease
or insect outbreak in wind-breaks should be controlled quickly to reduce the
risk of spreading to nearby nursery seedlings.
Since most tall trees tend to lose their lower branches after a few years, a practical
hedge can be made either by planting a row of trees with one or two rows of a
low growing species (see Figure 1); or by planting three rows of trees using a
species that coppices freely. Every 2 to 3 years, depending on its rate of growth,
one of the outer rows is cut back and the coppice regrowth will provide the
required low hedge protection. This type of hedge provides extra fuelwood as
well as raw material for making compost.
Figure 1: Windbreak using a row of trees with one or two rows of a low growing species.
Sometimes, due to the nature of the nursery soil, it may be necessary to apply a
firm hard surface material over the whole area or between the transplant lines.
The material must resist wear and be porous enough to allow drainage of excess
water. This surface dressing can be quite expensive but the cost is usually justified
under those conditions where the nursery surface requires special pre-treatment.
Granite, often called black stone in 1/2 or 3/4 inch size can serve the purpose.
The imported woven black plastic ground cover material used at Mt. Airy and
at the Hope Gardens Nursery also provides excellent weed control. Sources of
supply are listed in Appendix 4.
Very often washing and toilet facilities and a lunch room are overlooked when
nurseries are being planned. These are essential to ensure high standards of
personal hygiene as most workers are in daily contact with soil and chemicals
and sometimes have to work at very close quarters with each other in large
• Extracting, drying and processing of seed: The surface of this area should
have a concrete floor close to covered facilities and could have multiple
functions as it is usually suitable for other operations
• Preparing germination trays and potting mixtures
• Screening compost and soil
• Filling pots
Chapter 4
• Soil shed with compartments for screened soil, sand and compost: The soil
shed should allow for soil mixing and the filling of containers to be carried
out under shelter throughout the year
• Composting area: Compost production should be considered mandatory
should be
in all nurseries, and a place provided for this purpose considered
Production efficiency is achieved by locating each of the following major and a place
provided for
activities in a defined area of the nursery.
Germination Section
This area which is set aside for the germination of seeds is best located near the
office, to enable the supervisor to maintain a close watch on the activity. It is
customary to sow the seeds in elevated metal or plastic trays erected waist high
above the ground level. Round wood is commonly used but a more permanent
foundation is recommended to avoid frequent replacement. One alternative is
to build permanent seedbeds of concrete blocks with an internal measurement
of 1 metre wide (see Figure 5 on page 23). Ten metres is the standard length
but this varies with location and production targets. The beds may be subdivided
into 1 metre quadrants to facilitate sowing smaller quantities of seeds. Since
dogs, birds, rodents and insects have been known to damage seedlings during
this stage, the germination section may need to be fenced and a ‘roll on’ cover
provided for use when required.
Transplanting Area
The nursery beds for growing bare rooted plants or for standing containers
occupies the greater part of the nursery area and it is here that the transplanted
or direct sown seedlings are grown until they are ready for planting in the field.
Normal bed width is 1 to 1.2 metres to facilitate hand tending. Length is also
important and beds should not be longer than 20 metres in order to facilitate
moving from one bed to the next. Bare root production beds should be located
where the soil has the best chemical and physical properties.
Chapter 4
The only fixture in the transplant area is the watering system if one has been
installed. However, in very hot and dry locations, and with certain species, better
results may be obtained by transplanting and raising seedlings under a roof
used to control the light intensity. The building need not be elaborate but it
should be high enough for workers to stand underneath. Pickets of wood or
bamboo slats are commonly used and preservative treatment will extend their
useful life. Imported polypropylene shade cloth is available in different light
intensities offering a longer lasting, tidy and more efficient material.
Polypropylene shade cloth comes in standard widths of approximately 2, 3 and
4 metres (6, 10 and 12 feet) that provide different intensities of shade, eg, 47,
55, 63, 73 or 80 percent.
• In an open bed from which seedling plants are lifted and planted with roots
bare of soil
• In containers, either singly or in multi-cavity trays which are taken to the
planting site and the seedlings planted with a ball or plug of soil around the
• Transplanting natural regeneration seedlings often found under mature trees
into containers
Although many different types of containers are now available with obvious
advantages, the following three disadvantages are worth mentioning:
The sequence of operations for the bare root method is shown in Figure 3
below and that for containers in Figure 4.
The production of seedlings in the nursery is best described under the following
stages of development and growth:
Seed dormancy refers to a state in which viable seeds fail to germinate when
provided with conditions normally favourable to germination, ie, adequate
moisture, appropriate temperature and light. Dormancy in seeds may be
advantageous or problematic during seed handling. The advantage is that it
prevents seeds from germinating during storage and normal handling. On the
other hand, where dormancy is complex and seeds need a specific pre-treatment,
Chapter 5
failure to overcome these problems may result in poor germination. Some pre-
treatment procedures are not directly related to seed dormancy but are carried
out in order to speed up the germination process.
It is important to maximise germination of all seed sown and the following are
the main pre-treatment or pre-germination treatments that may be necessary.
Separation of empty seed. This usually applies to small seed and may be
effected by soaking the seed in water overnight and discarding those that float
as this often indicates emptiness. If the seed is extremely valuable or of uncertain
viability, those that float can be broadcast sown to gain experience and confirm
results. Soaking for one or two days is also used to encourage early, even
• Many woody plant species require a cool temperature and moist media
treatment for seed germination to occur. Cool-moist treatment of seed to
promote germination is called a stratification treatment. In most cases
seeds with a stratification requirement, such as teak, need a minimum of a
6 to 12 week treatment in a moist, aerated environment followed by a warm,
moist environment for seed germination to occur. Seed must be maintained
cool and moist since either warm temperatures alone or dry media during
the stratification process will inhibit germination. Burying the seed between
layers of wet, sifted sand is a form of stratification that facilitates germination
of teak seed.
• The scarification method facilitates germination by physically removing
enough of the seed coat by nicking, piercing, chipping, filing, or drilling
with the aid of a knife or needle or by burning. Although effective with
tough seed coat species, this method is rarely used because it is time
consuming and impractical where large seed quantities are involved.
• Hot water overcomes dormancy in Leguminoseae by creating tension which
causes cracking or weakening of the seed coat. The method is most effective
when seeds are submerged into the hot water and not heated together with
the water. A quick dip is also better to avoid heat damage to the embryo.
For most hard-coated Acacia species, it is enough to bring the water to the
boil and place the seed in the water after removing the flame. The seed can
be planted as soon as the water cools or kept in storage for short periods.
• Soaking hard-coated seed in sulphuric acid for periods varying from 5 to
60 minutes, depending on the concentration of the sulphuric acid, can
improve germination but care and experience is necessary as results vary
considerably between species and seed lots. The duration of acid treatment
should aim at reaching a balance in which the seed coat is sufficiently
ruptured to permit the seed to imbibe water but without the acid itself
reaching the embryo. The acid may be re-used several times although its
strength will gradually decline. After soaking, the seed is removed from the
acid and rinsed under running water for at least 10 minutes.
• Pre-treatment with fungicides or insect repellent is useful if there is a
risk of insect or damping-off fungal attack. The method is to dust the seed
with an appropriate fungicide/insecticide prior to sowing. Special pre-
treatment against rats, mice, birds or small insects may be necessary in which
case Head Office should be consulted to help obtain a suitable repellent.
This stage begins with the absorption of water and ends with the elongation of
the radicle (root) and involves the following steps:
Method of Sowing
The two basic methods of sowing seed for container or bare root production
are broadcast and direct sowing. The choice of method will depend on the
local conditions and experience. It should be noted that:
• The yield of plantable seedlings from a given seed lot is usually much greater
with broadcast sowing
• Development of transplants are sometimes slow compared with undisturbed
direct sown seedlings
• There is a risk of root distortion during transplanting with broadcast sowing
When seed is plentiful, of good quality and its cost is only a small proportion
of total nursery costs, direct sowing is sometimes preferred. Direct sowing is
also easier if the seed is large enough in size to be handled individually and the
risk of root distortion is reduced with this method.
Broadcast Sowing
This is usually done in specially constructed beds containing sand or sandy
loam or pre-mixed sterile sowing medium in a wood or concrete block frame
or metal tray (see Figure 5). Clay or heavy soil must not be used as it is essential
to have free drainage in the beds. Make the surface smooth, level and firm but
not compact. The seed should not be broadcast too thickly over the bed surface
to avoid overcrowding and to allow each seedling to have sufficient growing
space. A ‘roll on’ cover may be necessary to protect the seed from birds and to
provide shade.
Broadcast Methods
For tiny seeds such as Eucalyptus species, the practice is to mix the seed intimately
with an equal part of fine, dry sand of a similar size and spread the mixture
evenly with the fingers. An alternative method is to make a 20 by 20 cm tray
using strong mosquito or similar wire netting. The tray is then covered with
fine sand particles just large enough that they will not penetrate the netting. On
top of this the seed is added, usually sufficient to sow 1 square metre of the
germinating seed bed. After shaking the tray, the small seed will find the openings
and be deposited on the bed evenly and in the quantity desired. If the seed is
Figure 5: Pre-mixed sterile sowing medium in concrete block frame for broadcast sowing.
mixed with sand of a similar size, it will be sown more evenly and uniformly.
The work can be simplified if seedbeds are divided into 1 metre quadrants so
that the recommended amount of seed to be sown per square metre can be
Direct Sowing
The advantages of direct sowing are lower cost and the avoidance of damage
to seedlings through careless transplanting. Although only one seed is necessary
if the germination rate is high, the aim is to sow an average of two to three
seeds per container. With small seed, special methods need to be used to regulate
the amount to be sown. In some overseas nurseries, a shaker is used, made
from a small bottle with graduated holes in the lid set to allow a given number
of seeds to drop per shake. Good results have been obtained from direct sowing
Acacia auriculiformis, A. mangium and Azadiracta indica in pre-filled polythene bags.
The use of cell packs that resemble egg boxes is also popular since the
germinated seedling can be lifted with a plug of potting medium thus avoiding
shock on transplanting.
Chapter 5
Depth of Sowing
A general rule is to cover the seed to a depth equal to twice the seed diameter
and not deeper than 1 cm in the case of A. mangium and similar small seed sizes.
The recommended practice is to apply the lightest cover which is capable of
withstanding routine watering. The tendency in some nurseries has been to
sow the seed much deeper than necessary to avoid the washing out or uncovering
after heavy watering. In such cases it is the water that should be regulated, using
nozzles and pressure that will reduce the force of the water.
After sowing, cover the seed with a layer of fine sand or sifted nursery soil or
potting mix to the desired thickness and water the bed or container lightly. Do
not press the seed into the seedbed or container. Shade the seedbed from direct
sunlight immediately after sowing with jute bags, newspaper, bamboo or any
suitable available cover. This may be placed directly on the seedbed at first as a
source of protection and to maintain humidity and an even damp moisture
condition that favours germination. The cover must be lifted to about 30 cm or
higher at the first sign of germination and removed completely as soon as
possible afterwards to avoid weak, pale looking seedlings. Watering must be
done gently with a fine spray and in large nurseries where piped water is available,
mist nozzles are recommended for watering seedlings, using a filter to avoid
sediment from clogging the small openings of the mist nozzle.
Depending on the species, seedlings are normally ready for transplanting from
3 to 5 weeks after germination when 2 or 3 pairs of leaves have formed. With
Pinus caribaea, transplanting is best done at the ‘match-stick’ stage whilst the
seed coat is still attached to the young stem and when lateral roots have not yet
started to show. With Acacia spp, when the first pair of leaves show, the seedlings
are ready for transplanting into the polythene bag. Some selection may be
necessary at this stage since all the seeds do not germinate at the same time.
The important points to remember when transplanting are:
At the time of lifting the soil should be only moist, not wet.
• In lifting the seedlings take care not to damage the roots or the stem. Do
not pull them individually. Lift the seedlings by raising a whole block of
soil using a thin piece of wood and free a bunch of seedlings together.
Afterwards, the soil should fall away easily as there should be few lateral
roots at that stage to retain it.
• Hold the seedlings only by the leaves or by the ‘match head’ or needles in The roots
the case of the Caribbean pine. If the stem or root is held, the plant is more must not be
susceptible to damping off fungi from bruising, crushing or infection by exposed to
the fingers. air or
sunlight for
longer than
• The roots must not be exposed to air or sunlight for longer than a few
a few
seconds. As soon as the seedlings are lifted, place the roots in water in a
shallow container to avoid drying out before transplanting.
• Plant the seedlings at the same depth as they were in the seedbed or perhaps Plant the
a little lower but never higher. seedlings at
the same
• Fill the container and prepare the transplanting space using a broad flat depth as
stick or your fingers rather than the customary pointed stick that makes a they were in
narrow conical shaped hole that encourages abnormal root development. the seedbed
or perhaps
a little lower
• Cut off the tip of the root if it is too long using a sharp knife, making a
but never
clean cut, leaving about 5 cm of root. higher.
• Firm the soil gently around the root. Do this carefully to avoid air pockets
at the bottom or side of the slot. Do not use force as this could bruise the
seedling and reduce the porosity of the soil medium by compaction.
• Plant the seedling in a straight, upright position in the centre of the container.
The roots should not be allowed to bend or curl in the planting space (see
Figure 6).
Figure 6: Examples of bent and looped seedling root systems due to bad potting/transplanting practices.
Experienced nursery workers will gradually reduce the frequency and amount
Experienced of water during the last 10 days before transplanting in order to harden the
nursery seedlings, particularly if they are more than 4 to 5 weeks old. The above principles
workers will apply equally to the transplanting of seedlings from seed beds or from pots in
gradually which more than one ‘direct sown’ seed has germinated.
reduce the
frequency Light and Shade
and amount
of water
during the Light affects all the different stages of growth of container tree seedlings and
last 10 days should be managed by the grower to increase photosynthesis which takes place
before in the foliage. With photosynthesis, the plant is able to produce the basic building
transplanting blocks of its life such as carbohydrates, amino acids and fats and also generate
in order to oxygen which is essential for the respiration of all organisms. Water is absorbed
harden the in the roots and transported to the leaves where it is combined with carbon
seedlings. dioxide in the presence of light to produce sugar. The products of
photosynthesis are transported throughout the plant and are used in respiration
to release the energy required for a wide variety of growth and maintenance
For the above reason, seedlings will do best under high light intensities and the
goal should be to grow seedlings in the open wherever possible. Trees high
enough to provide ample walking space for adults may be necessary to provide
shade for nursery workers during the transplanting operation. In contrast, low
shade spread on supports of 30 to 50 cm above the ground is sometimes
necessary to provide temporary shade for seed beds and transplant bags in
periods of intense heat or heavy rainfall. It is a mistake to use shade once the
seedlings are over the shock of transplanting although nursery staff will be
tempted to keep them under shade to reduce the amount of watering needed
and to mask the effect of bad transplanting. Plants that have been transplanted
will require shade for only up to 3 days if the job has been satisfactorily done.
In the absence of proper care and attention to detail, the survival of newly
transplanted wildlings in the nursery and in the field is often sporadic. Good
results can be obtained if the following practices are followed:
1. Select younger seedlings before tap roots have developed and penetrated
deep into the soil.
2. Arrive on the site with the necessary tools and equipment consisting of:
- fork or pick-axe to loosen the earth
- burlap or plastic for packaging
- coir dust or compost material to reduce moisture loss from roots and
- sharp knife or secateur for root pruning
- container with supply of water to keep package damp and reduce shock
3. Do not wrench seedlings which are firmly rooted in the soil.
4. Place lifted seedlings in water; root prune if necessary.
5. Package seedlings in bundles of 20 or less packing damp coir dust or
compost around the roots.
Chapter 5
Over Watering
It is easy to
Excess water is nearly always damaging since the water tends to replace the air
add water in the soil and cause compaction, which in turn restricts the respiration process
but difficult of the plant. Further, excess water promotes development of fungal diseases
to remove it. like damping off. The visible symptoms of over watering are slight to severe
yellowing and stunted growth. This usually occurs near spray lines and at drip
points where the sprinkler is attached to upright pipes. It is also common in
areas where, due to depressions on the nursery bed, water is allowed to stand in
pools. Over watering tends to occur in nurseries with heavy soils. Sometimes
large groups of seedlings exhibit ‘wave’ formations where the watering system
is not supplying water uniformly to all the plants. This condition should not be
confused with blocks of plants with stunted growth which is normally caused
by a deficiency of nutrients.
Under Watering
Wilting is one of the early signs of under watering. In sandy or heavy soils,
there is a tendency to apply insufficient water, wetting only the superficial layer
of the container. For this reason, it is often necessary to sample some bags,
particularly those at the edge of beds to see if they have in fact received an
adequate supply. Any signs of wilting should be immediately tended to by the
addition of water so as to prevent permanent damage.
Watering Methods
Watering may be either by hand or by irrigation. Hand watering with cans fitted
with a rose spray or knapsack mist nozzles are the obvious methods for small
nurseries. With these methods an adequate number of filling points must be
provided. Hand watering with a plastic or rubber hose fitted with a rose spray
is also popular in small nurseries where water pressure can be provided. This
method can of course work with large nurseries but it suffers from the same
disadvantages as the other hand methods in that uniformity of coverage is
difficult to achieve.
Surface irrigation was used effectively at the former Twickenham Park Nursery
but the method is no longer widely used. Great skill is required in laying out
such a system which is also not an efficient method since it wastes water that is
often in short supply.
The ideal system for large nurseries is overhead sprinkler irrigation as it is easily
controlled and provides the most uniform method for the application of water.
A large number of systems are available and the heavy drops from some systems
have been known to cause nursery workers to direct sow seeds much deeper
than normal resulting in large-scale germination failures. On the other hand,
some rotary systems can be so efficient that the need for shading transplants is
often unnecessary. Whenever a sprinkler system is being installed in a new
nursery, it is advisable to obtain expert advice before a final decision is made.
Weed Control with the
seedlings for
Weeds compete with the seedlings for nutrients, water and light. If they are not nutrients,
removed in time, this competition will suppress the young plants because the water and
weeds are usually more vigorous and grow at a faster rate. The most troublesome light.
are grasses or dicotyledonous plants that grow from a root stock. If such a
Chapter 5
weed is cut off at the ground level, it will sprout again and continue to grow
from the carbohydrates stored in its root tissue hence the need to remove the
whole plant.
As much as possible one should prevent the presence and dispersal of weed
seeds in the nursery. Most weeds produce large quantities of seed which are
No weeds easily transported by water, wind and also brought in by introduced top soil,
should be
chicken litter and farm yard manure. No weeds should therefore be allowed to
allowed to
flower and flower and fruit along paths and roadways or unused land in the nursery. Grassy
fruit along areas should be regularly cut and trimmed. A thick hedge around the nursery
paths and helps keep out weed seeds that are otherwise brought in by wind. Since it is
roadways or more difficult to eradicate weeds after they have invaded seedlings growing in
unused containers and in transplant beds, both the potting soil and the pre-filled
land in the containers may be watered in advance so that the germinated weeds can be
removed in advance of transplanting. For this purpose, containers should be
filled up to 4 weeks in advance of transplanting or direct sowing operations if
weed free potting soil is not available.
Ideally, the roots of most high quality tree seedlings should be straight, carrot
like or compact with many healthy succulent fibrous roots and root hairs. The
corresponding stems should also be straight and sturdy with a symmetrical
dense crown demonstrating a good balance between shoot and root. Because
of the many variables involved, achieving this goal is not an easy task and one
of the main limitations is the small size of the container or the comparatively
unlimited space in the case of bare root production. Some time after
transplanting, the roots of most seedlings will tend to exit the pot through the
drainage holes at the bottom or sides of the container into the soil if there are
no ground cover barriers. If they fail to penetrate the container a vigorous root
will develop other abnormalities by having to run circles inside the pot. In
situations where the root exits the pot, root pruning will be necessary.
Some growers overlook this routine operation and wait until just before the
plants are about to be lifted and sent to the field. Although giving the appearance
of a healthy seedling in the nursery bed, the wrenched plant with obvious
unbalanced root to shoot ratio becomes the first casualty in the field. This is
because the vigorous shoot loses water through its leaves and soon wilts as the
incapacitated root is unable to perform its function of replacing the loss by Pruning
absorbing water from the soil. The condition of the root system and in particular stimulates
that of its absorbing surface, the hair rootlets through which water and nutrients root growth
and causes
are taken up, determines to a large extent whether a seedling will survive field
the roots to
planting or not. Pruning stimulates root growth and causes the roots to become become
compact and fibrous rather than long and thin. compact
and fibrous
As a general rule, carry out the first root pruning as soon as the roots appear rather than
through the bag and enter the ground. Repeat the pruning every two weeks or long and
as necessary. Do not wait for the last moment. Carry out the operation at least thin.
three weeks before the plants leave the nursery for the field. This is to allow
sufficient time for the plant to replace its loss of roots by developing new
laterals under the more favourable nursery conditions.
Since root pruning reduces the water absorbing surface of the root system, it is
best carried out on a cloudy day when transpiration is low. If there are signs of
wilting, then the plants should be watered.
Root pruning can be done by either lifting each container or by cutting the tap
root of bare rooted stock.
Production of Stumps
Stumps are bare rooted seedlings with most of the shoot and more or less all
lateral roots pruned so that only a short piece is left. Seedlings intended for
stumps are raised in beds at wide spacing with or without transplanting to
attain a diameter at the root collar of 1 to 2 cm. The stem is cut back to between
5 and 10 cm above the root collar, leaving one or two pairs of buds for sprouting
and developing into a new plant. If a longer part of the shoot is left, the stump
may produce several sprouts. Lifting of nursery seedlings can be done by hand
(digging and pulling) or by machine. In Thailand, about 800 to 1000 teak
seedlings can be lifted by hand per day. After lifting, the seedlings are transported
to a stumping shed. The lateral roots are trimmed off (for teak, close to the tap
root). The tap root is also cut to a length of about 15 cm (see Figure 9). At low
rainfall locations, planting of stumps should commence soon after the rains
begin. The seedlings in the nursery should therefore be prepared into stumps
before the growth flush period, to obtain a higher growth potential when planted.
Therefore, stump preparation should start just before the rainy season. In
Thailand, teak roots are graded according to size and the small stumps planted
soon after preparation. Larger stumps can be stored up to 4 months in so
called pit stores at temperatures between 25 to 30o C.
Hardening Off
During the hardening off period, the reaction of the plants must be observed
closely with a kind of intuition or instinct since the progress cannot be measured
and the changes in the plant do not take place abruptly but gradually. Immediately
before the plants leave the nursery they should be given a good final watering.
Do not lift the seedlings by the stem at this or any stage. In summary, the
following treatment can be applied to facilitate the hardening off process:
Grading of Plants
The production of seedlings of low quality and poor condition are some of
the main causes of low field survival and these should not be taken to the field
for planting. Also the few survivors grow slowly and must be tended for longer
periods than good quality, faster growing seedlings. Losses have to be replaced
incurring additional cost and also represent a waste of time, effort and money.
The following points should be considered in judging whether a plant should
be sent from the nursery or destroyed.
Plants should be free of disease and insect attack. Discolouration of leaves and
weak crowns indicate improper nursery treatment or abnormal roots.
The plant should be free from mechanical injuries although some damages can
be rectified by pruning.
Stems should be straight but not etiolated and should be able to stand firm
without support. Curved stems usually signal abnormal rooting.
Chapter 5
Generally, each planting unit should receive plants of the same size and therefore
plants of different sizes should not be mixed. Some plants like Acacia mangium
retain its juvenile leaves when quite mature and this should not prevent them
from being selected for planting in the field.
In general, ‘damping off ’ is the most likely fungal disease problem. The symptom
is the development of a zone of weakness at a point on the young seedlings
where the stem and the root meet. The seedling rapidly loses turgidity, bends
over and soon dies.
Transport of Plants
This is the final responsibility of the nursery supervisor before the plants leave
his or her care. About 4 months of hard work and skill can come to nothing if
the plants are not properly prepared and given the necessary care for the journey
to the planting site. The main problems are damage at the root collar, bad
lifting, vibration on the way from the nursery, wind damage, drying out and sun
scorch, and bad storage and holding facilities.
The seedlings should not at any stage be lifted by holding their stem. Care must
be taken with handling of seedlings at every step of the transporting process:
Given all these steps, without due care in handling seedlings, their survival in
the field can be less than 40 percent although good quality plants were produced
in the nursery and the planting in the field took place under favourable
The container grown plants should be packed and moved at each stage in open-
top boxes until they arrive at the planting hole. It is important to pack the
boxes tightly so they cannot move about in the truck.
Vegetative reproduction is the method of producing plants without the use of seed.
Otherwise called asexual reproduction, the methods most often used to produce
trees are cuttings, air layering, grafting and micropropagation.
What are the conditions needed for good results from cuttings?
• High humidity
• Full light intensity
• Protection from pests and diseases
• Absence of water logging
• Absence of windy conditions
• Appropriate rooting medium
Maintaining high air humidity is perhaps the most important because cuttings lose
water rapidly especially through the cut ends which have as yet no roots to take up
water to replace water loss. Any water logging around the cut portion will inhibit or
delay the development of roots. Death due to dessication before rooting is the major
cause of the lack of success in propagation by cuttings. High humidity can be
maintained by frequent manual spraying or through the use of mist propagation
• Photo cells that activate the system when the light reaches certain levels
• An electronic leaf to maintain a uniform level of humidity on the leaf
Mist beds may be on the ground or raised, preferably exposed to full sunlight
and fenced to avoid the action of wind blowing away the fine spray of water.
Air layering or marcotting has several advantages in that large plants can be
produced quickly by relatively unskilled workers and with fewer operations than
are required for budding or grafting. Also they can be brought into fruit
Air layering
brings production much quicker than budded or grafted trees or plants produced from
plants into seed.
flower and
fruit much In air layering (see Figure 10), the branch to be propagated is girdled by removal
quicker than of a ring of bark 25 to 38 mm in width. It is advisable to scrape the surface of
grafted the wood in the girdled area to remove the cambium, otherwise the area can
trees or
heal over quickly and fail to make roots. The girdled area is then covered with a
produced ball of sphagnum or coir dust which has been soaked in water and squeezed by
from seed. hand. The wet sphagnum or coir dust is covered with a sheet of plastic tied at
each end with twine or with a sheet of aluminium foil tightly twisted closed at
both ends.
Callus and roots will form at the upper end of the girdled area in six to eight
weeks. When the roots are well formed, the marcots are cut from the tree and
either planted direct in the field or first planted in containers of soil and later
set in the field.
Grafting is the joining of parts of plants together in such a way that they unite
and continue to grow as a single plant. The part of the plant that becomes the The scion is
upper portion or top of the new plant is called the scion and the part which the upper
becomes the lower portion that includes the root is called the stock or root portion of
stock. the new
plant and
All methods of joining plants are called grafting but when the scion is a small the lower
portion is
piece of bark or wood containing a single bud, this form of grafting is called
called the
budding. Many different types of grafts are possible including veneer, cleft, root stock.
arching, bottle, tongue, whip, and root grafting but only the veneer and cleft
grafts are described, as well as the shield or inverted T-budding method.
Grafting requires experience and practice and the following six requirements
to improve the performance of growers are recommended by the University
of Florida Cooperative Extension Service:
1. The stock and scion must be compatible or they will not unite. Graft only
closely related species or plant families such as Julie mango on Number 11
mango, and Jamaica mahogany on Honduras mahogany and not on teak or
Chapter 6
2. Cambial regions of scions and stock must be in intimate contact (see Figure
11). Cut surfaces should be held tightly for proper healing and flow of
water and nutrients.
3. Grafting can be done at any time of the year but March through August is
considered ideal if the stock and scion are at the right size and growth
stage. Some months like May and October are however too wet and the
scions show a tendency to rot unless special precautions are taken.
4. After grafting, all cut surfaces must be protected from dessication or drying
out. This can be done by covering the graft area with wax or tape or some
moist material like sphagnum moss.
5. Proper care must be given to the graft until it unites. Shoots from the stock
must be removed as they can choke out the scion. Shoots from the scion
can grow so vigorously that they break the scion off unless staked or tied.
6. The grafting knife should always be kept razor sharp during grafting
Figure 11: Cambial regions of scion and stock must be in intimate contact.
Veneer Grafting
For the veneer graft, the root stock should be in an actively growing condition
and scions should be clean and free of disease and insects. Scions in which the
terminal bud is just beginning to swell will give best results. Root stocks 6 to
12 months old with stem diameters of 6 to 25 mm (1/4 to 1 inch) are used in
commercial nurseries for side veneer grafting mangoes.
Select a site for the graft where the root stock is straight and 30 cm (12 inches)
or less from ground level (see Figure 12). The cut is made tangentially into and
through the bark and just into the wood for a length of 5 to 8 cm (2 to 3
Cleft or V Grafting
In Cleft or V grafting (See Figure 13) the top of the root stock is cut off square
and a vertical cut made in the centre using a heavy knife or special grafting tool.
The scion is made by cutting a long, gradually tapering wedge. Holding the split
open with a screw driver or similar tool, one or two scions are inserted into the
split so that the cambial layers are lined up with each other at least on one side
or both sides in the case of small plants of equal size. Wrapping and subsequent
care is the same as for veneer graft but the root stock does not require cutting
back and hence wound healing is faster. Make sure the scion and buds are not
upside down.
Chapter 6
Budding differs from grafting in that only a single lateral bud is used instead of
a portion of a stem with several lateral buds as well as a terminal bud. The
principal advantage in budding is that one terminal scion will furnish five or
more buds for as many trees.
The shield or inverted T-budding method involves the use of a bud that is
shield shaped and an inverted T-cut into the stock with the following steps (see
Figure 14):
5. The bud is forced into the cut and under the edges of the bark, being
careful not to split the bark.
6. After insertion, the protruding handle of the shield is cut off with a
horizontal cut at the bottom so that the shield can fit and slide completely
into the cut made into the stock.
7. Buds are wrapped in 13 mm wide vinyl strips covering the bud completely.
8. Examine buds in two or three weeks and rewrap leaving the bud exposed if
considered necessary.
9. Cut back top of root-stock gradually when bud begins to grow as well as
any new growth below the graft.
Figure 14: Inverted T- or shield budding. A. The prepared scion. B. The vertical and horizontal cuts
to form the inverted ‘T’ on the root stock. C. Insert the bud shield snugly up between the two flaps of
bark on the root stock. D. The ‘tail’ of the shield is cut flush to the horizontal cut.
• The best budwood comes from the second flush of growth from end of
• Budwood should be rounded with plump gray-green buds; trim leaves to
very small stubs as budwood is cut from tree
• Some buds can be difficult to grow, and girdling the particular branch and
removing all but three or four leaves two to three weeks before the buds are
needed can help pre-condition the bud and hasten growth
Chapter 6
The starting point for all tissue cultures is plant tissue or explant. This can be
initiated from any part of a plant - root, stem, petiole, leaf or flower although
the success of any one of these varies between species.
Pieces of plant tissue will slowly divide and grow into a colourless mass of cells
if they are kept under special condtions which include:
For tissue culture to be successful, the parent must be healthy and free from
obvious signs of decay or disease. The plants themselves must be actively
growing and not about to enter a period of dormancy. It is essential the surface
of the explant is sterilised to remove all forms of contamination. Since cell
division is slow compared with the growth of bacteria and fungi, even minor
contaminants will easily overgrow and destroy the plant tissue culture.
The exact conditions required to initiate and sustain plant cells in culture, or to
regenerate plants from cultured cells, are different for each plant species. Each
variety of a species will often have a particular set of cultural requirements.
Despite all the knowledge that has been obtained about plant tissue culture,
these conditions have to be identified for each variety through experimentation.
Since the growth medium relates to every cultural practice in the production of
nursery crops in containers, the selection and preparation of the medium is
extremely important and will pay great dividends in terms of plant growth and
quality. Several combinations of media with desirable physical, chemical and The goal
should be
biological properties can be used but the goal should be consistency from batch
to batch. The best soil to use will depend on the species and what is available. consistency
In general a sandy loam texture and moderate to slightly acidic reaction (pH 5.5 from batch
to 7.0) represents the most favourable condition for forestry and agroforestry to batch.
nursery stock although slight variations may be necessary for certain species.
The Caribbean pine, for example, grows best in acidic soils ranging from pH
4.5 to 6.0 whilst hardwood species prefer pH between 5.5 and 7.0. In very
acidic or alkaline soils certain plant nutrients are either leached or become
insoluble and therefore unavailable. Acid soils below a pH of 4.5 are low in
exchangeable calcium and magnesium and lack most of the important plant
nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sulphur and some trace
elements (copper, zinc and boron) with only iron and manganese being available.
Bauxite soils at Williamsfield and Moneague fall into this group, necessitating
the addition of large quantities of organic matter.
For the above reasons it is always advisable to know the basic chemical
characteristics of the soil being used for germination and transplanting. To
avoid having to take a test with every production cycle, it is important to be
able to obtain soil from the same source or soil type on a steady basis but this
is not always possible. Although the sifted sand used in germination beds and
container media appears clean and sterile it should be washed carefully to remove
dust, harmful dissolved substances and weed seeds before use.
Raising and lowering the pH value. The pH value of soils can be raised by
adding lime or a fertiliser that reduces acidity such as sodium nitrate or calcium
nitrate. An alkaline or neutral soil can be changed by the application of acid
forming fertilisers such as ammonium nitrate and urea. Care must be taken
with these fertilisers not to over fertilise the seedlings.
Chapter 7
The physical structure of the medium in which seeds are germinated is crucial
both for germination and early seedling establishment. The following growing
media characteristics favour the growth of tender young seedlings:
For the production of bare root stock, the available nursery soil can be used if
its quality measures up to the following points:
1. Good texture with limited clay content to avoid compacting and drainage
2. Organic matter present to ensure optimum physical soil conditions.
3. Adequate nutritional level so that additional fertiliser application will not
be necessary or minimal.
4. Absence of weeds and harmful pests and diseases.
two simple methods of screening soil. After screening, the soil is mixed, if
necessary with sand and/or organic matter and appropriate fertiliser if required,
prior to bed formation. Rest the growing media for at least two weeks after
preparation to allow unwanted weeds to germinate and be removed.
The soil for containers is similar to that for bare root beds as described above.
It should be well drained and a mix of soil and sand with organic material is
common practice to prevent the root ball from disintegrating when the container
is removed at time of planting. Heavy clays are undesirable because of poor
drainage and compaction on drying out, and if avoided, the practice of adding
sand would no longer be necessary. Presently nurseries use a 3:2:1 mixture of
top soil, organic matter and sand. When the supply of top soil is variable and
organic matter often unavailable, the quality of seedlings produced leaves much
to be desired. The goal should be a 50:50 mixture of top soil and organic
matter, avoiding the use of sand. Pines grow reasonably well on bauxite soils at
the Williamsfield Nursery with the addition of organic matter and mycorrhiza.
Chapter 7
The following range of organic material has been used irregularly in mixture
with soil to produce the growing media for containers in forest nurseries: animal
manures, bagasse, chicken litter, coffee waste, coir dust, saw dust, sludge mostly
in the form of compost or partially composted material, and commercial organic
matter (‘Bioganic’).
The use of one or more of the above has been influenced by cost and availability
and over the years, results have been variable. Since future supplies of any of
the above materials are likely to continue to be erratic, every effort should be
made to develop self-reliance for this component in seedling production. In
the absence of research data to confirm the most suitable organic material,
below are some points that should be borne in mind in developing Departmental
1. Material should have a high fibre content to provide internal water holding
capacity (small pores) and yet allow for drainage between particles (large
pores). Peat and sphagnum moss and sifted compost are good examples.
2. If the material appears oily when wet or is slick rather than fibrous when
rubbed between fingers, it is unsuitable for container grown plants.
In view of its 3. Sufficient pore space within which air can be trapped as roots need oxygen
for development and growth.
role in
4. Ability to mix intimately with soil.
seedling 5. Ability to bind or hold applied substances such as fertilisers.
production, 6. Should not be a source of fungi, insect pests or weed seeds.
it is 7. Should be sufficiently decomposed as otherwise there may be ammonia
mandatory damage to roots and foliage or an initially high demand for nitrogen by
for each microorganisms which will induce a nitrogen deficiency in plants growing
nursery to in comparatively fresh material.
produce at
least some Compost
of its own
needs on a
If sufficient organic raw material is available, compost with the above
continuing characteristics can be produced at the nursery site or at a central location. For
basis. this reason and in view of its important role in container seedling production,
it is mandatory for each nursery to produce at least some of its own compost
needs on a continuing basis (See Appendix 2 for notes on How To Make
6. Media should be available when needed, hence the need to make plans well
in advance of the production cycle.
Filling the container with the growing media is an important process because
poorly distributed media can negate the beneficial cultural practices of even
the best growing media. Under compaction can cause problems but is often
ignored. It results in seedlings growing in half or partially filled bags which are
small enough as it is and with roots forced to exit containers or become deformed
at an early stage.
Over compaction can have several effects on the physical, chemical and biological
properties of a growing medium. Although total porosity is naturally less in
compacted media, the more important effect is the reduction or elimination of
the large pores that control aeration and drainage. Media compaction is difficult
to assess because of the small container sizes used and there is no precise
technique available for measuring it. Containers that are unusually heavy should
be suspect. The medium in properly filled containers should still feel springy to
the touch.
The symptoms of over compaction on tree seedling growth are often subtle
and difficult to diagnose. They include foliar chlorosis, leaf drop, root browning
and eventual death. Because it affects root function, the initial symptoms of
root compaction can mimic drought stress, over watering or even mineral
nutrient deficiency since roots may malfunction.
Mulching means covering the soil surface in bare root beds or individual seedlings
with a 5 to 10 mm layer of organic matter. Mulching can provide protection
from heavy rain and water splash and it reduces evaporation of soil moisture.
In dry localities, the presence of mulch on the surface of transplanted seedlings
is a great help in reducing the amount of water required and reduces the tendency
for the surface to become muddy or compacted. Like a sponge, a mulch can
quickly absorb plenty of water which then passes slowly into the soil. In very
wet situations, it can be harmful by reducing aeration and increasing the risk of
damping off, insect damage and over watering.
The easiest method is to obtain soil and humus containing the inoculant from
under stands of pine in plantation forests. If large annual amounts are required,
the nearby forest soon takes on the appearance of a mini mined out area. One
alternative is to establish what has been described as a mycorrhiza bank or bed
at a convenient location at the nursery site. The process involves:
Nursery records are valuable documents which should be compiled with due
care and attention. They provide particular kinds of information for the
nurseryman, the forester, the silviculturalist and the economist. The details
required vary according to the size of the nursery, but whether the nursery is
small or large, good records provide the information necessary for task allocation
and for monitoring the efficiency of the day to day operations. The long-term
records provide the basis for reviewing the success or otherwise of the nursery
methods employed.
The efficiency of a nursery can be judged by its productivity and its costs of
production. The nurseryman is required to produce the required number of
healthy, vigorous seedlings at the correct time and at reasonable cost. Neither
of these can be achieved unless plans are made well in advance and these can
only be done effectively by reaching back into the past records to study and
compare what has gone on before. It will not be possible to calculate the unit
cost of individual operations until the input of labour and materials and the
output of work and products are quantified. The cost of plant production is
based solely on recurrent labour and materials and need not include capital
costs of establishment nor allowance for depreciation of buildings and
equipment. These refinements can be developed at Head Office.
The following are the most important records that should be kept to ensure the
efficient management of a permanent nursery.
Table 1: Example of a Nursery Calendar used to determine best date for sowing different species
Spe cie s
Eve nt Honduras
Le uca e na Blue ma hoe
ma hogany
Days needed from
100 110 90
transplanting to planting out
Days needed from
12 12 12
germination to transplanting
Days needed from sowing to
8 8 8
Safety margin in case of poor
15 15 15
germination or damping off
Further details can be written on the reverse side or on additional lines showing,
for example, the type of fertiliser and fungicide and the dates of application.
Particulars Honduras
Mahoe Cedar Orange
Identification number 2/02 3/02 6/01 4/02
1. 14/2
Date sown 18/2 19/2 6/2
2. 4/3
1. 1 kg
Quantity sown 2 kg 1.5 kg 50 gr
2. 550 g
Method of sowing broadcast direct direct direct
Date of first germination 7/3/02 20/3/02 18/3/02 26/2/02
Date of last germination 21/3/02 29/3/02 28/3/02 5/3/02
Number germinated (%) 80 40 75 90
Date transplanted 10-16/4 17-19/4 23-26/4 26/3
Number transplanted 4,000 3,000 6,400 250
% dead after 2 months 8 11 6 3
Culls/rejects 160 180 64 12
Number distributed 1,800 2,800 4,600 0
It is also important to record the exact location in the field to which each and
every seed lot has been sent. This is important because the genetical aspect of
seed sources is recognised as an important matter and identity should follow
seed lots through the nursery into compartment registers in other locations in
order to facilitate future improvement.
time if seedlings are under or over produced so that remedial action can be
taken promptly. It should therefore be prepared in a tabular form, suitable for
collection and analysis using the Department’s computer network. Table 4 shows
an example of a Nursery Production Record.
It is useful to make seed and plant labels for each transplant unit of container
grown or bare root seedlings. The method often seen in local nurseries is to
paint detailed information on rectangular bits of tin or metal which are fixed to
pieces of wood in each bed or batch of seedlings giving the nursery the
semblance of an untidy cemetery. One alternative is to fold the identification
by rolling it so that it can fit into the hollow joint of pencil size bamboo which
can fit into another joint so that both ends are closed. The action is similar to
that of replacing the cap of a ball point pen. The bamboo with the seed data is
kept in the first row of a particular batch of seed or transplants so that it can
easily be consulted on the spot when necessary. Labelling transplant beds in
this way should not replace the nursery records kept in the office.
Soil or sand used in germination beds not changed after each production cycle:
Using the same germination media each year increases the risk of attack from damping off
fungi. Preventive methods are more effective than control.
Bad transplanting:
If principal or secondary roots are bent upwards, intertwined or benched, a poor quality
seedling will be produced with undesirable roots.
Appendix 1
Leaving air space around the root of the young seedling after transplanting:
Roots lack contact with soil and are unable to fulfil function of water and nutrient uptake
resulting in wilting, slow recovery and sometimes death.
Composting is the physical and chemical breakdown of organic material by insects, fungi, and
bacteria that digest the material during the decomposition process. The two basic ways in which
this is done are described as anaerobic and aerobic. Anaerobic methods supply minimum
oxygen to the micro organisms that digest the organic material and is a much slower process,
taking periods of up to 8 months or longer. This is because the system utilises deep pits filled
with organic material which are usually covered and left unattended. Under these conditions, it is
not unusual for foul smelling gases such as methane and sulphur to develop and pollute the
surrounding area.
The aerobic method relies on a supply of oxygen and can be ready for use in two months
although a 4 month period is considered average. Hannah Jaenicke in her book, Practical Guidelines
for Research Nurseries, identifies three phases based on temperature during aerobic composting
and describes them as follows:
“During the first 24 to 48 hours, the temperature in the heap rises to 40 to 50o C,
destroying sugars and other easily biodegradable substances. During the second
phase, as the temperature rises to 55 to 60o C, the initial micro organisms die and
others specially adapted to the heat begin to break down the more difficult material
like cellulose, a component of woody stems. The temperature should reach a
peak of 70o C for three days to kill all weed seeds and plant diseases. Keeping the
temperature between 55 and 65o C for as long as possible is the fastest way to
produce compost because this is the phase when the most efficient micro
organisms are breaking down the hardest to digest material. Turning the pile to
incorporate oxygen and to ensure an even distribution of the materials and
maintaining 40 to 60 percent moisture allows for optimal composting efficiency.
The final stage in which the temperature remains below 40o C is called maturing
or curing because the bacteria and fungi that help control plant diseases as well
as the larger organisms like earthworms, move in.”
Appendix 2
The leaves of seedlings planted with unfinished compost usually turn yellow because the plant
cannot acquire all the nutrients it needs whilst the immature compost continues to absorb what
little nitrogen that might be available. To see whether compost is ready, place two moist handfuls
in a plastic bag and seal it leaving it in a dark cool place. After 24 hours, open the bag. If no
odour or heat is present, the compost is ready. The original material such as a leaf or orange peel
should be unrecognisable with the consistency and colour of coarsely ground coffee. The compost
can then be sifted and large particles returned to the next compost batch.
Suitable Ingredients: Compost can be made from most organic materials like grass, leaves,
small branches, rice husks, coir dust, bagasse, pulped coffee residues and a mixture is best. One
should avoid using woody branches, hard pods and any material that does not break down easily.
Dead or rejected seedlings and weeded material from nurseries often make good compost if
there is no danger from disease and insect pests. Adding fertiliser may speed up the process and
improve its nutrient content but is not necessary and defeats the purpose of producing a cheap
fertiliser substitute. The addition of thin layers of rich top soil and or farm yard manure to the
first phase and earthworms in the last phase will also prove useful but is not essential.
A small wood lot planted close to the nursery with species that coppice readily such as Gliricidia
(quickstick), Erythrina or Acacia auriculiformis can be established to provide a steady cheap supply
of raw material as required.
Compost Production System: Several closely related methods and modifications have proved
successful but the following ‘three bed system’ is recommended (see Figure A2):
1. Collect ingredients and store excess material in the open since dried material is better.
2. In a flat area, make three rectangular foundations (3 metres long x 1.5 metres wide or of
convenient size) side by side using concrete blocks, bricks, or wooden beams. Allow 1 metre
between the rectangles as a path for working.
3. On top of this foundation, construct a flat bed with bamboo, wood, metal poles or chicken
wire. If coconut or thatch fronds are used, be sure to leave enough cracks and holes for air to
pass through and circulate. Choose a material that will not rot too quickly. If discarded
wooden pallets are available they can be used for this purpose or laid directly on the ground
avoiding the need for the block or brick foundation.
4. Pile organic matter to about 1 metre high on the two outer beds leaving the middle bed
empty. Keep the beds flat, not pointed like a pyramid. If top soil or farmyard manure is to be
added, it should be spread thinly on top of the pile and a second layer of organic matter
placed above. With or without the added top soil, the pile should become warm in about 14
5. After a month to 6 weeks, carefully move the material from the two piles to the empty centre
bed starting from the outside of each pile. This mixes the pile, putting the material from the
outside into the inside of the pile. After a week, the compost in the centre pile should
become warm again.
6. The two outer beds are ready to be filled again with fresh material as soon as the piles have
been moved to the central bed.
7. Always monitor the moisture status of the pile. Add water when dry or build a roof if there
is too much rainwater. Keep the pile well aerated and moist at all times. Use a plastic sheet,
coconut leaves or other covering over the pile to conserve water if the days are hot.
8. After 3 to 4 months the compost in the middle pile should be moved to a storage area. This
allows it to mature and be available for use when required.
Name of Firm
Agri Chemicals (Jamaica) Ltd.
9 Marescaux Road
Kingston 5 Tel: 929-1040
Agro Grace Ltd.
235 Marcus Garvey Drive
Kingston 5 Tel: 923-5675-7
Agri-Pak Corp Ltd.
38 Lyndhurst Road
Kingston 5 Tel: 926-6006
Betty's Farm & Garden Supplies
151 Constant Spring Road
Kingston 8 Tel: 931-8804
Evergrow Garden Centre
12 South Avenue
Kingston 10 Tel: 906-9916
T. Geddes Grant Ltd.
109 Marcus Garvey Drive
Kingston 5 Tel: 923-7311
Hi Pro Farm & Garden Centre
White Marl
St. Catherine Tel: 984-7918
H&L Agri and Marine Co. Ltd.
697 Spanish Town Road
Kingston 10 Tel: 923-2727
Jamaica Drip Irrigation Ltd.
Manchester Tel: 603-3946
Jamaica Livestock Assoc. Ltd.
Newport East
Kingston Tel: 922-0310
Laidmar Irrigation Co. Ltd.
67 Hagley Park Road
Kingston 10 Tel: 929-2702
Plantscape Ltd.
92 Hope Road
Kingston 6 Tel: 978-0054
Raeburn Farm Supplies
35 Constant spring Road
Kingston 10 Tel: 926-8586
Agpada, A., D. Endangan, S. Festin et al. Manual of Reforestation and Erosion Control for
the Phillipines. GTZ. 1975.
Evans, Julian. Plantation Forestry in the Tropics, Ch 10. Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1992.
Department of Forestry. Forestry Extension Kit for Field Workers in Malawi. Volume 2.
UNDP 5th Country Programme. Community Forestry Subcomponent. Lilongwe, Malawi.
October 1996.
Ingram, D.L., R.W. Henley, T.H. Yeager. Growth Media for Container Grown Ornamental
Plants. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin No. 241. 1993.
Jaenicke, H. Practical Guidelines for Research Nurseries. International Centre for Research
in Agroforestry. Nairobi, Kenya. 1999.
Landis, T.D., R.W. Tinus et al. The Container Tree Nursery Manual Volumes 1-7. 1989.
Liegel, L.H., C.R. Venator. A Technical Guide for Forest Management in the Caribbean and
Latin America. Institute of Tropical Forestry in cooperation with the University of Puerto
Rico. 1987.
Schmidt, L. Guide to Handling of Tropical and Subtropical Forest Seed. DANIDA Forest
Seed Centre. 2000.
Yeager, T.H., D.L. Ingram. Layout and Design Considerations for a Wholesale Tree Nursery.
University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Circular No. 558.
University of British Columbia. UBC Guide to Gardening in British Columbia. The Botanical
Gardens. The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. The University of British Columbia.
Vancouver, B.C. 1990.