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Ijcse What
Ijcse What
Adil Khan, Izhar Khan, Tahreem Akhtar, Arshi Fahim & Babar Ushmani
Research Scholar, Al Falah University, Haryana, India
In this paper, we focus on the emotions of the human, which they are trying to express by posting messages on the
social network. Social media is filled with the user-generated microblogs and processing these blogs is very challenging.
We have processed the human language in such a manner that our system can understand the emotions of the human that
they are trying to express either using text or emoticons. From our research and experimental results on two real-life
datasets, the system will able to understand the human sentiments after analyzing their write-ups available on their social
KEYWORDS: Microblogging, Emotion, Hashtagged, Gammon, Part of Speech, Twitter, Social Network
Article History
Received: 21 Feb 2019 | Revised: 04 Mar 2019 | Accepted: 19 Mar 2019
The way people communicate and receive. The information has undergone a radical transformation in recent years
with the invention of social networks. In the publication of a web content report of February 2007, Shel Holtz defines
social networks as "covering (a) the wide range of channels used by the users of the network that generate their own
content.” [1] Citizen journalism. Popularized through blogs, wikis, vlogs, and podcasting, these are examples of social
networks. According to Kevin Allen, co-creator of the web content report, "When good things happen in good companies,
in the fight against them, online criticism can be the difference between fat, fire, and four alarms." [2] Speaking of social
networks and bloggers Stephen Baker and Heather Green of Business Week, they say that corporations "cannot be together
because they are the most explosive explosion in the world of information, from the Internet itself." [3] Nowadays,
the use of social networks as a communication tool. It is not part of most organizations. Emergency plans, but pay attention
to this "explosive rupture" [4] are increasingly important for the ability of the organization to survive. Just like people the
collection and creation of information begin to change, emergency communicators must take the initiative to
re-evaluate. The way they disseminate the information they speak to voters and respond to public opinion or become a
public symbol of national dissatisfaction.
Microblogging sites have evolved to become a diverse source of information. This is due to the nature of
microblogs in which people publish in real-time news about your opinions on various topics, discuss current problems,
complain and express their opinions. People also write their opinions on the products they use in everyday life.
In fact, companies that produce such products have started to check these microblogs to get a general idea for that product.
Many times, these companies research and react to user reactions. One of the challenges is to create technology to detect
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This is called Twitter and build models for classification."Tweets" in a positive, negative and neutral mood.
We create models for two classification tasks: The binary task of classifying feelings as positive and negative classes and
the task of tripartite classification Positive, negative and neutral feelings.
Our experiments show this the Unigram model is infact a difficult foundation to achieve. More than 20% based on
the chance for both classifications Tasks Our model is based on features that it only uses 100 attributes to achieve precision
similar to the unigram A model that uses more than 10,000 functions. Our tree the core-based model exceeds these two
models. With a large margin. [8] We also experiment with a combination of models: a combination of unigrams with our
characteristics and combination of our qualities with the tree. Core. Both combinations exceed the unigram. Baseline by
more than 4% for both classifications Tasks In this article, we present a comprehensive function. Analysis of 100 features
that we propose. Our experiments Show which features you need to measure the specific features of Twitter
(emoticons, hashtags, etc.) Add value to the classifier, but only marginally. Characteristic that combine the previous
polarization of words from them Parts of speech labels are the most important for both Classification tasks. In this way, we
see the natural standard. Tools for language processing are useful even in a species that differs from the genre in which
they were trained (newswire). Also we also shows that the tree's kernel model performs approximately, as well as the best
models based on features, although it does not require a detailed engineering function.[9] We use manually annotated
Twitter data thirty experiments the advantage of these data, compared to the previous ones. The data sets used are that
tweets are collected. In the streaming method and therefore represent A real sample of real tweets in the language field.
Use and content our new data set is available for other researchers. We also present this article two available resources
author): 1) dictionary annotated manually for emoticons maps emoticons to their polarization and 2) Dictionary of
acronyms collected from the Internet using frequently used translations in English from over 5000. [6]
The analysis of feelings is a growing field of natural language. Processing with tests that go from classification to
document level. We focused on polarity words and phrases. Given the limitations of character in tweets classify the
sentiment of messages on Twitter is more like the analysis of feelings at the sentence level. [11] However, an informal and
specialized language is used in tweets, and the very nature of microblogging. The domain makes the analysis of moods on
Twitter is very different. [12]
It was not until last year that a series of documents appeared looking at feelings and rumors about Twitter. Other
researchers have begun to study the use of part-speech functions, but the results stay in the mix Common microblogging
features[5](for example emoticons) are also common, but there were few of them. Research on the usefulness of existing
feelings resources developed in data other than microblogging. Researchers also began to explore various forms
automatically collect training data. Several researchers trust emoticons to define your emotion or feelings. We use existing
Twitter sites to collect training data. Also, uses of hashtags to create training data, but limit their experiments to classify
feelings / non-feelings instead. Classification of three polar polarities, like us. [13]
The feeling analysis was treated as natural language processing on many levels of detail. From being a document
level classification task was considered at the prayer level, and more recently level of opinion microblogging data, such as
Twitter, in which users publish. [14]
Reactions in real time and opinions on "everything", poses new and different challenges. Some first and last
results in the analysis of moods. The data on Twitter comes from Go et al. (2009), (Berminghamand Smeaton, 2010) and
Pak and Paroubek (2010).
Go et al. [15] (2009) uses distance learning to acquire feelings data they use tweets that end with positive
emoticons as ":)" ":-)" as positive and negative emoticons as ":(" ":-(" as negative creates models using Naive Bayes,
MaxEnt and Support Vector Machines (SVM) and report exceeded SVM results. Other classifiers in terms of feature space,
they try the Unigram model, Bigram with functions of the speech part (POS). [16] They notice it the Unigram model
surpasses all other models. In particular, the Bigrams and POS functions do not help. Pak and Paroubek (2010) collect data
after a similar paradigm of learning. However, different classification tasks: subjective versus objective. They collect for
subjective data tweets that end with emoticons in the same way. In the case of objective data, they are tracked. Twitter
accounts from popular newspapers such as "Time of India"," Washington Messages "etc. Report that POS and bigrams
help. [17]
Both of these Approaches, however, are based mainly on ngrams In addition, the data they use for training and
Search tests collect evidence, and therefore are [18]On the contrary, we present features that can be achieved significant
increase compared to the initial value for the one-piece. Additional we are investigating a different method of data
representation. And report significant improvement in Unigram models. Another contribution of this work. [20] It is that
we report results in manually annotated data. It does not suffer from known prejudices. Our Data is a random sample of
broadcast tweets as opposed to Data collected through detailed consultations. Size Our hand-tagged data allows us to cross-
check experiments and check the variance in Performance classification through pleats. Another significant effort in the
classification of feelings. [21] On Twitter, the data comes from Barbosa and Feng (2010). They use polarization
predictions from three websites as loud labels for model training and use 1000 manually. Tweets marked for tuning and
another 1000 manually. Tweets marked for the test. They, however Not to mention how they collect their test data.[19]
They suggest using the syntax functions of such tweets as Retweet, hashtags, link, punctuation, and exclamation. Brands
combined with features such as pre-polarity. Words and POS words. We are expanding your approach using the actual
value of the previous polarization and by combining the previous polarity with POS. Our results show that features that
improve our performance most classifiers are functions that connect the previous one’s Polarity of words with their parts of
speech. Syntax functions help tweet, but only marginally. [10]Gammon (2004) performs an analysis of sentiments in
feedback data from the Global Support Services survey. One of the goals of his work is job analysis. 31 with language
features such as POS markers. There Extensive analysis of features and selection of features and Prove that the features of
abstract linguistic analysis. It contributes to the accuracy of the classifier. In this role, we carried out a comprehensive
analysis of the features and showed it uses only 100 abstract linguistic features as well as a hard-baseline. [23]
Twitter is a social website and microblogging. [22] A service that allows users to publish messages in real time,
called tweets. Tweets are short, limited messages up to 140 characters long. Because of the nature of this Microblogging
service (short and short messages). People use acronyms, they make mistakes in spelling, and they use Emoticons and
other characters that express promotions. Meaning there is a shortly related terminology. With tweets. Emoticons: its facial
expressions. Represented graphically according to punctuation. And letters; they express the user's mood. Goal: Twitter
users use the "@" symbol to refer to other Users on the microblog. Referring to other users in this way, it automatically
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14 Adil Khan, Izhar Khan, Tahreem Akhtar, Arshi Fahim & Babar Ushmani
warns them. Hashtags: Users often use hashtags to mark topics. This is mainly done to increase your visibility tweets we
bought 11,875 Twitter annotations manually. Data (tweets) from a commercial source. They have He submitted part of his
publicly available data. Information on how to get the data, see Acknowledgments Section at the end of the article. [14]
They gathered Data archiving real-time flow. No language location or any other type of restriction Taken during the
transmission process. In fact, the collection consists of tweets in foreign languages. They use Google Translate to convert
it to English. Before the annotation process. Each tweet is labeled the shooter as a positive, negative, neutral man or trash
the "garbage" label means that the tweet cannot understand the shooter. Manual Analysis of a random sample of tagged
tweets. As "trash" he suggested that many of these tweets were those that have not been translated well using Google
translate we eliminate tweets with junk tags. For experiments. This leaves us with an imbalance. A sample of 8,753 tweets.
[17] We use layered sampling. To obtain a balanced set of 5127 tweets (1709 Tweets of each of the positive, negative and
neutral classes). [25]
Hashtagged (“ # ”)
The hashtag data set is a subset of Twitter in Edinburgh body the edimburski body contains 97 million tweets.
Receive in two months. To create a hashtag. [24]Data set, we first filtered duplicate tweets, not English Tweets and tweets
that do not contain hashtags. We examined the remaining part (about 4 million) Distribution of hashtags and identification
of what we hope. Frequent sets of labels that indicate positive, negative, and neutral messages. These hashtags are for
selection Tweets that will be used for development and training. Table 2 contains the 15 most-used hashtags in Edinburgh
body In addition to the very popular hashtags that are part of it. Twitter community (e.g. #followfriday, #musicmonday),
we find hashtags that seem to point to a message. Polarization: #fail, #omgthatsotrue, #iloveitwhen, etc. To select the final
set of messages that will be included in The HASH data set identifies all hashtags that appear at least 1000 times in the
corps in Edinburgh. [28] We choose them Better hashtags that we think will be the most useful. To identify positive,
negative and neutral tweets. These hashtags are shown in Table 3. Messages with these hashtags they were included in the
final data set and polarization of each of them the message is defined by its hashtag.
The Emoticon data set was created by Go, Bhayani, and Huang for a project at Stanford University, collecting
tweets with positive ":)" and negative ":(". Containing both positive and negative emoticons. In addition, many tweets have
been manually tagged for use for evaluation, but for our experiments, we use them only training data. This set contains
381,381 tweets, 230,811 positive and 150,570 negatives. Interestingly, most of these messages do not contain any hashtags.
iSieve data contain about 4,000 tweets. It was like that Compiled and commented manually by iSieve
Corporation. The data in this collection has been selected for specific topics, and the label of each tweet reflects your
feelings (positive, negative or neutral) towards tweet. We use this Data set for evaluation only [26].
We use three different corpora of Twitter messages in our experiments. For development and training, we use the
hashtagged data set (HASH), which we compile from the Edinburgh Twitter corpus1, and the emoticon data set (EMOT)
from http://twittersentiment and appspot.com. For evaluation, we use a manually annotated data set produced by the iSieve
Corporation2 (ISIEVE). The number of Twitter messages and the distribution across classes is given in Table 1.
Table 2: Top Positive, Negative and Neutral Hashtags used to Create the HASH Data Set
#iloveitwhen, #thingsilike, #bestfeeling, #bestfeelingever, #omgthatssotrue, #imthankfulfor,
#thingsilove, #success
#fail, #epicfail, #nevertrust, #worst, #worse, #worstlies, #imtiredof, #itsnotokay, #worstfeeling,
#notcute, #somethingaintright, #somethingsnotright, #ihate
Neutral #job, #tweetajob, #omgfacts, #news, #listeningto, #lastfm, #hiring, #cnn
We pre-process all the tweets as follows: a) replace all the emoticons with their sentiment polarity by looking up
the emoticon dictionary, b) replace all URLs with a tag ||U||, c) replace targets (e.g. “@John”) with tag ||T||, d) replace all
negations (e.g. not, no, never, don’t, cannot) by tag “NOT”, and e) replace a sequence of repeated characters by three
characters, for example, convert coooooooool to coool.
We present some preliminary statistics about the data in Table 3. We use the Stanford tokenizer to tokenize the
tweets. We use a stop word dictionary3 to identify stop words. All the other words which are found in WordNet are
counted as English words. We use the standard tag set defined by the Penn Treebank for identifying punctuation. We
record the occurrence of three standard twitter tags: emoticons, URLs and targets. The remaining tokens are either non-
English words (like coool, zzz etc.) or other symbols.
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Pre-processing of data consists of three stages: 1), atomization, 2) normalization and 3) speech marking (POS).
Emoticons and abbreviations (eg OMG WTF, BRB) are identified as part of the tokens and treated as individual tokens. In
the case of the normalization process, the presence of abbreviations is saved in a tweet, and the abbreviations are replaced
by their actual meaning (for example, BRB -> is backward). We have also identified as informal amplifiers of all letters
(see eg "I love this show!!! and repetitions of characters (p. Eg, I have a loan !! happyyyyyy"), save its presence in a tweet.
Capitalized words are repeated characters are replaced. Finally, the presence of special Twitter tokens (eg #hashtags, user
tags and URL) is followed by substitutes, which are given to indicate the type of token, and we hope that this normalization
improves the performance of POS Tagger, which is the last step ahead.
In our classification experiments, we use different characteristics. We use the unigram and bigram for the
baseline. We also include features typically used in the analysis of feelings, namely, traits that represent information about
feelings Lexicon and POS functions. Finally, we add functions to Capturesome of the most specific languages in
N-Gram Features
539 n-gram functions to identify a set of useful n-grams, we first remove keywords. Then we detected elemental
refusals by attaching a word to a word that precedes or follows Deadline for refusal. This turned out to be useful in the
previous one Work (Pak and Paroubek 2010). Finally, all unigrams and Bigrams are identified in the training data and
classified by your information gain, measured using Chi-square. For our experiments, we use the best 1000 n-grams in a
bag of words moda. [3]
Lexicon Features
Characteristics of the lexicon the words detailed the MPQA lexicon of subjectivity (Wilson, Wiebe and Hoffmann
2009) are marked with an earlier polarization: Positive, negative or neutral. We create three features. Based on the presence
of any word in the dictionary
Part-of-Speech Features
Characteristics of parts of speech for every tweet we have a numerical characteristic. Verbs, adverbs, adjectives,
nouns and every other part speak Microblogging functions.
Micro-Blogging Features
We create binary features that capture the presence of positives, Negative and neutral emoticons, and
abbreviations as well the presence of amplifiers (e.g. all uppercase letters and character repeats). For emoticons and
shortcuts, we use a shortcut Internet Lingo Dictionary (Wasden 2006) and several internet Jargon dictionaries available
Our goal of these experiments is twofold. We want first evaluate whether our training data with labels come from
Hashtags and emoticons are useful for training affection classifiers. On Twitter. Secondly, we want to evaluate their
effectiveness. Sectional characteristics for sentiment analysis in Data from Twitter. How useful is the lexicon of developed
feelings? To the formal text with short and informal tweets? How much is it Do we use the specificity of the domain? In
our first set of experiments, we use HASH and EMOT data sets. We started with a random 10% sample collection HASH
data to use as a validation set. This set of validation is it is used to select the n-gram characteristic and to adjust the
parameters. The rest of the HASH data is for training. AND we trained the classifier, we collected 22,274 tweets of
training. Data and use this data to train AdaBoost.MH (Schapire and Singer 2000) models with 500 rebar rounds.
Because the EMOT data set has no neutral data and ours the experiments include 3-way classification, which is
not included. In the initial experiments. Instead, we check if it is it is useful to use EMOT data to extend the HASH and
data improve the classification of feelings. 19,000 messages from the EMOT data set, divided equally between positive and
negative, they are randomly selected and added to the HASH and data Experiments are repeated. To be aware of the upper-
performance limit we can expect from models trained by HASH and if Inclusion of EMOT data may first cause
improvement Check the model results in the validation set. Figure 1 shows the average F value for the n-gram baseline and
for all Characteristics of HASH and HASH + EMOT data. In this data, by adding EMOT data for training, leads to
Improvements, especially when all functions are used. Returning to the test data, we evaluate the trained models. In HASH
and HASH + EMOT data in ISIEVE data set. Figure 2 shows the average F measurement for the baseline and four
combinations of features: n-grams and lexicon. Features (n-gram + lex), n-grams and functions of discourse parts (n-gram
+ POS), n-gram, lexical and microblogging functions (n-grams + lex + twit), and finally all functions set Figure 3 shows
the accuracy of the same experiments. Interestingly, the best performance in the evaluation data. It comes from the use of
n-grams together with a lexicon. Characteristics and characteristics of microblogging. In this part of speech, the functions
really give a drop in performance. If this is due to the accuracy of the POS tagger Tweets or POS tags are less useful in
microblogging the data will require further investigation. In addition, although it contains EMOT data for training gives
good performance improvement in the absence of microblogging functions when there are microblogging functions
Incorporated, improvements are falling or disappearing. Best results in the assessment data, n-grams, lexical are derived.
And Twitter functions only trained with marked data.
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18 Adil Khan, Izhar Khan, Tahreem Akhtar, Arshi Fahim & Babar Ushmani
Figure 1: Average F-Measure on the Validation Set over Models Trained on the HASH and HASH+EMOT Data
Our experiments in analyzing moods on Twitter show that the characteristics of parts of speech may not be useful
for the analysis of feelings in the microblogging domain. Further research is needed to determine if POS features are of low
quality Due to the tagger results or if POS features they are less useful to analyze feelings in this area. The characteristics
of the lexicon of the existing feeling were something useful in combination with microblogging functions, but
microblogging properties (ie the presence of amplifiers and positive/negative/neutral emoticons and
abbreviations)Apparently the most useful one. Using hashtags to collect training data has been useful, and the use of
collected data based on positive and negative results, However, which method gives the best results training data and two
training data sources they are complementary and may depend on the type of functions used. Our experiments show that
when there are microblogging functions this takes into account the reduction of the benefits of emoticon training data.
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