Installation Meeting - CMI JMM and Antaco
Installation Meeting - CMI JMM and Antaco
Installation Meeting - CMI JMM and Antaco
Meeting Name: Installation Meeting with JMM,CMI Meeting Date: 1st and 2nd November
& Antaco at Mumbai. 2018
CMI will share with ATC the installation and inspection breakdown schedule of
2 similar project.
ATC and JMM will work together to combine schedules from items 1 + 2 above + 4 Nov 18
Penta Ocean schedule.
The revised overall schedule will send back to CMI and JMM for feedback.
10 Nov18
JMM will push hard to ensure no further delays to Penta Ocean’s latest revised ATC, JMM,
4 schedule. CMI 10 Nov 18
ATC expects to receive PCL flooring and foundation handover from Penta Ocean
by end of Jan, 2019 to start with steel structure erection
6 Forecast handover of CPL Oven and Coater area by POC 1 st December. Note
Antaco to review the dispatch plan against their preferred construction strategy
and propose what deliveries might be brought forward.
8 Antaco to access the EERs as soon as the slabs are poured to measure the slab ATC
pits as a precursor to designing and fabricating the panel support structures.
Installation Meeting – CMI JMM and Antaco
14 Any installation technical issues can be discussed directly between CMI and ATC Note
on site daily.
15 CMI will report to JMM of project status, quality, schedule, via weekly report.
Scope of Work
16 CMI confirmed floor decking for equipment are steel checker plates without
17 For coating and pulpit room, ATC will propose layout and shop drawings for JMM’s All to note
approval prior to fabrication.
18 All piping material + piping insulation are provided by CMI had been confirmed. Note
19 Construction Drawings of CPL & MCL have been submitted on CD along with 2 Nov 18
Transmittal to Mr John Neal
20 CMI confirmed piping crashing shall not be an issue based on the For-Construction
drawings, however, ATC will double check on any possible major crashing and
feedback to CMI for checking and revision ATC
Hot Water Generator CMI
Steering equipment
22 CMI to provide blower design for review when internal review process complete. CMI
23 CMI will provide the pipe and fittings from Hyd Power Pack to valve stands and to
the machines. TOP to equipment’s, these will however be installed by JMM
24 CMI typical piping drawings reviewed and deemed adequate. Drawings to be
25 Machines will come largely assembled with on board piping, ie bridle, pinch rolls,
deflectors etc
26 VVVF motors will be delivered independent of the driven equipment.
The coupling halves for the motors will come pre-bored loose for fitting on
27 HD Bolts and Anchors. J bolt concept discussed and confirmed Antaco are familiar
and comfortable with the concept
28 No welding of frames on site is recommended. Note
29 The wet area suspended slabs are being redesigned to use steel checker plate. CMI/ATC
30 The wet area checker plates shall be fully seal welded to ensure no fluids escape
the designated wet areas.
31 CMI will provide drains from the wet areas, directed to the appropriate waste
32 Building Preparation (Roof sections and Wall Sections to be left off) ATC
Installation Meeting – CMI JMM and Antaco
39 CMI will send specialists to assist ATC with inspection of foundation and shim plate
All to Note
40 ATC will send in-house QC document/ITP forms to CMI for review. ATC can also
ATC 20 Nov 18
use QC document from CMI.
41 ATC will review checklists from CMI for any comments ATC 15 Nov 18
42 CMI will send, but not limit to, steel structure erection instruction/manual. CMI 20 Nov 18
43 Antaco to provide sample of their quality system, ie ITPs and check sheets for
CMI sub-contractors will provide their draft ITPs and check sheets for review.
Quality control will be three way process with witness inspections and sign off by
Antaco, CMI supervisory engineers and JMM Area Engineers.
Logistics – Storage
45 ATC requests to receive packing list as early as possible prior to each shipment
delivery. JMM 20 Nov 18
46 CMI agree not necessary to have a resource to witness the opening of the shipment
CMI will provide a resource to witness the opening of the first boxes.
47 Equipment to site will be unloaded and delivered to storage as unopened box. ATC,
All to Note
CMI, JMM will visual check and sign off inspection form
48 Before installation, equipment packages will be opened checked in details with
witness and sign offs from ATC, CMI, JMM
CMI, Antaco and JMM personnel will witness the opening of boxes, verify
completeness of consignment and sign off on receipt and handover of control to
All to Note
Antaco will then be responsible for management of all equipment until handover to
Installation Meeting – CMI JMM and Antaco
53 ATC will send back site management plan next week
54 ATC will submit in-house safety management plan to CMI and JMM for review.
55 ATC will attempt to install, as many as possible, light structures that come with 1 st
shipment after prime oven foundation is handed over from Penta Ocean. ATC
56 Pots will come pre-fabricated flat pack with weld preparation complete for assembly
All to note
and welding on site. Appropriate weld NDT work shall be required.
57 Equipment will generally be packaged with vacuum pack first then crate assembly. CMI
No water ingress expected.
Based on latest equipment list provided in addendum 4, please indicate which part
58 are assembled at factory and which part are to be assembled at site. Additional CMI
remarks column added to the list would be helpful.
General discussion about the level of disassembly at shipment and requirement for
assembly on site. Items discussed
CPL Ovens
59 All to note
MCL chemical tower ovens
MCL Furnace
Ran through CMI general installation manual. Manual will be provided.
60 If there are any items provided by CMI found to be missing or defective and
required immediate fabrication by ATC onsite, then this cost should be borne by All to note
61 Discussed the agreed procedure for addressing damaged or missing goods. CMI
confirmed they will be happy to accept assistance in these occasions as long as All to note
the agreed procedure is followed.
62 RTO and Hot Water Generator layout clashes with LPG Tank Farm and POC site
63 JMM provide autocad drawings of the LPG Tank Farm and POC site drainage.
64 Antaco questioned if we have humidity control in the EERs. JMM to respond. JMM
65 Note: A separate electrical discussion held to ensure all topics covered in time
frame allowed Note
66 Power Cable Schedule (s)- Schedules are issued for power cables. Includes
cable from MSB to Drive Panels. MCC.
Cable from MSB to MCC and Drive panel
Cable from MCC and Drive panel to Motor.
67 JMM to give cable catalogue for TAISIM (cables propose by Antaco) – Cable
catalogue was previously sent but resent 1/10/2018. Complete
Installation Meeting – CMI JMM and Antaco
68 Cables to motors and VSD motors are included in schedules mentioned above Note
69 Antaco require copy of automation drawings (latest rev). JMM to issue to Antaco JMM ATC
70 Cable schedule for Automation not yet issued – CMI will provide. Profibus DP
connectors will be supplied by CMI. Quantity to follow after schedule completed
72 JMM highlighted that the installation contract is lump sum and without all cable
schedules and installation drawings, the final scope of supply is difficult to Note
73 Junction box and field wiring. Antaco want to understand scope. CMI explained
cables schedule types by showing examples. Ruby project is in progress. CMI will
add columns to clarify installers scope and what is pre-wired (for both Cable CMI
schedules and equipment list) in Rev 04
74 Mounting arrangement for panels discussed. Typically RIO panels located above
trenches are supported on “C” channel welded across. Panels on floor require
base frame by installer to allow cable entry from bottom. Note
Typically panel support design shall follow JMM specifications and standards.
75 For Field Isolator, supplied by JMM, CMIA will wire the Isolator Feedback
(potential free contact) to nearest Control Desk / Field RIO based on this input to
disable the pulses to drive, along with Flash message on HMI Screen.Scope of CMI/JMM
supply and install is with ATC.
76 The process Lighting installation scope is not CMI responsibility. JMM and ATC to
review separately Note
77 CMI recommend heat resistant cables for heaters. Final connections after
junction boxes. Note
81 LAN type Cables for CCTV supplied by CMI. Drawings are to be forwarded to
82 CMI drawing approvals (current status)- CMI sheet is attached with list of
approvals CMI
83 Junction boxes are loose shipped (supplied by CMI). Site Installer is responsible
for mounting brackets and hardware. CMI suggest mount at accessible height. Note
84 Cable routing drawings will be provided by CMI . Not issued yet. CMI showed
example drawings from another project.
Consideration required for change from cable ladder to cable tray for control
cable. CMI
Installation Meeting – CMI JMM and Antaco
85 Earthing system drawings will be provided by CMI. Not issued yet. CMI showed
example drawings from another project.
JMM highlighted urgency required for these drawings
ATC questioned if there are additional requirement for further embedded conduits
for earthing. CMI/JMM agree that existing trench and conduits would be used
86 CCTV and PA drawings are issued. JMM will pass onto Antaco. PA system has
air purge system for camera cleaning JMM, ATC
87 ATC requested
Electrical room detail drawing: indicate actual dimension of equipment, view side. JMM, ATC
89 ATC requested clarification for Temperature and humidity control for electrical
room. (PLC room) 50%-55% JMM to review. JMM
91 Embedded conduit drawings are issued Rev 1 but require updates to reflect latest
line layout. The areas of concern have be previously forwarded by email from
7 Nov
JMM to CMI. CMI to update drawings. CMI
CPL is priority as this foundation work is in progress
92 JMM requested confirmation of circuit breaker size for Inductotherm VIP panels.
5 Nov
CMI will follow up with vendor CMI
93 Some Pot Inductor information and drawings are still outstanding. JMM requested
information for Scott transformers, VIP panels, Transfer switches etc. CMI to flow CMI
up with Vendor
95 Cable Identification –(ie wire numbering). CMI will propose wire numbering format
to JMM for review and approval- CMI have provided for JMM review CMI/JMM
96 Panel Inspections for Drive Panels and MCC’s are expected to be first 2 weeks of
December- CMI noted that MCC and panels inspections are in two separate CMI/JMM
locations and require 2x representatives from JMM to attend.
2112 MAIN DRIVE LINE UP (COMMON DC BUS) (4)-CMIA00-18028-BX001-02 2 Approval 10/10/2018 Approval received
2112 STANDALONE DRIVE LINEUP (4)-CMIA00-18028-BX002-01 1 Approval 10/10/2018 Approval received
Note : If No comments /response received with-in 7 Working Days, will be considered as Approved
2113 Control Desk GA,Facia & Scheme CMIA00-18027-EX001-00 to EX006-00 0 GA Approved 25-08-2018 Facia Approval Awaited
2113 Control Post GA,Facia & Scheme CMIA00-18027-EX007-02 0 GA Approved 25-08-2018 Facia Approval Awaited
2113 Local PBS GA,Facia & Scheme (4)-CMIA00-18027-FX001-00
1 - HT 1P1 - Main Drive Line-up-1 Run no. 2 - CPL 1P1 - Main Drive Line-up-1 P - Power Number 2N - CPL 1P1 - Main Drive Line-up-1 E - Ethernet Number
2 - CPL 1P2 - Main Drive Line-up-2 3 - MCL 1P2 - Main Drive Line-up-2 3N - MCL 1P2 - Main Drive Line-up-2
3 - MCL C - Control P - Profibus
2P1 - Aux Drive Line-up-1 2P1 - Aux Drive Line-up-1 2P1 - Aux Drive Line-up-1
2P2 - Aux Drive Line-up-2 2P2 - Aux Drive Line-up-2 S - Screen 2P2 - Aux Drive Line-up-2 O - Optical
e.g. EMG / RTO / Thickness Gauge / e.g. EMG / RTO / Thickness Gauge /
CCTV / PA systems etc, Inductor CCTV / PA systems etc, Inductor
panels , Hot water generator etc panels , Hot water generator etc
e.g. Valves , weld hole detector , e.g. Valves , weld hole detector ,
loadcell panel , flame switch , BCU etc loadcell panel , flame switch , BCU etc