Media Lessonplan 1
Media Lessonplan 1
Media Lessonplan 1
A technology integration lesson plan for 5th and 6th Grade (Physical Education)
Lesson Summary
The overall goal of my lesson plan is to teach the students how to properly
shoot a basketball with appropriate technique. The lesson plan is designed
for Cycle 3 elementary students. The majority of children in grades five to
six will have already learned and acquired the basic fundamental movement
skills required to begin learning how to properly shoot a basketball, which is
why I have selected to use this lesson plan with Cycle 3 students.
By the end of this lesson, the students should have learned the fundamental
skills necessary to properly shoot a basketball according to the desired
technique. It is important to consider that the overall goal of this lesson is
not to have the students make every shot in the basket, but more
importantly, to acquire the proper technique to shoot a basketball.
Content Standard
This lesson plan is designed to teach the students the fundamental
movements required to properly shoot a basketball during one, sixty-minute
Lesson Type
At the beginning, the students will be working individually while practicing
their shots until they are later placed in small sized groups to perform the
various activities planned.
Technology Integration
When teaching sport-specific skills to children, such as shoot a basketball, it
is very important to provide a clear and precise demonstration prior to
teaching them the individual steps to acquiring the desired action. This is
where technology can be successfully integrated in the gymnasium for
physical education classes. Along with having the teacher provide a
demonstration of the movement, the instructor can also play a video of the
desired movement at various speeds. Educational videos, whether found
online or created by the teacher, can help students have a better
understanding of the required task to be performed. I strongly believe that
technology should not replace learning from an actual teacher but can help
benefit the students when teachers integrate technology into their lesson
plans. An example of integrating instructional videos in this lesson plan
would be for learning and understanding the proper hand movement when
shooting a basketball. After demonstrating the proper action and
emphasizing the correct hand movements, I would then provide a second
demonstration using videos that focus on the required hand motion at
various speeds in attempt to provide my students with the clearest
understanding possible in order to maximize success rates in the class.
Instructional Procedures
As previously mentioned, this lesson is to be taught during one, sixty-minute
lesson. Since the focus of the lesson is on correct shooting technique, it is
important to keep the class engaged with enjoyable activities to ensure that
they stay focused on an important subject that can be rather repetitive if
taught in an ineffective way. The lesson should go as described:
1) Demonstrations It is important to provide a demonstration of the
desired action while concisely explaining the required actions, including
hand movements and foot movements.
2) Video explanation The teacher should incorporate instructional
videos that can show the students the proper technique which they are
trying to acquire. Showing examples through video can help the
students get a clear understanding of what is required as the teacher
is able to show it several times at different speeds while emphasizing
what is important and what they must take into consideration when
working on their shots.
3) Activities Use several activities to have the class practice and
develop their shooting skills. Combine individual and group activities to
maximize their learnings, as they can learn from their own mistakes as
well as from their peers. The teacher should not only be supervising
but engaging by giving the students pointers while correcting their
mistakes. The activities include individual shooting drills, group
shooting drills and finally, group shooting games.
While evaluating the students’ shots, it is important to only take their
technique into consideration, rather than their shot competition percentages
or how many baskets they have obtained. The focus of this lesson plan is to
have the children develop the fundamental techniques to shooting a
basketball. As the teacher, I would rather the students show noticeable
improvements in the technique of their shots rather than score baskets with
poor technique. When measuring their technique, especially when grading,
the teacher can record the students’ shots to grade outside of class while
watching the videos at slower speeds. The teacher can also zoom in on the
hands of the shooter in order to critique their techniques in the most
efficient way possible.
Materials Needed
In order to implement this lesson, the following materials will be needed in
the gymnasium.