Lesson Plan in Health

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College of Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Health V

1. To be able to identify specific messages regarding sexuality and gender roles
2. To be able to differentiates gender and sex by giving some examples
3. To be able to identifies factors influence gender identity and gender roles.


B. TOPIC: Sex and Gender
C. REFERENCE: retrieved by: teachingsexualhealth.ca, ekvilib.org,
D. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Visual Aids, Pictures, Work sheets,
a. Integrative Approach
i. Discussion Method
ii. Lecture Method
b. Cooperative Approach
i. Group Activity
F. VALUES INTEGRATION: Being cooperative, appreciative, compassionate and understanding,
III. Learning Tasks
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
A certain student will lead the prayer
for the whole class.
Before we start our class, Cedrick,
kindly lead the morning prayer.
Let us put ourselves in the most holy presence
2. Greetings of our Lord.
Good morning, class!

Good morning, Ma’am!

3. Classroom Management
Before you take your seat kindly pick those small
pieces of papers/litters under your chair and
check the alignment of your chair horizontally
and vertically. And now you may take your seats.
The students will pick the pieces of
papers/litters under their seats and will arrange
4. Checking of Attendance their chairs properly.
The teacher will ask the class monitor
if there are any absentees for the day.
Class monitor do we have absentees
for today?
Okay! Very good, class. Thank you,
class monitor. None, teacher!

5. Checking of assignment
The students will be asked to
pass their assignments at the center
aisle then forward.
Kindly pass your assignment forward
and then to the center aisle.
Students will pass their assignment.
6. Review of the Past lesson
The teacher will ask the
following questions as a
review prior to the past lesson
of her students:
Before we start our class,
let’s have a review first.

Kyla, what have we

discussed last meeting?
Teacher, we discussed about the Puberty-
Related Hygiene Concerns.
Yes, very good Kyla!

Now who can give me an example of

Related Hygiene during puberty stage? Yes,
Julie? Teacher, body odor. .

That’s right, Julie! As you children are near

to puberty your bodies will likely begin to
produce more strong-smelling sweat. So, it is
important to always take a bath especially now,
its summer so always maintain your good
hygiene through your body.

Another example, class? Yes, Precious?

Teacher, acne is another example of Related-
Hygiene during puberty stage.

Very Good, Kathlene! Just like body odor, this

acne reveals when you’re in your puberty stage.
More likely you will going to have some pimples
and break outs in your face, so, it is important
to always wash your face with clean warm
water and avoid using products that is not
recommended by specialist. Do you understand,
class? Yes, Ma’am.

Good! So, let’s move on the other and last

example. Who can give me? Yes, Norie?
Ma’am, its body menstruation during puberty
stage of girls.
Very good, Norie! Body menstruation can
happen for girls only. So, girls, it is important
that you know how to proper dispose your
sanitary napkins and the proper feminine
hygiene. Are we clear, girls?
Yes, ma’am.
Thank you for those
who answered my questions!
Now class, to test if you really
understood our previous lesson,
I prepared an activity for
you to answer.
The teacher will conduct an
activity about the previous

I need only six (6) volunteers to go in

front, one by one.

So, here’s the direction.

Direction: Put a check (/) beside the sentence if
that requires to do for a proper hygiene. If not
put an (X) mark.

1. Go out with clean clothes.

2. Comb your hair when needed.
3. Go out with some dirt in your face.
4. Clean your body before going to bed.
5. Brush your teeth once a day.

Thank you for participating students! It

seems that you really understood our
topic yesterday and for that kindly
yourself an amazing clap.

The students will do amazing clap.

B. Learning Tasks
1. Activity: “SAY WHAT YOU
Class, we will be having our next lesson
but before that we will be having an

This activity will reveal our next lesson.

Now, for our next lesson we will be

having an activity and that activity called
“Say what you want”

So here’s our activity goes, you will be

group into two (2). This side will be the
group one (1) and the other side will be
the group two (2). I have here a doll, a
blue and pink one (alternative for this is
an image of identical dolls). The male
one are dress in pink while the other one
is dressed in blue. I have here a twelve
(12) mixed up gender stereotypical
feminine and masculine words. Each
group shall be given six (6) words that
define the dolls and paste it near beside
or on the dolls.
So class, are my instructions clear?
Yes, Ma’am!
Before starting the activity, who can tell
me the rules we apply in doing a group
activity? Yes, Haydee?
Teacher, the rules in doing a group activity are
to keep quiet, follow the teacher’s instructions,
cooperate and respect the opinion of other
Very well said, Haydee. So class, are you
ready for the activity?

Yes, Ma’am!

Can I hear you say “I’m ready!” so that

we can start?
I’m ready!

Very good, let’s start. Timer starts now!

Activity end.

After the activity conducted.

The teacher will announce the

Okay class, kindly fix yourselves and

arrange your chairs to their proper
places. We will be having our lesson for
today. Did you enjoy the activity?
Yes, Ma’am!
Do you have an idea on what is our lesson
for today? Yes, Precious! I see you
raising your hand.
Ma’am, I think our topic for today is about
sex and gender.

Great, Precious! Your answer is

Correct. Our topic for today is about sex
and gender.

2. Analysis
The teacher will present the learning
objectives of the day.


1. To be able to identify specific

messages regarding sexuality and
gender roles.
2. To be able to differentiates gender
and sex by giving some examples
3. To be able to identifies factors
influence gender identity and gender

The teacher will explain the objectives.

Precious said a while ago that our

today’s lesson is about sex and gender
and that is right.

The teacher will discuss the lesson.

So let us first define sex and gender? Sex
refers to the biological differences
between males and females, such as the
genitalia and genetic differences while
according to WHO (World Health
Organization) gender refers to the
socially constructed characteristics of
women and men, such as norms, roles,
and relationships of and between groups
of women and men. It varies from society
to society and can be changed.

Some factors that influence gender

identity and gender roles can be learned
through socialization process and also it
is socially constructed it can also be
transfer from generation to generation.

The gender expectations is said to be limit

the choices of men and women.

That comes the gender stereotyping,

refers to different standards for men and
women. You’re being judge by what you
are going to say and act.

There are some who prolong or keep up


1. Family

2. School

3. Church/Religion
4. Mass media

5. Laws and government

3. Abstraction
The teacher will ask the student about Solid,
Liquid and Gas.

Now, class to test if you really understand

our new lesson, I am going to ask you few

Let’s start with the definition sex and

gender. Ana, what does sex means from
what have we discussed earlier?
Teacher, sex refers to the biological
differences between males and females, such
as the genitalia and genetic differences
You remembered it correctly,

Now, what does gender means?Yes,

Ma’am, gender refers to the socially
constructed characteristics of women and
men, such as norms, roles, and relationships of
and between groups of women and men. It
varies from society to society and can be
Good job, Gracelle!

Now, who can give me at least three (3)

examples of those who prolong stereotyping we
discuss in? Yes, Cedrick?
Ma’am, those are family, school and religion
or church.

You’re correct, Cedrick!

Now, who can give me the two (2) more examples

I gave earlier. Yes, rhindell?
Teacher, those are mass media and laws or
Very good! It seems that you really listened to
our discussion.

4. Application
The students will be given an activity
regarding on the topic they had discussed.

To test if you really understood our lesson

for today, I prepared another activity for
you to do.

I will be needing volunteers in front, one

by one you will paste your answer. I will paste a
picture on the board and all you have to do is
determined the picture whether it is about sex or
about gender.

Activity end.
It seems that you really understand our topic.

5. Assessment

The students will be given a quiz to

evaluate if they really understand the

Now, let us proceed to our quiz. I want

you all to keep the unnecessary things on
your desk and kindly bring out your ball

about men and women
1. Women give birth to babies, men
don't. (S)
2. Girls are gentle, boys are rough.
3. In one case, when a child brought
up as a girl learned that he was
actually a boy, his school marks
improved dramatically. (G)
4. Amongst Indian agriculture
workers, women are paid 40-60 per
cent of the male wage. (G)
5. In Europe, most long-distance truck
drivers are men. (G)
6. Women can breastfeed babies, men
can bottle-feed babies. (S)
7. Men's voices break at puberty;
women's do not. (S)

Adopted from: International Federation of

Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 2003
D. Agreement

Writing About Sex and Gender—

Directions: From what you have
learned in our lesson create a reflection or
realizations about the topic we had
shared. It should be written in short bond
paper, hand written.


Prepared by: Submitted to:

Platon, Cyralyn D. Titular, Vivian, PhD
BEED-Gen 3A Professor, MAPEH

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