Anthocyanidin in Syrup HPLC Validation
Anthocyanidin in Syrup HPLC Validation
Anthocyanidin in Syrup HPLC Validation
1. Purpose:
To describe the procedure for validation or verification of analytical test methods and build confidence in measurements taken on
samples of incoming materials and products.
2. Scope
This SOP is applicable for the validation of HPLC analytical method for Anthocyanidin in Syrup formulation.
3. Description
Product Name: Anthocyanidin
Analyte: Anthocyanidin
4. Introduction
Morus nigra, called black mulberry or blackberry (not to be confused with the blackberries which are various species of Rubus), is
a species of flowering plant in the family Moraceae, native to southwestern Asia.
Morus nigra is a deciduous tree growing to 12 m (39 ft) tall by 15 m (49 ft) broad. The leaves are 10–20 cm (4–8 in) long by 6–
10 cm (2–4 in) broad - up to 23 cm (9 in) long on vigorous shoots, downy on the underside, the upper surface rough with very short,
stiff hairs.
The edible fruit is dark purple, almost black, when ripe, 2–3 centimetres (0.8–1.2 in) long, a compound cluster of several
small drupes; it is richly flavoured, similar to the red mulberry (Morus rubra) but unlike the more insipid fruit of the white mulberry
Anthocyanins are a type of flavonoid, a class of compounds with antioxidant effects. Found naturally in a number of foods,
anthocyanins are the pigments that give red, purple, and blue plants their rich coloring. In addition to acting as antioxidants and
fighting free radicals, anthocyanins may offer anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-cancer benefits.
In herbal medicine, anthocyanin-rich substances have long been used to treat a number of conditions (including high blood
pressure, colds, and urinary tract infections). Recent research suggests that anthocyanins may also help fend off major health
problems, including heart disease and cancer.
Research on Anthocyanins
Here's a look at several key findings on anthocyanins and their health effects.
1) Heart Disease
Anthocyanins may enhance heart health, according to a 2010 report published in Nutrition Reviews. The report's authors note that
anthocyanins appear to improve cholesterol levels and blood sugar metabolism, as well as fight oxidative stress (a process known
to play a role in heart disease).
Dietary intake of anthocyanins may also help prevent high blood pressure (a major risk factor for heart disease), according to a 2011
study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
2) Obesity
Preliminary research suggests that anthocyanins may protect against obesity. In a 2008 study from the Journal of Agricultural and
Food Chemistry, scientists found that mice fed an anthocyanin-enriched high-fat diet for eight weeks gained less weight than mice
fed a high-fat diet without anthocyanins.
3) Cancer
Anthocyanins may aid in the prevention of breast cancer, according to a laboratory study published in Phytotherapy Research in
2010. In test-tube experiments, scientists showed that anthocyanins extracted from blueberries helped inhibit the growth of breast
cancer cells.
Using Anthocyanins for Health
Getting your fill of anthocyanin-rich fruits and vegetables may help boost your overall health by offering up an array of nutrients.
However, scientists have yet to determine whether taking high concentrations of anthocyanins in supplement form can help treat or
prevent any specific health condition.
Keep in mind that supplements haven't been tested for safety and due to the fact that dietary supplements are largely unregulated,
the content of some products may differ from what is specified on the product label. Also keep in mind that the safety of supplements
in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and those with medical conditions or who are taking medications has not been
established. You can get tips on using supplements, but if you're considering the use of anthocyanins, talk with your primary care
provider first. Self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences.
5. Experimental
The reference substance Morus Nigra (as-signed purity Anthocyanidin 16.36%) and Morus Nigra Active raw material was brought
from Shaanxi Joryherb Biotechnology Co., Ltd China.
The reference substance, as well as raw material, was always kept at room temperature.
5.2. Reagents and Solvents
All other chemicals were of analytical grade. The water used was freshly distilled.
Formic Acid (Scharlau Chemie S A); Methanol (Merck Pvt Ltd); Acetonitrile (Merck Pvt Ltd).
Take 20mg of Anthocyanidin in 200ml of volumetric flask Add 1% phosphoric acid solution to dissolve and make up the volume
with same solvent.
From the spectra, wavelength 520nm was selected. Maximum solubility was observed in 1%. The linearity was observed in the
range of 80-120mcg mL -1 for Anthocyanidin and Precision was also achieved in this range.
Take 20mg of Anthocyanidin in 200ml of volumetric flask Add 1% phosphoric acid solution to dissolve and make up the volume
with same solvent.
Sample preparation
Take 5 ml of sample containing 20mg of Anthocyanidin in 100ml of volumetric flask and diluted to 200 ml with1% phosphoric
acid solution. sonicate for 10 mins and make up the volume upto 100ml with the same solvent.
Detector: 520 nm
Column: 4.6-mm × 15-cm; packing L1
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
Injection size: 20 µL
Establishing documented evidence that a system does what it purports to do. Analytical validation essentially means the examination
of five basic attributes: linearity and range, precision, accuracy, sensitivity and Specificity.
9.1. Linearity
The linear relationship between the concentration and the instrument response as areas at 520nm was confirmed by plotting the
graph between the concentrations and areas in the range of 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 % of the target value (100 mcg mL -1).
The calibration graph is shown below, indicates that linear relationship observed between the Concentration and area of by shaking
mechanically the solution.
The correlation coefficient of calibration data was calculated to 0.9991.This indicates that the test procedure obeys the Beer’s law.
Standard Preparation for Linearity:-
Mobile Phase Preparation:
Acceptance criteria:-
Correlation Coefficient (r²) = -1 to +1
Linearity (Anthocyanidin)
1000000 y = 10559x + 158035
800000 R² = 0.9991
50 70 90 110 130
The Calibration chart has shown the linear relationship between the absorbance and the concentration of analyte. Thereby indicating
that the procedure follows Beer’s Law.
9.2 Range
Acceptance Criteria:
The range of analytical procedure is the interval between the upper and lower concentrations of analytes for which the procedure
has a suitable level of precision, accuracy and linearity.
%age RSD of triplicate assay values obtained at each level (80%, 100%, 120%). NMT 2.0%.
Average of triplicate assay values obtained at each level (80%, 100%, and 120%).
Between 99-101%.
The range 80% to 120% is when the accuracy precision and linearity 80% and 120% are established , %age RSD of triplicate assay
at each level (80%,100%,120%) is less than 2.0% and the average of triplicate assay values obtained at each level (80%,100%,120%)
are between 99.0-101.0%. Hence, the range from 80% to 120% is established.
9.3 Specificity
The specificity is defined as the ability to disunite the analyte in the presence of other components like matrix components.
Specificity shows that the procedure is unaffected by the presence of impurities or excipients. Specificity is performed by running
a standard solution (as identification test) comparing with a placebo run.
I prepared a placebo without addition of active (Anthocyanidin) and make a test solution and run against the standard. The retention
time of standard peak is 3.370min and no peak response is shown by placebo at this time.
Placebo Preparation:
Sample solution: Nominally 0.1 mg mL -1of syrup without active in diluent prepared as follows. Transfer a suitable portion to a
suitable volumetric flask from NLT 20 finally powdered Tablets. Add diluent equivalent to 80% of the flask volume. Dissolve and
fill with diluent to volume. Pass the solution through a suitable filter of 0.22-um pore size.
(Peak Area / Spectrum)
Placebo Negative
Repeatability Results
Samples Concentration of analyte Variation from
Absorbance Area %age Results
(mcg mL -1) Theoretical Results
I 1 100 1202912 98.02 1.98%
2 100 1217183 99.18 0.82%
II 3 100 1215585 99.05 0.95%
4 100 1228314 100.09 0.09%
III 5 100 1233282 100.49 0.49%
6 100 1228370 100.09 0.09%
Average of 6 Results: 99.49%
Standard Deviation: 0.9144
RSD of 6 Results: 0.919%
9.4.2. Reproducibility
Reproducibility refers to the use of the analytical procedure by different analyst within the same laboratory. Assay is performed on
three separate samples in each case.
Concentration of Reference: 100 mcg mL -1
Wavelength: 520nm
Avg absorbance Area of the Reference: 1229400
Sa Repeatability Results
mp Concentration of Analyte Variation from
les Absorbance Area %age Results
(mcg mL -1) Theoretical Results
1 100 1239662 100.83 0.83%
2 100 1249322 101.62 1.62%
3 100 1248820 101.58 1.58%
Average of 3 Results: 101.34%
Standard Deviation: 0.4423
RSD of 3 Results: 0.436%
9.5 Accuracy
A measure of exactness of the analytical method. The method is said to be accurate if on the average the method provides the true
answer. Accuracy implies there is no inherent systematic error or bias - (bias is the deviation from true value). Through the use of
reference standards the accuracy of a method can be measured and extent of bias that may exist can also be determined.
Actually Accuracy of an analytical procedure is the closeness of test results obtained by that procedure to the true value. It is
determined by the addition of known amounts of analyte to the sample with different quantities (3X3 replicates) and is calculated
as the percentage of recovery by the assay of the known added amount of analyte in the Placebo.
Concentration of Reference Standard: 100 mcg mL -1
Wavelength of the Reference Standard: 520nm
Avg. Absorbance Area of the Reference Standard 80%: 1009052
Avg. Absorbance Area of the Reference Standard 100%: 1243728
Avg. Absorbance Area of the Reference Standard 120%: 1503481
Content of Active Added in
80% 100% 120%
80 mcg mL -1 100 mcg mL -1 120 mcg mL -1
(% of label claim)
Abs. area of the test solution 1011190 1009054 1242367 1241867 1498335 1497709
The limit of detection is the lowest concentration of an analyte in a sample that may be determined with acceptable accuracy and
precision. LOQ is calculated by the formula:
LOQ= 3.3×LOD
The limit of quantitation of Anthocyanidin is 5.30mcg/mL.
11.0 Discussion
The proposed methods are simple, accurate, precise, reproducible, economic and rapid for analysis of Anthocyanidin in Raw
material and in Syrup formulation.
Accuracy of the method was evaluated by carrying out recovery studies. Low values of %RSD are indicative of high precision of
the methods.
Based on the validation study data, it can be concluded that the proposed method is accurate and precise for the analysis of drug.
No interference was found from excipients used in the syrup formulation and hence the method is suitable for Anthocyanidin in