Passport (Entry Into India) Amendment Rules, 2016

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RIXJD NO D I. :wwm

£he Gazette of 3adia 34fll(IMU|

«?m II—OTS 3_3TT-Tsni¥ (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)

*. 495] ^ t^wft, # W T , -3[?n^ 18, 2016/3TIW 27, 1938
No. 495] NEW DELHI, MONDAY, JULY 18, 2016/ASADHA 27, 1938

T t f ^ f t , 18^fTf, 2016

WT.^r.R 702(ar).—^£fr *TTW, U.WM)£ (?TTT<T 3f *%?r) srRrf^nr, 1920 (1920 ^r 34) # *JPT 3
5TTT ^ r f r «PkniT ^r y$m w*& fcr, HWMU («TRCT t s^?r) R W , 1950 wrr sftr ^ m r r irc^ % for

1.(1) ^ R ^ H l ' ^ T ^ f ^ k l 'fTTTRTTlf (»TTWt,5r%?r) WllRR*nT, 2016 f,

(2) ^ ( N W t FT% ^T?R # cTTfNr *T ST^aT f f t I

2. MI«M)J ( T R r r t ^ r ) f k m , 1950%f^rtr4%^TRJTR- (1) % m (*PP)3r"4<Mifr?r 9 R ? % « T R

[W.*f. 25022/50/2015-^.1]
sfr. %, ft^fr, *r*pr ?rfaar

ftapT: TJ^T R*PT w r i ^ 4/5/49-^.1, sifte 25 adhr, 1950 ^r w f $ R f%tr ITTT ^ aftr 3TRTT T?TSR
?TT.^r.R. 685(^), WTf^7f^RT, 2015SPTf^qT^PTTI


New Delhi, the 18th July, 2016
G.S.R. 702(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Passport (Entry into India)
Act, 1920 (34 of 1920), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the
Passport (Entry into India) Rules, 1950, namely:—

3603 GI/2016

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1. (I) These rules may be called the Passport (Entry into India) Amendment Rules, 2016.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Passport (Entry into India) Rules, 1950. in clause (ha) of sub-rule (I) of rule 4, for t n e word

"Bangladesh", the words "Afghanistan, Bangladesh" shall be substituted.

IF. No. 25022/50/2015-F.I]
G. K. DWIVEDI, Jt- S e c y-
Note: The principal rules were published vide number 4/5/49-F.I, dated the 25th April. 1950 and last
amended vide notification number G.S.R. 685(E), dated the 7lh September, 2015.

* i M t , 18 ^prri, 2016
flT.VT.ft-. 703(*).—%^(k HT^R, f^ftrit f ^ r ^ srf^f^nr, 1946 (1946 *r 31) fr mn 3 5 ^
T^rfT srfonff ^T wr^r wr^ §rr, f^f^rr fcvn* 3n^?r, 1948 w #^tfsfttprwrt % F V RHPIPSH WW
^TTHT I, ar«rr>t:—

1. (1) ^^MT^^tf^^rmf^f^f^^^
(2) *UMM?I ^^T%^Ffn"?R^dlfly #3TfwT|Ht I

2. f^t^nrr ftwr air&r, 1948 % ^TT 3^ t"«PFTT^T" srs?%WRTT, "SIWIIPIMM, t w ? * r sn*

T^^rrtnt i
5fr, ¥. fi^t, H I W flf^r
fttqur: 1£T 3IF>?r STTTrT % TUTW ^ T T ^ 9/9/46- TF5Fftf^ (£r*^J), m # 5 14 < * ^ t , 1948 i* Wrf^FT f^TT
*FTT *rr 3frf atf^f WT«R*T.*T.R 325(3r), inftw 18HT#, 2016 frrrt>*rr w i
New Delhi, the 18th July, 2016
G S R 703(E) —In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Foreigners Act, 1946 (31 of
1946). the' Central Government hereby makes the following order further to amend the Foreigners Order.
1948. namely:—
1 (1) This Order may be called the Foreigners (Amendment) Order. 2016.
(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
2 In the Foreigners Order, 1948, in paragraph 3A, for the word "Bangladesh", the words
Atgnanisiai Bangladesh" shall be substituted. ^ ^ 2 5 0 2 2 / 5 0 / 2 0 1 5 . F ,]

G. K. DWIVEDI, Jt. Secy.

KiiehpH in the Gazette of India vide No. 9/9/46-Political (EW). dated the
Note: GSR 3 2 5 ( E
a SMS ZSS2Z«~ >-"- , t e •8"March-2016

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