Interior Lighting Design
Interior Lighting Design
Interior Lighting Design
Rüdiger Ganslandt
Harald Hofmann
Lighting Design
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Rüdiger Ganslandt
Born in 1955. Studied German, Art and the
History of Art in Aachen, Germany. Member of
the project team on 'imaginary architecture'.
Book publications on tapies relating to
sciences and humanities, article on lighting
design. Joined Erco in 1987, work on texts
and didactic concepts. Lives in Lüdenscheid,
Harald Hofmann
Born in 1941 in Worms, Germany. Studied
Electrical Engineering at Darmstadt University
ofîechnology from 1961to1968. Gained a
doctorate in 1975. Worked as
an educator and researcher in the Lighting
Technology department at Darmstadt University
ofîechnology until 1978. Joined Erco in 1979 as
Head of Lighting Technology. Professor of
Lighting Technology in the Faculty of
Architecture at
the Darmstadt University ofîechnology since
Title Handbook of Lighting Design
Printed in Germany
Rüdiger Ganslandt Handbook of ERCO Edition
Harald Hofmann
Lighting Design
About this book Wide interest has developed in light and and comprehensible mariner. Background
lighting, not least because the growing information is provided through a chapter
awareness of architectural quality has given dedicated to the history of lighting.
rise to an increased demand for good The second part of the Handbook deals with
architectural lighting. Standardised lighting the basics of lighting technology and surveys
concepts may have sufficed light sources, contrai gear and luminaires
to light the concrete architecture of the recent available. The third part deals with concepts,
past, but the varied and distinctive strategies and the processes involved in
architecture of modern-day buildings requires lighting design.
equally differentiated and distinctive lighting. ln the fourth part there is a comprehensive
An extensive range of light sources and collection of design concepts for the most
luminaires are available for this task; with frequent requirements of interior lighting. The
technical progress the scope of lighting glossary, index and bibliography provided to
technology has expanded, and this has in assist users of this Handbook in their daily
turn led to the development work facilitate the search for information or
of increasingly more specialised lighting further literature.
equipment and tools. lt is this fact
that makes it increasingly difficult for the
lighting designer to be adequately informed
regarding the comprehensive range of lamps
and luminaires available and to decide on the
correct technical solution to meet the lighting
requirements of a specific project.
The Handbook of Lighting Design covers
the basic principles and practice of
architectural lighting. lt exists as much as a
teaching aid, e.g. for students of architecture,
as a reference book for lighting designers.
The Handbook does not intend to compete
with the existing comprehensive range of
specialist literature on lighting engineering,
nor to be added to the limited number of
beautifully illustrated volumes containing
finished projects. The Handbook aims
to approach and deal with the subject of
architectural lighting in a practical
Contents Foreword
1.0 History
Daylight architecture 12
1.1.2Artificial lighting 13
1.1.3Science and lighting 15
1.1.4Modern light sources 16
Gas lighting 17
Electrical light sources 18
1.1.5Quantitative lighting design 22
Beginnings of a new age kind lighting design 22 The
influence of stage lighting 24
1 Qualitative lighting design 24
Lighting engineering and lighting design 25
2.0 Basics
2.1 Perception 28
2.2.1Luminous flux 40
2.2.2Luminous efficacy 40
2.2.3Quantity of light 40
2.2.4Luminous intensity 40 lllu
2.2.5minance 42
2.2.6Exposu re 42
2.2.7Luminance 42
2.3.1Incandescent lamps 45
Halogen lamps 49
2.3.2Discharge lamps 52
Fluorescent lamps 53
Compact fluorescent lamps 54 High-
voltage fluorescent tubes 55 Law-
pressure sodium lamps 56 High-
pressure mercury lamps 57 Self-
ballasted mercury lamps 58 Metal
halide lamps 59 High-pressure sodium
lamps 60
2.7 Luminaires 94
Qualitative lighting design 119
3.2.1 Praject analysis 119 Utilisation of space 119 Psychological requirements 122 Architecture and
atmosphere 122
3.2. Project development 123
2 Practical planning 126
3.3.1 Lamp selection 126 Modelling and brilliance 127 Colour rendering 127 Luminous colour and colour temperature 128 Luminous flux 128 Efficiency 128 Brightness contrai 130 Ignition and re-ignition 130 Radiant and thermal load 130
3.3.2 Luminaire selection 132 Standard product or custom design 132 lntegral or additive lighting 132 Stationary or movable lighting 136 General lighting or differentiated lighting 136 Direct or indirect lighting 136 Horizontal and vertical lighting 138 Lighting working areas and floors 138 Wall lighting 139 Ceiling lighting 141 Luminance limitation 141 Safety requirements 143 Relation to acoustics and air conditioning 143 Accessories 143 Lighting contrai and theatrical effects 144 Lighting
3.3.3 layout 144
3.3.4 Switching and lighting contrai 150
3.3.5 Installation 152 Ceiling mounting 152 Wall and floor mounting 154 Suspension systems 154
3.3.6 Calculations 154 Utilisation factor method 154 Planning based on specific connected load 157 Point illuminance 158 Lighting costs 159
3.3.7 Simulation and presentation 160
3.3.8 Measuring lighting installations 168
3.3.9 Maintenance 169
5.0 Appendix
1.1 History
1.1 History
1.1.2 Artificial lighting
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1.1 History
1.1.3 Science and lighting
nomically in these cases, the torch holder was lmproved oxygen supply together with an
reduced to the wick as a means of transport for enlarged wick surface meant a huge and
wax or oil. instantaneous improvement in luminous
The oil lamp, which was actually developed efficiency. The next step involved surrounding
in preh istoric ti mes, represented the highest wick and fla me with a glass cylinder, whereby
form of lighting engineering progress for a very the chimney effect resulted
long time. The lamp itself- la ter to be joined by in an increased through-put of air and
the candlestick - continued to be developed. Ali a further increase in efficiency. The Argand
sorts lamp became the epitome of the oil
of magnificent chandeliers and sconces were lamp. Even modern day paraffin lamps work
developed in a wide variety of styles, but the according to this perfected principle.
flame, and its luminous power, remained
unchanged. Optical instruments have been recognised as
Compared to modern day light sources this aids to controlling light from very early times.
luminous power was very poor, Mirrors are known to have been used by ancient
and artificial lighting remained a makeshift Greeks and Romans and the theory behind their
device. ln contrast to daylight, which provided application set down in writing. There is a tale
excellent and differentiated lighting for an entire about Archimedes setting fire to enemy ships off
space, the brightness of a fla me was always Syracuse using concave mirrors.
restricted to its direct environment. People And there are staries of burning glasses, in
gathered around the element that provided light the form of water-filled glass spheres.
or positioned it directly next to the abject to be At the turn of the first millennium, there
lit. Light, albeit weak, began to were a number of theoretical works in Arabia
mark man's night-time. To light interiors brightly and China concerning the effect of optical
after dark required large lenses. There is in fact concrete evidence of
numbers of expensive lamps and fixtures, which these lenses dating from
were only conceivable for courtly gatherings. Up the 13th century. They were predominantly used
to the late 18th century architectural lighting as in the form of magnifying glasses
we know it today remained the exclusive or spectacles as a vision aid. The material first
demain of daylighting. used was ground beryl. This costly semi-
precious stone was later replaced by glass,
manufactured to a sufficiently clear quality. The
German word for glasses
is "Brille", demonstrating a clear semantic link to
1.1.3 Science and lighting the original material used for the vision aid.
ln the late 16th century the first telescopes
Paraffin lamp
with Argand burner. The reason why the development of efficient were designed by Dutch lens grinders. ln the
artficial light sources experienced 17th century these instruments were then
a period of stagnation at this point intime lies in
man's inadequate knowledge in the field of
perfected by Galileo, Kepler
and Newton; microscopes and projector
.~' 1.
science. ln the case of the oil lamp, it was due equipment were then constructed.
to man's fa Ise conception of the combustion At the sa me time, some basic theories
process. Until the about the nature of light originated. Newton
birth of modern chemistry, the belief laid down held the view that light was made up of
by the ancient Greeks was taken numerous particles - a view that can be
to be true: during the burning process retraced to ancient time. Huygens, on the other
a substance called "phlogistos" was released. hand, saw light as
According to the Greeks, any material that could a phenomenon comprising waves. The two
be burned therefore consisted of ash and competing theories are substantiated by
phlogistos (the classical elements of earth and a series of optical phenomena and existed side
fire), which were separated du ring the burning by side. Today it is clear that light
process - phlogistos was released as a fla me, can neither be understood as a purely
earth remained in the form of ash. particle or wave-based phenomenon,
lt is clear that the burning process could but only through an understanding of the
not be optimised as long as beliefs were combination of bath ideas.
based on this theory. The raie With the development of photometrics - the
of oxidation had not yet been discovered. lt was theory of how to measure light - and
only through l.avoisier's experiments that it illuminances - through Baguer and Lambert in
became clear that combustion the 18th century, the most essential scientific
was a form of chemical action and that the principles for workable lighting engineering were
flame was dependent on the presence of air. established.
Christiaan Huygens. Isaac Newton. l.avoisier's experiments were carried out in The application of these various correlated
the 1770s and in 1783 the new findings were findings was restricted practically exclusively to
applied in the field of lighting. Francois Argand the construction of optical instruments such as
constructed a lamp that was to be named after the telescope and the microscope, to
him, the Argand lamp. This was an oil lamp with instruments therefore that allow man to
a tubular wick, whereby air supply to the flame observe, and are dependent on external light
was effected from within the tube as well as sources. The active contrai of light using
from the outer surface of the wick. reflectors and lenses, known to be theoretically
possible and
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1.1 History
1.1.4 Modern light sources
1.1 History
1.1.4 Modern light sources
1.1 History
1.1.4 Modern light sources
Jablotschkow's version of
the arc lamp, exposed
and with glass bulb.
1.1 History
1.1.4 Modern light sources
1.1 History
1.1.4 Modern light sources
1.1 History
1.1.4 Modern light sources
1.1 History
1.1.5 Quantitative lig hting design
1.1.6 Beginnings of new lighting design
The Moore lamp - like the highvoltage inadequate light sources had been the main
fluorescent tube today - was primarily used for problem to date, lighting specialists were then
contour lighting in architectural spaces and for faced with the challenge
advertising purposes; its lu minous intensity of purposefully controlling excessive
was too low amounts of light. Specialist engineers
to be seriously used for functional lighting. The started to think about how much
mercury va pour lamp, on the other hand, had light was to be required in which situations and
excellent lu minous efficacy values, which what forms of lighting were to be applied.
immediately established it as a competitor to Task lighting in particular was examined in
the relatively inefficient incandescent lamp. lts detail to establish how great an influence
advantages were, however, outweighed by its illuminance and the kind of lighting applied had
inadequate colour rendering properties, which on productivity.
meant that it could only be used for simple The result of these perceptual physiological
lighting tasks. investigations was a comprehensive
There were two completely different ways work of reference that contained
of solving this problem. One possibility was to the illuminance levels required for certain
compensate for the missing spectral visual tasks plus minimum colour rendering
components in the mercury vapour discharge qualities and glare limitation requirements.
process by adding lu minous substances. The Although this catalogue of standards was
result was the fluorescent lamp, which did designed predominantly as an aid
produce good colour rendering and offered for the planning of lighting for workplaces, it
enhanced luminous efficacy due to the soon became a guideline for lighting
exploitation of the considerable ultra-violet in general, and even today determines lighting
emission. design in practice. As a planning aid it is
American light tower The other idea was to increase the almost exclusively quantityoriented and should,
(San José 1885). pressure by which the mercury vapour was therefore, not be regarded as a comprehensive
discharged. The result was moderate colour planning aid for ail possible lighting tasks. The
rendering, but a considerable increase in aim
luminous efficacy. Moreover, this meant that of standards is to manage the a mou nt of light
higher light intensities available in an economic sense, based on the
could be achieved, which made the high- physiological research that had been done on
pressure mercury lampa competitor to the arc human visual requirements.
lamp. The fact that the perception of an abject is
more than a mere visual task and that, in
addition to a physiological process, vision is
also a psychological process, was disregarded.
1.1.5 Quantitative lighting design Quantitative lighting design is content with
providing uniform amblent lighting that will meet
the re-quirements of the most difficult visu al
A good hundred years after scientific research
task to be performed in the given space, while
into new light sources began
at the sa me time adhering to the standards
ail the standard lamps that we know today had
with regard to glare limitation and colour
been created, at least in their basic form. Up to
distortion. How we see architecture, for
this point intime, sufficient light had only been
instance, under a given light, whether its
available during daylight hours. From now on,
structure is clearly legible and its aesthetic
artificial light changed dramatically. lt was no
quality has been enhanced
longer a temporary expedient but a form
by the lighting, goes beyond the realm of a set
of lighting to be taken seriously, ranking with
of ru les.
natural light.
llluminance levels similar to th ose of
daylight could technically now be produced in
interior living and working spaces or in exterior
spaces, e.g. for the lighting of streets and
public spaces, or for
the floodlighting of buildings. Especially in the
case of street lighting, the temptation to turn 1.1.6 Beginnings of a new kind of lighting
night into day and to do away with darkness design
altogether was great. ln the United States a
number of projects were realised in which lt was, therefore, not surprising that alongside
entire towns were lit by an array of light towers. quantative lighting technology and planning a
Floodlighting new approach to designing with light was
on this scale soon proved to have more dis- developed, an approach that was related far
advantages than advantages due to glare more intensely
problems and harsh shadows. The days to architectural lighting and its inherent requ
of this extreme form of exterior lighting were irements.
therefore numbered. This developed in part within the
framework of lighting engineering as it was
known. Joachim Teichmüller, founder of the
Bath the attempt to provide comprehensive lnstitute for Lighting Technology
street lighting and the failure of these attempts in Karlsruhe, is a name that should be men-
was yet another phase in the application of tioned here. Teichmüller defined the
artificial light. Whereas term "lichtarchitektur" as architecture that
1.1 History
1.1.6 Beginnings of new lighting design
1.1 History
1.1.6 Beginnings of new lighting design
1.1 History
1.1.6 Beginnings of new lighting design Lighting engineering and lighting design of discharge lamps with metal halide sources.
Concentrated light can be applied effectively
over larger distances. The
The growing demand for quality lighting design third new development is the compact
was accompanied by the demand for quality fluorescent lamp, which combines the
lighting equipment. Differentiated lighting advantages of the linear fluorescent with
required specialised luminaires designed to smaller volume, thereby achieving improved
cape with specific lighting tasks. You need optical contrai, ideally suited to energy-efficient
completely different luminaires to achieve fluorescent downlights, for example.
uniform washlight over a wall area, for example, Ali this means that lighting designers have
than you do for accentuating one individual a further range of tools at their disposai for the
abject, or different on es again for the creation of differentiated lighting to meet the
permanent lighting in a theatre foyer than for the requirements of
variable lighting required in a multi-purpose hall the specific situation and the perceptual
or exhibition space. needs of the people using the space.
The development of te ch ni cal possibi- lt can be expected in future that progress in the
lities and lighting application led to field of lighting design will depend on the
a productive correlation: industry had to meet continuing further development of light sources
the designers' demands for new luminaires, and and luminaires, but above ail on the consistent
further developments in the field of lamp application of this 'hardware' in the interest of
technology and luminaire design were promoted qualitative lighting design. Exotic solutions -
to suit particular applications required by the using equipment such as laser lighting or
lighting designers. lighting using huge reflector systems - will
New lighting developments served to allow remain isolated cases and will not become part
spatial differentiation and more flexible lighting. of general lighting practice.
Exposed incandescent and fluorescent lamps
were replaced by a variety of specialised
reflector luminaires, providing the first
opportunity to direct light purposefully into
certain areas
or onto objects-from the uniform lighting of
extensive surfaces using wall or ceiling washers
to the accentuation of a precisely defined area
by means of reflector spotlights. The
development of track lighting opened up further
scope for lighting design, because it allowed
enormous flexibility. Lighting installations cou Id
be adapted to meet the respective requirements
Focal glow.
of the space.
Products that allowed spatial differentiation
were followed by new developments that
offered time-related differentiation: lighting
contrai systems. With the use
of compact contrai systems it has become
possible to plan lighting installations
that not only offer one fixed application, but are
able to define a range of light scenes. Each
scene can be adjusted to suit the requirements
of a particular situation. This might be the
different lighting conditions required for a
podium discussion or for a si ide show, but it
might also be a matter of adapting to changes
within a specific environ ment: the changing
intensity of daylight or the time of day. Lighting
contrai systems are therefore a logical
consequence of spatial differentiation, allowing
a lighting installation to be utilised to the full - a
seamless transition between individual scenes,
which is simply not feasible via ma nuai
There is currently considerable research
and development being undertaken in
the field of compact light sources: among the
incandescents the halogen lamp, whose
sparkling, concentrated light provides new
concepts for display lighting. Similar qualities
are achieved in the field
Play of brilliance
2.0 Basics
2.1 2.1 Perception
2.1.1 Eye and camera
Spherical aberration.
Projected images are 2.1.1 Eye and camera
distorted due to the
curvature of the retina.
The process of perception is frequently
explained by comparing the eye with
a camera. ln the case of the camera,
an adjustable system of lenses projects the
reversed image of an abject onto a light-
sensitive film. The amount of light is controlled
by a diaphragm. After developing the film and
reversing the image during the enlarging
process a visible, twodimensional image of the
Chromatic aberration. abject becomes apparent.
Images are blurred due to Similarly, in the eye, a reversed image is
the various degrees of
refraction of spectral projected onto the inner surface of
colours. the eye, the so-called fundus oculi,
via a deformable lens. The iris takes on the
function of the diaphragm, the lightsensitive
retina the raie of the film.
The image is then transported via the optic
nerve from the retina to the brain,
where it is adjusted in the cortex and made
available to the conscious mind.
2.1 Perception
2.1.2 Perceptual psychology
their point. But not one of these schools of This spherical misrepresentation is ac-
thought is able to give a plausible explanation companied by clear chromatic aberration - light
for ail the phenomena that occur during the of various wavelengths is refracted to varying
visual process. degrees, which produces coloured rings around
There is an indication that the spatial the abjects viewed.
aspect of perception is innate. If you place The eye is therefore a very inadequate
new-born animais (or six-monthold babies) Perceptual
on constancy: optical instrument. lt produces a spatially
a glass panel that overlaps a step, they will perception of a shape in spite distorted and non-colour corrected image on the
avoid moving onto the area beyond the step. of the fact that the image on retina. But these defects are not evident in our
the retina is changing with
This indicates that the innate visual recognition actual perception of the world a round us. This
the changing perspective.
of depth means that they must somehow be eliminated
and its inherent dangers have priority over while the image is being processed in the brain.
information relayed via the sense of touch,
which tells the animal, or baby, that they are on
a safe, fiat surface. Apart from this corrective process there are a
On the other hand, it can be demonstrated number of other considerable differences
that perception is also dependent on previous between the image on the retina and what we
experience. Known shapes are more easily actually perceive. If we perceive abjects that are
recognised than unknown ones. Once arranged within a space, this gives rise to
interpretations of complex visual shapes have images on the retina whose perspectives are
been gained, they distorted.
rem a in, and serve as a source of reference for A square perceived at an angle, for example,
future perception. will produce a trapezoidal image on the retina.
ln this case experience, and the ex- This image may, however, also have been
pectations linked with it, may be so strong that produced by a trapezoidal surface viewed front
missing elements of a shape are perceived as on, or by an unlimited number of square shapes
complete or individual details amended to arranged at an
enable the abject to meet our expectations. angle. The only thing that is perceived is one
When it cornes to perception, therefore, single shape - the square that this image has
bath innate mechanisms and experience have actually produced. This perception of a square
a part to play. lt may be presumed that the shape remains consistent, even ifviewer or
innate component abject move, although
is responsible for organising or structuring the the shape of the image projected on the retina
information perceived, whereas on a higher is constantly changing due to the changing
level of processing experience helps us to perspective. Perception cannot therefore only
interpret complex shapes and structures. be purely a matter of rendering the image on
the retina available to our conscious mind. lt is
Perception of a sha pe
based on shadow formation more a result of the way the image is
alone when contours are interpreted.
As for the issue of whether impressions
received via the senses alone determine
perception or whether the information 2.1.2 Perceptual psychology
also has to be structured on a psychical level,
again there is evidence to prove bath these Presenting a model of the eye to demonstrate
concepts. The fact that a grey area will appear the similarities to the workings of
light grey if it is edged a camera does not provide any explanation as
in black, or dark grey if it is edged in white can to how the perceived image cornes into being -
be explained by the fact that the stimuli it only transports the abject to
perceived are processed directly - brightness is
Recognising an overall be perceived from the outside world to the
perceived as a result shape by revealing cortex. To truly understand what visual
essential details.
of the lightness contrast between the grey area perception is ail about, it is not so much the
and the immediate surroundings. What we are transport of visu al information that is of
considering here significance, but rather the process involved in
is a visual impression that is based exclusively the interpretation of this information, the
on sensory input which is not influenced by any creation of visu al impressions.
criteria of order linked with our intellectual The next question that arises is whether
processing of this information. our ability to perceive the world a round us is
On the other hand, the fact that vertical innate or the result of a learning process, i.e.
lines in a perspective drawing whether it has to
appear to be considerably larger further back in be developed through experience. Another point
the drawing than in the foreground, can be Matching a colour to the to be considered is whether sense impressions
explained by the fact that the drawing is respective pattern perceived.
The colour of the central grey
interpreted spatially. Aline that is further away,
point adjusts itself to the
i.e. in the background, must be longer than black
a or white colour of the
from outside alone are re-sponsible for the
perceived image or whether the brain translates
these stimuli into a perceivable image through
line in the foreground in order to produce anrespective perceived pattern the application of its own principles of order.
equivalently large retina image - in the depth of five
of There is no clear answer to this question.
the space a line of effectively the same length Perceptual psychology is divided on this point.
will therefore be interpreted and perceived as There are, in fact, a number of contradictory
being longer. opinions, each of which can provide evidence of
va rio us kinds to prove
30 2
2.1 Perception
2.1.2 Perceptual psychology
walls is interpreted as
a property of the lighting
of the wall. The wall
reflectance factor is assu
med to be constant. The
grey of the sharply framed
picture is interpreted
as a property of the
material, although the
luminance is identical to
the luminance of the
corner of the room.
2.1 Perception
~-- 2.1.2 Perceptual psychology
= = = =~
ChangeOurof apparent
perception knowledge of distance distortion of abjects. They guarantee that the
ratios1 igtherefore
ht/da rk togives rise to a change changing trapezoidal and ellipsoidal forms in the
black/white if the spatia 1
in the way we perceive things. As the distances
interpretation retina image can be perceived as spatial
in thefigure
of the drawing are however fictitious, we can say
changes. manifestations of constant, rectangular or round
that there is evidence that the brain is able to abjects, while taking into consideration the angle
perform interpretative processes that are not at which the abject is viewed.
dependent on external stimuli. Perception When it cornes to lighting design there is a
therefore cannot be attributed to one principle further complex of constancy phenomena that
alone, but results from various mechanisms. are of significance; those which contrai the
~ ------- perception of bright-ness. Through the
~~ identification of the luminous reflectance of a
it becomes apparent that a surface reflects light Constancy differently depending on the intensity of the
surrounding lighting, i.e. the luminance of a
Even if there is not one simple expia nation for surface varies. The illuminated side of a
the way perception works, the question unicoloured abject has a higher luminance than
regarding which objective the various the side that receives no direct light; a black
mechanisms serve remains an interesting one. abject in sunlight shows a considerably higher
Optical illusions provide an opportunity to level of luminance than a white abject in an
examine the effects and aims of perception. interior space. If perception depended on seen
Optical illusion is not a case of a perceptual faux luminance, the luminous reflectance would not
pas, but can be regarded as the border case of be recognised as a constant property of an
a mechanism that provides essential information abject.
under everyday conditions. This indicates that A mechanism is required that determines
bath phenomena described above, bath the the luminous reflectance of a surface from the
changing perception of brightness ratio of the luminances of this surface to its
on identical surfaces and the erroneous surroundings. This means that a white surface
perception of lin es of equal length, can be is assumed to be white bath in light and shade,
explained as stemming from one common because The spatial impression is
in relation to the surrounding sufaces determined by the
objective. unconscious assumption that
= it reflects more light. There is, however, the light cornes from above. By
borderline case, as indicated above, where two inverting the picture the
surfaces of the sa me colour are perceived as perception of elevation and
One of the most important tasks of perception is depth is changed.
to differentiate between constant abjects and being of a different brightness under the same
changes in our surroundings in the continuously lighting due to different surrounding surfaces.
changing shapes and distribution of brightness
of the image on the retina. Sin ce constant
abjects also produce retina images of varying
shapes, sizes and brightness arising due to
changes in lighting, distance or perspective, this The ability of the perceptual process to
indicates that mechanisms must exist to identify recognise the luminous reflectance
these abjects and their properties and to of abjects un der different illuminance levels is
perceive them as being constant. actually only half the story. There must be
additional mechanisms that go beyond the
perception of luminous reflectance, while
processing varying gradients and sharp
Our misinterpretation of lines of the sa me differences in luminance.
length shows that the perceived size of
an abject does not depend on the size of the We are familiar with changing luminance levels
retina image alone, but that the distance of the on the surfaces around us. They may be the
observer from the abject result of the type of lighting: one example of this
is significant. Vice versa, abjects of known is the graduai decrease in brightness a long the
sizes are used to judge distances or rear wall of a space that is daylit from one side
to recognise the size of adjacent abjects. only. Or they may arise from the spatial form of The spatial quality of an
Judging from daily experience this mechanism the illuminated abject: examples of this are the object can be recognised
purely from the gradient of
is sufficient to allow us toperceive abjects and formation of typical shadows on spatial bodies the shadows.
their size reliably. A persan seen a long way such as cubes, cylinders or spheres. A third
away is therefore reason
not perceived as a dwarf and a house on the for the presence of different luminances may lie
horizon notas a small box. Only in extreme in the quality of the surface. Uneven reflectance
situations does our perception deceive us: results in uneven luminance even if the lighting
looking out of an aéroplane abjects on the is uniform. The aim of the perceptual process is
ground appear to be tiny; the viewing of abjects to decide whether an abject is of a single colour,
that are considerably farther away, e.g. the but not lit uniformly, or whether it is spatially
moon, is much more difficult for us to handle. formed or a uniformly
lit abject with an uneven reflection factor.
2.1 Perception
2.1.2 Perceptual psychology
2.1 Perception
2.1.2 Perceptual psychology
the entire environment is lit with light of the mechanism is stronger than our conscious
same luminous colour and the lighting does reason ing.
not change too rapidly.
If different lighting situations can be compared This example shows that the complex and in
directly, the contrast due to different luminous consistent patterns of the retina image are
colours will be perceived. ordered in the course of the perpetual process
This becomes evident when the observer to enable us to interpret
moves through spaces that are lit differently, whatwe perceive easily and clearly. ln our
but above ail when different light sources are example, a portion of these patterns within one
used within one room or picture are grouped together to form an image,
if the observer is in a space comprising i.e. an abject of interest while the rest of the
coloured glazing and in a position to compare patterns are regarded as the background and
the lighting inside and outside the building. their properties
Lighting a space using different luminous by and large ignored.
colours can be done effectively, if the change Moreover, the fact that of the two in-
of lu minous colour bears a clear relation to terpretations the vase is the preferred one
the respective environment. shows that this process of interpretion
is subject to certain rules; that is to say, that it
is possible to formulate laws according to
which certain arrangements are grouped Laws of gestalt together to form shapes,
i.e. abjects of perception.
The main theme of this chapter so far has been
the question of how the properties of abjects - These ru les are not only of value when it
size, form, reflectance and colour - are cornes to describing the perceptual process,
perceived as being constant in spite of changing they are also of practical interest for the lighting
retina images. designer. Every lighting installation comprises
These considerations did not include how the an arrangement
abject itself is perceived. of luminaires - on the ceiling, on the walls or in
Before properties can be attributed to an the space. This arrangement is
abject, the abject itself must be recognised, that not perceived as su ch, but is organised into
is to say, distinguished from its surroundings. forms or groups in accordance with the laws
The process of identifying this abject in the of gestalt. The architectural setting and the
profusion of continuously changing stimuli on lighting effects produced by
the retina is no less problematic than the the luminaires give rise to further patterns,
perception of abjects. Orto put it in more which are included in our perception
general terms: how does the perceptual of the overall situation.
process define the structures its attention has lt might occur that these structures are
been drawn to and how does it distinguish them reorganised visually to su ch an extent that we
from their surroundings. do not perceive the patterns
as intended, but other shapes and forms.
Another, negative effect may be - for example,
An example will serve to illustrate this process. in the case of a chessboard pattern - that
ln the drawing on the left most people gestalt and background cannot be clearly
spontaneously see a white vase against a grey identified. The result
background. On closer examination two grey is continuously shifting focus selection.
heads facing each other against a white lt is therefore necessary to con si der
background become apparent. Once the hidden to the laws of gestalt when developing
faces have been discovered, there is no lighting design concepts.
difficulty in perceiving the vase or the faces, but
is impossible to see bath at the sa me time.
2.1 Perception
2.1.2 Perceptual psychology
2.1 Perception
2.1.3 Physiology
Perceptual psychology
of the eye
Sectional view of the eye, rep A basic law of gestalt is to prefer to perceive lin The final law of gestalt for the arrangement of
resentation showing the parts es as steady continuous curves groups is a special case, as it involves the
of the eye which are sig-
nificant in the physiology of or straight lines, and to avoid bends and element of movement. ln the case of the law of
vision: deviations. The preferance to perceive "common destiny" it is
continuous lin es is so great that it can influence not the similarity of structure, but rather a mu
the overall interpretation of an image. tuai change, predominantly of the spatial
position, which assembles the figures into
groups. This becomes apparent when some of
When it cornes to two-dimensional shapes the the forms that were originally attributed to a
law of the continuous line conforms with the /aw previously wellorganised group, move in unison,
of pure form. ln this case, too, shapes are because in contrast to the remaining figures,
organised to create figures that are as simple it is as if they are drawn on a transparent
and clearly arranged as possible. overlay, which is placed on the original pattern.
The common movement of
the group in contrast to the immovability of the
When a given number of individual shapes are other figures tenders their belonging together in
put together to form groups, similar laws of any purposeful sense so probable that the
gestalt corne into play as with the focal original image is spontaneously reinterpreted.
Law of gestalt relating to selection of figure and background. The
continuous lines. The proximity of shapes is an equally essential
arrangement is
interpreted as two lines
principle in this regard.
crossing. At first glance these laws of gestalt appear to
A further criterion for the formulation of groups be very abstract and of little significance for
is symmetry. Especially in the case of axial the lighting designer. But these laws of gestalt
symmetry (arrangements around a vertical axis) do play
the mirrored shapes are always grouped in an important raie in the development of
pairs. This effect can be so strong that the luminaire arrangements. The actual lighting
grouping of adjacent shapes according to the effect produced by a planned arrangement of
law of proximity becomes irrelevant. luminaires may deviate totally from the original
if the concept it is based on ignores the
Besides spatial layout, the structure of the mechanisms inherent to perception.
shapes themselves is also responsible for the
formation into groups. The shapes in the
adjacent drawing are not organised according to
proximity or axial symmetry, but in groups of
identical shapes. This principle of identity also
applies when the shapes in a group are not
absolutely identical but only similar.
0 0 0 0 0
= =
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1,0 1 2.1 Perception
V\ 2.1.3 Physiology of the eye
0,8 1\ \
I -\
I 1
2.1.3 Physiology of the eye of vision are more visible - can be explained by
0,4 V
I v· the praperties of the rad system.
- 1 \
The information presented in this chapter is
\ \ that it is inadequate
.sz on the consideration
.f4i \
to portray the eye as\an optical system when
' <, The process of
The other type of receptors, the con es, rnake
up a system with very different praperties. This
1400 human
[soo perception.
IGOO 1700 lsoo À (nm) is a system which we require to see things
perception is nota matter under greater lu minous intensities, i.e. under
of how an image of our enviranment daylight or electric light.
is transferred to the retina, but how the image is The cane system has a lower level of light-
interpreted, how we differentiate between sensitivity and is concentrated in
abjects with constant praperties the central area around the fovea. lt allows us to
in a changing enviranment. Although see colours and sharper contours
this means that priority will be given here to the of abjects on which we focus, i.e. whose image
process by which the image is created bath falls in the fovea area.
physiologically and psychologically, the eye and ln contrast to rad vision, we do not
its fundamental praperties should not be perceive the entire field of vision uniformly; the
ignored. main area of perception is in the central area.
The peripheral field of vision is also significant, Cornea
The eye is first and foremost an optical however; if interesting phenomena are
system creating images on the retina. perceived in that area then our attention is Cavity
Fove have
We a described this system by comparing automatically drawn to these points, which are
the eye with a camera, but more interesting by then received
far is the surface on which the image occurs - as an image in the fovea to be examined more
the retina. lt is in this layer closely. Apart from noticing sudden movement, Lens
that the pattern of luminances is translated into striking colours and patterns, the main reason
nervous impulses. The retina has, therefore, to for us to change Vitreous body
possess light sensitive receptors that are our direction ofview is the presence of high
numerausly sufficient to allow a high resolution luminances - our eyes and attention are Iris with pupil as the visual
of the visual image. attracted by bright light. aperture
1,70 m
1,20 m
Frequency H of angle of
sight ex for horizontal
visual tasks. Preferred
field of vision between
15° and 40°, preferred
direction of view 25°.
38 37
E (lux) 2.1 Perception
Sunlight 100000 2.1.4 Objects of perception
Overcast sky 10000
Task liqhtinq 1000
Circulation zone lighting 100
Street illuminances
liqhtinq E 10 simply selects a different but restricted range.
and luminances under This process of adaptation does take time.
daylight and electric light 1
Adapting from dark to light situations occurs
L (cd/m2)
relatively rapidly, whereas adapting from light to
Sunliqht 1000000000
darkness requires
Incandescent lamp (matt finish) 100000
a considerably longer time. A good example of
FI u ores ce nt la m p 10000
this is how bright we find it outside having corne
Sunlit Clouds 10000
out of a dark cinerna auditorium du ring the
Blue sky 5000
daytime, or the transitory period of night
Luminous ceilinq 500
blindness we experience when entering a very
Louvred luminaires 100
dark room. Bath
Preferred values in interior snaces 50-500
the fact that contrast in luminance can only be
White paper at 500 lx 100
processed by the eye within a certain range,
Monitor (neqative) 10-50
plus the tact that it takes time
White naner at 5 lx 1 to adapt to a new level of lighting,
1 or brightness, have an impact on lighting
design: the purposeful planning of different
~2 luminance grades within a space, for example,
or when adjusting lighting levels in adjacent
3 spaces.
to define ways of lighting which will optimise the The glare phenomenon illustrates this
performace of specific activities. Investigations particularly well. If the exterior lighting
have been carried out especially in office and is especially strong, an opal glass window will
traffic situations to study the respective visu al produce glare, a fact that can
tasks and be explained physiologically by the great
a wide range of activities and to determ ine the contrast between the luminance of the window
conditions required for optimum perception. and the considerably lower luminance level of
Standards and recommendations for the lighting the surrounding wall surface. ln the case of a
of workplaces and traffic systems are based on window that provides an interesting view
the findings of this research. outside,
There is, however, another basic need for the contrast is greater, but the feeling that we
visual information that goes beyond the are being subjected to disturbing glare does
specific information required for not arise. Glare can, therefore,
a particular activity. This requirement for not only be explained from a physiological
information is not related to any particular standpoint, as it occurs when a bright surface
situation, it is the result of man's biological need with no information content attracts our
to understand the world around him. Whereas attention. Even high luminance contrasts are
you can enable felt to be glare-free, if
a persan to work more effectively by creating the area perceived offers interesting infor-
optimum perceptual conditions mation. lt is therefore clear that it is
for certain activities, man's feeling of wellbeing not practical to stipulate photometric quantities
in his visu al environ ment depends - e.g. luminance or illuminance limits - out of
on satisfying his biological need for information. context, since the actual perception of these
Much of the information required results photometric quantities is influenced by the
from man's need to feel safe. To be able to processing of the information provided.
evaluate a danger you have
to be able to comprehend the structure of
your environ ment. This applies bath
to orientation - knowing where you are, which
route you are on, and what the potential
destinations may be - and knowledge about the
qualities and peculiarities of the environ ment
you find yourself in. This knowledge, or lack of
information, determines the way we feel and our
behaviour. lt can lead to a feeling of tension and
unrest in unknown or potentially dangerous
situations, or relaxation and tranquility
in a familiar and safe environment. Other
information about the world around us
is required to allow us to adapt our behaviour to
the specific situation. This may include
knowledge of weather conditions and the time
of day as well as information relating to other
activities occurring in the given environment.
Should this information not be available, e.g. in
large, windowless buildings, the situation is
often interpreted as being unnatural and
A third area arises from man's social needs.
The need for contact with other people and the
demand for a priva te sphere are somewhat
contradictory and have
to be carefully balanced. The focus on which
visual information is to be taken in
is, therefore, determined by the activities being
Luminance range Lof rod
vision (1). mesopic vision
performed in a given environment and man's
(2) and cone vision (3). basic biological needs. Areas that promise
Luminances (4) and significant information -
preferred luminances (5) be it in their own right, or through accentuation
in interior spaces.
Absolute threshold of
with the aid of light - are perceived first. They
vision (6) and threshold of attract our attention. The information content of
absolute glare (7). a given abject is responsible for its being
selected as
an abject of perception. Moreover, the infor-
mation content also has an influence
on the way in which an abject is perceived and
2.2 2.2 Terms and units
distribution of the light source.
The unit for measuring luminous intensity
lm. =Candela (cd) is candela (cd). The candela is
sr the primary basic unit in lighting technology
from which ail others are derived.
1 The candela was originally defined by the lu
minous intensity of a standardised candie.
Later thorium powder at the temperature of the
solidification of platinum was de-
2.2 Terms and units
Luminous intensity
distribution body and
diagram (for planes C
0/180° and C 90/270°) of
an axially symmetrical
Luminous intensity
di st ri but ion c u rve
standardised to 1000 lm,
represented in polar
coordinates and
Cartesian coordinates.
The angle within which
the maximum luminous
intensity I' is reduced to
l'/2, identifies the beam
spread B. The eutoff
angle ex is the limiting
angle of the luminous
intensity distribution
1 = I' ·<Il
[I] =cd
[I'] = cd/klm
[(j)] = klm
2.3 104 2.2 Terms and units
IR radiation
UV radiation
1001 X rays
falling on of visible ra-
surface A the
a givencomprises
110-41 Cosmic radiation
llluminance is the means of evaluating the density
of luminous flux. lt indicates
narrow band between the amount of lu minous flux from a light source
380 and 780 nm. 110-6 falling on a given area. llluminance need not
_1Q necessarily be related to a real surface. lt can be
_llil_ Sc l,, 1
can be determined from the lu minous intensity of
l 1
the light source. llluminance decreases with
_QJ3 1 l 1 the square of the distance from the light source
J_ - (inverse square law).
_Q,± ~
Horizontal illuminance1
Ehand vertical illumin-
nance Evin interior 1
spaces. 1
1 À (nm) 2.2.6 Exposure
150 11000 11500 12000 12500
Exposure is described as the product of the
illuminance and the exposure time. Exposure is
an important issue, for example, regarding the
calculating of light exposure on exhibits in
Average illuminance Em
is ca leu lated from the
Em = 2.2.7 Luminance
luminous flux CD falling
on the given surface A
_ Whereas illuminance indicates the a mou nt of
A luminous flux falling on a given surface,
luminance describes the brightness of an
illuminated or luminoussurface. Luminance is
defined as the ratio of lu minous intensity of a
surface (cd) to the projected area of this surface
A ln the case of illumination the light can be
reflected by the surface or transmitted through
the surface. ln the case of diffuse reflecting (matt)
and diffuse transmitting (opaque) materials
The illuminance at Ep = .i, luminance can be calculated from the illuminance
a point Epis calculated a2
from the luminous and the reflectance or transmittance.
intensity 1 and the dis- [Ep] =lx Luminance is the basis for describing
tance a between a
perceived brightness; the actual brightness is,
the light source and [I] =cd however, still influenced by the state of
the given point.
adaptation of the eye, the surrounding contrast
[a]= m ratios and the information content of the
perceived surface.
2.3 Light lightsources
and light
Light and sources
Technical lamps
Light, the basis for ail vision, is an element of The first artificial light source was the fla me of
our lives that we take for granted. fire, in which glowing particles of carbon
We are so familiar with brightness, darkness produce light that, like sunlight, has a
and the spectrum of visible Discharge
colours that another
lamps continuous spectrum. For a long time the
form of perception in a different frequency range production of light was based on this principle,
Thermal radiators and with different colour sensitivity is difficult for which exploited flaming torches and kindling,
us to imagine. Visible light is in factjust a small then the candie and the
part of an essentially broader spectrum of oil lamp and gas light to an increasingly
electromagnetic waves, which range from effective degree.
cosmic rays to radio waves. With the development of the incandescent
lt is not just by chance that the 380 to 780 mantle for gas lighting in the second halfof the
nm range forms the basis for our vision, i.e.
Law-pressure lamps 19th century the principle of the
High-pressure self luminous
"visible light''. lt is this very range that we have flame became outdated; in its place we find a
atour disposai as solar radiation on earth in material that can be made to glow by heating -
relatively uniform amounts and can therefore the fla me was now only needed to produce
serve as areliable basis for our perception. the required temperature. Incandescent gas
The human eye therefore utilises the part light was accompanied practically
of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves simultaneously by the development of electric
available to gather information about the world arc and incandescent lamps, which were
a round us. lt perceives theFluorescent
Halogen lamps am ou nt and lamps joined at the end of the lamps
Mercury 19th century by
Incandescent lamps distribution of the light that is radiated or discharge lamps.
reflected from abjects
to gain information about their existence or their
10 8 waves 650
M icrowaves
106 600
3501 UV radiation
(j) fü/~
2.3 Light and light sources
.lQQ. 2800 K
2.3.1 Incandescent lamps
60 ,
100 P f0/ol 2.3
2.3 Light
/ 2.3.1
2.3. Incandescent
so /
60 /
/ breakthrough
minous efficacy.
General service Due
lamp: theto theThe
that it is so Relative power P of
principle of producing light that made the incan- incandescent lamps as a
expensive, krypton is only used in special
by means ,/' descent the most corn- function of voltage.
of an electrically heated// mon light source can be
wire filament has/ ascribed to Thomas Alva
A known since1802.
characteristic Edison, who developed
feature of incandescent lamps
.J/Un (O/o)
is their -----1
first low
the incandescent
140 160- the light
they 1100
incandescent lamps were we know it today in 1879.
madeO/o is warm in
in 1854 by Heinrich comparison to daylight. The
colour spectrum
t of the incandescent
lamp pravides excellent colour rendition. /
140 As a point source 1 with a high/ lumi- ,,.,,-n
nance, sparkling effects \ can be 1/ - -- p
100 on shiny surfaces \ ,,h~ and the light easily
contralled using optical
L.--::;: p;:?' equipment.
\ Effect of overvoltage and lnsulated contact for
60 V can therefore undervoltage on relative lu connection to the phase
Incandescent \
\ minous flux CD, luminous
be applied ,,.,,.1-
for bath narraw-beam accent efficacy n, electrica 1
lighting and for wide-beam general lighting. power Pa nd lamp life t.
Incandescent lamps can be 1"-- easily dim- .J/Un (O/o)
Screw cap to secure lamp
ISO 190 110 1110 1120 mechanically, also serves
med. No additional contrai gear
is required for
100 N (0io) 1 as a contact
their operation and the lamps can be operated
to the neutral conductor
r-; \
in any burning position.
lnsospite of these advantages, there are
a 60
number of disadvantages: \ low luminous
efficacy, for example, and 1 a relatively short lamp
40 while the lamp life relates significantly to the
operating voltage. Special1 incandescent lamps Luminous flux L = (!L_p.a
are20 available with a dichroic <lln Un
\ coating inside the Connection wires with
bulb that reflects the infrared \ component back integrated fuse
to the wire filament, which increases the ~ (h) Luminous efficacy ..!]_ = ( !L )2-3
1'----. lln Un
luminous1200 efficacy1600by up to 40 O/o.11400 hsoo
11000 Glass stem, with insulated
100 CD (0/o)
1 1 1 1 11
Power E._ = (!L_)l.5 filament supports
_t - = (!L)-14
the danger
lamp is Colour temperature l!.._ = (!L_)0.4
of explosion,
either evacuatedor lamps exposed to mechanical Tfn Un
or filled with
lcads), inert gas
as well as a wide range
20 Exponential correlation
of special models available for decorative between the relative Filament, usually a
purposes. voltage U/Un and electrical double coil of tungsten
.~ (h)
and photometric qua wire
A second
1200 basic 1600 model is the 11400
11000 reflectorhsoo
100 CDA (R lamp).
(~iol The bulbs ofthese lamps
are also blown from soft glass, although, in
• '&i
so with the A lamps, which radiate light in
ail directions, the R lamps contrai the light via
60 form and Clea r, matt or col ou red
a partly silvered area inside the lamp. Another glass bulb. Parts of the
40 of incandescents are the PAR (parabolic glass bulb can be provi-
reflector) lamps. The PAR ded with a silver coating
20 is made of pressed glass to pravide to form a reflector
a higher resistance to changes in temperature
and a more exact form; the parabolic reflector
1200 1600 11000 11400 1SOO
praduces a well-defined beam spread.
ln the case of cool-beam lamps,
a subgraup of the PAR lamps, a dichroic, i.e.
selectively reflective coating, is applied.
Dichraic reflectors reflect visible light, but allow
a large part of the IR radiation to pass the
reflector. The thermal load on illuminated
abjects can therefore be reduced by half.
Proportion of operating
lamps N, lamp lumens CD
and luminous flux
of total installation CDA
(as the product of both
values) as a function
of the operating time t.
100 N (0/o) 1 1 2.3
2.3 Light
Light and
2.3.1 Incandescent lamps
60 Halogen lamps
lt 20
is not so much the melting point of the
tungsten (which, at 3653 K, is still a relatively
long way from the approx. 2800 K of the
operating temperature 11000 of incandescents)
12000 that
hindersD/o the construction of more efficient - Halogen lamp for mains
incandescent lamps,' but voltage with screw cap
180 t - rather the increasing CD and outer envelope (left).
rate of evaporation of the filament that
accompanies \ - in temperature. This
the increase
The outer envelope
140 \ "îl means that the lamp can
initially leads to lower\- performance due top the be operated without a
100 of the surrounding glass bulb until protective glass covering.
~ 1 1 Low-voltage halogen lamp
finally the filament burns~ through.
"" 1
2.3 Light and light sources
2.3.1 Incandescent lamps
5 4
0 9