Cloud Computing For Emerging Mobile Cloud Apps: ISSN 2321-8665 Vol.04, Issue.06, June-2016, Pages:0979-0982
Cloud Computing For Emerging Mobile Cloud Apps: ISSN 2321-8665 Vol.04, Issue.06, June-2016, Pages:0979-0982
Cloud Computing For Emerging Mobile Cloud Apps: ISSN 2321-8665 Vol.04, Issue.06, June-2016, Pages:0979-0982
Abstract: Cloud computing as an aspect of the app industry B. Network Related Issues
to deal with new mobile app design, network apps, app All processing in MCC is performed on the network. So
designing tools, and the motivation for migrating apps to there are some issues related to the network like Bandwidth,
cloud computing systems. The tutorial will review facts, latency, availability and heterogeneity.
goals and common architectures of mobile cloud computing
systems, as well as introduce general mobile cloud services
for app developers and marketers. This tutorial will highlight
some of the major challenges and costs, and the role of
mobile cloud computing architecture in the field of app
design, as well as how the app-design industry has an
opportunity to migrate to cloud computing systems with low
investment. The tutorial will review privacy and security
issues. It will describe major mobile cloud vendor services to
illustrate how mobile cloud vendors can improve mobile app
businesses. We will consider major cloud vendors, such as
Microsoft Windows Azure, Amazon AWS and Google
Cloud Platform. Finally, the tutorial will survey some of the
cutting-edge practices in the field, and present some
opportunities for future development.