DC Generator
DC Generator
DC Generator
Magnetic fields are the fundamental mechanism by which energy is converted from
one form to another in motors, generators, and transformers. Four basic principles
describe how magnetic fields are used in these devices:
In the next half of revolution, maximum induced e.m.f. is found when the coil is in
position 7
Minimum value of e.m.f. is when in position 1
Direction of current flow is DCLMBA
Resulting current is called the AC or Alternating Current
• To make the current flow in the external circuit unidirectional, the slip-rings are
replaces by split-rings
DC Generator Principle
• In the first half of revolution, direction
of current flow is ABMLCD and the
brush 1 is in contact with segment ‘a’.
‘a’ acts as positive end of the supply
and ‘b’ acts as the negative end.
• In the second half revoltion, the
direction of the induced current in the
coil has reversed. But at the same time,
the positions of ‘a’ and ‘b’ have
reversed too. Hence, brush 1 is in
touch with the positive segment ‘b’. As
a result, current in the load resistance
again flows from ’M’ to ’L’
• Split-rings are also called
• In the armature of a dc generator, the
induced voltage is alternating
Construction of Practical
• Magnetic Frame or Yoke
• Pole Coils or Field Coils
• Armature Windings or Conductors
• Brushes and Bearings
• Pole-Cores and Pole-Shoes
• Armature Core
• Commutator
1. Yoke provides mechanical support for
the poles and acts as a protecting
cover for the whole machine
2. It carries the magnetic flux produced
by the poles
3. In small machines, cast irons are used
to construct the yoke
4. Cast or rolled steel are used for larger
Pole Cores and Pole Shoes
It’s the voltage drop over the brush contact resistance when current passes from
commutator segments to brushes and finally to the external load. Its value
depends on the amount of current and the value of contact resistance. This drop is
usually small and includes brushes of both polarities. However, in practice, the
following constant values are assumed for all loads:
0.5 V for metal-graphite brushes
2.0 V for carbon brushes
Generated E.M.F. of a Generator
Φ = flux/pole in weber
Z = total number of armature conductors
= number of slots x number of conductors
per slot
P = No. of generator poles
A = No. of parallel paths in armature
N = armature rotation in r.p.m.
E = e.m.f. induced in any parallel path in
Generated E.M.F. of a Generator
Total Loss in a DC Generator
Copper losses:
Armature copper loss = Ia2Ra
(30 to 40% of FL loss)
Field copper loss = Ish 2Rsh or Vish for shunt generators. Ise2Rse for series generators.
(20 to 30% of FL loss)
The loss due to brush contact resistance.
Usually included in armature copper loss
Total Loss in a DC Generator
Magnetic or iron or core losses:
Hysteresis loss
Eddy current loss
(both losses account for 20 to 30 % of FL loss together)
Hysteresis loss:
This loss is due to the reversal of magnetisation of the armature core.
For reducing the hysteresis loss, those metals are chosen for the armature core which have a low
hysteresis coefficient. Generally, special silicon steels such as stalloys are used which not only have a
low hysteresis coefficient but which also possess high electrical resistivity.
Eddy Current loss:
When the armature core rotates, it also cuts the magnetic flux. Hence, an e.m.f. is induced in the body
of the core according to the laws of electromagnetic induction. This e.m.f. though small, sets up large
current in the body of the core due to its small resistance. This current is known as eddy current. The
power loss due to the flow of this current is known as eddy current loss.
In order to reduce this loss and the consequent heating of the core to a small value, the core is built up
of thin laminations
Total Loss in a DC Generator
Mechanical losses:
Friction loss at bearings and commutator
Air-friction or windage loss of rotating armature
Magnetic and mechanical losses are collectively known as
stray losses or rotational losses.
For shunt and compound generators, field copper loss is
constant. Hence stray losses and shunt Cu loss are
constant. These losses are called standing or constant
losses Wc
Armature Cu loss is called variable loss as it varies with the
load current
Total loss = variable loss + constant loss
Power Stages of DC Generator
Generator Efficiency