IJSRD Research Paper - Smart House

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

5, Issue 12, 2018 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Smart and Secured Solar House for Developing India

Nishit Karkar1 Mit Gandhi2
UG Student
Department of Mechatronics Engineering
G. H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujarat, India
Abstract— In this paper detailed study of Smart and secured Modern systems generally consist of switches and
Solar house is given. Solar energy is used to fulfill the sensors connected to a central hub sometimes called a
requirements of the house. It is free and environment "gateway" from which the system is controlled with a User
friendly. The prototype of the Smart house was made to Interface (UI) that is interacted either with a wall-mounted
reduce the human efforts and to save electricity. Smart terminal, mobile phone software, tablet computer or a web
house is the residential extension of building automation and interface, often but not always via internet cloud services.
involves the control and automation of lighting, heating, Figure 1 shows the possible applications in smart house [2].
ventilation, air conditioning, and security, as well as home
A. Selection of Solar Energy
appliances such as washer/dryers, ovens or refrigerators that
use Wi-Fi or Mobile networks for remote monitoring. It is Solar energy is the energy coming from the sun in the form
possible with a simplest mobile phone to control solar of solar radiation for heat or light can be used to generate
House from anywhere in the world without Internet facility. electricity. Solar powered electricity generation uses either
With this innovative concept, offers saving of electricity by photovoltaic or heat engines (concentrated solar power). The
keeping in touch with latest smart technologies and luxury. other important applications which uses solar energy
Key words: Smart Home, Smart Home Appliances, Solar includes space cooling and heating through solar
Energy, Security, IoT (Internet of Things) architecture, day lightning using solar panel, and industrial
purposes like high temperature process heat, solar water
I. INTRODUCTION heating systems and solar cooking. We can broadly classify
solar technologies in to two type as active technology and
Smart homes feature internal systems that enable the control passive technology depending upon the method how we can
of appliances automatically and remotely via the internet capture, convert and distribute the energy coming from the
using a device such as a cell phone. A smart home is about sun. In active solar techniques solar thermal collector and
connectivity; a leap similar to the one we made going from photovoltaic panels are used to extract the solar energy from
“dumb” cell phones to smartphones that connected to the the sun. In passive solar techniques includes a building
internet and enabled us to engage in all sorts of activities – oriented to the sun, material selection wit favorable light
such as reading email, watching movies, streaming music dispersing properties or thermal mass and designing
and doing our banking with digital India. A truly smart naturally circulating air spaces [3].
home is not only able to connect, but also “think” on its
own. It can anticipate scenarios to a high degree of accuracy B. Contribution of Energy Sectors in Economic
and comforts. Development
Leveraging the power of connectivity, a smart For social as well as economic development of a country
home’s potential in enhancing our lives and taking more power sector plays an important role. However for the
control over our homes, including in the area of energy development it is essential to improve efficiency of the
efficiency is truly staggering. Additional benefits solar energy generation and avoiding too much dependency on
power such as cutting energy bills and lowering a fossil fuels, as the use of fossil fuel plays a key role for
household’s carbon footprint – but along with battery pollution and undesirable change in climate conditions. The
storage, solar will also play an important part in home power sector is the essential part of a country’s economy as
automation and the IoT (Internet of Things). IoT is a term well as it contain the interaction of demand and supply of
referring to the concept of devices connected to and energy. Almost every economic activity requires energy. For
operated via the internet; with home automation and “smart” the continuous production and final consumption supply of
solar + battery systems examples of elements of that energy is essential need, hence enhancement of power sector
ecosystem [1]. is important for the economic development. But the
economic factors like prices of energy, costs of capital,
infrastructure etc. affect the development and enhancement
new technologies of power generation system. So by using
solar panels on each house, each house can produce the
electricity according to its need. Also the usage of fossil
fuels will be reduced by this methodError! Reference
source not found. [4].
1) Everyone has different Definitions for Smart House:
DAVID BREGMAN in his paper says, “A smart home
(sometimes referred to as a smart house or e-home) is one
that has highly advanced automatic systems for controlling
Fig. 1: Possible Applications in Smart House lighting and temperature, multi-media equipment for
monitoring and activating security apparatus (alarms and

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Smart and Secured Solar House for Developing India
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 12/2018/032)

alerts) associated with windows and doors and many other smart circuits are connected viz., Mobile control system is
functions. A smart home appears "intelligent" because its used to control whose house by a simple controlling device
computer systems can monitor many aspects of daily life by using Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) decoder.
[5].” Then, Smart Street light helps us to save electricity by
automatically switching ON and OFF the light during the
II. SOLAR POWER IN INDIA Night and Day time Respectively, Light detecting resistor
As per the Indian climate, this project will lead to a Greater (LDR) is used in this light system. In the fire safety system
success. India is endowed with rich Solar Energy resource. Temperature sensors(Ln335) is kept at various places in the
So by taking this into consideration this type Solar houses house so that, if there is an fire in the house this will sense
should be made in the suitable area. Hence this will the increase in temperature and effectively all warning
definitely help to save the electricity and it will boost the systems will start; Buzzer, Emergency lights, Smoke
Indian economy also. exhaust fans Will start working. When you came at house at
The average intensity of solar radiation received on Night in the dark, the headlights of your car will fall on the
India is 200 MW/km square (megawatt per kilometer- receiver placed on the parking door. Due to that, the parking
square). With a geographical area of 3.287 million km door will open on its own and lights in and around the car
square, this amounts to 657.4 million MW. However, parking will start glowing. Some systems can be seen in the
87.52% of the land used in agriculture, forests, fallow lands, below given pictures.
etc., 12.48% for housing, industry, etc. Thus, only 12.48%
of the land area amounting to 0.413 million km square can, IV. MAIN SYSTEMS INSTALLED IN PROTOTYPE
in theory, be used for solar energy installations. Even if 10% A. Automatic Fire Safety System
of this area can be used, the available solar energy would be A fire safety system is number of devices working together
8 million MW, which is equivalent to 5909 MTOE (Million
to detect and warn people through warning lights and alarm
Tons of Oil Equivalent) per year. So that coal based power
appliances when there is too much smoke; or the house is on
stations should be closed. By constructing such smart houses
Fire. These safety system may be activated automatically
in our country we can upgrade India’s Technological
from smoke detectors and heat sensors or may also be
approach to a major extent. Also “Solar Rooftop program” activated via manual fire alarm activation devices such as
can also be connected to this houses. So, the excess of manual call points or pull stations.
energy can be transferred to the power-grid [6].
1) Components used:
1) Heat sensors (LM35 or LM335)
2) A Motor
3) A Buzzer
4) LEDs ( red colour )
5) Exhaust Fan
6) Transistor (bc547)

Fig. 3: Fire Alarm

B. Mobile Control System
For mobile control system DTMF Decoder (Dual-Tone
Multi Frequency Decoder) is used. It is used to send and
receive the signals. Telephone Application Program
Fig. 2: Solar Radiations in INDIA Interface (TAPI) provides a way for a program to detect
DTMF digits. It uses cellular netwoks to send commands to
III. PROTOTYPE OF SMART HOUSE the house. This system doesn’t need internet or wifi access.
It works on the basis of GSM (Global System for Mobile
We made a prototype which resembles the real plan. We
Communicatins) so it can be connected from anywhere in
installed many sensors and circuits to make it smart and
autonomous. In that prototype a 12V/12W Solar Plate was the world. Hence the house can be controlled by a simple
phone also. Circuit is shown in Fig. 3.
used to charge the main supply Batteries. With that all the

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Smart and Secured Solar House for Developing India
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enhanced security as whenever a signal from sensor occurs,

a text message is sent to a desired number to take necessary
actions. The user can get alerts anywhere through the GSM
technology thus making the system location independent. A
flexible way to control and explore the services of the
mobile, AT commands is used in the system. The
communication of home is only through the SMS which has
been tested with the mobile networks and is working on any
mobile network [7].


All kinds of devices are already part of the Internet of
Fig. 4: Circuit for Mobile control Things; efficiently working away in smart homes, including:
 Security cameras
 Locks
 Lights
 Whitewoods’ (refrigerators, washing machines) etc.
 Video and audio equipment
 Home irrigation systems
 Residential weather stations
 Thermostats
 Air conditioners, fans and heaters
It’s not always a case of having to replace
Fig. 5: Mobile operated LED lights appliances to create a smart home – add-on technology can
be installed depending on the application. Choosing a smart
C. Automatic Dark Sensing Street Light home brand that has widespread product compatibility is an
It automatically switches OFF the lights when Sunlight fall important decision that will help homeowners connect to
on it (e.g. in morning), by using a sensor called LDR (Light more devices, and at a lower cost. Also, as shown in Table-1
Dependent Resistor) which senses the light just like our we can use the solar generated electricity in the area where
eyes. By this Street lights will be off during Daytime and more electricity is used [8].
electricity will be saved. Also the labor work will be % Energy
AREA kWh/day
reduced. Used
Kitchen 32% 4.79
South end Living areas and
17% 2.51
Water heating 16% 2.47
Water pumping 15% 2.21
Lights 12% 1.75
Laundry 5% 0.78
North end Living areas and
3% 0.50
FULL HOUSE 100% 13.26
Table 1: Daily energy consumption [9]


In the colder regions where temperature reaches to almost
Fig. 6: Automatic Street lights freezing point, Passive solar house should be constructed.
The passive solar house provide indoor heating relying on
V. SECURITY: A MAIN CONCERN natural circulation, without any other mechanical power,
Term of Security has changed a lot from the last century and with the excess heat stored in the walls, ceilings and ground
will be changing in coming years. Security is an important hot body to radiate heat into the room at night, to maintain a
aspect in the smart home applications the new and certain temperature. In the passive solar house, the south
Upcoming concept of smart homes offers a comfortable, wall is the main part for heat collection. The greater the area
convenient, and safe environment for residents. of it, the more solar energy will be obtained. The selection
Conventional security systems keep owners, and their of the insulation materials can be determined according to
property safe from intruders by giving the indication in the climate in different regions and the local materials. The
terms of alarm or Lights. The GSM based home security appropriate insulation material plays an important role for
system has been designed and tested with the mobile increasing the wall insulation performance. Considering the
network. The GSM based security systems provides construction operability, the final energy savings and the

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Smart and Secured Solar House for Developing India
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routine maintenance, the external insulation energy saving and a thermostat you can control while you’re away from
mode has obvious advantages. Figures 6 & 7 shows the home, so your house is at a comfortable temperature when
passive solar House Concept [10]. you return. Using a smart home automation system, you
could also have appliances and lights switching on and off at
times and in varying sequences you choose – while
maintaining control from anywhere you have an internet
connection. This can help you save on energy bills and also
provide additional security. These applications aren’t just a
possibility in the future, they are already in use now – and
the potential is only really limited by our imaginations. Also
we can use a small scale wind turbine near the house to
produce some extra energy as shown in fig-6 below. Just as
exciting is the cost of creating a smart home is rapidly
dropping, which is spurring on adoption of related
technologies. Hence this is useful in saving the environment
as well as one can remain updated with latest technologies
Fig. 7: Distribution of Heat [11].

Fig. 8: Solar passive house


The investment of the passive heat directly affects the Fig. 9: Combined use of Solar and Wind as Energy Sources
promotion and development future of the solar smart house.
The economic analysis of the solar smart house can be X. SOME CHALLENGES AND ISSUES
divided into two aspects, one is how to increase the 1) Initial costing will be too high.
investment, which largely affects whether the solar house 2) Well trained engineers will be required to build these
can be promoted and developed. houses.
The other is the calculation of number of years of 3) Solar panels with best efficiency ratio should be used
new investment principal, namely the solar house [12].
investment is increased over the conventional house but it 4) Proper maintenance of all electrical devices should be
saves more energy and heating costs than the conventional done.
house. The increased investment can be offset by the energy 5) The Energy production only takes place when the sun is
saving costs. The shorter the time is, the better the economic shining. Batteries or storage system with larger
effectiveness is. Generally the payback period is 4-8 years, capacities should be developed to provide constant and
which is cost-effective compared to the general masonry reliable source of electricity when cloudy atmosphere is
structures with the service life of 50 years. The solar house there [12].
should be design and built according to the regional natural 6) Mobile control is disabled when there is no cellular
climatic conditions, geographical situation, economic network. Also Wi-Fi enabled controlling can be used
characteristics and other local conditions and based on within a limited area.
learning from local traditional architectural essence, with the
maximum use of the local building materials, making the XI. SOLUTION TO OVERCOME THE CHALLENGES
cost increase within 25%, not only greatly improving indoor
comfort, but also receiving good economic effectiveness 1) Government should release some schemes or
[10]. beneficiary loans for the development of such houses.
2) Perfectly trained engineers should be recruited while
constructing such houses [12].
3) Scientists and Engineers need to discover more efficient
Home automation done right can provide better energy Solar cells. Also, Mass production of solar panels with
efficiency and lower utility costs – it can even enhance your more efficiency ratio will reduce the cost and make it
comfort and reduce labour. Imagine having a garden cheaper [12].
irrigation system that responds to current weather conditions 4) Manual controlling system should be ready to use.

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Smart and Secured Solar House for Developing India
(IJSRD/Vol. 5/Issue 12/2018/032)

5) Cellular networks should cover wider areas.

This idea is indeed a new step towards the developing as
well as environment saving. This will lead the advancement
of technology in the upcoming generation. Such houses
should be prepared where solar Radiations is more .By using
solar panels for energy production can solve the energy
crisis as well can become a source of income as extra energy
can be -fed into the grid at regulated feed-in tariffs. India
can become a technologically advanced nation by adapting
such ideas.

Authors wish to thank Dr. Himanshu Soni, Principal, G.H.
Patel College of Engineering and Technology and Dr.
Sanket N. Bhavsar, Head of Mechatronics Department

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things
[2] Smita B. Joshi, Neha D. Upadhyay “Design of Small
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in ICWSTCSC-2016
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_energy
[4] Government of India (Energy Statics-2013)
[5] David Bregman “Smart Home Intelligence – The
eHome that Learns”, International Journal of
International Journal of International Journal of Smart
Home Smart Home Smart Home Smart Home Vol.4,
[6] http://mnre.gov.in
[7] Jayashri Bangali, Arvind Shaligram “Design And
Implementation of Security Systems for Smart Home
based on GSM technology”, International Journal of
Smart Home Vol.7, No.6
[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_energy_consum
[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-energy_house
[10] Hou Gang, Li Bing; “Simulation and Energy Analysis
of Thermal Environment of Unassisted Passive Solar
House”, International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10
[11] www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in/files/srd-sec.pdf
[12] Smita B. Joshi, Neha D. Upadhyay “Role of Solar
Energy applications in Developing Smart Cities of

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