Courtesy:Kali and The Rat Snakeby-Zai Whitaker: Total Number of Pages-7
Courtesy:Kali and The Rat Snakeby-Zai Whitaker: Total Number of Pages-7
Courtesy:Kali and The Rat Snakeby-Zai Whitaker: Total Number of Pages-7
A1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow: (5 marks)
The bell rang. Break was over. It was the same teacher but another subject,
English. They had to write the English alphabet on their slates. The teacher walked
around the room looking into the slates of the children. Kali thought of making a
mess on his slate so that the teacher would get angry and scold him.
But before he could mess up his slate, the teacher stood in front of Kali. Instead of
a look of anger, he got a pat on his back. The teacher held up Kali‟s slate for the
class to see. „Here, this is the sort of work I want to see from everyone,‟ he said.
Now the others would hate him more than ever. Kali could hear the whispering in
the classroom. He would never have friends in school, he thought.
Courtesy:Kali and the Rat Snakeby- Zai Whitaker
a) After the break was over the teacher was going to teach……………….
b) While the children wrote on their slates the teacher……………………….
c) Kali thought the teacher would become angry if………………………….
d) Kali‟s plan didn‟t work because…………………….
e) Kali felt he would never have friends because……………………
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A2. Read the following poem:
The Gardener
I call my friend the Gardener
For many reasons.
Reasons that start to coil around me,
Surrounding me,
Making me feel secure.
(i) thorn bush (ii) spider web (iii) trap (iv) branch
(i) cutting the thorn bush (ii) cutting her wings (iii) releasing it (iv) pulling out
the thorn
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A 3.2. Answer the following : 5 marks
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C2. Rearrange the following jumbled words to make meaningful sentences:
a) there is / where / a will / a / way / there / is
b) best/ is /the/ policy/ honesty
d) hard work /there is / without/ no success.
b. A.R Rahman , the great ............ won an Oscar award for his melodious music .
2. Use the appropriate „set‟ phrases to fill in the following blanks. ( ½ X 2=1mark)
3. When the police asked the thief about the money he had stolen he decided to
remain silent.( replace the underlined words with the right expression- take
chances/ look after/ keep mum) (1 mark)
4. Runa had a ………..on her face when she saw her marks in English. She …….
the whole day. (Choose the appropriate word from the bracket and use it both as
a noun and a verb to fill in the blanks) ( play / hope / smile / pat) (1 mark)
5. Our school has a large library. (Begin the sentence like- „There …….) (1 mark)
6. 99% of the students came to school in complete uniform. 1% did not. (Rewrite
the sentences using most and a few) (1 mark)
7. It is 3º C in Shimla in winter. It is 1ºC in Leh. (Combine the two sentences
using the comparative degree of ‘cold’.) (1 mark)
8. Use the following words/ phrases in sentences of your own: (1 X 2=2 marks)
a) spread across (b) dive
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Section D (Literature) (25 marks)
D1. Choose any one of the extracts given below and answer the questions that
follow: ( 1 X 3=3 marks)
He does what he likes with his spade, he soils
his clothes with dust, nobody takes him to
task, if he gets baked in the sun or gets wet.
D2. Read the following lines and write down who said these to whom :
(1 X 2=2 marks)
a) “Are your helpers kind to you?”
b) “……you and I are old friends. Your aunt is as dear to me as you.”
D3. Answer any FOUR of the following in 30-40 words each: (2 X 4=8 marks)
a) According to the journalist, what abilities must an astronaut have?
b) Why did the writer visit Miss Beam‟s school?
c) What is a person good at if he has musical intelligence?
d) Algu found himself in a tight spot. What was his problem?
e) How does the hump of the camels help them to survive when there is no water?
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D4. Answer any FOUR of the following in 30-40 words each: (2 X 4=8 marks)
a) Who visited the shepherd one day, and why?
b) What made the ghost speechless?
c) What went wrong when the tortoises , snakes and lizards left the forest?
d) What did the specialist prescribe to Saeeda‟s mother, in addition to medicines
and eating healthy food?
e) What did the crocodile tell the monkey midstream?
D5. Ruskin Bond‟s favourite place in his grandfather‟s house was the banyan
tree. Is there a place in your house or your grand parents‟ or uncles‟ or aunts‟
houses that you specially like? Write about it in a paragraph. (50-70 words)
(4 marks)
The story „What Happened to the Reptiles’ gives the message that „everyone has a
place in this strange, funny world of ours‟. Express your views about this giving
example from the story in 50-70 words. (4 marks)
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