ADF Code Corner: 109. How-To Further Filter Detail Queries Based On A Condition in The Parent View Using ADF BC

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ADF Code Corner

109. How-to further filter detail queries based on a

condition in the parent view using ADF BC


In Oracle ADF BC, parent – child behavior between view

objects is configured through view links you declaratively
create between dependent view objects. But what if you
need to further filter a detail view object, for example to
only show employees of a department with a specific
salary. Again, the solution can be conigured on a view link
and this article will show you how.

Author: Frank Nimphius, Oracle Corporation
How-to further filter derail queries based on a condition in
ADF CODE CORNER a parent view using ADF BC

Oracle ADF Code Corner is a loose blog-style series of how-to documents that provide solutions
to real world coding problems.

Disclaimer: All samples are provided as is with no guarantee for future upgrades or error
correction. No support can be given through Oracle customer support.

Please post questions or report problems related to the samples in this series on the OTN forum
for Oracle JDeveloper:

The images below show the running sample that shows two instances of the EmployeesView
connected with different view links to the DepartmentsView.

The image above uses the by-default generated view link that filters employee records based on
a selected parent department. For the “Purchasing” department the employee count for this link is
six (using the Oracle HR sample schema)

The image belo shows an instance of EmployeesView that is based on a view link that filters the
returned employee rows by the salary in addition to the parent/detail link. A the delimter for the
filtering, the DepartentsView contains an average salary transient attribute. Employees are shown
in the sample if the salary is above or equal the average. For the “Purchasing” department this
leaves it with a single employee record being returned.

How-to further filter derail queries based on a condition in
ADF CODE CORNER a parent view using ADF BC

How the sample is built

The image below shows the definition of the avgSal transient attribute added to the DepartmentsView.
As you can see, the value is derived from a Groovy expression accessing the default link to employees.

Instead of modifying the existing view link that is created by default, which would have been an option, I
created an extra view link. For this, a right mouse click onto the Model project brings up a context menu
to access the New gallery to create a new ADF Business Components View Link. The image below
shows JDeveloper 12c, which is context sensitive in its popup menus.

How-to further filter derail queries based on a condition in
ADF CODE CORNER a parent view using ADF BC

The link is named with the relationship it provides and the additional salary filter.

In the second dialog of the Create View Link dialog, there are two configuration required: a definition
that queries the EmployeesView based on a selected row in the DepartmentsView. The definition uses the
DepartmentId FK constraint. The second configuration is to create a relationship between the avgSal in
the DepartmentsView and the Salary attribute in the EmployeesView.

The query that is created based on the setting in the image above is shown below.

How-to further filter derail queries based on a condition in
ADF CODE CORNER a parent view using ADF BC

Note that, by the time of writing, Oracle JDeveloper 12c doesn’t allow you to customize the where
clause directly in the Create View Link dialog window. Therefore manual correction is required after
view link creation as described below.
If you are on JDeveloper 11g, you can directly change the :Bind_avgSal = Employees.Salary part of
the where clause to :Bind_avgSal <= Employees.Salary
To change the where clause manually in Oracle JDeveloper 12c, double click on the view link file entry in
the JDeveloper Application Navigator to open the view link editor. Switch to the Source view (see tab at
the bottom of the ViewLink editor) to edit the XML. Edit the XML as shown below and save your work.

How-to further filter derail queries based on a condition in
ADF CODE CORNER a parent view using ADF BC

To define an EmployeeView instance based on the newly created view link, double click on the
Application Module and select the Data Model menu option.
In the Data Model list, select the department view instance and expand the DepartmentsView object in
the View Object Instances list. Select the EmployeesView object referenced by the view link that you
just created (the one that filters by Salary) and use the arrow right icon to shuttle the employee view object
to the data model.

Run the application module tester by selecting the application module and choosing Run from the
context menu.

How-to further filter derail queries based on a condition in
ADF CODE CORNER a parent view using ADF BC

In this article I demonstrated how you can modify a view link to filter detail records based on a condition.
The sample application is built with JDeveloper 12.1.2. The solution however should work for all version
of JDeveloper 11g and 12c.
You can download the sample application in a ZIP file from the ADF Code Corner website. Just look out
for sample #109. Before you can run the sample, ensure you configured he database connect to point to a
HR schema in a local database.

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