What Is Knowledge? Concept and Meaning
What Is Knowledge? Concept and Meaning
What Is Knowledge? Concept and Meaning
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word knowledge refers to "Facts,
information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or
practical understanding of a subject."
Epistemology, the philosophical study of the nature, origin, and limits of human
knowledge. The term is derived from the Greek epistēmē (“knowledge”) and logos
(“reason”), and accordingly the field is sometimes referred to as the theory of knowledge.
Epistemology has a long history within Western philosophy, beginning with the ancient
Greeks and continuing to the present. Along with metaphysics, logic, and ethics, it is one
of the four main branches of philosophy, and nearly every great philosopher has
contributed to it.
Islamic Meaning
This obligation is not limited to certain sex or class but it is also important and
obligatory for women as for men, young and old, rich and poor. Whoever seeks
knowledge and help other people to learn will get astonishing rewards from Allah
Almighty. Allah (SWT) will grant him/her high ranks in this world and the Hereafter. Allah
Almighty says in Noble Quran: “Allah raises of those who believe and those who have
been given knowledge many levels.”(Quran 58:11).
Teaching others is one of the good deeds from which we will earn great rewards
even after death. Whoever leaves behind beneficial knowledge will get rewards as long
as people are still getting benefits from his knowledge. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
“When a man dies all his deeds come to an end except for three: an ongoing charity,
beneficial knowledge and a righteous son who prays for him.” (Al-Bukhari)
Islam emphasizes the great importance of knowledge and education. When the
Quran began to be revealed, the first word of its first verse was ‘Iqra’ that is, read. Allah
says in Noble Quran: “Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists).
He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! And your Lord
is the Most Generous. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. He has taught man that
which he knew not” (Quran, 96: 1-5)
Learning about religion will make easy for us the path to Paradise, as Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) said in a way: “Whoever treads a path in seeking knowledge, Allah
will make easy for him the path to Paradise” (Al-Tirmidhi). The main purpose of seeking
knowledge is to bring us closer to our Creator Allah Almighty. It is not simply for the
pleasure of the mind or the senses. Knowledge accordingly must be linked to values and
In short, knowledge is mandatory for the creation of a just world in which authentic peace
can obtain. Quran emphasizes the importance of the seeking of knowledge. We should
try to seek knowledge for the sake of Allah Almighty.
Sources of knowledge
There are two competing traditions concerning the ultimate source of our knowledge:
empiricism and rationalism.
Empiricists hold that all of our knowledge is ultimately derived from our senses or
our experiences. They therefore deny the existence of innate knowledge, i.e. knowledge
that we possess from birth. Empiricism fits well with the scientific world-view that places
an emphasis on experimentation and observation. It struggles, however, to account for
certain types of knowledge, e.g. knowledge of pure mathematics or ethics.
Rationalists hold that at least some of our knowledge is derived from reason alone,
and that reason plays an important role in the acquisition of all of our knowledge. There
is clearly a limit to what we can learn through abstract thought, but the rationalist’s claim
is that reason play a role in observation, and so that the mind is more fundamental than
the senses in the process of knowledge-acquisition.
4. Types of Knowledge
2. Rational knowledge, including logic and axiology. The use of reason is strongly
recommended in the Qur’an. The Arabs translated Plato and Aristotle. In turn Europe was
influenced by Islamic rationality. Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason has Islamic influence in it.
3. Intuitive knowledge, including poetic inspiration, love [highest form being the
mother’s love for the child], conscience, compassion and forgiveness. The world’s
greatest poetry is influenced by Islam, be it that of Rumi, Son Jara, Iqbal or Ghalib.
4. Law and traditional Knowledge. The Qur’an links the present to the past and teaches
the rule of Law. Thus the best of the PAST is incorporated into Islam but the ephemeral
and the historically limited knowledge is left out. SHARIA is extremely advanced and well
developed in Islam.
5. Revelation. This is the highest form of knowledge and was given to Noah, Abraham,
Hajira, Moses, Maryam, Jesus and Muhammad [peace be on them], and was perfected,
completed and finalized in the Qur’an and in the life, teachings and example [Hadith] of
Muhammad, pbuh. Revelation is directly from Allah [the God, the Creator of all beings
and worlds]. It can be recognized as other than human owing to its revolutionary nature
and ”impossibility” within the social context in which it was revealed.