I Jcs It 20150602122
I Jcs It 20150602122
I Jcs It 20150602122
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2 authors, including:
Zeydin Pala
Mus Alparslan University
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Abstract. In this study, a solution has been provided for the problems encountered in
parking-lot management systems via RFID technology. RFID readers, RFID labels,
computers, barriers and software are used as for the main components of the RFID
technology. The software has been handled for the management, controlling, transaction
reporting and operation tasks for parking lots located on various parts of the city.
Check-ins and check-outs of the parking-lots will be under control with RFID readers,
labels and barriers. It will be possible to see unmanned, secure, automated parking-
lots functioning with RFID technology in the future. Check-ins and check-outs will be
handled in a fast manner without having to stop the cars so that traffic jam problem
will be avoided during these processes. Drivers will not have to stop at the circulation
points and parking tickets will be out of usage during check-ins and check-outs.
Vehicle owners will not have to make any payments at each check-out thus a faster
traffic flow will be possible. Since there will not be any waiting during check-ins and
check-outs the formation of emission gas as a result of such waiting will be avoided.
Key Words: RFID, Automation, Parking-Lot, Parking-lot Management
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID is a technology that helps to identify the animate
or the inanimate through radio waves (Chen 2005). RFID is one of the most fundamental
technologies enabling wireless data transmission (Dowla 2004). However, RFID is not a
single, simple technology. It consists of tags, readers, computer networks, and systems
including middleware, databases, and so forth.
There has been a considerable amount of reduction in transaction costs and decrease
in stock shortage with the use of RFID technology in automation. Most of the RFID net-
works include a wide range of automation technologies. These technologies are RFID
readers, RFID writers, RFID barcode scanners, RFID smart sensors and RFID controllers.
to interrogate electronic tag via RF communication. The RFID reader device can commu-
nicate with multiple RFID tags simultaneously via radio frequency waves (Liu et all 2008).
RFID reader, one of the core components of RFID technology, sends signal around.
Active tag senda its own identification signal around, whereas passive tag, getting the
signal, uses it as power source and modulates incoming signal, after which resends it back
to reader. Reader, after getting the modulated signal, demodulates it and transfers the data
it extracts to the application program (Fig. 1). After this step, it is application program's
responsibility to process tag data (Yan et all 2008).
Different uses of the RFID technology were reported recent years in the manufacturing
industry (Budak et all 2007).
RFID technology can be applied in many different areas in the transportation domain–
–for example, electronic toll collection, electronic vehicle registration, automatic vehicle identi-
fication, fleet management, traffic management, and vehicle positioning. The technology can
also be used in car parking, access control, and electronic fare collection (Banks et all 2007).
IBM has transformed chip production at it's Fishkill plant with semiconductor manu-
facturing system that leverages real-time information to automatically control the fabrication
process, enabling employees to work more productively and be more responsive to custom-
ers' product status inquiries (IBM Fishkill semiconductor plant).
IBM has accomplished this using IBM Siview standard, a manufacturing execution sys-
tem that the company integrated with its own wireless e-business technology. Siview stan-
dard leverages information from IBM DB2 Universal Database to automatically control
each step of the fabrication process that need to be applied to every wafer containing
chips, and supports data analysis tools that provide production-related statistics.
In the manual coding system, the identification sheets were manually updated at every
stage in the production line. In the RFID-based system, however, updates are automati-
cally written on the tag as the vehicle advances on the production line without the risk of
operator error.
The application of RFID technology for tool tracking on construction job sites was dis-
cussed in (Goodrum et al 2006, Stankovski et al 2006).
The potential of RFID and mobile-computing technologies in improving the mainte-
nance of facilities at Frankfurt Airport was presented in (Legner and Thiesse 2006). An
interesting application of RFID technology in mines detection was reported in (Ruff and
Hession-Kunz 2001).
TNT Logistics had deployed RFID technology to optimize the process of just-in-time
parts sequencing to its automobile-manufacturing customers. Because of these emerging
benefits offered by RFID, it has almost revolutionized the industry (Banks et all 2007).
TNT Logistics, the largest provider of third-party logistics services to the automotive
industry, has launched an initiative to deploy RFID technology as part of its logistics so-
lution offered to automotive manufacturers at the end of 2005 (Banks et all 2007). The ini-
tiative started at the Material Sequencing Center operated by TNT Logistics for Ford Motor
Company to support their assembly plant in Dearborn, Michigan (Kiritsis, 2006).
Manufacturers are ambitious to find ways to boost the process security and data qual-
ity of material flow systems, optimize material planning, reduce error rates, employ labor
efficiently, and accelerate transport processes. Siemens RFID solutions play a crucial role
in addressing and eliminating these issues in the automotive industry (www.siemens.com).
As for the hardware requirements, by the utilization of RFID readers, barriers and labels,
parking-lot check-in and check-out controls have been achieved. In that way, as an alter-
native to personnel-controlled traditional parking-lot operations, an unmanned, automated
vehicle control and identification system has been developed.
Necessary precautions have been taken programmatically just in case of a parking-lot's
running out of parking space problem during the process of this application. That way ve-
hicles that are about to check-in will not be let in, thus, there will not be any time-loss to
look for parking space.
Another problem is the application's disconnection to the central database during its
operation. This is basically the result of the internet infrastructure breakdown. To avoid such
a problem, necessary precautions were taken to run the database on both a local and a re-
mote server simultaneously.
The primary motive of choosing parking lots located on various locations is to show that
this project has a city-wide working scale. The only physical connection with one lot to
another is the intranet. Phone lines have been utilized for internet connection with four
DSL modems to connect three parking lots and a central office.
The server containing database management system with current databases has been
assigned static IPs at the central office. The same static IP assignment has been done to other
three parking lots with DSL modems.
The server software which is Windows based and developed by dot net framework 2.0,
has been installed on each computer at the parking lots.
The objective of the client software is to monitor and control RFID readers and barri-
ers automatically. The vehicle data processed by RFID readers is transferred to the central
server. Thus the server and client computers are in a synchronized state at all times.
While using hardware for the central management of the parking lots, software to control
the hardware has been used as well. RFID readers, RFID antennas, RFID labels, Hubs (RJ45 to
serial converters), cars, automatic barriers with RJ45 serial port connection, DSL modems,
Cat5e Ethernet cables and laptop computers have been utilized for hardware requirements.
To store and manage the vehicle tracking data, a database management system has
been used as software requirements. A visual programming language (Microsoft C# 2005)
has been used for operating the parking-lots and to reach the collected data.
The utilized barrier gates were being controlled by using serial port. They opening/
closing time were 4-10 seconds. Barrier opening and closing time lengths could be adjusted
by the software provided. Barriers were 2 m in length. They also included red and green
light sockets. When the barrier was open green light was on while the red on meant it was
The utilized RFID reader is a Siemens branded board operating with RJ45 Ethernet port
at 865-868 MHZ. By using the above mentioned RFID reader, RFID labels were managed
to be read from approximately 4 m distance (Table 1). In this study 6 Siemens Simatic
RF660R readers were used.
The read data was a 96-bit identification data. The utilized RFID labels are considerably
small with rectangle shapes. That way they could easily be plastered on the windshields of
each cars (Table 2). RFID labels have been plastered on the right bottom side of the wind-
shields of the vehicles from inside. In that way, the labels can be preserved from external
damages and be kept in reading range.
The RFID labels on the vehicles approaching to the parking lot entrances with moderate
speed have been read successfully and barriers opened for the authorized passages.
For each parking lot double RFID readers are used and for each reader, double Siemens
RFID antennas were used. The antennas were connected to the reader side by side facing
the passage road. The distance between antennas and the reader was 2m.
The computers used in this application were connected by the internet. A database titled as
RFIDDATA was used to store data coming from the parking-lots in the city. In the database,
as the main table, "VehicleInformation" and as a sub table "VehicleCirculationInfo"
tables were created. The general information about a vehicle is stored on the main table
and its circulation information is kept on the sub table. The main table consists of the
fields such as vehicleID, number, type, and model. To monitor a vehicle's inner city
parking-lot movements, its check-in and check-out attempts, the dates, the time, the
parking-lot information and total parking fee, "VehicleCirculationInfo" table was used.
These two tables were prepared by a database management system and administered
via the software developed.
The application software has been developed to use a new database each year in order
to prevent database halts caused by possible massive registration data.
RFID reader was connected to the computer's RS-232 port by the Hubs (RJ45 to serial
converters) to provide communication between the developed software and RFID reader.
Another RJ45 Ethernet connection was established for the barrier as well. For each of the
parking-lots, one computer, two barriers, four antennas, one DSL modems, one hubs and
two RFID readers were utilized.
Each computer, through the RFID application, by utilizing intranet substructure has
been connected to a computer running the central database. Insert and update privileges
have been assigned for each parking lot computer that has successfully connected to the
central database. Also though the network provided, data transfers among computers were
also made possible.
Now, using RJ45 to serial converters, RFID readers and gate control mechanisms can
be remotely monitored and controlled via Ethernet. The graphic depicts standard network-
enabled RFID parking applications (Fig. 2). This network-enabled configuration opens up
many possibilities for RFID-based access control systems. For example, a prepaid
account can be linked to the car's RFID tag. The RFID reader authorizes the car for entry,
logs entry time, and transmits that data back to the server, then the gate mechanism is
activated and the car enters. A similar exit point is configured, and when the car leaves
the RFID reader logs exit time, releases the gate mechanism, and transmits the exit data
back to the server. The customer's account is then debited for the time (s)he spent in the
parking lot. The advantages of this type of system include not only easy access for the
customer, but the elimination of staffing at entry and exit points.
its entrance. Upon the entrance, the vehicles identification information, entrance date and
time and current parking-lot title are recorded in the VehicleCirculationInfo table of the
database. The check-in information carries great importance since it will be compared to
the check-out information of the vehicle. If a vehicle has made an unauthorized check-out
of a parking-lot, the vehicle will not be able to check-in to any of the RFID-enabled
parking-lots. The only solution for the vehicle to check-in is for the owner to pay the fine
to the fine office. Upon receiving the approval, the barrier lifts up and initiates the check-in
process (Fig. 3).
When a vehicle drives into the exit area of the parking-lot to check-out, its identifica-
tion information is queried on the database. If the vehicle is registered to the system and it
has not made an unauthorized entry to the parking-lot the check-out process is initiated.
The vehicle's check-out date and time is taken into consideration. The check-out date and
time total are subtracted from check-in date and time total. The calculated time is con-
verted into minutes thus the elapsed time in the parking-lot is determined. Upon the
check-out, the check-in information of a vehicle is found and updated with check-out in-
formation. The check-out information means check-out date, time, the elapsed parking
time, and the total fee.
Moreover, the total fee of the elapsed parking time is updated with the previous
related info on the database. If the vehicle has made an unauthorized entry to the parking
lot the system does not allow its check-out. In that case, a fine should be paid to check-out
again. The check-out process is initiated by lifting off the barrier (Fig. 4).
All the payment and billing information can easily be monitored from internet as well.
In that way, all the parking lots in a city will be operating on a fixed parking fee. This will
more likely please vehicle owners.
3.1 Discussion
Under normal circumstances, if a vehicle checks-in to a parking-lot without RFID
notification, that vehicle will not be able to check-out afterwards. In that way,
unauthorized entries will be avoided.
If a checked-in vehicle does not get checked-out, it will not be able to check-in to any
of the parking lots in the city. Only the administrator of the central database could bring a
solution to this problem.
Vehicle owners can access to the database to find out about their parking-lot fees
anytime anywhere. By using the web interface designed, it will be possible to monitor a
vehicle's total fee at once or in detailed listing (Fig. 6).
3.2 Results
Thanks to the system's easy installation and operation, automated data gathering and
reporting will be possible. With a centralized management system, both the unity and
security of the gathered data will be possible.
By a centralized database system, remote access and administration of the system will
also be possible. Over the internet, administrators will be able to view identification and
debt information of any vehicle and monitor the efficiency and functionality of RFID-
enabled parking-lots. Thus, vehicle accumulations on various places will be avoided and
new precautions will be taken according to the demands.
Via such a system, personnel costs will be cut off. As in the case of ATM machines,
realization of unmanned, completely automated parking-lots will be possible in the future.
Without having to stop vehicles, check-ins and check-outs will be possible. In that
way, there will not be any traffic jam problems. As in the traditional parking lot systems,
drivers will not have to take and process parking tickets during check-ins and check-outs.
Moreover, there will not be any ticket-jamming problems either.
Vehicle owners will not have to make payments upon every check-out. This will
provide a smooth traffic flow within the parking-lot thus preventing the emission gas
With this system an automated income reporting and a centralized vehicle monitoring
will be possible. A pre-determined price-range will both relieve the city traffic and
provide security for vehicles.
Instead of parking vehicles on streets and putting them into risk, drivers will be able to
leave their vehicles to these parking-lots with contentment.
In this project, it is proven that by utilizing RFID readers and RFID labels with a
centralized database system, all the parking-lots in a city could be operated in an economical
and fast way.
This prototype will provide for automation of the operation and controlling ability for
all of the parking-lots in a city by using standardized devices.
Compared with traditional barcode identification technology, RFID possesses
characteristics; such as reading multiple tags once, reading/writing many times, and so on.
Implementation of the RFID technology, in an existing parking lot access control
system, has given benefits to all interest parts (the Parking Operator, parking place users
and parking collectors).
People using parking place are spending much less time waiting in line to buy the
tickets for the on-street parking and much less time waiting at the entry and exit barriers
of a parking lot or garage.
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