First Floor RCP

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District Palwal - 121102 (Haryana) INDIA

This drawing is the PROPERTY of

49/5, Mathura Road, Village Prithla,




Approval Stamp:

Approved by:

Refer to protection notice ISO 16016

0 Initial release 22.12.2017 V.G V.G V.G K.J

Index Modification Date Prepared by Checked T Checked P Approved



Client UJVN LIMITED Drawn 01.11.2017 V.G File C-90-826477-018-02

Plant TILOTH HEP Checked T 01.11.2017 V.G SaveDate 22-12-2017
Project Nº C90-826477 Checked P 22.12.2017 V.G Similar
Contract Nº Approved 22.12.2017 K.J Replace
Internal N° =
C-90-826477-018-02 +
Drawing N° Index Sheet 1
TLH-FPS-2000 0 of 9 A4


1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 3
2. DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 4
District Palwal - 121102 (Haryana) INDIA

3. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM .......................................................................... 7

This drawing is the PROPERTY of

49/5, Mathura Road, Village Prithla,


4. MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION FOR EQUIPMENTS ....................................................... 8

Refer to protection notice ISO 16016

Client UJVN LIMITED Internal N° =

Plant TILOTH HEP C-90-826477-018-02 +
File C-90-826477-018-02 Drawing N° Index Sheet 2
SaveDate 22-12-2017 TLH-FPS-2000 0 of 9 A4
The intent of this document is to describe the concept & design basis of the firefighting system for Tiloth
hydroelectric project.
The different areas of the power house and switchyard which shall be protected against the fire calamity by
the various types of the fire suppression & detection systems. The detail of the provided firefighting system
area wise is as follows:
District Palwal - 121102 (Haryana) INDIA
This drawing is the PROPERTY of

49/5, Mathura Road, Village Prithla,


Area/Equipment to be pro-
Detection system Suppression system
Heat Detector Co2 flooding System
(Existing system) (Existing system)
Automatic High Velocity Water Spray
Quartzite Bulb Detector
Generator Transformers System
(New supplied)
(New supplied)
Automatic High Velocity Water Spray
Quartzite Bulb Detector
25 MVA Power Transformers (1 No. – Existing
(1 No. – Existing
1 No. - New supplied)
1 No. - New supplied)
Automatic High Velocity Water Spray
Quartzite Bulb Detector
3.5 MVA Power Transformers System
(New supplied)
(New supplied)
Smoke Detection System &
Cable Tunnel Between Power Medium Velocity Water Spray Sys-
Manual Pull Stations At The
House And Outdoor tem
Exit Of The Tunnel.
Switchyard (New supplied)
(New supplied)
Smoke Detection System &
Control Room @ El. 1122.85 Portable Fire Extinguishers
Manual Pull Stations
(New supplied)
(New supplied)
Smoke Detection System &
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Office @ El. 1129.00 Manual Pull Stations
(New supplied)
(New supplied)
Foam Type Fire Extinguisher & Fire
Smoke Detection System &
Area of Oil Pressure Unit Of Hydrant At Suitable Point In The
Manual Pull Stations
Governor & MIV Turbine Floor.
(New supplied)
(New supplied)
Smoke Detection System & Fire Hydrants & Portable Fire Extin-
Power House Floors Manual Pull Stations. guishers
(New supplied) (New supplied)
Smoke Detection System & Portable Fire Extinguishers
Switchgear Room in
Refer to protection notice ISO 16016

Manual Pull Stations. (New supplied)

switchyard area
(New supplied)
Smoke Detection System &
Mechanical & Electrical Utility Portable Fire Extinguishers
Manual Pull Stations.
Area (New supplied)
(New supplied)
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Switchyard Area -
(New supplied)
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Misc. Areas -
(New supplied)

This description is to be read in conjunction with our drawing no. TLH-FPS-1000.

Client UJVN LIMITED Internal N° =

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File C-90-826477-018-02 Drawing N° Index Sheet 3
SaveDate 22-12-2017 TLH-FPS-2000 0 of 9 A4

The firefighting system can be divided in following sub systems:
2.1. Water based firefighting system
2.2. C02 flooding system for generators
District Palwal - 121102 (Haryana) INDIA
This drawing is the PROPERTY of

49/5, Mathura Road, Village Prithla,


2.3. Chemical mobile, portable and stationary firefighting system

2.4. Fire detection and alarm system

2.1. Water based firefighting system

2.1.1.Water source
The fire extinguish systems of the project which are using water, will be supplied from the existing over-
head tank dedicated for the firefighting as specified in schematic diagram. The existing filling water system
will also be retained.
2 nos. of DN150 pipe lines are coming from the overhead tank which gets joined near cooling towers at El.
1122.85. 2 no. gate valves are provided in these lines before joining. During site visit, it is noted that
these galvanized pipes are newly installed and in good working condition. Therefore, we propose to
retain the same.
One no. pressure regulating valve (0SGA10 AA301) is provided near switchgear room. This is used to
maintain the 7 bar pressure in the firefighting header.
Pressure gauges (0SGA10 CP501 & 502) are provided for local indication of water pressure before and af-
ter the pressure regulating valve. Pressure switch (0SGA10 CP301) is provided to provide alarm in case
pressure exceed from 7 bars.

2.1.2.Control philosophy of water supply system.

In normal condition, Valves for water supply shall be open condition and water shall be available for Hy-
drant and Spray system. In case of malfunctioning in pressure reducing valve, if pressure increases in the
firefighting header, pressure switch shall be activated to provide alarm.

2.1.3.Hydrant System
The water for the hydrant system of the power plant will be taken out of the water supply line. The water
will be leaded through a pipeline with a nominal diameter of 150mm to the hydrants.
Total 3 no. single headed outdoor hydrants (0SGA10 AA201 to 203) are installed in the power house out-
Refer to protection notice ISO 16016

side & other associated area. These will be replaced with the new supplied hydrants. Piping for these hy-
drants is in good condition and will be retained.
The fire hose cabinets (0SGA10 BU001 to 003) are installed near each outdoor hydrant. These will be re-
placed with new cabinets. The hose cabinet will be equipped with fire hose that could be served with wa-
ter out of the hydrant system and shall be 30m as a minimum.
Inside the power plant, no hydrant is installed currently. 8 nos. new hose cabinets (0SGX20 BU001 to
008) will be installed, to ensure that all areas of each floor could be reached by a water based fire extin-
guishing system. Each cabinet shall be equipped with and fire hose reel with 30m of hose and single head-
ed hydrant valve.
Piping containing water for filling and supply header will be heavy duty carbon steel ERW pipes as per
Client UJVN LIMITED Internal N° =
Plant TILOTH HEP C-90-826477-018-02 +
File C-90-826477-018-02 Drawing N° Index Sheet 4
SaveDate 22-12-2017 TLH-FPS-2000 0 of 9 A4

2.1.4.HVWS system for generator transformer, 25 MVA power transformer & 3.5 MVA power trans-
1 no. 25 MVA transformer is provided with wet pilot type deluge valve station, spray & detection network
which is installed recently and is in good working condition. This will be retained. Other 3 nos. generator
District Palwal - 121102 (Haryana) INDIA

transformer, 1 no. 25 MVA transformer and 2 no. 3.5 MVA transformers are provided with dry pilot type
This drawing is the PROPERTY of

49/5, Mathura Road, Village Prithla,


pneumatic operated deluge valve stations which will be replaced with wet pilot type deluge stations.
3 nos. generator transformers, 1 no. 25 MVA and 2 no. 3.5 MVA power transformers will be surrounded by
new supplied spray header ring and detection header ring. Spray header ring will be fitted with open high
velocity spray nozzles. The ring main will be connected to the water source header through a wet pilot del-
uge valve station (0SGC10 QH001, 0SGC11 QH001, 0SGC12 QH001, 0SGC21 QH001, 0SGC30 QH001
& 0SGC31 QH001). Deluge valve station will house the deluge valve, y strainer, valves, right angle cock,
water motor gong, pressure gauge, pressure switch etc.).
The spray header will remain charged with water under pressure up to the inlet of the deluge valve. Detec-
tion header ring will be pressurized with water tapped from the upstream of the deluge valve upto the
quartzite bulb (QB) detectors, rated at 79 Deg. C.
Density of discharge will be 10.2 lpm/m2 and the pressure at the hydraulically remotest nozzle will not be
less than 3.5 Kg/cm2 as per NFPA requirement.
The water motor gong will give the local alarm (mechanical) whenever spray system operates. The water
motor gong is a hydraulically driven mechanical bell, which makes continuous alarm when the spray sys-
tem operates.
All piping after new supplied deluge valve station (Spray & detection header piping) will also be
supplied new, water feed pipes upto deluge valve station will be hydro tested and retained if found
ok in hydro test, otherwise will be replaced.

2.1.5.Operation Philosophy of HVWS system for GT & other power transformer

The system is capable of automatic actuation by following Signals:
 Signal from QB heat detector- In the event of fire, the bulb near to fire breaks, causing a drop in the
line pressure, by which the deluge valve will be open and the water spray starts. Pressure switch
provided in the detection ring will provide the fire signal to Main Fire alarm panel
 Signal from transformer differential protection system from protection panel to main fire alarm pan-
el, Fire alarm panel shall send command signal to solenoid valve to operate deluge valve automat-
Refer to protection notice ISO 16016

Manual Release
Manual release is accomplished by pressing the push button at manual release station provided at DV

2.1.6.MVWS system for cable tunnel & cable tray room

No fire protection system is provided currently for the cable tunnel and cable tray rooms.
New MVWS system is supplied for the cable tunnel & cable tray room. Cable tunnel from power house to
switchyard is divided into two portions which will be fitted with medium velocity spray nozzles. The spray
header will be connected to the water source header through a wet pilot deluge valve station (0SGC40
QH001, 0SGC41 QH001 & 0SGC50 QH001). Deluge valve station will house the deluge valve, y strainer,

Client UJVN LIMITED Internal N° =

Plant TILOTH HEP C-90-826477-018-02 +
File C-90-826477-018-02 Drawing N° Index Sheet 5
SaveDate 22-12-2017 TLH-FPS-2000 0 of 9 A4
pressure regulating valve, valves, right angle cock, water motor gong, pressure gauge, pressure switch
The spray header will remain charged with water under pressure up to the inlet of the deluge valve. Density
of discharge will be 12.2 lpm/m2 and the pressure at the hydraulically remotest nozzle will not be less than
2.8 Kg/cm2 as per NFPA/TAC requirement.
District Palwal - 121102 (Haryana) INDIA

The water motor gong will give the local alarm (mechanical) whenever spray system operates. The water
This drawing is the PROPERTY of

49/5, Mathura Road, Village Prithla,


motor gong is a hydraulically driven mechanical bell, which makes continuous alarm when the spray sys-
tem operates.

2.1.7.Operation Philosophy of MVWS system for cable tunnel & cable tray room
The system is capable of automatic actuation by following Signals:
 Multi-criteria smoke cum heat Detector installed in the cable tunnel will provide the fire signal. OR
Manual Release
Manual release is accomplished by pressing the push button at manual release station provided at DV

2.2. Co2 flooding system for generators

Co2 flooding system is provided for fire protection of 3 nos. generator. The system has one bank for initial
discharge & one bank for extended discharge.
The existing system is new and is in good working condition. Therefore, it will be retained. Only re-
filling of Co2 cylinders will be done in case there is any leakages in the existing system.
2.3. Operation Philosophy of Generator
The existing system is capable of automatic actuation by combination of two of the following signals re-
ceived in fire alarm panel:
 Signal from probe type heat detectors.
 Manual Release by pressing the push button at manual release station provided near each unit

Existing system will be connected with main fire alarm system so that it is show the fire alarm at main fire
alarm panel also.
Refer to protection notice ISO 16016

2.4. Chemical mobile, portable and stationary firefighting system

2.4.1.Portable Chemical Firefighting Extinguishers

Portable and mobile hand operated fire extinguishers for interior mounting will be provided for areas like for
example oil storages, area of governor oil system and other rooms with extremely flammable liquids. The
scope of supply shall contain all necessary equipment. The detailed positions and dimensions of the differ-
ent extinguishers shall be shown at the layout drawings in detail.

Client UJVN LIMITED Internal N° =

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File C-90-826477-018-02 Drawing N° Index Sheet 6
SaveDate 22-12-2017 TLH-FPS-2000 0 of 9 A4
2.4.2.Mobile Chemical Firefighting Extinguishers
To be able to eliminate fires inside the powerhouse or fires which could not be eliminated with the water
firefighting system, mobile chemical fire extinguishers carried out as carbon dioxide and dry chemical fire
extinguishers 25 kg on wheeled trolley will be provided at the machine hall level of the plant with a suffi-
cient hose length.
District Palwal - 121102 (Haryana) INDIA

The detailed positions and dimensions of the different extinguishers shall be shown at the layout drawings
This drawing is the PROPERTY of

49/5, Mathura Road, Village Prithla,


in detail.


For the permanent supervision of the indoor areas of the power plant, a fire detection and alarm system
shall be installed to ensure the protection of the equipment which is installed in the control room and shall
supply and install a state of the art system.
Fire alarm and detection of power house shall be consist of following items
3.1. Main Fire Alarm Panel:
One no. microprocessor based Addressable type fire alarm for Power House with four loop card, annunci-
ation and control panel shall be provided for annunciation and automatic operation of the system. The pan-
el shall be suitable for indoor floor mounting in the control room.
3.2. Detectors:
Fire detection system shall be with addressable detectors.
No Ionization smoke detector shall be provided, as it is obsolete due to depletion of ozone layer.
Multi-criteria smoke cum heat Detector with base plate shall be provided in place of Ionization smoke de-
The detector spacing shall be as per NFPA and finalized during layout drawing.

3.3. Manual Pull Stations

Addressable manual pull stations will be provided preferably where automatic fire protection systems are
not available.
The following are the main parameters / considerations for the manual pull stations.
 The spacing of the manual pull stations will be in such succession that the firefighting personnel
need not move/walk more than 30 meters for operating the system. Preferably the manual pull sta-
tions will be provided at the entrance or in the place where it can be located very easily.
Refer to protection notice ISO 16016

 Circuits for the call points and the detectors shall be same and those shall be shown separately
during detail engineering
 The method of operation of all the call points shall be identical unless there is a special need for
 The delay between the operation of a call point and the giving of general alarm shall not exceed 3
 Manual pull stations shall be fixed at a height of 1.4 meters above the floor level.
 Manual pull station shall be break glass type and in fire red color.
3.4. Horn cum strobe.

Client UJVN LIMITED Internal N° =

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File C-90-826477-018-02 Drawing N° Index Sheet 7
SaveDate 22-12-2017 TLH-FPS-2000 0 of 9 A4
If an alarm in a fire zone occurs, a bell /horn and a flashlight shall be actuated. Adequate quantity of
bells/horns and flashlights shall be provided to alert the complete zone in the plant and Personnel in con-
fined areas shall be given special considerations for fire alarm.
As Horn cum strobe is single unit for sound and light indication, so no separate Acoustical and Optical
alarm device shall be provided.
District Palwal - 121102 (Haryana) INDIA

3.5. Cabling.
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49/5, Mathura Road, Village Prithla,


All power and control cable of main fire alarm looping cable shall be FRLS copper conductor,
For power cable 2Cx2.5 and for control 2Cx1.5 cable respectively shall be provided.

3.6. Fire Fighting Interface

Following alarm signal for unit shall be consider for plant interface
 Generator 1, 2 & 3 on fire respectively for generator tripping.
 Main Generator transformer 1 to 3 on fire respectively for tripping.
 25 MVA power transformers 1 & 2 on fire respectively for tripping.
 3.5 MVA power transformers 1 & 2 on fire respectively for tripping.

Following alarm signal for unit shall be consider for HVAC interface
 Common fire signal to HVAC control panel to close the air supply system.

For above signals necessary monitor and control relay module shall be provided and its detail shall be pro-
vided during detail engineering.


a) Gate/Control (Globe) valve:

Body & Bonnet : Cast steel ASTM A 216 WCB,
Wedge : cast steel ASTM A 216 WCB +13%Cr. SS facing
Seat ring : A 216 WCB / A515 Gr.70 with 13%Cr. SS facing
Stem & Gland bush : AISI 410
Gland packing : Graphited asbestos
Refer to protection notice ISO 16016

Gear box & other material: As per manufacturer standard.

b) Check valve (swing type):
Body & disc : Cast steel ASTM A 216 WCB,
Seat : 13%Cr. SS facing
Spring : AISI 316
Shaft : AISI 410 / eq.
Internal hardware : Stainless steel
c) Butterfly valve:
Body : Cast steel ASTM A 216 WCB,

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File C-90-826477-018-02 Drawing N° Index Sheet 8
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Disc : Cast steel ASTM A 216 WCB,
Upper / lower shaft : AISI 410 / eq.
Seat ring : AISI 304 / 316
Seal clamping ring : AISI 304 / 316
Shaft bush : bronze backed PTFE
District Palwal - 121102 (Haryana) INDIA
This drawing is the PROPERTY of

49/5, Mathura Road, Village Prithla,


Gear box : as per manufacturer standard

Other material : as per manufacturer standard

d) HVW Spray nozzle : Naval Brass, make - HD FIRE / Eq.

e) Deluge Valve
Body : Cast Steel – ASTM A216
Clapper : Bronze LTB-II
Seat : Bronze
Diaphragm : Neoprene
Valve assembly : Gun Metal
f) QB Detector
Frame : Bronze (Cr plated)
Button : Brass/copper
Bulb : Glass
Material of liquid : High expansion liquid
g) Hydrant valve
Body : LTB-318-II
Spindle : Brass Rod
Female outlet : LTB – 318 –II
Hand wheel : Cast Iron
Blank cap : LTB
h) Hose Pipe & Accessories
Hose : Reinforced Rubber Linend (RRL)
Branch Pipe : Gun Metal / Stainless Steel
Refer to protection notice ISO 16016

Nozzle : Gun Metal / Stainless Steel

Hose Cabinet : Steel Sheet
i) Main Fire alarm panel
Type : Addressable type and UL/FM/Vds Approved.
j) Detector
Type : Addressable type and UL/FM/Vds Approved.

k) Manual call Point

Type : Addressable type and UL/FM/Vds Approved


Client UJVN LIMITED Internal N° =

Plant TILOTH HEP C-90-826477-018-02 +
File C-90-826477-018-02 Drawing N° Index Sheet 9
SaveDate 22-12-2017 TLH-FPS-2000 0 of 9 A4

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