David Icke - Masonic Occult Numerology
David Icke - Masonic Occult Numerology
David Icke - Masonic Occult Numerology
Sgt @ Arms:
Call the meeting to Order and introduction of the Contest Chair
Contest Chair:
Welcome to all Toastmasters and guests to (Location)
For the (Club/Area/Div/Dist) ________________________
(type of contest(s))
___________________________________Speech Contest(s)
Most contest chairs say the following, , if short for time, you
can state that
Now to go over the rules for the Evaluation Contest: “I have briefed all
the contestants on
1. It has been confirmed that all contestants are eligible. To the rules of the
be eligible a contestant must: contest and have
a. Be a Toastmaster in good standing of a club in good confirmed that all
contestants are
eligible to be a
b. Not presently be an International, District or Area officer, contestant in this
nor have declared the intent to run for such offices. contest”.
2. All contestants shall evaluate the same target speech.
Once the Target speaker has delivered a 5 - 7 minute
speech, all evaluation contestants will be escorted out of
the room by a Sgt@Arms and given 5 minutes to prepare
for their evaluation.
3. After 5 minutes, the Sgt@Arms will take all notes from the
Evaluation participants. These notes shall be returned to
the contestants as they are introduced to present their
4. Contestants may not use digital or other devices during the
contest to gain an unfair advantage.
5. Other than the contestants, it is recommended that no one
will be allowed in or out of the room once the contest has
begun until the last speaker has spoken;
6. The time of the Evaluation is to be 2-3 minutes. Any
speaker speaking less then 1:30 or more then 3:30 will be
7. The timing lights will be activated as follows. Timekeepers,
can you please activate the lights at.
Green Light at 2:00 minutes
Yellow Light at 2:30 minutes &
Red Light at 3:00 minutes and will stay on until
the speaker has finished speaking.
No notice shall be given should a speaker go over time.
Timers can we please test the lights now.
Contestant # Name
Contestant 1
Contestant 2
Contestant 3
Contestant 4
Contestant 5
Contestant 6
Contestant 7
Contestant 8
Contestant 9
Contestant 10
This concludes the Evaluation Contest. We will announce the (Note. Some meetings
have a supper break;
results later in the meeting. or start the second
contest if they are
undertaking two
contests at a single
meeting. Others just
let people mix and
mingle until the results
are delivered back to
you as the Contest
Most contest chairs say the following, if short for time, you
can state that
Now to go over the rules for the Humorous Speech Contest: “I have briefed all
the contestants on
1. It has been confirmed that all contestants are eligible. To the rules of the
be eligible a contestant must: contest and have
a. Be a Toastmaster in good standing of a club in good confirmed that all
standing, contestants are
eligible to be a
b. Not presently be an International, District or Area officer, contestant in this
nor have declared the intent to run for such offices. contest”.
2. All speeches are to be original, and quoted material so
3. The speech must be thematic in nature (having an opening,
body and closing) and must not be a monologue or series
of one-liners.
4. Speakers may stay in the room. Should they choose to
leave the room during the contest, the Sgt@Arms will
escort contestants back into the room once their time to
speak has arrived.
5. Other than contestants, it is recommended that no one will
be allowed in or out of the room once the contest has
begun until the last speaker has spoken;
6. The time of the Humorous Speech is to be 5-7 minutes. Any
speaker speaking less then 4:30 or more then 7:30 will be
7. The timing lights will be activated as follows. Timekeepers,
can you please activate the lights at.
Green Light at 5:00
Yellow Light at 6:00 &
Red Light at 7:00 and will stay on until the
speaker has finished speaking.
No notice shall be given should a speaker go over time.
Timers can we please test the lights now.
Contestant # Name
Contestant 1
Contestant 2
Contestant 3
Contestant 4
Contestant 5
Contestant 6
Contestant 7
Contestant 8
Contestant 9
Contestant 10
(After the silence & the Chief Judge & Tally Counters has left the
Thank you everyone.
Now I’d like the Contestants to please come back to the Full instructions are at end of
the Contest Scripts.
front (of the stage). (Time to hand out the Participation Certificates).
This concludes the Humorous Speech Contest. We will (Note. Some meetings have a
supper break; or start the
announce the results later in the meeting. second contest if they are
undertaking two contests at a
single meeting. Others just
let people mix and mingle
until the results are delivered
back to you as Contest Chair.
Most contest chairs say the following, if short for time, you
can state that
Now to go over the rules for the International Speech Contest: “I have briefed all
the contestants on
1. It has been confirmed that all contestants are eligible. To the rules of the
be eligible a contestant must: contest and have
a. Be a Toastmaster in good standing of a club in good confirmed that all
standing, contestants are
eligible to be a
b. Not presently be an International, District or Area officer, contestant in this
nor have declared the intent to run for such offices. contest”.
2. All speeches are to be original, and quoted material so
3. Speakers may stay in the room. Should they choose to
leave the room during the contest, the Sgt@Arms will
escort contestants back into the room once their time to
speak has arrived.
4. Other than contestants, it is recommended that no one will
be allowed in or out of the room once the contest has
begun until the last speaker has spoken;
5. The time of the International Speech is to be 5-7 minutes.
Any speaker speaking less then 4:30 or more then 7:30 will
be disqualified.
6. The timing lights will be activated as follows. Timekeepers,
can you please activate the lights at.
Green Light at 5:00,
Yellow Light at 6:00 &
Red Light at 7:00 and will stay on until the
speaker has finished speaking.
No notice shall be given should a speaker go over time.
Timers can we please test the lights now.
The order of the contestants was randomly selected before the Before beginning the
Contest itself, you could
start of this meeting, and is as follows: take a few moments to
___ Name ________________________ demonstrate when you
wish the Clapping to
___ Name ________________________ occur.
___ Name ________________________
___ Name ________________________
___ Name ________________________
___ Name ________________________
___ Name ________________________
___ Name ________________________
___ Name ________________________
___ Name ________________________
Chief Judge, can you please confirm that the judges have been
briefed and are ready to go.
Contestant # Name
Contestant 1
Contestant 2
Contestant 3
Contestant 4
Contestant 5
Contestant 6
Contestant 7
Contestant 8
Contestant 9
Contestant 10
Most contest chairs say the following, , if short for time, you
can state that
Now to go over the rules for the Table Topics Contest: “I have briefed all the
contestants on the
1. It has been confirmed that all contestants are eligible. To rules of the contest
and have confirmed
be eligible a contestant must: that all contestants
a. Be a Toastmaster in good standing of a club in good are eligible to be a
standing, contestant in this
b. Not presently be an International, District or Area officer, contest”.
nor have declared the intent to run for such offices.
2. All contestants shall receive the same topic, which shall be
of a general nature
3. The topic shall be of reasonable length, shall not require a
detailed knowledge and should lead to an opinion or
4. All contestants will be escorted out of the room by a
Sgt@Arms, and returned to the room one by one
5. The topic is then read to the each contestant, who shall
speak on that topic
6. Other than the contestants, no one will be allowed in or out
of the room once the contest has begun until the last
speaker has spoken.
7. The time of the Table Topics Speech is to be 1-2 minutes.
Any speaker speaking less then 1:00 or more then 2:30 will
be disqualified
8. The timing lights will be activated as follows. Timekeepers,
can you please activate the lights at.
Green Light at 1:00,
Yellow Light at 1:30 &
Red Light at 2:00 and will stay on until the
speaker has finished speaking. .
Timers can we please test the lights now.
The order of the contestants was randomly selected before the Before beginning the
Contest itself, you
start of this meeting, and is as follows: could take a few
___ Name ________________________ moments to
demonstrate when
___ Name ________________________ you wish the Clapping
___ Name ________________________ to occur.
Chief Judge, can you please confirm that the judges have been
briefed and are ready to go.
Contestant # Name
Contestant 1
Contestant 2
Contestant 3
Contestant 4
Contestant 5
Contestant 6
Contestant 7
Contestant 8
Contestant 9
Contestant 10
The latest rules state that you must interview each Contestant. Questions usually
relate to an interest or toastmaster fact from their Bio Sheet, which the Contestants
should have completed. The order is which you do this is up to the Contest Chair.
Now that the contests are over, let’s take some time to You have two options in how
meet our contestants. you hand out the certificates and
undertake the interview:
Thank the contestant and hand out the participation Option 1. Hand out all the
certificate at this time. certificates to all contestants
Ask whatever question you wish, for approx. one then undertake the interviews of
minute per contestant (depending on time allowed to all the contestants in no
particular order).
you as Contest Chair).
Option 2: Hand out the
Refer to the contestant’s Biographical Information Certificate, one at a time to a
Sheet. contestant and undertake the
interview to the contestant to
REPEAT FOR ALL SPEECH CONTESTANTS whom you have just handed out
a certificate to. Then Hand out
the next certificate, etc.,)
Some contests have a break or
have another contest and
announce all contest results at
the end of the Programme.
There was a disqualification due to time. This is where you note if there were
any time disqualifications. Do not
Or name them or give times.
There were no time disqualifications.
The 3rd place winner is: _______________ Always check you are reading the
3rd placegetter first…and the
The 2nd place winner is ________________ Winners name is the last Certificate
The winner of the ____________Contest (and who you hand out.
will represent us at __________________ on
______________date is _________________
Contest Chairman
Verify presence of contestants (ensure you can pronounce all names correctly)
Draw for speaking position (using a pack of cards, numbered marbles, etc)
Have contestants complete the Eligibility sheet thus obtaining “Speech Titles”
Review speech contest rules with speakers
Review timing instructions with speakers
Acquaint contestants with speaking area
Brief the Sergeant-at-Arms
Check equipment (lights, microphones where used, etc)
Inform speakers to set up any props required during the 1 minutes silence before their
introduction. They may enlist someone’s help, not the Sgt @ Arms.