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GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT (GAD) will improve due to themselves and

other spheres of the

society. structural and participate in
- Implements such institutional reforms political processes.
projects as transfer installed at local and - Questions current
Mr. Ryan Barcelo of technology, international levels. social, economic
Gender and Development Council - Technical Working - Includes a critique and political
extension services,
of the donor
credit facilities, and structures.
other interventions agencies' agenda for - Promotes
5/F, Makati City Hall, J.P. Rizal Street,
that have a welfare promoting women's interventions and
Makati City 1200 orientation, especiallyintegration in affirmative action
projects on hygiene,
development. programs that
literacy or child - Focuses on integrate women into
CONTACT INFO care. productive and on-going
- Does not challenge income generating development efforts.
5/F, Makati City Hall, J.P. Rizal Street, Makati City, Philippines
gender relations and projects at the
Tel. Nos. (632) 8999046, 8701227, 8999037
assumes that these expense of women's
[email protected]
will change as women reproductive work.
become economic - Tends to group
partners in women together
GAD is… development without considering
• A recent framework/approach which reflects change in outlook the impact of class,
from that of women's lack of participation in the productive sector race or ethnicity on
to that which recognizes the disparities of women and men in all women's status.
aspects/sectors of development. Manifestations of Gender Bias

• An approach that proceeds from the premise that culturally defined • Gender Stereotypes
roles of women and men have reinforced the unequal relations,
resulting in the marginalization of both sexes in varying • Subordination
circumstances and magnitude. • Multiple Roles/Multiple Burdens
• An approach that seeks not only to fully integrate women into the • Marginalization
development process but also to continually search for new and
innovative initiatives that will help transform unequal social/gender • Violence Against Women (Men)
relations into creative opportunities that would equally benefit
women and men. • Gender Socialization

• A more realistic tool for analysis to help determine the extent of the Legal Mandates of GAD
benefits derived by both men and women from development
1. EO 273 – Provides, among others, that all government agencies at the sub-
programs and projects. All plans, programs and projects must be
national and local levels are directed to incorporate Gad concerns in their
able to address the needs of both men and women.
planning, programming and budgeting process.
The Evolution of GAD See also:
Women In Women and Gender and
Development (WID) Development (WAD) Development (GAD) 2. Local Budget Memorandum 28 – Directs LGUs to mobilize resources to
mainstream and implement GAD programs.
- Emerged in the - Recognizes that - Started in the 1980s
1970s. women have always as an enhancement 3. Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2001-01 – Provides guidelines for
- Integrates women in been part of to WID. integrating GAD in the local planning and budgeting system of LGUs
economic development. - Questions gender through the formulation of GAD plans.
development - Focuses on the relations between See also
through legal and relationship of women and men
administrative women and and the gender roles
4. EO No. 2004-03 – An order creating the GAD Focal Point/GAD Council
support. development ascribed to them.
of the City of Makati issued by Hon. Mayor Jejomar C. Binay
- Examines the sexual process rather that - Sees the gender
View Document (in .pdf format)
division of labor and purely on strategies division of labor as
the differential that seek women's the root of inequality, 5. City Ordinance No 2006-20 – An ordinance enacting the Makati City
impact of gender in integration in especially since it Gender and Development (GAD) Code and for other purposes
development. development. undervalues the View Document (in .pdf format)
- Recognizes that - Critiques the work done by women
women and men's relations between in the household. 6. GAD Council Resolution 2007-002 – A resolution prescribing
experience of developed and - Recognizes women guidelines on the creation of a Barangay GAD Council and defining their
development and developing nations, as agents of functions thereof
societal changes are particularly their development, not View Document (in .pdf format)
different. impact on the lives merely as passive
- Focuses on advocacy of men and women recipients of
for more equal in developing development II. STRENGTHENING GAD MAINSTREAMING EFFORTS IN
participation of countries. assistance. THE CITY GOVERNMENT OF MAKATI
women in education, - Maintains that - Stresses the need for Gender mainstreaming is a set of processes and strategies that aims to
employment and women's position women to organize ensure the recognition of gender issues on a sustained basis. It
integrates women and men's concerns and experiences in the design,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, programs, and 2. City Administrator - Vice Chairperson
projects in all political, economic and social agenda.
The birth of GAD advocacy in the City Government of Makati … Members:
Started with the Orientation on Gender and Development , conducted
by DILG-NCR on July 23, 2004 which focused on the need to organize 3. Social Welfare and Development Officer
the City's GAD Focal Point and the conduct of GAD training for all
4. Consultant to the Mayor
department/office heads and other city government officials.
5. Liga ng mga Barangay President
A. Makati GAD Mission Statement
6. DepEd Superintendent
B. Official GAD Council Logo
7. City Personnel Officer
C. Makati City GAD Council
8. DILG City Director
D. Barangay GAD Council
9. City Health Officer
E. Annual Gender and Development (GAD) Plan and Budget
10. Urban Development Officer
F. Support Groups
11. City Budget Officer
A. Makati GAD Mission Statement
12. City Information Officer
Promotion of mutual respect and equal opportunities for an
empowered citizenry through multi-sectoral participation in the 13. Chief of Police
formulation and implementation of gender-responsive and non-
discriminatory policies, structures, systems, processes, programs 14. Chairperson, Sanggunian Committee on Women and Family
and projects.
15. President, ERPAT (NGO)
B. Official GAD Council Logo
16. President, Women's Watch (NGO)
• Formulate and submit comprehensive medium term (three
years) and annual integrated GAD plans responsive to the
needs and situation of women constituents to be incorporated
• Each shape, form and color used in the logo is meaningful in policies, programs and activities (PPAs) that will uplift
and relevant to the advocacy being promoted by the city their conditions.
government. The circular shape, which is inspired by a tribal
fish motif symbolizing fertility, represents the entire GAD • Monitor and evaluate the implementation of local gender and
Council, which is composed of city government officials, and development policies, programs and activities through the
representatives from non-government organizations. conduct of regular review and evaluation of existing
legislation, policies and programs measuring the extent to
• The dumbbell-like shape symbolizes the reproductive organs- which women concerns are integrated in all aspects of life on
ovary and testicles – to emphasize the gender-oriented focus the basis of equal opportunities with men.
of the GAD Council, while the link between the two ovals
signifies collaboration and convergence. • Recommend the adoption of appropriate policies, enactment
of ordinances or passage of resolutions that enhance the
• The black and white figures, when taken apart, represent Yin potentials and capabilities of women and men to implement
and Yang, the masculine and feminine elements of Eastern GAD mainstreaming.
culture. They also echo the letter forms for G (Gender), D
(Development), and C (Council), and the equal distribution of • Promote and support the establishment of a consultative
black and white is indicative of equality. mechanism to provide continuing dialogue between the City
government and the women sector.
• The round-cornered square framing represents the solid ideals
that have bound Makati , its government and its people, in the • Maintain and update a sex-disaggregated data bank through
pursuit of excellence in every endeavor. The colors green and the conduct of primary and secondary data gathering
yellow are the dominant colors of the official Seal of Makati activities.
City. • Work in collaboration with national and regional government
• When taken as a whole, the logo represents an abstract agencies, NGOs, POs, the private sector and institutions to
rendition of a face- with no clues as to its gender-to further ensure that women's concerns are brought into the
underscore equality between and among genders. On the mainstream of all development efforts.
other hand, the logo looks likes a germinating seed, • Ensure that all City development program planning and
symbolizing continuous development. implementation are gender-sensitive/responsive.
C. Makati City GAD Council • Review and approve all GAD PPAs from barangay to city
Created through EO No. 2004-03 issued by the Hon. Mayor level prior to implementation to monitor if activities to be
Jejomar C. Binay with the following composition and functions: undertaken are in accordance with guidelines set forth;

Composition: • Create functional committees in the performance of its

functions, as the need arises;
1. City Mayor - Chairperson
• Assist the Finance Committee, the Committee on
Appropriations in the allocation of the GAD budget; Women's Watch
• Avail of educational and training seminars offered by An all-women volunteer organization formed by the MSWD, in
NGOs/POs educational and research institutions and other coordination with the various barangays, which is aimed at
private sector initiatives that may be helpful in the complementing the efforts of the City Government to promptly and
achievement of its goals; effectively deliver social services in the City.
Women's Watch volunteers provide assistance to the MSWD by
• Represent the City in local and international women's helping monitor the implementation of its various programs and
conferences and meetings pertinent to its other duties and services in the barangays. At the same time, they maintain
functions. vigilance over cases of domestic abuse, such as battered wives and
maltreated children in their community, and promptly refer such
• Gather and disseminate information on current developments
cases to the MSWD for appropriate action.
and studies on GAD and related issues (i.e. gender and
To date, 26 out of the 33 barangays, excluding the villages, have
active Women's Watch volunteers. Interested women residents 18
• All other duties and functions that may be mandated by its to 59 years old, regardless of civil status, may register as
council members deemed necessary to achieve its goals. volunteers at their respective barangay halls.
Victims of various forms of abuse defined in the Anti-Violence
D. Barangay GAD Council Against Women and Children Act of 2004 (R.A. 9262), such as
physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and economic abuse, or
Created through Makati City GAD Council Resolution 2007-002 responsible citizens who know of such acts being committed, are
with the following composition and functions: enjoined to seek assistance at the nearest barangay hall thru a
Composition: Women's Watch volunteer. Incidence of domestic violence
involving women and children may also be reported to the City
1. Punong Barangay – Chairperson Hall, through:
Makati Social Welfare Department
2. Barangay Kagawad for Social Service 5/F New Makati City Hall ,
J.P. Rizal Avenue , Makati City
3. SK Chairperson
Tel Nos.: 899-9037; 870-1227
4. Representatives from Local Agencies (DepEd, Health Sector) Contact Person: Ms. Maribel Lumang

5. Three (3) Representatives from Various NGOs Makati ERPAT (Empowerment and Reaffirmation of Paternal
Abilities Training)
6. Three (3) Members of the Secretariat/Technical Working
Group (TWG) Organized by the MSWD in April 2005, Makati ERPAT aims to
promote the advocacy of shared parenting among the fathers in the
Functions: Makati City GAD Resolution 2007-02 (.pdf) community by providing them access to support services and
activities that help enable them to effectively perform their
E. Annual Gender and Development (GAD) Plan and Budget paternal abilities. Through training and related activities, the
volunteer members of ERPAT learn to appreciate their important
What is a GAD Plan?
role in the family, which is the basic unit of the society, and are
• It is a systematically designed program, project or activities encouraged to become more effective and responsive fathers,
carried out by LGUs or agencies over a period of time to Fathers, whether biological or non-biological, adoptive, legal
address issues and problems involving gender among their guardian or foster parent, 18 to 59 years old and residents of
constituents and workforce. Makati, may register with Makati ERPAT at their respective
barangay halls. They may look for the designated ERPAT
• These could be social, cultural, economic or political issues coordinator or contact Ms. Conchita Arlegui of the MSWD at 899-
that affect their lives, the community or the organization. 9037 or 870-1227.
• The GAD Plan must also be CONSISTENT with the LGUs Social Development Center
mandates and medium-term and local development plans.
Located at Malolos cor. Barasoain Sts. , Brgy. Tejeros, Makati
• It must take its directions from mandates and guidelines City , the Social Development Center managed by the MSWD, is a
issued by the national, local government and its executive. drop-in center and half-way house for abused/battered children and
women as well as streetchildren. Its facilities include a Day Care
What is the responsibility of the agency/LGU/barangay head? Center , and a multi-purpose hall where livelihood training are
• Approves the GAD plan and budget. conducted. The Center is open 24-hours, with an in-house “house
parent” overseeing its day-to-day operations.
• Includes its implementation as a key result area/indicator of Referrals may be coursed through Ms. Remedios Ramos
his/her performance. (children's concerns) or Ms. Maribel Lumang (women's concerns)
at MSWD, 899-9037 or 870-1227.
• Reports GAD plan and budget and performance to agency
head/mayor, and to GAD office/council, DILG, NCRFW, and
III. Gender and Development Initiatives
F. Support Groups The City Government of Makati has been actively promoting Gender
and Development (GAD) advocacy in the city through various
As a foundation for the citywide promotion of GAD in Makati , the programs that contribute to the development of its residents – men,
City Government through the Makati Social Welfare Department women and children- with the ultimate goal of becoming a “gender-
(MSWD) has established support groups in the barangays, as well responsive city”.
as put up the Social Development Center to provide temporary
shelter to women and children in distress. A. Capability-Building and Advocacy
Orientation on Gender & Development (GAD) for City departments/offices.
• The Makati City GAD Council Logo was adopted last July 16,
2. Gender Sensitivity Training for Barangay Officials 2007 during the regular monthly meeting of the GAD Council.

Formulation of the Makati City GAD Code ( link: GAD Code • GAD Orientation for City Government Employees with seven
in .pdf format) (7) batches conducted.
4. Search for Gender-Responsive Barangays 2006
The search was organized in 2006 by the Makati GAD Council • Submission of 2005 GAD Accomplishment Reports (as per
in partnership with the Rotary Club of Makati – Jose P. Rizal, memorandum issued by the City Administrator last December
an all-women group, in line with their mutual goal to promote 29, 2005). The GAD accomplishment reports were consolidated
gender equality and other concepts of the GAD advocacy at the by the Urban Development Department.
grassroots level. Barangay Kasilawan has made history for
being chosen as the very first ‘Gender-Responsive' Barangay • Consultative Assembly/Public Hearing for the Proposed
of Makati. Makati City GAD Code held last May 10, 2006 at the Session
Hall, 22/F, New Makati City Hall .
5. Search for Gender-Responsive s Public Secondary Schools
• Trainers Training on Gender Sensitivity conducted last May
The City Government of Makati has taken its citywide 10-12, 2006 at the Aresabel Resort, Laguna with 76 participants.
campaign to promote Gender and Development (GAD) to
another level with the launching of the search for the city's first • City Ordinance No 2006-20 – An ordinance enacting the
“gender-responsive public high school” last March 19, 2007. Makati City Gender and Development (GAD) Code and for
The search was launched simultaneously with the search for other purposes approved by the City Council last July 18, 2006
the “gender-responsive barangay,” now on its second year. and launched last August 23, 2006.

Integration of Values Formation on GAD Training/Seminar for • Search for the Gender Responsive Barangay. Makati Social
6. Welfare Department (MSWD) spearheaded the formulation of
Schools and Barangays
program criteria and methodology. The search was launched on
7. Monthly regular meeting March 27, 2006 . The Awarding Ceremony was conducted on
December 15, 2006 wherein Barangay Kasilawan was adjudged
• GAD Council every 2 nd Tuesday of the month as the First Gender-Responsive Barangay. Barangays West
Rembo and Sta. Cruz ranked Second and Third Place ,
• GAD Technical Working Group every 1 st Tuesday of the
B. Gender-Responsive Planning
1. Formulation of Annual GAD Plan • Orientation on Gender and Development conducted last
August 9, 2005 for the 23 members of the GAD Focal Point,
2. Gender and Development (GAD) Database Build-up twelve (12), Technical Working Group members, and four (4)
Secretariat members. The half-day orientation was facilitated by
3. GAD Program Review and Planning Workshop Ms. La Raine Sarmiento from the National Commission on the
Role of the Filipino Women (NCRFW).
IV. Makati City GAD Council Accomplishments
• Formulation of the Makati City GAD Code. Highlights of the
2007 draft code which was prepared by Atty. Rodel Nayve was
presented to the GAD Focal Point. Copies were disseminated to
• Submission of the 2006 GAD Accomplishment Report through
a memorandum issued by the Makati City GAD Council on all the members for comments and suggestions.
January 22, 2007 .
• Integration of GAD-related programs and projects in the 2006
• Submission of the 2007 GAD Plan and Budget through a Annual Investment Plan (AIP) of concerned
memorandum issued by the Makati City GAD Council on departments/offices (as per memorandum issued by the City
January 22, 2007 . Mayor dated June 16, 2005 ).

• Launching of GAD Section at the Makati City Library last • First Batch of GAD Orientation for City Employees conducted
March 1, 2007 . on September 26, 2005 . The half-day orientation which was
attended by 186 employees aims to raise their level of awareness
• Integration of Gender and Development Orientation to the on gender-related issues/concerns, and laws/directives
monthly department/office staff meetings. addressing women's concerns.

• Barangay GAD Re-Orientations held in Villa Cristina Resort, • Gender and Development (GAD) Database Build-up with sex-
Antipolo City, Batch 1 was conducted last March 6-7, 2007 with disaggregated data gathered from various departments/offices of
106 participants while Batch 2 was conducted last March 13-14, the City.
2007 with 130 participants.
• Strategic Planning Workshop for a Gender Responsive Makati
• Search for Gender-Responsive Barangay and Public City conducted with the technical assistance of PARTNERS
Secondary School launched on March 19, 2007 . International, Inc. on November 24-25, 2005 . The 2-day
planning workshop was attended by 27 participants from the
• Strategic Review and GAD Planning Workshop conducted on GAD-TWG, representatives from NGOS and other
March 22-24, 2007 at the Grand Villa and Restaurant, Pateros, departments/offices. It focused on key gender issues in Makati ,
Metro Manila and participated by 36 members of the GAD and programs, projects and activities that promote gender
Council and heads or representatives from various

• Gender Sensitivity Training for Barangay Officials conducted

last December 1-2, 2005 with 132 participants.

• Orientation on Gender and Development (GAD) conducted by

DILG-NCR on July 23, 2004 . The half-day orientation which
was attended by 20 key city officials and technical personnel
focused on the need to organize the City's GAD Focal
Point/Council and the conduct of GAD training for all
department/office heads and other key city officials.

• Training on GAD Mainstreaming conducted by DILG-NCR on

August 10, 2004 . The one-day training focused on gender
sensitivity, GAD mainstreaming, GAD plan and budget, and
laws/directives addressing women's concerns.

• Creation of Makati City GAD Focal Point/Council through

Executive Order No.2004-03. The E.O. also stated the functions
of the GAD Focal Point/Council, Technical Working Group and

• Formulation of the 2005 GAD Plan by concerned

departments/offices (as per memorandum issued by the City
Administrator last August 27, 2004 ). The GAD plans were
consolidated by the Urban Development Department (UDD).

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