Swot Analysis of HDFC Bank

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•Largest private •HDFC bank •Mobile banking, •Competitors

sector bank in doesn’t have Internet Banking, increasing their

terms of market strong presence in etc. can be a huge business can
capitalization Rural areas, where boom for HDFC's adversely affect
•Bank's as ICICI bank its Bussiness HDFC's business
distribution direct competitor •Venturing into •HDFC’s
network has 4,963 is expanding in rural areas can be nonperforming
branches across rural market done by the bank assets (NPA)
2,727 cities with •HDFC cannot •Providing more increased from
13,160 atms enjoy first mover products with fast 0.18 % to 0.20%.
across India advantage in rural service to the ever Though it is a
•HDFC bank has areas. Rural increasing slight variation
the high degree of people are hard demands of the it’s not a good
customer core loyals in industry sign for the
satisfaction when terms of banking •Since HDFC has financial health of
compared to services. already the bank
other private •HDFC lacks in established its •The non banking
banks aggressive brand name in the financial
•The attrition rate marketing private sector companies and
in HDFC is low and strategies like especially high new age banks
it is one of the ICICI end clients, it has are increasing in
best places to •The bank focuses ample India
work in private mostly on high opportunities to •Foreign banks
banking sector end clients grow further in that offer
•HDFC has lots of •Some of the this sector and complex products
awards and bank’s product also move •HDFC is not able
recognition, it has categories lack in towards SME's to expand its
received ‘Best performance and and increase its market share as
Bank’ award from doesn’t have number of ICICI imposes
various financial reach in the customers major threat
rating institutions market •It has one of the •The government
like Dun and •The customers best digital banks are trying
Bradstreet, not aware about platform and has to modernize to
Financial express, all the products started investing compete with
Euromoney and services heavily on AI private banks
awards for offered by the •It has introduced •RBI has opened
excellence, bank, HDFC bank 'Humanoid', an up to 74% for
Finance Asia has to market its Intelligent Robotic foreign banks to
country awards product in the Assistant(IRA) invest in Indian
etc market for •EVA chatbot, PayZ market
•HDFC has good customer Mobile Wallet
financial advisors awareness App, etc have
in terms of guiding •The share prices given huge
customers of HDFC are often opportunity to
towards right fluctuating compete in
investments causing market
uncertainty for
the investors

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