Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company LTD
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company LTD
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company LTD
A. Proposer details
1. Proposer Name : DHANJAY KUMAR
3. Proposer Mobile Number : 7004038736
4. Proposer Residential Number : NA
5. Proposer e-mail id : NA
6. Proposer Profession : NA
B.Vehicle Details
Registration Month / Year Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Sub Cubic Capa- Fuel Type Year of Man- Seating Ca-
Number of Regn Make Model Type city ufacture pacity
JH09Y6434 JAN/2014 CHEVRO- SAIL 1.2 LS ABS 1199 Petrol 2014 5
Engine Number Chassis Number Vehicle IDV (in Electrical Non-Electrical CNG/LPG Unit Total IDV (in
Rs.) Accessories Accessories (Extra fitted) Rs.)
IDV (in Rs.) IDV (in Rs.) IDV (in Rs.)
10CXDZ1429300 MA6SFDK2EET 346797 0 0 0 346797
76 002508
C. Coverage opted
Authorized Signatory
Policy Issuing Bajaj Finserv Building, 1st Floor, Behind Weikfield IT-Park, Viman Nagar, Pune-411014
Office PH:1800-209-0144
Limitation as to Use The Policy covers use of the vehicle for any purpose other than : Hire or reward, Carriage of
goods( other than samples or personal luggage),Organised racing,Pace making, Speed testing,
Reliability trials. Any purpose in connection with Motor Trade.
For help and more information:
Contact our 24 Hour Call Centre at 1800-102-5858, 1800-209-5858, 1800-22-5858, Toll Free: 30305858( chargeable, add area code before this number in case of mobile call) Email us at custom- or Visit our Website
Corporate Identification Number U66010PN2000PLC015329
Latest Schedule - 30-Mar-2018 18:06:01 PM- Silent_Printing (Web) (9906)
Driver Any person including the insured provided that a person driving holds an effective driving li-
cense at the time of the accident and is not disqualified from holding or obtaining such a license.
Provided also that the person holding an effective Learner's license may also drive the vehicle
when not used for the transport of goods/passengers at the time of the accident and that such a
person satisfies the requirements of Rule 3 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989.
Limits of Liability Under section II-I(i) of the policy -> Death of or bodily injury : Such amount is necessary to meet
there requirements of the Motor Vehicles Act,1988. Under section II-I(ii) of the policy -> Dam-
age to Third Party Property : Rs. 750000
No Claim Bonus
Existing Damage Details NA
Nominee Details null - null
Subject to Warranties/ 22, & Plan Name: Drive Assure - Economy & Plan Description: 24x7 spot assistance , depreci-
IMT-Endorsements/ ation shield , engine protector ,
Add on Package
Additional Details Coinsurance Details: - . Transaction Id: -
Premium Details Receipt No. 9906-01734964, Date 29-MAR-18 ** If Premium paid through Cheque, the Policy is
void ab-initio in case of dishonour of Cheque.
Excess Details Compulsory Excess: Rs.1000 Additional Excess: Rs.0 Voluntary Excess: Rs.0
IMPORTANT NOTICE : The Insured is not indemnified if the vehicle is used or driven otherwise than in accordance with this schedule.
Any payment made by the Company by reason of wider terms appearing in the Certificate in order to comply with the Motor Vehicle Act,
1988 is recoverable from the Insured. See the clause headed AVOIDANCE OF CERTAIN TERMS AND RIGHT OF RECOVERY.
For & On Behalf of
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd.
Duty Rs.
Authorized Signatory
This document is digitally signed, hence counter signature / stamp is not required.
Consolidated Stamp Duty of Rs.0.5/- paid towards Insurance Stamps vide Challan No. MH012474147201718M Defaced No. 0006825599201718 dated 28-MAR-18 timing 17:26:07 of
General Stamp Office,Mumbai,India.
BAGIC GST No : 27AABCB5730G1ZX | Principal Location : GE Plaza, Airport Road, Yerwada, Pune - 411006 PH:66026666 | Services
Accounting Code : 997134 - Motor vehicle insurance services. No reverse charge is payable on these services. | Invoice No. : 95634392/1
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd.
Bajaj Finserv Building, 1st Floor, Behind Weikfield IT-Park, Viman Nagar, Pune - 411014
Contact No:Contact No: 1800-209-0144
Authorised Signatory
other type of insurance policy with any other insurer or manufacturer's warranty or recall campaign or under any
other such packages at the same time.(9) Replacement cost of battery and/or any associated repair cost. (10) Cost
of supply of parts or replacements elements or consumables. (11)Repair cost of tyre and/or parts or replacement
cost of any part of consumable at a third party workshop/repairer. (12)Any taxes, levy and expenses incurred in
excess of the limit described under the plan opted by You . (13)Loss of valuables and personal belongings kept in
the Insured Vehicle . (14) Any loss or damage to the Insured Vehicle arising out of participation in a motor ra-
cing competition or trial runs. (15)Where it is proved that You have abused the benefits under '24x7 Spot Assist-
ance'. (16)Any loss or damage caused due to pre- existing damages. (17)Any loss or damage arising out of inter-
vention of Government Authorized Agencies, Police Authorities or Law Enforcing Agencies . (18)Any loss or
damage resulting from the use of Insured Vehicle against the recommendations of the owners manual and/or
manufacturer's manual. (19)Any loss resulting from Your deliberate or intentional and/or unlawful or criminal act
(20)Benefits under 'Taxi Benefits' and 'Accommodation Benefits' for occupants in excess of the seating capacity
as per the registration certificate of the Insured Vehicle . (21)Additional cost incurred in towing the Insured
Vehicle to a dealer/workshop as specified by You instead to Our specified nearest authorized workshop. (22)Ser-
vices organized without Our prior consent for the various assistance services. (23)If You or Your personal repres-
entative is already at a garage for delivery of the Insured Vehicle or at the place of recovery in case of theft
(24)Mechanical and/or electrical breakdowns that require replacement of spare parts and/or specialized tools/
equipments that are usually available only in automotive workshops
If You do not agree whether any of these exclusions apply to Your claim, You agree to accept the burden of proving that
they do not apply.
D. Definitions
The words and phrases listed have special meanings We have set below whenever they appear in bold type and initial
capitals. Please note that references to the singular or to the masculine also include references to the plural or to the fe-
male the context permits and if appropriate.
(1) You,Your,Yourself: The person or persons We insure as set out in the Schedule . (2) We, Our, Us: Bajaj Al-
lianz General Insurance Company Limited and/or the Service Provider with whom Bajaj Allianz General Insur-
ance Company Limited has entered into a contract to provide the benefits under this cover to You . (3) Accident,
Accidental: A sudden, unintended and fortuitous external and visible event. (4) Policy/Motor Insurance Policy:
Private Car Package Policy issued by Us to which this cover is extended. (5) Insured Vehicle : The vehicle in-
sured by Us under the Motor Insurance Policy. (6) Policy Period: The period between and including the com-
mencement date and expiry date as shown in the Motor Insurance Policy Schedule . (7) Schedule : The Sched-
ule and any Annexure or Endorsement to it which sets out Your personal details and the type of insurance cover
in force
A. Endorsement Wordings
In consideration of payment of additional premium, it is hereby agreed and declared that this Policy extends to cover the
depreciation amount, partly or fully, on assessed damaged parts allowed for replacement during repairs in the event of a
Partial Loss to the Insured Vehicle .
In the event You have opted for co-payment, Your contribution shall be to the extent agreed by You as shown in the
Schedule for the depreciation amount on the assessed parts for each and every Partial Loss claim.
The benefits under 'Depreciation Shield' would be available only if the Insured Vehicle is repaired at Our authorized
workshops. In case You have opted to repair the Insured Vehicle at a non-authorized workshop, Our liability will be
restricted to 90% of the assessed total claim amount under this cover.
B. Conditions
(A) Claims made by You against Us under 'Depreciation Shield' are subject to the terms and conditions set forth
under the Motor Insurance Policy. (B) In case of transfer of ownership of the Insured Vehicle , the cover under
'Depreciation Shield' shall expire. (C) The benefits under 'Depreciation Shield' can be utilized for a maximum of
two times during the Policy Period
C. Exclusions
In addition to the exclusions mentioned under Motor Insurance Policy, We will not be liable to indemnify You for the
following events:
(1) Where the Own Damage Claim made by You against Us under the Motor Insurance Policy is not payable (2)
Depreciation pertaining to any part/ sub part/ accessories not approved for replacement by Us under Motor Insur-
ance Policy. (3) Loss or damage to tyres and/or battery of the Insured Vehicle . (4) Consequential loss of any
kind arising out of claims lodged under 'Depreciation Shield'. (5) Where a loss is covered under Motor Insurance
Policy or any other type of insurance policy with any other insurer or manufacturer's warranty or recall campaign
or under any other such packages at the same time
If You do not agree whether any of these exclusions apply to Your claim, You agree to accept the burden of proving that
they do not apply.
D. Definitions
The words and phrases listed have special meanings We have set below whenever they appear in bold type and initial
capitals. Please note that references to the singular or to the masculine also include references to the plural or to the fe-
male the context permits and if appropriate.
(1) You,Your,Yourself: The person or persons We insure as set out in the Schedule .(2) We, Our, Us: Bajaj Alli-
anz General Insurance Company Limited. (3) Accident, Accidental: A sudden, unintended and fortuitous external
and visible event.(4) Policy/Motor Insurance Policy: Private Car Package Policy issued by Us to which this cov-
er is extended (5) Insured Vehicle : The vehicle insured by Us under the Motor Insurance Policy and as shown
on the Schedule .(6) Policy Period: The period between and including the commencement date and expiry date as
shown in the Motor Insurance Policy Schedule . (7) Schedule : The Schedule and any Annexure or Endorse-
ment to it which sets out Your personal details and the insurance cover in force. (8) Own Damage Claim: The
claims raised by You against Us for loss or damage to the Insured Vehicle due to the perils mentioned under Sec-
tion 1 of Motor Insurance Policy. (9) Total Loss/ Constructive Total Loss: A loss under the Motor Insurance
Policy where the aggregate cost of retrieval and/ or repair of the Insured Vehicle , subject to terms and conditions
of the Policy, exceeds 75% of the IDV of the Insured Vehicle . (10)Partial Loss: Any loss falling into a category
other than (A) the loss mentioned under Sr. No. 9 above and (B) theft of the Insured Vehicle
A. Endorsement Wordings
In consideration of payment of additional premium, it is hereby agreed and declared that this Policy extends to cover
the consequential damage to the internal child parts of the engine of the Insured Vehicle arising out of water ingres-
sion/ leakage of lubricating oil and/or damage to gear box of the Insured Vehicle arising out of leakage of lubricating
oil due to Accidental means. Under this cover, We will compensate You for the following:
(A) Repair or replacement of the internal child parts of the engine such as pistons, connecting rods, crank shaft
and cylinder head. (B) Repair or replacement of the internal parts of the gear box such as gears or shafts in the
gear box housing. (C) Labour cost incurred by You to overhaul the damaged engine and gear box
B. Conditions
(A) Claims made by You against Us under 'Engine Protector' are subject to the conditions set forth under the Mo-
tor Insurance Policy. (B) Claims made by You against Us under 'Engine Protector' would be admissible if:
• There is evidence that the Insured Vehicle stopped in water logged area resulting into damage
to the internal parts of the engine due to water ingression
• There is evidence of under carriage damage to engine and/or gear box leading to oil leakage
and resulting into damage to internal parts of the engine and/or gear box
• The loss or damage is not payable under Motor Insurance Policy
(C) In case of transfer of ownership of the Insured Vehicle , the cover under 'Engine Protector' shall expire
C. Your Obligations
(A) You should avoid driving the Insured Vehicle through water logged area as far as possible. If it is unavoid-
able, the vehicle should be driven in low gear and/or high engine RPMs. (B) You should not try to crank or push
start the engine once the Insured Vehicle had stopped in the water logged area or undercarriage damage had
taken place. (C) You should intimate Our nearest office for spot survey and to obtain help from an expert techni-
D. Exclusions
We will not be liable to indemnify You for the following:
(1) Where a loss is covered under any other type of insurance policy with any other insurer or manufacturer's war-
ranty or recall campaign or under any other such packages at the same time. (2) Any consequential loss apart from
the damage to the internal child parts of the engine due to water ingression/ leakage of lubricating oil and/or dam-
age to gear box arising out of leakage of lubricating oil due to Accidental means. (3) Cost of engine oil and con-
sumables in case of flushing of engine. (4) Loss or damage including corrosion of engine due to delay in intimat-
ing Us or delay in retrieval of the Insured Vehicle from the water logged area. (5) Where reasonable care has not
been taken by You to protect the loss or damage to the Insured Vehicle
If You do not agree whether any of these exclusions apply to Your claim, You agree to accept the burden of proving that
they do not apply.
E. Definitions
The words and phrases listed have special meanings We have set below whenever they appear in bold type and initial
capitals. Please note that references to the singular or to the masculine also include references to the plural or to the fe-
male the context permits and if appropriate.
(1) You,Your,Yourself: The person or persons We insure as set out in the Schedule . (2) We, Our, Us: Bajaj Al-
lianz General Insurance Company Limited. (3) Accident, Accidental: A sudden, unintended and fortuitous ex-
ternal and visible event. (4) Policy/Motor Insurance Policy: Private Car Package Policy issued by Us to which
this cover is extended. (5) Insured Vehicle : The vehicle insured by Us under the Motor Insurance Policy. (6)
IDV: Insured's Declared Value (Sum Insured) of the Insured Vehicle under the Motor Insurance Policy. (7)
Total Loss/ Constructive Total Loss: A loss under the Motor Insurance Policy where the aggregate cost of re-
trieval and/ or repair of the Insured Vehicle , subject to terms and conditions of the Policy, exceeds 75% of the
IDV of the Insured Vehicle . (8) Policy Period: The period between and including the commencement date and
expiry date as shown in the Motor Insurance Policy Schedule .(9) Schedule : The Schedule and any Annexure
or Endorsement to it which sets out Your personal details and the type of insurance cover in force .(10)Own
Damage Claim: The claims raised by You against Us for loss or damage to the Insured Vehicle due to the perils
mentioned under Section 1 of Motor Insurance Policy