Opulentus Prime Library Management System: Slumdog Elite Team J.C. Edwards Deepak Yadav Naveen Chandra

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Opulentus Prime

Library Management System

Slumdog elite team

J.C. Edwards

Deepak Yadav

Naveen Chandra
This document provides a thorough design of the system. This is an online library, when
users search for books, the system will output which library branches have the books, and
which branch is the nearest to user's home address. Search function allows both users and
librarians to search by title, rating, category, author, publisher, ISBN, language, branch,
keywords. The system also allows browsing by the same parameters. 

            There is a feedback system where the users can give a rating and comments to the
book after they have returned it.

Software architecture
1.1 Programming platform: - We used java language as front hand support and JavaScript,
HTML as scripting languages. Thus our software is system-independent and can be run
in both MS Windows and UNIX system.

1.2 Database: - MySQL is used as backhand database support. Connection to the database
is made by JDBC interface. Database tables are created using SQL queries. The runtime
SQL will be sent to database and the query result will be sent back to application by
JDBC connection.

1.3 Database tables: -

transctionID : VARCHAR(255)
T_Student studentID : VARCHAR(255)
studentID : VARCHAR(255) callNo : VARCHAR(255)
name : VARCHAR(255) <<Non-Identifying>> checkOutDate : TIMESTAMP <<Non-Identifying>> T_Book
street : VARCHAR(255) checkInDate : TIMESTAMP callNo : VARCHAR(255)
1 0..* fines : DOUBLE(64)
city : VARCHAR(255) ISBN : VARCHAR(255)
zipCode : VARCHAR(255) COL_0 : VARCHAR(255) title : VARCHAR(255)
state : VARCHAR(255) COL_1 : VARCHAR(255) 0..* 1 author : VARCHAR(255)
phoneNo : VARCHAR(255) status : VARCHAR(255)
lateFeeTotal : DOUBLE(64) <<PK>> PK_T_Transactio1()
<<FK>> FK_T_Transactio1() <<PK>> PK_T_Book2()
<<PK>> PK_T_Student0() <<FK>> FK_T_Transactio0()
<<Index>> TC_T_Transactio3()
<<Index>> TC_T_Transactio1()

callNo : VARCHAR(255)

<<PK>> PK_T_MyList3()
Use case view: -
1.4 Actors: -
 Librarian: - A librarian can add, delete and update book status and search from the
database. A user can borrow, return books, reserve books and search for books. He
can also renew his loan period. If a book is overdue, the user will be fined a certain
amount each day over the due. If a book is reported lost, the user will pay the full
cost of the book.
 User: - The users are categorized into member and non member. Members can get
books delivered to their home address, and they can request for the library to order
books they do not have. The library also has a collection of multimedia items such as
DVDs and games, and only members can borrow these items.

1.5 Use cases: -

Use Case Diagram

Library System

Reserve book(s)

Borrow book(s)

Member Return book(s)


Login system

Browse library

Update System Info

Use Case Scenarios-

Use case Register

Use case Id LMS-RE
Actors Guest
Description A guest can register to the library system
to get access to the database and to
become a member of the library
Preconditions Guest must fill the form and pay
minimum amount in order to get
Flow 1. Fill the form and pay the fee
2. Get a unique Id and password
Post conditions
Exception If guest don’t fill the form or don’t pay the
system show the message stating
incomplete form


Use case Login

Use case Id LMS-LO
Actors Members, librarian,
Description In order to access the library system
members and librarian must perform this

Preconditions User must have a login client installed on

the system
Flow When the member accesses the
webpage ,user is prompted to enter the
user ID and Password to authenticate and
access the book database
Once the user loges into they should be
Post conditions able to search,reserve books.
Exception If the user enters a incorrect username or
password, a pop-up window is shown
stating incorrect username or password


Use case View book

Use case Id LMS-VB
Actors Member, Guest, Librarian
Description This case is used to view different books
available in the library which can be
accessed by member and as well as guest
Preconditions -
Flow 1. System shows all the available books in the
2. Users can browse them by different criteria
Post conditions -
Exception -


Use case Search book

Use case Id LMS-SB
Actors Members, Guest
Description This use case helps search the books in
the database
Preconditions User must have the keyword or the title of
the book
Flow 1. Enter the name, title of the book in the
search box
2. Press enter and select the order of search
results to be displayed
Post conditions -
Exception If the entered text doesn’t match with any
of the tiles or books name in the database,
search would return a message stating no
matches found


Use case Reserve book

Use case Id LMS-RB
Actors Member, Guest
Description This use case allows the users to reserve
the book for checkout, however if the
guest is reserving the book he needs to
Preconditions Member should have valid id and guest
must register
Flow 1. Select the book from catalog
2. Check with the availability
3. Reserve the book
Post conditions -
Exception If the user doesn’t have valid id they
cannot reserve the book


Use case Issue book

Use case Id LMS-IB
Actors Librarian
Description His use case allows the librarian to issue
the reserved books to the members
Preconditions -
Post conditions
Exception If the member has any dues librarian can not issue
the book

2. Class Diagrams: - A class has a name, list of attributes and list of operations. The classes
used in this library management system are book, member, non-member and librarian. A
member class is further classified in different categories namely student, staff and paid
membership for who are not the part of institution. Paid membership is of two types, general
membership and professional membership. A non-member is the one who is not registered
with the library management system.

studentID : String
name : String
street : String
city : String
zipCode : String
state : String
phoneNo : String
lateFeeTotal : Double
borrowedBook : Integer

addStudent(studentID, name, street, city, zipCode, state, phoneNo) : Boolean

validateNewStudent() : Integer
search(studentID, name) : Object
update(name, studentID, street, city, zipCode, state, phoneNo) : Boolean
delete(studentID) : Boolean
3. Sequence diagrams: - The sequence diagram is used to show the interactions between
objects in the sequential order that those interactions occur.

Searching a book into the database: -

Borrowing book: -
Returning book: -
Adding a new book: -
4. Activity diagrams: -The main reason to use activity diagrams is to model the workflow
behind the library system being designed.  Activity diagrams are also useful for analyzing a
use case by describing what actions need to take place and when they should occur,
describing a complicated sequential algorithm and modeling applications with parallel
Searching a book:-
Borrow books:-

Return book:-
Order book:-
UI Mockups

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