Foundations PDF
Foundations PDF
Foundations PDF
Foundations of
Canadian Law
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Foundations of Canadian Law
The exam will consist of short answer questions, and/or short essay questions, and/or problem
Short answer questions test candidates’ ability to succinctly and correctly evaluate
statements about material covered in the syllabus.
Essay questions test whether candidates have critically engaged with the material listed
in the syllabus and have started to form their own opinions about the strengths and
weaknesses of the arguments, principles, and doctrines discussed in those materials.
Problem questions test candidates’ ability to identify legal issues, accurately state the
applicable legal rules, apply those rules to novel situations, and draw conclusions
supported by analysis. In other words, problem questions require the exercise of
independent judgment grounded in the application of general rules to specific fact
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Forcese, Craig et al, Cases, Commentary, and Analysis, Third Edition (Toronto: Emond
Montgomery, 2015).
Required Canadian case law is indicated following each component and is available free
of charge from CanLII:
For those interested in reading further on these topics, you may wish to consult the following list
of sources available at most Canadian law libraries:
Gerald Heckman. “The Role of International Human Rights Norms in Administrative Law”
(Chapter 16 of Flood and Sossin, eds., Administrative Law in Context, 3rd Edition,
Emond Montgomery 2018).
Eisenberg, M., The Nature of the Common Law, (Cambridge, Mass: HUP, 1991)
Fairlie, John & Philip Sworden, Introduction to Law in Canada (Toronto: Emond
Montgomery 2014).
Forcese, Craig & Aaron Freeman. The Laws of Government: The Legal Foundations of
Canadian Democracy, Second Edition (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2011) - publication details at
Forsey, Eugene A. How Canadians Govern Themselves, 8th ed. (Ottawa: Library of
Parliament, 2012) (online)
Sasha Baglay, Introduction to the Canadian Legal System, (Toronto: Pearson, 2015)
Hogg, Peter W. Constitutional Law of Canada, 2017 Student Edition (Toronto: Thomson
Carswell, 2016).
Justice Canada, “Canada’s System of Justice”-
Schauer, F., Thinking Like a Lawyer: A New Introduction to Legal Reasoning,
(Cambridge, Mass: HUP, 2012)
Waddams, S.M., Introduction to the Study of Law, 8th Edition, (Toronto: Carswell, 2016)
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Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 2
Faisal Bhabha, “Islands of Empowerment: Anti Discrimination Law and the question of
racial emancipation” (2013) 31 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 39:
Scott Shapiro, “The ‘Hart-Dworkin’ Debate: A Short Guide for the Perplexed”:
Lisa M. Kelly, “The Work of Ideology in Canadian Legal Thought” (2016) 74 SCLR (2d)
A. Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 3
Section 91(24) of The Constitution Act, 1867 (U.K.), 30 & 31 Victoria, c. 3
Section 35 of The Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982
(U.K.), 1982, c. 11
Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada,
Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future:
John Borrows, “Seven Gifts: Revitalizing Living Laws through Indigenous Legal
Practice”, (2016-2017) 2:1 Lakehead Law Journal:
Page 4
The following two excerpts only (from UNDRIP Implementation below):
i) Oonagh Fitzgerald and Risa Schwartz, “Introduction”; and
ii) Sarah Morales, “Braiding the Incommensurable: Indigenous Legal Traditions and
the Duty to Consult”, from
UNDRIP Implementation: Braiding International, Domestic and Indigenous Laws –
Special Report, ed. J. Goyder, Centre for International Governance Innovation
Current Status of Bill C262: An Act to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony
with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:
Thomas Isaac and Arend J.A. Hoekstra, “Implementing UNDRIP in Canada: Challenges
with Bill C-262”:
Meeting of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs, Tuesday March
27, 2018, read Evidence by Perry Bellegarde and Craig Benjamin, from 16:05 to
16:50 in the transcript:
Alicia Elliot, “A Memo to Canada: Indigenous People are not Your Incompetent Children”
The Globe and Mail, January 5, 2018:
Page 5
D. Required Readings - Re: Aboriginal Treaties:
R. v. Marshall; R. v. Bernard, [2005] 2 S.C.R. 220, 2005 SCC 43, 2005 SCC 43 [2005]
Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 4
Marie-Claude Gervais and Marie-France Seguin, “Some thoughts on Bijuralism in
Canada and the World” (2001) Department of Justice Canada
Grimard v. Canada [2009] FCA 47
Debra Parkes, “Precedent Revisited: Carter v Canada (AG) and the Contemporary
Practice of Precedent” (2016) 10 McGill Journal of Law and Health 123:
Jeremy Waldron, “Stare Decisis and the Rule of Law: A Layered Approach” (2012) 111
Michigan Law Review 1:
Alastair Hudson, “Conscience as the Organising Concept of Equity” (2016) 2(1) CJCCL
Baker v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), [1999] 2 S.C.R. 817 (skim
headnote for factual context, read paragraphs 69-71, 78-81)
De Guzman v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration), 2005 FCA 436
Gib Van Ert, "Canada" in Sloss and Jinks (eds.), The Role of Domestic Courts in Treaty
Enforcement: A Comparative Study (Cambridge University Press,
Reference re Supreme Court Act, ss. 5 and 6, 2014 SCC 21, [2014] 1 S.C.R. 433,
paragraphs 1-12 and 72-107
Page 6
4. Fundamental Principles of the Canadian Legal System:
Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 5
Singh v. Canada (Attorney General), 2000 CanLII 17100 (F.C.A.), paras. 13-44
Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 6
Barnes et al., “Reforming the Senate of Canada: Frequently Asked Questions”,
Background Paper, Library of Parliament (2011)
6. Functions of Parliament
Key Actors
Parliamentary Procedure and Law-Making
Page 7
Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 7
Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 8
Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 9
Elaine Craig, “Judging Sexual Assault Trials: Systemic Failure in the Case of Regina v.
Bassam Al-Rawi” 2017 CBR, Vol 95:
9. Statutory Interpretation
Approaches to Interpretation
The Modern Approach to Interpretation
Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 10, pp.425-480; 506-518
Schnarr v. Blue Mountain Resorts Limited, 2018 ONCA 313
Page 8
10. Constraints on Legislative and Administrative Action
Required Readings:
Forcese, Craig, Chapter 11
Canada (Attorney General) v. Bri-Chem Supply Ltd., 2016 FCA 257
David Stratas: “The Canadian Law of Judicial Review: A plea for Doctrinal coherence
and consistency” (2016):
Naiomi Metallic, “Deference and Legal Frameworks Not Designed By, For or With Us”
Page 9
Canadian Publishers
Online Resources
The majority of case law and legislative resources needed by NCA students are available on CanLII, the
free legal information resource funded by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada (
That includes all decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada, and all federal, provincial, territorial and
appellate courts.
Your registration fee also includes free access to the Quicklaw resources of Lexis Nexis. Your ID and
password will be arranged and emailed to your email address on file a few weeks after the end of the
registration session.
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