Give Me A Boost!: Plumbing Design by The Numbers
Give Me A Boost!: Plumbing Design by The Numbers
Give Me A Boost!: Plumbing Design by The Numbers
Give Me a Boost!
James E. Stenqvist, CPD
A domestic water pressure-booster • Residual Pressure. This is the mini- consider three-pump installations for
system is required when the available mum pressure required at the most greater reliability and to reduce each
street water main pressure is not suf- remote fixture in the plumbing pump’s horsepower. For systems with
ficient to serve a building’s plumbing system (i.e., pressure at the highest extremely variable demands, consider
fixtures and equipment. With the pleth- fixture). using additional pumps. End-suction
ora of low- and ultra-low-flow fixtures • Static or Building Height. This is the pumps normally are used in small and
used today, a requirement of 30 pounds elevation of the most remote fixture low-head installations, while multiple-
per square inch at a flush valve is not above the incoming supply main. It pump units can be used for large
uncommon. can be determined by the number of capacity requirements. End-suction
Pressure deficiencies can be due to a and distance between stories or from pumps can be mounted vertically for
number of dissimilar causes. A decrease architectural elevations. a compact design and provide eco-
in water main pressure might occur • Supply or Suction Pressure. The nomical equipment packages. Split-case
because of increased area population water service pressure available pumps are utilized on most medium- to
or development or decreased distribu- from the local municipality must be high-flow applications requiring low
tion pressure due to aging water mains. considered in the calculations. This to medium heads. These pumps are
A backflow preventer on the incoming pressure should be taken after the heavy duty and offer extended product
water service might have been added water meter and backflow preven- life. However, these units require more
to the system. A service pipe might be tion device, as these devices can space than end-suction pumps.
starting to leak and deteriorate, result- reduce the incoming supply pressure Systems are available in the following
ing in low flows and pressures. Large by as much as 15 psi. most common configurations:
flows being drawn from a system (such • simplex, in which one pump pro-
• Losses. The friction loss calculation
as spikes due to process flow or high duces all flow and pressure;
should include losses within the
peak demands) may result in reduced • duplex, in which the system flow
pressure-booster system itself, pres-
pressure. The majority of high-rise usually is split between two pumps,
sure-reducing valves, and intercon-
buildings generally requires a booster equally or unequally;
necting piping in the package (typi-
system due to the elevation head loss • triplex, in which the system flow
cally about five psi).
that a municipal water source does not usually is split among three pumps,
provide. When the pumps’ pressure and
system capacity differences have been equally or unequally; and
A booster system takes the existing
designed, it is essential to determine • quadraplex, in which large system
street pressure and adds to it to attain
the quantity, gpm flow rate, and horse- flows are split among four pumps,
the preferred system pressure. System
power of the pumps and other appara- typically unequally.
pressure refers to the pressure in the
piping manifold after the pressure tus that best suit the use. Normal water It is important to consider alternate
booster. It is expressed by the following demand is typically less than 20 percent staging scenarios. Make certain that you
formula: of peak demand (more than 70 percent have exhausted all possible capacity
Suction pressure + Boost pressure – of the time). Due to this system char- splits. You may find that the total brake
Pump losses – Pressure-reducing acteristic, a multiple-pump system or horsepower required on an unequal
valve losses = System pressure a multiple-pump and hydropneumatic split (33/67%, 20/80%, 20/40/40%,
Suction pressure is the available tank system can diminish operating 10/45/45%) may be less than an equal
street pressure; boost pressure is the expenses considerably. These systems split (50/50%, 65/65%, 33/33/33%,
required additional increase added to select the smallest suitable pump horse- 50/50/50%).
the street pressure; pressure-reducing power to deliver the required normal When designing for redundancy,
valve losses are the pressure losses demand, with additional pumps utilized overdesigning or including a safety
through the pressure-reducing valves; when the demand rises toward the factor is discouraged. With a multiple-
and pump losses are the losses through peak flow rate. pump design, you can make the best
the booster system piping. Booster systems can be simple end- use of the pumping power and still
A pressure-booster system design suction pumps or more expensive mul- have redundancy. For example, instead
requires the determination of the fol- tiple-pump systems with variable speed of using a 65/65 percent capacity split,
lowing variables: controls. For a small system (below which adds unnecessary capacity to the
• Flow (gallons per minute). The pres- approximately 150 gpm), two pumps system when the lead pump runs, add
sure booster must provide adequate providing a percentage of the total flow 15 percent redundancy to the design
flow under a wide range of demand generally are considered acceptable load and suggest a 33/67 percent split
conditions. because the resultant horsepower will where cost effective. The redundancy
be relatively small. For large systems, still is built into the system; however,